ervIlle ibis vsek. Chiidre' Day exercisese clii habeld -lune 23, st 8 p. m.; siso graduation ex. -AREA - rises for the prlnfrY grae. Chldreu à[S DEUS lcliRI DE. Cor. are renîînded ltai lait practice viii b@ Pboue. Are& 29-R 'un Saturday st 2p. m, Al are urged ta lbe preseni. _________________________ (raudma Fauclif eput tite week-end at ber grandson'e ai Hall DaY. gr, anS trs. B. Breaditead. of Chi- 'ihe eietery association viii meet P. n-ara sean ou unr street Suda>. Iriih tirs F. Mitchell June 27. s> aia visibeS their son. t% mller, n-ho Miarshtal aud Ruseil Sciroider, of liteS tu the navy sud Ileat (irest I ait D)ay. @pont a ew Sape receentl> wi lt tMr. and tir E.' (G. ecer lu Chi- Aamber fron, bers att.-nded thét,,re- I deption given lni houer of tir. and Mir@.I QorDogay et the Raybomne st Dila- *moud Lake.Aia Tb@ tiarturiand met WthtMr@slm Jomseon Tue;day lghi., Ail spent ai idêut eveniug. The neat meting VMi b. heid &ai the home of irs. S. b. Tvp on July 9. I*.Aod tMrs. Roy KDigge, of oIis >ls, Ulted relatives lier,- onecay faset '-nre* Aua Joueg le vlitiug ber 8, ni Mnd faml> at Olimer and will viait berî RO. oy, before returulig MIes Monabel Gireen left iTuesday for -sow eeke' vieil vith ber sisser, tMr@. ?..D.. Giisa aiWarsaw, Imd., before going to Tenneseee to reside. Miraud tirs. Weaver, of Lake Zurich, Irers gueste aoftir. and tire.John IRouese, JYslÈdàan d Laturday. Dr. and tir@. Brown, of Waukegan, eafledou Iriendo bere Saturday aud ao ettended the picnlc at Lake Eara. Mir. and tire. W. floffman, of Lake -aiu, Viited T. J. Meclride aud lamily on Buuday. The enutenunilsclool i pen belli ai liaki Eara on Saturday was a decided noeea large cro wd atk nding, The pag- emotaiven by the rural echoole was) en- 1oyad b> ail. -Mr. "aud.tirs. L. IL Lteifield snd fat-. 111. epeut Sunday at the boule aoftMre Peter Litcbieid. ILFREMONT CENTEMR Bon. to tir. sud tire. Joseph Titus on June lV), a sou. Niaie Elizabeth Wlen. sud trene Ber. bdl were recent tMe Heury caliers, Mir. aud Beu Wagner, of Wankegan, Viairelative@ bere the past et. tiraî. Mrcher returued to ber home 61t Arliugton Heigbte Sunday, aitar >apemdong the pasti n-ek wth ber niace, Ut.. Andrew Amanu. A card Party sud basket social will ~b, à91Det aIMt. tiarie achool next WedbeedaY eveniug, Joue 26. Carde :WiilbePlayed fromu 8:30 ta 10, alter wU"bie iebskets will hi eald. Thre. ,p Ur" for bath ladies and geui;emau wili 40 bwasded, A prize wiU sieo ha given 00 9»m gentleman wito buYe the bigbeot isdbeakelsud ta the owuer of saueý w*csde ll ha ueed for the benefit of 'ý* eesool. rhe youug ladies la charge %*ilthe alfir assure ail wbo attend a gomd time. PRAMR IEW Drt.tiott, ai iiirriugton, Kan., imade a bru viai st thte tison as Towner bomsi rsnstiy. Uni. Aibrecht @peut Sunda> ut LIb Mies Marrila Keler le vlitiug râla- «Ties hre. L. Rolbje la apeuidiug hie vacation vilb bis moiher anS stâter. Mttiei Hodgkie entertained rom- pay os-or Sunday. Mr. and tMr** Gien Fn> viitedaSiEl. Kaopls on Sunday. àrt,@adS idrs. A. C. Richards,.Id. W. Kiedier anS Ted vistaS "G raudms"' uftasW ai Evauston Sunda>, finS. lug ber falsi nehl. tirs. A. O.tiaitier leaunthe sicillet. Mms. T. Cooper, of Lithten, n-as s rilor Thuridts>. Site attp.ndeS the afsltiaglof ibe Ladie' AIS lu Lberty. wllson Tituriday aiternoon. Mies rai retunud ta ber home lu Il». ot> for a vacaion. Oliveilenthaier le visiting ai Nap. - - - - - - - - cago. OBITUARY. Sidney E Loomixs bor umast Apta- kiste au April 1,18M48, aud died June il, 1918, at bfis home lu prairie Vien-. Be weulted lunutarriage tu Mise Loulea Hofiman on January S, 1871. Eight children were boru ils thie union, six of whou.n .ie living, three dsughters aud three --'.us, as followe: Mre. Charlee pragii-, tirs Wzu. Ede., Iira. Water Lips; .ugustu@, Barry aud Clareue Loomis; aiea twenty îgraucbildren snd ouf. great graudchiid, a brother, Zera H. Loomis, of tiauniain Vien-; ào. The fanerai services were couducted at the home Friday, Joue 14, 1918, at 2 o'cloci, thte ev. Hauptlnebrer officiat. Iug. Burial at Vernn cemetery. The flowere were many aud beautiful, wbich abowed the bigit eeteem lu wblch the deceaeed n-as held. Those from out of towun-ha attended the louerai were: Charle sud Oro Lootnîs sud Mises tilunie and itittie Loumis, nofhDuudee, sud Mis@ Edua Shapter, of Lîbertyville. CARO 0F THANKS We bereby extend to ail wljn assisted ns lu an> way dnring the illuess and buniai our blnved une, nur gratittude aud thanke; and al@u tu tiiose n-ho @ent beautiful Slon-crs tire. Lois Loninis sud Cblîdren. Miss@(irace Murpu> sund frienti, o bicago, @pent Saturda> sud Sonda> ure. tir. andtirs. Frank Harristn, o! tîicago, &peut Saturday and Sanda> ai te home aIftir. and tMrs. Ray Seymour. Mies Nettie Murray n-ai home uver Suda>. tir, sud trs. H. E. isimsi anS Misses arsit (lear> sud Ma M imau vers Wauiegau visitors, Tueida>. tirs FloyS Carr and tirs. ES Danu. of Park Rldge, speut Sunda>, n-ith Wau- -oSs relatives. Barry Geary sud son, ai Orsysînke, ilied un relatives iber@ Sunday. Ean Broughton, of Konosha, was a recent Wancuuda visitur. tiare than a bundred peuple tram Wanc-ouds. attendeS the commencement aercisee, tor the efgbub gradegraduates, uSl la the pari, su the Sheidon sebool erounds at Ares, lait Saturda>. Err. >d> enjoyed a Oine lime. Born ta tir. aatirs. VeSSer Stane, s 10n.,June i5. Boru a ti r. sud tirs. Wm. Nicholsa, a Saugitter. Joue lotit. Born ta tir. and tira.-loi Dan-cii, Saturda>, June S. s son. tirs. Coan sud cildreu retnrned home Vrday, &fier s weik'e visit ,With rea- tive@ etaition Juntilon. tir, sud Mrs. 0. E. iaiman sud Mies Sarsh Ocam>, n-are Huntiey visitors Sunday. Mir. Laugie> anS Sanghter, ai Chicago, n-I occapy mrnemslnnthe Pratt resideuce dnriug tite cummer. Born u tMtr. aud Mr%. L. D. Harris, o! Strestor, 111- &@onau Tuesday,Junell. tir Barris n-ai tormeri>, miss Hazil Corun-cil oft tiis place. The Old Lady Again. "My nepiten-baS ta givi up smoking entlrely," saiS aIS MmaBlunderhy. "The doctor taid hlm taI litaNicode- mus lu thet obaca n-as simpi> klliug at IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILION IIALF DAY, ILLINOIS SATURDAY, JUNE 22 ORCHESTRA 0F --i Prof essional Musicians' 'l -I LIBERTYVILLE IMD "EDWm4 THtBDÂY, " NZ20 1918 Qute a fi- frow hare sttendeA the ian-n social st the gubbard sebool Tue«. Sa> eveuing.. A. Froelich and Wm. Prebm motored to Waukegan tianday-ef lait n-ek. Wm. Harimaun-as a Chcago viitor Tue day. The iophinore risse o!tlte Barrington higit sciool enjoyed a picolc au Johnu Robertson'o grunuda Tuesda>. The freshmen claie bad lheir plicetae iollon-in g day lu the s»me place. Mirs. M. Wilke n-se a local calrir Wednasday sud Tbursday.9 tirs. E. rnding @peut FriSay inq Chicago. H. G. lilman spent Monda> at titi Union etockyarde lu Chicago, bu> inuga boaS ot catile. Miis tiabal Helier spent the week-end ar her home. Ed rauding visited his parente Sun- day.- -Mr, sud tirs. R. Buetier aud chiidren vielted relatives here over Sunda>. A ver> plessant and eajoyable patrioiic service iook place Sunda> ereniug aitte Evanglilcal church. 11ev. Z T. Egartuer, CamP Pastar ai the Greai Lskei Naval Station, gave titi sddrese. A beautitul el1k fiag. Sonated b> te Ladies of lte AId saciet>, was dedicated. Appropri- ste speaking and singing sdded muni tot the occasion. tirsud tirs. L. Wienecke, of Chicago, @Penutahe wek-end visiting relative@ tu thîs viclit>. . A lin-ofuthte Lake Zurich people atten- ded the June festival St hleer tirove Frida>-, The bani n-as losèdThuroday ail day, tir. Laun being an-s> at a convention. tirsud tirs. H. Wundiuab, (o! Chicago, spenutahe-eek end here. H. Braudiug bas recel veS a card Iroin hie sou, Emmaît, slatingist be arrived salel> "over there." Thc members ot the Evaugellcai t-tureb held a meeting la»t Toeday evciug to diseue plans for a pieute un July 4. Chas. Caries, tormerly barber lunttis village, cas lu ton-n Sunda>. Mir, sud Mrs. C. Anidrews suent Salur- day at the Alleudale tarm soebool. n-bare a nephen-, Albert Rottitel, ha% heen for the pat pear. Miss Pearl Bleknase spent Frîda> n-Itb ber sister, tirs. Chas Dean o! Palatine. A mosi unusual numbar of cars motar- e-d ltrough Lake Zurich Sunda>. O.n last Saturds>, St Sheidon Pari, lu Ares, the counul commeucemeuiexercies took place. About 200 ciildrsn recelvad titeir dlplomass.alter Stata Superinten- dent Blair bad given a tirriug addrass. Hs psu ticularili>urgad alil nha possibi> conld to continue their scitool n-on b> ,toiug toeitighb cil. Honorable men- tion n-as given one ufthte Laie Zurich graduâtes b> Surit. lair. when Mark Sshalleukaroer wasq placeS ou s chair ou the plattorm. Bupt. Blair ssid that Marikn-as the smailesi boy te graduste irom the eightb grade ihat hi bad sein lu tn-enly-five years Ail the graduates tram the Lake Zurich school n-are priient ta ratai netheir dipiamas. A numhar of ciber people from bore n-are ploeet aise. Miss Marie Roeder of Chicago, cas the week-end goet o! Missetiahai Horeuhar- ger. MIpses Amenia. Lors auJ Agnes Peter. son vlslted relativee sud frtbnds lu Waniegsu, Sunda>. tir@. Almo Pan-ara, tirs. Pattereon sud Miss Elizabetht Clark vere te gueels of tire. Bruce Hiaina, Wedneeday. Miss Eleanor Msyer n-as tha guet of Mines Bernice Jackson af Oak Pari, Fn-. day aud Saturds>. Site aIse aiieneled the Kiaiacys Sorarit> reunion ai the Mobel LaSaile on Ssturday. tirs. Edn-srd Landau sud daugitiere, Ruby sud Edlan, leit Sunda> for Denver, Colorado, chere ihey viii viit, tirs. Landau'. brother, Fred Otsud family George Karcb, ni Camp rant, visiied st bis home over the week-end. Mfies eaner tMeyer recivid ber Bachelor oi Science dagres, from LacIs Institut@, Thnrsday eveing. Miss Winifred Suppie, ai Springfield, la home for titi summer. Mirsud tirs. Fred Morauborger vers lte guesta of Wm. Egert af Chicago, suadsy. Louis Rommel of South Baud, ladiaa, la visiting his parents,tir, sud tirs. Pbilip Rommel. Alsu Willman, ai Great Laies, n-as home ou a in-elve bour shore liberty Snndsy. Titi ladies o! the Miuslonary ioclety of tse Preshyterian churcit, attendeS ltse quarterl> meeting of Home and Foreign tisseions aItte Wiimette Preebyterisu churcit, Titursday. tirs. Hrt Eseton sud children vers titi gueste o!ftirs. Maris Dltcb, oi DefPlainea, Sunday. tirsud tire. A. H. Johnsoansd tirs. George Pattls, n-crs tte guieffaIotir. anSdtirs. Thîomas McGire, of Chicago, Sunday. tir, sud lirs. Frank Poeaon aud Peterson aud cblidren, were the gueds ai tir. sud tirs. Jas, tiacadie, Sunday. "tidrs. Pression Rockenbacit n-nt te te Preabylerlan haspital, Chicago, for treal.- ment Mouds>. tire. Sherman returned home Saturda> frain Sprlngfield,n-banie ho abeau viatingr ber dsughter, tirs. Foliz. Stuart Keblar ai Chitcago, vllW si tb. home of hifa ther, ja" . Kobler over tbe wSk4fd. Jaeeph O'Connor was burt guaday Dflg. btuh the car he wu5 drlving. tureed touthi on th- 0lank road. tir and fils. Md Tberriefl, of Higrblaund Park, Mr@ Ralph Knickerbocker aud deulihlter. Mldred of Chicago, vers the guesta oftIdrs. Ed Landau. Weduesday. Mm ecbultslnger of Lake Zurieh, ,itii- ed her slisr,tirso0. I.Rockenbach, Thur.daj'. 1 HALF DAY Children'a Day service wii ha abseri.d, at tihe Congregatloual church naiSUD, day eveung at 8 o'clock. The ciltdren of the rSunday echool v ill give apatriotie program *piitied: "Little Patriote of the Klagdooe,' esppeially adopied for Chldre's Day serviee. Ail are Invited. PROGRAMME AND DANCE BUFFALO GROVE, JUNIE 27 Au excellent programme sud a dance viii be givenat Firubaeh'e ballitBuffalo Grave, for tite beanat t the Red Crass, au Thursdsy, jacte 27. The enteriain. mentis underteasuspicse utthe %WOmen's Catitolic Order ut Fareeters. Sb. tiary's Court No. 1064, of Huffalo Grove. Senatar R. B. Sw-ift, sud Barry B. Miller, City attorney ut Chicago,, n-lu deliver addresées onRaS Cross -on, sund munie wiii ha fernlshed by a tn-eive.piae jacile bsnà frota the tJreat Laies Naval Train. ingstatiou. Admissionm, gentlemen, 1f t> cents; ladies, tweuty fiee cente. Ever>- body le inviteSlu cone sud have a goad time and heip s gond cause. TIIERDE WEIR17 CIIILDREN IN THE LOJIMAN FAMILY lu the estate of Ijeri yLohmuu of Barringtxm, prohaipd lu county court n-avsitown tat $10,0w) worth of persoual propcrty n-i ieft liv lis decedit it evides lus ceai estate. Ti- ose of the estate guestotabis aife dur- lng ber ilfe Urne, $--ff goes to his ,son Henry, $50)0 tc hig granddaihtvr, Jeunia Taylor und te balance cf the estate to he dlvided betweeu his hilidreu. Ernest, Frederick, W~'illam, Louisa sud Carnep. Iu thesate of Cari P. Etidoipliof Antlocb, te Iveulory shows a'hott $600 valuation sud tite lnterestlug tact came out l.hat Ëi ail titere bad heen 17 cilidreu lun te Rudoiph fausîiy. Four ara living, twa dled afttr they had grovu 10 mnaturity snd Il lu lit- fancy. Titis v-oîîd be one of the- largest familles that evar lis-ad iu Lake county. FRACTURD SKULL PRO VES FATAL TO ACCIDENT VICTIM Thomas Sook Who Was Inlur- ed Thursday Night, Diesat Four 0'clock Friday1 AUTOMOBILE THREW TIRE This Caused Sook to Be Hurled to-the Ground; Inquest Wili Be Heid Today Thomas Sook, aged 2i. died ai the Jane McAilter hospîtal Friday attar noon about four o'clock as a resuit cf Injuries received Thursday ulght at Il o'clock u'lîha n-eas hurlaS ftamau automobile vhan a rear tire n-as titrowu. The accident happeued on Grand avenue vest et Waukegau. Sook n-as out divng wlth S ,Ser- lin ofthtie Oral, of Caban sud Serlin, n-ho couduct ag second baud auto en- tablistm 'nt on Watar etreet. Wben one ofte rear tires came off the car skidded sud Sook n-as titron oul. Serlin pickad him up «nd placad hlmr lu titi car., brluigiug hlm bacil te 'W'ukegau. '-et 0k fhlm ta titi office of bis Company snd vashed tth lood from tite Injuriaz ta big ilop, Sook iapsed Into a state ot coma n-iicb nas mslen b> Serlin for sleap. 1-tp ieft thte auto acident vie- tim acieep lu tite office ail nigit. Thte next day Soock iad net pet re- gained coaclousuaas. Sarlin calied lu Dr. M. J. Kaiovs'iy about neon ,aud on hie advice thse victlmn- as ne- moved te the itospilal Immediately, n-iere au axamination slsoned avery symptomn of a fracturedS kuli. Saok's condition n-a ragardad asucritical tram tite irei and bis deatit a fan- heurs latar vas net unlookad for. 1Thte nemusîns-wn-ra ramoved tate Conrad and Watzal uudertaklng es- tabiieitment vitare, heitaln(uest n-a ata fer todar. BY .i RlAT, CORIDS YOU MAY KNOW SOLDII3RS Byt te tailowng dlstiudtivoly cotai- ed tut coi-dalte men lu Frane0r IiIs coîutrv recoguize aacb otiter as titep pas y: tufaulry-ligit l bie. Caa r-yallon-. Artillery---.carlet. medillcors-maroOn sud n-hite. Qujrtermasters corpe-buif. Eugliieem--scanlet aud n-ite. Ordin:ne-hlaclt snd -Wv',Ilste. Signai corps-orange enS n-hite. Pleld Clerk--stiveansd black. Staff Offcers-golS and blac'c. Enlisted men traiig for oOfcers-1 ted, nhL ad bina. MI MODERN FLOORING Next ta air, light and heat, floors have more to do with the, cmfort of the occupants of offices and public buildings than any one feature of construction. In other days wood, asphait, marble, linoleum, composi- tion and carpets filled aIl requirements, but modem design and con- struction bring many changes, and today the flooring question is a perplexing anc. Architecte and engineers recognize the need of material for floors pos- sessing durability, color and design, together with an appreciated text- ure with resistance ta ire and dampness. These qualities, at moderate cost, are al obtainable in QUARTZTILE, which is especially adapied for public build ings, hotels, clubs, libraries, churchee, halls, restaurants, etc., andi, as it is harmonious in tone and color, it will also be found very satisfactory for many -rooms in private residences. QUARTZTILE Will Last for a Lifetime DeSMET QUARTZ IRE COMPANY AREA, ILLINOIS j' .. - I DRAf AY EAII BAS CL#S SlVE 459-;M D MEN 400 FEET IN AIR TO BE CALLED SON Great Lakes hogTrle War Department Considering Cim ngW ees Twr Measure to Inorease Con- eudePortlle, a barber's mate. sorlption Age .Now aIl records sud an jmporant naval regule*iton sud took a ochance et suuaabng bis head Saturday b> climbý IDLER RULES HAVE ARRIVED ing to the top of the east radio tov- fr .400 teet above 'lake level i. viaw Two ew ubiiiar Clasesof 40,000 eliaetators. Two ew ubsuar Clases Tbey couid' stop hlm, sud not ona Formed for Post Draft Mar. In the 40,000 wudatt<uupt to Met niages; Many Anxious tUn Prit-an calied for volunteers. He came calmly dovm, ot hie own MAY DRAFT MEN Up TO accord later. They would bave put 49 VEARS OF AGE, hlm lu thse "brig." but they bad te <Bp United Prisa) aPPreciata hilé nerve sud sent hlm Washington, June 13.-That the. war back te bis duties as; a barber shap department wilI sait changes Un the ecutui) ta tell bis vide eyed draft lew--eo au te lncludè ail mon b. ers how he ae. ail up ini the air tw.efan 1 d 45or 49 e yar-iuthe aboui&Ot ac bs hatve." forecat of wel l nformed congresslon. al leaders today. A A JO E Tih. new iegislation would place the B N O E AUTO draft on the marne.- basic asthgt of Britain and aclîtats, th.-op~.tono A the Inter-alUied draft treatisa. Ut Uao ON <iREN BA"i' *xpect.d to b. aunch.d n the. De. Plans for, expansion of the draft N R H R N)A8VEO age sud eniargement of Clama eue are heing workad out by the prcvost marstal general. For more tis a week past t'hpre Titis became kuowu today. L.ocaîl has beau an nid abandoued automo- draft officiais ara expactiug a caîl for ou enthe reen Ray rond just orth complete data on the oparatlasiof f Grand avenue. Tho car baarq thte the draft. o far. licOuse number 310804. 111. 1917 sud Tt IRls r0 ola. Pi1narde ar Reo of au aid malte, possible ment wlll, define Ite attitudle ton-vard ' ,in three bille Pen dlin u taerommt-.I t. ho airn-us àaudoued no eue tee lu congre"" to raine the age Ilîmnt. seemetfo knon-. but Il preiumnably 1l9 The plan unudarstod to be most nin lu nnutg condItieut le it wouid favored fixes thte top age ut 45 yPaurs.nt have lwen there se long.. New regulalo meepci r ,.,rdi.gusariages cOrtracled mince iWn.FrSl.ecBaI i N May Igth, 11-7.-0 t--t--Sr00frv*ei jPENDENT reaci 15,000 prsu thus inarried k Io helieved 100,000 weekly. n-ll he redu ced t10 lass on e. Plans also are under conslieruttlun I _______ ______ for thte craten et tn-o nn si!- diary classe%. 1 1-2 and 3 1.2 for pogt th ffr f calling sucit rpgiýtrants boforeý Classes two aud four are lu- i £T he ES ~ vaded.1 Witi thtèse changes it la beileved' ltat 2.1000 nien can he raised with. T he BE ' out goiug heyond clase one. l'btthlien-ar department dfd nol contemplate the Invasion cf <eferrred T he classes, St least luntte June ral, b,-,i came certain lait night v-heu dis- patches trom Washtington quotpd Provost Marsbal Generul Crowded ua statiug that quotas for Illinois were. based on reporte by local houýrds for clas. Naval enlistmeuts of men regîster- Ing .Lue-, 5 are hre-didi, non- usa r. O E N -A IR suit of a confilct of orders am inter- preted liv thé drift bourd@ sud the uavy recruitiug officere.1 DIAMOND LA '1The local R.ed tra authori tics wlsh thse tolow1ss not ice prlutedà, D N S V R whichi-),,are ite Englivtî ew, D N E EV R pariers, shovlng the gveat value of the littia cretonne bags to the AT 8:30 n-ouuded: "Aupone n-ho ha seen thep wounded arrivea t Cit5riug Cross fus have uoticed how thry dling tae c o jc ' = terlittie cretonne bags (cout.aning M C r iks 4 lettere and photos aud pay-books, par- itaPs), no mattar bow badly tbey are wot»nded. And, thousaude more tPRofF lR thèse bugg ara vauted. sud If You are PR ISE B disposed te maire Rome, or te con- tribute to tae centof materiale, yotiDI sitoîld communiceata at once vlth IT PLLASES USI Mrs. Carence E. Smith, 463 North Sheridan lRo"m, wsukegau, 111. 1 ss:ss:u p s:s LA GOOD TIME ASSURIED lu.--------------------------- i.. i - t -- I U . sASgID ITO INTERN FORT SIIRIDAN ALIINS 70 Regular Army Troops Re- fuse Naturalization; 3300 Are Made Citizens Seventy Germ4ln ani Austrliane membere of the 4Oth lnfantry, UnlteJ States regijlsr troope, statloned at Fort Sher<in. wlI ha brought before Faderai Judge Carpenter for trial onv the milltary rmaerviition Tiiesday af- ternoasi for refuslng ta take out nat- trahîzation papers. Col. Samnuel Burkbardt, Jr.. com- mander of the regimentfilwil ask tbat they be Interned for the duration of thé war anld then sent back ta Gar- maxy. Mo't cf the men baya, beeu miembers of the regular army for same time. To saturalize 300. Petitions bave been prepared for the naturalizition of 300 allen soliers St Fort Sheridan.- Feders.l Judge Car- ,enter wilI be as<ed to inxke citizens of these men.«'1 More than .1,0 allen soldipors lu tralnlng et military camps withlu the Chicago iaturalization diatret, have hpen madie Amerran citizens within the past tbra-e weeks after netruction aud investigation by tan special nat- Rurali?ation exainlners under direction of W. H. Waner. Narcolipay. R Ever wonder what the matter Wia. afier eating, wben that drowsy feeling overeaiua yon? Wheni you feit YoU'd giva almost everything for n littie slaep? Joe Kelsey 4,f the city haaltb division bas dlocovered wvbnt that ilà. It le nercolipey. And narcoUlp$y re. suits from "motor deticiency" of the etomach-Tolede News-Bee. ------------------------ oeO [usic! ,ST Floor! BEST Crowd! IROS.' tPAVILlON AKE, ILLINOIS SATIJRDAY NIGlIT O'CLOCK Piece Jazz Band EVERYBODY l'O PLEASE YOIJ --------- ffl s:zss:: -----------------------------------------------------