CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Jun 1918, p. 9

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~RT.,Y VILLE 'INDEPENDENT INDFfMLàke countyý',Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ' ~OL XV~-NO 25141 WOLIBRTYVILE INDEPENDENT, JUNE 20, 1918 FOUR PAGES $1.50 PMR YE&R IN ÀDVAIftJI dodicate Ourselvea to Hlm and Ille' ~i' S b FfI~? ANI ~ j*seTrtvcpisce. rÀ- UTO ISM£OLN SIALJ LAUE Cà. 01 iuU e sent 1te thecounty parlera l~l, ~ A afor publication as Weil as spread on MEO U NER AULCKE the minutes of the, fneeting. J. P. HOHENSTEIN, u 6ý lmÀIýT O o COAS. WHJTE , TENDSTU CIRCUSGO ON W. S. S? <i~T'O AISS O 0 UNA JIEAN MINTO. O - 'Wt tiitbn huI a eCommittee en lLoolutions. the as aimet othe tbi hor ld- nFred Caster on of Russell Re- ten. Unie te botief tetorgston d edThfttoWakean W hairman E. 1'.Se 1gw cI<of the. ofen Âunea tilceoranzUn ' >E J l un W'r Savings coin viee or Lake Ime cii ongregabelli fconfteâe ic IlPolice Tuesday Night county. submldts ihis communication., county tohoig inal cur rdaen piuse note that there arc 26lion- chri weeti.oiinlnerenimriouties ln the state o! ilimols. plue crheld Acodi niy ie nSe____________ _D RAG NET THRQWN OUT 'rhZ econuttes have airi-ady <l the lannual meeting of the. Congrega- PRODUCERS AOREE ON A L their quota of War Savingasta , Tenre fth oyaeoti ro ornamtd1 tional churdiies of the county wnsatt o Len !ane rc Pei(ae tÔn cf Ciiterton fIro'., or have obtained pledges sufficient te not unlike the teiegraph syste3n Store a new iron tonie, ciMi 13 Fbuiijo PlU carrid throuh tii,:etrwhe ~ ~ ~ ~g;of abIinew hradceoRussellr.BIli.,li' headuarîertthathergofwfese.htheeptop the HoelathegIendIortuthe plauned. Thun on TUesday, June hMFc -a p, i. epoted ngt h .j oethhe1tp beore ie ed o!tcat the Front. The millions of "Irontlc." This î the d1.wovary 13th, ovar 20# persans gatheiè2 n iearlnunt ethe o b h39--n', olce'reda nhtoc ea. kaa nîtthtOne OIIY ere ilmntnae ie -nt-ofD. lece f heTi. anld there beld what la decared ta Wdedyngtb .W otr n iteMro tfe havebeau one of Ltheinost interesting achairman:in tLeavt and iprt1 meigseerrudb e prices per 10 pounds for touhe had leftithe cr tndn î rîloomet8ae%,paehdbei. utyuret i th, Congregationai churches of!litu suarer montis fiiOlw: - ircet wlile le- rKd tiré cir-l ,uje Èfl 1 ToTa.........Ux7, I r h efomneth r W h nl a h aecomJtcaiI hre:and there and Sothe nerves pnothincondtion Federal Judge Carpenter Nat- Mr. fchrader of Grayalake, via; Auguet.............001cn i m.n hepol h a i send Increaaed blood and'nour- 'lepiencsiyc iel uraiize308 Men at Fort 'yéea.te MisVivien 1.Sonr0 fMlIThe agreement was the remult of a tic police delu.rtànenta of iffient frtha t a ete $0and$for 0 tiato.58 quied.T here llms e-eampossibt hth ofnteint41. Sheidan Tuesday burn Imalleiected secretary and Mree daya' secret conferen..e ai Ll i tiem aIong the moi.t h"ore tnfl -1conijî e he The n sto cla guBtie Iolbta ftn 4W Thcoanuin semon p odt~ rther ndaa ee Ih. i ., hd bon receive il 't hemaeltes Iotbon~ds. as the &av- imgans the Stream of blood la-ini oubldadyov$ 69 MAY BE INTERNED by Dr. AX L. Thaki a former resdeni defnsin innnd nots sceduleI2ndfirncentden wth naulshmen lr hadgalaluuspiitu taliîy e il offmlur, ndol vtern.benandset.wasimosibe o eLanydeînra rnnet hs chdued2< pr imtdeossinorbhmltee etaginlaspiit vtait, nep' member of tie 96thlilinois and wlo iirs tvvaro eeto iscau '.nIfo ation. rgad aFilet ofa Le e e aiediy1hSt eer prt0fth bdy tam pwetôfoceyorslfta Refuse to Be Naturalized; New. la now chapkln aithle National 15ot limetr..4 ivo;ilzareed mtli t 12il d- aboTs. war ceose Slaropa towarth'i- - S lt l tathe blood feedaaction-you gain the couragf o lyNtraie CtznsA~ diera' lHone at Miliwaukee. Dr. lTnainn rribAI, Iro the nerep milE ai 12la<-Ors Tido sudenne nThisber, tog'î r l auaze iiesAe gave a very fine taik, accorlinz ta a quart tuicfirmers wOuld -5arc8it -ohk'r information uteful hIl F) l aa cteroifositon lim<i h evs fbddl mo-d n ae he"rni"~ Cosmopolitan Group everybody presat. an dit seemed 82.50 a niîtirmdweigit gi t ltin boen aupplied te t lifier tbondsi. and Liere laIsIÜte sacrifice ln erished, wetfeel nervou-e-leep- soluble ferrm of iron combei godt bv lm nol ae o~yOthrwise the fricee wolld h-' cnt police deparments an( brIying tlhe tSaml)q. es - "fidgety.' The blood wlth valuable herbai extraMa gond bkte gave ma tid Lc a ua sr- Te sch-.It.1e 14 y neeor ccm btso etae 51 I 'ic ~h lt f.IOp Lai, county ont of needs to be buik up.' There rolled int6 a tab etthat -1 mabm egveteana ier- istdratisorie ac.WIln ,la ireSace la? "Keep your bodies end mnde dean mon..WE. at torntey cf the food ad. nîlihnashr re.atmi l he,- ru th id, rasmcha fitc vr, ugo adviatt? tell you, sud fer Gode s ke, shot a ensoe nWrgno-eebrt o tWity6rolie.Tiere were various reports frontaentreh :n~ThLS bi th irtin t)oif nt Tcrolwn <rorm aehi .soudbe o asfitty grfins o f . gnaive O.-pg. ou anditaMp stahii"Le dfierent churches of tic cui.v (hinigo a." inîenewed. !)r- honor coure. Allants, liro.în etagt"eoverlng ltse *iiiory mu fair as possi- long time. Afflistant Chi: PT,. roi! rawford, ItaWoemce. _îiluamc scontained in an ordi ay"teet- instead ef that tred, weak fée Thi a& he Leadmonittion of l.eder-blie ofthe respective churcimes dur- JS AV OSNT oa ad ç ol mtb--erry. Pike. Randolpi, Richland, penny" sail. If we luk îroni u i:a S iostdreuggista keep 11fo*- si Judge George A. Carpeater Whoesm o!e hlaitcentury tiey h h PRU. 8. NAVV OGES NIT thoa vad i ounld anetlt- <urpin , tVashiigLon. White, Clay, living,,on. our blood, -uc are pale. ane.nic, tic," but If YOU Dire you eau Iad lis naturalised 308 allen. ai Fort ogalzd.Tiirecitation o! ieit,. @POEC UDRRSI irne we. flotom rsfalfanIlled Nfacoir. eIIfnry, Menmrd, Morgan, wlth ni) vim. We are nervou 100 to the Surgicsa] Instituts-tu Sheridan Tupe.dy. Ail o ftbeae men toryîrought out vTymay nsr t li$a beilef tIrai he caruld nî0o. <e ciy: 1-He said lt was. poiitibt- < ola ison. Ogle. Tare- o ie.Tetigt oBfaoadgtatilpe*4 ,are lned atdeia re cYiooad an esfatfuliri- teprgr i t , o n hreaftr inmacinebai ben Zken hy o i itis rdwei esie.VriloWofr fermadges recof z en, Bxtisn full- ~madeienlu Lke county bcatise th,,. lie navy rameithLe downfali cofiticir- who migit abandon It after tht-v hald _____________________________________ Oeded itien» Bxtynin alonsatchurcies of tie county are <'<rainty I ard isalait, 19, etationemi aitihehad a Iank. This bas iapienpd have, tie tort decllnadte beeOms, Amen- LFrt otthie county and lits progress. 1tlreat Lakes tliltion .when bc v.role on a flamber of occessions. man citizens aqd Colonel St.muel *o .Bedsprnemei elrl cetv egatW Uukad eceneie tn ie ev.R .Be ;prnedn alte aDtcieSrPn .I 1__________ord hart been received liveo lntrnead fr t e ri d o tii. ar b Chicago city mtsmionaryv work. gave: Doran of Kansas Cty,.inuaitci citY ihe deati at Denver. Colo., ast on ITic rne oruhp f manofthUed gre tenas theieconference. 19 lawant-d on a charge o! murdm r. T hJrid e unip o ,ner s a com ol îman h n a cc d d o of e nfr M onahan w as-plB> d In Le brig W e dl- T H IR O T E R M hR G E O day o ! M r s. S rsan S m ith I nce W i te y JdeCpme aa rmpit nesday On reqlrea*t cf Detoctive Doin. FOR WOOBROW WILSON wioo!leatGore. tireng. Tiere acre men front Eng- ece iudt year at Airs tleviie er.W.A ofetw ù-hume death occurremi n feuar lan, yêa d even Rgom Gemiay, Fand Tic Throgru oraticda tnantiant. Indian poli.., md.. June il, A\Ihirt ego. 'Ar. Smnith served km thivil iTureyand evle> tromeumY ndo Thfor Ii Anaf-teVoiO a eri.le Monahan antI Melvin Wite are ai- rermn for President Wilson wt, îrged war, beirtg a meitber of Lie 911t(111 ausrmmon us eb evaren hato Ivanhue lfoeI.geti 1 h ita-.d Iilla-sIThom,,a bv Samuel NM. Raieton. foîtiii i o r-nlrmgmnî îranMr.SI 'P* a'oy..,'eau@@ .acenaraad cil-c. GeeItrr tIvn i-o nan in s atrey K nar t.t-r of Idiana, wie apoke A, petr- mre olsI residenta of Milibur i <'al ou oy beaue Iilie e ub 1:15 A. M.-Words o! greetîrtlig. eo Mnhn -lfon iit l ernmcratic convention ht ' îtIaY. They meved West abitit 25years a-- o! cu assnb. Youar aklg orRaber Raidte. moderator. hody im 13 teie Sreat' He prsised the administration oft lie but ar-e recalled l'y tie oider ei cltzenhi Vo ac akin t i fRerdig m ebers f Dtngf erin r 1vdrielterfrnmln.president and tank ta lîsek ttci'iiii- dents oft he county. MraSm Enit the geatet thng w hav ta cana-Iaim.b hudivcntheiettzefioniil. funerai will 1* belid at Dnver. conme slarehodersa ofinis greet na- il A. M.--Cerrtrallzlng our force,;. ___________________ >Mleroiphohegaaphe of types of diffèrent germa,. tien otîr forefatierx fought te pi-- Claude W.mWactien. liai! Day. ----anpuml'OenI.tataseooiea, ser've. The ftiia .the symbol cf Disuasion led by Mns Orpha Lard-1'nmo -neathtcuetohdcy oveitMîg wlov îAkn * and abocesee-iln qumn and jwa h erugaderg cf olti carried tihe rues." M . C.A. aecretary. Rev Barreýt- Tie foflowiflg figure@ s h w aiea ie 11:40 A. 14M-A revies o! tntau tiing r n Ba 'T e t nuner oi men o! diffm'cenL ni onli- nual cont,-errices,.%Itrs, Jeuflie Jutl5,.e t ies who were naturalizeti: 193911811 Minute of Conterece ai LiaI! Day______________________________ 1; Rtaeiairs. 9; itaians. 44; 1917. Vivian Sonner. aecictary. French, 1: Raumnalrtin, 1; Senvians 1; Appointmënt cf comFnuiittPe5 HE germe of consumption, la grippe. nhtumatism, pneumoe i Austrian. 76;: aniai t; Norwegt-ins, 12 N.-Adoirrmeflt for i-oer ot.1U typioid. dîphtherla, etc., multiply rapldly ln hooth cavities, and f,; Swedelr, 7; Germans. 17; Turks. aood FelleuIship asid iuirier ..T'dv lig ithiive undet thie edges cf sort, swoll.n, ulcerated queue. Tbmf 'u3; Greeks. 20; Belgiane. 3 I: Salas iva Ivalte churci, 2001 persans z, 1v- germa are very dangerous to ieatth...qp.olalIy dangenous ho people l. 1:Pruus,1 PnR,1 O-e.-FOR- poor healhh. Thse pua gelrta sperticularIy deadly. DEAOLY le JUS? ýý Imm,. I.Aftcrmon olSession. ' * Vlame word te upe. Swallowed with thie food,'ith Ceds it.way Inite, hie oftential to ..ue boa n ýcgtJ Y lood, .and,'sollner oralaher, according hte rsesconstitution, bringa Oen jrograin tutge Carpenter congr. stu ica , * rISU wêucelle(SflFdestnuctmve diseace of the kidneya. bladder, spleen, heun-t on ahomaci. ed themon uon bavng beonie f Waukeganr oigregationl e ciî Y ung tLe American Aniece. 1; 4ý P. M-ieperls of conrîitt f - Do You Kno-W the Present State of Chapînin Raner lnIis admrest, . jeo - M-bt! iitui'cal sketch LIm"fod poàino a teSgnde orH at Te a e w itizend of s te hths jmedttoberiflg ia S][4 la t ~n id0 orH at acted frenc e esî1 ;r .uts.t x i~t q, $7. 1 Io, ônwb tciamsxqIf it !0 octsaaifachory, If 1h la falling, unneliable, or aven ser. ie in aoîat fer a lt 10mcatshadues. l ad Sftivaton-mnorepr ' ioualy affeted-have your heetis put ln the proper shap. That will net man ahn îeyrsriedethen d.'aio ;ua . lrr a$12.81,m w ek ' ab, ro br ellciney and the inen oc nly prchech you freonfurtheP Infection but 1h la the.abtolily NEC. Judge <arpenter drt i tcmes srea--.n, .S . b.Trlpp I r-fam& w~~pute upurfo SSARY fin-t slop towavds healti, happinea. and auccets. carain aen e oralt'o! ne u -lans Met oegaioa m bre xrèna ukio=e~ ut t " laCôen for examination. whehher you etan- thie work or not; caniralon asa tied. MSl spli t Ir>-Fîrst onere iOft ta UU swell ha know &Il about youn- heeti. We line ion. delly, 9 a. m. te youbeor yo, re eny islOr4 Maukegan-erman vonsgrgttl s laé* img extra psy et ý bere. Now yen are a part of us.I. 1V G i i '-<f ag iiîbr<fptet hope yen ai do nil (btintat.expectm a timo.Rv. Ilo Nstetorlir 1tit,-,ptia o Pie, ew of yen aheti yengo t l mr0pe." Hlai!Day-Bmtrt Sinal o. IV frofeu Fort ho first -liimelleite iisttryRemnsecl fM vreno ay xedfu ii iii tdtaelt-floigpi o! the court ih ans ahiflei t O yersmin Laklea o! Ma îecir ef.lW. @Cnon to pefornLienturalîsatlon ars ',lbu akeounyRvA~llllt o! these sr. Chie! Clelk Clans Dut-Mr. andiM. lneWre sen andm United States DePuty Mac&- 2:30p. M.--ABadversary âern-. 3r -aa ini Until July 20, 1918 glial OxIder. civil aar voterant -scon- B:30diirist.laiity. R. vA. R.Tramn mt9 hwU55*a W er ottutei ( !siierligeanuu f el paniedth Le jutge te Fort Sheridan. . . , re pam in rt atoa Hne M1 rlfuuvuu.-iis n wiuigPatnt adphtnjvipsite Offices efen NnhMie- .Dciapano i inlliaukee, Wueksemtileregularly km he ~i~ ~ i sLîU ,reîiLîit<fDa omîiliRet A. W. Saforila.i ii ti-ii wiisutii antd lads I tnîîi111 eeh- W hile tUit.cereînnvans bilng en 4lske.Ws o! Liemmunio, h W= le a.h.,l ffood for mn VS.*ueud Is fo tlt-. waî' eaîîss.d the prîoes saf the-se gsaods lt rberonie Asa a- *hoacIvre engagoti Ciosia ing lY o ati mmivfrqenY hreM *fethtom ar11lstpolwtve hrf iles atig NriracefrmtrTc The Resltol»ak .d With 7866 F-n,,.îi it1ioiliistiieot in defendlng teNrt hr fot heeifrec nnio.1 Pavnia te Lake Inf. heaîlng oq an e cnfesrencute uaiittti>a5 pnerny attack frentie wesL. - Tic id mmrso th e Lekresoîniionm Save Time and Money cmbo _12te taclose jmne 29. eiore c. embioa ner nitcLae Ai Cotînti4eüthsopotnîyMil t a listiate thiecanuiies. alîl occu-ty Corgegttu liottrtrce a IenibIa ime - tnri nneneceat for four' a dtagofhisopoaundy i-hleIt ase the ~ ~ bc trnieifrfu asat ii'. i iLet a of ,flaîlk' uarters - Golmi Crownm, 22 kart .... I&M 0 Gold Inlay-----------...1.00 up. Mi. Edaard N. MeCaskey, con- hee ta l9t inglay o! .u 1<1atre14 br lnCq*. X ol ilin ...... 1.0Ip mandant, deacriiedth Le mtidOta esubnit tue ilwf t c'<th nLi- &od Sa .od logeaarl PooaCren 4Oth -baverFilling-------. .00 pradig the mca onu liu work duc-- Re><lved .That at this ftiar,, me*i . UardgWoknTehwthlvrFil9-----Scu- îgtacor. lteponta are temriy or the C-- rence f COQ-out Plates - 5.00 Eae rPreanlly8A igteafounre. il c o~dtioi. frgregational Churci ofLake - t Good set of , Teeîh, . . a nmlo ocli na.1i taiveor pant m Cnita ionm. 5 for < icmoorcilo! he noble shi,- ---. Ouaranheed PointatExtrae. foris n eromâicft>' nutiLepoil- monandi amen wîo have bel ei ta egel~Goid Duit Plates---------.12.00 tien-------------------.Ne0 mnaieo anti 15 fer attendimfce malete lese gatheringa n poaen-d rrf uV *atotuthe adivdua curcea ndTEETH EXTRACTEO FREE WHEN PLATES ARE ORDERED endi o»cnt. ' ont E, i a e lnta hei thelndlvi ofahebri nmi ddia. mahma... il The other 40 onsalî aer ufrirtg l or fticIéKand G l5muyUUUW(et yotî ur kdoue ait nur $anitury, Modern, PerfectlyJ on the Wonk durlng the Iat aeek. om Cet Gad. both uorhmsar whies Mi. MCaèey escrbe. ascomminitil, .andi ta distant fields.- ProMim Cekydscibs sAd setal 11-erenmer-nE quip~pedl Offices. We are positively here to stay! Home durlng tic pu»t yenr. Tiosa U______DONX'T BE 11I8LED ~ ho w rcali et present are: Mr. p ilmai Ul h biWl. I.W M J"ohn B onner andi Mca. Matlda Spa!.PS i!S W..1u U IU1 tord of iMllbu>rn; Mrs. Peter Jacobsa sy.Youw Ford Agnta I * rand miaimig uer ef Ivanho anti Mrc. RosamoatiGlea. L ... - W1 - IWB WILL FORiEIT $11000 ao of Hali Day. WARNCEEEY ILS Resolveti. Tint re Ipay our - highest I- i ork iàiitbtitdoue in our oftire ini a scieiitific M*Dei*

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