CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 10

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du 61 Li pué, à IIEW BqItaCIs la ~ Shwvt Onon inration b me;kt4o Mlon Werk onctu econSatructIon Of <OMPs aBt great Lakes, vhich viii Us urn ue as et lneoni1iÉg do- L~ as rocelved f rom Wailngt0n tSa <at tii. contract for lthie. been im o awarded f0 John'Grif- c.I .4t= lidon, Chicago, for 1141.000. Wuotn i h completnd ln atout a mmmiii at which time the. two new *. detention camps vii also be om Leed. TIie 0*' camps vii ovor the. present work of Camp 'Wlien ernodeied Camp Ross viii ha»e » Waracis elmilar ta those vIOM are nov ln Camps Ferragut al3catur wdtra capacity af 24 W~'~~~insîuiaîôn of- $780,000 e RA#t> oiaqipmeut sud afac3ery In. - f>. ~Wsvi*iioffpp va. becun Mod. The building.,300 fot jé l b0l0 fot "'Ide, vas compited ôtéu o!fie eatunos af the new eaei ié i lie the englue lintructioui redM ofthle avIatio goudn achOl. la, ibule of Ensign WIlliam Se ul- " 8.Tis rnoam vii le 25 iii 100 feO% lad viii contain at ailtimhes go s*M é otons. ilere lthe studont iviii lie ttogt te a«semble anid dls-ssom li' o'urdifferenl typor. the Lberty. t»- mmrevut the JHasiiom ,and tbo rtlms. AÀcia.. of 120 mon viii be pcegmumodated. Lin.John Phiip Sousa ha, com-l nov march "Anchor and ft*"dedicate& to the navY. U îla »o*helM pubUlshed, and the frt eo$b05 viii appea vithin a few w O .s Tii. Grat Lekes Jackios 4M.4 VIII D. theftirâta opay IL. I1hn. sousa let Great Lases ye&- teiMy for Nov Yonk on leave of a-, semo, u91 Oct. 1. Ho vil spend tL-, anmear touring le United States, g* (lanada viils Jeovnoiginal ysmrII4nuot Hart, Says it r i~fl 8ploininc to Corn- lt Possbl, Sh:tgein Coal 4ext Wner -t'la Wj ptýaemachi ne w32. r4-mv j'vater is es OntIn. a lea ý w bte qlied Ma <i i s o e G Iao iNot. g oe ener emangr litamor iiig iii n nthelé cirnvate in8vIn5M - aEstjibe n ut ltu, b"iwhib.i caboter elpeda IV7Ib. use of 0il. Cosi gai le 1000 i» -byP the ecaapo&tian Of coM, 'by drivi-ng Oui nle voaileic ater, »e Ilit tiiere are tva distinct forme og *oikiagas et the Noth 9 Se - plai. The ev 'vaten gsi kpo-vlI l icreame fbe output o! t, argM ctent. and a great about tii. machine ila uatlti je £3iniinéllly opoeaiod. and al oue *W 40 do l tg set IL in motion le tc Isipi s rens tdebm ater dos$ the te . A cotrnt *vas madn lith t v Aub f uproVeFfemi ,Ce., of Iuijegla a yar Mû a iat Juna for lis ~bte vb li sitiled yes- ?vis :fl éramet or- v a, l p . Tbie oéfttact eie <o népesiy no that the PbmUilpiia fln. ss uot liabe. ai q*uut of the. dlai. XNem1100606 f* Wb*eimaedoéflot kao* <lai udr an tva distinct gag plante otnèl w lmi ?orth Binel* d ie VkÉgàun. The.plant on, ot>. 151 - miik ot the cli>' ,hanasOresde th Le souti plant mâlin-la - Orli @ Le aluatageo f col viat an d tic probable acietY tWbl Iis camtng wvîmten, thre 41 u RS~Stiy 0of gaà corasnmed In WS*kUSS mmd ther iva >FFICIAL LW O F REAl iceloggsiseub Winthrop Harbior. D)«d 'il 73 ESTATE TRANSFERS Wei pumsh>yLa. Ca. Stail Bank La Franki Jar- 14 ,A WOTIJEAND tmstU« n,efltand wvUe. Lots 42 43 and 4 Go lZ e mff nieed!)lock 44 Wahburn Park. N. Chicago. 77 MaodeaheTOMu *W& Phute 4. WD $1000. 78 .une le, 191s. J. T. Parker and vif. ta Fred Wii: 8 son and vleç; 28 fi 8 front on WAiern si Tabla, Jensen and vite ta R. C. street mast vest of S. Pai avenue tied PI'utOn, lot 2, Lwonis Sut,.. o! Fairi Wanigin WD $2560. 9 Grounds, Waukegau, WD, $10. Mife .Sith and hmuaiiaid La 8 John Gaah teEmma A. Sumer- ueiGr~e1lot 17. bock ô6 toa sa ltik. east 13 bick 18. McKay's 2ud euh Noth CIlcago. WD $600. 8 kdO, Waniogan, WD. $10. MagLer la Cibinery to R. J. South- thtc B. 0. Adamea and -wfe te C. M. & orLon; W-1 lt Il block 39 Hghland 8 St. P. Ry., stip trougt S -2 SE Park. Deed 113012.66. si 1-4,. Sec. $3, Newport Tvpl., WD. $1.- - i P. C. Sgakbdng te H. R. Pit. un- D IV AIEA i divided 13 8 20 acreu NE 4-4 $W 1., 6 EV -UEA u Sec. 21 Deprftld. Wfl. $1. 9 Chcago VuiL- Trust C., ta J. A. Wsukegan Ibis morning -bide tare Cit WOIff and vîfe, lots 9 and 10, Wi- veili b 60 stal.vîrt younang m o 9: Mm'asand Sub., ali»Lng Lakte. Deed, depariod tu n draft for Camp Grant. tal $900. Rockford. The yie!t an the 7:02 9 J une 20, 1918. train. go#ie, dificulty waz e ncount-Ch G. J. <rantan, Jr., sund wve ta ered in cieking uap t hoeien ai the Emil Johnson. lts 8 and 9, Spiedeis8 draft board héesdu.artera and fitvas 1 Sub.. lot 294 Lae 14oret, WI). $10. seen o1'(iCIlock efone they farmed In, J. dil. Sasser and vife 10 A. J i n, te IDcto 10the North Western itichell, loti 1, z and 8, Sasser's 511h. depot. Thé train had aTrived ai th@. bru Hlighand Pari, Deeds, $lîý station bfoi'e Lthe selects go thore -151.1 M. DeyayndmO usaad ta Hi. F. andi h vas -necessani te halO ît a CW Dicknson. E 10 1. lot -H- in Euh. a1 few mriptidt,<d<tbem .ta entraisi, bock 77, Hlgltind 1Pak, Wl>. $400. Tii. eeiertoftthe slects conclsted 1 F. B. Harper La John SiObrvin. lot of thi. lèieîLyiMfe -adüd Drum corps, 9 and 8 1-2 loi 8. block 52, North the iWaiL8> *Vqnieor , o Chicoago, Deed. $ 40ü.op. STnnusmbei!t eb Jutie 21, 1918 scouts an iMamý finda af the. de- Bernard Nahen and vite to Juilus pde <~i 901 Svers i iudred lOfe,.37 acres In NW' 1.4, S e emd enwa etr i 14, W. Antioch Tvp.. QC si. ion ta bld the young men iaeveil A.A. Gehi ta M. J. Smoiz. lot 9 and Godspeed. iloc 18 Wakegu Hgiiaud, 19r.b The 60 snon via vent away this Chicago, Wl), $300.monn a te ai!csso.o Julne 22, 1918. aer ta&e c.rtmy1tIOI ,W l.1 JUli,~ or 75 mnen"'but use abe te 'raies but Saanh J. Wbldnql et al, to C. Ni. &g St. P. Ry Ca.. sirIp througi part SE Tii. oànê leavlmg 1-4., Sec. 24, ilbrtyviiie Twill. Wl. today ore% t $1. 786-Joepb Bondon, ion City. or 1Ida Peterson ta Ilinda Oisen, lots 6-wt Grejirise. P 29 te 32, bloci 2. Nixas .South ide 124-Wm*hîr Novakoveki. North Al Eub., Waukýgan. Wl). $850. 1 Cicago J Caunty Cie .rk to lake Couity State i363-Jolie Ruteli. W9 Blank. 21 lot, In North Chicago, Tax 148,2,-..qbelau 3iankievieg. North -Y . Baurir' sud vie ta M. C, . Wa no erman Runsbdt. ,î4? Jt 3, blecý 37, Lake Bluff, Ourse«. 47 i toil Niakawl AU lv.Trust & SavunasBanik 21. t e n.i, r4r Okefub. on Lake Mare, Wl). 3» siha T. 'W. Smith aud vif. ici Albert Co, W4%~Ciosp'a coran lot 36. euh. ot lais 212, 213 and 7-Wl6rEsov" 214. Sha's Long Laike Sub.. W;Dl . 42E.-FS> Thoma lkcann, Gui'.M f 100. -DIe-. t . .14cpleand vile La Anna 48-SuAO040 tR. Heymat egq.t 1.2 lot 4, blacie -v .o.Grma Gu.,... 0Oriin.l Waukegan, Wl $10. 4i36-A' ltnwors jlêl5i. 0 N. C. Martin amid vife ta M. B. 4s527xtOàer Arthur lner, e almon, south ceâtrai part -et lot 331 &ucaao , aio Sec. 16, Waukèimfl. WD, 810. 4t69 ..jfa Synerind. Winathrop bq Hiarbor. s r 4&3.-WilUuui M. tTonerLion e June 24, 1918 Cty - s Lent. Sachsad wvue.ta rry Le- 4744-Oto Peis. -t vin: lot 16 and N I& t lot 16 bock 5042--Nu4Mta Bautvegna. le 50 North ChIcagb o. WlIo*. 608-Georte Petrouski. North Chiia lu T. W. Smtti and vite te Mr:. A. J. M80 .t- ID Pilllilpa; lot 115, Shavs Long Laie 5142-4'01 Petrff re Euh. WMM$100. 6i43-SOiuà C0hblI. d F. J. Casbmaro and vife ta J. R. 5lOn-vldi -Wa4koslç.d Io Haas, lt l a nd ONati part lot 10. 588-I gu -Aiau. l te bloc 2 Lyandale suh Wiuigsn. Wl> 63$-1,tIlkD11cM Io .1 B 1drIgéteW. ý. 514-r ll fflo. ( ity 4%d 29 lots la Wishutiru f 813-JUIUlà. wlimUO ail 'Pak North Chicago. QCD $1i. 614b6-ObrAt Delo. LY1;W. 91 Woodbrtdge and vifstae 1W 6146-John Bodendyke. Wadavonuii. i ~ ~ wN i. ots 24 aid 25 I03Jlil -ûilvu1h a- 14L ,Wuajbunm.Pari. North,656-i l 4glane J J.P, oemn d s w vf. ta HI.C. Cbicas. Lichtfoid; lot 7 Pearson. Uttls and 667-WMtlainPeteteca, Antiotoç>. Brgalüns cmiWaukêsan. WU 8lé, 367<7-Ugenio VIlloul Wlntlrop . . an * If. taun4,au 8"aýîa ri e; 22.0-98 go"'1-lo *delcNot l~i ~nVilaguo!uiiiyvife.CicaomWniu.Nrb ia 70ML- -on ict NrbCia Agnes in lie L . 9. uaim IMtt'T7-ae1J a. &S of N-S b lo&k22 and 0-2 blocitr , 074-lipso. D1I l13-Davld Hahn@. Obloag. 7374-Daniel liagerty. Jr., WU&s- rUa. 1418-John Jaco)bson. Jr. -foetng S857-SaUuerio ILb. SS31-crirr savaio. 8377-Mlles Michiel Camiey. Au- 316Ilbe 1'osman fntocb. 88-s Tge North ChîcaÏo. 8468-Vrramclsco "L.podarcO. Wlm. Scv Harbor. 84:lnGrYgo, North -CScag0. s698s-1ut , Warner Her»mao lathM «ibr. 9126--Theodore HiurIous Carisoê urnoe.- 9164-4Cerkoe Mazinlnan. Mion lty. 9364-FrSUk Bufmi. 94e2-ArYid Gultaf carlbon -ie. i. Wia. 9473-6.tanisaW gtuiuiewirct. No. 1oili3-PoernN«eezc. 1020-Vit. gcoéiic; VORio ty~. 102612-jo0lia <ilen mth. Ne- 10318-Jdiph Rykiewles. North 10403-ýCirinClone vig. o ly 10433-DomildtcGrau.ê. 10499-ril Lu Protlé. SUlu 3mte. DCEAN LINER là%~ U $._O. 9. CALI. O seIiLE AT «EA <By Uni"c Press) Agi Atifinilo FOrt. 411wt$,-Oi a0. th tarBent lcmlt litera In service rrvitgluretedày, repàstîd italng iokÙ p two. O. a. sailIl t jflld. Atlantic. lite tiret vaë pic-ked Up June 21, the .on4ctJDne 22. Tiuey wern tram dlWàifft Bipe. ITALIANS HtAVE SCOR£D IN COUNTER OFFENSIVE (Br United Prssu) London, Jumie 18.-The Italiens have scored an lmpOrt5itt eicoal nl thmir nofltmipitneuetr etfêânae» l was learned autholtatlVat ytqday. In lte Orapp s184ÇW miuthwal of Moant AsefIntlshey advanceed a mile. GERP.IAN ~RtaiVzK S U- ING- NTO ITAI.IAN MILLS <Ny 'United Pnems> Washinigtont, Juule teS-L.mtgnum- bers of GînInhil rP a* npi i rt poain .ffith lJnfon@ ot staly n* uO 10 iliIt end are ho j!~tlCItAlién fen-a- P.p eIl mite havy beau àeMt th 1t tin sîrpiafle matte!i*r ITPd.IAW IMgPULSE LIM YY AIliSCOUt4TER AT-*ACKS (1w Umilà roe Rome, Jseil tieilre, ex.. tended.tir . repuiead u.vjht & i "Yet.rI t til bridehaa taci," Iw i _ _ *.aneuesese Segn 4" Au Ru lr eudy40t"es sled at ail. Moday-Eoaat beef at' noonday 4 W~~ Tudiw-o beef erved et ail. UstH*..-~IU o ai twed -beef or SEVERAL BANDS WILL PLAY 0< mooDai MWs. h?*ea kisat aad upper beele thle 9oqrthof .,.,y day. Juiy ceobration in Waukegaa 4 Jtahrinai0 ii uea i year Wiitb. one o th otii clejme stLinty o tîetthed,dbu o abl hi. tiictYever has had. It viir Oom4W 'ieOjh, ýhaauo~pied O11 b. on Lthe oidfashoned order vitii& Ï- i ",-a big Street parade and picnic th the " - t-S, . 0l 40W ravine Park, South f àkvidaq - If O 0Ii etreet. a ame ~ n The Street parade, iLtle.~ op"~.w o'sl viii lie thoroughly repreuet"*i*. ,...nt rW-1 bafc tI large Mnmler of IbocieMleu' e«W« i1.t> i t ised to take part. Beev0 li t>rfesoeeeyos b . nlie. includ! serve Yo~~ « m'm* band, the Noth Lr Y, Zr Mâ~ ~-05Li cet>.r dayenet T1rnsOF a - i. e- à vnls' ;n;w l~~01iP are.WEpietr a re0<uah am. SS yeatdotiOUla plboed o- the me et< o, Pait. ch1Ogeeaor eoh. "Tet.ta. ,vlly on the ovm. lunch sa 6 Oen. nemibarbir- Siti maifleb ries Y-* M. a ge, gaod. '"Orn.ut thmeim.u bld me hé,en . t .- bock ide docrs Mmd le*u ofnt f Instieguderth~e mev ~sile W> 1 wvu net able to Offer hlm mai otwip ,mObti*pN t>. -aet mine Ait mmvori «Oer-t.? a nEI>taI 17John 1~,àiiàuii~laiabout U8e no meàesml uaIse. aMi ordered a steak. « Wbe doii't serve steak on 'mon- 'dey.' the valWese tmid me. .'rita it#'imat Xue leatryi68 te ,fmd g$ mMepiow'.Ur lid tbegirl. bai epr meerdrd b.d board ~lrevu. àAn& a uster caitact I slà* g orgttenabout tie nul- iog t"dl mol tniad tu catch the ovmer -la a vioatiOn.» ÀMantielaOody, Wwu vas la ke Foret SI tobns ago. the soit 0 v or the. e#iuom M'ettiers of La >.s O iU Ity, 1êtWaY. me wvaorne lof ti lar et land owner .0utheicoun- ty, mimdaaor the. and nov oomPoehij lmg,#ow ("à0y<am »t2e bomne of J. (i den Aimur, &smO 1meiiya stiton on the tChicago, MliIwacue aod Set. Paul, htVîng been sobe bY i. b its proeli ownem ii , ireMISb etOlimub The immoral va held tOai fr0. the. Ctho l e h a t Uv«Mt iuar li belng ln the EIvrettL.cemdeterY viiore other ralailtealot ut# IMIIY are roottÊg belI.ved, m"ed ln E"yp as emniY au 70) la. C, They wre made by the priets, vb* eff t t>.0i01doauCw al tl1ri "an. To b rIlliwrJj iE~ l'o ,A. niiiroma. To th.C@ftsuffiDW I M>ow lancb for th#ecbU ane-aMd to that etent t> I»Ut4. odsvi btit tôr tie'dai. bn Slà to have seill m a.%Rn ahteipograMn.41i: aU IoeMt yet bot ."50 lobe mous>. aI I Save Atrnounclng the Season's Most ,SaL 0#4vn Room Saym na At Theýse Senèùsationa1 Reductiofl s Coûts to 15.O Coatsto 22.50 1Goaïs-to32.5s4) x sale of the greatest importanoe iWluding coata in the emaon's Mot favoi, styls. he verrisPg cst f mfluaCtrIn g preclude& ail possibility of againaecur ngl aueh a4vantageous price8 for inbnths te corne. blaterials are serges, -vool pOPliHI , tricotunen, velours, covert clothÉ, silver- topes;iizÂures, Trench coats, uiW, e Ù andam atina in a wide raugqi otfwa* oolorngu and 4. vairie4,y of biçomiigstYte. There are ail aises ini the msortmieut but .'ojue. not iu 'et*ste. IR b9U IY nstaneu there le only one coat of a -hie Sale Strts Wedneçday ': . lKI 6I I eand Redeem Our, Own* Blue Trading StamPs Lake Coumyç Geotes Store tor Women 1 Il t til

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