CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 3

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T.TLIRBERTYVILLE INDEPEENIT, mHRgÂY JUNE 27, 1918____________________ Grosz Point, Jok§ePisHilgar trueh.ptt lc't aIRn USED TO RIED somethinga t a --zr9lx-P er he unearthed a $2,000 slver service enffaved wth the intala "D.<C. Wn. u EAI LAKES LA] ntapolice Identihtlad tas talen U C RT I , H NOV. 13. 1915, tram tise home ofSm uel A. Greeley. Mc. Greelpy had pre-M 'n nentd Itt b his .'îtcon sheir we.d DS ANS ding day. Ona of tise tiieves l18 zo oervlng a 25year tern i a Joliet. . iuiry at Washington Reveals Refusai et Great Lakes to NOTICE. Use Certain Meats PUBLIC NOTICE lis EIEIY- GlV&iN, Tisat the Iloird of Local lai- provaments of the City of f4orih h i- .THEY WERE MOULDY HAMS cago, Lake County. Illinois. bas fled la tise County Court of Lake Caunty. Nc.w York, June 20 -Men o Pis- Illinois, a cartificate tsaItishe fol, Americau navy and tisa na'val reinre lowbag lmtrovem 'uýt ha% been Coin- would have heen aerved wlt.hegreal plJted ansd tlsat If conforrmastîhetatn- quanaities of dccayed ment, but for tlally to tisa ret4uirefmeýt& of tise arig, tise vlglnc fIfpcinoc1R mnal ofiinancp fo-rhie construction of who igilac eit asInet for offuer tise slane. to-wit* conaumptin. accordlng in evidaure Tise construction o! iast iron va- given isere today befrire tise Paderat ter supply p)ipe. tagethar witb lIra» Trade commission durnna thpislquia-ý hydrants. shut off valves and. special whicistise commission la cs'icting casting* coru..,slte la a portion of SeY- mbt chargeaslisat Wlson & Co., CCi- mour Avenue froi Siteiiîis Stretet casa pekers,. aald "badl" meat ta the to, Twentiatis Street. 91l in the CitY governient rit Norths Chicago. Lake Coufty. Ili-Capt. Wlllàain. Inlastationed la nota is.te s"Una belng Nartis ChCAZO. flr<Xklyn, where lie directs shlpment Speclal Asssmtent of sai Court of food and lothlng 14> tise ntira Doeket No. 113 enliltail personnel of thse navy, de- TiseBoaîrd also certifiati tise crtiat lrd tisat "1violeait prote«V" bai bean tisererif and tisa saine .stlmated tisat inade hy officers la Iharge of. the la required ta Day accrulaz Intarest Great Làtkea training station near oh bondm and vouchers Itsued tn am-Chicago avainat furtiser dellva.ry of tîcîpate the collection of "a& aaises.- Wilaon bains. Otiser hains Aisliped ment. and madeapaplcation to sal to tbe bateip Missouui, ha ssid. court ta canidf-r and determinte vers rejected sas unsaund whathar ar flot iib, MMEta asstate Inla0o33.11 mid certifirat.' are trua. A isaarlng %orne oatis hauts sent ta thse Grat will ha had an said application O't Lakee tralitslng station. the wtness tise 15th day (if Jîie.v A. Il. 1918. at testîfieil, were moldy producta vici tise iour of Ian i*cIuci la tise fora hb ean "acrapi il" hy Wilson & Ca,. noan tif said day. at the CountY Court atter thair original rejnction and ac- main or sai Court lu tise Couat y celted liv thse nnvy departmant over Court banse at Wankegan ln aaid Capt. Williamsa' prateai Medical or- Lake Coufty. firer, ai the station ob)jacteil ao stren- Obje-ctions may t1' fieil 10 Rai nus1st f0 hp shlpmenr. ha dacl.arpd, application ou or befssres the bouc of that ths-y wcaa di.scontlauad. ten 0os()ionti te focenoan ort ald _________ day. liatm ial Norths Chicago, Illinois, , ltinrt,.n. Iun, --tîat'tas-1 lhLm 2shday of Julie. A. D.. 1918. thorjty Io mnr-a-e tha prie(' of whaat PETFR IIItISTFNSEN at fprinharv and situer soarkfet-..a ii STANLEY PALBICICI the appros aI of lonover, a!,ove th, F C . MEAD $ "a Isît-hat i mnrss nirs" ,gîar. jO.SFIPIIC. McLEARN antsýf -v e îetdshl îproclamsationi Mlrtia',rs of the fleari cf Local Tm l 1,,, i-s,-ithe fond sdn- pras'-Isnelts of the City of North Jarrafion gransi orporation Itin'l - C)-icago, Lake rountYIlîlinsal.m. îl.i.. an faxiaulse ar et tof Wkly June 27 JuIy 3 president. War Has Multiplied the Value of Good Tires Neyer were cars so business and domestic life. Neyer was their continuous and eco-. nomical use so imperative. Neyer was freedom from tire trouble a.nd tire expense so absohitely essential. The rapidly growing demand for United States Tires prove their wart.time 'worth. Thousands of motorists each week are turning to United States Tires to get de- pendability and economny. United States Tires Jast longest andi ,tarry you farthest at least cost. They enable you to make the most of your. car-passenger or commercial- now, when it is more than ever a vital 'war-time necessity. There la a United States Tire for cvery possible need. Our nearest Sales and Service Depot ,wii tell you which.ones you shoul4.have. Un ited States Tires am Good Tires We know Unitçd States Tires ire q tires. That's why we oeil thein LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE BROWN & BOEHMER, Wauconda SCIIANCK HARDWARE CO. AREA GARAGE, Area THE PRESIDENT'S WAR-SAVINGS PROCLAMATION JUNE 28 DESIGNATED AS NATIONAL WAR-SAVINGS DAY. AU. CITIZENS ASKED TO PLEDGE TO SAVE AND BUY WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS ON OR BEFORE JUNÉ 2& This war Is ans of nations, flot of arniles, and ail of our one hundred million people must be economioaily and industri- aily adjusted te war conditions if this Nation sa to play its f ull part in the canfliot. The problem before us lsaflot primarily a financial prablem, but rather a problem af inoreased production et war essentials and the saving of the materials and the labor necessary for the support anid equipment of our Army and Navy. Though lets expenditure of money for nonessentials uses up the laWor of mon, the products of the fanm, mines and factories, and overburdoens transportation, ail. of which must be used te the utmost and at their best for war piirposes. The. great resultes which We seek can b. obtalned oniy by the participation of every member af the Nation, yaung and old, in a National conoerted Tlirift movement. I therefore urge that our people everywhers pledge themselves as suggested by the Secretary af the Treasury te the practice of Thrift,?to- serve the Government te their utmost in inoreasing- production in ail fields necessary to the winning of the war, te conserve food and fuel, and useful materiais of every kind, ta devote their labor only to the moat neoessary tasks, and to buy only those things which are essential to individual heaith and efliciency, and that the people as evidence of their ioyalty Invest ail that they can savo In Liberty Bonds and War-Savings Stamps. The securities'iluued by the Treasury Department are so many of themn within the reach of everyone that the. door of opportunity in this-matter is wide open to ail. of us. To practice Thrift in peace times Is a virtue, and brings great benefit to the imdi- viduai at ail tues. With the desperate need of the civilized world today for materials and labor with which ta end the war, the practice of individual Thrift is a patriotic duty and a necessity. Appeai te ail who awn efther Liberty Bonds or War- Savings Stamps te continue ta practice economy and thrift, and appeal te ail who do nat own Government securities to do like- wise and purchase them te the extent of their means. The man who buys Government securities transfers the purchasing power af his money to the United States Oovernment until after this war, and to that sarne degree does piot buy ii coin- petition with the Government."1 1 EARNESTLY APPEAL TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILO TO PLEDGE THEMSELVES ON -OR BEFORE THE TWENTY-EIGHTN OF0F UNE TO SAVE CONSTANTLY AND TO BUY AS REGULARLY AS POSSIBLE THE SECURITIES 0F THE GOVERNMENT AND TO DO THIS AS FAR AS POSSIBLE THROUGH MEMBERSHIP IN WAR-SAVINGS SOCIETIES. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH OF JUNE ENDS THIS SPECIAL PERIOD 0F ENLISTMENT IN THE GREAT VOLUNTEER ARMY 0F PRO- DUCTION ANI) SAVING HERE AT HOME. MAY THERE BE NONE UNENIJSTED ON THAT DAY. (Sigqel) WOODROW WILSON. S Iln' 28 la thse day the kaiser wlI neyer cI. I tv. It is National War S.vingg Stamnp Day. .A SINGLE MONTII Shows FLOATERS Public Service Officiai Gives Figures Showing How Peo- pIe Are on the Move DEPOSITS ARE I"4ECESSARY Because When There is so0 Much Going and Coming Tenants .are Uncertain $10 PER MONTU 1 INCREASE IN PEN- SIONS TO VETERANS 'President Signs Law Which Gives them Additional Pay Prom the Gomerment IT MEANS BIG HELp Veter-ans oft ih--lisvil war are muai Intenastai naturalis' becausa tise pres- lient on tise 1,-nf h o! tisis moritI s alan- ai tise new pansi-tbillI wiereby ail Hra's an inteaesiag tlsîng uhleisons men axeras'aeusan Iacreaso show wlat moabl poulaionabout $10 a mnit-h. Fon Instance ha- sisauea a sat a aow.a pisftorfnaman basas-sn 70 andl 75 years rot Ascrding Ine1T. tIl.leck, stipeiný age gat $25 a tîoath. Above 75 yeans9 senidi-ut nt Public Service Co,, durnssatisy gat $30 a utoutis. Nov for ia- one uscutîs raently, thara vera 400 "tance, a man Whio la 72 yull get $40 lîesî.sle- '"" ameand veut . amoitis,according ta tise nev lau came ~ iS'55.t iicis Sas ju bs-an signai by tisa Wauiegau sud wviseacisanglng Liec- rsdn üýstatd achage f mterlesass, This nav pension bill, of course, la etc., in tise Public Service company ' abghl a ieste'nsats iI This si -tuation sos wwar visa arc graîirally reachlng su - hos ouImpor- age ,aisere fbce canant do bhs work tant it la ffsc the Public Service cu-thay have been doliz la the pat faw Iany ta bava properly signed nmateyars and tise r- are tisa getrosity of rI-ltsa y people vise ara golag ta tha govarnlen!ttî pros îîîng for tiscmn ue tIsa lectrie haShts. lsmoat cama ais ble. Of course tisa tiinetlng ting 1 about tise situation is tisat mamsy cf (hase peopîle are connectei wlth Greast Lakes naval station and thé PRIVA TE HOMES neason -hîy tiha Public Serviracer-in' p.mîy liai tu be so Insistent tisaI the 't A isefea a-gts ares signai Iroprelyi ]MUST SU tE<iAS bacau.csu nmaycassh mnen ans- luitise serv'ice, if th-y, are able ta gît iway tramn places ahara Washington, fi C., lune 20.-Tise <bey lisse beau ushig lighs t ilsut public vilI h n ledsoon 10 broadan payingfon tise sainie, thiaindaflastt ne- tislr liaI orf arva tîices tu Include piy Lis seen In santie casas to the electricsîlghtsandi gas as a mains Public Serv'icae, omany's office fonce of saviag fliel, Ihat Ibev are ln tise naval service ail Instêa ad s1iiting davi non-van tbars-tore the cainpany cannot prose- cndstIe t ,- tueI, Ihereis irv <'ite t1ieis for tlîeir bill. lut inany i u t of employment Trhis makas Il very Important tisat au effort -%% i 'a made o effect aucis a dapasit lIsescureai tram everyhody a neductloa in rIs-ittoasonumnption ai wbo osas tise llght or elsa Ihat a cer. coal man, fatnrtes vîi lia Ca- tain guarantee ha futinîsisei by loal ablai 1tiao i iart lime ai leasl. naidt-nts a-hase eîîabîîîty inay bh e O s ausie. tiîsn atudied la te anova. notif>' ail bans-ýhaui lise>' mîy con- __________________ $Ume heneafier so fv ihall!<ettise aver'- Mrs.Artur S. Pter,366 age amounî <of elsictrictty and g,3 Mrs Arisr S. Pte, 36 as-Ins burnei ach m-anitisduring thislst irise. tHighland Parka announceilWei- year Iftisat aii,)t sisauld ha reais- nesdmy tise marriage of bier daugis- si leture thP '(tOfietis montistIsa ter, Miss Mante lone Mines, ta en sapI>' woif i Is-rut oe for thé ne- Ezra Kendall. Tisa cenemony va, naiîing dayéq of ttsît monts. perfanmed JaJu-. 22. IBahap Samnuel Faliava aflciating. Mn. Kendala reporter for tisa Henald andi Examin- Tisere are bargaina In The Inde- er, enlisteai last veek la tisa na", pendent'. advartissng columine. RUNS ACROSS NA. TIVES WHIO EAT OWN FLESII AND BLOOD knowfl au thse "Voodos" Whso et thlAp hast looklng chIsld as a sacrifice to their gai. Just hefore we laadad tisey caugist a negro stealing the carpe. of a fa-tend Haieaonfassad ha was planning ta eat the humart flash, althoughis r. Negro ba> i-dsd of a disaise. This happens frequenlly ln this countrv. Yoiicannoteeevn 1magIne the *wn. of. "animal" a"fn' lds bar. George Skene Tells How Wom- WeII. I wll close for tise present. en Et TeirBestLooing TcustIag that yen are aIl, well and en Et Thir Bst Lokin cofortable a ýd that. I may Sear troam Chiidren as Sacrifice you sen, lvn a n shr SPLIEENS AGAINST MEATS CEORGrE, Says He Was Afraid et Meat JUST MEN ANGiELS? After Hearing What Hap- WUKGNFLSN pens in South UEfNFO SI llow a Waukegan yaursg man a rar ed ha miglit b hil Iltg hantman flash IF R N PNO bauelia had sean humai t leah tait- I.iL L T PNO eon away train a natisi' djow riear Panama ,vbc hai euuaing the van- derful fruIts of the Cintrai Amarica ýVoliva's Assertion that there countries-alI Ibi islaid lu a inost interasting latter 1ust rcelvad fron Are ne Wormen Angels Pro- George S*ieae vis tIlow in tise em- vokes Discussions ploy of tiu V. S. .hlp bl>A-aid i i te second ofice- on a huge boot ic MN TACES KC hsa$ Jat flnlshed a trip t ot O E EC S KC American ports and ta tise Panama canal. Say Surely. Mu~st Be Womnen Tise latter 19la'Il verfisreaiing ise- gî n cause ft nat only talls of înteresting Anel ad ouuy an Con- thingai as refarreil ta abova but la vince Otherwise Unuaually Wel wcltten: ___ Colon, Panama Canal Zone, lanas ery însta,ivahêeamen hava- May 27. 191R. hi-en usaloni on thea'phone ta gîta Dean AIl: a pno as i; whelber W';lbur We are etilî at Colon lrsadlng. and In Vlia ., cacrs'sein big s~tt- WIlT, more thon likely' , b here fir ms-at imnaîle trri the ;ilatform ai Zion titres days. Then ave witl stop on City. lu *hlch h.' ý i- tad as saying Our way up foc about 1,500 tons. tisen lthat sf1 tihe .sngels ssscationed la the back ta Ihe- U. S. A. wherrpeople ara Bible avar enand m that lis. coin- cîvilizel. Tiser, e 1 ranmcis use lInî'ltî-t des las aTuwt,'la ire atîaanptlng ta dascrIha this cousntry or il,, wossi and i it (,i ai i-uint sof fts peapla. It woufd net bc possible t1îsir Nî-aury cf fotm andi claî-actî-r ta draw comparisoris with anathing thw- echsi ,rsp-r oi bock home. The towns liera ara of a iîh caser. îîî iifoIsils vwide open. Tise storem keap open a% , ,..atali-wosaiTbhe-ri .ton Sunday ,And tisa saîooukeeps-rs hava :,sa,'- il s. r-,ig. ssii ia -. Tb- tbrowa thelr kls s Siy. SSloons a nauîissi ,iiiiti'ng as 'n" sîsus. w snset ane r close Yen vili ha stoppalil hy na a, î, îeis-tbgo -.sni' - t-s-ais marchant utIl11o'aloa's Simnday nigisl. gsai'steif.r. mm sIlh-dc Tttsse nieratsanLs baN ethe clasePr Jap sr a ffrnad m nn. and t biais.e ways ot dni .g bIsatîe'S9 tri ordPr tis test 'he valsslitv iîfVli Thay vîll quota yen a confidentilta:sasimeti'Sacsl'ln a pric@aion an article just ta makea vasr l sr Eilon,îte.Sln-tt cil. IsstRe.- acýiutalntauceship. Yess. can usaka IIs searefary MIs S idson. 'tati-i flsecultisaeir prie in lvo If sut hat Mrfr.lonsp-1 a-ot rthefi 'cita' bang cund for a sufficient tum a q tta', waa- somîshat et iaIBibtle draw their intareat. ,tiistsunt Iiîrs-lf she venturei a few I tell You It vilI ha pleasant ta gato ionofe bacs home. I3ack tapeople a-ho an-,mî , otbr aan. poasesseailvils self respect. We vare ý fir ag kaowa said Miss Jud. sîVer t0 Balbota andl As:iî-ansd te sIx s tsot icargî l'. n Parsania on Sunday. Balboa lis a very eit, theaa a ngi, . Thei a as fi ne little town. Tt is occupied hy bist -s-ce laaand Its fhar as 1 goscrntent offilts onniectai aitti ti nd.s-ta trIathgtrer t e aB-oi-I th ('anal Zone. but ai Panama w a-biais,.O ous, oi]ii' a lahis. wa.,t end cf the canal, candi.icr ge.(fvuss.Iwtlltts3 ftilî01,Nbaister or net tlIs a 5, bts alrs-re slusilar ta wbat you find that 's aîv opinion." ut Colon Akdi iedd' hn-i ol Wa had dinner ai Colon. Th(isa-dIa In.'kifaie Il dt hl l ol fier con sistad ot misat. The bref, I IhrrIl(ii n thiak. vas tise viaUim of the bull SaisI. imen angals. Misa Judson dida't sea au'h tiamatidor. Saine a! Il vas tb casr- "We vont verny abt ith." purpsteii color The meat may have hosai."hr r te hn- iseen tise flash of a native, or a'lc more Importat rta attendlIte iss a( allIg;tor for ail va kaaw. Tispe detussev sert conslstai af aieand thro aillter 11 ýS.W- Clsidaster va-.s lta gond disisas tisa iugreiis-s1 Iknow net hsumer. what. Tiesa vasonlfng utîs ail Itquld T R i a od I jso n la Ttaas, fi o l.colora COe laok- "e.Chîdeatatr lassghed gocd naîsa- Pd mueis lîke' eiubalmb:ig Sii ai ,l y. 'I dort't laîsitaof any place su didu't eat a mou tisft,. Pahil for tisa tt iîilîsîs'saisireangals sa-e represant- tîeal aller taklng ona drink of vater. P a> fnialas." hi' sui. "M3'e have Oh .yes, Ibey isai soup on tise bIl f the stoa- vcftlise Iesisr-tlon aud ta fare. Oua of aur lads di volubteer ý'ouiigaisittiag in a wisite roba. to ta-y il, andl as yat bas lias net toli o(^.ver, it'a a sePrs' onînpertant us howfi tasted. Suffice ta say hae matier. anyway 'risere is a dilfen. di not talis hli-s seriug. They ace bs-tw-eu saints and augels, Tise nerved tis oup In thi, style-n aba re- peuple was'ho Christ wîlI tî1ke ta hi' tooteai dusXiy maiden came liswîtisa ' 11h hlm twan't haaeils.they wili large bowl or pan. Sha brongbt t behumnain halage. Angels are nat trous 1he fine. For many secondis sitoehumin sbaînge st ail." HaeIisosgist sand jahbanlng la Spanisis W@ Voles was chrrect ,and ise ouli lmagined. sise meant fon us ta., lpbava cnntud tha conversation but oursalvea. I oouldn't. thare vas a -mnock at. tha dean and Atter dinner va want outland ha vas calid avay. hought di-na ait a fruit stand. Ban- Ras. Howari Ganstar's realdenco sas 1 cent ars; mangoes, 15e a was called, bsut lia was out cf towe, dazen; mentoes 10 cents dozen; alli- bowever. Mrs. Wlyna. nule of hIs Sunt. gator peara, 4 cents sacis; pîneapplea, day scisool teacîsers, was callad .on trea for 25 cents; oranges, 15 cenits t hi' Phone. She dacli ta discua a dozen. Tisaeeta a lot of fruit isers tha sibj.'ct ~Il-;a- as rathar deep I neyer hein aof before. We dld"s',t anI sIte mwond have te look the ima- fini any graisee an tise Colon mirk-ptanernia. 1I bava a plneaple a efore me tisai 3ftsFlorence Ws.trous. another walgs six panis. 1 at ana a day Stiday saisîsl teacher ait Christ hasîdes mucis otiser fruit. Pruit churcli. Waukagau, vas empisatir in agrees vîts ona In this clImaba. I hec stand for tisea-amen, There baught a doza banainas liastnighi sud avera isoa- womaa tissu men Sunday acis va.9avar 10 IncissIl length. schîsol tof esiaia theîr cistrcis, and Thay have te pick tisa baulma laintieseiha was stuce tisat thare wi, a large grean stata hecausa tise fruit would ierce-tage 0f vomen angels In heav- 1111l tise îee If allovai ta ripen on IL.(In. "I-Il stick la my pomtln hat I saw tise Pacifie acean nuîl anan theca are as mauy vomîýn angels ln tisa sigistq tva aId cisurches. one 360 iseavean aslisara are men, anyway." ani oaa over 400 yaars ohd. Tisey sali 3tiss W'atrou.s. She th)usrht thal vere hord looking aId sheila. thse arlits arA quIsttrigltitnlathAir 1 rait tise anal tram anaend tu tise lits-t sires o! vomten angal.,; ith vingg allier. t hava sf111 ta oe iat lisera Sha was eoftisa opinion that amen ls se gresat about It avec aur ova Soo a'ouîd Tank ont of place, in natures lacks. Tisa lift 19 tise ouly thag at any rata. fiyiag iarauni wilh vinga iabout ht thal surpassas tise Sonaud on. 1tisey taellnme bare tisa.tisay ara not Rav.IRtihard O.ituercs'r. Fvangeli- i sur* vhethar it vits a deatis fer avary cal cbui-ch an blsakestreet. a'ant lIet lacish or fer evacy foot tIsaI makreit a a deap tîscaîcalcal discussion of tha possliblly. Tise groatest acisieve- asihJeat. "Tha word 'angAl' ls takan rment, I helleva. w's tisa avarcomlng tram is e (Crack a-ca-il'lIaaggs-tes.' s-id itoftisa readail favac. Iide net think mans 'Iseaalil or *hýiblbigac," salit i leas& greant an achievamant as va ha. sddlng- a-are la.d ta ballava isack la tise "I fisîrfi VoIla ata corcect, If ise altas. wsnts ta lake fli, original text ah- It la sont. bot hAra I1 toak tisree soliitaly. bsst lia sîî way of tiislklar. eisawers. one sponge bathaid a gan o h.osîslsirit tInIl. f rail, hisavear ta swini sud atili feel as if la neei of a se, tise tmportance of tise materr. bath. Tise clîmate iloas not compara It'-a about 2ss impoîrtant as tise dIs- sviti that o-i tishiore of JA&ke Mîcis- eusseaon tt campua p year, ago as beu.Thsa air here la deai. Oas bie- la how tsina angol, ocaa da-ice on caIsses fatIguai visen nat at wonk. lthe point oft a plis. 0f course, la tise AUl yeu cane ta do 1e slaep. sloop. word 'Hon aggelas,' sleep. I do not Itnnw bow tisa ca-avmaasus unIs musaeuislrsegean Yeoi nf cor boit stand flitndriag thea Wia- must rs'îî'sihar afln that théa davil tac manths. Tisey vonld corne in a uns artis -.lia Is masculIne sait beca and fiai It about tise 100 mark. a bai . stl. Then ratura ta New Yank visere lt Roder O. K.'s Voiva. vas Il Iloareas baby gaera. Ytsi c an- ul Rider, pastan e!r the % mosiv imagine a change ll'ie tisaI-al la on. Tahi-rracI., savs Voliva Ws cerretitl W eek "he change comtes aIllIna S 3sla siatlssa Hle sataion lise jisos. few hoîssafténrayu crosstise gilf v tscîa hat he isadI onIfuailti., sfaai. We do gel 'saitdy raina lier,-. cause traiter np lalcly and ailtisa a-- It will pour doua until you agrée Itiat cafa as aorda5l Ia tBiselela vacamais a eloni ha'. horqt t, l iTain &bout Tisa tisce ngels tisaI apîsared te an isou. tisan tise sun viUmilte oncerAbraham. ha saIid, vera men. (Ca- mitre,. iel andl MIchael the ArranafIea vî'ra I wtfl ie glai to get isack ta lise bath e;polsnairfs men. stes but thtis trip ias iseen worts "MWben tisane is s sîngla argml a IcIt ta me. WhIsle la thsa Port of spak1zIn atisa Lîial." sali ~NI. Ra- LAXES YLx.Ce Tells Sailors te Stick ta moka Mothers Teaching Even 18 Comrades Jeer GOES BROKE ON ICE CREIkW Spends ail Money He Carried' te Treat Jackies; Address PFeases the Sailors Waukegan, lune 1la- John Il. sfllr Jr.,, "w.sf r. rokp" ýC.ts.r,la*v, hutvig tee ereaua rounes, eizirets ,sd caridy for It;a iluejas 1.1.. at Gr at Lakes. Thp jackie' foilowed hirm arOU"4 as Chludren follow a halloon man e the tair. And eNtIdpntLy J, D'- as nuch tuan out of Il as they di but ,If the Jackias are blid up wlt*,l col le tonior-.ssC'omandant MoIt 1 will know whom ta blame. As If to a e een more demoorailo, the Young oll magnat nibbled on Ma ice cream caone htmaelf. 8e dii lui- flus Rosenwald, wl.o accompaDaed hlx an hie visit ta tise, naval station . At Y. -M. C. A, Dedication. %Ir. Rockefellpr apolle at thse dedi. catln ort te new Y. M. C. A. buldis« at Camp Logan during the afternoojý île said; "l'mnea proasher. My fatble doesnt think sa, cîther. for when bhe, Ileard I was conductlng a SuMeq 8(hOOl class la Newe York be remar'i,. cd: 'Its a rnighty gond tlilg for John. hut it's rougis an the bos.? "f have five boys. but the eldest caeý l -Ili% 12 If yau loy adont get tbf.: niatter s(,ttlpd prvtîs' soon My boys' aili he ln tise nav Y, tee. "Theer it a olyone - tgujbat uinta, and that lb ta get an abaolut vlctory os'ar th ',Germans. ".Tihe moral coz.dtct of a saile a necasqary" par-t of his training.'be~ yur companions say, 'Oh. vcs're ta your mothar'salspron strtna, nru mind îhem. Yeu are bound by ûA1W cards of love.", Telle An, Army Story. Mr. ltockefellpr told of a npwly & llsted Biritiis soidier wiso bed newU tittend ed al chural, service ln bis Uto lie was gli'fn hl,,kisaki untforina& told he muet att"nd divine. aer*ile4 fls auniher was Il75. I-lawent ta cisurcis grestly aaat lias will. and when lthe mlnttewW annouticing a hyma called out, 9~ 'Atthou weary. art thison",a ruld. art tiiot sore dstrêesseit" t ýoaung soldier blar-ted "I certI A dedlaat'srv prayer wa'. offerei the Rev. G. t' T. Sargent. Miasa El» PeAtrson or Milwaukee.,sang. 1%fr. Rockefealler, who spent the alw et Deerpath, I.ake Forest, rather tbàWm take, rIýka etoffalllng out of £a saBoY, hvmicl, vasa up wlth thse bird>-4 re eile whicis la the saine thl«. NARROW ESCAPU FROM DIATIIWII* T1LROWN BY AÀOM Waukegan. lune I If you are not convlnced that0I mal 'tamiiÇg 19 an art conanit JI Hofflander, who Io t-mployed by Earstow firin. Wedlnesday mi Hlofflander undertook te drive a u belongln« te one af tise yonge atows and as a rasait la nureln eral sqevere culte and some rte a Jruises. - Thinklng oif course tisai ponto. as gentle as Iambe'a ani elu murder lanlthe eves orithtla prium animal Hafflander (proeeeded te 4rM lelsurely along paylng no attei. Z la the passlng cars or open muUi~ le aplparentlY isecamaso bolli s o underiake a short nap aànd *pcolo sarving tht, tise pony declded te t,. hlm a llvely awalcening. Se itbt&, af keeplng t0althe strâaight and ti raw patis as xaod penle" should do 1, trusty 'steed devlaed allghtly M6i colllded wlth a nenrisy curbstone uu ultaneously aaitaPulting bis drIver *M t he nane ton sant ennerete sIdewÉAý Whilc ton aId ta fight ln thse trecg~ llofl'lander displayed thse Mfe Yam qpIrit and did flot caîl for sa aubi' lance, but gai quietly und miaftr 4 monl.Rilng the pony ocê ed on his way. Hesasys tht ih now worklag on an Invention whI avlIl indlctia mast wien.-an "nmai going ta have a change o tmid. feulaie would ha out of harmony w»',, tise Scrlpturaa. Far an artiat te10 tise female for mie iypify ail thatàa beautîful anda noble of couirse oi eeem proper. To give thain the &M~ and fermro f a rvniaîc would oj Peem naturel. Calvin TT. PwIngle wisen questlom on tise malter. 'ayq. "Voliva la 'rI ly traie ln whst ha "lys. wbetbor. vanita la go fartiser ami say "ha anrpgls ara mn 14lqanotiser tbii.M iasy ha passible, but my oi>toIoM thar al sacel-% areseeaai .twinglf- qutel tIhe reply Ibat ont,, malle wisan Ha was asked about t wornso who had beveral huas~ ?snd what relation tisey wold &U ta lier ln lreaven.

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