CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1918, p. 8

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LIBERTYV ILE RINDPENDM 1q, T Hu u DÂY, U E2,1 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - I - work ou tii. urwfraldre.Mnn., le ta h li NOTICE TO ACORESPONDENTS Tbll next regular publication 04y 1 The Independent corning 4oJuly 4, this paper wilI be 'PIu,.d and placed in the mails .uWodnesday afternoon, iuly 3; OeSquently, ail news-letterS M2ipst reach this office a day . tirthan usual -te insure publication in the next issue. AREA- i 11,.- rpba Harding attended tbe cmmenucement exrcies, t DeKal h lait week. Mon. Helen Harding graduated Mi1 Sear aud returned s'itb ber mother, 19 $pend ber vacation bore, lu the fail mea wilUgo tbChcago, whereehho a. a pmetlon lu the. Chicago achoole0. Mir.-Aima Joues let Saturda>' for au bXtmded viait wilb her @ou, Roy', at Be. lait, Win.. -lire. &us Lat.htoP, accompaoled b>' 111r ganpdsughter, Pearl, retorned lipue Sunday from a short sta>' lu chi. . L . Trlppeutertaîued the Lad je' Ad ou Wed nesday afteruoon. liuriug "0 t.aummer Montbe the Aid meete oui>' Once, a mOnnh for a social hoor or two. Ui-se Edlth iioffman, .f the sheldou sehool, @pent the week-end sietting lira. Len Pufail s'as taken 10 the Mc. Milater bo8pital on Niouda>'. Manter l1orer sud LaVerne Ss'an are *ietlng their graudmnomner hore. li.,ansud lre. Johnson sud child have -Ugerued, after sle'uiut a couple of .Vik, s'ilh relatives in Wiscousin sud' 1111lehigan. At tb@.Comînunit>' flouse ou Frîda>' ,*"uug there i. tui h a War Saviuo *515p entertalumeut. A epeclal pro. tra. baibeen rrvauged sud Attorney' ' COmece Diver, tof Waukegan, willl 14»re willbe the anuoal election oi oUcersat the Red Croee work roome on Vllatevuoon. The auxîllar>' bas rued a shpmînt of1eutgoode sud co'utiuued. T@reiln wort for &Uailnd We urge melubere ta attend sud help wltb ibis patrintie w6-rk. Mir. and Mrs. Aug. Weresborg were Evauston votors unida>'. Mte Krucknan, of Lîbertyville, vloited over Sunda>' wltb te Bodgllng famil>'. lire. Zeller returued t0 ber home ln Kan@&aiaset Sunda>'. Mr. and lMr@. J. A. llason snd C. J. Maion aud famîil>' pent 8rlday ln Waukegan. Chai. Oet aud famllr, aoflPalatine, vilited Sunda>' afieruoou wîth the F. J. Wells famil>'. lire. A. Sith epent Sunday wlh ber faml>' a, G ravelake. Mi@& Ida Blaeer, of Ubleago, epeut M re. Wili Coon a d chiid ren. ofWauke- irau, are having their vacation with Mire.i. Coon. Mi- K ramer, who bas been at the pars. a>ge wlt.b bei Bleter the past few weeks, bai returuzed to her home. Ou, of She littIe Former ebildren bad Ittelinger Ct off whl le playlug sround the auto. Anna Gerbrt lof t Sudai, for De Kalb to attend enummer achool. Milldred Rizenthaler returned to ber work ln the it>' tble week. lirs. Loug, of Chicago, spent Bunda>' with ber oi,1ero,, Mr@. L. Maether aud MI@s Emima Mollue. Warren Stauger epent a fes' days with hi, aont, lire. 8. E. Kuedier. Mr@. H. Holtie entertained compan f rcm Kansseq a bis' da e lat we*. There will be a Intijotic meeting to boo@t the @ale of War Saving tamps at the Cousregational church at Flalf t)ay. Frida>' eveuing, Jue 28, ut 8 o'elock. A good speaker from Waukegau fiae been eecured. Two sqoade of the Libertyville home goards wilI give an exhibition drili on the churci lawn hetore tie meeting. Ali are invltpd to attend, lu order to belp Vernon to-uship reaeh its quota iu tbe War davings .tamp carupaigu. MisRuth Long left for Hammond. Ind., aset Frida>', where she has securëd a posit ion. Born, boNMr. sud lire. Otie Potier, a @on, Wedneday Jue 19. B. W. Meyer, W'ho has bêta wurking wlLh a galig of telephone men, returued home Saturda>'. Mise. race Wells, of Chicago. spent Saturda>' aud Sonday ws'th Waucou da DANCI NU at I1ERTIZLS PARK PAVILION IIAIF DAY, ILLINOIS .TIIURSDAY, JULY 4th ORCHESTRA 0F ,Professional Musicians A GOOD TIME ASSURED PIcnIc. [>afl.ce! EVERETT HALL, EVERETT LL_ JULY 4th, 1918 Corne Early and Rernain for the Famous Evereti Supper REFRESHMENTS-GAMES-DANCING....PRIZES Music -bj McCormick's -Orchestra ,PANCING AT 8 P. M. DOOR ADMISSIONq,!50 CENTS Dr. and Are. Coonu ete.rtained friands from Chicago uda>'. lire, John Murphy @peut several doma lu Chîceagn lait weet. H. E. lialmau aud H. E. Prie. tran. sacted business lu Chcago Tueedsy, for the lutereil of the railroad. Mvr. MeDos'ell, of Barrlugtou, sa plesanst caller lu Wsucouda Tueida>'. The baskiet social sud baud coucert ou Monda>' eveulug- dres' a large and appreclatîve cros'd. The proceeds from tbe sale of Lb. baikte e si ver fart>' lit of the baud. The club dance gîven ab Oakland ball lest Frida>' sveuiug s'ais'wellattended. Ail preseut eujoyed s fiue time. Ou Joue 16, occurred Lb. marriage af Clyde M. Cary, ai Waucouda, ta Misé Amy Olcott, of Barrîngton. Clyde la the second son of lMr. ud lMre,.k. L. Csrr, 'dl tiivillage sud bai gronut manitood ln tliei.-Place, where ho le a favorite viit everybody.Hle Isnow otationed aI lMoufgomery,. Alabama, ln the Qitartermaster departmnent of the Ul. S. Ara>'. The bride la thte daugbter of Dr. sud lMr@. Olcoît,. ai Barrîngbon, sud le s ver>' fii1 oung lady, great> beloved b>' a hoat ai iviende lu uhal village. Mr. sud lire. H. J. Seclaffer sud sou, Stauil,.asd lilas. Dorothy>'Buse, or MecHeur>', called on Wsucouda ivieudo Monda>' eveulug. Mr. sud lit. Leo Maiman sud faml>', 01 Waotegsu, ate vieitlug Wauconda relatives thie s'eek. Mr. sud lMr@. W. J. Sauer viited rela. tive, at Prairie Vies' Sunda>'. LA*KE ZURCH Wut. Hurtman s'a. a C'hicago cailer Frida>'. E. F'rank sud danghter, Auna, epent Wedneoday lu Chticago. Aug. Fcoeilcb epent Tueoday ait the stock yard@ buvlng attle. A few persona from bore attended the picule ut the Poujomoy echoal on Joue 21. Mis Elizabeth McCarthy, teacher o) tai scitool, having eiosed echool for the preseut Lerm s'ili'atteud Normal sebool at DeKalh ti@i, smmer. Mise Bemtha Grabev, empioyed St C. Erhust'o store, je onabie ta vork ai preseul, havlng sipraiued ber s'rist in a faîl recent>'. The second prîmar>' clas0fr thei Evaugelicai Sonda>' school enjo>'ed a real picntc iasL Wednesas at Wlug Pari sud Lard', Pavk lu Elgin. The Boy Scoute ai palatine, apeut a les' daye camping near the laite boe. F. lBoLtwell Io st present apending i les' weetss'ith the Andrews. J. Dyuioud la Latiug Mr. Laun'o pîace at thte bhaut, viile te latter ilaaa' on s vacation. Eleanor Flanuigan f.a pediug a veel with ber grand parenta ut; Hlgitsood. Mr. sud AMr@. Wm. Eltutan, Jr., and son, Giens'ood, epout lthe week-end vitl Mir. aud lire. H. Seip lu Chicago. Mr. sud lire. A. Klrenbaum @euet the week-end s: J. lSchneider'@ home. lire. Ernst, of Baramington, la viaiting at Lb. home of ber eau, C. Ernst, oai ie Village. DUFMD B. V. Haie af Nes' YorkCit>', vlsited hie mother, lir@ L. C. Haole laits Tue*. dsy. Air. sud lire. Fred Hlorenberger snd lirs. M. Horeuberger vere t.eSunda>' gueulse ofHeur>' Bebrua oi Gleucoe. The Po vert>' part>' gi ven b> te R. N. aif A'. lait Frida>' ulgit waa well attend. ed sud ail eujoyed s good simue. Tii.> veve ahle fv4m te praceeds tu mate a liberal donstion ta lhe local RIed Croe. Alei Willmsn, ai Camp Peary', Great Late&, apont Saturda>' sud Suda>' vîtu te home faits. Mise Elizabeth Riecheiltveturned la DeKaît, Monda>' morulug 10 attend somamer echool, alter apending a shoart vacation st home. Our C. E. socleties attended the caunt>' meeting st Highland Part Saturda>' itîgit. Airs. Dr. .nat s'as cslled to liprlng- field, Wednesday b>'tLb, death ai ber brothor. Mr. sud Airs. Bert BI>' ai Chicago, spent Souda>' smang thoîr frienda. Dr. E. Hall, vita bai beau catlug for D>r. Davis' practicoealliée bis enliatment, ba tatou 4p a practice lu Coa City', Ii. Mise Munule litryter ai ChIcaga, viiited 51 ber brother, Irvîn filvykert.hLb pas: rock. lire. J. A. Riechelt, Br., aud cbildreu lave gone ta Solder, Coln., lor several weeks. Mr. Riecheit wii loas' bem the lait ai tbf.s'weet. lire. R. M. V'entbisbeen lu Highland Park the psst yack vilit ber mot ber, Mv,. Mary Mohîke, s'bo suffered a etroke ol Paralysie lait Weduesday. Floyd Gunekel bai moved bi@ famil>' lîito the Hateh bouse. Mvi. Ira Gardner, Bert E a n d famillY sud F. H. Meyer sul)fàmtl> tteuded te graduation oxorcleee st evwie fstute Titorada>' eveiug, litse Ele8norlieyer helng one ai -the gradu. tee. Mis Alînira itocteubact. aldest dapg. er of (). 1. Rockeubacb and Albert ieYbeck, ai Chads'ick, IIi, uvprlecd beir man>' ileu4e Monda>' b>' belng oleti>' marrled lu the Baptlsà hciurcb at Waokegau Misé.iMarjorle Barrit>' la speudlng iteý vacation viii lire. Bla'jaaiofW#y#ega Mlie Anmle Bleimehi bai resnnsed ber dettes with the. N. W. R. R. compan>'. f1au wili set a fellow If ho ltaye la it long lire. E Pyle wse the week-end guest *uougb. Just 24 houri ailer a>' pal 0f ber daughter. lire. Rd Blngham of (Jîbeon vsutaken downu b Ibhehogpît&l Chicag. 1 I came dowu. It'a a âlue tbloi, beesu Idfu Elisuor UNeyer ha, tatou a pool. jan ses l'y, been over bol'. neari>' s Jear io, es chemiet neth Mrri, & Co. sud t'y, not oui>'@seen but bhvoe si pacters of Chicago perleuced uesrly everytblng aver ber. Air, aud lirs. E. B. Sherman aud ezeept the.itoepltal service. Nos ' l'y daughtervivllted hie .1,1er, Mr@..B. Ada.. f got that lnunoui igbt. 1 was @bot dovu aud other relatives Mouds'. 'from the iront ta an'Aierlcan itrot Id The-Woujau', Mîslouar>' of the Pr,.. dreosslng station, Lbeu toasu Amerlcau byterlan churcb aet for an ail day field oasplel, sud te uext inorulug wvu mietlng lu tb. Comnunîty Hfouse lait brought to thîs French hospital. The Thureda>'. Th% foreuoou sud up util gai bunud me s lîtiîs about te eyes 2 o'clock wsi pent lu dolng lRed Cro,. sud s 11111e on ibe body, but veau>' 'm work. At 2 o'claek the regular Miusiou- feelfin le. The ladt le 1 thînt I1swai srY meetungswai couducted hy Mr. J. A. due for a>' on@ day a year'o sictgues1 RIecheit, gr., aud the ouhject of Cuba anyway sud tLblgas sort ofi uueatélid sud Porto Rico îtudied. me. However, V'y, heen liq titis hospîtal ouI> one day (2 day, Ince 1 leisthLb front) sud Lb. French major doctorsys I'iflOUTUP1Y I eau îoave tomovrros marnîug. l'il sîmpi>' bave to be quiet sIlîttie w bile. BOY SU FER.S Tbst aean l'Il tske a vacation oi s i dan't boy wb.r, il go robabi>' finI ta Baie 1, where f a IlUNS IIAS U XS for te tiret five montba lu France. ta Mir@. Betty West 1 la- receipt of the. fOllos'lng letter from ber sou, Frank H. MM. Weet nov reeldeaIu Lods, 111. Tite Il'est@ are, il tuos' u intiie localit>', s'bere Lb,>' formevlv llred.1 Deareet M titer0O mi.,:Ma 12 19 . It'a a quarter pant tselve an te nigbt of Motbera' Day, aud l'uintcoiug-to s'rite tu yaU belon 1I go 1tulied. l'ybeen viaitlug thé association, along tehen sud bave again liitened to the roar of the cannon sud sec tic bureitung @bells. l've aleo talktd to nu,>'y of the boys sud nted their citeerfu1une.e and oplImimu. Ou Lbhevitole Lheyr, a rame lunch ai follios'. I bail a Mile chitLit one >'oong fllow ws'hoin i ics'ut the Uni. versit>' 01fWimecou 1 hi ave ,een inu> flue cbaps vbom I kw ut ai eîsouin, sud ail s'iom I have o.smo reacquittlng ibemeelves nohi>'. The 'i.M. C. A. had service, lu ail the hub ol in ubonor of tb. mother sud s'as tiec anse nf thou- Bande ai mothers' hcarte holng tuade gisd because thousande of letters e ee wrItten Lt teir motiter Iîy the oldier boys lu a foreiguniad. Tut. tount sud i viited the but togetiier Ioda>'. I s'ib I cpold de.cribe itiec onurto .vou. lu the litatee ho'@ a traivelinig anan Irîtu Washington, D. C. lore le'. a s9eller of Jo>," for Lb. Y. M. C . .fe's s&unique character, a true frieud, a icreat folios' La, pot acrous, viatwrer lie onderlakes sud bea sa genulue. The folios'. ail lite him. Titough ho'@ a bit rough sud moud>'. We itad a Sune chance tu chat. We contpsred notes on our Idea, ai Christianit>'. He la a nember of tb, Bapîi,î churth.hntli salal.vaChrietian Scientiet. We are quite agreed upon One point, hovever, sud chat le that te important thiug W tu serve the soldier, sud uat psy toit ueitutentiOn 10 the rlvi. 'lhe frlil&e'eem pitab>' sîtîil sud out of PIase boresuad >et somo peuple came ovev sud seem ta mise@ltes'hole Point. 0f course the boysucùar. ýSoute ai their language je pretty vile, but evevytîig iseraggerated hers. Ordinur>' term, sud Isuguage aseeme luadequate; but Yoo seelits ai Itleisasd mou are ready La tait Ireel>' about titemeelve, thOîr lires, bupes, fears, loved ane@, etc. àdlu'Y ai Our Y. M. C. A. oecretarlee are sevvlug Dual u>'cigarettes, Lobacco, chocolat., etc.. but te deeper ueed, ai vi Il. Teoterds>' ouna>'trip 1I sitaking a couple of aur eecretaries w'ho hua beeu siigbtly gaseed La a bospital, sud van rigit lto a service, a ver>' iuterestiug une, ton. Out ou Lb. las'u lu front of the boopital tente te meeting,@s'ai belug heid. Tite Victrola, one oifte greatest ioy-glvere lu France,Ws'aIn lthe center-beelde Il Lbtheoeretary sud cros'ded arauud hlm the aldiere. soute bad ou Autemican uniforme. Saute via bad been gassed'sud badt tros' a wa> temr clotites bad ountse Frencht bine. Ail vero inter, ted sud appreclatlve. Boy olten 1 ait bsck sud long to ho able myqeif, and for ail[Our oecretarlee Loabl he tLo a>'asd do Lttioge ueoed- fui, sJesus s'ae. WbsL uie Be vould makfte ' ai tb matchiese OppartoniltiIf, 0Ad> HIe migit sait about the»e camp. lu tbefieet se Be did lu Palestine. Wbat might b, vrougit fur lthe Kingdom If eacb eecretsc>' coold bave Hi@ paver, Hie tact, Hi, passion for men. But ve're juet the same imperfeet ituman beinge that als'aya bave been feehi>' promoting Bis wart, else It long &igo voold have grown lu oxtent sud paver s'a>' beyond wbst Il nos' ia. Weil, moîber n'muine, sud bas' are You? Wouldu't mate muof as@Didier, would >'uu? A 15 or 20 mulle bite in on. la>' soUidu'L go sWeuls'itb you. Thaut goau, yau are ual wbere You nsed ta b. disiurbed b>'lthe var except îym. Pathoticsll>' sud b>'tho bigier prîtes. 1 &ut nal isckiug for auytblng. 1 have Clotho@, food and &Il the camiorts 1 need. Of course vs don't oxpect usucit hove lunlthe s'a>'0o! muforta. Batbh@are ùused. We us candies praclical>' ai- aOgether, sud y. lot ordinar>' chili>' weather go b>'suad neyer thblutofaI Olre, lut men s'eil clotbied dou'L need s lire URIe-, it geta pretî>' cold. Muet (!]ose nos'. (lve a>' lave 10 ail te foike sud George's at Ttawvli,. The qeclosed Saoy er h, 'liothore' Va>' fo ver, picked ln France and varu b>' me. Tour loving ion, A Feucb Hosptal, gay> 24. Dear Brother Wilt suaidàAl JEh le@,, bre 1 am. Thia bloomin' Bothe gît a>' sommer cîotbee, etc. l'il pro. babi>' peud aies' days &bore renewlng aid assocations, and titea 1 don't tuas' vitere. Weil, I muet, 1 h ave otber letters La vrlte. Au revoir.* Your lovlug brother, Frant H. West. DEFECT R CAItE. LESSNES.S CAUSED FORT ACCIDENT Col. Burkhart Unable ta Ac- count for 'Explosion of the Trench Mortar Thursday Waokegan, Jue il. At 3 o'clack a message tram ttc Fort Sheridan itospilal itraugit f10db til. Etafemeint: The tva fficerý4 lt- jured lunte explosion yesterday are gettlng an fine.'rTe report f hat iyie s'ould surely die lu erraneous. fHe lg flot f'nlalIv lnjured. Hie itip bas flot hecu shot as'ay." Col. Samuel Burkhart o! Fort Slter. (Lno, coxumentlng on lte accident -at vlie fort, Titursdayvitercin tva dam-1 mîssioned officers wcre huit. dpsIîired thc accidént vas dep eltiter to a defect ln thé morlar or la careles s'arkmanshlp. Tva officers ver. victime aorlte, first semious accident of tite var ut the fort. A ies' hiree-inch trench mortar vas. being tried ouI webn the barrel horst, the steel fragment. etri'rlug tite tva men. Thec lnjîired meou are Second icolut Bernard S. Honles whtose rlgitt hlp '513 abot awai- ana Li cul. Driver, vito surtalned tva fractures, Internailin- JurIes andi severe laceralions. ils conadition la crîlîcal. Hurles& cannaI recot or. Hie borne 1e near Linc-în, Neb. Lieut. Drivers, home le lu Pitila. dcipb la. He le atlacbed la te ordi. fiance reserve camps. Hla sMarrled. Tht- explosion occurred on te edge af a cliU near the barraclis. NOTICES MY> vile bsylog lef t my>'bed sud board, I am ual vesponaîbie for au>' debte coltracted b>' auyoue but myseli. Berman ScItuider, Ares, lit. WOMAN 84 YEARSý OLD REQISTRS AS AN MIEN EI3M Had Read ln a German Paper that German Women Were Required te Register WaukeMu, June 18. "Tg tbf.s here you regIater?" At te souud of Lb. tlmld vol ce s'lth te pronounced Oerman accent, Deek Sergeaut Pran>' Tryon or lte eCntISl poilie tation4 looked un front bis desk tta se wio vas speak- lng. Thte iPeaker wae a little white- baired, nid lady. lu cespouse ta quý!es flons elle admnitted ltat ste s'as 84 pears old, but neyer bad becoome nat- urallzed. Site seaksE fnglait rather brolcenl>'. h. sld site iad read lu aGla-papie, tiat al vaneji Ô! LGermsn brit wbo ha.d lot been ual. urallzed wonid bave to do noe apd ehe 'svnted ta obey lte lau'. of th. na. tion o!fiter adoption. Mite smiled ai ah. s'at required tô. have benlger print, tavreu, taking te proeelig good.naturedly. 8h. could not se . ow -site could be re- garded as an allen enemy but an long ase itehad been plaeed In. tlitetcIai sie vwu ready aud s'lUing to compl>' wlth lte requlr.rnents. Duly thvee allen s'opeu regisfered on Weduesday, brinlg theL total nombher ta la Up to Wednesday night. Tt ls flgumed titat titIs, Perhaps, le about auc'.fourtb aoflte nunber s'io e».t are flot regltterlug more prompt- ly te Police have ual yel hppn able ta figure out. Titev look for a rosit Henry Ford's gift ta humanity ta help win the war by lnereasing food production Pursuant ta Governor Lowden's request, 750 Ford- son Tractors have been alotted to Illinois, of which Lake county will obtaun a few. l'bey wil positively be distributec from factory to farmer at FACTORY PRICE If you wish ta obtain a Fordson Tractor on thia non-profit basis, file application with me at once L. A. WALKER, AUTHORIZED FORD DISTRIBUTOR EDITORS FR01 MEXICO C133 DRIIL 0f JAÀCKIS Maneuvers of 7,000 Men in White- Unlforms ai Great Lakes Impresses Them The Mexîcan edîlore traveilng trough the United filMes as gue.its of Lb. govemument Nlonday vielted lite greatent lfltsnd naval training sta- lion lu the s'orld at Great Lakes, and were lnteusely enthuelaetic over s'bat lte>' sas'. More titan 7.000 Jackes lu spoLe 9 witite unforms paaeed lu evles' sud execuled intricale Ovolutlons .belore the editorm. Tie spectacle thriled the visitors Imb voluble praise. Spectacle Impresses Theom, Atter Lie squares b.d passed 2,000> of te boy. lu open formation on lte parade grousd vînt titrougi tIhe rifle.. drill l imte f music. Theu lie>' laid dowu thaîlr rifes, tramn their leg- glus dres' forth Ls'o email signal fiag. eacit, and s'eut tbraugh the sema- piture drill ta lthe musir af thte maeseli band. W ile te exhiititon ws ai Iurog- rose Ureut. Leelilammand fies' aver the grolânds several tinte. A nmber o! visitors declared: 'We have uevur seen aur lmagined anythlng lik tI. Tl va. a marvelous Spectacle, bof b lu point of beaut>' sud lu point of discipline and epirit lunlte s'ar." The editors sere driven tu te Crc'at Lakes in automobiles wllh vomen voluntepr drievrq lu nafty of- Phone 21 LibertyAille, IIL Libertyville, Ill., June 24th, 1918 Mr. John Hodge, District Manager, Michigan Mutual Life mns. Co.,, Area, 111. Dear Sir: - 1 acknowledge with thanks your .company's check for One Thousand Dollars ($1,.000.00), in seule- ment of al daima"undier poicy No. 124748, now ter- minated by the death of my late -hushanel, Fritz Carl- son, at Gaeat Laies Naval Training Station. The above numbered policy was issued on March 9, 1915, and tihe amount of premiums paid the Michi- gan Mutual Life was $1 26.72, leaving a cash return over coat to the insurecJ's estate the aum of $873.28. I believe Life Insurance is the best thing and shal glaclly recommend your co mpany to any person who would imaure. Again thanking you and assuring you of my ap- preciation of the benefit of your insurance work, I amn Yaurs truly, INA CARLSON, Widow and Beneficiary of the late Fritz Carlson, deceased.

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