CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LA&K-E COUNTY, INDEPENDENT VOL. XXVI.-NO. 27 INDEPENDENT Lake County ' Big Weekly acubgoa reAidrthm eî W ee.ùes mn Gunty Goinned TWELVE PAGES LIBERTY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIURSDAY, JUILY 4,1918 WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAII IN ADVX AFTER THE WAR Had America Aemained Nwtrîl THE GERMAN AMBITION THE HUN'S BIOGESI GUN U~1 IL ESCAPED LUNATIC "SUGAR SIIOPPERS"1 FROM EL61IN LOCAT- SIIOULDBEWARE FI AT GDAVÇ1 AVIP LU 1AI URIJ>LAIU Fred Wyss Phcked up When he Was Found Phcking WiId Flowers BROIJGHT TO COUNTY JAILr Identification Marks Assist Authorities in Learning of His Escape Monday A mo n who gave tise neme of Fri-l" Wvs ad who laer was found tu Lwe anp e-caped lurratc from, the insane a j um et pgn aepce up at Grauslakc l'ridav afuernoon1 visen his peculîcr actio-., ail racted attention 1[0 hi.m Il. wwaa brought the [hakbe countu- Jeil by Sapervisor A. T. WýVhte Attention o! pa.q'esby was aI- Irec[ed inoWyes wben lie was secs Io ho wandernz cth ie rvadwayo and Ihrigha [th c'ld. gahorng large ermsfiih of wild il 'wpr.,,TiAe matter wes refsprred fn the cuPeru-lor atndc he t[ook [hic fellccw imb cu' ody. i Al. the counby jeti W yss 9 wae srced îlanid w- ound ta isavê identification met-a on hls clothtng.a On.tcong quetiosod lie odmttted Se wes f ram the Elgin esylum. Tise local autisoribles communteat- ed wlth he asylum a.nd wes inform-t ed bist Wyss bad made bisesaepe lest %Mondey. A lelernîined search lias becs ruade for hlm, but the guards were able t0 obtaîn nu tracesd of hie wisereaboubs. Tisey came t10 Waukegen today and ook tise fellows bacle witistisen. The bellef provill blet Wyscs wandered on foot from Elgin to Grayslake.t ISULL BUILDS ÀA CLUB FOR Boys e AT LIBERTYVILLE Ten Eu-anton hîgis scisoofl boys aret In chou-r ouI on the Hawthorne farm neer ihort 'ville. Tisey are tiltIng1 thse soli for Samuel Inquli. chairmatu of tlic'Staio Counnil o!f Dofense, Who bu hecn Instrum,'stal In seading tbousaiîds of sclcicailbo s to tise ]and for wairttie agriculture. Ose o! lits problemR bas been tb secure proper livng condions forl bts sdiers of thec solit.lia had a1 bouse btylt for tisem eapectellv and1 lnetalled a piano, phonograpis and ooudes o! reading [natter.< Tise detegatton tIi overalls, consist1 of William Ileath. Ravmund -Mar-1 thens. Frank and Jpbn 'Pabter, Gor-1 don Sergent. Carl and Ralpis Smith, 0 Richard Green, Richard Hess and1 Austin Plckhard.1 PICKED UP AS A BAKERS ALLOWED VAGRÂNT; FOUND FLOUR INCREASE Ti'b1 l E çVRTPP liE U1 PC IN 1111 V The United bIae food adniirîîeumratiuu 1il 1Du* ieJiun 1 LIN le gcl gtu, tind theb.I sloWwhc, le tr,iug bo tae ,tbe sugar t'ut 01I the moutha of cih.lbîenvn ou'iy 1 rcre" o0Martin Anderson, Taken linder suceétr are ri julrtd tic îisj a lut ut ail "Work or Fight" Rule. To ..uw&r uJcd tu c,netini-r« Be Sent to Camp Grant Th5 rcccrd of thi-e malerOuet be ept ____ ii muIIh anmaucuer [bat they me> b4 reaclily censased by tue local foojd ARRESTED AT RONDOUT acllulsitratur lu every toc L@lip andr t<Ple uNing more than bures pountdeiq 0I sugar muithly per poson for ordlnery HeId in County Jail. Register- PuPfl il he nobltld %bat tbey ow ed at Hillsboro, N. D. then somethina te belr country and il they Disappeared dont wjsbta givè li tbey M&3 as Weil move back so the old country. This dues mot lu any way change the %Waulcegani, June 28. rullng coverl g uge? for the cannlug. jPlcked unc am a vagrent under thse The food administratio)n weuîs svery "eAork or fight' ruliug, Martin An- bIt t cnnig due tat o psèlie.derson who hail Irom lîllîctuore, N. it cha tse peing donsthat la prosible1 .,[ibas been fouait[o ?uc, a de3erter &tecbntsar pemliedb elive suarand wlll be rcmoved to Camp Grant for canulug tu lots up bu 25 pounids et a 1 eat Monda> on crders front the t11m1 If their suppli- wllî warrant. Ail Waukegan draIl board, Anderson deliver inl ee of 25 pound per lemliy occuples a cell aIi theo Uke county muallt byve the wrltteu epprovel out heý al locl uo Amiuîîrto MaIrur- Anderson, in coinpany with a lucl Fod dmiistato. ioetmeri numiser cef other alieged vagrantas, chanté are conilling thelr prenent de. I was takien loto cuslody et Rondout liveries lu 10 Pounds, but le Ioshoged end 1 about a week or [eu days ago. AI- expec'tvd [ber moure sugar wilî lie ai-ail. thougis It was apparent lie wa.a wlth- elle from munth l. [i ronîi as the seeson ln the draft age lie did flot have a registratiln card and wauu turnad edeanea. Mu(-h cennlng lmceibcg done over 10 Ithe ciîstods' o! Sherif G ffla. wiîh r-a Whte corn. yrnp and Andersuo informc-d thec sheriff thet bouey. The cutt l lgbrly mare, htn Ile reglstered for the draft et fibla. tbîs abould be nu binderane t u thuse boro, N.D.,and Investigation proved ho re n ernmt bolt onsrvIgthet the statement was correct. fi food. Corodereble t-ennlng lq betug lzet town almost imnedltely after6 doue wthout any auge? et ail. Fruit ward wtthout eaevlng any forwardlng mey be thus conoerved end may hoa addrese for lis mai] and Itf'ealms swelètened wben opeued and when arej possible to communîcate wrt bhm. ahouid lie erallable. . He was cîassed as e deserter. Local1 rebellera are planning meesures S hirsff nforrnatlois was recelvad b 1Sel Griffin this morning anud tprutect thelr suplie by eoutrecting1 lmmedlaiely look Anderson before for family suigar supple@. This besis tise memberg of the draft boarct,,who wlll furniali them with data froin wblch questloned hlm cloeely. Thea rosult ibs sey lsecure thse suger they aewee ctiiet they decidsd lha ahould bie ar Iducýted Into service lmmediately eutitled to frccm thse wholesaler. Ail and lie Will elaiton to Camp Grùt retallers are now requlred tu gîve suger Monday. certîflcates furnîahied by bise foodad-ed -whitle in the strict senséeto the miitrablon ta thse wbolesaler when word Anderson te a deserter. 1 puirliasîniz suger, as muai also resteu-* think fit sa.9 carelosones more ths.n anything else,," Dr. Knlght, chairmau rantm and eeu buerdlng bouses ervîng of the draft hoard sald. "The conrse twecfty or more peFrsons. open to usitsowcver, le to Induet hlm toto service lmmediatety." FIRST ARM YCORPS CON- SISI 0 F THREE DIVISIONS (By Uniteit PAesa Washington, JuiY 1t-Amnerls. tiraI full armny corps consiste of firgt, second anid thîrd iOegMJr army divi. &Ions, undor command cf Qeenral Munter Liggett. The fit-t division la under tGn. Bal. lard, the seconid under Gon. iusndy knd the third uaider Son. Blokman. It la ansumed that another corps la being formed te comlprse th. firai field army whlch wll beunder son. Lîggt. POSSIBILITY 0f WAR SAOINS DAY EÀRLY CULL FOR 1WAS OBSERYED DRAFTED MEN, SEEN'! IN LIBERTI VILLE, WVauI k n b [al. -ihave pceue 'Lilertyville ubserved National War wi84h conîiderable -atisfactIOU th ' New 21 YarOl Savtr t il laes& Frîclat, by holding e r in(!-ý,(f ihe federal ton rea IdnglLan s adml:ui,-îî r tuai lise wlll ce at Are in Line to Be CaIIed p.tiltie c etlge letwsl î lowed an i( oi. f 30 per cent liti chucal audItoriu lu i a t ci-cong. vhen tise amnoui't r L.iberty flour diiri!t , From Waukegan aporm ossigu prpit tise mon! ' .Jý'tuty. Tise Inro- nusic and addreoses, cas given. Music basb re :,aithepd ea ire ofîh N YTwan furnlsbed l.y thse Libertyrtîle band proraisinL, Aiion o! the uaiSR CIN S tadts iîi a uetuec.Pu thie lialue ti ' -becs restrîcterl ho actiullln acted a cheirmen, and @piou. 70 per cen t e amouiit usd <lur-dld eddreosea were given by Major K. tng thse i r -Inding pcî bd 5la Drfst.t EFruon Ith rtîi rm n year. ; Dfaft B~oard Expects toAssîgnBFruo fthBiisaisan I3ecatise -f the supertor qualit% of Order Numbers of Men in- Attorney George K. Rogers, a promineut thse bread a'iInîher gond. w liiih , atetorney ot Lake Foreet. bave been p. rduced bu- the local bah I 1 Itheiiext rew .ea,@Ta1hmelnstrdtsp1rot eries. btherI-tuu&fld for their goouli' lot te ee InFtrdticsemunio-àu ha been unru 1ally is§avv manv who 1o h »Ul lIlgomat a werefori i .ustomers of g7roccirs There 00w aepecr iis h. o doub suubyStrdyesale uf War isandIiig f ago-mede hread rom- but that the 194 21-yeariold men Rai-luge ala&mpO, wbitb wes about pllnn o i r lilty. :oft a fe%' fioul Waukegau afld iicinit> wbo $2,300. Frlday'e sales totaled about complaintsIlic beeri beerd that lhe registered for thse draft on June' L $1,0o. mixtur a-cl Hie inporte breido! Ibis year, will ha in active service nFia Hecoty VrSvng la causîng anîoylflg akîn ei'uPtIlis. before thc end uf tise ytar. Just U rda h o-nvbr aig These liai-,'l' . peal'ance o! mas-I wben they willtlhe cîlled la not known etamp ciouteat clooed. Seven Liberty- quito bite-. Whiite tise are an:lov as bise local board bas recel ed n ville achol children perticlpelied, DorIs tng, tiey soot. disappear and no gei- instructIons on thla poinrt. but Itla Kaiser tu.piptngtise lIaot lOcal èontesb- loua afler esfic ta are apparent pears tisat the lime la net feir iiwayent@, securgubg *3,201.25 lunpledgeai. Tise The couii.,iala agaînit [lie Cht- for ailtihe dasona men from tise. neareat t li er was Kathryn Mars.5 wbo cago bread romelieceuse of t hei i1 firat registration already have beoî Ing o! sofi cinwitis the wbeet flour called 10 tise colorsaend eltiser are oecereci 41.5J3 25 iu piedges. Tise and othor ing,-edients, a praetîle In France or In training camus. aruersaf o Lie aaounc-ed from wtilci s i-i been resorted to1I iii hèîre is somne douibt as to whorui tWaukcegal~ilîle" wesk. f ao grffat a b ,gree by [lie loczi er tlie youngsters" wtll be called Theie bd5c- eecured by blia local eauo. s bgkerles. fui diîrlng tise monlis o! Jul " v<sIliii- tentants actre s fuillus: i nte appoire to be atteadt o! ils quic- Doris Kaàiser ..................*3 ,01 2.-5 Fo > ~ albut tomne o!the. undoubdly N ?,wbll lie called out hcy Augiuî r No Katbryîi urte.................. 1,533.25n TO STUDY EMDdefinîte orclers liai 0e tenî. r,.coiied Elenor lAaldo ................. 1,260.40 r AT as yet wlbh regard ho bise giving out Florence Lui-cil .................. 752.50 I of order numbers huit It lic exvested Arthsur Sllan............. ... 355.50 PRESERVATION A T hatiiswillî lie doue wîthîn tise neît Ur f(teieci......65 TW ._ E TN i ~The que stionnair: of1thue n:w ben ITaodPtal................... 25.0 N E 14 ETIN S rcalled loto bbe service by tise draft B witin the neat two weeks and as Fratu [ecemiber 2, 1917, uptuand s Tise food [rsr-etton sehoot held et soion as tbe-se are filld the men wtll includiiug June 22, 1918, 3,122 $500l Llberbyvlllî' iel week, and wiehlcb ws li called for medic alexaminatîon In Wer Savlngi. stemleo were scld ut the lergely etteiidýidl'y représenbative woru. fti orcler of lise îrafb. Just as soon t en Irom ail cicr the counuy, wibl be foib a. [ho niedival examlnations are uyer local pcistufhes, and ýduring thes weak i tawed tis ecoicdîvetk la July by a Orlestlice sien will be classlfled. JUne 24 tuc June 29, inclusive, 1,017 f of ownbil uli-tngsIn h& lItresý Widh1vi a large demand for muen dur- *5 00 %Var Saèvinga etomtmps were acaîd, i ut~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~w twsu'cctîgabts utrcu.llur.the mouIhse ofAuguet and 6ep- buirug risrl3 nthilrd ot the total uum- e food conservationu. teuîîber lb ta not sxpected biset a ber cof tWur Sevings eaes sold ta I À speaker fttriie foodeadministrationu greuit [inau-retea-seB willt bc glu-en t *1i1 lie prescit al eaccis0f these rmeettiigs ',f*yo .gte[fs, 10 jobuin îtsof daei' tho armye by enlistmeni. Tise local Iii bucinue tbe Tbrift sîamp saléesi aud e ceniniicg dc[Mnosretion wtll fui, huards'have flot as yet racelved any thl, sales for tise lest week in JuneI low. Speciel attention wllu be glu-eu bu ordîr resclndlng the permit for sucis tccut'i tic *o4,373.89. c tbe canunng ofb Vfgtables. m é no î o enter tise Davy, provlded lboy Fuillccwing le bise complets sale of War t Follawlng ire the date@siethbe me Il. !are flot rembers of tise current quo- luge:I ta, and bhesa releuses are ablîl belng Scîviligs encd Thrltt starupseat the localt Jl 1,kVla nic nUatilgrantedl. ptictclice tua date: I July 1-'vci Fremout, and Walu- ITALIANS HAVE RECAP- airy19>.........12I couds. TR 2IMOTNJPIT eicuary 1s- ) July 11-lienin, Newport end IVar- UE. MOTN ONSFtrai........,73 yen. <yUniteilProes) Macilbi ..-...... 40 July 12-E;&, %ernon aud West Deer. London, July 1-The Italans bave Alil -..........922........ field. ~cptured Col Dol. Moo nsd Cima May . ........................ 37 9.73 led cEchei. and- reretbilshed their usme Jn ......... .... ........ ,283.18 at that point as lb was before the Aui. - De ual expect Our mon toi die for juu trlan offeruive, t was Iearned tocia>'. Ticl.......$U17 Il you areul wolth living for. Sho5wHungarlan soldiae, who hâve ce. Our ermy end navy biset you are worthy 1:cntybentratiaferred f rom Russia. of protection. Sais btistheutmoot o rn1 fgiiîg.want. For0li. etc«0 edslan Ile-fN jour ablilty and huy War Savîng@, The. ndepenident ;ut» -Librtyilta .DEPENDENT reeh 115,)1111111sm etampa witis your satvbnge. tiret. weeltîy., tj FIRST LAI(E CO. MARINE IS BAIJLý HURT IN FRAI NbeI Edwin White of Fox L One o! the Men Who 89i Been Hiting the Kunh WAS SERIOIJSLY WOURI Parents Get Message Stu That He Was Hurt in Aý thon on June the l6th 'We rcgrct4to inirorm you th9 Pri'.ate Noel Edwin White Vi seriously wourided in act4 June 16."-Adjutant GenhVkd department. The above mesage Ca me .Su -1110 nîoulito lr. and Mrs. \\ ut e oý Fox 1La. w eh"'Il pw~ dvrîs, and it tdoi, o the In11aI th 'r 2,1-year old un la the fiMi in France. Fui 11cr than the above they rc Ino lnforoý,aon and nAt ly are deeply ceoncerned over-hil: ldion aitIhe pre,cnt time. Th, message on Suuiday folE the r .,,,ipt on Frliday and Bato "i f 1-1ers wei ci li e youni i liid vit tefSfrouî Franee Yong White, P.Iio es 20 yeaiiý1 en > Idistfai:n [lhe Marinis Chicag,,. Accordîng te the 101 re--u frein hlm !e has beeIu a detcliment of! U S. Marines h )Pt,'ein dolng se, i*ivaliant Osé fighting the Gër.n;» .-'. There l quosi on about il b bt that i InJur,- 'Inbaction hecause thel ines hai c certain;N ceen la S slice 1h y ,larlcd ,oIng ailler, un. S( Iar s kîown, Whl-o hr thie memnber .ît the U. S. Miarines l.alk e 'o uy to b, uîiueed W lotic- ;bLroad. I., fart, ho lq ci'.,uçCount , \', oiow* %.sho 13 liszn*t:]..1.1the Fiance. THINK STOLI3N TOS ARE 11D013N IN LK3CU Belief Expressed in KU that Organized GanlaO eratinq in County MANY eARS ARE St«I Suggests that Cars -Are guised.and Then Are 84l in Several Other Cii That an organized band of ii mobile îhiees have etabltshed treat in the northern part of County whc-re stolen. automoblle taken, dlsguised and finally .I some othuer ci? y. Is Ice oplfin prevails In Kenoiaha. The 1501. automobiles haie b.een stoea Waîîkegan and dtbtrr pointe aloia n orth s hores aûd neyer have,1 recovered lenda strength to aU theory. The police of WVýauke4an havi fortunate In recover<ng the in*S of cars bisat bave beeon taken OW $orne other cities they have not é go fortunate. Ilere l9 what the Kenosba 14 Baye of the probaullity of a "f4« betng operated in Lake county: "Auto thieves have been prettg, tîve in Kenosha In recent mojattie the police have beiso pristyas fui in loeatlng aulumobiles stola1 the ni t losq has been det small. The repborts from othetti Indicate that the autoniobileI hau e bevn aCîlu ýait a&lng North shore for atîveral mâoatMý1 that lliey bave aecured la thé forhood of 20 cars from Nortà. cibles just outolde of lcb. thought tbat thlçe automobuq being btdden someu"here Ji northern part of Lake couaty. M and are belng hil tor utt' îlîcy can be proporly <ttsgublU [lien sold In Chicago or-seomne O City. -DO YOU -ADVEIT Thse codflah laye a mUilbo. s WbUle the beiplul bon blayp ose; But the rodflih dosa@flot cacli., To Iuform sou wbat obei. 4oe. And sec we sý-orn the codffh-co6y. But the helpini hon wa pse;s Whieh lndieie te, tbeUghth"mwo kt pays ta advergse.-ffx. 1 ii sii1I* ...1t dduS BRITISH- HOSPITAL SHIP SUNi B VA GERMAN U-BOAT cny Unted Prose) London, Juiy 1.-Tii. British hos- pilai shlp Llcfldovery Câsîle, was 1cr- pedoed and sunk 116 Milt m ôulh of Fastnet, England, Thursday night, the admlratty announced today., Two hundred and thirty.four of ber crew are missîn>e..Tii. steamer was homeward bound from Canada and had' n, alsck or wouflded aboard. Twenty-four of ber crew have reach- ed port. Tih. suismarIne. preferred slInklng the. ahlp tb examlning lier, tihe admlraity enid. 7-

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