CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 12

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q" Ir !Yi~E 1NDEP1~N~NT, TmIRSDÀY... £Trhv ~I. p ~ MAI TL. lie iven Increases Accord- ing to Class of Work PASS SANITARY MEASURE Morit Rule For Ice Cream, Parlors, Etc.: Council Ad- journs IJntiI Wednesday WORK 0F CITY COUNCIL. W*ukegmn. July 2. 1-Policemen andi firemen get $10 lauresas; ther Ciy employes te get ieeasaccordlng te clasa af cm. *~~~~ lartatc paseti providlng mlttsey restrictions ln thc methoti epfvlng foodi, le cream andi sot 3-Pltsreport la presenteti show. Stotal of 73 arteste during June; collectati in fines V. police. The long discusstd increase In «MA for city firemen anti police- IIRAILvas grantei by the city corn- uiien Monday night when: an ardu. Svspassei granting tbes tvaw 0f W"t cty employes an itcrease etA10 per nsontb. Captiain of both iegtý.ta untier the nev achedule WvIli J1v. 4106 per mantb; firat seur iup l receive $90> per montb; sec- cOU year men vîli get $95 andimn iýho have served over two ycars will IMt$J10. Tise saiary of the calime *&As [ot at $30 per inontb. 'lh, chief *9ire departinent andt he assis. ifpolice titi fot get a k esplution vas pâsseti permitting laisof departinents ta rats en. %o~s vione ages are not fixeti owblaaoe anti provliing that the _îoeu1 are fit In excesa o! 42 *>Unper hour the increases ta lie « theon itclo f vork. These t5Ie laages are ta be subjeot to ',vaof lthe counili. Salaries ai re oaa b raiseti wbere nec- Tise MAXIMUM mount to be Il - er* : day. mfltemy Ordinance. IDlaaôcordtance vith a request re. paiveti trouain lht officiaIs et the nav- 10 atiosuthe "cMmission papseti an *UUm ceviicb la aimet! to lm.- »Pov» saaitary Conditions In local es. tablissmeta mvbicb serve food, ie UWOMand a soft drîns. Among the. '»tgt in l the ordinance are the 111111o11viag: Establishments must be *urideti vith ecreen doors anti vin. dffl; soft drinks in botties muet b. efl'vud la tbbe original containers 11Ftt& a strav; paper cups muet ho lin t place of glsses; @puons, etc. 111u1lsifDot ho usesi a second time until dberiieti by boiling wter or livo 4te..; foodut nuit ite exposedti ~ das o-contamInatIon of any kinti; cl4~gquartiers 1 n ilces wberc h lo ervei wtll not bÎ toierateti. 0» - ortvao!OfIhe comnmisioners Stha" Ilaisly tise ortinance 11111111 vork a har"ssp on a rew 4liders but passeti It becauâe flsey hie <bat it voulti more of -6 àf r ta lbe thousants of sali. &IL s the station. One or tva corn hÉisaoees tbaught ipossibiy th. Usesure aight bc amendeti latgr ta inuilt thie use of glasses vhere tbey ae aterilizet i th boiling vater amb imein after being useti. luch change iili lot lie matie unless ap- pa.Yaj la given by naval station auw thoriume. The Police Report. The police report for thie month «t June shaveti a total of 73 arreats, 844» 0cOllecte.d la police fines anti $19 collecteti In "rle rerelpts. The 41to41eed report tohlova: Veatictiarg dlaorderly bouse-t. luisates of tiiortierly liause-6. Vles solicitlng on treta-2. àW*eness-2. ~acy-29. Pfflhiuigvithout a icenae-i. Oktàai#g mansy under taise pre âcaPed iroS Glenvoati school-2. Wlie beter-1. Total -- . OUyovero--5. 0=a34 total-73. NoIcé court ftnes-$444.20. amet.r&eetptk-s$1. Other Work Done, CîMMissioner Durst reportet the àg@. u theii.$40.000 vortb 0f bonds hr 440m taIo ailacy, Stevart eni ÔdMiilbY 0f'Chicago, anti thaugbt b, 1000111 An excellent ane vhen itl a O5S«dered that tsa many bonds bave 10e. Sotet of late. Cb"nztsoner 8wayer reporteti SCty -Phsicien J. C. Foley le 11111IiAg the City to- enter the govern. 1111116M ervice but Sas not resigneti lji0,-@lMionb ers. alIovlng Dr. Bei- ,è Ï to Sdut lhe vork es -bas been 1,1111, ttias evsn Dr. P'olcy bas mm4 OtOtthe City. ; MbmMmeinr Orvia reParteti that 11111Msc tau h- ypo vasta pipe a ana' more trouble vith the hypo tante tu the Water. Cbaima of $24.60 andi $9;96 taeEn- gineer Stewart andi former Engineer Morgan of the water vorlu, vere ai- lowed. They complained that they hadt net been paiti for overtimo put lmi John Latviatisa asked for a rebate of $2. He saiti Ste laid palt $3 Il- Cense for a female dog andt hen had found that bis dog vas a male. The flatter of iqaking an investigation vas referred te Commîssioner Orvis. Ii. pAyroli fo rthe 11«t half or June was ailoveti, Mayor Pearct' casting the Ofly tiîssenting vote. S The annual appropriation ordi- fiance vas brought up. but coulti fot bll inresenteti because the schooi board bas nlot yet flleti the emount of money It wiii peed for the year. Thse board wiii take up this mattor tanight and the commission adjourfi. ed until tomorrow mornlng at 9 o'clock go that the appropriation or- dInance can bc presented I a that time. Annocunceinent ;las heen receiveti here of the marri&geý of Wells Not- tingham in Clorntx. recently. the bride being aofIliai vicin4ty. loie 1 a brothler of Mrs.- Clarence 'iicks anti la veil knas,, iIn this city. Dr. E. F. Gavîn Ici t Saturday for California in be goie until Septem- ber. He *111 visit bis relatives afld do -considerable iraeling before re. turnIng. Mr iss Botsford, deputy In the. offce of tlie circuit cliik. is enjoying a twti veeks' vacation. She expects to spend part of thc vacation In Wscon- sin anti;part Ilu Wlnona, Nflnn., vi*it- Ig ber braitler. Frank Gorgan anld Mabel Hegt, ailia&Zick,, botb of Rondout, were srrsjgned before Police !lagitrate Taylor today on a ebargeof larceny. TheY admitteti having apProPriatect the automobile 6wned by the young vanman's father and golng te Chicago where tbey vert. arrestet Iin a room- Ing bouse. They vers hbeld ta theý grand jury In bonds ci $1.000 each. They were neot able te obtain bonds anti vert.remand tiettht' county Jali. The yopng wotlsan's failler vas net Inelined -ta extenti lenency te ber. Foodi Admînistrator John S. Clark today annaunced a reise In the, price a! xiew potatoea. The present price la 89 cents per petik. Under the new schedule the growers are allowedti t charge 75 Ceints per peck. The reasont for the Increase ls said to bc a big shartage that hap, developeti. h ts -eXpected that tlhe price of sugir viii btc Increased at the veekly foond Meeting to;norrow night. Today In Chicago the formil steps toward the North Shore Santary Dis- trict tkng titi. to the thirty acres of landi on the laite shore north o! the barber verse xecuteti. The prîce was $16,000. The site la ta -be useti for a dippoaUl plant te handie Waiu- kegaa's sewage. The boardi cantract. et saine turne ago ta talc. the. landi Ifrain the Waukegau syndicale vhicb I purchaseti tnome two years ega. T lhe price was $500 an acre. The local Police receiveti word ta. day te be on the watch for a man from Miwaukee vlîo is allegedtie1 bave stolen $1000 anti an auto. T'he Red Cross seving day for tbe 0. E. S. vhich vas ta be held Fr1. day ha$s been Indefinitely postpan. Pd. Everett Wllbur who came hlome rom ValPiriso tn apenti Sunday vith relatives was transferreti on Montiay ta Indianapolis for further training. Mr. andi Mrs. E. E. Allen of Sher. man Place received word Yesterday that their son Harold,. bat arrived @3felY tu Fronce. Fie is with tbe en- gineering corps. 'Te ahortage of substitutes la malt- Ing it impassible fur letter carriers ta start their annual vascation@. They wers ta have started them July 1. Efforts are bcbng matie ta make satis. factory arrangements. Luincb yUl be seived as usualail the Ried Cross sbop tomorrow at 12:30. The hostesseB are tirs. H.. E. Harrington, Mra. Thom, and lirs. Gleave. -Please cames and bring Yotir friends. The funeral of the laie Henry Broecker vas belt ibtis afternoan Front bthe hurcb Of the Immaculate Conception, hurl being la St. Mary's cemeterY. Many frientis o! the weil known Man attendeti the services. The case of Loula poncher whlch vas to have been beard In police court this afternoon bas been Con- tinued ta Frliay due te the fact liai Poncher vas out of towai this alter. noua. It la saidti laI the automobile ts in bis vife's name anti that anb bas pait the license. B eginninsg neat and last. ing for two Mouithatiuring the aum- mer, the Broadway theater wil Ilfi Open but tva days a wee'ý. A vaude. ville and moving picture prograin vili te shown cacb Saturtiay and Sun- day. A Waukegan Mon reportedte to he police Mondey nigbt tisat he vas rabl. lied of $6 by two gyPsY vomen. He Raid tbey taid is fortune for tven- ty- fis4 Cents andthton vantedte10feel lls ral of bille. He gratifieti their request anti they grSbbed the mon. eY Rn dran. Thel William Moran company of JIoliet aPPeareti before Jutige Persans In couLnly court todjgy anti ought ta abtaia approval o! their deinnt for $30,00 for ertras put in vben tbe .'moîber s9*er vwas canstructed in North Ci«90 th 1312. The contract, price.vas 845.510. 0f Ibis amount ail but 42,'00 basl been paii. lThe con- tractors refuse ta acet ii.ron Lake County 'a Grýe#~t Store for Women Extra Special!.!- Chiid3 Dresses to 1.50 This la an unusual sale indeed, of!ering an agBortment of really band. Me styles ineluding those pretty middy dresses. Gingham Dresses fo 4.00 at 2.98 Sites. up to 14, in a wide range of Dretty -gtrliah" modela, la itizfda 3cks and- plain colore, witb organdie and pique eGliars, new belts, pockets, CBhidren' s Coais F Iii the July Sale Iat h.alf price Values to 16.50 fIn Womneiï's Satin and Taffeta --,%ilDresses -at 12.75 Dresses In the moet wantcd styles and coloringa In good quality satin andti tffetas In tunic. drape, panel andi ruffled effects. Many have Geor- gette crepe sîseves ani collars or colored embroidery. Women's Summer Jersey Dresses Speciaily Priced at 22.50 AIl the rage-and very becaming indeed are these vooi jersey drejsses with their fltted bodices, pointed tunica, tsseled sashes and their clever em. belitobments of l)k and wool einbroidery or buttons and soutasb braiti; grey, rookie, etc. Women's Fancy SiIk Boot Hose 69C 1.50 SUIkHose Boys'- Wash Suits lIn a Sale 8c¶$ Coats!1 Coats!1 Coats! velues to 16.50 et Values to 27.50 et 9e75- 16095 At $9.76 are serges, p OPlIn. mixtures and novelty fa bricB ln navy, brown, grey, green and rookie. At $16.95 are gabardines, yood velours, serges, wool poplins.,,Çovert clotbs, trench couts. importeti mixtures, etc. Woril' SilIk Gloires 89C vw alet 1.39 Women'as ilik Glones lin, nany. The famous Mohawk double grey, black ai ihle, in. a&U tippes, pupe ka ova W inaau silo.colorg an ies.s il Ai1XfrIw Go. Lake Countys Greatest Store for Women and Children Fr. &SM peiisl *f rel WashDress wes ý_to$7-i.0 ai __ A -very reniarkable saleI il ____ (ICCd. A spqeial puî"1îase- li;s just been 1received anîd w~i11 lu placed on sale Fida iî aî dî~ lIci a îiuixîber of pietty sty les inî t vaiit. h ofv I N. anîd sizes. *Wash Dresses to.$ 12.50 -in the July Sale Doteino pety tlasvarit. ncludesa n fl s e t-ic ir a- lai;,etr.. In plaidi. chcck», plain colona anti *oniîtdpîons in the mast strlking modela %Sale of Mercerized and Wool Sweaters 3019810 & 5098 At lhese two .prices Iliee are slipovcr sleeve1ess swe;iteis ort 'those buttoîîiîîguloiIi tili rnt in strikiîig colors, prettY ll. n ilost ail sizes. Special JuIy Sale- New Waîsts to,$2.00 ai le1.7 Silk-stripe voiles, batistes and plainî voiles i wvhite anîd narrow or wide stripes in înany wanted colorings. New collans and conipicte range of sizes. Sit Waists Up to $8.00 Special for Frlday and Saturday -.-aA5gi% Haîidsorne georgette silk crepe waists iii plain white and colons elaborately ernbroidered in the clevere8t of designe in silk and beaded effecte. All sizes to choose from. Special Sale of-P-- Middy Blouses & 1Smocks $1.60 midtiy blouses la plain white or vhite with caloreti trimming in button or lace styles, specla' ... . $2.50 smocks anti midtiy blouses In nev atyle in vhite anti colora, eff.etiveiy trimmeti,'aIl sizes, pea ai ........................ 1.98 Striking coloringa In smocks ai ariat Ilnen, rajah effecta, sheer 2 R voiles, etc., in values ta 1.50 at... 17 1 1.50 and 1.75 Values in--- -Cora.t Covera -Cheuma. $ 0119 -Pettcoat -Nightw. The bloomers are flesh colored, lto corset envers, gowns, petticoats andi Chemise are white andi very elaborateiy trinmoted i vtb acsadebroidery. 1098 3.98 For Wash Skirts Up For-Po P-li- aéd.Wmh to 3.50 Sts to,9"8 Plain. wite. sU1inezsud, hecks 511itk lnoews- aMd vaOM ty In'pretty nev styles'anti excellent BItAntsln plain white ass4 iqiored vsr mýateria la lavalue up ta 83.50. effecta iln cottano toms,61. a 5098 For Silk- Skirts Up to $9.00 Satin aIs-tpe aillitaffeta ani piot. y %ik pOPlin Sklrts-as Well s» ariety a! nev wagh skirts svht .d colora. Sale Children's White Dresses At each one of these prices y3ou eau effect ait important savîng and at the saînp time get a haîîdsoîîîe dress ini middv styles anid others lace and eînbroidery trinuncd. il [Il- 1 ,T

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