CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 2

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-I S. De PROCTOR Wfites un haadsof hi je MNSURANCE bl Vire, LUt@. Accident sud - Plate Glass.&u- Pa tomobile sud ýWorkIflg. HE mis'Compensation, bk Q( See Him Before PIacing Your Inaurance b 1%ome154R -s LUbertyvile. ID. SOe.Deeku".Drug Store ýW1ELL DRILUING lit v eV m tewrite lt.,us. WM$tERMN & DOLAN Ni S ZION CITY AI 'iBAIRSTOW M111ANUFACTIUR or0 %aoàbIe andGranite ,Monuments bometery Work of Ever', Description N C4wmev.ndence 5olicited D l6LeineSeeSt àM-FEX S. BURGESS IÜNERAL CONTRÂCTOR r on. iktone *ork, plsstsring ýýW brick work. Boier work aud ý doveus a peciti. Jbbgsud repalng prornptly sud2 , qomêyeu rdwsopsieP DR-. GL AYORG laeFii Nailal Bank snii ,41u10.- 'oue-.0lied.7Pon85-. m onDroadwy. ooite. r DENTIST. non"8 c 12s m. su ta Sp. m. WW lAs. N. BTEPone15. D ~ eii Uou iron 10 ltidscesu i. DR.E ELs, i. MTH.c e E55zm. ud or lisse . DAS . N. TrEIEL .1) PYTEIIÂRT&MURGEON. ut"o iveu VtoeDiseaeIn. té g er éà o, Tl10[uiainis. Ue ELHANAN W. COLBY =s a4 om, Cook Av. Phone 168J ASRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Lys£L il MORRIS ~ Ubetyvile Illinos Lace BtudiIju. laiselu-IL oUephoue l MArffl r- DBCKE WMIGN, - ILLINOIS OBus Phonse 848 Bes. Phone 1860-R UM E A M SURG ON WL"es c1 omsa. mM s.e Ooesm llou f ret. cmii Ver CIAG, L L ERTYVHJLE D:NDEPEtDET, Tiu tsDÂY, juLy 4,,'1918 Réal Estato Trans? ors ( June 26, 1918. Mary J. Fticlite G. A. Mitchell, lot 1. utherland & Jenaen'sBui., ln Dock 4, Ladd & George's Add., lot 5, lon'. Suli., in block 9, Ladd & Gorge's Add.. and N 78 ft. lut 13, blk 29, Original Waukogan, WD, e10. Theresa E. 1'eterson ta Florence R Park, et aI.. part ut S 33.' ft. lot 59, ligh'wood and Und 1-3 lots 1 ta 8 bloc 3. Buwchell's Suli., Highwaod, QCD $10. J. S. Gridley and wife et aI.. ta Lena Hess, lot 15, bloc'& 2, Ever- bree Suh., on Long Lake, 'WD, $1 m0 KÂRRIÂGEIR ICMI8ES. Fenton E. Engebrelsen, Ilgle, B Win.. 29; Bessie Faeatel. sanie. 24. John Domagelekl, Milwaukee, 24; Pearl Zinke, sama .26. Ehuil P'. Otto. Briatol, Wis., 21;- Nancy L. Werner, Kenoaha. 20. bwigbt L, Duvaîll Greât Laites, 22; Nell E., Maer, Moatîcello, . T.19. Wm. Swsusoa, Warredi Twp., 34; ti Anna Velin. Chicago, 34. Dewey DinneUs., Chicag,2;Lil- s tan KurzinMk, lame. 20.x Jelin L Otiflu, Zion City, 21; H-acel M. Leiby, smre, 24. f Wm. Melntyre. Chicago, 47; Anna Pierce,. mre, 38. Ernery N. Hogeneon. Me.nitavac. 22; Inca Walterbacb. same. 20. D1i Albert Heybeck ,Chadwick, ., 2; lmira ltockenbaeb. Deevfleld, 20. i Edw. M. O'Shea. Lincoln, Neli., 23. Florence H. Wood, sanie. 23. Louis C. Thuering. Milwauke, i; 1 Elsie Seibert. marne .28. Wm. G. Clark, Chicago, 33; Verni E. Stearais, same, 21. Joseph E. Bcbvabe, Milwauakee, 21. Mari. Stocýkey, @&me, 22. Pauli oI. Laitone, Zion City, 27; Dorotby Saffe Clendinen, sanie, 32.t Ed1w. C. Kluge. Camp Grant, 23; Ella Mueiler, Chicago, 18. Wim. Ohm, -Milwaukee, 23; Pearlr p](ehler, saem, 21..1 P Chas Schuçnaciier, Milwaulcss, 41; Nel111. Sîanson ,same, 41.; Lester iheBl. Sheboygan, 21; Je- mina Berg, "em. 19. Fred H. Ziuer, Lepon, Wis., 28., Mabol Oranger, smre, 19. Gordon L Hansen, Camp Custer, 22, Cana I. Stevenson, ý,IIwaukee, 21. Augiit D. Walker, Great Lakes, 21; Alite Walsh., Waukegan, 16. Chas. K. Willett. Chicago, 46; Mary R. Neville. sme. 40. (lAwrence Cardwell, Lonitaville, Ky., 21; Hazel Kînner, Racine, 18. Edw. Nichels. Grifton, Wis.. 2r, Ida Maiilach, Kiel, Win. 24. Thomas G. Coleman ,Great Lakos, 25; Eartt6ra A. Whitehead. Waudte- ga, 26. Barthel Eaiglund, Kenosha, 24; An- M Moberg, @&ee.24. Wm. J. Loverr, Milwaukee, If; Hertba Olderabausen, Soiath Milwau- ke. 20. Chas. Constance, Waupaca.Wls.. 28;- Emma gents, same, 21. Amcble H. FulIer, Racine,83; lMar- tha Jentsen, same, 33. Samuel Filsher, Chicago, 83; Ailes Greenwiy, sane, -35. -Sylvester Kasprza', Chicago, 33; Tillie Gors-ki, Milwaukee, 20. Win. Johnison, Milwaukee, 39; Alene Nearrd same, 29. Ira Gibson, Great L.akos, 21; Lor- eita Eggert, Evanston, 18. Orval C. .Iirrett, .hA'ea, 19; Ifthel D. Casoy, Llbertyville, 18. Wrn. T. Larver, Pt. Sheridan, 32; Helen G. Schneider ,Highland Park, 30. ,Newell S. 8-wann, Camp Custer, 25; Effie F. Brown, Horlonville, Wis., 25. Holgor Thoansen. Kenoaba, 23; An. ni Hansen àaame, 24. Percy C. L Clayton, Zion City, 33; Frances W. Bagley, sanie, 29. Boni.- H. -elvin, Great Lakes, 22; Louise Bush, Wiulcogan. 20. Gityla Cima, Milwaukee, 39- Mary Otrorer. sanie, 25. Marguerite Tilton, Waaikegan. 22; John W. Holley, Great LakLes, 23. F'rank A. Hansen, Wadsworth, 27, Louisa D. Hoff, Aptioch, 19. Chas. Stewart. Racine, ±!; Mabel Guibrouson, marne, 23. Louis Toarout, GreaI Laites, 2: WinnIfred Marundy, Shawnee, Okha.. 21harry T. Errett. Great Laites, 22; Mary P. Ylynn, Milford, 0., 21. Walter H. McClaren, Chicago, 36; Gertrude Smlith, smne.s9. Jas. T. Mîllane, Chicago, a6$: Fieda Egg8ebrecbt, Milwaukee .27. Arthur 1. Walker, Milweakee, 23;, Manie Theimer, Menuaha. Wla., 21. Cbam. W. Barlach, MerriI, Wis., 44; Jenale Samerlield, Watortovu,. Win.. 44. falph A, Moore. Oceaiomowre, Wis. U' Ble" L Bobress,isame. 22,, &Jse DsbaprDiu>. N»ve.ukee, 34; Au»a Barbants, same, 37. Mauarice Cestella, Camp pester. 33; Ilatti e ls, Milwmue, 24., Unooln Jehe,01000 ne»ton, 44; Blanche Claambers, sMme, le. Wm. Buobacli, Rockterd. 36; Leua ARsdt "lme, 3S& 8-19e W. Brova.; '3t0el M. William, cere, 21. Frak K-se, Chicage, .31: ml aBoyke, sanie, 20. 13-et G. HOffma, Chicego, 48-, Mary A. Carson, smre, 17. AubreY D. Hughes, Highland Park. . 9; Geraîdlne Vent. Chicago, 21.,1 Alvia g, 11'ipch, 'MjPvaubEý B; lOance Beyer, ame, 27. Jay C. Stricbland, Kansa City, .Ma.. 34; Rose Bohîson. St. Cloud, 1Mi. 2S. WmV . Scberbeith, Milwauke,2î; LElado Scheel, sanie, 21. Ael Hall, Kenosha, 29LA!imboelI A REA..&L TRACTOR ;AAITY TO BE -1 509000 AT NAVAL STATION'ERE LONGi Recently Authorized Improive-S ments Explained ln' Detail Show Huge Plans WiII Be Carried Through at Once NEW GATE AT NORTH S PART 0F THE STATION Basis of 50 Square Feet to a Man is the Way the flansa Are Working out; Captain î M*Ifett Back from,,Wash. ington, Much Pleased o Great Làakes Naval Training Sta- tion soon vilI le a clty of 50,000 tran- ient lubabitanti. n Ciptain WlliaM A. MoU oIt, coin. mandant, annlouneied yasberday upon a hies returu troin Washingto that a, tour millions of dollars are ta l ie speut ln increasing the capacity of a he station. Captain Moffeit viasln O conference 'with Secretary of the l iavy Joephus Diulels, R.ear-Admiral L,. G. Palmer chief o! th. bureau orf civigalion, and otiier officers of the e îavy depirtmeul. Plana for thé additions are now lie-1 .ng cotipleted sud actual work will commence ut Once.1 Great L.ake@, nov the largest nav- al tiaiing satitl ln the world, will lu enrollinent anl area soon lie more than Iwice as big as any of! the other stations lu Arnerica. Additions authoriezd are: 1--Construction cf four new regi- mental imite wilh barracks and mess hall& for iAOO mon each. 0-it. coompieton ,of two new rogimnesial-. unité nose being eetalt- Ilsd Ea Camp Paul Jones. 3-An increse In lthe water sup. ply equigmnwl accommodaIS a population of 50,000 and mure fire protection. 4-An Incresse ln the hospîtl, mick bey, and cubici. equlpment of the campe. 5--The Inwsediate construction of a litge cald-storage plant. S-The construection of e field ath. foli building on 1he new athlelc field ln Camp Paul Jones. 7-The Improvement of ait roada In lihe station and un extcle.eon of th. ro.d syslem through «il 1h. campa. 8--An addition t 1h. iground avia- lion camp recentiy apened. 9.-A new entrance t0o ie station a quarter of e mile north te h.prea- ont &ln Get connectlng the new aviation camp wlth the r-allroad, eieclric linos, and highways by a new viaduct. On tb. aulhorised basis o! 50 squtare feel of! Saur space for oach man., the a&dditions authorized men an increaise ln the loousing capaclly lu backs for 12,000 men. This bringa the. total permanent houslng capucily oftIhe station up ta more Iban 33,004 men. This, vili lh, lents nov being used for housing 15,000 meu. yul liring lte grand to- tal up ta nearly 50,000 mon. ejEnrolîmntlof recniats lu lie train- edaI Great Laies wilIlibe speedod up aI once," Cîptain MoffetI aIse an- nounced. If le expet tut dnibm and enroilmenta lu the Ninîli, Tenîh and Eleventh Naval Districts, which are controlled by Great Laies, wili average more than 1,000 dally. Men vii lie ordored ta report to Great Laies for active dnty Imme- dlmlely upon lieing received tmb the service. Ail records for the numben of men ,who enter Great Laites and for tbe nuinbers wbo leave at the compte- lion of their training have been liraI- en lu the lasItva omouthu; land -lth the uew facillîles for haudUing men, the anumber o! men trulnod yul lie greater Iban evor. Captain Moffett vas accompauied te, Wlaahlngtan hy Civil Ungineer W. H. Allen, publie wangi officer. RAiN O0f TiURS. WORTHI TIOUSANDS -TO LAIECOINY Oaseoft houegenîle raine Ihat Mr. ehakespesie wvrolout danSnded upon Waukemsansd violnlty yester- day aflernansd neulastaInOur midch il«I a ltle barPrw & algbI. Weatiier recorde show l ta beý,the tfialsince eanly la lune. Il vau Ibrice velcome: tIsaI la la Sa?. 10il th asmeis, the vsr gardeners sud th. gaoare. Fer seMotthe fsirways bsomiing parehedland the mreu dnld? Th« W.ers Theii.nuasnt the. savift oft heu- sads of acres.oft vistaI, s. harleY, carn afi potateest trougbost the couaby. Thoes ladbeen no rata O consequeeofer thre. voetiand grain grevth had atoes FAIL VO PAV WI4IEL VAXI, ARRESTED ANDOFINEO Waaukegan. JUIY l. e Augual -Gustatson, 1009 Leunox av- 'iJETRES MUSI PRO VIDE FRESII AIR FOR SAILORS ;anitation Campaign by Great Lakes Officiais to Extend to LocalTheatres ý TO BE ENFORCED HERE ;ailots Wiii Be lnstruoted flot I to Visit Houses Where the I Ventilation Is Bad ,Health i oncaî at Great Lakes now are turning their attention Intheii Leatres of Waukegan and Intend to se that these theaters are ventilated roloeî*1y. ,Thea4.res bhldYi dii no crnPly with requests aloug this lime ar apt to lose the patronage of Jckies because the latter will b. ln- sructed by oScials of the statto aIt ta vieil those places. !o This step la following close on the action or the station officials ln lit- lsatlng that asatary regulations he >llowed ln Waukegîn places which Bipply JaadIes with food, tee creamûL r sort drln'<a. Most of the theaters ln the clty have ventllating devicei. V.hether all of these will corne up to standards prescribed by the gov- emfment rernains ta be seen. Mer. le what lte Great Lekes Bal. letin says'of the latelit move: The next step ln the cleanup cam- paign or the blighborhood sîirround- fig Great Lakes will lie directed againît theaters which do flot pro- vide fresh air for their patrons, le he announacement of Dr. D. S. Hillis, sanitation afficer. (Dr. Hilai stated that as go the pressent drive to have ail food establishments whIch sailors patron- ze ln a sanitary condition Is corn- fleted, attention will lie turned tn theaters. "Most local laws insist on air puritying &allances,.' sud Dr. Milli, "but f ew authorities ses ta their be- ng used properly and continually. We have had ta tell theater managers repeîtedly about their laxity ln wateblng the ventilation and aisoaon as soon as we have the eating plac- .. talcen car. of we are going to ln- sist that our men go only ta places where theY cn breathe pure air." PUBLIC SAVED IMMEDIATE RISE IN PRICE 0F M IILK But 13 Cent Quarts May Corne If the Price of Feed Keeps on Going Up There will lie no Irumediate in- creuse in the price of milk to lei consumer. Duri'ig July milk wIlI remain at 12 cents a quart. In Au- gust. If the prkces of feeds anti erain are the turne as tuey were 'n A,,gus, last year, the ;price of milk ta the3 consumer will jump lu l? cents a quart. The July price was agreë-t upon Saturday by a commnttee of the manufucturers of coadensed talk and lee cream, the ps-od-icers and the distributurs. ln confereuce ln Chica- go, wlthx W. E. Laib, representutive uf the federal foodl ndmin'straticn. Il. was fixed ai $2.30 a hundred pounds to the producers, îvifh will shlow the price to remain wbaere il 1s. iThe prices wil hld gooti for JulY only. Oin July 15, there wiilieb anotber conferenceeuf the ir,1l kinterests with Mr. Lamb, ait whuch the August price dili be îgreed upj)n and iixed. Mow El Was Fixed. The prtce flied Saturduy represents the differential in price last yeîr ln July over June. Then the price stood a.t $1.60 or June and Jurnped* ta $2.12 cents lu July. This year the June price was $1.80 and Increased in the sme percentage as last year, which msde the price for July thla1 year $2.30. The milk Interests agreed yester- day upon a method of fixing prices for the next six nionthi, month by month. On the 15th of eacli month they wll meet wIth the reprosenta- tives ofthtle federal food administra- tion and fix the pricesfor the suc- ceedlng month. The monthly price wilîlbe bannît on s formula of the amount of feed It tasea ta produee 100, poundi *of milir. TisBformula. OOnelid the. food administration la that i takes 20 pounds of corn, 24 pounda cf mixed other grain reeds, 110 pounda or hay, and three boitas of l4a bor t0 produce 10t) pounds of milki, on an average tbe yet.r round. Dlfference in Yild. Durinz nmornethelb.months mol ml'< ia produced for thus amount o tend than ln other months. l was learned aIea thàt the colo- tract between the drivers' union a- th. distributors wiî expire at the' eud ot Juiy. The drivers, itla sia4,. are aslcing for an increaeof $4,~ week for deliver'. This wlll meaX, i la estianated, together with là,. creased prices ofies and Increaseo freight rates, tbut it wlll coit tihe distributors on. cent more a quart lu deliver anilk t Ib It dons undér i -Ag-s DAILY LIMITED, SERVICE ON MHE NORTH SHORE UNE, We offer the following detaided information reggrding service to be obtained on the North Shore Line. We believe the residents of Libertyville will find it useful. Train Schedule Limited trains leave Ubertyville at hourly intervals from 7:22 a. m. until 9:22 p. m. andi connect with imniteti trains for Milwaukee at Lake Bluff Junction., Saturday ahternoons, Sundays and holidays limiteci trains leave Lake Bluff Junction every 30 minutes. LIBERTY VILLE tang to Vn Waukegan..................... 43 mlin. tenoiha............59 min. ..a.................i1h]., 12 Min. Xilwaukeo ...............i1 hr., 58 min. Parlor car are attached to trains Dining cars are attached to trains leaving Lake Bluff junction, at leaving Lake Bluff junction at 9:54 a. mn. and 2:54 P. m. Chairs, 12:54 p. m. and 5:54 p. m. 28 cents, including war tax. ForJ'i&tr indformaation oppiv to saeest ticet ffou if te NORTHl SEORB LINE Chicago Ticket Office Libertyvifle Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket Office L eu thcEnït BrePlie., th.nyilie 74 IV Seeid SBren Phie,,.dra 0M Plise. Grind 1136 I Converts 70 ur Auto Into a powerf ul tractor in 30 minutes THE INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR UNIT selle for $35000 kt makes a powerful Tractor of any Auto in thirty minutes and reconverti fromn Tractor to Auto in lesa rime, Every fariner wili wanî an INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 48-inch wheels, I 0-inch face, steel -front rima cf improved tractor type, 3-point sus- pension, hardenedirelier gears. Itis practically Fool-proof. Mechanically right, it solves the farmers' Tracter, power and labor problern in a reliable and practicèal way. A SUPERIOR MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE-DOES NOT REQUIRE AN EXPERT TO HANDLE It is streng and of simple construction. Any man, boy or girl who can run an Auto can operate it. Does the work of from 4 to 8 horses andi two farm hands Plowing, Harrowing. Disking. Listing, Mowing, Road-grading, Harvesting, Etc. Let us tell you all about thia Wonderful Tracter Unit. SECURITIES TRUST CO. 910 So.. Mlidean Bird. CHICAGO FOR l)EAILED INFORMItATION, ADDRESS INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Karpea Building CHICAGO, ILL. t ta ,FI -

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