CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 3

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UBERTYILLE I~DEPNIT, THR SDÂY, JULY-, 1918 A, la bobs mraled by local hardware LOCALWORI(3R.S lrma thst it WUIl h Posible for LOCA WOR ERSthem to use wozen and grls lnatead RI3A y -f men, becaule ut the nature of the R A TO OBtY 1 0 dteorders of ProvostNÀr Db aal General Cros-der ail workerý i FEDERA ORDER1t' e non-productive emjlayments w iii FE E AL O e compelled ofn tepSijs Many Preparing ta Accept r-of the election boards are toa ployAmnent in More Useful -f' il anfinding it w-i i eur. t lier & i121111Yfe:.'to Lineof Ocupaion eral free emuloyment b)ure"u. The officiais of the selectlon hoard.i EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 'AIDS are aalced to "use commun sen." 1 ______the enforcement tif theniaw and t Wauî'ganworers rc irîalnggrant ime t10 nien n-I)roIiiii- Wa'0ýa oby u ii lter &fare ls--i)ii lines n whlch to flud other wîrk. if new federal "wok or fig* t" order, there is reamonlble'eitT effetît., r are making an honeat effort to obeY efetv nJuls 1. Ater the oominn h a.bthv enînu ~[i week , t ýiLý )- tIon d tiother thellndnw orut for be c btey ar Uînes uor .i,, ii ithan that : In flîtdn okfrwi te r wblch ihey h;",- ,i nengaged i l td the pasi l,. u-tus i lousps ar'- also trepai ng to iiiiy thie iaw nuit wllI replauail îoin coning indr fl -w r(.qtulatio>nas %%ilt i n cm. HIiREE O01 RAI R W A laie'. number of he lave VIs- lied tike hîadquarterm of 1the local tpCe TCI I£ S lectlon bowirds, asldng a ruling on thelr û tsi-c, f<llowng 1theiterpreta -I UPOB C tivn tof the liwne asanddduwn b A SS P .D C Untllth1e ruling by the provot nasr- Pliai -leraI, 1the local bords re- (uaed 10 lpans on any cas prespented to them. Are Barbera Cnier Ban? An lnterestlng qupstion which bua corne ut, I.' svbtb"r or 111>1youflg =ncn cnîîloyed ti nanrb-r -îiwfII be requlred to linîl tîther -nploymr-iî'. Athotigli rn, ruli11g'lias jet-n mad- on this pointi, it s -xPeîcted that the number of barbi ro in the city wl lie naaerlally cut down, not only be- cause <oIflie néed of werkérs In oth or ines, but alio because off th-- fidl lng off o ftrade in ail of the abolis of th.. <iy becausu of the larie îîitnî ht-r ut >sing mnîwliu bave bec: calleýd itth 1e mllar-> serv ice Il lii regardî-'l iat there are siafftéent mncuof mature yî-ir9 engaged in thel trad. l ' aukeýgaîn 10 landie ail uf lii- ttt" vriut thie Shlis. Aniuiiîîr prob]luiti ' ih wlîili the- oivla!i of - 1e ,--c i thouboards la, Iiiîîi ilefi)i-W -Ielawhcilîer or ,rot il. I-ititfg orilerlng ail male clents lu retati i tabishmen1z ap- plie- wiih -qiiil force 10 thoelIn barils- e-eoriiq<"5 tnTi doc- In g-1 cpry nd dry goudi stores. Th,-Aula U. S. Gen Carelesneas on the part oft îirec employes of the o sirth Shore road is Generai Robert L. Bllard Il .sad iy offille of tufhe comparti 0 - lt of othse Amercan army n Frai bave cauaed tise wreýck aI te iw-if'i laf for tho manner la whlcb tiiey I street station. Itacin.-. Wehne,*day afternoan, n vbicb 60 imernuieru <f the Arnon club wcre hurt. "We have conduclcd a Ihorougli ICtaPR Investigation," Raid E. J. Bock. dlvi. PC P r rTT sion superintendeul, Ibis mornlog, and are convincî-d inat fhree or our A d muen are 10 blarne. Fna. Malorisu KIlTY, NEP XT A. Ca IL. H. Zunebi>' of the' fia-IshI train tu was aht ast n fdling to notice thr Po1 ~ IVE signal of the secoud section et train Ide HE HUfAJ uS IlEN a i2u. lu 'a-bAt-htht- ArIn-tu- 'acre a Ing. Second, Cotîduton C. floc o? tb lie- fieight was ut fis-lt un not sutud jPtHl tW sigo tetuf Inde liaik aiiaguian eontht- aout a Hlbf ihngo tre o loanîi Irai-k. Thiîd, Mtîlitrman 1).rT. Finds Recompense Cornes dl. Ta> Ion. opeating i le Jauig-r fIr ii ta Hlm Who Waits th atrahiARacla- at a rati- of specîl______- entiru-Iy luit great anid ioutrary tu or ji tiers. --ODOR A MERE INCIDENT 'y MNir ffuuk s-la. ut, ttl' te ,av lio________ T)ihe n - lli e iia-t os. do r insPuts 'Kitty" in Box and After Iln puu-hnc'i wli b duStrenuous Ordeal, Makes FIRBT IN LAICE COU NTY-The r a.n ' BL Independent M- eyLurIng igm f iPaft 1l-il ah- ilus cnt 'u-W ti-ii Ington -tr-1,îs - riiting ita ytc ilj othen day irat-b terhynie?h -- -i îe tsteot-ng lorng ah a n-ci- clipi - - - whcn. oftla sidd nhbu - -led s- hîTt i- Fas- , ai- ruiuk and wvit( Ie b it sîei sltiiePid>d àilpicked l itni. Now, satd little kItt has bit! on-. drinie? f î. o? dcen-utu. lhttasn'l a etiager, Il dou-sut biute ver>' llertcly.i - - lslnt mut-h on theclcaa-lutg or ttîtc - s gang feuiture of anemal instinct, Sn, tI. illecrea ture resornte10it- I- me11aus' o" .f' d efre.,se' and, seehng thaT liA.lI va,, a big. birawîus felîow' the p-dusy ttta,-kce tint vitit a yen gean d, P fust Hill Nvas gahute le hung on and lInali>' go! fthe animal home witi ie 1e piaced It n a box.Bolti a-hi uIrew ni-ar hi; hoture, bIs wlCe- j '-ueied a a i" on ai lt-ast site thoughr -11e dld. And, as Pal dru-w nua'r tht-'hose ie as sure Il %vas a rat or Fomicthrng. Tlusn viten hie ent erel tht- room he himseif tain>' i s-as uvercome. If 1e hid heard Mir.a hain' i c-ncusettis sieny of the Tirk andM tite goaf an givetuait the fitamber ofPi Commpec lunchen Thiuraday, te a wus s-d have sald: 'I cala bitf elîbher 1iht- Ttrk, or tegoai. l'Il miried te btt $5V,1" JAt -suv raie"liti vIte sald- 'Oet0 Speed -j -T t ard te d(ii eY-t.1e bailed di, hîs Famlly ncreaaes. 'i peed- Speed! Ail vent s-t-Il until morning and P, ten Hall vent to thu, box 'wh-re he h ad dep-stlcdthie 'I"' liythe niuht c aSam puahed the clock ahead befere. He nutliied is cyffs. ITe 81 ur to give more light. rubbed then Ivce, tben agalu. Sure P eousgh titere thhsy wene-seven ofh Sadvantage of it. You owO it tiien In ail lisring ibe nglt hies rself and your country to make 'catch' had tncreased scven-faîd. f And, as one ielt offit.ttsert 1Is worlh 1t ninute couft. from Il3 te $5 it ddu't laite Hall In your car-pasenger--or colin long t figure ouittst Ih',ad made -10 the limit, -sus-p. a el P. Colt, président of thev J States Rubber Company,WLDW T awaken the country to the IDW S I l nic value. of the automobile RE RaCDB 1.-He eaid- ERD E B a oiized. hesmt REALCOW BOYS t lautomobile is second to the le us an adjunct and supple- Eight Wild Steers From the 7Y to them in collecting and Western Plain Break Loose uting merchandise. i and Travel Over Country 'ners ebould use their cars, AVID RIAR CPT E assenger and commercial, more - -DORIAY ATR Wc hnow United States Tires are g tires. That's why we seIl theni LISERTYVILLE GARAGE BROWN & BOEHMER, Wauconda $CHANCI< HARDWARE CO. AREA CARAGE, Area Farmn Tands Unable to Corral Them and its Necessary ta Seek Expert Aid Th ii"rj-nihy ntitwesl anld veal of Lake Feresi for a fcw days paîl lias S blited somewbat the plains o? t C votThe .presence o? a nu-n- Iber o? reul uowoys viitt lAunaIs bang ho ihrir uaddlc borna, rning Ilte utad throuugli 1h. cosul>' caused people fa sonidîr what vas op. mnu-r>' devel0ps an IbierOstAag ail- uatuion whicb uccessllated 1the arrivai in Lake count>' of these cov-puncit- ers trom te sloctyards ln Chicago. ht semu s hiat a man namcd J. J. ls-nos who ovos a tai-m veat of Laite Forest reecntly boughl a carload f steers, bis plan iteing 10 send Ibeni out lu bis terni and fatten. lalso developed laler Ihat a bunch o! the steers were rea wilid aniais broughi ln f rom the plans of vesternu ades and accorditgly te ordinalt> fencea wbicb ver. about tihe Burns farta provd n barrier to Item and tite> decidcd 10 bako a romp acros Leke Lcount>'. Elght of theao wlId animnaia are said 10 have leaped bthe fences auid du-pIte the efforts of tise farm banda -------- Heywarîl. Remembered the wild Lera ant Stff < oxnn~nd d fthe flos-ers un thse %voit hall ieral aid Sta-- when site read , over cnd oovar, * T7~ÂÂ...ber 'id frlend. Net]l (riffis. a - ite yLiii,!heusedthinga'te lu uirry- .cîrs 1Ai - rl-tena wiuOm site lind heen engaged Dot M, monlbabefire. Shv il ;elived hins Nvuld cO«W riglyt betiîqin thora tins-n te the VI E[ B ALICE KILLIAN day the flinser4 sway cd oui, the Val and, iîeileving, had urtiînied, as WoSm- o n %%Iil] 'i l..uie fla-o-. Iecause aj Il: yrghlt, 918, cm ,.tr m UJsIoo. tbe uttle lreiiiîs s-pt cînes he 1h#& put an ocii. uts-ctwen lierself mti Ilee ui I.' .d us-h lt 11e ln H.WwrIi. and keri t I here. - telegrniilit ]lis tItujil. Th- girls ý,vi itce k u. etitul,1î1iMrs. EBey-,i singing Kltiy s l1.11e soîlg drîficîlllit) WB riïl?-IIywurrl's voîce %v-is cheerthL.ý th11e rinls stIlluii.i. Tho- girl ha uit i - i,ît s vtle sfo dr. 511e sai n ,,-î,1-11- 'tilt î , iail. Shi,î tics he hutteri. door. he ýiii.91btlif i i-s t-r ni,- ir t,) y-ou. Kiltty, thêlý waathuit ulî. fooilislî, fîrgîl Tel îong l~iîilbtîîiIsaeuîîas'~ oif Kittys. hs-l i trc et êre i îîît lr'. IleyNv-ril sllrrodArutiler it. rtý,i I ...3 iî ctt u- etjlcWs If te i hatr ll Iail rhoIîi-î h' inifilgtii. tiiilndery IlliapolntO5i. No earler Ali- iroulî tlotvuse l1:111 s'I itude 1 snimolli Nsili ikiic ird as ss-th hp and 1the soîttt fortcl uluo l" 1it N selfcu. Foîr Ibre,- -ar.aitlougb le milder Ifs tiîîluence, ils lîctrt \'enntt<1111tuneashi- s- înteil t,, -lîlek ont et b«r over faîr sens andîî tihrt s-gb ll ISLI tt iondage. ,' iiibrutsNaudereul, trylng t» landstlit searcit of Killy. Wîîîil,'rfiii furget un. Idol, eday te bis chi. , lhings-uîll suhîg" siriiger hum 51e ltid omi lier handdin tcrewel rie-'y- -vkî,l ,111t-,lhcsîî 11e liî nadî l i it %vntrulout <f Ilrwl A rustli,îg uad l¶etntu t he Wune'n do nuit love perfêcclmen. I haflwny, a frou-frouîî l>a1dlallnctly 1be- Wcs atli an MIi.Clay, puvîaaly. b«l indlate bylbearro i îîdhîsat~f, crnmudig 11e lraIreglar spolie fenininity, anud Heyward Iook-ed îoneiy, te0aili cparances deaefted. ladialor by he a andfaisstef, comaLiing he tret eluisar i-eKtty batted and gowned laAnd ithe bagwnarèf& wth-im nce. wbo won hi» couumendaton fro&'Generai P. C, March. chiot.69 cbaruîlng truî.cllog cttiîr1 beellcting e ly tl the ÂmeranIICA ouieswh captured Ca*tllfly. bAg duorstep. -I touh you were happy.- u8W ____________________________________________________ He sacred at ber bewilderluglY. t Raid, as sbe droPpedbakIt t~~~~~wat theke Bon frile îud u NUU WUr "I wnnteul you to b. " if thBurns ferro, Ihey could net Apnit nightI by te pewvr of a song paliioa An 11cr voirereacbed hlm. ýaTii, e terbtn g t a I r l BUS- aung by an uuknown grl-lt Wa$ thse lie %venut lulier iiiîsrtalnly. "(UIMPd', Tunty- stee hi etig ifa wus lette ALTRwinTO laugblxtg, autnPtuOus Kitty lhe aald. "those ig lires yon apoke, U on e los m e di10 them i alo urawnhersel!. burn dos-n l c l-lookiog usitea th " tisge f candu l,ýY rln I .. i d BA DS atI"rTe bcekman was 50 unertai,"have lAve catirsunder them. cbildr toie f cptrin tiAnhlIiEV LIab e aaid, wth ca notI. bre.hies cach But site shrcnk from hlm. ;etling iut proxllnity t, 14-r .1sjjAf ~ vletîîh'rîehri."i hT EL TL An"r e vietri oriember liu e went back t10liAs chailr and 0 liii iorna Ibat theY ht. i t- r leavu ltd htleIvswo le o down, leaning back as thouigh tired. bon alne.Accrdn,'thesten«got me here, and lue -w-antei 1 take When Mrs4. Heyward conte Aà Witt intinuý-(lin a frc- -i neor ie e.lte r lYirl..Dd slo wq fsit e 0S Itwa- TtusMarried Men Without Children 1el afterM.Ity u Diaknsiho!kfts ev omm ou ays at fou cw-lit hsîrI remy sire surprise >iii iiiriI Iîn ter ahe- iîllnýt notice Kltty'a- eJ -um tbe Cfourcge r IIIt, Are LikeIy ta Be Taken tato ice,'vas cil eluty Itre1 coutilln't re-i tIn or tat Hcyward ias just aol rer pohes bcaeautIaindcr .i -i F11teRanst Ithe Impulse lu i-un up ind dine as citeerftul as n rinerai drector-" -ld andtitnes I te L I) i ci, Fnteal kswith NSoi ard yolu. fi tloyver- îÇlotit an observing woman. vi-dandtun11in i t-uttrs ÇANIG CAS povverîut'lie. 1 I llîlt wî-lgl t îtings. Sh, feil un Kltty aifctonaew6 If lieecounty and li- tre-____- Ii-lbt-lnveflta in eî 0ti ri. (ts front Lakte Foite- ut are ail 1knth e aidIlreu'-. ot, leir V~d qve' sereitcd the streets and atoIo uw bruck safe atndl tr i th1e Where Status of their Classifi- bure stîll. s--ietiii-r sou sîhl l. n et tie hotels. if 1 bad nul met an ON 3urus fatabcbig ai. -aeîlfrem l«.ln i l oti Nt1hriiii nw h 9brlt ,e rest of the cattle ...,faied air- cations H ave-Been Chang- ttwli ntt l eflii't i h a coscieknce, Iwoula btui ouddb, ig dthey StU ac found you. Why didn'l you brisa ____________- ~ lrric me, s-ithot î ~ lte bme, Mr. Heyward? 'Lewia,' t21 tofMIl the depfleted ranks f -Iý' inan!iur1hn Ioid u1.doit' LEASESdi-. -~ ua>', "you hcd beltèr corne here à»i are giaodiî ri>moetraup mibcas-1~lng t5 00e aitîl 'iDe-nih trioeserr. ire. j Kln jtT O 0 Pr-Ihteexicetion o oard. t m, "Ilug.BlthougAbl"h's e -Fo th Trm f te ar"Is This was te predictlon of mnu jI voiesank and stoptîed. How th"er04 Length of Papers Drawn lboard ti- m norutre lu jatts-crhug the-- - flhlttpii otedy hn .h, question. -Wherc are the nien t-otiin P relcî on lte wall was oretug or West Side Park îng fiont toe'-uPPî the 2f< the itov a beLwi1 ____ernnoent s te as-k the Wtiikegauu wo& engnged or wasn'-she oII LAN NEW IMPROVEMENTS district foîr before Januirv Il" j teli s-th ber Renses SaYlng O. The Vaiikegan luoard baaiteen lî'n- LI "! tiugîit," site sbamnicred s£oMM lent laIls classification of marrIed i andA flutig c frightcned appesA ai Pili Be Spot Where Sailors1mn ptedti Nspotdou. ta.n Coming ta Waukegan Can _2dny marriod utetu are in cislWi sîAe lgu hoeARn l e ilthouh t s-ttc-%e are ettîiev-'d su.Ie u L y odo au erî , agssufienteni neet - - au.Aeua îsed od o Go and Enjoy Themselves an-erin agR-- j h their repedua. .shît ~ aoulder ligbtlY. "II mIhav- il- de--hittW'ar Ret-rea Ih lisbi-ieved ihuaI theru Jr-- fes mita e Aao bresst of If," houui l'hion o r -- tis isrictseas aoi ivPu-ut af-t i ibî-slves fcioraudm e-cgatlga a lease for iiutcPark on XWee' 1ushe are ':ut able to flnd enplOy om e edn atlg Wlashengon t'ir, t'Inorsaera l metan>'diporttri i-marilved eu ..soute felows finat memsut 10dines wt and soldler., -i ut cerne t10 is Ciy. tof thiist-ass wcre Placed lu class tme u gi, li br.mesaedt da>' btwet nii War Recreatin their turn. The Wau<egan boardlr1 _T ia lu u nyorhue Board and Ni lus Wetzel, wbo ib as ondeavoircd t,) iave ai home ail greet one to jumtp at Concluutona.ý owner of Ele ciark. TPhe lcmcrarled men if possible. Strde .hBwlernl. aoutit bave told ber aeto000, does nut l hudtsehe balA grounds. , Tite examnatlon of ail cases Witerc Sue tI4r eldrnl. Course.»". formerl>' used b- the west aide cltub men bave iteen graaled deferred ye.Wh were you tarîng et Mn i afsee" muid Mm'.. Heywazd UN whlch srres-n-I by a Drivate cor- classification tut already îinderwaY. @mnbriyaelf. WbylY ad 113l porathon or s-iîiçk compali>'. Aseries tof reclassification-i arc te message? Culdet Uic yuvagne oa euly d bc"Iînil>'ea Accordlng te MnIrWetzel 1the fease ite announccrd f rom lime te ttMg Ir.-neuyfld e«Teeyî syn:bo diy.nIsl"@ndKtY talla for onet - an witbhit1e unden formation. regardhng cases of raft "IHani i tal, wbo wes KîtI>' Manson, "o-dnt1 adKty hiN standing tbat I willi be used for the mer, le welcomed by the board. anyway 'cn cri obtermahour-1--ot1 period of thlu ,,,r no malter bow Men Appear Voluntariiy. lieyward flung iteckit bs bead and firigers o e loilje The plant is t,, make consideraitlechiiaoged ionte past few menthe "Netl a mnan of lte big armY tOf the, re- denly lah. laughed a ow. impr vement, in lue gro uind s and have appetured aIfte board soluntar- Jected. Y u bave vwllcb w-ay S O f! u -bling lAugit of content that i make the plat-e 1 ver>' attractive onie îîy te gise informiation in regard ho turg tu us. Thal," writlu e gemîuffe eOd wt deeper notes. "B1t,. wbere te sailor and soldiera wboitheoisels us twr ie pnwnowwbog e." lngering on the prunoun fae-î are on leusv, or absence cati coule j-A tiuiber orfmotn reportcd tets r h pnwndw huhbetl bere and cois-ernimselves. Il lu death uf infants, a tact whlcb chag uhc b il.vlesiianlgts tellS hnet d! ase understood <it te plans Pro-cd thirrclassification front 4A te 29 Old- familAar worda Came.,1A3 one O! rcosCbae vide for the ina-alIaUOfl ot varbon-, penalty ofrui-e years Inuprîson themU." ehaePereu Cbbg e. fortes of! couýl ii- t. one o! the pri- mnct or fatils-re to report ibis Infor- Klîty dimpled dlstractedly. ThnIen Weav benrdigmneei cpal ones ta t Zicte) operatlo nof the0 maoti f0 tete board Iu expeeted to lis luong running off of titree ycars4 41o! wîsd,înîuoncerning cabbage by thb big dàLnce platifriiunil a systemnatir ,timulatle many olter within the rex. soccecded n <bIng wvbàt Heywîtrt had 1gurden eCri l eH sapa: and bssns vti îay, properly citap- fea days. persucded bliuuself titat lieihall.(due- "No vegetable la easIer te keep b erotted! andl prio-irîy conducted ail ogte it asnehbg, ndIsou ekp ul the lime wittîh - lmusic and avajî i yusv tW' la urgitoKAt'Mnsi eit ane. anî lshosibl."kp t able only uoe-ail us and soldlers atîd UlIIA <1% Wlîeo tile yoîung sprAîg tontes" Rite geî neto spsIl. - their lavltcd fri îtds. BlnKLLDîugite., "lite moisi eîîîîîuuî îîgstuiaron-lAihmlie. Bt- Electrlc park h., 001 been uscd t if fEl a t initî1.1,utire yosiig girl. Thuit clîild gu"s ou 10 say: "The heade o! any great c'iiunî :Ir tite past coilpi--raýý 'iA cudn' o 1e rsuadcA out of lier mel- bage may be kept lu banku la of Yeats and tht- nivival o? that spot I ntiol>'. If I sliîuld go uver theresaencnraptaosO'beu as a resort for ie sallors wlll bc and tell ber tbat tie blggctt ires hou We Ie I te bonks were aeffl qulte a place fuor thc wcsl ide. t Mrs. Ilarriet j. liros-'. agi d M down teaieiib olnt elleve posef urdpst btw Wittle becasily act-lblc nov Ihat te one o? tie o1lesi rt-cidî-nt-t tif tae 1 se it vîidit1 008 foh lnr d om btfo C. electric empcoo isîîy doînig seornch it ounl>' îasaed 'iwniv iairiav niglitfme. Theres nothiluicone t-tidofo lu the way or lmprovlng ts aervice af 8:30 o'clork a I iIr hontein ttRfoue 11cm. Tbey've gutI tentIa ub> living" How5îver. let us burry on tu the n id lnstailng ut-w and IupI-to-date crans. She hatitade' li-r home AtI l ore. ame.lys-ri.wiu B-saat heutl".o.:lTe eay ïg cars. the t-otritvmny cars. Funcr-il a trace o!filtteruess InuigbIsvoîce. i.Sateelo:"iehaa~ _________________ 'une-da'Y utti ia. ii, rtii tli "that'athe only scluîîl. Young tiîngsaial.abe tored An cellars by pd home. sWhltTe eIitilng. vAl concentrale (Iii u 'tpremesion.* tbem on abelvee. f1 la 001 advt.i They don'l know lIae-sould conifort n lu store cabbagca n bise bariement DARROW TO 4iUT STORK VISIT GLAD- a lai f ieUntI ail thuuugs tetes0 g retlatecelr au t CONTRACT FOR DENS THE HANSEN HOME "tchpetu. eIldî,an1 tThoobt i: mis tekSol \i.î]oi- roxIrtte Mrrivaio!fafinet e e . o! conurse, yail. W'cil have 10 deposit' la'O 11%A KENO HÀ S RIP in benitafter atl. iVhiiInterest Ad KE1S0 S R P ouli boy a t ltheborIvaIof Mr.fand Nitrily 1s olieof elil Gri q ng paid on cubit.ugeas-us-?-Clev4 1rs iîrrv Ii an-tin o? Waiker eYs- ci-i," Ns-u iluîî Iy 11111e tingle hn PanD-lr Bîds for the coînstruction of te lin itltutitrkr Mur. lanser former- ber volce.PliDeer remntng pr-ion- o!flte Sieridcan >ýI,,ni stin fuauegan. Mt's. F-tai- Hî-xît(ii-h ighed gond nattrcully. Drive werc oPt-ueil ai Milwauikee o ci-eua s Iudt agî Iîtl"But s\hli 1fneyer lîiliusopiiazodifor 1 Constantinople ln iAtory. Wcdncsday afieroon. John Dar- cf îfiircaioils, Min- bt-fore hi-cr Aier Iîeîu-Ii.1talvat>sthosglit la-r a iConsttatlncple vas the cajital row of Waukcgatt, vas thse oui> bld- nulrriaici, won the 1ludies' champuio-doîl uift ua nwdust liîenari -ggln'r Jtho lîtian eateruempAre tfia derfo te STtb orion0fIh -rad 0fli tki ,itit conic-f ai Mnucapellis osr àati". A f. to1548A -. D ven, t eu. f

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