CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 4

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- - LflERTYVtLE INDE~DPIIr URDTULY 4,1918 1 ert9ville Indepenzden t ' County Independnt - Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Numb;er 1. Libertyville Exchange. pb.I ab tii. Postoffice st Libertyville, Ill., as Second Ciscs Mail Matter Officiai Publication for The Village oftLibert.viiio. ISoelai PublicatIon for Lake County Buard of ISupervlecra' Prooe"edis ý« £vqry Tbursday. . Advertîig Rates Made Known on Applica-tion. "ORIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE .......... ,...................... ................................ .......... Editor ilSMITH ....................................................... .............. Managr ITODO. JR .............. ...................................... Reident Manager ens aid abbulà b. & mont ocouragng tbln to the mer"- ait who belleves in adverticlng and cmie out an advor- tislng pollcy. ____ The heavy downpour on1 BUnday provedl a blesalng for the crops throughout Lake county and according to farm- era generally it wu quite suffloent to take cmr of the needs of the apil and various cropa. The soilbas been fam- ished for want of 1!ater Iately and éLe. raina of the few days prlevieua did flot amount to much. However, on Bunday, a real good rain came and took care of everythilng i fine shape. Oie could almost seea the corn and other things lu the field leaplug forth after t)iê raIn subside&. More aid more improv«mmns te at uLakýea. ]Ever time that man Captail« ofe tgo .was ihlugtoword comes flahing back of addlion= expuiufor the naval station. It just seema that C&Pp xfft e a io Waalnbu nd get aimait a~Ingvbl ho aika for. LeT, hyho bu proved t. W ùfim officias that he KNOW8 what h. AN~D TEE NATION wants A»D n ed&. -Apm'emty--h. bauA-he cm ý eeconfidence -of TO ICEGAN: ROT ROD every fiiia 5ahntn 19- l a mostastonlsblng poUtical.phenomonon pro- - bted in Michigan, where the moral right of the Eepub- Mht ramil Thursday wau = n.tot do anything excopt accept Eenry Ford as a to Lake county. It juitsOen ~late for the United Stateasomate in questiond. - f orth asuer belng faznlshod fe Upon same of ther b4ggst questions of AÏucai weeks, It seemed ta have coi gary lord la, to aur way of thinjdng, Yrmtg e'la dan- <iay, VEulyw n. He hasnfot chanpd bis deau5 50far as Say, itmnust betough1iv iaebeen able t. discaver. Re may bave suspended even varse than living in Kon .Mfor the period ofthe war. 1% ,We agree wih Theadare Roosevelt. Mr. Ford'. con- "W. . .1, e. ns "We're ptlons ai Americanlsm, advertlsed hy a prodigality in -Buy Tbrhft Stamps an# ose 1 W use af money, did a great deal t. corrupt Ameicai______>__ jaoAt a trne when a vise nation would have be MUST CEASE LOTTERY I ý'gIening itseif against a trial t could ses appac Ford V_-A ed bis Money t. Perud the Aerican status Attorney'Brands as a lople that the talk of var came tramn munition makers, SQwindle Land Lotteries er promieurs, armament -makers, bufiders 0f war hips' e, odutdHr àd cannon manufacturer&.. ______ced er ----d' tea .-m-or trled t., that the war prafiteer cIaing tiat the public of Wau- s'~1.-hUnited States lut. war, and that the fi'st kegan la being swindled by a li tery tuaI is being conducled In one ta l this inalgu soneme vould ho t. Induce the people or tsota taers lu lie rity. State's cbot ther defenses. It la a serions responuiblity M. Attorney' James G. Welch taday hi- ~dbu t. face, tbat of a mai who played upon the CWe- press ho thetawnacs Of the theatet'si ly.suspicions, aid prejudices of people wlth sucl base lu question Ihat unless the practice by,'M sttir -cd lrmedfilely Ihal pcaser- »Maion aid thus persuaded them to take the perilous tion will folic,- Complaints lodgedt "Mc this nation took. . tor, make It apareut ta hlm Iliat a1 The banLka cf the Somme, the A"ne, the Marne, bave numirer o! Waukegan people have4 * ~ beau "taken lu" by te scheme. of ------------i chances this nation teck.- Fallawlng ta a cap>' o! the notice1 Ibune. Mr. Welch bas caîttedt be prnled _____________today: Notice le hereby glvcn ta the 'WILL DRA.W NO BYMPÂTHY varlous theatces affering chances Although vo did flot have'mcismah o h admission t the varlous thea- Ww for bis very tempetucus administration, yet it is aur tres, thlt unIes thls custom la that the revolutionista villnot gain anything by thoecutinmwill follow. The syndi. ~on of the former ruler ofi Russia. The average per- cte which le operain In thîs 1 s ay that passibly lie bad it comlng t. him but at deed and abmracl 10 a practi usa. time, fallowingIsa abdication, the Czar vau lu- cali>' wortleaa lot. Theater salve and should bave been permitted t. tollow the for the serices af presenting Mms lie ha" outllued for himself many years ago before theseubticke s 10 thed.pton i çould persuade lits ad-visera thiat the proper tbing for tI.plI JAMES G. WELCH, tu~ te do vas t. abdicate. It vill nat holp the revalution Illinos.tany ak on b»Ùotion mnRussla any t. bave asaassinated the Czar and 110w Scherne Wocke. -. ~ .. Accurding ta Assistant Stale's At- Wnet make the people aof.Russia any more popwlar i tocney John Weîrh the plan tollowed ma-=utr as reuit ai her atrochous acts.' is 10 gît-e palcaiis aI the Iheaters If Ley bd ga thoKaisr Itvoul be diferetlic'kets whlcb eutitle tiem f0 5anir. had ot he aise itwoud bea dffeentpotunity ta paticipate In ithe lat- OOW on but the poor humhlated Czar, a mintako tram ery. TtaBe hoding the lucky" 4-_begInnhng of bis lite not thiough choicve but tbrough fore ile ta lie lot passes ta a per- witagewua a humai bem i evertheles and bis lite sou, accocdlug tu Mc. Welrh, ltif:- L:. necessary> py $5 fec It and Ihen àh.bave been aed u fl a Maker callod tor hlm. psay au aditional $680 for an ai) elcact, a total of $11.80, THE Al HER£ IN LAIE COUNTY? "This mîgbi b. al igil if the î ~lots were worth auythiing," Mr. "Iti laup t. the retired farmersanad vacatianists to welch sai. "The>' are Iarated na omept employment an Wncaunty tarmns durmng the lbar- tst IgLo, lacil.anes iher lappn W4aoaid asst in the uavng of tue crops, Ernest N. well. The lanoatn questio laworth ma et GOiniai, told a gathering at the Association ai Comn. barten vaed $f0an acre ot s W«S lieadquarters today. "The prospects for bumper contain one-ffîh of an acre, so at the out n mny yan, utheet tic>' are not wurlh tb exceed -"P are th. oth ayyas u the tarmers are fac- e2. ]People wito purchase these lots xg aserious shortaeof help, because ai the large number are given to uudersand th:t they àyoung mon esallefromn agricultural pursuita t. military Iolm tepat1ewsstpe. M',Ic.z-4oliet Herald-Nevs. Mr. Welci 8*dB thal personafly he _____________wauldt l gve 10 cents an acre for thee tend vIch le heing raffled off. It is rathoriteresting nov t. note that the minute Jusi itow mata> people icre have oh- 010 0venMet gts oldof he aiload, i bubootedtaineti lote Mr. Wlch hlmseif does ut gts oldai he ahlrads ItbaUbootodnot Yet 11MOw, bst ho là oovinced 0» lbo% rates t. practlcally double *bM t tb bave beeL____th _______ onldrale 4 M ad thie paungrrates aso bave tien a iup.K W f NLIt la luteresting Just nov t. recaflboy the TNAVAL a s.beu hollering againat the prlvately owned rail- boy theý publicelias ciamored that tao. rairoada bhave 'WAITINO LIST IS? tee ucU money aid that their freiglit and passeir- MW sae hould b. lowered, sayhng that the profits ver. IIRE'S ANSWER l p al the vay the railroads canducted their ne&._ _ onov tbat the govenlt bas taken over the Man>' persous wouder wbat Is h&ads aeliminated maiy high -offciais, etc., l iea tia te latierexpaui ating *9tb rates being lovered, a notice 1% given tbagt they bavO e Great G kes avaltraining ~ui aisd htrelht ram20 t. 100 per cent aud the pub. date 5,000 tmen, uaw bas coueitierar- - cf curs a t. pay the *fidler. Thus hnstead of hav- bly more thon 40,000. These o re: =heper ra&load accommodations all the vay &round, faut as traînai. Now tie station la Pblic la gomng t. pay Moeaid great deal more from f ull sud ltes. men are b.lug Iept an the 'twaiting liet." lun other yards, .-TUftctin, some of the rates adopted nov seem tbe>' are sent ta theur itomes ta arwail prohibitive aid viliprevent cmunctina ders ta active dut>'. t ina>' b.a commnicaion nd dY, aweek or several weeks, but thtordinarily has gene on inai extensive vay the reerulb lelu Inthe avy front lie moment fbe 1.asworn lu. Itlb mtters ______________ oh vbether h. la on lie valing liai Sradtret'sbusiessdirctor hucomiledstais- To distîngulsh tues. nmen asslip bai been prepareti restihni, 1"Iarn nu à)« merhans wo nveradvrtie ad tey akeenliated lu th. nav'; aak me about sV e that au>'yaung mani Inleresl- otaemet tat 4 pr cntof hé ailresed aTasacertaiu jast vhel the uavv to tat cus. ucha stateinent, comlug tram a mneana. The Information wlll be whicb looksinlt. tho causes ai tailure aid vbich glati>' given. SparticuJar inteet in boostuîg the advertislg Teidpeenpuelbryle r ahouldi e he thaaronizff amnment forns. oA....4l.- a - fU S. V f ire worth-thouaands of dollars red--to make the cropa ueap r a drink for many many me justi n Urn to save $11. ing in Ruasia these daya- ioaha or Mon City. e atartlng aomething'" today It tbrough. MMARIS A LAKE .BLuFF WoMA; TO ERECT FINE HOME Rocktand frieuds aofS',illard N. Van Matre. Bn., president of lte Scbu- mann Piano canipan>', bacc been In- formcd o!is marriage t0 Miss An- na Sherman of Cicago. Thte cere- mon>' vas performet inluCiicaro a fev dava ugo. Tl la tîndecshaod lthe wedding wae la have taken plare taon alter the fIcsb of next Year, hut Mc. Van MWa- tre'e business affalrs cauised a change of ibeir plans. Mrs. Van Mire ls a wcealthy leA'ie Bluff, MI., voluan and ,hp bas cisit- cd R.ocldord on several ocoasions. Site la weli kuovu Ini Chicago musi. cal circles, ai au scomplisheti Planist. Sb. bas long been a trient of -- Van Matre famui>'. Mn. andi Mrs. Van bistre viii maIre Ibelr home eventualyIn'l Lake Bluff. whece a $40.000 home la hcfnx bruît b>' lhemn -Rock!ord Republir. CZECO-SLOVAI< VICTOR- lES HURT SOLSHEVIKI Deteat of the bolshevikl Is aiid tu bave been marie possible by the vi- taries o!flthe Czecho-Siovak force-i atnd thte treache.r> of lte ced guard. Seec-raf deta,,Lhm#ents of the red guard are derlaceri la have mucdered their officers and hben surrendered. The Exchtange Teiegraph 'company puflîshes Its message routai-ing the reports oftIhe halslîevikl o,,echro'c aud the accornpauyiug delaîls, 'wilh reterve," snd points oub thal the In.- formation emates maiuly tram Ger. man sources and thecefore shauld bc recelivedth ctx aution. GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS PROCLAIMED CZAR IN NEW RISING London, Eng., June 25.-According 10 unconfirmeti reports todi>' the bol- chevik govcrnrnn In Mascow has been averthrawn, ays a dlspalch ta the, Exchange Teelgcaph carnpany frani Copenhagen. Mamcow, the reporta add, ha* been captureti by Gen. Kornlloff, support. ed by Germen Iroope. Reporta from the. me sources as- sert that Grand Ouke NIcholas, sec- ond eouaîn of the czar, han been pro. claîmeti enperor. FLOUR 8MLLERS MUST RE- 1 TURN TEIR EXCESS PROFITS (DY' Unitedi Prose) Washington, Jul> 1.-Plour miliecu were Instructed today tb average their returns mince Jan. let and ne- turm t the governmont aIl prafte ex. ceedlng 25 conte a barrai, Food Ad- minîsîrator Hoover anneunced.toda>' Tbe government wll teke thi exces. profit In the form o!foflur et on@ dol- lar a barrel.' The eatire voo clip of lthe coun try' bas been laiton over by tie got. erumout fer the enuing îear aud Plans have bea aanounoed far lthe iandiIng o! ail available wVol lui O der that tie Immeiae mitar>' seeds of theh goverament ina>'b. suppiel. B>' an arrangement betwOei the vool comumodîties section of lbe War Industries BOUMantad tli e iiiiis Ped Cras e iRed Cross will gel the surplus o! vool remalinifg aller lhe milit-r> requIroments of lie gover- meuntibave beau met. Well. lh's selîlti.' A man eau pIap golf, cross mountalus, go up lu, I Zeppelin anti do gsius>'"stunUt,"' ye rItill b. unable b>, reason of allacits of iteart dlsease ,to perforin business d~ulies. A Jury lu the munilllai-Coert Chicago, su0 tied iWofedn.&a, In lie caise of -Cbarleu Edward Browe, of Laite Forest vice presitient of the Centrai MePtelric can- s aàrt hlm tue $12.000 for vicih h shedl the E'ldelit>' & Casuall>' campat>'on a "total disablllty,' polie>,. edir'A'LL the famîli',The Indepen- dont ORDINANCE NO. 294.- An Ordlnarice mak;ng Annual Appro- priations for' the Vitlage of Liberty- Ville. for the Fiscal Yseur ending April 30, Ilei. Bo Il ordalned by the President and Board of Trustue of te village of Lbertvllle. Illinois- Sgc'roN 1. Thas for tbe necespary expenees anud 1IlablitMes of tbe vil lage ni ---------u----~ SSU~ - RAtÉtS-O.Caea a word, Eaeb Insertion.,N D Ne td.inin Charge 02R BAU. ~ O SALE-A 60-sers fartu, 2 milleu - roui Orayalake; aIl bî.ack ýui! aand Libertyville, Illnois, for and darlug the FOR SALE-Some ver>y choîe Ha ConipAeast aI bidns . i l lg fiscal year endlng AprIl 80th, 1919. there @litre homr pfirp; farrowed Iaî ;syi~*urea rsII ls hereby approprlaled tle nveral SumA il hO(rand Champion of Wtltr lStats . EJILIA LOU of rnoney hereltauientloned and seîl.Fair; will furnieh ppers .1 c: .een UO L..N Uu calpe etorntias followe, to.wlt: phone 26-Ji. Rauud L.ake; pa.t ofike. FOU ND-TirFe bend of cattie, ounJn@ 1For the purpose of alilg la paylug .rvlke i.26.2b 14 R-4i g, largîsside, Ili. 27t3 lte neee.ary contingent exvensess ofthe __________________ atoresald village, ithe auto f 8830000 + REAL ESBITÂTE 4WANTED-Tr, iruY tare, about 120 ot whicb appropriation o!188300.00 the acrom, suittilit for rlalr.v; good soi] antd sum of $900.00 le ta be derlvtd front FOR SALE-Choie. resîdence lots on barn; denl with et wiler; eiay terni; otate lîens.., tthe seîmatedamoantof recolpt& àMcKiuley Ave. tirs. Orîmo%. 13-4 lwg re drm l)Lbry froin snob sources belugatollo ws: From O AE RRN -Rue ndvleIdependFut 2- blllard tables, pool tables. bowlingalleys FRSL RRN-ossadvlel and other littenses thean of 8200.00. . _#rnis. Insarance agent ana collector. For Sale andf Want Ad* The 'the .l aid mniof 820000 ln hersigy Edwin Austin, Phone 26. 9OU Independent brlng reauite. approprlaled for the. purpose of @&id ________________ eobaent fond and the. balance l sai . - tend of 88800.00 le to bie raimed by WONT PAY I'INT BUT STi SIf W THiE ANURLL Outofs@&id contingent fund sa appro- L. C.1Harding of Chicago Says A EA LM L S5 prIated shall b. pald the neessary Mrs. Mosaman la Regula ARE LL MU ES S ealarles of the preeldeut and menijiers o0W I[teW1 tb. board af trustes. alaries ot ths nienbers of tiie board of local Improve- Ciling that Mrs. Moseinan, occu- men.. alay t ti. illgetresurrpant o.f the. aId Dr. V. V, Price rosi r ityAttorney Forl ofZo mona. eay o th Vllae ten u lence on Grand ave. ,Io a regular !byIfLy - salary ofthe village clerk, lmee~r lte wlllo-tbe-wLsp and that for rnany dds One More flistinction attornsy employed on village business, menthe be bas been attable to get lu aa a salary for the nienbers of the volunteer touCh wlth ber eilt)er by telephone. Lo Mere Ma Ors dopartmeut. and other provisionsana by servlug papers. or auy Bort of conversation. H. L Harding of Chi- LQ ET O BN to Ors protection, repairing and aidlug cage, came to Waukegan todaYadAGLQETO BIN In the construction of sldewalks lu asd In lte Interest of John B. Wright of village, repairlng and liproviug village Indianapolis, owner of the big pala-1 It Bobs e and Down as Resuit property, expenses u thetboard 01fhealth, tial residence. bie startted an_ ejeet-U and for the purpose of payîug.tor police mBent action dunhe L.ake County of Voliva Having Brought protection of said village ineludlug thb.sessi ofterey oeek gy>.it to the Front &saary of the Village Marsball, tbe Om- n uths connectIon it develops lith- 'late% 0103300.00. thé plan, that le- the purported plan, Even the dFvil.r aie attales Ft r the purpose ot paling for repaire, of Mns. Mossmaa ta go ahead and cording ta Theodorr- Forby, a Zli maintenance, iniprovement and cousîruc. establilh In the oid Price remIdencr' City attorney. Forby had 'been r-dri. tdon of etreeta, alleus, hlghways and an Old Lidies' Home neyer matureri. lnit Paul T- .Glbre t.article ila aveuseof aidvilageof ibetyv li t wau la Juli' of lant year that shte Tharsday's Examiner. in whlch the avene@of &i vilag ofLIertvIletook a lase for a an the ceai- writer af "Thie Passlng Show"' col- Including the construction and repair deuce an8 announced ber plans of urneInnquires Into the s' x oM devîls. of atreet croeslugs, the su. or 88000.00 establbbng om Old Ladies' borne, Ater di-s4cusiring "lady angels" Mr. DI which appropriation the gmni01 remodeliug If herscif at her own Clbprt Foes an to :rî tha* li-lzebub $1200.00 Io ta b. ralsed front the expenseadareu t a î wsa0 aedcl ren lcpic sIta. u lb Ton Roil nd i nd reeAcong t o iî$1),r. fde vils. Then lie says that the dev. vllagfles llf h ow oà n arding aite neyer pald a cent rent Il that MaErlIn bLither thre.s bis luit- Bridge tai and the. balance of $1800-0 snd he now La afrald thal the lm-. blond al wae no lady. ls ta b. ralsed by taxation -making a provementzshee biais snce hee.n mai- Mr. Gilbert bas ouly aggravated total for the &aove mentiaued purpoees log '*ilI be charged- up aganrt th btce ng« ;%ropoalN'on. VoLva bhas of800.0building. That ls wity In todav's R tlred niplaie county over bis Sunbema00a0oraInoic ds sement that ail the autels nien- For the purpooe (ifpaying theex pente@ claiming ail resrponstbil1ty forc ny .oe ult ilewr aeagl of llghting the streeto, aud public places wock goiug lu on the premismes ex- -there being no tenaire mang ofthle village of Libecty ville the suin 0t ceptlug under bis direction or orders hem. Now Mr. Glîbpri savs that r$1600-00 an o! ahIch la to be raised by Wbep l -a19M îo*man ,a«me tatho lii,Ils rnenfiuntedii lie Bible taxation.Waukegan lust year people about tic were ail ruiés aI-o. This la about taaio.Prîce residence tbougbt it was goîng a" nuch as - i man cau etand. Thte For the purpoeut payiug the 9tb1 ta b. opeucd at tnto a fine oid la- plly attorney at Zion City doesn't Installiment of sewer warrant No. 8 sud dies' borne and thougbt it was au help matter any t'y hacking Mr .1 tntereet, the mureofut$15o.00 ail ot Ideal place for that purpose. How- bert up. Forhy e.ryý that therea.-ssan whlch ls tauli. ralsed by taxation. evpr, the *ItrnIng of midnlght ail why wornen cul up sa bail when they niglit aroused people ta wender gel lthe decil Into thein sa b#cawýe For the purpase ut paylng two Village a-liether llicy wc-re renfle ad ladie% the decil, are male devîls. Witen a 'Hall houde of @aid village of $50() 001 icho were occupylîtg the jAace or net wý)man g. t, ioorI and ni id ,lie rer- tach Nom. 1l sud 12 wlth jutereet on! and trequently reînar'ked taer ltat tainiy can raî-e lte dickeux. A *5000.00 of village hall bau)ds aff raid' the aIdladIe. eemed ta stay un epa atao sntlgt village, the Oum ofu 81250.00 aillai wlich1 ratliec fate at nièht wbcn Itghts wpé er ; n h ra -fo lal sst scen bucnlng front al part.- of 'tr- am a maie devIl tri her. le ta b.e raieed by tjaxatirru residence. The subjpct te vcery Iuterestlng, For the purpome- of keeping up th-' Couldn't Find Tenant. I an) way. ard( t il ight Ire weiconie publie park lu eaid village uf Liberty ilii. Mr. Itacdi'g ssvý hal Mr,;. lo,-e.newe for flic wori. n of Lake roît sud rnahing limprovemeub@ts iereon, 1.-mon licecvpir'ui hm for manr tiraIttpre leý a parrsihlity of Irith 1"mantits. knawrrrg trat > 'itylgF rad Gilbertclbeing rtglit. muniof o! 75.4>0 ail of wiireb1 le t retgel er:, ivponierie odor raised lry taxation. la cicr?' . (n'alt.,1h mns F or the purpase uf payiug tor the fallurri T, T îjY ent r,- d BONDSM FO '.peratiou, maintenance and repairo il 1 ha% la v- r;'r!'.i5ricn o ai the vllame water sy.%&ur, lludlng thie lI«,came to %Vauikeginod DY A and <lR couetructlon of reeary work (ru the startpi] a coratcactioni.- aid fI1 village lot wbere puniplug station lৠHarding. "but was unablfe tage' bISL located the Omniof $3000 00, ail out turh illihbec ai the bouse. Tht S A N IN -DARK wiich Ie tob.e derived tront water rente doors were ail locki, but t finaat1v nnanaged ta get in andi pasted a na-- for water service furniîhed to water tire of ejertrnent ln acrordanrq wit" She and His Family See Rie 1h tausume-re. the law. Now wr' wili sep what shi' Maklug the aggregate ainaunt ut does about te m3tter. Site agreedi Italian Die While Mur- 812,475.00 01 whlch #8,075 00 js ta b. lu pay $150 a mqnth rent for titis' err1 taafonafwhch 00leplace foc an nid ladies' home aud 1il r scapes ralsed by t ien0 hih$2008amrn lId that sitc-lias heeti tearIn"1 for boud@and iiîterest heretofore pro. the radiators anrd everytiring elsp GIRL TO BE RE-ARRESTED vlded for. [inside thie place lu pieres andi planit EseL cof sait! O uad the aggregate ning on maldng extensive imtprave ! Younglaia" il'edinLk Iherof ae demeduecesar by he ts. We have nift authoclzed tlilc n tîlnGr el nLk thereth douedandeIfnsiteshay douetho men County Jail So Long, Finds Board of Trustees ut raid] village ta has assumed the expense berse'if HesfFaig al defray the neeesary expeneer and sud those who have heen daing tirersl'FcngJi *liabilîtîca of lte aforeeaid village for andi wock muet look ta ber for their pay. iaezoD neo , elb *duriug the fiscal year endiug Aprlilno, hae1thd o e i e lc tallan, focmerly business agent of 1919 for the respective purposes abave lu Chicago viece shte usually freci fie Italian Hod Carriers' union, was se.erb attents but have been unahie ta get:I1mysîerlously mucdered In Chicago est forth. In ~~lutoucb with ber. Blie seems ta be rTituray ih.fltwsaere. SEcTioui Il. That lte various sum. a regular will-o-the-wisp and we cada> ilt is w lyr est forth ta b. raised by taxation lb. lest mereiy wapt her now ta clear L cid oe h dnaiegr, r aggegte mont f hle l $87500ou t sud leave t he place alone. sa "ieda se, ti mthe ynam terl,"a aggegae aonu o whch a 807500far as w. are ahI. la learn site uev- qreetd severyamot s ugeo ler aare appropriated as proportionate trac- er bail any aid ladies out tiere or'quIntîertravof dn aithieUnt- l ions otald totals@am off812,475.00 and attempted ta carry out iber announc-tin. he travelIn tg t i Union a klu caseof f uet mnr rcollet ai plan of etablisiting a Iod la-ion, eappears b teu.lBeite a »Id sggrsgate suW of 812,475.00 the dies' home."onaiaanî> rtwthD A. -deficiency *hall b. daiucted pro rata Tbe Oi FInie Preieycetanegela wben ibe wa t In luthe. treet. front said varions amnisabout2 otiPîe reand tenbrecn tals The. Josegirl was releaaed frotu le Sem-i-t sIII AUl other appropriations wit a litle expense coulti be filted t0h aO gnji nJn .o 1, sud cash '-lanuesfor lte fiscal ear Into a fine reaidence. Tic Price .'Fr udmsenteai hy Der aluge eeding Apfil 80, 1918, are continuai for place han always been hiintefi ta as teUInsainte'yaiegrs thle purpose. for wbIcb salti appropria- onie 0f Wadfo e rs imoat thelf remained a prisoner lu lie bands of lions wers ordde. nhse f saDfV. C.eritw ias he tpolice and tegoverruneul bere SuorioN IV. Ti rl a b @all b. few years ago andi whase wldow dieti De Angelo was 43 yeara old andi -keowe as ordinance No. 294 andtiiîl about a year ago. Dr. Price'e daugit- Iuva mat 900 Sie>' areet. a ha lu force and effet atter lits passage ter, Mrs. A C.FiMsier lves direcîl>' He was inurderet dartng thb.train -and publication sas providai by law. wset otue pltac te ad d rsh wen a flash of llgbtning revealed stret a te ort ar te Od Rshbis pesence near bis bomne ta the r Pasons, Jely 1, 1918s. Price.bornes andi the Guerdon Price maerc.T aterou- il Approved, Jily 1, 1918. torne. Fred Fluer now lives ltulishe to ille DmTe Ael vas oldin ti a Peblisb.d, Jnîy 4,, 1918. Rush vicitisul Rawn. bad 0fhie so n, Tony.ahige t he aa .Nn, radu. eti b>' Mr. Price. Thte olter place la. Cof bion, De n geo, l. l JayB. one, reide. bas changeti bander frequentl>' antido sudCatheriJase girlvotewi.a 1,Attest la now occupieti.dosanth segrowk w s J. A. Trsptow, Village Clerk, fIBnce the Prices moved troua their Pila AntlUni, vere walking a short palatial residence on tie south side distance beihid De Angeloaet the of hestretIt anneyer bee us lie of the aioaliug. IL LNINEANb '»'rKY f liyestet. il e bas y as Girl May IlleJalied Agaîn. - LEINEANt TRVIZK b n>' xtel; ie papet>'bas Détetives Bristol anti Norrds at t FLEE FROM MO&COW ciaugeti bande a number of times tue Maxwell streel station, arrived 9 and a f ew years ago wat purchaseti wltbaitier policé Bithle De Angalo Nîkolai Lenin. lh. premier andb'lr Wlb ldiaaai ehause teud NarrIs recognise4 »qe -Leon Trotzk>', the nailister of war, lise 'been eudeavanlng ta Bell fh sine Antalini as Lintia Jose. The gavera- are ald a hve ld t theMur antin the properi>' i. now on the. mar ment wîîî be noleti fe lifthe prestence eae dta aeld1.h umt ket. Il coet Dr. l5nlce orlglnaliy, 26 of the girl lu lte De Angela omni Oea Klalsemi sit tohae u-years or more ago, $60.000. Il pro-.atii<ratie uohf ea ofa ber oDerateti iit eGn. Korniloif In thenahI>' presai contions. ,000 bubilti bondoman site nia>'again be taken capture of iuoscow. ofndle mreandti onI ebofthetaItacustori>. The. reports deolame that tb. sap- mont blue antiea nst ua of te TiLe Jase girl, fmince hec arreat, bas INS On o dloci vice aI cItoir e Thet galion P. W of Chic lir. Br A cc service Ton subjen t0 bas dut>' f "doser nosba ho th, Sheri been factor tic P( l'lot W. Fi tIte R ioda>' Moons J. lu> omfcer ativoci aid, n Thte and ta lu bel rehuru. to remr lully rq pla-e i n ot tb absenc plete c own b and a( resl oI say an log al -Dr. 1 The are ho of Fra te obi carry vhieh liteet b. mlii Arri rature media of bo@ overy traile. leg sia style. Whe ton n0 urge k for us ho le f urge ially Y liait I grees efforti W@, wbere thst roaàdy Thi first 1 1 nret 1 lur Mun-auvenig---

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