CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 5

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LIBERTYVTLE INDEPENDENT. TERUSDAY. JIJLY 4,1918 jage rrv -I If you know of an item o!f local interest, kindly te4ephoné No.LI e t I Ie Nw :s90818001010901068p------------ a ---------- CLOSE THE FOURTI1 PRJNTED WEDN ESDAY 1500 'WOMEN AT The sores ilî u closd a l y On,,aunt oftheisholiday, The.Inde- Tl C The etorm wlli e, close &B d pendent this week la prlnted anîd Il aled T EC N I rhuraday. ion Weduesday aBtetrnooa sdt6Y cariier The poai office wlli b. closed tram 10 thau osual. a. tu, ta f; p. mi., but the lobby wili re- --- SC__________I - Arthur Miler Las returned fram a trip A COMPLETE LINE 0F CORN MACHINES t0u alfornla. -Lire. Bay Smith seas a Wattkegari viotur a. Mauday. Janeaville, Deere and International Tho ughlts aspending ta ans .1 lier- maysclient&allie. Plantrs a d CutivaorsL. A. Walker spent îthe latter part ai -Planera nd C ltiv tors last week ait Bloamiugtvn.1 Chiarles Krueger and famull vlelted Large Stock. Prited Right relatives at L"e Zurich an Sund&i. Miss Malms Fauat spent the weekend ~~ fibMisse Ldakiloreibe rger n etelud. Scha ck H rdw re C * WMièss 01g B uossutertelflsd Miss Lillian Jorgensen, ot Racine, durlng the wsuk- end. MiesaGeorgia i.angworthY arrive d bonistrani Kankaisel, Ili., the latter part OFFICIAL COUNCIL PROCEEOINGS of lacs wssk. INS IRNÛ ONVILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE Mca. L. T. lIaugwarthy and Infant son rsturned bomes froni Chicago an SER&1nVICE SUNDAY r@tffe o theilageof bete wud@a beld July 1, igWki, Mrt. RaY dnilta44h o blde On nueit Southey evetiltg at ight Present: President J IB. Morse; Tros- rturns ed trien romavilt i. ea 0tfieesColina. Davis, Ellsworth, Golding. ties t hVnrîcuteuissae acloci thers wlll h. a mecred sang ser. Hart aud Wrght.Telmt AercnLoe vice at tLe M. E ChureL, giveu by the Temntsa eua etn udles» .nausy, labar and niaturiala theire chire dii edalaintb te cr . Joue 8. 191m~, and adîournéd meeting w 111i>u fur war purposes. Ther wll b aiginaLy he ong ehld Jone 17. 1918. were read. ticorge humégbadeuuedaametbaulc Ratton, louir anthemi hby the chir, . be- It wu@ mou-ed by Coline, seconded by lu the aviation cocus and ls now la aide solos aMd dunet§. Hart. that tLs minutes hb, approved as trainingat Dallas, Texas. P. W. ëcholield and Miss Marie Barley.' read. AYeu: Collin», Davis, Elswarth, Thbe Wania's Gulld ai tis St. Law- oi Chicago fleiglits, who are ieuda toi îGolding, Hart and Wrgbt. Carried. es,(* ebureh willlmuet wltb Lirs. 1Leo lir. Bradford, the ehoflster, sW" '.'""t jThe v nuage treasurer'si repor for June. Lrury u Frlday atternoon. wiii gtve a Larp ai in Jraà alo I9s. wu@ read. IjsaHelen % igam las returaud troa Al cordal invitaton t atî-,î us (i b y Wrght. s-,rided iîy (iad, Chcago, where @hbsw&va aeacher lu the A oda lvttunt teu h@iug. ulat treaeurer's rieport be accuPtedpulceialthpsta. service la extended ta ail. ad placed on film. Aye@: Collin§, Davis, Vealser Lîgbtbody, wbo is, now cia- Tony Jakaczuic, aDetrîli Ian lswartiî, Golding. Hart and Wrgbt.tindaPeaiByPr, wYa, sobject ta nllilaN duty anrd deciared Irrldme na ateu-daya' turlaugli. ta have wilfully filled tu fuiil ii-S Art Erni-kmanl, 4îaullng gravel th ertedcvl pplto duty ta the nation, aait dudg.-d iieîîrge Trlgg@,, cern............. 126-00O eteel of th-Lianpo ulaio *'deserted" froïn the arniy bh the Kec O E Le..îer, sarnie......... ..... 1;)320 now ne lehe iteHu o flasha exeniutian board on Tuesday J A. Trepîaw. staripte, copplie 11.47 War t3avings suampe tar a qulck vlctory. afternoon aud ardered îurned o'..-@.GogeBemn aubeo in thes miitac-y authorities a, Fart A KilLaslr......70 ia lag aln n agies Sheridan. Tire allegt-d d4,s-cr lii Lii Qu,-nten. work ou vabar Bti n ai esrcn oesa been warking in une- af the Kelli,lî, mamin...... ..................... 410 Mre. iMary Hertel andflaiy at Freinanit factories aud lie vam lcked op b)OD. i ahsitrry. salary ..... ...... 75 00<) elter. the police -;Pveral aays ugo. JohnuLeter, epeiai polir ...... - r. and %Mca. Alex S. Burgess and I7lomuganII, ure 2 Ji.phJ. A. Irti-tîja, saiary ......... .. 2, 00 1 daugliter, of Zion City, attended tbe food loointo, ll, un 29.--(ýepiTreîîiow & M eoin, glasmce Ipetr iu br!ouFia W. Fiter, uewly e!ected deparLrnut prciaineiio nur onFda commander, ilinoîs Grand Aray o! H. W. Smlth. 2 days pLuipirlir ... blateruuoa. the Repoblie, nmade public ihi, staff iStandard Oit1 Co., gasoiene. .. . I 7-3 taday as follows: Chfef. %V. Il.5'W.K Franzen, ciai îîUurnlonu 4 19 fiîurbday, ail day, thi' scoute viii taie Moare Blomington; litructor, E. %V F Franzen. vrOHÈsng tii, .. 17,09 a buke, ioaîing foc a possible locatio J. Iugersoîl, Carbondiaie, niustcringipilcelo oMfcer, Phlilp Smitb. Peorra, judge PbicSrvice Co , circut liglît11 1937 fraS-otch Reguiar ofiiai Scout aduoate. J. M. Ta> lor. T.y,ai'îî 'î V ire Wt ,t tire i-aaiid ealary. 21 i eeting Friday rlght at the Preebyterian lniqetor, John Arnold. Loickport 1 îîîîî,d by- Davis ,etîded by righ î1 lireL.11 aid Il. MJobn.s, Pontilac. timt bis imealowaci aud warrants e b. The ladies of tLe %V. C. T. U. will bold drawn ortirhe aiiontm ye-tuln.tibeIr patrIoirîr pîui- althMr@. Jennie l0aui., Ellswoirth,. Golding. Hart, Wright. Juot on the afternoîîn iof Joli 9 Lacl "1CARRY ON" 1i arrisit onecle ta Lringmaid wi-bec an'd-)ectr The doctar nures, homciniebanniuîu- ordi,rire Ni, 214, entltled an Ordîn. article. and iamlly ofthetOc ilir lm being amk.ed an-e uiaing appriipriatiî,ua for tire Never forges tbe i-etnîent features tu help maie au atruîapliere for tbe u-iiagu f ltiiirty lie foc the florailn-ar aoaf ss fgeeepe ie yuhu returusd soldler. They arc taourge in euding April d. 0, H.. was r, . tueni.aoobucoea tclald W er lu the tall remaînviti, tiid. s<-lîtiloutil fle bau uîu-ed >- t rîht am--jo"dcd by United States, the beet corporation lu tuliy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e reose n ed-t iasbsElvchtitrdiauî-uiNo.-294 bOsthe word. Place la thsenaoriig ranis. TOey are pass-d, appr.ou-ed and îîullisbed as rcad. not t a8asi hm ta altait, long talee.1 AeCIl.ns- DaVis. Eleaortli, Golding, Bacn, 1lu Wauiegae, Fridan-, Joue 28,1 absence. or In any way delay hie corn- Hart sud W rlglt. ta tMr. and tMr@. Leslie E. Warren, a piete recovery. Hfe muetlxc lut un bis@ Niau-ed hy lînuis and suicanded hy dauighter, Barbara. lIce Warren was o;wnteet anil vbere lie aoseno)lau-are Colline t(,,adjaurn. Carrfed. torinerlu- Mhie@ Airuber Cllformeriy of aud areept no ebarity,. Dejut ie O J. A. Treptow, % illage Cieri. Libert yville. resi af os. To beip us knaw vhat ta say aud do, the surgeon-geueralisfiuSfer. log a lttis magazine called -CARRY ON', -Dr. Frank Bllinis. The Laspitel ship, bautîfoîly eqolpped are ta receive the soldier tram the @Lones of France. On thiaside trains nilil ment tls. chipa. TIsse hospîtal trains are ta Scarry the vaunded to the district troni whieh tbey were dretted. Thoe are tixteen dratt zones; proabhly there wvilI ho ixteen of these reclamatian. Arrlved ai the hosptal grounds. the rsturaed man lands evsrything ta baud- medical and surg!cbi cars and eveny fuax of hoaptal aud sanitortuni squipnisnt, evsry shop and achoal for bis ev or aId trade. Also the most vonderful oser legs and arme, nmade ta jut biesite and etyle. Wbenu nci. Samn la offoclng th. returu- Ing noldîsc ail thîs, la It vise for us ta urge hlm ta refuse the chance? la ilvin for us ta urge hlm 10 coine home, beltr ho a l ly retred? la it vise for us to urge lm ta coame home, butors bu le lully r.storsd? lait ual botter for us 10 visitlitathe oerhome, se. hie pro. are«s aud pralse hlm tor bts splendid effarts? Wa, t bains, muet ces abaubouta oses where the job ia vetting for hlmu and se. that il leasecursd for hlm vbsn bu la ready ta agala make goad.-Dr. Sfilg. T he Indepsnde.t putg Libertyville RAY N. SMITH CIAUTAUQUA TO LAST SIX DAYS; LECTURERS NAMED The Lincolu ebautauqua 10 he held lu Libunlyville lu Auguat wvii1 offer flteen or mors igh-grade attracion, lnludlin usical companles, entertainerqL snd lecturers. Four of the nomes of the lecturena are snnouneed-LninMe-c Couneli, Chief TaLa., Reno B. Welhourn and Lieut. W. R. Macdonald. Lîneoîn LicConnel ranta s aone of the leadlng chaulsuqua leturers of the day. Elle lecture wili bu "The Devîl and the Kaiser." It siroba vith patiottsm aud valuabîs Infarmation. Chiet Tahan, an lndion lecturer of su-ange fascinatIon, viliitell ef hla vondertul experience. Reno B. Welhourn le a selentilicle ic torer aud demansiretor, uslng the latest resuits of scientitfi diacavery and experiment. Lieut. W. R. MacDonald, direct from thc tronche%, viii tell s tbniiliug, $tory of the great var. Only 100 out of 2,600 tudent ahi- cers et tie Ibird Fort Sherîdan train- Iug camp faiied te receive certificatea aceOrdlng ta a report made Tboraday by M&J. Hdvard m.mocCackey, lu COWMmad. One iuudred vere pro- noune ft'tor Immedate service ln France. Of the others, 500 k9 per centera, were plbeed lu Clasa A 1,500 la Bias B and Clusa C, FOovlng revev Saturday the camp vii adjoura, Judge B. H. Mliller lias returued froni a eeksscampaigu ln sauthere Illinois, lu tbe Intene8seoaiGeorge Fose, candidate for the epobffcaenamination for Unibed States senatar. Frldsy atternoon the Ladies' Aid saciety yli st at the Preshyterlen church at 2 'claci. Plseq notice the change tram Tbursday toi Friday, tii nionth, hecauce oai ldependence Day. The barn an the prapsnty of Lins. Nel. le Speciman, ai New Lyme, Oua, Bat the carner of Broadvay and Wright Court, vas hadly daniaged hy fire an Mondey evsnlug. The A. J. Jensen fimu. liy accupies the Speckman resideuce. glasvhere luInîs iessu@ appears the officiai repart ot the regular meeting of the vller trusteesaan last Monday evenlng and publication of an ordinauce, iaing appropriations for the villagle for the fiscal year eudiug April 80, 1919, passed ai that meeting. Thom»s (leave, of Waukegan, vice preldeul af the Navy League of thait clty, gave B splendid tait on tie van ai the Mthadisî chureh on Bunday svenlng, givlng illutrations viii British sud Canadieiu officiai ver picntres. Thora 'MaloSic peciel Museehy the chair and Mira. Mary Tamise sang a sala. HERE Thi s .aryi 'jirl attenocu the grand opera at Ravinia Park on Tuewday On Wednesday, Tborsday and Fiday The village Of Glctai.- soid of iat week ibere wao glu-en by Mcc. $1700 wo,îh af ThrifttStàiiù1. Fr, redI.. BHakb of iprrg Urovte, for the day. Woman's Comnîittp, Lake c(onty The Bleveridge Playere are presenting Council Of National IDefeuse, one ai the a rutiertoire of play@ ndter -aras thîstniait suecessfu s@@ries af demonsotrations week. af hame ranniug and drylng ever glu-en Mr. and Lirs. Bon Simon aritnuunce the lu tbls part of the caunty. arrivai ai a daughter, un Tueiîdà,, The cannlng of fruits, wlti4out sugar, muli 2. 'and wlth sugar substtut«a, 08430Sras MdinssRuth Evîlcizar la enillaiau exansaonths progreni. Methada ai cauningt teuded vacation tram bsr dutie# u thewsrs camparsd and the superlority ai bheldan achoal. j die ans period eald pack methad In pref- Mrs. W. 8. licClain vited a few dais1 erence ta the aid metbod wam conuine. tbis-week wibh ber atint, Mis attis lngly praved. Priesat Glimer. The Canning af vegetables and greens was dsmonstrated and the proees gluen MisseinnieJochhelm 1sf t We.iresday step by stop. for an ezended viit wlti, rlatives ut' Instructian Iu drylng was ta many Fart Wayne, lad. ,1eu-en mors lnteresting than Canning, ho. Help figlit the war. Puay aur way cause aiIts camparattve newuems. Sami- wltb War Savinioelsanpip f 3ou tan :1pies aidried fruits and '.egetubies wers Out go ta the front. luspected by the audience. The dried Miss Auna Miler lias awcc.p6d a 1 a Cherries were pronoîuneed a delicious eltioli as tuisphoue operatar ab t he Ou. Confection. It was learned $bat pro. wentsîa club ut Lake Forest ductis prôVîlrly dried retairi ail ilieit food Mr@ Jon (of@andson Miche1, avei value, eau bu siorcd in uery inexpenslvs re. Je fonCoand on, M i. bveContaIners and wlli keep indeflnfîteiy. retrned ani a ut .wske iIndiana i The carùn-t ai iand ment, e lth re- relaIveslu authrn ndiaa cpes therefor, and the smoking and Clarence Boyd rucsntly teuilred nu the drylug of these mare or les expensive qoarterniastersa corp and ou 1 uesday food@ wsre taken up. Iitt for Jefferson Barracis, Mol, The eonteit for tbs winning ai an Mire. E. tiaimb.rg, aif I-elu out-door canner, prepented iîy E. L. spedlug a few days wltb lier daughtur, Flowers, and a patentud dryer, glu-en Miss Elien MLilmb.rg. ut ti i ,. by Food Admniltrator Gridley, crsated Dr. andudrsi. E. R. Smith atid nice .anexcting diversion. Mis Gree hae etune frina vry Five Luudred women attended the Miss iale, havrtrn roîu aenucy.denianstrations, evsry tawnship In the enjyab- iotr tp- hrogh 1en--cy.CaUDty bhuma rppresented. Mur, anti Srs. kcaflk Baker, auj fanily are niaving ta Bammond, Irdiatia, this week, vhere toey wii maie tl,.ir futurs home. Misa Katberine Cale hu a. e, , ctd a position With tue Chicago ljhuto aud is at prescuteunplayed je, i-i (hicaga, elcbange. Thre Illinois Ruicerve M!i,i4 ,' ili glu-e a demorstration a! An-a ou i, ýt Tuesday uigbt. The' meiniiere a ii ,-) ier an the M:06 p. ni car Large cardlioard sigtes, adu-ertîsina the @ale ai War Sun ig r1ztan)l.s-ju8t tLe thlng far astor.. ai rýd 'a-are an este at The lndepen)drit .111 i. Il YODn wltl tbink r rieanvi g than ai spending ynu, e 4I.- urprted ta learn that there arei lithings whlcb yao do Dlot n..ed aftr r i. But boy War sau-fngs statuts. J. Goldeuberg A . i e. in reueilpt oi a letter fcanie theAi. ri-an Bourd af Serap iran Dl)siet g attention ta the urgent ncsd iii il- steel mille auji taundries forc ecra., r. i ta elp tufltl gau-ernmcnt cliritra,,r. ad aid lu the wtning ai tlie aar fOc laldenberg firn le carrying au wai'-risenient lu thîs§ Issue et The Indepýesi. eiallIngý atter. tion ta this tiatter. The macclage ofi N1s,-. ànnie M. Lighi. boidy, daugliter af 1fr muli Mrs. Frank Llghtbody, ai tut,. ph-., ta Private FredB. Smith, af i-rt Srieidan, vas soieniulzed aite tlie -tidiet parsanags In Lace Bluff (in Ttlursday evenlng, Joue 27, the Reu-. A. C? . Slzrud offIctat. Ing. The bride le a xer> îîopular Young lady, havlng griîwn itvamanod bers. For sanie tue ci,,- bas lisen cm. piayed at the E T. I.arîcrwarthy stars, wbere thee yul remain a- cleri for the present. LMr. gltuil iraait aDuBr- lingion, Iowa. The unarriage ai Miss e l LCasey and Orval C. Jarrett taimi plaie at the bride'a hameaun last unday evenlng asi 4:30 o'ciock, the Bey. Hari Iorgau officiat. lng The bride, vIa wors a white tagets gawn and a lîridai veil nid carrled a bouquet. vas atteuded by ber ulster. Miss Helen Cat4ey as bridsmaid, - vhle Charies Petereon actsd as haut juan. Aitur the ceremîîny a weddlng supper vas seru-ed. The bride ilaa danghter aifLMr. and tirs. C. 1. Oaasy, oi ucar Llberlyvîlîs. The couple. vho ane vel and favorahiy inawn, vill maire their home an a Ian near 1Ivanho. DANCE AT IVANHOE The M. W. W. Lodgze Na. 101 wiii Siva a dance aitthe M. W. A.- hall, ait 1van. ho., an Thucaday su-seing. july 11. Si.,i.l'. norchesramlii i,,,eI. the mele- Mtr@. Chappie Tyrreil, of Wankegan, _____a_____________risuTu muie daughter of Mr. end Mira. John Cale. snstained a paîntul eul an the forabuad that raquIred severai stitche. vbun ahe N R H H R C A Q tell tramn an automobile near Grayelake on Sunday eveffiug, She vas matIn5 A nev acedule of tire North Slm)re an effort to go froni the from set ta 1the electrie, effective Jrîiy 1, bas iubroved hack seat vhile the car vas runn uta servlIqe, gIvIng botter cannectirmes 55 e fair rat. ai speed vhon the accident 1 Laie Bluff. Wet-bouud cars nov louvei oceurred. lu the car vîthber vers lira. 1 bers at @lx minutes paatthe beour, sud Tam Cale, sud Jo. Smithl, vho was' east-hound cars ut tlîtrty mInuuei puai; driving. ttc boîr. Ch4urc/z rSrvices1Y Met hodist- F-pi scopal. Secuice, "elt Suuday will bhe ,d at the usaite: Suudayqet-hua t 10ocloci. Mornlng preacbing atIil ocloei sermon Oy the pastor. lu tlie seufug at 8 o'claci there wlili0e sau-ry iuspirlng Sacred Sang service giveus Oy the choir, asi.ted hy Mis Tay loc, larptst, sud Mir. ScLalieId ai Chicago Heights. Ail1 are cord'slly inuited. -AlilFor tOris t y Titie, vwiii Os the subject ai the Epeorth League lessoiiuet Sunday c%i iiing a% 7 oclîii'k. Harold Hagecty viii icad the meieting. Ail abre cordially inu-ted. There wilIlie two choir rebliarsais tils weei-, one Tueslay eveeiug, Juin 2, aîîd the îîtber Friday er.-rilg, J uiv ,. Alil meambers are urged tii attend. The praypeetiîicing at thre M E cliorcl an Weduesday eu-eriig at M o'cioci vili esecilîy Os iii clalioi thceniuisted coidîseoand sailors whose ihome@s are in LibsrtvuiIle. A cordial lue itatitîn la exteuded ta ail Presbyterian. Sunday sebool 10ea. m. tiorning vorship st Il a. ni. Thc liegîuuiug of Wisdom." Eveuing service St 8S acioci. "Which Way?' RAuY N. SMITH UbertyvDe, IDI. Subj, Suliject, iti B3anks jetle undertl, 1 nÊ pincpleofieNaionàB&m Lf1aeD ste alivifof its Iawe ha5 1'een piioven IVa lest of fifryyar. %É oAI gey o irNcmt nlLk SAV MONEY BY PLACINO YOUR IMAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS WITII ME ' My catalog gives many clubbing combinations. Here are two of its money-saving clubs: Delineator............ .81.50 Everybody's............. 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.00 Current Opinion........8$3.00 Review of Reviews .8..3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. I ndependent Office Phone, No. 1 000000000" - ---------- 0000006»------------::Mu iFOR THE CANNING SEASON ALL KINDS OF FRUIT CANS RUBBERS AND SEALING WAX It's your patriotic duty to can consiclerable, i fruit and vegetables this season. IMake "I'CAN"' Your Motto! E. H..COR LETT MEATS AND OROCERIES I Two Pbones-339 andi 340 Uibertyv.ll., Us"oi Independent Classiried Ads Pay. Ask ang u8r o1 thu-'* 'for IN Vouri t fJuiySasnbe tm Mid-Summer clean-up sale,' Ladies' Pup and Oxfords; odds and ends of lines that sold at "$3.00 and $3.50, ail in one u lot for, your çhoice at.......................... $1.18 Fine Nainsook Night Gowns, slip-over style, pretty de- signa, ail weIl made and neatly trimmed; an extra value $1.18 Special purchase of American Lady Corsets, two different styles in fine battiate, hboth -pink and white, a good $1 .50 garment,$18 ail sizes from 18 to 30. special at.............. Crepe de Chine Camisoles, popular flesh color, good quality a&i very prettiiy timmed. A smail lot especially reduced for this occasion to............................. BUY WAR SAVINGS AND THRIFT STA!M REGULARLY. WE SELL THEM. W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 l». &H Gay. -M Th- -- =--

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