CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jul 1918, p. 7

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FOX ÂE URNG Red Cross News DIES D RN Somme pssesurs mlied wi Our labor .0f love makea an agrftaWle change, a0 RE UNION IWiii BROO Cro4e aumilary. A IRM N ~ R (Ou gay 17, Mms W. K. Chaniplin flE I m E satertained us, It being the tiret event la ber heautiful new homeý A great deai of Mark King, Wealthy Rancher, niving vae accompliabed sud plans Cornes on Visit to Lake Co. voe muadi. for the dedication of our wr and Dies Suddenly vlpc diag. Music anîd rereahmenta vers e..joyed by tventy-live of our rewularET C.3 ER workor». LET 1CO.34_____ AG Again, on June Ili. Dr. Marie S. Bergfi entertalntd us lu the loieiy garden o1 ber home, which vas decorated wtli au Imminense lRed Cross iag. It tas au i deai pi" and an Ideal day for tuch a galhbering. Bewoig as again the order 0f the day and forty-eight ladies acroin- piihed much with the needie. A reguler aproud vas provided Uy the hoateas on prettiiy dcoratcd tables on the house parch, froin wihIclathe ladies belpeli themésive. ilu caleterst style and caprIed ti. food oueitu the arbor tu sot.,liany net meembers ver. gained. Wednsadal, Jeu@ 26, a busines meet- Img vau hsld, then new affluoer e appointsd for the buey estamer season, sfolota: lir@. H. Mastèe, szecutlzechairman. 1111sr. W. K. Champio, vice chairman. lire. J. Bosis, chaîrmn» ork coni- mittee. lira. B. Meyer, vice ehairman tort cornmittee. Mra. Leter, assitant. As everyone of tiheuo ladies are active tinter., the ijet of reauito cau be ezpected, A fortune teiler and card resder vas present, who toid the ladiesà'fortunes for the benefil of Shed Ried Cross, il 60 being made i b Ibis ay. She vili ho pressait every Wedoeoday alternoon and wiii tell a periect;y grand fortune for teD cents. . Come and learn your futurs. W@ havq a quota ol'steibtere and ma ta mate and finish by Aug. 15, and we vlah aIl good kittera In the town@bip vould reepond to the cati. The sum mer, colouist. are eîiecal, inviged. Word ha* juat corne tijat Private Noël White. of thîs cumrnuniy, bas been ssrloualy Injured -ov.-r there' and the aniiary wishea to extend Ic nyimpati~y to the parents and relatives. LAKE VILLA lira. Webster. of Oatkl'art, spert ta fév daya recentiy ut the Potter homue. Enoag Earl f' and iaxtiy tere nier Sunday guesta of hies1parentxs The Royal N<eIghiorgtlied roinfurtere for the lRed iro*c aurti.m ealF at theIr regular meeting ]&et weed. J. R. (rtbbh ha.,. cld his fari" to .a UbIcago nman, thitti planning extenmtre >5.ierationc I the var fut.ure. Mise Marlon Ml.uglof ill,urn. spont a few day.. recntl3 aith MI@* Mary Kerr. Mira. E A. Wilton lha@ t,.vn luite Ili th -Past ttc, wee-ke. tIhe LadIes' Aid eociety wIll huld île Dei% regular metliig H . iP. Lawry at ber home on the eaet lank of~ Foi Lake, Wedu..sday, July 10. ) on1 are tnvitud to hrlng sour plétnir cuiir and @pend a pleacant afterno<mn wîlh the ladies. lir.. i0b IMille. tSr.,and rhtldren ient a lev dayc a]tMt weck ath Cltagu relatixe A moitake vasunmade In ias e C@ Ssaue thîcliwe wlelj ku correct. lThe Ried Croc. auctIon @ale tili tiegin as one o'clock instead of teu and continue tbrough the evenling of July l3th. We hope you are planning tu attend. The son of M. Peteroun let tact wepk for Camp Ornt, Ito.kford. 0. P. Monter lias begun excavatfnig for the hasement of bis net bungalow. Mir. and Mira. Ben Dicte and Mir@. Pcteccon ver, Waukegan viitcro lact Wedneaciay. F. R. Sherwood @peut Ssnday ut J3rYayae. Mr. and Mr@. Arthur Výiltonof Konosha, spent Sunday at E. A. Witon'a. r RUSSELLj A very velcome nin refreshed every- thimg Thu rsday. il# dld a great deal of gond. There tas a War 8avinge stamp ral! la Rumisl Iast Tbursday night. It vas atfended by a large crotd, considering the short notice of lit that bad heen given. the jackies' band froin Great Lakes vas grestly enjayed, &a vers thé two speakers. The ladies serted the apeakers and jackies vith Ilescreain and cake.1: A number attomded the sutertainment et Rosecrana. Baturday nigbt. The society st i ra J.11). Murray's vas teil attesded. Mir. and Unr. R. G. Murris and Robert ver, Waukegan vitors, Friday,. Last Sunday, the Siver family heid thir aonnai family revales at the home of 9. P. Sîver. Despite the rain, thr, vas a goodly number ia attendance. GEfiMANS ARE ORGANIZING THEIR PRISOINERS 0F WAR (Bir United Pres) London, JulY 1.-The Germon Tif. flils, accordlntg toanaa undated dis. patch front Moooot recelved todey, and' are organizlnq Autro4er.enan war prisoners. (Tilles la the capital or-ô the gpvemsumént O61Ccumua and la a clty of about iàOCià Population). Had Renewed Old Acquaint- ances and Patnned to Make a Long Visit in the Coun'j Tn.p. v~ s'- "Markt King, aged 67, came ta vieil bis hroth. .Wilson rKing aiflteé,tata of Newport. Thé Iwa brothers hèd nal en earh aliter in 24 yéars. Now, Mark King lie,. dead at thé home ai titis brother, ileath fllavIng oceurréd cater su d- déniy Frtdéy nîgil aI 8 o'ciack. *Ma rk ing iormeriy reetded ln Tthé lava aiofNovport, but tnoved wtl ?years ago. 1h- tént ta Nebraska, then la Idaho and iéter ta Wash- aInatan. Hé became a veèlthy ranch. maa and a fet eka ago decided 10 coin. ta Laie counly la viait hie brother and ta renet aid acquala- tancés. Thé meeting wèc a happy one and thé brother. had maay gond chat. Mr. Ring sien, had a good lIme ln clcittng iriends hé had kas-n many yearq &go. For some lIme lits; béaltit had no, én oifltehe sl and hé vas sîtriéner s-while at lis hraihèr'e home, Deéti is attrihuted la hemorchage. due 10 an ulcer of lte stoach. Reaiats ai thé décéèced wtuf hé sh.tppéd toatght to Sioux City, lova, theré tatérméntl yul také pièceý IMORTANT EDD~ INfi IN ZION AS VOLM IVA OFFICIATES. LITRýrRTiVILLE I1NDZPENDENT, TEURSDAY. JJLY 4,.19l8 ANNUAL COMMENCER MENT OF ZION CITY MUSIC DEPT. IIELD. The Tvelfth Annuai commence- 0ment af théeZMon depérlment of Mac4 le was héld la fiîh Tabernacle, ZMon Cf tY, Saturday nlght. Ovérser VoIlva and site %we r rsent and thé entértalamont tac presided avec bY APOstlé A. Darma. Thé pupîls ai the Zion music de.- Déament showed cansldéréble sil aad tere a (redit te hheir in.strurtor,. Miss P'earil Biddle jplayed a celection ou th(> piano called "Valsé Slyrien- ne". -'ilsaFlaeThî.rctoo i )ayed nl vlî,tio sefletion and Mise Mary Swéc- neY llaYe-d Siterseood's '-Polka de <uiîeerl.' MlissEt h,,l1Nicholson clhoweld sami' s1itlai a piano celer lion by itohnî, and if tthé Roy C. Wed ekimd dldfi1ne la his intérprétation of NMtynaahi's MazurkaFub ctlfs a" 'racovienne -te -a ratber dtt. ficuit lîlanq sélection, but Misa Vie. let Witlside gave a clever reader. Ing af thé Piace. "PFlliag I,fie's Mi- ,*lon" was a vocal Item sung hy Mr. MN. P. Bartoi. One af thé moat dit- fICUI( items on thé prograin was Ms Blanche Tilbury', piano seleclion liy Erier. It tés thé famous titue Dianuhé valîz invaritions, and tas very pretty. Miss Tilbury képI thé îh",mp gotng ail titrougit the varla- tiens wlti great précIsion and thé sélection wai certainty pi'èlty. Mca flessie I. MüNeit phayed tl, tamouni "Eldorèdo-i-oika de Concert ln a véry créditètîle -manner. She ishos'c'tIa .éhorouga lsreperattoan l ber ,Ptano torkt aîd cite bas e'. lîent- ]y Put ta maay beure of cIndy 10 h. able te give sucb a fine interlîreta. tien. Sydney Stewart dorves spe. cial menition for bi3 viofo .-.)io "Air Varie." Thtis youth hai; pracliced consldérabiy and théetme hé bast LOvlng wasc dean and ter,- wnîs a rythme about liii playîng ttîat va.î a-mootit and exact. He coluld im. prove on lthe tane pater bint hic fia- g..ring was excellent. Misé Ruth Voliva gave a fine renderlng ai UÀzI'sq£ "Grand Gallop Chromatiquje.' Thé sélection vas dliîcult on account ai thé counter mélodIes running through Daughter of Mayor Clendenin th ice huqoit IIS m e nu difpar- and Son of Heaith Off icer tlcutarly clroag on hec attacks. Frmtiti' irst notee showéd con. LaRose Principals fdecefor lier altacis a s igorotis. Misa Marion Moulton and Grèce I_ Pau 1l' MCLaltcn'.eson a? Dr. N. 1. BandaIt did justice lo Bethoven', and Mi'.forothy S. Clendinen, daugit "Sympitonv" No. 1. Thé pièe tas Lallose. cI#Nhealtit offîcer of ZMan, leagthy but thé pianoa wock on bol'n fer ai %W' Il. ('lendînen, Mayor o? Z011 treille and basvas ver good. City. ter,. att/led l marrTage Fridèy clght Tîne tedlng look place ai te hami. of théetrides parents, 2600 Ed- tina avenue. and thé e rmany tas UKREAI LAMES EATS pcriarméd iy Ovêrséér Vohîva. There vas néèrly niaéty truesta and A èmong titem ver.. B. J. B. Aldrldge "M0 01 U RO (Il'ft r icger af the MurphyhAbrc TelephnéCompancy, and Mrc. Aid ridgî-: Mr, Flarlda VMcCrperx' and W E SI MO Anna MrCrepry of bnuutolinllnat j______ siters af Mrs Cleadinen a"we etl fteSi A jaurcer Ilîronîgit ceen "'alec In eteth of he air lhrnr automohile van. madle s' Mr. Lads ResuItS in Enormous andf Mrs. Pales and chittdren The party Icit (Carlsbad, Net Mexîc"o, î.n Sales of Candy, Chocolate, di 'l aga and arrived ln Zon mast In @e as is Shown by the Re- ,limé tn atte.nd theé veddlng. Thé dia- tancé raveled vas ,800 Miles, Thia l cords of Paymaster farly sill maie Zion iér permnanentn bomnei If anyuoue douhts that tiré s.u:ors Thé trndgroom Ie a brother af Joe na t (rinint .kes slati0n gel it nougb sn- Lails the aviatar tho le tn Franc- gar te aeft. ]et himlmook ai the rer- a nd tho twas woundpd a short lime n ords thîitchutho hos- moatitcaady éga. Paul tAllas.. te a graduaI.. ai:"lt,'shipî, stores ceili te T'nlverslt " vaofClitago andcofuthtint limng AIil and Nay and thus far Wauiégna bihi éhool. Thé-bidelias ln Jane. according to AssistattPay hein a i-rt, rnEgli,5,h and Boyle, tho ns in chargé af a* thé Zion l'nspèratony collège. Theé filhstores. 1he. Meii ilGrentuLak-es bridegroom is la - nager ni St. Louis runcumed $175.000 wortb ai candy. office ai Foreigc and Domstîr Coni Titis Morey la épeni nu tuylng on mere, hîs dulies betng prtnrlpatly tc an a'.enage ot l .ni pieces af ban assit tAmerican manuîfactuirer, i n d svtkoncatiglin dislrlhutiiug theIr gonds in f-rengo bara of chocolat.. Titre.. thuu.-.and rrouuctrles. large taxes o? caiidy are puchased every seven du> s. ln thé camne lengtit utliméîne nuntaigaq crnck.-rj ck arec con-îiun'et Th,-' ;renil M utiriT TURNS La*ce4saweet toati also dî'niandn. cooales veve ie. DOWN $5,OOOBeaides theaé tdhlsité h pay en Sclpes are conslderably thinned -by purchases of toitacco in varlous Jtwjt AS R feoras. Bel Wéén INaY 2t and Jubée 12. Jus;l 2»40,000 cigarettes frmom chipa éstomes went Up la émoke. At He Appreciates the Kindness lté. choseai a wéek's business thé of His Friends but Says stores Iavariably Madi they have éohd about 20, 000 cigars and 14,400 pack- Gift Isnt Consistent égea i oftubacco. Of course match- es are nécéssary la smoking and ai. Plans ai wealthy Laie Forost rés- Ihougit apparentiy no one éver boys idéals ta Insure thé présence amoag -matches, judgtag from the amalo aif tient PecmaanlitY a01 caW. A. berrcvlng doné. titosé tho kmot in- Moffett. and bier six chilrea ver.. sut that 1.020.000 boxés ci matche niPPed ln thé boit Fridèy thén Capt. are cold véékly. Moffoîl, commander at GréaI Laies, Soap and Jam. courteously. but iirmiy deeined toO0f course Il ia only naturel liaI permit them.tol précant hl.nbwth a vith ait 0f thé revieta helng élagoîf $35000 reaidence In, Laie Ftrest. af halé, shoés bécomé dusty and thé The Laké ll'oresters are nov plan- stores nov sel 10000 cana et black.à ning to havé inlroducéd ln congrés ng éèsh veèi. Other artIcles are a bill asktng liaI the caplain hée pro- sold In larée qiantlte evey veek moted la réac admirai, hut that aIiac1(ludiag ,000 bars aifu'aahing soap,1 thé saimé limé hée héeassigned ta ré- twice as mueh toll oeap sud la' main on duly as commander aI Great ,numerable jars oi jam. Laies. goa aler ail Mr. Blujacket gets Thé pasibiity Ibèt Capt. Maffett enaugh cugar ta hie systein lèn t vould lie pramoted, and theréfore to bis hanicéring &fler ïead hhints. transfér-d. has vorrIed Lakeé Farest As thé bol vééhher continués Il éocléty toc sanie ttié.- To becomé la éxpecléd the calé offle. créam a rear admirai. CapI. MoffelInMuet colnet WiU bacomne enorniaus. Eleven tili serve tva more years ai séa stands ère heing érécté ,d to handle duty. Shouhd hits oceur. Laie Far- thé cone tans and airéady with only est w«. afrald hIe vite and six chîl- taur stands la apération an average dren would mave 10 contes eècaast et 1,000 canes su haur la helng seld. city. A profit oi 15 par cent la mède on Tité vomén oi thé Laie F'orest a&l goods solde vhtch money ge@@ in- Naval Relief éociety got husy Ibère- to thé coliers cf thé Athhle Associaà toré, and Wtlliam WrigleY, auisled tian. accordtng ta Mc. Bayle, tho hy Mrs. Frederici Cauntiie, aipered nild tust $18,000 vas netted hast a cèmpalgn ta ratée $3',000. They quarter. got l ln a hurry. They then oblalaz- As thése figure do nt Inchudé thé ed an option on the Hoyt property amounts aohd ai thé Nèvy Relief can. an Sheridan road. téén or cafétéria camin dea of JacklaS The option seéured, and the, nhnéy appetilé for avels may hée gained.1 at band - to complété thé pUrchase, Caipt. Moffétvas Informel! ai thé Everyone ehould &aak himaesf, "What la Plan. Whéerupon thé plan ceased ta my abare la the var'?" Tho share oi tbe exist. Thé option wilietl épermltlnd cvla h é o îh at avS to expiré. lIl woeuntfailatdobt Président Wilson asta hlm 10 de-ta Want. Fer Sla, sUe a UnthéIN.pledgé himseilfto save ta thé monat ai ORIPENDIENT reat e 1l Wpeoce bis ablllty 5,11 ttieis avinge to boy veekly. War flavInga stampse. * paffe ffl CAN'T off OUT 0F STA. WITIIOU'] "FINOER PRINI New Ru1e1in Effeot at Stai Caused Many a Feltowt Tuirn Back RAID SISTERS' BOUMD Some of the Boys Are Wear Ropes About Recks Whii Others Have Gold Chains It tac on Thuraday tha'tiihe. çalwud ab6ut Oreat l.akc ý9j that only those umen tho hai t fi'nger priaIs ctaniped ou th, u discs which the Davy ha., ploiv foc ali satlors, vouhd hé alloaèd -leavé thé- station. M'any snactéd léésé as vas tboîr cucln tn eventng but bhen they rachpd ,gaies they were èsked lu ,how tn linger priats. And, then Unies di have tem avaîlabiéla In rnnîe'r f lbey wece toid tu "go hack md h. Ihc'm taken." Thé rule therefare nov cs that fIngér prints must he of record ait men and each man Musithi thé dise vitit hlm aIl thé tint. Thé recuit la thét thée Waukel mca tho are ai thé sain n béén trying ta find the Prnî-ner mf Od of carrying thé diac. Thé or ProvIdes lthey Mus et hé ca-vai> théir noces or trials and that il must neYer hé leil off. Some aio fiatiors, have them attached tla ah strIng, others have tbenn on sil chaîné and a fév faclldniiu * 4al] are veartng them on gotld cliîs. Ia tact, Il la said hhat r un cia of maay ai thé boya hovito 'n. t theY have made raids aon I!,- r je, ry boxés and éxtcacted lther..? chaîna. whîch Ihéy have inrded are ual usiag tb aly exintniTh In saine cases thé baysarn- ai-j Vp vîtb stylé and lhey r. -njil 'rima donna tn a grnd apeni r most rases. howéever, théelbosj not anxiaus ta dlsplay thé r a.p laces" sud Ihey are tucicît wav,(Io beplot titeir blouses. Intu. case seyseral Wukegan fellv,' thky hb placeil thé dises ounticir wrn..ts theY von't hé s0 cansPti,is ast chalo maltes thom. CLAIM TRICK IN ROCKFORD TO (IEl SOME EASY MONE Communicant to the Sun Cili Instance Where Man In- tentionallyBlock Auto E-ditor Thé Sun: I bave a so n in iin ri at Car MtiNi-s'York, . iinaîr tacitmènî 314, Inn n ni l>iiTr; and ho sili coon g , 'nFrâ tice. trame lteFrank1:n oj 1 t.. la Rocik' 'ni ni'ently tla my boy. W~e g(,n t na mcm la sîreet and a man r' front orai auto raiel n froc' . it Hé juinp up an d séld.'"I iian hurt oneb But It i l tll cf)t n nt t'." I have finard ' imor cis of the saine Iricl, 'niliters. Nov I wshits'ii w thie itF lic through yoîîr I. t r ta looko foc 4hose telloN n-, 'hase iem rested. 1i sad.-i. 10lado o ho gaI away. ,. was sncb cros-d. I cauld y),,,i.i ' iihm agi, I 'would Wi. tG ow-i oîae 0ne 4a bas hadt thésatlin-e in'put up1 titea n, 0 técati na'.n lte cutpt and put théni un r' 'n' belong. S. 1).t nilINSON, Ma-y Street. n . IIlLIAND PARK NOW lIAS POLICEs WOMAN AT BEACI Thé Hightland Park< V.ornan's ec ai a mili-seasan înneî"ng Ibis v.i pledgéd ils support Inînard thé pensés af a policpwnain a ila Pairk. Miss Annie ClémentsfIý heen avoro la as -netRie pat thé heaches and streltsansucen, home any girls atînsé conduet we rftnts lu ar tho are ouI Ico a hé. 'I Wcma's club voîed Ia stand on toum'hb otthé expense af Miss CI ment's salary, onc bah nifs-hIch h, besa conlribuléd hby thé Osahi cc ad ane-bali y h,,l rIsitv erétofer This relieves thé Ossoli ai part lub tek ex- a.nd fac roI nde ar- 'ne- 'le- han tub -r thé burdén. Ms.ciemnefts vili ln. vestigate cases for the iîiipervisor of the iloor ln additioi to har rescue and protective duty. Thé woman'schclb pledgéd 810D for thé entertalament of mnen ln uniform et thé weekly dinners ét thé HIgh- land Park club. MAUI)ESS ÂMES WINS W. S. PRIlZE In thé contest for the War Saving and Thriit Stèmpsa ft Wsdsvorth thé tIrst prIze tés wo;. hy Elle» Oalhagh- ér; second by Mjundesc Amés. à -Anather cantest will start on July firet and end Jiily 26th. A fivé.pound box of candy wili be given by Maurice Lux, also a tva- pound lhaomtfor second prise. SLUHIk Z RAY N. SMITH Uibertyville. II. thî 3hdyaiJev .P 1919. aI lthe hour ai teu aor .lathe ic,re noon ai aaid day. aI lite County Court roam ai aaid Court tu thé Coutnty Court houée at Waukegan ln sald 3Laie Counly. Objctions mAybhé led to tîsitt application an or before lthe heur of tan o'clock ln the torenoon ori aaid dey. Dated ai Nortit Chicago, Illinois, tuas 26tb day ai June. A. D.. 1918. PETER GHRISTENSEN STANL4Y PALBICKI K. C. M.ÈAD JOSEPH C. MLeZARN« Memb-ersg of thé Board ai Local lm- provéanonts oi the City of Norh Chicago. Lakte Caunty. Illinois. WkIy Lune 27 Juiy 3 *PECIAIL ASBESSMENT NOTICE DOOKET NO. 127 NOTICE 18 Ê4EREBY (iIVEN to afl personé Intere9têd that the City of N~orth Chicago, Caunty of Lake and State otfIllinois, havlng ordered thbU a béeai Improvement hé madeln said! City, thé nature. character and local. Ity of which Improvement lInas toi- lots: That the raadvay af a portion of .Staté Street bettéen the. Northerly lin. 0f Twpnty-seécnd Street extend- éd Easterly acrace aaid mtate Street (being the Narthérly lino of a con. crete pavement) and theé Mrtherly lino of Broadway éxterded Raaterly acrassepald State Street, et right an. gles thereto (aald hlobélng the Sontheriy end of a brick pavement,) nild roadvay on Sta.te Street te b. tventy.elght (28) feét ln width and the center hine théreot te hé coinci. dent with a lino twénty-Ilve (25) test Elaterly of and paraliel vi ti the Wésterly lin. of eaid State Street. ail la the City af Narth Chicago, Laie Connty, Illinois. Thé ardinance for saine being an Mie ln the office af the City Clerk and having applléd ta thé County Court of Lake Caunity for an asssMent af theo coats af cald Impravement accord. Bell ( ) System W HEN A SPEAKER turns his face from bis listener, lie ma- terially reduces his chances of being understood. The same mile apphouce when one talks over, under or aside from the telephone trans minter. To obtain the bestresuits in using the telephone, speak directly into the mouthpiece with lips dlose't'O but flot tôOuching it. Taik slowly and distinctly in a clear, well modu- lated tone. C1AS ITLEPONE I~I~ COMPANY 1 1 lng ta the henelits and an asséasment Ail persoa deséing may file Ob HELD T OM' Dtherefor having been made and re> jections In sald Court before salddu r UR N JI R iE~te i5th ay f July D. tcated INor. Ciao Pl 0a,]m coulr payae f inl ea ,,Taend ea n appa lan t e h é ri i& JUYlNaHcfE tèlimenîcournd aid néla .ehtraadentay -the BordafLcllpo ln heron.relt fit haddlte ifv e r lokk moen lrtame éad esmnt Itiofi~~~~~~~~~ C. E'an r S io1tN va et./> w n u ro n ie Jun e 7. du se W i theK daote 1 ira vof ucher . D. ae aiNrh C cgo IIt M to~11 SttooasdWrhes Alprson tdécrinéayfleasbte.ibsECIh AL ofASe A.MD., 1918. Chcs,9 CabeHu in o téCourt NtIc i REb YNO.31 il pff isOFthCeKTN6 Sidéfenosent14aalîlnoisI nh s ntrrectedtèt théeitPronsIý ln IHNRBL ICAG ftlt eftn(., nd aChîcéco. I of ldnti te BoyardNorfLChcal o bavig ring P.eý, tte rateoRSKI. r Jment,%b.. mae aiave sm' eicIo Taken into Cnu frontanyafby uSe2er ffy o-Wkl le Sttin ase W.tles n er apiunt ed iv the Pr.fid-oetita faSpeciat AccESaméntNa. 111. GrriChen Dis Charged tenslnoaid ou Lo aimpovemnd D onîrcîloNO.acnt1r31 tt Frm heSrvcenakead ea temeat. gand pîke Noieaobehe ive-th ail POP )oIrté Jun ne . ilyi-- lcl. ronqntchup.tpoff îavte C ity d e D'If NRAL Chre ihhangpi..IS w,îRlh ECI)AL daSSSorthCNcag. N1oTIE fsine Cyopfe ohCago aadui* tir îs hck grnaln nhag*î, OFPT NL.123 rorr tia Comnealh AvSOUW nîctaiSKI tmeO~ i rnt liemaelt treet ethéa paint Oml ile Takn itC. E. Hpiier. Saîohe NTCE1fHRBYf OffrrapoHu v h ridn f ndrpeil feet Noto.111, im d a gr f hnd odic 0fSriO ttan th îBo i ardt Lo ca mp t3ttîînts tai tieNonrt CicagofLa aIte o,,iO d a eva èriae bfoe olceMa. ake c d liliena. hvtgor nippypptgtp ihlr thém irt a te SrI Waea ervicethat a. J loca-M7l imravmen he Th o vae sth ame bg dhn yJî hn ual afiti hll ce n oaiya hctIpae cas tî in complths atd <'1and aun** forn th aval athorha gpsvrld èy ta prth E I on aS SIVIt OTaIcfCE oon.staoe Ciommonwealforth Av 1haelrc em cho cks.en hé va fond la h îcg tn Sr îtai C E d beOte12 the fe"m P nth tee t teI a caver saL* th e a akor uniioi for th, toéthé- oitL ice ai NSIxTFehStret ex df ighen th'coriigt.alllthé Cmoity. fo ine Re po artged a re hotihé tag Lc keénd éca ofs linste rétéd h avI s eetét hrfr.hvi t IVé ct ate fatrTalaC or and gante red h uneal tat IPorti n t evbce..hmaode Radretufordtta samd cOWJ living He wanlaishman e r.tutle enut aeen iStre ty thnd n turec hrm. hefina le hr ffcen fthen Cit l a ia terthé nall statn na ns t aled .hv actr a ncad lSate Streel ét mrigit a ofait! y a d. the8 oras soCt hére. rdér a our mata IT r cu vas that e rebigt lé asrtberly mmd aIIters th b uns thCourt f l fo, h nval iva dîtishanoralé da. iah kpaeeta ai on)t ihy' wnshe ewa o dl cludtg orton a thé evayaiail inter' Raid ordîae o prlioids arlmtNU cnrg fren athére.navi W iln héeao SaeSre iutd btPnthýe;ptoýh os ecvrsl the filealed r um the itlgor hediesdyh?.éecSoth nte ofsieteenthStreots agregaîlenraècoudng thnesad aeéséllt foa ng t R o hrsf artt ha wattngla-etendd arm a id te u r e ta thédld na fivé ntèîmpentè e aXli t,~ ~ ~~~~' laéhmuerrnst acrte rthin ofraduceporaionaod Stèle. inre and tite rate t v er cen0tW, tari auinaperatta acnCiecegamde Sre.ailatéitaiNrhCiprnnmratédtéatétra P.liinpn a. avard4n ta thénth tchargesnlnolst.ouciteinaled n acront cf torkh mèe gans . rIdac TePieStraeetng Estan doco sA. M.roenéte.ihd eh he c l s a téon ueand a tIon val file a hé offie aithet CityChrt and o jyA.I pe ,sans 8désrn a filé h . a~ ed rit martial.Te rpciteck s returh aingl- apploied tathe Couty Court etias taebsai esoteorat da rdro taiie oclouBitîlo i t 0~a ae Cut o nacsmn a n a peré h érn m 40t or dlaar etna hi'hdnorafuc d is. fa l ite c k avemdent prvemepnt)ccord mitherdfne te chu a rg frtio pt itet a. Uap n e on c ding a lthébeetsandwan of eIlmIntl, Datd oat nac rth Chîcg , hlinol h et had am heklig accont da Ibisftirefar i tav en mdeaid réoin tis 27gtt ay aiune.of A. d. 1918.b eon a pno hrf rifnws i hank. tuned traitd cur hélinalte heng Hno iv IsARRYmeIInUts eli l a n e aI h ii n rusted ona cnsidè re- M. o n hé151hday ai ofhyA. d.. 118 e; ntstat the lora o l m per ve. a r etbl oem of acodn ce i a trend Streeas i]oon lteeaity ofas th bus-ner éns ta maie sad aesofstent. 3. depsi tahc crditeb thé lorescaloai Lth e Cou t y llr i. hJuné 27. onnly 1-Wofily. of e i béni. he l hé uppoaed eN adl Ra nt fid ce of he Cit pyblerktand Alpteu etrn a fl 1 a.penty i fnîftheré hnhéc dr trw hinaîhmnî sud t teiontalCouteions l mald Court beNToTICEl théPd veiteit.h loca sess itaonIthaeoftak aereéutyatthér até ai iesm pérof ndOCKap ea t tNO. 129 d î o é dis avered b tché cino <s n gd 1i, tc t 8 of Raidernui r n nèt aod NOeTICE ir HefPnç GIe.ta5 'hb3 wironto10 t $20 .'Ita ver pne thé dte ith é tneit vdouchser. ersDaeans i N rdt hiat othé City lhcag sa; sceera alacvére a ted Ail efrs ang bdeng maye a eh. Narth Ctiaga. ounty A La.e1a1 i a akeg pé ale xm tns ta sad court hetaéfi ddntaeal lhhinaishavug R eréd thta In oH 18ian it]nterhaveg ade h tayaled èrnd mèy éppé ari té hérlog nd oAlhe mprnaémente d yte la ma are me n lat emntrer thaieta- Maientheir tdfene A.D. 11Cdtof th ae.harafcýtrand hPOuai ec-besay t fhal nh was th'oa o? i te Dèted a amnnt Nrhit Chiaslh uiness tenais t ici mrovinent s as . chargdep s hrouhe agaitn t hel. altits Cort dy i l em. JO. 12,18. lots:]Y P of JOSEPUe b.lPRZeBORSKI, Titatd Sthé raédvayntalm paable In tel Doheothepct nr mtaesi. forhve u Olfîcereppoite rte Pf idventpaer aIeSiret teNOth.Rat12 bee if y ou ère t ttlivng fosr Showcethé peord a L o mrandmats aiN TnIC tetetne ataTl rthe an a1thtt ar0oty ami ct sesmn.sadRèE istHree be ingteN inutr frm 10te$2. fay er pss luhéde 7 f Jhe -it ch er.verccdsai an rete av te Mt am tes io whnarlgouray n ndmyapero h ahhteandru Wr g__ and ---tl o mrt 1e a it eme ln atme ~ maenIttmn ute hnt malle th ereb i ve al er eCitth(8)el t, a th and t10c0» ra sons twa o te atereatédorthattCh ito.îIl teoi e t hereai ta hé r o înent vii f e'i rê NrOug T ICEsble ci ai thé Clv a of thChiagohav th.cete.une9i1é8. SèleSf701 Eyp PUDBLI xpCtNOTICën e die fr tyotng adered intda sue pémentfaS alRthé ty cienartheCbcaoth Uni GIVfo aeN te rt irigd o So w thalI e Bon h ar d e taocaInve i te d et Co nthliStretoia. e as er élu rgo Lae fled fo te cen'.tucttoa a ment sde. filé h tfiea!thé it ' hériUabi Our liithe('ont y Co t your o? ;t' t.Oihi, vli ne 2,he 3WtrN sie 1%Hv eavndgofappltéd 10té paC ent ) 4r"c tes iof nairs. a e rlito n lcal eb t hathée b A en e ra Ei bt eah0îr et t Lae Couth fo ne st in e t 0fStre t tua nt ttnroem nl lnSî iii mon TwénIAth ta thé CE i'ctIs edacrs at d nip aieat accorlW thé ple o anîth ili a i nIin n itO . Doth Chtaa.CTy N iO, e13d0a ie be nfitand an èéèeéSétwii au Noic ttallc un l'nIn al prrrquir(28)testIn.woh tdhe COU camé,onsa n il e te oficeaitte City Colter in e hern twill h ienhî I t WU'l~ th NcOsîu TIo orCE t r cin l of the ity ofNdoethidCicagohavt he A. . n lte 151ho md a te uil .,» Pe UpLC NIE îe .lh li RB ngodrdte otyourpetaL ai;ea1918,thorityofortheaIter ès thé de- I h'drants h offitsalveofaNorthChical Conty.lnStec ai l seîno t o.an0ès Te a e or vii emi o (au a lgo, Lake ,.nlrtnty, a piorion o? s fld frt rc ntuto o e etad -Mei h ofc fteCt vr Ilut is m au Avee tra ,xteenth eel.- cpessmntoi Ile coath tarae t!e ad asséémeatfl a yabless etifa fu ar Tw )%ntteîiî hal om CIlst tee.ati h Vt f ot o adipoemn cod ultedad Si ltre n 10 liithé dfiNorhcy. acordiaîg ta théLakeéndts elahelenta d n afstAllMSfl ofN tallyth li'nîoViee oftnrin z ad natheet heeoe hvn érnere at at lieerateaie »re 1W inaons naP fort. ig Nanti ctîicagof b e mèdeanl frteasaAid o urt: elum ('id Cort;athuIl 1t>mab ,t.Il s m .t-i.e neln he fi ceg ft heCt lr0 n hroiwl chda 1no h Tht Sp cn sut ssnion toaid canîrt thé - f i tyan rt e an i iyhé adv e ir ýj. te at a etiret aLnh ' fer~ Thé îy oèrîî tagrtfi,j taite cîîq a ieduîy tA e C1918, ort ,iofLthe 191io am sond Couret eréas the 11U pub ou od .an d u of ahes n sud qPla a'n. Sét riur ettstat a s rtas te tCortlt pmic . 1lm 1u C*lîatti coleci:ýapinonf l aggrFete o nte of alat e c armat thîSa2td ay iq e a.ayable1l18t mr oTent md o trdetap l iin ta sait deited faclhreinc tlethe arnflsin mia JOSe PH b.d PRZYlstBOR sIQ but t ta cinand ad etamne ceeta a tq.g e ntI re pre hvnlum OffIcereppatdbthPr df 1 t cP ,tn pejlIcr or o nt i fes as st oté th erfialnum tram thé dalén illlie bfirsl th e oad at oh irs oueme 01 Thend Bcerdfia. ar itru A er oheer sOsueîi. D 198onracau in t i wrin mie Raid Courtsment. ai M met é ad 1 anîde application a Wteu oî Iiroééi.jne2.JuSEPHWil. PZBR 1 1 ý 1 1 9- . .

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