LD-,ERTY VILLE 'INDEPENDENT LAÇ~ VUNY NDPEDE«Lake h nesig WA Big «MWeel UKEGAN WEEKY SUN VOL. XXVT-mn 9.t7 IrIr". ___ - - -- - .tr- JiA%.L4 UÂ4 PART W LJJIBERTYVTLE INDEPENDENT, JTTLY 4, 1918 IFI-50 FER n . R I - N AV Uamr'~ miIActive Service TIIRES1IINEi *ILL De udnyFAMILY 0f 513 YEN ~~a aledet"» RctvMIJ c raBE UNDIR DIRECTN DRVNF0!OE 0f (iOVT THtIS YEAR -- AS FIRE RAZES IT L a k te County Owners of Arthur' Beshel, Wadsworth, Threshing Machines Get For. Won't Be CaIIed to Army Be- rnai Notice to This Effect cause Family Needs Him Farmers These Days Are Oct-.oso os 2OO Wt Stmng Much Good Out _of Insurance But $600--- Ex. o $4 8Seemingly ValueIe t, plosion of Stovette Cause2 At the direction of the Uaited -States food administration. ail the There lent mach chance of Arthum tbreshing Ibis year vilii h under or- Beabel, vho lives neir Wadevorth Halsey, Stuart and Co. of Chu- ganized supervision, go Say. .ajettier n h r.M . esn &m GgSb ttdte es directed tIIovoars and operators lng called ta the colora If it mens ofato, Submittedt theeLakeBest yanything ta bave dependents aud 0f tb te ons nd sigo otf0.C.its l Lakcounty ta l i .cIng e criais in ono's lire. Bi for th e B o n dsa d nsiged b G . C . G id e> c tkisFor. hil te l s iel la ln the draft osaun ICoanty farm advipor and Fred Gros. age, hoe bis a vife and rive chldren ALSO BOUGHT CITY BODStresherman vbo compose the offi- and, besios the rcsponsibility such a UII U ICial overnment thirlshtig com uitfam l>' Meurs, t develors th t i,1 Fou ofteBidders for Cut itee W taleC..cunt>'. homte vas vipod ont b> tiré Monda>' 0W' o the County menting teovenîng, dostroying not Onlv is, Bonds Sought to Get'Them twnymilo bgee fwe t an-T wO « Mi LAK(E home but prectîchîll- ever>' plece of Inualîyl> uthie United Statesq due ta furniture.. At a Disco unt carelesa threshing operations ln the IIN V O S'V IT The lire started fron an exploalin -cause for the govez oments move ta W'JUXA Y I. A II of the ekeroaene ae aund lte bouge 'Halas', lStuart and Company or S ave, ever>' Possible buabel0o iea, sonvseoroe nflms a Obiag. hebon busv l<- pribis ye. For thougli thero le an oa. thT IImu M I îe accident happened ln lte nîglit cbased tbe citys $40.000 bond issue APT. , OIY iaedvetCO fo e .in VllL I iii~ls emglhv a rul otn Mouds>' mornlng, vere avarded te hathe he rtpblhdpcuebusbels or the second largest vbeet ie irn ut iatobuteas i s 7 Intye80.0 adbneo b fO.Pl> nh.~ cpi, rpb1. itr foountunr o'cIdck verybody as aake and71 'à;e 11n0f,0(s)Mmendayodsothe odf r. FThe pnîbisre aap -' i.î1iliere la ta bp, no cessation In con- Ebenezer Albrlght and Robert <bey loM t Ime ln aeaklng safet> ateroa of546,pu th adethe ih b onds Tak e ict e i 8n àapb'sotervation and huge reservês of le th, yard. The lire apresxd so rat- vetat1ac5,o20. plusd tthe centlcsof thietbondi; Palaidlaithateth>' vor unabl ta ge ~ein onaldered the 4s1 of any of DeliMoraneimployed ln hlm Oficc. Wha r ab cetdt ur isnl ted M ansFl ~t aSUbmitoed. Thun the cnîy agianst a possible crop fallurd Iater tan> of i e rnitu e t e it ibond" really brougbt a promiumi of n Cw u iforaa itimîht>' efty inle l- nthe'hve sttaeud. comlotenas $426. ~~ ~ ~ ~tne nioo.sd the pictur. i. of Tegvrmn eoto onste aessandacmlt es 1426.~iners ' becau-4 white he fiet o h. gvrm epr nbssThe bouse vas vortb about $2000l le this coniiection it ln intrie.'dng peared ie the unlform 8unda>' of test Inlude min>' startlng diaclosuirca of With thier.celft 0f a me."..tzo an. and it la stated lira. Parsona earripid 'tTiote tîat the..ttYs $40,0M0-bond week, he lft i msnedigtely tho e ases vib ae rosdwen ouc .gfai Noel B. Whit-e n l-' $600 Insurance snd that BogheI car- Illis. brougbt a Iremulum of 88(1.). de>' for Rochester, Mien., and has i intereat on the IPart of the. farmers Laite, hlis ijrdvt~-fcu m oe aMrk vwce that of thet. rountY's bien away ince. lnb propoeaid reguistion. Nebrasafe fr. lng as a marine ln Frince. t is In- SiOA'o sse. Ir rasn fr 1bi mera bave been thre8bing old strav tereslbng ta knov that ther rtnT AN O la sabd t1lhe that the cit>' bonds run ________________piles, somte Ivo yoars oId, and e- allier Lake count>' boys , i, h tihe T ANO L 'tiver e longer Perlaot of years. eovemlig vbeat on vbicb the>' are Marines and w-l ia iely lia- heen *The Harrie Trust and Savings, nvking a profit of from 8100 lta 15 taking part la tire real hainles pos.&i- Buk Of Chicago. submiiied tht.e- lerebusieel. Losses n min>' cse@ hI> alongtsbde of White. Tht. e younz RC IL U S o.d ~ ~ ~ ~ ac TOtTALfrth ns hi LOÀN IN list run frein two ta ton percent mon are: Ebenezer Albight. -on of RCKL f8M10. ,Plus; Intorest. The Se c- hich vould, mise the cent of tbresh- Mrs. Roy' Basaher of Weukegan, and ~tes5ss o«d Ward Sevbngrr benks bld vas log a'UU u 'u ria present prîcea of vbeat Ibe- vo for somne tinre vas a chauffeur A L X r.c~ thwd« COUNJjY IN TUE tieen le anti2%)c per buahel above for E. V. FInkleetein, and Rohert A A EF R S lue blder o t 0 bu't tt ond lb.theprice pald lb.' tirasherman. DickeOn Of Gurnee. Tliese yoang the bdder soulit a be th$boud There are numerons recordis of veryminaeWtthrghpt I'%n Mder Par copnty nokialm arc pIens. T W ,$107,202 gbrevd thresbermea a-ho securod por. Ines v ich bave heen fighti le q'val. Younlg W mn Ot-o U00bu tabink that tbe bonda vere dls eéintatrs ta piliesfol- lenil>'Tirance for sneine m hatW ma Ou o a 90flofnta reiu.moisio tefIbreali strave su ad vboseevork bas attritîd worid- Stroli From Post Hospitýl To0liovîng l8a liet ofIbhe bide hub- front $27 ta $6-9.50 per day ettfils vide attention. Meets Deafh Monday Night I Uttd:Business ln the County Picks vomit -NO furiber dotails haie heen r. H aris Trt & Sa tingg, $105,011.3o t U p W ith 19 6 In stru m en ts It le net bel eved iat ti rers are ceived treuil W hite or th governm nt M Is e tar >' O pauch, a R edm Cross ltAB laieh & Co.-8101,50t;. Filed For Record count>' but te malte sure aitl vlI le ed officlill>'te bave suistaiined on Sheridan, vus lnstantl>' kllled Mon- 0.bacino e staic nthe u theu it]> Jnerkday night noar Lake Forest. vben Morcbent.'s 1osu Truet-41sSthe s - ma hinasvic ae Cptotemmkt-he as bit b ya train of the Chi- Boiger, Slossor & William Sîtigl.. 27 MORTGAGES ARE FILED '11l receive tt hehlgcmi.cage, North Shore and Milwlaukee - 'nb ow r Th .' com mittec bas been d rected eac c idn e ntor ei a h t i ui.& Weeks--$ltrZ.llj,teapol. LUREI) IIRE BD C eTecclidno cre i tl Pla interestl Business of the' tecorde-rs offieaioork ln co-peration vlth thr.'eh -koua awl ito.na h nermen antifarmerrm" the bIer sa>'s aFSthe The National Crit Bak of Chica- 1for the meek endrrc Jae >* tît * and ih thre'lite al be ru R 1 says. on f onV Frei W n 8o--4104,29U5'0 plus Interesi I b>'A 1K. IOwen. a ssaqsii etar "ands chgetherlithing sud inphaetîi R nu 04E; iua S_ other nurse from the Fort Sheridanq lgeC Start&Co.n-80,5.'aecrtiTbie&Tusonf ail tibgingoutrifts. Inspection of hospiral %liae Opaaeh had gone for Balsa>' Strboers. aiCor. fica]deate rpotsofî8 .Y I J I plu. Namber of conveysocoN ,ja AV(à3J I I! aStroli and vas walking along the Coiti cf bonda.Number of chaiel morîgage. 16ail grainrk. fficiai ltati reporo f~P JI' jsLeectric raiva>' tricks vion struck. Second Wkrd SavIngs !tank--4tm5, N umber f trust deeds anti mort. Mise Opaach vas§ 26 yeasenid andi 118.gages.'-_. latibeen atationedetai te boapîtai R. MGrant &C lo.ot Totllambnpet0f nstrens flIed. 10 ct ar a tres or <bthe ominner Obarged with blinl urietiedtiree for saine menthe.t B. C bpears & Sons $îttr.ttlS. 5-1196.vhcarryutlibe oralth acpabertaYoung boYs aswas-froint Ieir homosi Plus à per cent on balance tili useti. Total anotint OrIriain..$t72tt: t h.' bom l i i stafect andta ln Waukegat ioder Promises af flnd- . Hf 1~T Busines bias bern tîtitte trisk dur itoerd amitros'r fetn arrenta finglucrative emplo> mont frteiAE'Als - ig tire vee-k and loins ahove te aedat t Item OBrienrerged :t. fogaeR HO R AU S S average,.M a tnda>' afi e n a 7. aIo2:15 l amsd rienias dnote h ravne The fsllowing ae Ie oe d10at 8ten a meeting.talie h:1d on bi$ rs s F FIN4iE"wi fn J" RT SH RE K S ae te rnr, ni-theaudtorim, ÀbetYvilewhee $09.40 allen lie rus arraigneti ho PotatIKasoftie ee:Plans for the seasons yack walîl b li ePoic aistrate Taylor thiit f IO RýA U JIORTH SiIORE b In Waukean: tAwered -A. D00 di sserj andi adopted," Tn fttbtsaTioi g.~~ IUJ I3 U ASK ODD JOBS INe I n ai d e st ugt _______ vtb hlm vert.:- JonA bthtrianti ogli w erîrY Pisorek. attod t:lenI a WAR CONSERVAT'N lotso ri hal tgTa oSAME WOMANSAYS KAjao saivki. ag 14.owne eatorsIof tt., rnt(ce .Ro.The four vere ;ýn inia custodyt hei, osand Slir gers' for nominal consitiersiion. E A CC IIE Ib>' spOcilj officers Me>'ers andan IsHref ut Advertise in Lk Forest Te Andrev snd Mathilde Borge rcena>ii<iuScbeurer Iste Maond;t affiomnoon an-sHrel ut Lake uîOybouglit a 4-.let no, ws -rde Mar- when tIre>' ere toir'rtlnl lte rail. bilD e' ok e or et.. opposite rie Sunderlin tplace nl U ILTloei yards ai Rondoirs The>' voe îe s oIe'hta agtm Crl oss M en Work, Rsaed izrcfo nia yT E SAlIE 1 NNt.sCole ltdu ert lromisaelî Fi~paric forindcat DI IIIIIIiI nable ta prve anu>'satrsfactory exlý Frank Latta of Lake Forest, - ros 0Beeft ed $2,000. t'ienation orthteur preenüe there. wealtbY resident of that cty cul Elle E. Thompmon toiaitltti.'arr<pr Tbeye vere brouglir la Warrkegan and the end of hiem linger Off ln e sausageI L-matrs deeti aofrome haIl inrerest inlu ere locked rip ln thtertry jail for machine at Ravinla Park. Saturda>' "The Otit Joli Bureau."' th e Thompson proPeri>' on nortb side tht. niglit. nlght. litas letta vas vaorking vitb Pos.ters bearing thus heatilng bat-e Parier et., andti he Eio'tri- ralîva>' Miss Freda Augst of Highland in <cout ti iirring lite boys others preparing free food for tht.e Qppaared 1lnb.'eRedi Cross beatiquar. for $446.76. Ti a .sabi enBriohaiti artelhem ave>' soldlors and aailors vhoveme 'guests tarzansd ailiter mach froquenled plac- Js 18. R liess bonglit the Fred J. Park, Tells Mysterlous tram their bornes ou the promise ai Ravinie Pari and in. sbovbng lte -ai l Lait oet Csin lto et ieAbn Story f0 Police Again that lie voalt obtain Tcratbve am-1 meet Into theo sausige machine bier The>' aak: ~~~~jtigtsonli 0f (lieuFlore, for Indicat.p-mn o hmr h.saa e no etvt t "DO TOUI WANT- ed 81.000. - iOYeld.'Bt r retith, grtral b P. . n ee s e t o s>'. ttsusg "YOUiR DOG vastibe-if vllllng itlerman C. Lltchifeld boaght the fed.-epcue rpial h .S edest a.tesua "Tour GA.RDEN veit n .Pvr os u weet aide Highlandi Park bas an enîgmna ln excellent opporîrinir les offered b>' ground ln tirat bstcb vas not utilIled il Jno P Pavrs boge o westaideti employmenî. when questionidIn eervtug the lunches for the sai- «Your VBGETA1ji.fEs or bernaes Palmer Place for Indbcetet $2.000. tho person of Misa FrIoda Augst, foi-ttis momnlug OBrien toid canfllcting ors. »Icked Fred sud Carolmne Wilson ' - it ae declares that on Sanda>' ntgittatoe.O alr ap'bsfn t "Tour LAWN moed-if ainsi]- the Jos T. Parker poperty an north "lie vas egain aaaauIted b>' an un- a sentenceti ta serve tort>' day nUfV 5I7i TIl' "Tour FIWMRS arranged aide Water et., mast vost of $othnamod man, thîs Urne on Prospect av. Y" 'nWIUILR "*Your VINES traineti Park ave., for $2,550. enue. m coun sat an. he bya ern e sN~aEe R *«Your PATBS trimmeti Frank B. Kennedy 'bougbtthlb . i seAgt1 teYugw m a d 5 hoetlntil'wa ouketo "Ytiur fIMqND done-town or tereat of Eva I. Martin anti Flamenco, vita a short Iipo ego declaredti (atIbrhooinMaukeN T NUW V T Country Archen ln a lot on veet, ide Mtarket site vas beaten hY a man vito bad a -- OT,, NAOV1V AId Y"Tour HORSE oxerciseti Et., gentil of Guf et., for Indicateti gun anti usedthe ibtba of fi anas tA MIIt ifi " Tour CHILDIREN agiused $2.000. club over ber heati. She declames site USRll B ÀU D EsVlNe 0 'Or YoUr.GUMSTS entetainti? Geo. A. M4tcbell tao ktitle from "as InsensIble for titree or four Ovlng ta tbe tactlta seven-al of "If ao. please telophono Laite For- Mary J. Fitcb for a nominal consid- boure anti the strange port of l i laP N (A tt districts bave failed te makie r- est 3". Charges 30 cents an bour, eration to a lot on veet aide Jensen titat site aims te tan vittiaasarsît- HU M Y tjjND SJj - ture, Ib rougli thelr poaastes andt donaet e t the Red Cross.", Court seouth of Snutb ave.,.a lot on et iber Sanda>' nigitî vas tesanmeà township chabrmen ce. the War 8ev. GirlsTelleto attaciteti hemesGeorveekve.. west of Me. Ing Sîanrp Prise Contoat sales, il A diligent reporter tràcod theie l- Alisier ave., anti a 781t. lot on esst ago. IMDÀY N ÀK vîwllie Iossbet w rsso .Phone number. Be gol Miss Sylvia Ride 'Market ai., just soatb of Water Theo police have no va>' of dis- July -te 4th, andtihie comuittea lut ýJShav. daugiter of Hoyard Shavw.te et provlng bier etory yet te whole of- meeting 'Monde>' uglernooin decided te Ribilee, ounte vire. Site said: lu North Cbbosgo Andro Bonite fair seams a 10ih ratiter mystorbous Charles M. Schvali. director of the boli tite averdlng of prises tu oua>'- 'lua. Dorotliy Keele>', taugtter bought -the Emma Kiesevotter prop- eud unexpleinable one. The r'oung lm«ergocy Peet corporation, ne. meca util Wodneâda>', Jet>' tle 101h of Jantes Kslsy, and I have openoti erty on vent aide $tatse t.. just nort vonan ta salit! ta bave heen unable companied b>' E. N. Harle>'. cbair. at 9 odl0k a. m.., b>' viiol lioe oil bureeu. W. vent te raies e0ftt street for fndlcated $2.000. te get tine name Of ber seseilat sudt men or lte aipplng board, sud coiipiete reports muest b.e mae L0fefr fine Redi Cross and e Ilu Lakte %Fosei: Citarlos H Ithatdimystery t10 ho vhole a!- CitVle Fiez, lte vice dietor w. ffPrieswyullehaaaiddOn limat W e. mon for var service et te same Sebveppo bougint a lot on Waeiting. fair. iug viti-t-Ie master shipbuilder-date sud announcement madoeUImme. e. ton Circle train John Griffith for in- nevor mys undr-him. bresao t dIdtaely atterward hIaent advertised te do apytltlng InHihan Pr: lar Hart o v.~ for thb, PatifiCcoast. The ttNioofl______m tat; ecanot erii0 tand nti dloeOgtd810. Patort ass8iuhn o nsuhad kk ae, foîcago sen ttherdake pnigit O. u ekmuCanGr0 Glnn ipOriboermor'r e o in ero s roetyo ee ida 8rii Rod 478.64. ! rnm rJ'OdnAmu.l h thl aId o09lame of theo other gils norlt 'f Bfech. et. for Indicated lu Lîbertyville: teutoistta Bad àie that btan'hlm out thoitc, *- !jàu lUrlt d b"is f086 foi$,0010. med Ita bougItl 1kla.t_>' AM. fegdO[ ab is "blgli- M4AN'S LAND". NOW FlIRMLY *ELIEVEO WIL. a LIAM PARRY 0F Z ION GAVE Up MUS LIFE EXECUTING SPEC. UAL MISISION FOR COMMANDING Letter to Isaac Parry of Zion From Canadian Office!, ___ j .DETAILS. . ARE GIVEN OUT« Lake County ouh as Sent Out .-m Perilous Detail, No Word Received From Him Afler patiently uaitîng for sotino time, neys ana been reeived by Isaac Party of Xien City, giv-ing more 'Jefinite Information as, te the probable fate of lits son. It appeara that WilinIh Parqy vas sent Out. hs, theO omcer ln coOlu mand 0f bis regi- ment on a verY Impolllnt. but da»- derois orrsnd. Young Psarty and two others had te cross No Bgan-s Land ,where, abo, tnd ael was I aveeping serosthe desolate stretel, e f-ground tbtt la>' betveen the AI- lied and the (lerman tronches. The three men vere seon te creep sealtb. I i searosthe barren vaste. Sheila jWere tearing tbrough the air, ma- chine gwnm and rifle bullets vent screecbing b>' and the* ollicer andl the two private.. veré seen te cr@sýp steadil>' on. Then they disappea. edi and Jeter the ecurtain of nlght abt TRU K RE KIDOut the view. Wherter the M later captured lsnDot d.fintteîy knowh A'ISIA>0 but according te the major.vho 4% A T UKLAI L v ritten Mr. Parry. tiere seeme tes h. a strong probability th. all' voee 12 GIRLS JRËT TheIled. v hih as rcle 'Doar Sir: 1 regret mont deeply Sorority Members Were Leav- teoInform you of the circumstaaces ing Camp--Go Into on tchii 34rd. He andon ma Ditch sud one, of my oflîcers vwero out on ay detsileq Jjob and beceme eut Off bthe enemy. Note of the tbis, AUTO GLARE THE CAUSE bave beau board or mince and ou a, seein te sveep over the fields vbqre Driver of Second Truck Carry- ther ver: ]est sen o gIle ing Girls linahie to S"S I do slncerely hopo, atiat tue ammnui. Ditch, Drives Into It t iens arocincorrect. «With MY deepest sympathie,% Twelv g' "YOuras sncarel>',. Tev irls, ail membhers of the "R. 'S. Geimutrs. Major.-I Phi, Pi Pai sorority. vere injured. -William Parry enllsted in the 8overuI or then severol>', Monday Royal Canadien Drageons nerly tvo night, wheon an auto truck ln vhIcb yeera ago. He vad first employait as they werp being drIven' frein special dispatcb bearer, but Jeter Great Iak en Naval Training StatiGb Beoms te have been tranaterrad to ta lhp Nortb Western railrosd sta- the tronches for lieovas at Cambrai tion .overturned, :IInning them un- when the Biritisb tanks PUactured der It. the Germen ranks. Howver, be Six of the girls are stilI ai the. seema te have been noted for bts naval hospital, auffering Irmm hUrts braver>', aîberylse lie vould Dot, too, serionîs to permit their removal. have boan sent otby' Major Gel- The otbers vere able ta reNtùro ta muira on sucb 3aJ.ering exDUit. their homes. acratchoil », hrutsed. Apartial lai of tho injured fol. love: List Mo.1o Miss %Iildred Presol. 1618 Wintbrop avenué! hhoujler diabucated; taken im m a e te the Great Lakee hospital. Tl t{enmore- avenue. leg beiioved te lie brokon: takren te the Groat'La'îes i bospI4,11. ItNa Bello CouLke. 5700 Prairie avenue .Injuries net stated. Miss Ethel Otto. 6226 St. ltwrence In viev of tbe recelpt of Word avenue, minor Injuries. that Noel Edwin White of Pox Lake. Mrm. -' 0110, mother of lEthvI, bas b)een serio.usly Injured ln France eut about face. it la interestlng to read the lent let- Mýiss - Petoesn, gash, under ter wbicb bis parents, Mfr. and Mira. right oye. Edwins Wbite ot Fox lAke. bail te- 'Bre. Evelyn lAndellus, 847 West ceived frein hlm. The letter was Sixty-third atreepr, Injuries net &taled. dated June llth, 1918. andse young Jack Connîll jaqlite t Great Wbite vas injured on the l6th. the Lake@ station. Font message ta bis parents itg0f Mmd Pr.manted a Play'. decided Intereet among bis frionds The accident vgWthe .satinai te an In Fox laàke. Hie latter follova: entertain-mont given b>'the aorority "Ul bas been ton days siniee I have i the Camp Perry Y. M. C. A. at the lbad the chance ta vrite yois as 0 otation. From 60 ta 95 of the girls, bave been ver>'. vory busy doine a the majority of tbom graduetem oft utie lgbting of out ovn. The bIWO the Nîcholas Benn and 'Hyde Park auto made the Germaens tutn tail.' high echoolis and of prlaate achools We mae evorytuing voe started out ln the egt. ont to Camp Perry ta for and a littie bit more. present a play'. 1i suppose thore ia lots'of stuf! lu They loft tbe Y. NF. C. A. et the the Chicago pperâ of vbat vo bave camp et about 10:30 o'cloc<. enterlng Just dons. bhree trucks which wero provided by *11 m fsollng fine. didn't got a tho training station. and drivon, by scratch (knock on voodi. W. ame Jackies. resting nov. Tbey say vo vili bo On the vay to tbe station the out of the tronches for about six truks met un automobile comlng veeke and maybe more. We auta 'rom the opposite direction. Theo'do ned the rest and 1 guss tboy're baet truck Un the procession sssued going -te give it te us nov. withaut difficult, but the glere from Theveather la flue-b-i3 a lttia tho boadlight of the auto confusod main yesterday ,but notbing i.o botboiL the jackie vho was driving tbe sec- about. ond machine. ",Weli. moiber. that la about a&l f« Goes Off the. h@U. this tinte. vbtb lots of lovead bisa., Hue iurned asIde. the fuwbeela of f rom, your son the truck leaving the road. The girls NOma wero tossed ino theibditcb and ithe car overturned. * **jTiaee eilemaot Acording to Miss Pauline InIls 0f1- 4757 Wlnthmap avenue, thero voere US'5vs m t t ,> m M5 t0 3 0 g i r l s i n t t h e t r u c «c M t b t i f hb v u'W il "Thore was no much excltoment i TW0111i8 10 i. Ita USbg4oe.14 couldn't toel]bow severel>' SOMeOof Net«t SU11a111011117i be est hem were huit but 1 knov that bl b . 10 gb it UMad Bm W»'$ &,bout 12 of them vers tabou to the 19 1bave fa Setebc&- Great L.akes, station boaPitl,"' abs .!V0 W.amid. wu$as fot suatll 1: 30 thia moruiug that ail of the victima voere tko. cere or by the jackies from rmm V .. e M