CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDEN'T Lake County '-s Big Weekly WAUKIEGAN WiEEKLY SUN GrculadaoGtr 1h.other Weeklin wouty Gombmne VOL. XXVI.-NO. 28 - DIES AS RI3SULT 0f BEING- SIIOT IN THE TliIGII SUNDAY William Cook, Fatally Shot By Ten-Year-Old Son of Em- ployer, Ernést Champney IIAPPE>4ED AT G UR N EE Victim Rushed to Hospital at Waukegan, But Died Inside of Three Hours TWELVE PAGES EIBERTYVI1JLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JIJLY 11, 1918 stor>'. According ta the boy h.- entered the shed on the hMarsh place anti found the gun, supposing l to be enspty. Thinklng to rcare Cooî(, whom lie loved as dearly as if lie was lits owD brother, hie pointeti the guli at hlm and pulled the trlgger. He said Cook was flot looklng at hlmi at the Une. hr. Tombaugh teAtifled that deati lîad resulteil from h.-morrhagé. Th,2 charge of ghot .,cscred the femnoral ,art&iry. Mmwra. Marsh and Ilarnstabi.' bath temtifîed but there was nothlng they could add to the factsama. already kflown. ILLINOIS WENT FAR OVER IN, RED CROSS DRIVE Waukegan, G Pnifiue6. h eir, Williiîtî Ilbor, (Coiok, Jr r.. , ac fiuîîli n thn,. tlii- e ag.- oln-r-n eniioyc on tirai divI ion iilIsic\tehigan, W 'l'oms. ' aroî,ie: Ic~ "' (.n , n, iuw'a rîd Nebra. ha--,- W arren refis ttc.-, dled at thr.- ii.r,.î o i , t 521 Jane ?dcAistt-r iiop.tai Sin.ay li- ir lî-d rfoUuii aof $.1..' dinon -i t. cnoen :,i lj W'îloek âa- the r. the tnatioîn aurpas-cil this fhgure 'th.- suit rf !ijurles rec, î'v.-d hen h- Xtiint i. di sn xiiihilad .'-X w5a, sho -it "us C t trri' -î<ur. b.- York. for, .N- ws of Iii. îragedy was tiom- Centrali 1vi>ii nw ai a. keiorge nunicat i lIM-us' ilati-ly btsi. ljiai aril-YtO gis I .i6., iîc$r1ti r-t. wl- rce-d. a? i;1>17 Kutîî'îri ,tise .îritx iîo,. ' . .r.i nu,., (. o Tii.f ffatri 'hot. w.. $ i3i.i. liii-i iii..of the figure, firesi frora a st!ot gun ln tire hondi 0srîae ttna iru-k i- of Ern.St ('hamin-y. nu.. slar-o(i lywardaii -ltal liO1 ao th- ti-pat. tinu'ofThos. ttaîîs s Tii. bus $22.i.the<stotlm.go -d.d îot know ti.e ii w;iS iud- u y t 10 t:, n ',ti a, i îîîî,îîsd ls, nrta ts', n.ýl t.. . î'tru ti ;t l " .11.1 iî'. l .., r..;î a t us-vi gn;:1ih oý Grr Suroiiroo ning i .ju in jh.i~~t..ui j)cf-lLjli upnIt.lirntl.' Ar- ~..3 ...of 'ici c ris c-d at i i:,c -it.iii ic ~t%%,;;4,,..of the- total fr lll.nOis ,iisir a.. n î,liin'o 1h.'fil-d bIo 'For th, .o ... u..5 i. sel. a inow- i ts. ir.nrîney wlii t R. d lis,. ua! ' A i s v't id- ed to i,'îcoa f \Iircsii, whiiîCl- ,$7s< xs0 aili h- C(' pie s.>boy st.ayed be Il___________ lîiid iin thi.' iacyardi Tiie' n:ne- y4ar'-oid boy, went ilto IDVC TO 011111 the b..rtis W i-n. lît caui ,.-- î tUa FIII guti, Ucil 1)do, tri u siu i',yul:, plo ' t ("i,:'.. THIEIR VOTES IN puUled tiie trlg"s c Tli,î. îi . --ak e he roan wiiica groin EACII DISTRICT le be<.céi-ueoîi.cloukis îiîiedia st1ly, Attraclr-s1 by the- eoun,l uf tire ,ho tire two c uine bri'l bah k Tires> Ilni rsae l ý op fuund thflisiraigt frontlit-- h. tibiad fini du r i 'tbp taken i ffeii iii i.lie , iîîg min' ceailit oitiei ln the')Frmarv campaîirn thth aîd .: lîS.i licI. A issifor the nomination of cadidat'. tir baauh eitV iuki s. o,. . l%_ .ii tle 1' i clat are Anne,îini ement a*as. to fit-le a'mail.'yestpcdas-« v h tire jnti 'istoon Ont- ;liili(4. z l . l So b. il -its LA-112ue ot Ilin ois,. itiroli h St; t' ut ,,ii c. rI ;. i .-j tîh ..i fl,' inlendent P. Sett Mcl3rile. tha t shouuid 1-cc.ros-d Iotuiils piai 'therp wililibe rnoceniration of dryl wIthfftet i...> hplC tonrad anti%01e6Oii'.lpon i ngle candidates in cach 1 Wüteiiiit r aiîhuiiav, was uliltegislatts-e distrc--or upon two uauni'd alod tii' us' insi iî osoi w. candidates, Wliere the itiat:on ter- raui iJivi lcAs, te tiýýý o-,pi l fsan.d tiraitthe antisalonforces taI. u l' tii1In P, cw~ut. a i il I taite ful advantage of th.- Flis> W .î- iiiil i Ioa il lDr. lomo PiumPiiig svstem. laugh . ,. pli-ir. t..cb'5 efforts "Controi of th- next legigiatrc, go iroweîer. ith,, >oii trials,.pasciê facras concerns ratification of a dry away. l*tt la ascnîbeti to shock amientimen to the federal constitu- and the- lu-.. of biood.' lion. wîli ire ettled at tire prîmanie.. Th(, body of the vîctîru was baken in September' Supi. Melcide sulti. ta tire Concad and Wetzel underta«ï- "Tire Anti-Saloon Ieague of Illincits Ing roorus wir-rthe lnqnest was set s figitIng for tire ancerroprosition. for 9 oclock ti. mornîng. and tht l9 ratification immediateis' The sicîlm vas a son of William, lpon tire convenine of tire generai H. C'ook, rc.ideiî manager ln Chi.i assembly in January." caga of tir.e ldwanti Smth Varnish Supt. McBrlde expressedth ie opin' company ofi New York. HI..offce is Ion that the federal amendrient wllii locate(] ai .,5:;2 South Morgan strei'tjie ratifled b>' tir. necessar>' number Chicago. cof stale d.ring the neaxt vînter. The deeeisl'd w a, a grîrduate cf Thle iraI day for fiinit petîtions thre Ifysie Park bigla sciool of the ,for legfislalve candidateI. Satîîr- clasascf l>17. Durîng tire sunimerî day. Jîiiy 13,. at Springfield vîirtirte of 1917 ire worked on a farm for seisi-clars of state. Ilve montira hast tali ire entend t1h' clasiîcal library of the University of, PR ICE 0F WHEAT2 IS NOW Chicago andl touk a posit graduate FIXED AT $2.40 A BUSHEL. course preparàtory to entering tire Wsigo.Jt6-iehuet unis ertit>' on October 1 of thins car. ahntn uvO-h os o Eaniy trIs year ire volinnlered his day unexlrectei:. sustaineti an services for farm, work and tirom»gh mendment t1ftirc agricîrtural ap- tire florîre Defense League vas as-propi-atlon bill 1o fîx tire prîce of signed ta Thomas Cirampney of tire Scirat ut $2.40 per irushel. Tire vote iown of Waren. He irad worked was 150 to 106. Tire senate wftirant tirere two montirs, and irad Intended debate, ailler irsvig siood for some ta iwork tirere up te tire timrueu.en montils. voted toi concur in tire tering tire unîverstt>' IIs fa]! .irouses action. Tire bill nov goe.. to B>' a strauge colcîdence tire young tire President for hi.. signaure. mians deatir occurred one week ta a day tram the time iis sîster, one C year eider, passeti away. A week C INCH, PEEK-A-BOO0 AND ago Siurda> nlgirt young Cook was JAZZ BANNED IN JACKIE aummoned otifs0ii.home lnaCicago b>' H P TGRA yE a tlepirone message frottairis fath- H ___ATGREA_ LUE er lnforalng hrlnî Mat biIs iter was dylng. lie iurrieti home. HIesîs- Chicago. Jul>' 5.-Tirose fn virose te d tire f111 Ing morning.' mire res tire socLal and moral vel- Your doek ouwan g hcaofrfare af the Great Laies Jacisies have tha une oraan eained laCîlto or îsue4 a bok of rules te govern tirs On thre afternoon of tire Fountir of f Am s n ace emy te Jul>'. lits 22-year-olil brother lq Aoa tire rules ruade public berS serving ln thre national arias at are,: Spartp.nburg. S. C., »o whicir Girls muet flot wear "peeltia'boo" he had retîrrîcilSaturdu>'aafieratp waists viren dancing vîtir jaciies or teningthefuera ofhissiter r t.low-ncck gowas. Tireremuai ire no tedlg ir fnelo!bI sstrHe . jazz," music. The "ellnch" le as Staille iliiIn Are l avar17. N . arred on tire dance floor as In tire Sttemldiain AprII, 1917. ring. Curtew must ring at 11 'clock Th olti 'sI nquest Twas h'. tsharp. irls must ire seen 10 tiert treConer'. lnd et e.!>homes iry ciaperoines. tir Cor i! und VeZe'f undertaking _________ rooma todu'. tGrs-at dl fflculty vas r- countered In persuardlng tire nie- NEW BONE DRY BILL WOULD year nid boy ro tell!bis stor>'. He Is MAKE NATION DRY JAN. 1, 1919. saldte b ie inconsolable as a result of tire tragedy. [lt. spent a aîeepless Washington, Jli> 8. -The senate uslght and wept constant]>' tirrugirout agrîcultural camtcttee agreedti oda>' tire Iniluest. Mr. Cook, fatirer o! tire 10 a aew bonis dry amentiment, mak silain boy, sat nei to hlm. Sesterul lng the proriîhition laws even strict- limes ire put ltsaurm about tire ittie erý It provîdes Ibat no ireer shallire fellow, petting hlm andt ryîng to get nîanufttur(i, afler Nov. 1, next, amid hlm ta dry hi.. tears. Il was onl>' iy tirat thre sale of whiskei', wfne anti pr-opouniding riuiieroîîi . questions beer, shaîl ceuse Jan. 1 next. wici werce anWcri-d bu- nods or srakIng ef the head tirat Coroner Ta>'- The Independerit put* LI.bertyviile b'r was able ta draw ouItirhe boy's fràt. M 'ERMOIT NAMED COUNTY DIRECTOR; TO LAND SLACKERSI It Is Up To Waukegan Man ToLocate Ail Men Working In Non-Productive Lines WORKS WITH DRAFT BOARD Prior to Now Was Enrolîment Agent But Big Responsibility Now Is On Him Pe'ter >ICI)erimutt of W aute-gan, ii tire olitlal *'gcabbec" sot sîreker., and sens-le'dodgcrée in 1Lake courtty tram nov on. Some tmcugo '.Ic. Mciiermott vas apîîuinted encollm.'rît agent toc Wiu- k egan la thie Luiteti States Public Sensvice resenve. le acteti ln tirat caluacît>' foc some tîme and enrolled a lot of men for slirp building service. On Friday ire recels d a letter from Ciras, S. Nlunrc,dir,-ctor for Il- I inois8 foc Uic U. S. PublIc Sersvice ne. sensve. hoît N. Munaro informed i hm that because o! bis service as en- rolîmeat agent Itlirad been decided to appoi nt hum nount>' director for lire tiretU. S. Putblic ltesecve service and lie ofIiallly waus nanacd for that position. At present Mr'N,>lermott doent know exactiy virsît luts dutiî's viil ire but ire takes IIIliat it I-s up ta hlm ta go after &il tie imen wiro are flot sccving ttseir courtrY viro are ln tire lst 0f .limliles. Tisia 'ihinclude not on].s tIse meanviro are consiereti sluekers ln tire full sense o! tire word. eut ai'so who ndcc tire new nuling frona Washingtonarae worklng ln emirîcyment viricir le considereti nion-pn..durtive. ît i, a biîg jobr anti ire wilhi hlave to conter vith tlie two draft isard.,of Lake count.- anti oh tin thec naines of aIl tire ien on tiie dra ft list wro liav-e not resîsoati ed to tire culi anti determîne wir> lIns>' hase nat doue so. Tire one big t hlng virici r M. Mn- Dermoti vIl] ire expectedti bdo vilI ire to assîst tire local draftboards of tire count>' ln placing men in pro- ductive occupatons viro are naw workîng ln nan-productîve occupa- tions, Mr. Meflermotts second flet- ter frrçkm Mr. Munr tel].. hlm tbce- operate 1tirte fullest extent wlth tire local draft iroards lu plading men in pro-duntive vos-k ln ail lînse wiro nia>' novlire founti worklng ln lînes o! occupatious wilh are- ual consld- ered essentîi. WARNS FARMERS FEDERAL JUE TIJEY MUST KILL NATURALIZES 129 CANADA TIIISTLES' AT NAVAL STATION Law Is Very Plain and Emn- Young Men From Thirteen phatic and Provîdes Fine If Different Countries Re- Violations Occur j ceive Citizenship Papers At thks . , -tn., ye:r r>.- menace frou " " lanada filiistie .1j waYs assunis nipDclance. Tire asstk of tire coniuus -tier I.. often nuad.- more difficul'iî' -cuise of tire attirude of a few factiurs. wbo fail te spectire neceesit>' foc ' \tt raîlnating tire pest Tire thiàtie s ottuissoner, ln speu- lag of tue diîtti i!s ire sometinues et- countecsi n .trinîrng tire statut.', silggesqted i1,t :i roading o! tire issi might char tin'inds of thosee ssio1 oujed toe cie su u4 ip their f1eltis arnd fencerosis I eoare tw-o secton of thee a t.ih 'cnver tire case "Tire coniiiti sioner of Cana, tisties shali ligtntly luqulce con- cernlng tirs'illtFroitîftiori anti e\it- ence cf Caiid i !hisiies In iris tous us, ship, cuail i"ti t>. village or tawn, anti If :î- n are found growînit lirerein, ire siiSi taire change of ail suci rgowîng t:i tire highways aînd On unenclosesilantis and take rare tirat tirey do uot go tae eed or olirer- alac apreasi t :iire shah cacettîhis seek anti Icîcu so far as practIcahl P tire bes m titfi etoftireir destruction, and ire sait ersîstenîl>' appl>' In noper tîrue enui rcmedy or tneatment as shah ire h-,caînulafedte bpre- vent thesio si i d dta aradicate tire ««It hiall h.' - t', duiy of ail owners o! encloses! lani- on 'whlchr Canadai tile sare tstt'd growlng, ta de- stroy tire saitn, In aucir manner as shah pres..uuît t: came from biruIr' seeti or frstm ot!'cwîse pecietuatiiî, themselses. Tii. sommîssioner atise thre esinsr, agent or occupant of sucir land onsii i r tr-atmepnt, In case any -'onto Wier, agent or occ u- pant shahl refus,' or neglect te de- stro>' sncb ttiste t,'s.l ialire tire duty of the vomnls4loner te enter upon surit lanid, and te destros- sucli thisiles or souS. tire same 1teire de- stroveti E\tres., powen te ao enteri upon Plit 1 landsi and destcoy suri (mastie' Psh; s'rhv y conferceil upon sucir c,îniî mîssioiien. An>' espense fnctrrred in us-h .iestuctron, sralire lialti b>' tii ownen or Owners o! sirei lands, and tire Ommssio>ner simili have a lien agrîltetucir landis-toc sncb experts., vicir lien sralire enforcetilf th ie inanner aaw provId! ed ba law foc tire enforcement of me- niranîca' liens. An>- Owuer viro shal refuse orn egleet te destro>' such thîstles. ai provîdeti for In tis sec- tion,.salbacr suirrt te a fine Of net les. tiran lice dollars ($54,0) mr more than one huiru red dollars PRAISED BY THE JUDGE Impresses Upon Themn That They Have a Man Sized Task; Urges Best Efforts Fpd,,rai Judge, George A. Carpenier cf Chricago, moscd iis court to tire <trea t Lakes Naval Training station Tiiesd ay atternooni. Tt was donc for tire purpose of naiunalizing 129 stai- ssart young men who hati enlisiel nu tire servlce.,pf incle Sain and wiro usishes Io10 come 0011 lficeddlii zens Tii.' grorîp of young men viro giu eteil J sitge C irîseaer a 'ce o - iiopolitan lc a degree. There a-cc. young men f nom 13 diffecent coua- tries, Thi. numirr rom tire sarloaimicoln- tries w as as folios-s: Riiesians. il: itallans, 315: British, *,:!:flancs. 7, Norweglans, 4; Greeks. 3; AustrIane, 7: Acrn'etsiais. «, ;Spurilarss, 1t, Swcdes 9: Cermans J; Mexicans. 1; lioltunder... 1. Judge Carisenter nomplimetie tire yoîng iii.n on tIre step tire>' ere tuskir.t sa ' in- il e\pceqsd tire riglitt hi:,,! of spirit. lif.'satti ie irati een it'riiiiii'cs of yoirtg mca natun- be .u ,fore but neyer had hie seen remni.- group of fellows, "i o krtuvciicai ire depentied up- "rut' i lss iour bcd ,andi tirai I. al tar cut 1i, excpcctcd of anyone," ire ssîi(. 'ysu are -'b ire congratulai, i uîî.n tsccorîsîng Aicî'lcan cîtîzens sît tis- ilîne whcn h fa suo ean>' appar- ent tit Anierni 5 10Play sucir ai 1iliuporant rsîle in tire grisat ar tirat i.. r;ming oversea.. Ieî'îten tirIyon arc vearig iiunirifocm of a- oautr>' that neyer luasmo 'siWidefeat." EX-MAYOR MITCHELL OF NEW' YORK KILLEP IN AIRPLANE. Lîkp Chiarles, LA., Juil>'O.-Major John i, tchell. former mayo, a! Ncss York City', vas kîlleti vien ire t-il witir irs' aîrplane a dIstance o! Itou) fet,.whili maising is usual ruora lng flîglit. An Investigation bas ircen rrdeneti andl a saalement on the cause of tire accident la ezpected lite toda>'. WILHELM THE CHARMER bearty co-operatlon ofthtie public wlIl tiere ire an average uftfive paunde per tamîl>' available fur caunnualor Jnly. Iii wîli ire luipossible tu alot lu excse of 25 isounde of sugar to anyoue at tIii tîrne anti unI>' le instances wbere tirere are very large famille@ or exceptionally large .juantitles ut fruit can mmci mure mure tiran half Ibis quantit>' be uitalned. Every'wbere tbrougirout tie county wirere umeetings are belng hi-id b>' the State(touncil a! Detenss thio veek, thre women are belna apprajs@edt ftirssitua- lion and are exhiiting determineil resolution ta eau theirrint witbout sugar in order tirat uther foodl aruifs ua>' ire releas,d tor shiirîent abrîrad wicre tire> are surel>' needed. LAÀKIZURIC I 1 STILL LEADER IN WAR STAMP SALES LI ertyv e snowsec"udarug Lake county t., sns lu tireaie Irer capita of War itasings stampti. aceordfng t.. reports re-tsed yesterday. Acciirding to reports of @&les re-evpd up to JuIy (l, tire first five towns standi as foii.ias: ITALIAN TROOPS REACH RICHT BANK 0F PIAVE. (ily trIiteii Ires Rlo ie, Jais -t.-llian iootu avae cesfed mtiere igirt ianis of tire Piave river frôm Grisolera te tire moutir of tiý,recvý,r, tire -ar office announced tis afternoon. 4iREAT LAKES NAVI,1 TRININ«iSTÀTI1U BREAKS OWNMlA Great Lak-es. Jul>' 5-Eacirmo mean'. a record broken utieGm haltes nival trainîlng station lu number of men tcalned .and reati sers e 1,'ache Sain on tire hig* no turueti out b>' tirs ctatlan. In Mu>' tire figure vas 8,000, 8gw gtveîî out Ioda>' show that Il u Jin was 9,0118 anti experts here propb liat tire Jul>' deliver>' of salor bd, wilI exceed 10,000. Tire most men sél'ut fneedf1 tire SttIon laissJue was 818 mon J une 12. At prescrIt there are Ms- 50Q ta 1,000 recruizs fiowtng lut. tentlon bers dail>' KAISçER MAY DEMI SFINNISII MONAR M' a-hington, D.C.,July S.-D mlatis lispaitcires recelved hiereto siv thul, acor.Iin.r 10 tire S9 tIcý. -nIrasns lu ,.s dresoe< a liiso. 10 th ire tilet, om ln g1 t to lnlrodîîce wiirorît isssn.idirin5il cule l In tnlaud sb cli Gerruany ierselt viII e a niitany dlctataûlp. German-Ftirlah forces aismI. , 1,000 or 40,000 men are coe Ing araund Viborg, aocordiug te. plomatiç diapetch recelved 1 wich says a fieldi rallroa.d ba pusheti forvardti 10tire 'ourmaau joineti Il at Ker an tire coest ofrlire Cuit cf Onegala4 Indepeudent reador? 8 N~ arIle ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAXý SUGAR PROBLEM TIRESIINO PRIeU PISCUSSED AT FIXED OFFICIALL MEETING JIERE BY CO. ÇOMMfI <ermarli s sîîcesstIul subruarine attack on .iirýlian ShIl ' ing in ahlch duriug Meeting at Libertyvflte Sal One %W Mle sueik fhirt.v-flve illion da Fie PresW I pouadmufu an sd delaved the shlp- a ie rcsW i ruent <l bundreds ut rbuousands of tous Farmers Must Pay additlonai has lrought the sr borne to the woierîofAinmerca s bas notbing heretofore. 18,oseid Coè'nïiy Focd Ad. HELP TO SAVE GR A iinistur Gridley before a meeting of the_____ Libertyville unit oft he Womauosurgant- zatlon of the State (ouncîl of Ilef.nse, Threshers Are Given Nul U'eduesoday rilght, The Kaiser has brouglit the war tu iust How Much They Fià sour very kitchen, aud has 18susil the A Right to Charge New chaliange to the wom,-n ut Amerîca that_____ wiii require tberiî tu preserve their fruit witou 14ga oriemitrrat itaiiibeo A good attendance of tbresheri wîthut ugaror ermi grat la a Lie t a meeting in tihe auditorium uf tuod otuifs whtch are requirpid fi),r ibectysie was held Suaiai born 'ursiîîij l)t.go tu watit. lu riion . Afer a gen-ral discussloM the rn.'antime LUerrnauaLaents wili be bY C. C Crley, count>' food sîîreading thir propîîganda thas fruit miuiu.îrîîtor, W'. E. Watklns, Xi Cant 0e suî'essifuii anr wtou ounty tarin adelsor. a.nd Fred Gr .y anedvihot a tirreshermnan, who composed 9 @ugtir. Lake cOuiity's ofUscia] governf TIr. meetinW was calilei by Mrrs. L . thresbing comrnittee, fiue pricea ihhban.'k, .bhaimri ut o the Food ese-ticeMhlng were agreed upon. ration commitîe )f the State Conunil uf Tir. prices wiil be as foNDwe: Defetjeforthe urpse o spratlng te I12e per bushel for oate. Itelnse fo tie prpoe u speadng ire 2.-pe-r husti for barley. faeit l he sugar situation tu the P ublie c 7eor rye and wheat. and Ii usrder to adrise thl îiî tat&il IThie ninimumu charge 0f $8 fruit euh 'cri b' eesfulv pr.'eer% .d wlth- an ciruncon f four pounde a110 rut~~~~~~~ sua adtoug tî otieb fi uiOn wa, (Lie to ordem' ontm.uki an toure tat o imebecertir recelved trom thre U ic.i ini seelng that ail fruit 'is prFesrrs.- taire- fiod admin. 'rator ta havii adthle Kaisers,, ian tbereby deieated. thi-,'shin..s1 uns sear under orgaffi Tirere is nu expeetation of a sugrar supterlsiuun andfl It expected'l famuille, Gerruan>'bas simpiy be nklai'cossniy ulil tdo its part tei e ro~~~dueing the estiiae oss4 slirewdl enougir tu d etru>' a large ';àrt million irushel.. of a lea.t annuali of Auîerîieu*s sugar supply just at the the U'nited tSitei. due ta Carol moet hien she knew It would hoiire uc'.ing. nIoeedd1tueco.serve ur fruit. There Furtirrdeia 1 .Of meeting,' p should bte a reasouable suppiy ut s4ugar one of part tc'o.ý araîlable for Oeesary sweetlng uf fruit sau.,em and for jelling fruit juices wben BA "IÛ a the>' wiii be ueeded aud are opuîîn for B iA ALIAV 'OfV counsuupti.în. Tis rua>' bdoue with entire suceess and bas boee practiced b>' B AF'.UTY DRILL M1 metn ofo!unr wuen lu years pai!t., At thie requeës of Food Adminsrator 1E J J? W A 1 Gidley tirese wurnen gave their experi- -E E SA entes aioug tirese lines4 tu thre meeting and have cuuserîted tu ait on the 'Sugar Ernergerie> Cornujttee" and wl gîve Great Lakes, Ju1> .-1he Am advice andl lustructionsý tu ail wlio wiîî cao Jackiette iras arrived. It la on tem.Thee wmenare ~r. tattalion or Beautv"' 67 strant., caîl u hm h@ oe r:M@ dally m.sroeuvres on ,thretu L. H. Scbtanck, Mr@. E. E. Hllsworsh, grouiîd hre. lt,, persounelli la 1a HMiller, Mrs. L. E. Golding froîn the taff ot-nurses at the ib and Mr@. HosKînsg. Mure volunWsers for hospitai. Tirey go through vad tirîs work were adked for and ever>' formations of regular 'drill prao wurîîan was urged tu tae It upon ber- wîth a tireclalon andl nlcety r.haf the heurts of tire 35,000 lnslgu1iN self tu give the tacts lu tihe situation ta hîuejackets (maIe) witir stInifg ber neîgbbor. VY. Tirs sugar contraet systeru adopteil b> As for CilfQilrtermaiter A.w lir mechaîsut ibetyiîlhaslrady Angleson, 'wbo la drîlllng tha * 5 themembato f Lbety ill h@ are Ues,' neverîin hiiinautîcai ho luid shostu reruarkable results In the reduc- encountered such. a stIck-to-lt bid tîon uf cunsuruption ot sugar for table of rooke... Tire>' iîli drIieo ' use and wlll thereby> permit the release for two bours, "drens right" as Ul et more sugar for Canning. The mar-gin to lt, and tiren flot be fagge4 hi vers liîght ho wever asud ouly wltb tIhe wheu it's osier. 4 NI f

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