CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 12

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--..--~-----~--Mme.a1 _3 - _ _ _a ibeO'%I Bouses Seconds of Women'sreà o Wob&t Boyl 75 Bluse Seondsof omea 98 4Women's $660 RtAINCOATS $001 Boys' WASH SITInl the JUlY 10 u Sc aga Hme WomeP's $12 RMINCOATS $POS8Sale ai àk0. 00, $1.26 and $1.65. au"avteol l- Ie aseHoe omep's new creDe KIMONOS. Oce AUTO CAPS for womn 11lc. pestfy new strIpe and % C The imperfections o I ry pp ecial $1.49. 4198 2.1111. Iap Itose taleum powder lic. mgtn.d~~n dot c.ece C$o8ese t~ eiiliISand $8.98 MARABOU capecsud 26e dbl. size :tennen's Talc. 2lc ttmatertals. new qualities of thege gaute ,Bearfs ~$8.8. Beaded HANDBAOS to $6 et $1.98.1 s tyl et .$12.50 list$14 MARA........... $1.50 HANDBAGS at elle. 1 Lake Càupty'a Greateat Store for, Women'a and Children>a Apparoi1 26 nd$4lRBOS-fli 'j With Manufacturrng Costs Mounting Higher and Higher it 1: Easy to Realize the Tremendous Importance of (kr A nuI>syc~eé m.of al warm .weather app 1elfor wonen àn--d children demonstratîng ore fQrcefully tha n ever. before that here you enjoy purchasmg advanta*ges im'possible to secure e's'hr iakgn *Women's Coats Ràduced a. Fourth, a Hali and in Somne Cases More than a Hali W4.75, $15 and' $16.50 coats in (Ôats iipi to $25 in wool jerseys, serges, poplins, mixtures, velvyet corduroy s, w.ool serg- rýnoveltv fabries in navy, es, velouîý; and chinchillas blaek,ý rookie, gre en and in' plain white and coloris brown in lfltëd and pleated and ail sizes but of course styles in a fair size range at itot in ail styles a-, this is ant $8.9&. assortnient of odds and ends 1096 aud $12.50 coats iu novel- ti> close (out at $5.98. 'ty fabrics iu gÔod styles and $16.50, $18.50 and some $20 afair range of sizes special coats in a good assortmnent tocelean Up at $6.98. of reliable fabries as well as IM, 32.5 andsome$35 oatsin n wanted colorings in most the, f32.50 sud s $5coas vmn ail sizes to close ont at the f, ietobres asuch a v- $10.75. louresinsîleond pgabar- $99.50 and $25 Trench coats of stines ilugbene an pled genuine Army loth with al styes ge e , ek indble, the Army features, yoke ef- sope e tc$.15. lndvefeets, pleated backs, pock- $9750,$c5and at * $40.7 af. in ets, belts etc., at $14.75. *3750,$35sudsom $4 cots $9*4.75, $27.50 and some $29.50 a variety of the most pop11 coats in those fine new, im- iar materiaIs and colorings, ported mixtures, gabar- very specially priced at dines, serges, poplins and $S175. velours in ail colors and siz- *42,50, $39.50, a few at $37.50 es; most remarkable Values and some coats at $45 in fine indeed, now learing at velours, triecotines, bolivia $1-0 and crystal loths with pan- $27.50, a few at $29.50,and some neled backs,-shirred waist coats worth $32.50'lu very lines, belted effects, pleated fine materialA and most bc- and button frimming at comiug styles and colors $29.50. will be loscd oùt at $18.75. $16.50 silk poplin coats lunffull $25 auto coats of an excellent length specially prie cd at quality palm beach cloth; $9.98.heavy, durable and stylish $19.50 silk taffeta coats, excel- in pretty belted styles with lent quaiity, good size range two-way collars priced in in the July sale at $12.98. the clearance sale at $12.50.! Wômen's- Women's- Wash ISil DRESS ES $6, $7, $8, $9 aud $10 wash dress- es for misses and womfen lu doze ns of good looking styles aud utaterials iucelud- iug ginghams, pure linens, voiles etc., in a variety of colorings and înost ail sizes at $2.95. $10 to $12 wash dresses lu voiles, lawus and ginghams as well as a few pougees and linen dresses lu a u.mber of wanted styles and color cf- fects, marked for immediate clearance at $4.95. $12.50 to $15 values in gingham, * organdie, lawn and voile dresses iu a most bewilder- mug array of lever'color combuations aud pretty - styles lu aIl sizes for women aud misses at $7.98. JuniorP's Wash Dresses $5 snd $6 values lu pretty wash dresses for the young girl of 13 to 16 in a number of vcry beooming styles to close ont at $90 0t» $8o values in wassn rcss- ~~4Ls~toin a fine DRESSES In July Clearance $10 and $12.50 sîlk dresses in a special assortment of odds and ends at $7.98. 48 dresses to $25 in silk taffetas, satins; party dresses and erepe aud taffeta combina- tions, a Most wonderful dress opportunity. These values to $25 at $10.) $18.50e $20 and $22.50 sud some $ 25 silk dresses iu wanted colors sud styles to'close ont at $12.50. $27.50, $9-5, $22.50 and a few $20 dresses lu a wonderful as- sortment of temptingly be- coming styles lu taffetas, crepes etc., party sud street dresses; ail coloresud sizes to close out at $14,75. $.50,,$*27.50 and some $2.5 silk afternoon sud party dresses lu the most favored fabries aud uewest styles, ail colors includiug îvhite crepes at =50S.' $37.50, $35 aud $40 street, after- noon sud party dresses lu a wonderful array of hand- some styles ini georgette MWid-Summer Millnery!, $5 tri.nimd hats for woxnen - good styjçs in a variety of colors sp'e-a1 at $1.48.' $6, $7 and $8 values in- wom- en 's triinmed hats in blaek and colors in many hand- 'some styles to close ont at $2.98. lJntrimmed shapes in the July sale at 49c. Another lot of untrimmed slhapes to close out at M8. A special lot of pretty summer hats in panamas, milans and white anîd eolored erepe hats are speeially priced. Silk and Muslin Underw'r. Clearance Sale Night,Gowns 85c musliln nght gowns, w~hle they last at 59c. 1. $1.50 musln and eîrepe gowns at $1.00. $2 soft longcloth gowns nicely trimmed at $1.49. $2.50 silk finish batiste gowns- in white and fiesh, beauti- fully embroidered at $1.98 $5.75 dainty silk gowns $4.49. ]Env. Chemise $1.75 mualin envelope chemise at $1.19. $2.50 silk or muslin chemise at $1.98. $4 silk chemise embroidered aud lace trirnmed at *2.98. -$5.75 talian silk chemise spe- elal at $3.98., Gorset Covers and Brassieres, 75e muslun and silk corset eov- .... ri47C. $1.50 silk corset covers 98C. $2.00 silk sud musîju corset covers *1.49. i$2.50 silk corset covers $1.69. 75e brassieres at 49ô. $ 1.00 brassieres at 79c. I$1.50 muslu brassieres, ail- over embroiderýy sud lace Itriuuned at 98c. Petticoats $1.50 colored sateen petticoatm at 89c. r-.50 white sateen or beauti- fully embroidered petti- coats special at $1.49. $3.50 petticoats with flue heatherblooin tops and deep silk lounce with dust ruffle, good colors in the July sale at $2.29. $5 white pettieoats elahorate- ly trimmed and exquisite- ly embroidered, special at $2.98- Women's and Misse's Silk Bloomers $1.-W near-silk bloomers in fiesh only, prettily cm- hroidered at $1.19. $2.50 Itâlian silk, satin and silk erepe blooiners at $1.98. $3.50 and $4 Italian silk and silk crepe bloomers with ruffle and lace trimnmings at $2.98. Values to $5 in fine silk bloomi- ers of new styles anti dainty trinmmed at $3.98. July, Clearance of- Corsgets $1 .50 cô;rsetg in elastie top and athletic styles at $1.00. $3.00 eorsets special $1.85. $4.00 f ront and back lace cor- sets $2.89. $5.00 corsets special at $3.75. Women's and Misse's Houe Dresses and Aprons $2 house dresses"ý1 good-look- ing tyles and colors at $ 1!419 $3 and $3.50 porch dresses in ail sizes, light, mediunm and dark coloriugs at $1.98. 1 $4 and $4.50 bouse dresses in new styles special at $2.98 $1.50 house-dress-aprous lu al sizes, very specially prie-' cd for the July sale at 8kc $2 values lu pretty uew bun- galow aprons lu ail colors and sizes speclally redue- cd for the July clearance to $1.45. Be careful to buy. n otoe than tbitheconidderation thtit themer-. cub annot fp p'turMor êxchang*4 Wom en's Suits 'the Season's- Most Favored Styles Marked for Immediate Clearance $25, $22.50, $18.50 and $20 si Ik suits in taffQfas and satins in ail colcirs and si7es, oneC of the greatest suit valuîes of the season at $10.75. $25î, $22.503, $2() values in wool suits anîd values to $.32.50> in wool jersey suits reduecd to $12.98. $27.50, $25 a few suits nt $22.50 and soine at V-29.50) in fine serge, gabardine, po)plins and novelties in the elear- anee at $14.75. $32.50 trieotine, serge and 'elour suits special at $16.50. Childrens. COATS In the Clearance $5, $4.50 and a few $4 coats in gooti styles at $2.48. $7.98, $6 and $5.50 values in eoats to>size 9 at $3.98. $9, $8.50, $10 and $10.98 values in eilîdren 's coats reduced to $5.98. $12.50, $11.98 andt $14 ooats in aîl sizes tmp to 14 lu aIl colors and styles prieed at $7.98. Children 9s In Ju'IY Clearance 75e and 89e wash dresses in good Scolorq and styles at 4&c. $1.00 values lu ehildren 's waslh dresses, pretty new" styles at 690., i $1.25 values lu colored dresses at 89C. $1.50 wash dresses including middy styles lu sizes to 14 at $1.19. $3, $3.50 and $4 values lu ging-, chambrays etc., in al colors, styles sund sizes at $1.79. $5 values lu fine ginghanus, voiles, piques and cham- brays at $2.98. Middy Blouses an d-Smocks $1.50 xiddy blouses for girls and misses at 97C. $2. 00 middy blouses for girls aud misses, lu a varicty of styles at $1.69. $2.50 smocks lu pretty ncw styles button sud slipovcr, aIl sizes at- $1.95. $3.00 valuesililu, artist lilen and sheer voiles lu White and colors at $2.48., *$3.50 and $3.98. v alues in smocks of, al - elors- and the. os wanted fabries lu button, alipover snd lace styles lu *39.53, $37.50) and soine $32.50) suits ini poiîet t will s, tours, Freng-h serges alîd tri- votittes iii navy, tauipe, pek- inbii ltî, î1i 'okie, veloui" ehecks and > ,î as welI as-, hlack-au(-%vh itt- elîeek at $19.75. e4),$7.50) and a fe $,42.50 suits in blest oolors and' styles spralylieed at $23.75. $45, $47.50, $50 and $55 suits in.n silvretoîîes, velourîs, Ii Id silk .jerseys in thîteh'iverpst of îîem. styles anmd «Il II st close ont at $27.50. Wash and Silk SKIRTS $2 wh'1ite and eolored wvaslî skirts 97c. VaIlles to il ir'v;shskirts, îlaiui eol<,rs, stripves anmd ehecks $1.97. $6 VaIlues ini wasl skirts at $2.89.' valttes to $7.504 in silk poîlius,. taffetas atnd fine ash skirts at $3.89. $7.98, $8.50 and $10 valueés iii. silk, wash ami w4eoIskirts ,ît $5.50. $12.98 to $14.503 skirts- lu satin-, stripo silk polilins, satins ai taffetas at $9.75. $15, $16.50 andi $18 skirts of Russiami ctepe and ottier flne -ilk in. white and colors a t $12.50.- Waists Ini the July Sale $1.50 %vaists slighfly soiled( 89c. $1.50 new waistr, at $1.19. ! $2.00 îvaists handsoîne new? styles special at $1.55. $3 Jap silk and lingerie waistsý $4 and $4.50 georgette cree- Swaists at $2.98. $5, $5.50 aud $5 silk waists $3.69 7 $7.50, $8 and $9 waists at $5.69. $11.98, 12.50 and 14.50 silk waistsat $9.75. Wool C& Silk Sweaters' $5 sicevelesa wool sweaters, aU, colors $2.98. $6.98, $7M5 & $7.98 highly me cerized sweaters at $&98. $7.50, $8 aud $8.98 wool sweaten' lu ail styles and colors ai $5.98. $10 and $12.50 silk sweaters m lýîadsome styles aud coloreý iugs nt $6.98. ,Chiidren'ia iweaters .in $.5 $4 values at $2.4a.'- Children'a sgk l~or woI w r Every article in this sale is of the highest quality-carefully se- Llected for the mort critical clientele in this comWounlty - but now marked down for clearance to prives which will not llkeIy be reaclse again in many seasons-If ever. i 1

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