CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 4

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Rbertyville Independen t On County Independent - WaukeganWeekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Lbertyilie Exchange.' Osd st the Postoffice at LîbertyvIlle, III, as 8eCond CI-e Mail kiatter Officiai Publication for The Village of Libert"vilie. 01%Wa Publication for Lake County Board of Supervloorge Proceedînge »I Svery Thureday. Advertlelng Rates Made Knownýon Application. OSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE a. SMITH ......................................................... ....... editor 0. SMITH ................................... ............................... Manager ME TOODO, JR ............................................. Resident Manager BUY R&YINGS BTAI[PS ~vnaand Thrift stamps thaxi Great Britain it must b. 1 4fiémbred that in view ofour. population- we ought te, tice as miaxiy of these miniature bonds wbich the zper et bas for sale.'. À special effort is being made just now te, acquaixit Meryne of the sale of War Savingu and Tbrift stamps, ~mdenomliatiens of $5 and 25 cents respectively. Eacb Sým. you buy is a loan te the govermunent anid an aid te the akousands of soldiers and sailors wbc are riffking their A War Savixigs Stamp is a government promise to Z ou $5 on the first of January, 1923. -Duriigl1916 you UYthem for $413 te $423, the difference being the btéret yen would get, compouxided quarterly. If you ýi d want your money back before the fizt of January, yen can get it back with intereat frem any Mnoney rerpostoffice upon ten days' written demaxid. Tbrlft Stamps are sold te you for quartera, but they 4o mot draw interest. After yen bave purcbased 16, bow- wyou can tun li your Tbnlft card and get liis place a WaI' Savinga Stamp, wbich beaua interest as stated upon paying a aliht ainount, wbich varies from to 23 cents, accordixig te the month of your excbange. Mr. McÂdoo, secretary of the treasury, is havixig the lmkdlcedepariment mail out interestixig cards telling householder about these saving stampa, and the li- Mamtien above is talcen from bis appeal. Yen should it, and buy as many as you can regu]arly. You are fgtn;but you can help i ibis way, and we feel A WORD TO THE WISE The highways anid bywaya of Lake ceuxty are fiiled ~1bboys i khaki anid boys i wbite, walktixg, drflling li ~Udor rusbing Up and down the lanid i motor cars. ,l=k latter a word te, the wise: W. know you're geing save the country from kultur, we knew that yen are finest ef your kind, the pride cf the nation and the of the wonld, but al cf these dlaims on our affection piedo not justify the reckless, dangerous,,inconsid- È«ts speed wlth wblch yen dash along couxtry roads and ~rubfairly populous districts, utterly disregarding ~islaws and local rules. If cailed te acceunt by civil- Iuyour attitude ia apite be-to put it mildly-domin- Now, if there be one tbixig ibis great peace lovmg .,dMooeacy cf ours will neyer be, it la te, be ruled byr our uSidiers and sailors. We leave tbat te the poor spirited ooe.We'll provide our fighting men with every kind cisquipment and comfort. We'l niake every possible ef- *,tt for their extertaiximent and succer, but we wex't be 4ý1of any tendency on their part te, assert their su- oeayr their aupeierity te the law of the land. And *lnXg madly along country roads wlth muffler wide open hagaing the law.-Tribuxie. GERNANT DOESN'T WANT MUCH, OH, NO! Among the conditions included i the Germau peace prograrn published li the Nachnichten et Goerlits, Prm-, !1% by Ceuni Roon, a member of the Prusalan Heuse cf Mords, are the foilowlig: Gret Eriain, France and the - United States must ,yail of Germany'a war cots, the idemnity being a Wnium of $45,OOO,OOO,OO. They aIse musi agree te de. 14«r raw materials unxnedlateby. Annezation cf Beiuni. Am"exation et Calaisnd ail the Flanders coasi. Almextion of the Briey and Lengwy basin and the ?Oul. Belfort and Verdun reglena eaitward. Eestltutlon te Germany cf al ber colonies. Get Britain must reiurn Gibraltar, te Spai, ce ib a leet t ermay, restore Egypite Turloey.and the Mu Canal te Turkey. S Greece must be re-establlshed under former King Constantine. UNIFORM COMMAKDS RESPECT Wken tb. girls call yen "Jale" 'and a lot'cf vel .dgpeeple entertain you and give yen the rigbt of gdon't forget.tbat it isn't yen, but it's yqur unjiferm, ~ con~nnds their respect and interest, and that's np 1o'you te livo np te tbat uni ormn. SYen are ne here, but berces bave wern the Navy blne - your chanceis comlng. Righ new !tsup toyou to 8msmberthat yen are a Bluejacket, and let the fear ef ~tat's lx ybu keep your head level wben a loi cf vel attention cernes yeur way. TIsb la serions business. 1t lsn'i ail ententalumeni, 7eet ards aid'niuic by theband. Look oui for to *LIERYVLL EDELPENDET. RTMADY. 3(TLV 1L 1918 - ~~7 mucli voll mni attention d hep "eye front" te the work in hand.-Great Lakes Bulletin. Competitien la ended i the express business as a re- suit of Uncle Sai aking over the big oompanleas-:and, thus autemaiicaily vi end on'. chances-«f kicklng wltb any degree of conteninuent en laxi*y li service, etc., for, ar in the case cf lb. rallreads, ih vil b. lnterproied as ed case cf "disleyalty" and "laok cf patriotlsm"I f yeu cri- ticize. Thai's the trouble iwar ,tlues-crltics, even if insplred by sincere motives, are oftentimea put "i bad"l by somebody else quickly aeizing the ftag, wrapplng it about THEMBELVES and calling th. other f elow unpa- trietic becauso ho la courageous enougb te offer- criticisin. That's where the Demecrats ioday lMve.thinga iheir ewn way as nover beforo-anybody wbo differa frem ANY- THING thai Democrats holding offce may be dcing, la quickly cailed unloyal, the cleak ef war belig grabbed te shield theinfrein crftlclsms whlcb are oftentimoa de- served. The danger l inhat the use cf tblg var cboak may enable the Pariy i power te bury the G. 0. P., sondlng sIt teo an igneminious death wlth war as th. cause of is paso' The announcement la made thai threshing ibis yoar vil b. undor governient dirocion-veil, thai being th. case vo presnune farinera may resi easy on the sasump- tien ibat Uncle Samn vil gei mon to, TRES, fer, wth- eut threshers, thlère's nothixig te control or direct. Aid, it la the procunlng ef lb. mon rather iban who vill sup- ervise the work tbat'a r tyhe b.fermiers. gay, lb. vay iboeo Yanks are tearlng into the kala- the barbarlans a taste ef a nov kixid cf medicine and the. Huns, unused te ht, are goig a mighty sight more iban WATADS : I RATES-O.. Cent a Wor, Each ina.ution. 3 ~No MIain.mCham* FOR BALEFOR SALE-A 630-acre tarni 2 mile* --- ---- rom (irayolake; ai!lblack eaui1and FOR SALE-Teamn draft hornes, six eofmpIle set of buildings. F. M.BaIrding, Years old. weight about 3100 jm.Ares. lit. 26t? Phone Waukegau 9t5-Yi. Wkly 2t FO SLE~~ortortgcr,!U NU8CELLANLOUS mode!; well equuipped. ('all at 111iIl South, Weqt street or phono 1361 FOU NO-Turêe bead ofTele, on Jue. and Icave your addroe and, ownfr 14. Cecrsit itigluoeids, Ill. 27t3 wl! cal on you. Vill ho sold ver" __________________ reasonable to cash customner wlio wiIl WANTEO-LAdies o.r Gentlemen for Set quickly as owner 14 about to home work. Suiary $2.50 per day. leave city. l* Travelers $18 lîer week and &Il expene. FOR %^LE--longb bay by the acre. Addreoi.s C PMeKay, Gti. D [el. Liberty- C. J. Berringobaw, Orayulake, 111. ville, Il. -'The Cret set ni la guotations sa. lectod b>' Mr. Hushand, follove: 11t la. by no meana, ouougb tht an officor of the nav>' ahould bO a capable mariner. He muet ho tht, of course, but also a great doal more. He sbould bhosas elI. a gentleman of Uberal education, refined manner, punctilious courtes>'. and (he nîcest Bense o! persornsl bonr."--John Paul rrouble apringa from ldlenass2- Benjamin Frand*iln. *Mivided vo fa!!t unl(ed vo stand" -Thomas Paine. "I1 thanl God (bat Aunerica a'bounds In mon wbom notbing eau divert frein the Interest o! (heur country'- John Hanoock. ""Il do it or die."--Oanoral Wolfe. .'Iet (ho American yon(b nover forget tht they poussas a -,>ble in- heritance."-JosePh Stor>'. «"We shalh not fall."-Abrabam Lin- coln. "The victor>' la sure (o corn."- AbrahainLincoln. "Let us strîve on (o finish (he vorlt vo are in."-Abraham Lincoln. "Thé test uf over>' Amerîcanmet alusys - o whst ho iaY.1-Woo4rov Wilson. "Our fgag 5ha11wear a nov lustre." -Woodrôv Wilson. 'You are undert4kins a great dut>'. vith yoiïY'-W ow 'in. "Letutsaest up for ourselves a standard sw blgh that It vIll ho a glory te li,* Up (o h .and (hon Bye np to It and add a nov laurel te (he crown of America."-.-Woodrov Wil!. son. "The vurld muet ho madeo safe for democracy."-Wuodrow Wilson. "The rigbt le more preclous than poace."-_Wuurov Wilson. -We are igbtIng for (hp uecurity of tho world."--Woodrow Wilson. This le no war for amateurs."- Woodrov Wilson. "The day bas came (o nonquer or submit."-Woodrow Wilson. "Ton. cannet think your conquest, FOR bALE-Choie reeldence lots on MeKiniey Ave. lire. Gulmes. 2-4 FOR SALE OR RENT-Hoasseand Edwin Austin, Phone 26. t FOR SALE-An Improved 40 acre farm; with or withnut stock, erope end i. plements. Immedlate poseeson if de.ired. F. M. Harding, Are&, I1i. 28tU I10E CREAM CONESUa Langworthy's, ',y 7da"aylm. haie NUTICE-WiiI the pat, la Frankîla roadaiter whopi -ked. Dp suit case on Wsdneeday moruing, la front o1 Stone IfULbety'iU", eM4o* -AR return to Liberbyville !ndependent and receive reward. FOR RENT-FIne stock larm of 220 acre.; 2% mile. nortbwest of Waucon. da. Mdrs. M. Miciahon. 1 M,54-N. Leavitt St.. Chicago. Phone, 6419Humb. 288 Report of the Condition of flÉO'MÉD ihey looked for. And i la lieresiing tô e rcal oy the secure until you bave established At LbrtyIIIrInte Stae of llnose. e rlbrofu,luteue, bru, your naval superlority."-Admlral. RESOURCES. kaiser and bis leaders tied te assume an indiffereni atti- I. in.a t7S o,udescunt.edo e .rcrru t.....suI 5lrrOe inde over America ontening the'w'ar. Theylre laugb.ig "il vo do not (r>' vo can nover bho 5 t' .S8.Bo, d* sd e-td t ecure ieltdeon (pa sovainre der... si 1.0 ouiof heethr adeet hei muth~ T s.cegstul."-Admirai Nelson. 6. Uberty Loan fBoudm. II veren -rt and il petr-reut. urpledgod .1s7h-47 outof he the sie f teirmouh nw'Ever>' honr's dola>' maies9 the ene- 7ý Bouds. Seeturtlen.. tc, My________________Nelon. a Boudesnoter thau, U. 8 bolnde#lluddus- crie 1t«tdruosîl. :u,. ru>'stro.gor"-Ad lralNeisn. bBonds nouer thai U. S. bonde rlerigredt 0on, 'îu t oal Savilîte "The test o!fa% ma.n's courage la T- deposils I00 O An auxieuncemoxit bas appeared in the newspapor s80 sponslbilty."-Admiral Nelson. ewe uhpedgo9ed suV..,ons(otIeudn toé insifflcant that it bas almosi paaaed unhieeded. The "Give me the Iran In the men and. f coatersu T1ritan sd othe r ntes ni oroatiosuelxmued toirton sue t lb ite waaaligeibr eu cf roprtio tois li. icar. not 50 mucb aboutthoet-on In lest thMun(One Y'r nr more tha: Three: Vu-arrtne.r sie f heitm u ltgehe ot f roorio t is m ('ha shtps«."-Admirai Farragut. Ttlboude. "eurtîles....... ....... . 22 ,507 -- portance. The single paragrapb vas ote .effoci thai '"The beet protection against (ho 9.Stock ut Irederal Eeserve Rank (bu per rceut of r,ucrIurtlru .. ..... ýSn th vnigbig vrioSuez Canal ai El 1Kaxtaraý frenm>s re la a wl-dircted rr-' IL Furnituure and fixturem ... ...... rom ur o gu s-Ad iralFarta o L.awîuuureerve relU, Federal Heserve Banik......... ....... ...........1r5r1 ebeu"tin ag ad eencomplee& ul.V. Cash un vault and net amouont due troi n ational bankm... , . 7.27 Y et ihat bridge affords direct railvay communilcation b.. "Ht olir-ueoWlint. Total ni Item. 15 anîd u.. ... ... ...... .. twee Caro nd te clesof Pbeuino hi onqersihe eetsolier.-Due o Weli2gon .. tond wsehbU. MTreasorranel du ro trr, M STrraurr 00T t tweenCairoand te cites ofPalesine; t conuers he -We are 'going in vin (hi, var: 2, War Seriturscrtiuucates and Thrift Stafoururlly otrd .IV . dosert vhich separated Egypi frein Palesie and wbich la bds arp goiructo -in (bis war. Tot&]l.......... ....-..................... .....73971 fer~~~-ýcrtr cenures ared he'machof Intnn' t i"' forcetuie brrd li machofnaios;itjonsA.sia 'Efficiency and character and fit- 24 apitaîlstock-t prd lu............... ...s........... O i h ieA 4,4 U ..nesf; are (heonly pagsporte (o pro- r>2.,iSuP]...._ .t.o.ut..... ..TO*, '- te Afria; andi amlss therord t lb.he olLand 26:31.aUndivide-d Profit ..................... vilhecefrt b.uner hnstixignadlnshp Xerosmotion. Secretary llkniels. 2e Amonuut re.e"r' 1,taueairlmr- 42 33. Nel atruiot due to bauke Suloibalîi.s r* s i t r- ,, ............ ....I,o bridging lb. Hellespent in nothixig te lb. British bridgig SIIOULD ASSIST 10Clm qtui uoe1). ut tuure... tr- 1 94. InsivIdj~ (er u ai deo stu r-lOtilt du r hek .... .... ... tF21il the Suez Canal!--C brlsiiaxiScience M onitor. M.TII l t ldtrau 9 fdiroîlt ueri-est 31 (la" ,.82 onI ilAIiYLJ1ESIINU 4V rlildeidu id. ....00 Total trmui.. pO te um -q 34 M..i>.#ù............ ..A'. 484 Waukegan had is firsi and bhggeai roal SANE TireI poslt. rs rrr . . . .. . .1 FOURTH 0F JULY. Ih vas sensible, h vas fitting, h Te rra ithu amuhr 0 litIm ruouo ~ -r.trec rut IO was impressive. i couldx't have been beiter and the Administration (If the Stat. Caunî,il0" 46. Uultd Saede.oMtî f ler thain rrnai rarîu,,." weather mani vas nosi khnd te aid in malig the day IDeleuseofai lllurrie toa assit lutheharveet- IM Scr[-e f Iîeî.ivîaount.... .14 o ide l.Inig of the r-r-psha@, rer-elied hearty: " Curtomere 'ayrne o TIM b trly:ir br4 ida.endoreement (r>'(lo-eruai Lowden. The oal. .... ........ .......... 4 02'i ______________________i_ TATE hIa INrIS h111tNTY i)ELES un 14rr.rll I t .'r , rrîrîor h. î,u Iwould be of greai assistance te our peets if the sol- ti a<r dlîsr utof ahse s augt1 k d rrly.irwi'- i , rrr-theat,l 'l U"Ilo-' Il MORRS. S;,.t.1y .Mic I ~~~~~~~~~~~t briug abo ut tice e.nrîlo5 runtl i a tatem;nel.i' , -" lr' .r n cr -.r ~ i~rr- Irr 1, 'I. TA II diera of France were called Franka. Rbyxnes iih able-lcodied men îufammueling the larmepre aud brrI 1rIILE sbi, AMt L~i;Rr-r-o Yaxika, eu 500.A sur-ve of iriprîullirîid sble-tradrrd Y ks o e.ludividuais wam irade. Thi- Administr-a-________________________________________ ~.. .is I.. v:.....:.1i,,.,.&1..&* ~ don. * tian ruurged mîat ever>' abled-bedied ai .opi,... Austria-Huxigary, but Austria-HUNgry! fiERAN SCIJOOLS VOICES 0F IIEROES IN WAR TIMES WJLL INSPIRE MEN AT NAVAL STATION The Bureau of Education bas ru' cently lssued a translation of an ar- ticle hy Dr. Paul Hilldebrandt tn the. Vossische Zetung. Berlin, in wh!ch Signs to Bear Famnous Words the effeet Of the war on schools In Of the World's Most Famnous Germany ls striklflgly set forth. Men Are Going U Accordlng to the article. two-thlrds ______ U of the teachers of the Berlin public 1 ES RMARKS SELECTED schools have entered the army. Even I~~ l with the dropping of clasa periode j a.nd the coftbining of classes. the re-, Throughout the entire naval sta- mainder ofthet teachers are over- (ion signe wi!! soon be placed on bar- 'worked. In the higher schools haîfI raqks containlung well.-kno'wn epi- the teachers are In the army. in mgrms by great men, words (bat these schools, toc, standards bave bave lnspired millions. gradualiy bean lowered until the eus. CaPtain Mloffett has directedl that tomary final examînations bave been VOOden signs containlng ramoua say- pusbed back fi1 two classes. The inge of fanions men be placed on, offet of (bis on the ost.csu every building ln camp. On many or stndy habits of students la o bvions, thebe signe, sailors will find needed Pilnce they se. (bat (bey eu altain adylco and encouragement. 'Remarka scholautle standing vithout the effort (bat insled ternatin ndepa-t formerly demanded. tht sin ted fteriato tandRpb- Attention le oalled 1 ntbe article (o tOiolnheftrsfteRpib the problem of inadequate nourisb. uce, wl!! face Great ILkIes sailors at ment Th conequnt lniecy rc-,evoy tnrn. Omen Tho coqurtiny rocsAt the direction 0f (ha oonxman- end e by acow or anèritie orh1sdant Hnslgn Joseph Muaband selected ldsciaplettigdov nuaretsandaidi h the saylaffs, which are nov being let- diacipsensie. Cbilr*Dn as.d a ho it eeon uniform i agna aa rapidliy as ile ttentio u tb reats. PromotloL5er uions~~otdsn pltrS no longer represent auy defluite t aro them cfuthePeie staeard cf accoflba t. Mr. Husband bas made bis selec- At (o bgintng0f be ar the tions from a wi4e filid. spirit of volnntary service rev.aled 'MO selectiona inn froni remaries ltself ln Its fairont aspect. Now lam- by tbe president and Secretarof (he entations are hoard e'prywhere over Navy Danl!, hack throug h blter>' the lncroasing distante for militar'>'to the Diii. of Wellington and te service. Whoreas Pupas fOrnerly the Urne of John Paul Jonue and collocted articles from ptriotie mu- eBnlamin Frankiln. tives, they nov do (bis only for tha Should a sallor tire o!feluttan; oM. rowarda offerod. cars Or shonld ho develop the idea In (bose imIta or socieu vbich are that continai salutbà* la an nonne. legs lnfiuOnced b>' traditiqu ,disciplnoesa99M COurtesy, a goceat one o!' and education, increasing violations the signe, quotlng the Dae eof Wel- of tho lav are noted. -Wblle at lirat linaton. ln sure (o change bis viev. ibis m'anifosted itself snerely lu an point. The partcular quotation la: Increase o! tbeft, more recantly it hais '.e who saintes bust là the best talon a decided turu toward poison. soldier.' al assanitl. The number o! violent 'War WiiI De Won>" crimes conunitted by youths in the If a sallor geta tbe idea* tht his CRt> o! Berlin la more than thffe. v«rkinSe t appreciaTod, tbat bis (lie, (thenumber reported in 1914. service (0 the coantr ' la nnoticed. -The Anierlean .LSchooloaer. a giance at a remark made by Socre- tai>' Doniels durlng hi. visit to Great Want. For "le, oba% a th@ IN. ~1-kes shonld change hia mind- Mi. «UPEN'!DENT . 'ml.aoiuoge' Dantels sald: Wkgy. - W. are going (o vin ibis var; Sou lads are goîng to win thîs var."- mari Ieriorm came productive service inî rearrnalrle prroort ota hnul h tire irayeai draft agu' are reuideriug ilu cacmprsud at the front." The action ofi the Adruiniotratlonjîe really an endorse-1 ç ut of the vork or ilght- progranuai ra'voet tieneral Crnrwdr-r. lu conunenting upon thli urogrâun (lavernar Lowden said: "I heartil>' endorme the ets(e-ment made b>' the Faim Labor Administration ai Illinois. We have promise ai malt abundani crope. Providence bas sipeci- itltWôred nustluthie respect. Shah vW. nov, through lack ai mon, faîl ta garner vbat we have been gixen? An>' able- bodled man vho Io not already engaged ln some occupation whlch le necesear>' for carrylng on the war ebould not lie sa(linedlvith himelf unies@ ho la helpiug tu save our crop . "Evor>' bushel of grain whîch la per- mitted ta go to vaste lisau injur>' sud an sfrout ta oui boys figbtîug ou tbe other side. Tho>' are loyall>' offerlu; their ail to their country'. Wo m cst be equaU>' loyal (o (hem." TENTED CITY FOR STATE FAIR VISITORS The Illinois Ceutenunal State Fair aud Industrial Exposition management bas Ieased the .igb(j'.acre park Immediatel>' veel of the Illin oa State Pair Grounds for camping ftat. Pair vitors axe Invited tuo lie advantage of thle f ree olfer. Tentea sud full eqnip- mont eu ho rented for ou. or tvo wvass at àver>' nominal cost-price u d aIl detalad Information caunlha found ndl (h bosutiful premlium flot, a copy o! whlch bock cabliea obtalued o! jour count>' clark or b>' vriting (ho secretar>' at Springfield. The lfir opens lu fuIl bîaton Monda>', Auguet 12. The program (bis yeai. on accounni o! the Centenniai, vil! te big sud Interesting. Wateb (ha columus of ibis paper tha latter liait fol!> for a detalled progmam of (ha f air. Taie jour famlly sud noighhors, drive u tujour car sud bavesa vacation. Live In a tout sud osu (ho far-real>' enloyîug yoursoil for à veek. Elghty.dlvs familles vert. thère last year and 1,000 famille. are expeeted (hi. joar. Age (l ogo sud seah big var oxhits vhicb are bxeing- ilaslled b>' (he United State, Govyrn> ment and the liritish Goverument. adv Report of the condition of ~st ate flank oi Round cake o Locate-tiat lRound Lake, Siate ofIlinote blwfor, e hucmanupnliput ofI busness othe, lot day 'of July. Il9l, as maie ta the' Auditor 4f Pubilic Aec-,iurîl of the State ofI llii!, Pursuant ta iaw. Resources 1I. Loanii and l)iiscuuntm ..... ............... . .............. ........ 1 '7,4917 09 2. Overdrafts ....... ........... ......................9172 4. lnvefitmente ...... ........................................... ............ LI f. -.55o0 5. Banking Hanse..........................................................i1.30M) 65 Furniture and Fî ......................... .. 5l4 85 h Cash aud Due frain Banke..........................î19,96 46 7. Other Resoures............................. ......... 10 00 Tata!lItesourcesý.................L-i t-i-e-a..................... .. ........t 1ii,42ll 77 i. Capital Stock Pald iu......................... # 2.000 00 2. Surplus Fnu.............................. .... ...2.500 00 3. Undivlded Profite (net)>................................................... 839 90 4. Deposîts: Ail other deposIte ......... ............................................. 133,()89 87 Total Liabliîtes......................................................... d61,421V?47 1, E. C. Webber, Cashier o! the Firsit State Bank af Round Lake Bank, do soenyswoar the above elatement Io true to the bot of my knowledge and STATE OF1 ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ose. E .WbeCsi Subscribed and evoru to belore rue thîs 9th day oi July, 1918. Lyell H. Morris, Notary Public. Lynch's Feed - Stablei Locaed in the oid Lynch> place on Milwaukee Ave. For ratea see 1BERT L YN CH1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS -Every ladividual muet look thie (brIut 1queatlon squarel>' lu the face. Il he dca. rnot meet theelune fulI>' and prompt>',e ho ls not'dolng &Il ho a nta in the var.1 Invest In War savIng estanape. 1 Do net ci'out agaînst (he (errers o!' tbrîf I as long a@ (ho mou lu (ho (ranches do not crY Ont against thoir bardsipe. Coider Yourtoîf teck>' tu e ablioo Bave sud bu>' War Savinge Stampe. + REAL ESTATE * -. 1 ý.l --

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