CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 5

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LIBEUYVIIE INDPENDNT. TURSDY, JUY TI 1918,,.rive. a A COMPLETE UNE 0F CORN MACHINES. Janesyllie, Deere and International Planters and Cultivators Schanck H-ardware Co. mng Room Furniture D URING the next- fc- going to offer sor values in dining room ta: complete dininig roomi An Unusuali Selecti We do not intend to cc to any ofle particular sty wlll include a liberal assorti finishes. No matter whether any, oak, mission or any ot to investigate our offering. Treptow& CAIERAS 6-SIEDE FILM The rnytery of the robber band t the deserted GfIlette mansion lu Lake Forast bas been eolved. When Hloward Gillette abandoned the borne followlng is divorce suit, ha left a billiard table. Since then the police have recelved repeated reports that rebberr were makng the house a rende2vous. frlday they dlscovered orne boys engaged lni a tbrecush- ton handicap. "I 'wisb you'd get us sorne new billiard balls." said one. of them; "the table's alrlght, but these wooden bals are no godd." cw days we arc me exceptional anae Miss Stella Langworthy spent Tuesday jMiss Englebrecht "nspe ýni t ludav i LTVIA L.rTT tu Chicago. ichirago. "'EINIEI¶IAINI1EI Mfiss Grace Smith @peut Sunday at the MWs Alicp. Faulknerl itsîI-ftii w r tata-.e A D AN E F F. M. Harding horne i Area. tri Chicago.AN D NC h Miss MlMldred Evilsizor i-, viltivnR Mris. Ell Sodenberg and übldren wer friendmata Springfield, Ili. recerit viors t Lake Zurich. Ur@. (harles Young lit îîsîîlig Mr@. T E R D C Mr. and Mms. Fred Smth were Hîgh. Paul W inkler at Foi Lake. lanti Park vioturs on Snnday. Mr. and Mms. Claude MaîNrunzip au. An entertainmernt anîd danîce Mr. and Mes. Edwin Dusman spart the nounce the blr6h of a son ou J u Y 4 glven t the. auditorium n Sa Faurtb wlth relative@ s ai Mlburu. Mliss Anna Wlnkler. of Fux I ake, j@ evenlnir at 8:1 -)o'clock. for the bt Mises Orace and Ethel Wheeler vilbled eiit.tidinir the woek à% the Fred Jocvliheim the Red Cross. i'rior to tbe trom Wedaesday to Friday a% Antioci. borne. progarhe audience will bep i Me.and MW .G P. Maner, of Lake Mrs. Henry Heller and Mr. G(eorge tn popular s-onge, beirig led b Villa. @peut the Fonrth In LlbertyvIlil. Wereuberg wee Waukegan lîseitors on Bradford, witb W. G. Kartuarn, .l 1Wednesday. pontât- A cat'eftilly arear'ged an, Wîliîarnswers Chicago visitorsO h (bl.dspent Wednesa t-the John Tuesda>'. Bernard home. .A4s~M.rvJnknaJseniolinir a ftsen f OrFrank Hannon 0f Jeffereori Pari, 4ars'VSoffice. i 'speit od withblhie cousinsm, Mr. aud pou ofice rs George 1lelgge. Misa Edria Knox bha. been appainted TeR'roMtla conaldb temporary subatîtute clark at the local b ad gv eontaîua poit offce.iresaon Triesday eveulng. Mr. anid Mes. George Webreuberg @peut Mrs. W. J. Mors. and chiuldren, of last Thureday at the labtrs home t lranklin Park, lit., wiIi prîd the week- Lake Zurich. end at tbe Frank Lightbody home. FecorIing may pooseblv hnît, but i re. W. E. Watklns and daughtee, wbat of tbe burts of tbe men who figbt jfl .v, ae returned hron, a viýîî with and dia for you?reaveBt ase aniMdrsn Byard Swift and Leltoy Long, of Far ltve w70.r n Mrdesn hheridan, were gueste of Miss Virgiula j The Mises Kapine and 1tara Wnycu-, Collins on Slunday. a ot hcgsc îrdyw Bruce Duenberîy, of aioîlle tusofNorhicsao' @estatr jowh- vitlng at the home 0f bis motheM,*tl omrsSOer, Mrs 1 hrlseîmh A mella Dusen berry. The. governor of Montania says tliat *'îbrift and sef-denital are haridmaldans tri the bouge of victorY. The isses Eva Wllllame and Agnet Lghtbody, and Walter Ligiitbody @peut Monday larihllland Park. Mr. and Mr@. Edrar Wellm, Jr., and soni, Graham, vidted feom Satueday to Monday wlth relatives bers. Mliss Enter Kaderly, of Juda, Win., leq vliting at the J. R. Alleman borne. Mise Kaderly lis r. Alemans s@ister. P'erey G. Snow, rural mail carrier, We enjosing bis annual iftcen da)@' vaca- tion W. C. Mossile substltutlng for han. Il isses Flora Staples atd Ettie Butter-i ables, chairs and field btendedG riffi th@' war play,'ýHear" 1 of thet. World' at the. Colonial in Chicagoi outfits. lin the. Faurthl. I114ss Hazel Stnle, a ho fita,1n,, r, urmerlu nurstng at tht. Hahnemani [y L arge bisî tai lun4Chcago, îe vlsilng ber latner andi ltere bere. on Tle Lye ruady elaaLi the.M. E. cliurch hett a ilas meeting receutlY. nfne our sho-wing H-efreshîinents were cerveti andi a very Vie of goods, but t.nlîyabtt- time wa'thati. %Vattr Ligltbody, whîî bai been rent of styles end ,,eLLîlng a ten day%* furlough at iso r you want rnahog- limeeLbtrr. returned on Tueetiay mu îther finish, be sure lîîg ta Pl-lam Park, New York. tire. t1. Sterret, a bu bas oesn speuding S. the wlnter a itb ber éister, Mes. Anielia - Dnsenberry and other relatives, bai rturned vo ber home lu the. Lat. WL ulins wae a business vistor tri M a~I s o n P lru Ili., telatter part aofIriet week. C/wrch Jerviceçl Methodist-Episcaoal. Seivtcvs; nei Suntiay wtll lie lelti au follows: Sunday -.eb<ol Bt 10 ocior-k, clases anti depaîlments for ail ages. Mdorntng'preaching service ait Il o'clock. Evenlng service@Bt 8 o'clock. At the elvaning service tri addition ta tht. epeciai mnusic iîy the. choir, Me. Bradiford anti Mis. Jas Davis ahIllng a duet. A cordial Invitation lu extendeci to &Il. "The Trne Basl@ for Joy," wlli e the subject ai the Epwoeth lAeago lesson next Smnday evenirig as 7 o'clock. Mie Blanche Scbanck viii leati the meet- ing. AIl are cordilly luviteti. The choir rehearsai vill ha holtithls vesk Thursday oening at 8 o'clock. AUl memhars are urgedtu t attend. Presbyterlan. timnday wshool 10 a. mn. Moruing worsbip st il a,.. m. Tapie, "Baptisetib>' Fiee." Eventng service at 8 o'clock. Toptc. "The Itight of Way." Speciai mullc bath services. Scout meeting, Friday utght, tender- foot exam!natioris; Congregatianal meet- lings, Thur8da>', Jrily 18. Tbis meeting le Tory Important and aIl members andi tbose Intereâted lu the chrc re e urgoti ta attend. Supper wtll hae sîvoti. The body pf an unldentlfied mari. evidentlY dead for severali tisys was fouriti ln a box car rieur the. tee bouse Bat Powers Lake on Tbursday main- lng. On orders from Coroner Mlllag- ci tht. body was hrought ta Kenasha and It le uow belrig helti Bt tht. Han- san morgue pending Investgtion. It la probable that the. body 'wîll ira buried late today or ou Saturda>'. A zsearch af the clothlng of the man falled ta reveal bis ldentlty. In ane af bis shoes the. naine "John W. Smtthî" had bien written nlu iri anti on bis uriderclothlng the. Coroner loori thebcInitial. -IB. 1. a. 0O11alita riln k.Où nencoabis etockirigs were the InitIaI 'II. W."-Kenasha Nçews. acconipauied un ae far ai Aurora. C. F. Wrigbt and bi@ danghter. Misa Helen, aie enjo.ylni a trip ta tht. olti eastein bornîetead rof the Wrigbt famlly, wblcb le lacateil near Hîîpkington, New York. Carl (ailsonand hlsclster, Mlseleabella epent the week-end t St. Zhbarles, 111. Mi. Cardeau etorned tauicheGreat Lakes Sunday, whlle Miess abelle emalnied for a short vios. ItoylF. Wright epent avec the Foorth andliunday, witb hi@ wlfe and daughter a% Edgeton, Wis. Mis. Wright, who le fl atl the home of relatives there, la amrewhat impioveti. Every time a German submarlne sluks a shlp, oa mnch pradriet of tabac and fnatt.ri@aleI.wastsd. Every Urne yon boy anythlng not needed, so urich pro. due# o? labor and materila la 5wastsd, The Preebytertan Ladies' Aid hoiti a large meeting lu the churcb parior an lait 'rIday aternoon. The ladis. are preparing for their asual naihzaai vbtch viii h eitil the fr.t Thurrday lu November. Mes. S. S. Wheeler, Who weut ta Canada in May, ta speuti the entamer vlth relative@, bai returnedt t the home o? ber son Roy, ailter tolug a patient lu a Cagary hospital. She yl ho couflueti ta ber b.d about tva months longer. Mr. and Mr@. Baecy Nebolea andi sou ai Austin. vilted aver tb. Fourth ai the home ai Mr@. Ncholai pareuts, M. sud Mr@. H. T. Maman. The Mason and Ncholae famille@ attendedt he annuai Mauon farnlly picute which Wau beid *t Gages Lake, Thnesday. Th~e annual pieute of tbe Woan's Boa4lr#NIsonary society at the M. 9. churc-h wili ha helti net wesk Thnrsday afiernoon, Juiy 181h on the lavu Bt the home ollMes.Chai Cheever. lb. plenie supper wll ha serveti about 5 'ciack. This leanuannuai @vent that ià lousheu forward taWltth great pleaenre by ail tue members aud Irieutis ai the social>'. Collind & Doane. monuilwlît dealer@ bave just opened a Wauk'giau lranch office, whlcb te located urt lots South Coucty treet. Mre. Alice Thoratoi, ai., lias been iieiting ber cousin, Mr@.(' M. Fuller, let lait Thorsday for tu-r home in Belllngham, Wasingtuon This wlli make Mr. Efoovýrrrnll-J. S. 6riley, wIlie lnspectlumg his garden thie morntng, dlecovered a ripe tî.uiato that measured Wu nluches tIi rurafererice, Fred Faulkner andi luisit v of Brook. luge, South Dakota, lm rs.. îîîlîg the week wth is brother, Fi.rrtaulkner, and iler, Nr.WIIILonjg. iii il inirgton, 1111 Mr@. John Brtxen and Nir-. Ted Fin- C cutter have bati a markerr .t.d aBt the graves ai ibelr father atii,ther, Mr. and i re. James Sage, lu Laeeside cetu- etery. T. A. Reynolde hums rturtid tram a héibng trip at G ru. aLe (ii-lu Satordey be wîll leave for ( liirai and alter a vlit there he ma i: et tt i I rado for a Rojoorn. Mes. L. Iteickbifil..ibert Flaey, Mes. Jot. Metcait niMIlr- 'iugust ltelekhoff, ail ai Lbert3 siw. itt r' udth Ie luneral of tini nant dauigîîr itif r andi Mrd. John ïlari, rittîr IîlIle, Wlstousin., tVednemday. a Mr. and tIr,, J.lPi- II on tht. Fonrtl entertalured tlr t i il, andi Mr. and lie. ith illîiui Liir and fauîly, Me. and tIrs R. iHuy îî ...rtLake Zurich, andi Ur audIi tr, I isard hrîxen andi famtuy, aifLe> stat 1,Cr. C. 1. Ceaie. .îimanager ai tuie iiubrase Ilrsi- Lru, Culagu, bai] been in..tanin tt,15.a& eek direvaiug demantrations iý that compan> së papular alyrîîirrt tue Huy Paint anti Fuutumestar,- The Fourtu suiuerLservedi ai the. Illinale Trainaiiuglt ri r oWmen by a flag ràiâing and ai. aplmopriate pragcran gîven by everalt i ht.3 0ng wmen Blt ts tarin. Thh Er-ril itia niarcbed .ovt to tue larm tuari tîiid the celebratian. The guarantami ai tht. Litcoin Chau. tauqua, about ont. Iuiidred in nunîbai, wili l i a meeting lu the village hall touigbt t f8:30J. terryore Irterested lo urged to ha prescrit, rie ibis leanuIn- portant meetIng. Chautariqua wlli hegiu on 4Nugost 3. D)o lot forget thâ uaetioupply of labac and materlals ia iiuited. If you aha worksr 10 makle eomrtlinu fa, you. ha eau uat malle solet1ilîng for the goveru- mient as the lame timne, andi ho tan ual nuse the smre materlal bath for yaur nssde and foi the go verument' nosdiL A fright car that wai bruughî hors tram Ch icago on Tuesday marning hati been heoken maoan the. way and som@ shage. cansigned ta Charles Kaiser, and mre drnge, consignetita WUiliam Docker, wereemisslng when lthe car was apened at the St. Paurl frelght station. Edward 8. Keeiey, forrnerly of Liherty. ville, but uow Chairmaui ai the lntsr. national Sugar Commission, wlth offices ln Walii treet, New Yark City, whlis motorIpg thraugh liere, on the Fonrth, etopped a few milnte@ ta, me.bis close frlend, J. K. AlIemau. Mr. Keeley came rip froni Chicago ta Inspoct hi@ farm, alter whlch he retuenedt t the East. Bs say@ ha bas the beet position of bis carter and that w hile hs likres bis nov work ha would much ,ather lve lu the West than In the Lait. - TEST YOUR CANS! The foodi adminleotration la in reelpt of nomeraris complante relative ta the lInertorit>' af fruit cane asud covers, i mari>'oaitbem beig defective. Ail1 bansawlvee are ad iled t barefuily test all fruit cau@sudti over e before usini. OR ROSS wll he îturday beneflt of regular 'lited to by Jack wCcom- nd weli- balanced program will ho prosented by splendid talent. followlng whicb there wlll ha informai dancing. Tihe benefit Ï&a mdci the auspiesa of the Lll*7vo.CbIteIlai't lio. [ed crossà. Foiiowlng le the formai program in fuil: 1. "Ameria" 2. Guibranseri Solo -Prelude, Op. 45 (Chopin)--Th. B. Thon paoný a. Vocal dlo-"Juit a Wearling for Yo," fBond>-Mr@s Mary lahuke. 4. Dialeet IteadIngm: lrlsh - "The rres Plate;" Italiaiin etw-rn Two Loves;" Swede - 'eorkaboo" - Rth Lasgley Tliompson. 5. Villin solo. 6. Vocal Solo-' A lream' i[lartlttî) -Udrs. Katbîyti M. Weleh 7. Readingm: "I Airit tiin' tu l'ry No Mdore;" WM ieCousiniiere' *'The Kid Ras Gone roattlie Crlo rm-' Ruth Langley Thompeori. S. Guibearisen Sl-oa' Ferit Andt)-C. B. Leaie 9. Readings. "The Son." "Whour the Wa Willi End," Knlttlng. '"Sonne Little Bug'-ltnth Langlay Thompson. M. A. JIANLAN DEAD The funerai services for Michael A. Banlan were belti a& St. Jouelphe tCath- Uice churcli in Lilîeetyvilte on Wednes- day nîarning, the Rerv. S. Luttrell of- tlclatilig. liîtertnent wBC ait Mt. Olivet cemetery, Walikegan. Michaël A. Hanlan Pas hum ri nCon. îeebicnt, unMardi -)S, 1S52. and pîasse.I away ai hie boulIn.ti iv illage an Mondav, .iuly M, 1918, Wberi a boy fie ecime withlî itsparents Lii Illinois, a bre îbey Cet tttd on a farra lar Ruesell. the. deceaseil rrciding there unil about lteeri rare ago, wheri he andi bis wife, aWho survives hlm. nioveti to llîIertyille. FARMERS MAKE TRIP l'arlîn)ville-The mînilere tof lacoupin Fari i ssoclatimi hlaive dm-ided to ntake an anturnuile tour tii theLUiversity of i lllniîi4 ti sepe t d.ifIt.ret-utpoinits ar lutereet tIn the. .<Ij'îriîiîeîtal1 t-Idm. anîd Farra Atvisrr % '. Mller a ill 9gwith thëmý This le a d,'uîoîîut ration a lii wlil pay niany tinrs av.-r anti ont. s'hich INwl Lw- of great lîîtertei t tothe. laruiere oitht. county -Spriîgfi, d. 111 , Journal- N rý Miller, n lii le Variji Aîlior ot Macoupui coîinty, llinoiis. ie a former Lakte omt ntNjan Spevretary McAdoo eays:"Lett ni) 0one who genulnelY loves Auwrlca and wanBts fo serve rluta enlist tri the. great army or War Savere Ipy buying War Savlng@ mtam pi. RAY N. SMITH Lib.rtyvIUe, 111. in Bank5 s the underky i pn eofiJieNationalLIxàM. "TheIn-lV ofitslaws 1icif1,en priv=va test of ifty 'are. <is on»&w moi/iry1noLrNaiîonbuk, SAV MOEYBY LACNGYOUR IMAGAZINE SLIBSCRIPTIONS WITII ME My catalog gives many clubbing combinationis. Here are two of its money-saving clubs: Delineator............ . $1.50 Everybody's............ 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.0 Current Opinion........8$3.00 Review of Reviews .$3.00 BOTE FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR. ludependent Office Phone, No. 1 : OOD LUCK COLD PACK JAR RUBBERS Ap fve or Ail Glass jars tio sch 3, Lakecoutfood preserva- tio shoos ndtheU.S.Department o Agriculture. r Don't attempt "Cold Pack" canning with- out using these rubbers. En H. COR L ETT Two Phones-339 and 340 Independent ClassiÉged Ads Pay. Ask any user of th'ea. mmm se sus------s-------------------mm smm .sm :: As a special feature of aur Mid-Summer Sales, we have purchased a large jobber's entire accumulation of short lengths in fine dtress Silks. Thèse are ïn 4 to 12 yard lengths, both taffeta and messaline, ail yard- wide goods, in plain colore. To buy thèse silks'in the regular way, you would pay up to $1 .75 per yard, but we offer your g ~ choice of thèse pieces at, per yard.................... $I. .tmo Lot of yard-wide Percales; in good dark blue patterns, short lengths of 2 to 12 yards, very special, at, per yard......... 25c New piece of black dress Satin, 40 inches wicle, beautiful quality, well warth $2.75 per yard, special at ........... $2.00 BUY WAR SAYINGS AND THRIFT STAMPS REGULARL. «I SELL THEM. W., W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY, Phone 29 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DONT let another Dsummer go by without an Ansco. It will add more to the pleasure of your out- inge than anythingçlse. AIl wînte r and long afterwards you can live over again with your pictures.those good summer çIýyr. Let us showy ou the Ansco lins. Ï2 to $55. 'DECKER'S DRUG STORE LIIERTYVBLLE 1 H ol di E tl p b L LIB " VYVTTJàR, INDEPENDENT, TRURSDAY, JULY fi, igis paira pqva

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