CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 6

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"T-TIlrvx-m iITW i TfU!'DN1mT.P*TT1MTA W. TLY i 1911R. --- ----------J----V .LAJ.LLThe message'J.&* W -, I~ pboat wishez tfain aviators, front the S ~z:Z * u: ::uUSSSUSSSSSUS USSSSU ~ . .ê-. volva.The essge ewreat Lakes Naval Trainling station ,~ ua, Iying over Zion (ity," or worda to that effect. Uieut. Forbes said, 'Il r. i flag!" He asked permission of Mr. w J Hammod andIt was grantedl and off --el-8-8000 He muntd iniheair once mpre and headed forth. Oxer Zion City hie UKEiA SEC M FF IT P E AS DMA ESDA IN T IP dropped ;»e fiag, iîoped telo n i NO T IP hon beaded for hoine. Over the ROFFE T P E ÀS E D M ES ÀRI reat Laites iatîon I l(,climbed t0 an e altitude of 11,200 fecI, iooped the loop LAIT S O NEW ST O B GUE T TIRO fiII50 ILE tUle and! again ,illed spirals" long UTE ONNEW ST O B IQEST THOUfff 0 ALE ide slips .made thie '*Ing loops" P 1 am~i! PlaYed l the ;,ir like a boy pay- P ~JNSERVATI0N RULE, OF IIONOR WIND, 4,0001Fil. UP ing with a top unth rud Truiy these avlators enjoy the air Le,, _________like a boy does a iiing pool. iÀeut. Hammonîl and Lieut. Frank Selieved That Steps WiIl Be COMMANDANT AT GREAT E. W. Croft and Ensign Dumas Metcalf of!FrtSheridan, rnounted Taken to See That Heating LAKES MAKES SHORT AD- FIy Over Waukegani and Chinage. TIey àwpe'd the loup over wa ls Kept at 68 Degr(es DRESS AND COMPLIMENTS Nearby Cities fRavni rkut and staWe fomewpia WAUKEGAN O N HAVING frhrsuhai~,re o oe i ~,LLEGED--THIEF ARRESTED CO-fnPERATED S0 CLOSE- HAMMOND LEADS- FLYERS eMtcaîf. the engiv' -- nt sta1ied and ;l LY WTH GEATLAKE INthey bang up id(î dcxI1 n11iiflic i onE LY\VTHGRATLAES Nfor i.few seconds.I'The aitl spilcd eiRi iMorh-thicago Man Arested ALI- THI NGS Head of Great Lakes Aviation ot and! wben thea ,rriîed homeîî th(eaj Uoody Nghtin aukgan ~ ~ *~î r. .aitohwas emeared froîîî the mnose f0 the bed _oda tttt-N t aru eig n h Furh('ptî Mt Dent. Sets Pace for Record, tai of, the machine. Lieut. Metcalf t ir fetf of Great la etikt he giecst of nmachine was su-ncended in the air.,c 'W"uegan coal dealers and con- bonor for the day ,Saidlol nubtance Residents o! Waukcgan. Kenosba, butiihe plane originel] itacif and ttliey bo = aik e are wondering how the adb osynedae iaî Zion City and Racine hall a fine OP- went safting along as gaily as ever. l ov mentasne rling on the con- andîîe orego a uegn eople: îirtunify Tuîsday ta sec exhibitioni Lieut. Forbeii fall a siitîtmishap. jus sesrvaton o! cent la going ta work "I arn gIs! talbe in Watikegan on flights miade by aviators f romtf lie While looping the 1001v a pillow f rom lut out hor. t la expected that mopre lndeîîendence Day, but 1 assure vou Great Lakes naval training station. the front Beat came, ote and struck wl e Ict intractions with regard f0 ihat 1 do nlt like tf0lbe clase! Lieut. Lee Hanîmond very kindly hjiIn the face, lie caiight the pli- vis ,e h. eUZ of wrldng ouf the riew among the orstors () heday Ibae cnete emket ligt 0 wand returned itta ic i place sud he Iha wlf be recive! ee heoe l heIre years at Great Lîakps. and te give a snap te the Fourth of JufY there was no.barmi doue.po lmthis Is but the scrond time 1 have celebrations ln those noities, and nlot- ____a_______ TIo«e la at least one man. accord- ha! the pleasure of apearing iefore withtanding a 50 tile an hour wind y U lW Oha, las ta the polic", wlio dees net111i a Waukegan audience. 1 have been train the southwesît the aviitt0rs took Himmi IIITI TIH1 tout fa be without ceaI neat vintr busa- ai the worid's grealesi navalta1 the ai ralliatt oon. ln the firgt criaUJI YU St oael ag5, eiighs an,55Johnrtraining station, and I -arn frank to seapiane was Licut. Lpe Ilanmmu!i %bae, 9agd65,orh icgo, as tak Senadroitfliat any lime I laie Great aud Lieut Dîucan P. Forbes ,and in L lia et. , c rthoi iagoonday n udLakes I travel h.aek as fast s th,. me- No. 2 was Ensigu Gardiner Dumas, CON ESSES TIEFT Th làtocustdy onda evning andtorcycie caps wili permît me ta tram- Dumont an! Edgar W. Croft, Zion , -lgde! ite Wituleîzii city jail one correspondent for t'ie Son.A., '.Ir.F 0M lS U C E a ~ eare ! avng iee!uplups "I have wanied Io cerne te Waîîke Croft vwas with Mr. Dlumas lie willDi «f "c and oh! bits of boards in the onet elbssor rmlt iw 5O6al yards o! the E. J. snd . ril- gaao ta tellI you peuple how I apport- on efu i tr ro i îa - au.. Hîscasebas heen set for eiate what ycu have donlefor Great piî n rr iith ere ~iS -rq&ariS cas il b is bonds have Lahues. There has heen no friction.te"r the trip. Edward Miller, Alias Harry A. w.. ~~~ ~ ~ Exery bit of worv;.,h.b av eencfth After w acfo u easbtca Gofa o te cwroi onerato ooperatiS bran!, and I have r epaea!the propellor started ta aeamperigt b 3 W gioi lfcoar nd t vasec tht eCve! vondcrtul support frein the whirr ave skî!doedl out along the wa Years OId, is Enigma .~'trla ais il etalen f0 sec people of the entire North oa sotd',uem ie h ____dcq ,,I»flcula pbisildin li Your Commercial Association, your machine siarted to climb. We tur TLL CNLIITING ARN chicsudsocsl lub1. d south ta face (the ainu ln lu lmbing s ~t Office and apartrment bidnscty council, rvTELLSscia YARNý,se ofl the ruorlfyo ca s e w atYo! M. C.A.. Riiis of ('olunitis, and for Labout liait an heur we strug- 'sa lhe maoriaetcasbcfudtueNv lb u erceces have eofggu! agîinst the foýrce wînd climnh- Being Held Pending Word ram m thn a heavraeprivate home done. a masterful work, and ire de- lng very slowly. The air was very rle Jtlis o! la theov er sudgpe rnieu e" ngc'ra cei.Tic aerough snd tire suaplane rocked and Wiliamspart, Pa.Police ~ bândinga. Iflt sfut, wll lic watched made a no0lier cent sacrifice for thediîccoîsdrul.tensewîd - 1 îsl linihs n prîvate station sudlits men and are 100 lier give a bound Ini tic air like s bucr' Wki e aytHiLlt " 1 » lsl hnt ecen t tatrîctie. jing horse. Mr. Dpumont ha! a firm E-dwar 11Milr, ali.a.s fIarry A. A. i:11c"ee. eared he I wnt he eope o XVtikgangrip on bis xx eël and on the contrats lites, wbio gave- hi: age as 17 yearq, 1 As nearly 1. ai a elan!te " atepule o Chicagn' ann! norpellcd lbhemachine ta obeybtuohoplcsaIsn.ovre gu1ornment Intends ta see fliat bul!- of tlae Norfh Shore a!c hcg i ii hnaralnan!yteu- whIs tel olel by ithetau.enteh to and homes as wcîl, are neft t apreclate the tact that Great bswl.To fe ogadtl-1,l en el yteWuea h betsiover 68 degrees. as if la stat- Latecblouas ta tiaem. If coilduf cex- loua climb selhadt gaine! about 3,fiiOoicedprOn olwn di-o 4last b hm Ihutyupo etadsare ot.W u ds iens that bie tol, $4i trabis un- lho , ba hlt a n oft ar n! ia he pIe we couldnt base the wondcrful thc sbore line for a white an!, thon clu, hfacoli Miller, 211.1 Dote street, ho Lcame furtherndecstias weaneareatZthe *4 %Mâe o fuel cornes ln tnying te navy we have to!sy. caeI te as swenae'MnWlllamsporf ,Pa. p bldgsad lieuses f0 75 or 80 ý'We cannot exlst without a v. Cty. Lieut. Hammon! was Pilat- The boy was picke! up 1sf Tues- Tt Jm bildias lafon! ut n~uni We must have control of the bigh iug the trip sud lie was ln the lea!.- day nigbif by 'a sj*cial officer ln the lei 4àgernas ent fels tht erouty- us fGraybs a oto fJWe followed hlm about a quarter 'J' yards at Wraukegan. lic was 1 tJegvriaset fel yulbe ae! moin eas t e r coual! aiecent of a mile in the rear an! kept near tht fonds and!eaidlbu ha! uwilkei ne ltut.aatlor. f~iehmfIaegftRcie Webd urfom hiao Heflanî-x months after ifs lieginning. Eng- clmite! te an altitude o! 4f10feet beref onfChicago.stol.ainoma- b ___________l an! an! France would bave bien Iat ihis fime so that lif vas saete f0rfrs tha t sin teswasay gA. h- starved mi o submlsslon. Sea poserý 1 ete aerîeani! fly inland irs B atesi! fabin e! on VrnonA.1S IP M ON BEER vili win tlie war. We couldu't sun! aetewtrin aeadta ielvdo ennK ]PIGER our soldiers f0 lrance aiho[ut a Both machines tiew direct ly aveir Ra- Street, Detroit, 11ieh. The police fh convoy otfaarshlps. Ainerica dl! clos, se thaf. the residents there bus, checkud up an! lisaned that there eu UTIL IAD IC nuch e stp flc Geinansuf arve iaa !afine view ot the-Beaîlaiies, las nscb afreet in Detroit. piunI. Aacrtocatvase! ag lanau! ethe sky bei ng clear. As 1 lookeul France troua tarvatlon. .down at Racine I wav strusk vfi Th le boythatrlielliit rwaeasfi We have traîne! hetwccn 1 thCe beauty o!fliecîcty. The vay î Ilier stha t lioe bai!rtitsway aflb.0 """00a as laid out an!dflue docks leeke! ed taigmnyfrmbsuce L13AD TO ARRE S iad 60000 men bait ihe Great LakcqI5 fn ro h H~~ e aaid lie vent firat te Elmyra, N. F4 frservice o h ihsaadwYto aBfaowu i e stay re aesen!lng ouf about 10,000 traîne! h eautiful city an! a garden &pot. Mr. Labls ow uton y Bewr- en acbmofla ~V aireeivraHammon!dl!i a few epirals over Ra- there long, moving on ta eDtroit. Labes Nw Pt o by rewr- en at lu tmaot 100ie aerecuitsducie sud we turne! South. Mr. Stllpossessed et the wiuderlust lie Ws Tell the Date When abssci d a bot10y.wrcut Hammon! was sailil in the lea! an! bauglif a ticket ta Chicago where bis Beer as Mautacured I pdic litavtinsver wcfolloae! hlmfoa Kenosha, We fumagave onit. He thon waluu! ta BeerWasManuactred "I pedit tht wthi a yar ,, vere bucking a fierne wiîîd an! just Waukegau. _______ lîl have 100,000 men ln training aft crepf sog. We ha! been maklng vfiThe poltiave port m!res iven ~,VIOLATION IS DIFFICUIT akea n 'i about 120 mile san hieur golng nortb.wt h ilaspr drs ie cag e ol! orf a reat aChi but as wu turne! an! bueke! agaînat by the boy an! aise bave faken flie TIaeet sati on la or. ot athe wind if vas like diving latea matter up with tfliauthorities i makes It Easier ta Dehect Viai rouabi 'lies!1asa. We only madethat city. Tbey are holding the boy ALcrticism as crificlsmn, and aboutre Iveamilesan beou t fme o-pen!ing Instructions f rom Cie Police ltosIsd th ie yeu that b welcome suggestions, -otfv mlsa or a ie o! fWllliamsport. Young Miller lias MileDryZon "l'opb etAnieîcashol! iaiu ng Soufli. sithouiglinlureality w MilDy_ on_"eopef_ nri a wuldtni-: wer, travelling lu the air at a spee! admîffe! teaibis police that bue bas F _____about unis esal traning nw tl-ofaut6.serve! two ferma la the referni it le assertel that governnaent of. sersai training malles for American- ot aout 60. n aais aStn sclieol. He says bofli bis parents are~ "lalswbo bave conducte! numeroUf ism. IdS fedvngaantaso ead aiftainWWiukegan an! Northi ('ics- 'lBe canetul vlio you put lu office. wall. At Kenosha we lew'well oven e! q»Ion enwboarealege tahae Lke outy bouitlieprod f lerthe city an! here Lieut. Hammon! ujouthe f « "Fie Mle fi-f Zone" naîsterful orator. William Mailier oPd helupfsucan int Lvi. I knw nyosema csson. Wc vers fling Netyco E W E IT A T uuIIng by lavlng iquor sîippe! lteLwi.1dcu't nwayoemntéchlira hst ndzM. tbo szons foloing flic puttlng ine olias dame more te heîp viylat aiehra latm n sM - of th le order, have heen able tc siar flan your fellos' stizten.l tl Hammon! la sai! f0 require plen'y l foearres thrlough the 'nûwleg@e 'Tmna native et Southi Carolina, ha! te kp b hlm. I HAVEthRDER NUM thabee us pircase atebut b assure yeu thatI. shaîl abvays maktng these beope over Ieneelia. th Steier vent Into effeet. nign! Lake taounty as my home. Mn. Hatammon! mugt have droppe! te This lebey itfi-adons! %1eu the war Is over 1propose ta a 500fo attue HBEvslstD RS ASSI(INED *ithouglitflicaverage person may maýie Laite couuty tuy home.'. oot a t itud e aplattesn! mo1e avya rfotion facâ, aere- as the baud ou aur gasotine Indicaiuur Waukcgan. Juiv f9 >ýws e -n g aswing a -'-i te rdrnumbers base heen aXs,! 1 Mming onesteacli bier label tlie date LL I~ ~rl- the conter o! the gauge vs tune! by flic Wsukpgan draft board ta theb leu wdhit f as manutactured. Wben -. - I P EI 1Sout h fer Zion City, Kenosha, like 1'15ycung men wlo ruisture! ferP Meo IoderaI agents enter a bassinent " E S Racine la bestut lulby lai! ouftfthe the draft ln thls district, on Jolne 5t wbire tiey bavereason f0 bellese I U efER EÀ 1Sreeta heing symmtrical and te o! Ibis ycsr an durina flac few days a violation exits they examine teprfiliedaey olwng hs Lbt f blese IndléatmIethoat the parkas are superbi. lui!imdaeyflevn.Te As vs got near Zion t'ity 1I pointe! uumber, hase biccîlarrange! se thaf mUsooe a manufactureffe the five Waukegau, JulY 6. acroufs teafthe city. MNi. Dumas shoit the registrants may kîuew their- reta lzoeb u vet inttheaffe P. Aust in laiq n ecelat et a copy bis huai! an! then pointe! te the in- tive order o! diraft. Ewt bav.Ybe::&purchiased affer tht o! the Florence !ally Citizen o! Pion- dicator ln front o! me. t leoke! np Order Ne. 1 gees f0 an Antiecli 'smal there la a prima fat acet oe. n cam pasle a!iimgfi adba!sumaru!fu ain; No. 2 ta a Zion City itobtin.Ifit l-asserf e! thafthis _opy o! a lef fer wnlftcn hbe rtom sud waa painting at "Fjmpty!' young man an! No. I te a Wauke- 4vMem w as use! in makina at tcasf Europe of Frank Cross, a nephes' of IWbcn yolt gel stale! on a ras!t gin youung man. The mnimes of theu aw reats at Northi Chicago. île Wauiegan man. The leffen tells sud a long way from -a garage if's f lre -ung men vhose mnimes ap- à »M tha la alolta hve eoftheflictp acrosa an! et the &aie an- fanr from îlersant to ses that youn pear filrs tin"flic order of !naf t are- A pa ttatle ai tebav be rivai overseas, an'i isl about cmpf y, but si-len yeu're 1-.-.Lsfen .J. Osmond, Antiocli. accu *1w colt fo fi getarmaetil Speakina o! the trip Mn. Cross soartîîg iahl n flic ky and your 2--Alvin Rucach, Zion City. dotect violations la filalmonner tu baya: gasolitue gauge meails 'Emupty' an! 3-Prank Roth, Walikuehn. taoek on the beer labels by placlng -Webave hlla an excellentf voyage j faune bucking a tierce 50-mile wlnd A lange pencenfage o!flice young tb ote natbofwtr ltg arad there la vemy littie tif If 1au! sf111 iglît mile sf0 gol's nt mu-n sho egistere! for the draft are che ou î ta flcta tbl etheather eît te compbef e. For the fira9t five amry rcassuning. OPur only chance f rein Wakeaan. Prnctinalîy att e on l asdiiYcîtto eI uoleier e ays ouf of prt vs salle! ia Risaas I~ te dive dos' Iowun se as ta gef nuestoifeins have hecu cufunne! te «fier tbe going jte effct ofthfe ai.r-anm as ever the anient mariner nav- ouf et fhs high it nd a muci as poa tue local draft hordo When ai.rcl n hate!. Thon Moafler Carey, or w si-lsre. Huere we mîade a botter spee!, lu the Imarul vi classifY tihe verbeg illernmugriaaesr wi t.ever rocks the "Cralle o! the Deepl."an! presently sie passe! i tca ndsu!men saii alilthrovu place! inC('sOun f11 uibe-weven, amiàt i:s ai! tht feax-art a titIe ove-ambitious on Ssue fhîcutIe Tanneny love ln iglît, the il uo -,iliaunnud f0 apperir for danta akea canc ofarr standFaihen Neptuiue came borne "spiffigis vonks an!ditien Wauitegan bar- plysica e-amInatlon se théi ilruy wnalcUnta fa vichn be o resi )dlau! t aie'nd felI ovor the cradlle, bu- bar. If sias enccursging f0 sec, the lwil tu erauiy fa bic veuftas aylu t'ie oonicienbybasme luurshîule! n.causej fraom that day on our mental ligbfbeuse juttina out lufo fthc sua fan draft. Th n e uaini Iay.ledal cquilibrium an! bielow lis an! vu till lia!t a clanne Thor*s are bargan inTi.m- gastrenhrruhc poNd lias ircen seme- to gelt th ie hangar butore tuue tank Castinieu o1-t bers o!fIRussell si-bae gusaents sdvertiaing columrns. watafditurbeil" wsa couupltely dry. A patrol boat autoienuhuuwas a lun at ftbîe cirrusý 1&fl~flhlDCITVD A1. i M Aile) [UJR.)UJLR 1tI~ TER IOEINQI CIASED QU4>TEROf MILE etor Kern, Alleged Pickpook- et, Makes Vielous Attack on Matorman ACED UNDER 'ARRESIý -aped tram Car at Edison Ct. atter Victim Discapered the Rabbery lukugan, July 2. Victor Ken,. -ge! 34, Chîicago, s'as ace! under arrest ln Wautvgan, ursday ucon on a charge cf liaving i"ed flic poctet et A. J. Adams, re o! the passi-ilger'ý on, the car. rfi sias arn-i-feu affumi a quarter o! ruile chas,, iand latter lie lia! stau- A Curnes Litrhhici! ,motomian on se Northi Shore4lfe ln tle arm sev- l t-lntes. 5 t5ý" h%' !?een. >afirlue! an! lie i ising rd !lu on!s et $2,000. The alluge! robbiury Loit place "if as a nenfli alors line car-drus' Ie ibis Edison Court station. Adtaaas, acf vas cornîng Ia Waukegan te uit a tîlece stantu! for the door. As edii! se lic put lisa Ian! to bis hup ockef f0 sec thaf lisa iallef s'as tfe. Kerr'. aho occuple! fhe scat act o! hlm aIse siarfu! for ftue dean. SwO oflier men od i htuisu. al as'dlng close butin! Adams. As tlie car came te a stop Adams ain put lits han! tuliris huap pocket, he s'allef confaining $39 wsas gene! Iltc fol! fie couductor niteimnately mi fhe latter aunon ice! firitt na&- ich as tie robbi.ry lia! tatun pl ace - the. car thflcflietmuist bicaboard. le sai! ,btfeus r> une on tic car eul bdave .1u' hue 1.uarched. He uet te la feluplionu lu the station .d notifie! flic police. $udderrly Keru boîte! t.hnough fie oor asi! starte! tir daîlidowno fli n euft. Adams, tic conductor and vural cf tic pria5cnizu'rv vftc! ein mansif. I,itcbifieid lct lis muofor- ia-ns boofth an! dîstru! rifte-r Ken le proeux oe inet-r.footte! tli'iutir' st anul eliught x. irl) ihflicalluge! ip" jîbaf a» flic latter nushe! it thceihomcetof LiîutemiafifColonel , . Smihmin Southi Jackson sI meût. As iv grapple! su itia Kem fihe lit er dnew a peckuit nlfe an! stairbe! e urotomn itfln fie foreanm t lnî-î' ,four tumes. litclifiel! sas came., îs'everan! di! liof relinquishis - ioi!. By fIs Lime some o! lie othen inrsuers Ilia! arrive! on the sacene. ,hey qulckly overposienci the ai- Wlien Kurn avasearchdli! e dl! ot have the mnuf svrihhim. The allet s'as teun! on the atreef car. sving becn dreî,ir-d undr a seat. 3smeans on fhe car sai! ficy sas' cmer fInes' fie pcetfbock îînden te seat butors lic leapu! tram fhe Comipiaint. have bec.. ioda-! with îe, police durthe li last two oron ires wekafIat .pic'ipocekts ivere 3peratlug on flic ebectt'lc railroa!. For fIat resson the arreat f e u is regarde! as Impouurtant. FLÀG U I4 DAVID APPEARS-IN WAUKEG'N PARADE For First Time Jews Carry Banner Which they ail Lave Sa Much King David's fiag ef the lioIy Land, Palestine ,flying lu ail the sieis etr Waukegan for thc firat time ln 2,.000 ysar's vas a grand sight. The Jev- ash soc iefies o! Wautugan marche! lu une bady an! carnie! tIe Stars an! Sfnipea ln front an! fie King o! Dav- d flag by lis aine. The .lewish people of Wankeaan u.ppneclate fthe liberof he l Uniteud States an! also tie freatmsnt cf fie people o! Waukegau an! fie Clan- ber o! Commerce. 'flicJeiilpeo- pIe hiave cosatibute! (.0,000 boys lui tIe army an! navy -an! teed ver>' prou! a!f tis vas ',number o! lewisi boys. The Jeviali vere very prou!, in match ln tie parade lsd ly Cap- tain Moffcft o!fIe Great Laites nav- aI training station. Mr. Sam Glass vîshes f0 fbamik MVl. Sa-mane)[ Bhwai'tz, maraiable!o thie Jeisia parade ftcrefic onor o! carrying fhe Jewi-ih fia ton-rftbufirsf tîmu ln Laite Coaînfy. NORTHI SHORE Pas QIICKLY FOR INJURIES Milwarukee ulvaIs-John EF Toue,, presideut e filie Arien club. wlio vas a passenger on fIe North Shoes pu- rial train vîlI hcraqhs! Into freigît cars ai Racine, Jumie 26, vwile carry- Ing the Arlon club ln the Great Laites staytion. ays fIat le tioca fot itnev o! any suifa being starte! agunst thie compans'. "Agents o!fIe company came on board after fIe accident an! several sefflements vers made at fiat lime," val! Mn. Joues, "S8ome ofthfo«P, More sevcnely Inmnt, buavever, dl! nef set- ,le then land 1 suppose an undertand- Ing -will oon le reaclie! befusen tbem and the campan!. "Officiais o! the Nanti Shore rns s0 far as ilinos' lave heen eminefifif fair. TIcy bave abovu fia disposi- lon te shifttbe blame fer lthe acci- dent. vîlcI mugit have bu-en a ter- rible oeeau! Iisîrdly beiieve ibat if s'lll le necessary fon anfone te saat suif." SUGiAR CARDS TO MAKE APPEARANCE WITHIN FEW DAYS Food Administrator Clark Ex- plains Haw the Plan Will BQ WorkedOut Here GROCERS KEEP THE CARDS Must Reg jeter Date af Each Sale; Suisar Price Advanice Hait A Cent A Pound 9ugar carda- are due te make tlicir appearance iu Wa ikcgan vifhiu île nuit tes' !ays accordina tea senaunce- ment made hy Foc! Adiministrafer Jobn S. Clark af tue s'cckly ton! ad-I minisfrffien meuting WiedncsdayI nîglit. Tic card.ý re te bie sîmîlar te teose vbilclhîuave b.'cn use! at Li0a ertyvîlle otoneliclanit acteraI days Supplies et these cardas'wil! bu furnshe! te Waukegan aroccrs vIa yul bic oblIge! te keep as accorai e cieee on ail] sales o! sugar. Grocurs viii bis oblige! to place the carda 1n an Index se fliat fhey van bis refcrred fa rpadily. One car! s'll bu assigne! ta escli customur. Each purclaser of sugar must le place! on fIe varda. fogefler vifI flie date vien pur- This ta dcnu te maits'surs fiat ftle customer doua not purdhase mer- f han the gos-crrnmeat allofmenf whfcli is flnc cudee mnfli per pur- sonl. ôî.ilný& fis hècustomun iv oblige! te give bis name an! ad- dres an! tIen must gIse flic num- ber o! people regularly serve! in lis !amily. Hia Dame mugf bu signe! ta thie car!. If Wauîkcgau follesstfli plan adepte! lu Libunfyville ne lien son yull bispermittu! f0teruv sugîr at more than oee tore as this youd avol! contusion. The custoffer doua nef recuise a car! but if is kv-pt on file at fhe gre- ccry viere if is subject te lnspec- fies biy the adminiaf raton at aIl timu. Os'ing te fIe àdvancing pricu o! sugar the foo! administration pur- mît groers a liff le more leevay ln f isir pricu. Tbey nos' are permitte! te charge 9 1-2 conta pur paun! for sagar in huIt an! 10 cents pur pen! for sngan ln carions. The price otfliarley an! rys fleur ecdi as neduced 2 cents per f lys peun! ag- Ts'o local grocera venu sumnionsi! befonu fIs commission te n!pIa3y te reports fIat tidi bhave hucu violafingt certain regubatious. Onu groeun sas ecliarge! vifi liasing sol! Hohemian rye fleur wifbout aurbsfitutes ai! aiso vitI iavlng bold 100 peunda o! rugan fea a harding bouse, Tbe otin- un grocen ws'i clîrrgu! vitI bavina sol! sugan lu fîve poun! quantifies. Tbhe forumer dunic! the sale o! fleur vitbouf subistitufus. se fan as lu lim- tself vas concerne! an! sal! le veul! investigate te see beflien any e! bis dlents vers doing se, He admitte!l selling the 100 potundso! augar but thougît hlubld a niglit te do se. He premise! te bu more caret ul in the future. The othen grocur sai! le dl! neot kIlos there vas any ruling vbicb prohihlte! bïmfm rodm eelling augar lu tive pound quantillua but sal! lie voul! net do se again. RAY 14. SMITH MARF WM[ MR LAKE COUNTY1 Publishod by the. WAUKEGAN DMILY SUN at the special Iow price each1 $3.50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft,2m Libertyville Independent Fariftrs, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other smail grain. use the FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION **.65 Cents a Pint... The best and cheapest Antl-Smut on the mar- ket. BIWCECLEVELAtND bIWf CO. The Rexail Store Cor. Madison sBd Gou.... St. nhe Store That Saves You Monel PRIZES A BIBLE PRINTED IN 1673; PRINT STILL I)0 Wankegan. Jnly 6. Chas. Edmeuda bas an oI! time bi- ble prînted lunfthe Engliali language lu Holîsu!. lunflic fear 1673. The bi- hIe lias bieun the property o!fite famiîy of 'Mn. Edmenda vitfe. vbese rname vas- Tuffle i!uring ail these f caa, flic amily having cerne ta ftae tfJnited ISfples frotn 3iolýland Imore tItan 200 f cars ago. 'Ils bock is veIl preserved, but shoya a lot o! usage, shovlfg per- biapa that fhe Tuffle famlîy spent considerable tliiu ln persulrng 1f5 pages. A brother of Mmv. Tiattie gave the bock te ber aftr havlug refuse! $300 for if vhhlcb as offered by a book collecter. Washin Ironing Cleaning Ail in a single day. Housework neednt be spread over the whole week. Most of your routine tasks can be done in a single daày when electricity is in the house, for then Electric Washing Machines Electrie Vacuum' Cleaners Electric Irons will take the drudgery out of the operations and lengthen the hours. Every Iamp socket in the wîred hous-f yields power to run these and numerous other comfort-bringing appIiances. Sold on Monthly Paymentu Public Service Company, 0OF NORTHERN, ILLINOIS

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