CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 8

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Iight LIBERTYVILLE »MPID TKRIÂ,JLY il, 1918 -AREA- MISS IDKSSIE ,HIlCr Phone, Aretl 2.t-R XI" BelgenHarding motored lu camp QOMut, the Fourtb of July. wlth frlendo. Mir@.Il. L. Trpp eiitprttatin.d the Marsuriane ul'uesdc,> rv..uîng. The O.nlngWaeS Pen&lln social gameo and Ïveryone had a mosto eDO. able tOule. 'li11re. Peter Lltled epeur Sunélav ln Vaukegau witb ber son, Hl. C. Mire. Florence Johnoton and eidren arfe making an extended viit here with Vber niother, 9-. Lathrop lire. Ama Joues returned Monday "lir a few week@ visit et eloit, 1%"is. MW eeNonabel tGreen j@leviýiting the lui e iBride for a lew daye. She .1 4e11ve* on Fridey for ber borne in tle 03eth. lire.Wm. .ibrgt, if chiengo, epeit $beFOnértb With ber ese.,. ,mises Adella Albright. MWn Grâce Slmth, of Libertyville, tpent "aY fronxt he hoptal very mncb Ilm. proved. Meurs. J. H. Rone and family. T. -Russel and fanilly, J. C. Dorfler and fâcelly and Ufr. and Mtr@. E. B. Blnbm Plcnfced at Slocnm'e Lake on the Fourtb Mi" Bes e lcfride entertaiued %lis@ HElen Ltehfleld, H. Taylor and Herbert 8oo9, of Wankegan, on Sunday. mi" Violet l'orteouB wam the guet o1 Mhin Edna Brown, ,.f Waukegan, W,l needay and attende., the OhaIm batle as the Naval Station. lir. and lire. S.,IL. Tripp entert.ined lire. W. L. Butc.hinzaut. leof wand daughter, tirs. Lyle rrli,pbllpj Hutchinge, of Manhattan, Kansas, IVANHOE j Mir. and lire. Auguèt Wirtz gave a *partV Saturdaï evening, the oo amion bolng ibeir son. lieurgo's birthday. [b W&& a unrprwce for hlm and hie îwo elatere. Slxty pet pie were pretaut and etil report a delightful time. àire. Ubarles Brelle and cblîdren tram Ehînelander, Wscconmili, arri-ed Satur. dai tu, nite an extended viel with ber pabrenlte, Mfr. and Mire. Vanpiew. Mirs Fred Zîiuer and littie con, tram Chicago are vîstinfi at the Henry Glrabbe Uir. and tirs F. S. )oiph calied on SIr, »ad li@. L. B. BrYaUt n Waukegau banda". ire. John Wirtz, sr, ie entertainiug ber fièce. Bernice Tref of Chcago. Um Bertha Kuebker retnrned home ]Wnday from a two weekgs day with MIee Gertrude Dual, at Gages Lake. MMr. Nelsan and dangbîer, olive, or anukeganD, @Peut the week-end at the Auet Wirtz home. Mre. Frank Vickery entertained rela. «Vee and friendâ froni Chicago Snnday. Sund&Y echl 1wilil bgin at 10:15 foezt8unday and clturceh service et 11. It Iras decided to try the change for a Munsetous @f t twae ipossilie ta bave a btter attendance. .-Ether Wirts of Rogers Park, le @pend. fing ber vocation with ber oncle and Ibmé MisesRoger@ from Chicago are mpedlng hbs week with Mis@ Edna BhePherd. lire Albet Suyder entertained rela- tlvee frot Lakec Cornert;, the iret of the Mise0 Emma Ficher of Area, le ependfng 01 top daye abt the home of ber brother, PRALsE£VIEW RIder Bcbwab caîîeà at ev. Baupt- fumerer'a Sunday aflernoon. W. L. Rutehîng't fantl.y, of Glenvlew, vldited at Leslie Hutchinge@ one day lasi wook. Idr. and tire. S. L. Tripp, of Area, vis. Sied Joseph Richarde flanily Smnday ett5exoofl. C. Bans and family entertaned Charles Lippé and family iromi the lty. tir. Lippe returned the net day. leaving hie lail, for a week-end vieil. Mmre. iiI Ray and famuly are vlsîîng ber fatber for afew days. à RMedCrouc ure arrived uathe borne et là" i Bittenthaier Sunday alternoon, Jufl7 . Battis iioitje le with ber lter, for the present. .. lire. Lockhead bad a paraiy tic sîroke lait Frlday night. When ber sou found 1mw elm was eopeecitiese and ber rlgbt lde wu patlyzed. T4ere wa@ not mueb eb&meInhber turiditiot, up ta Tuecday Wh&% hec bappetie']t,, aur J uniors'? W hope to see thent s&Il n,-ît Sunday. HAFDAY Comtmunon seBrv(ce wlIll e observed et Mhe Cogregatlonal churel, ÙLx t Suvday *voulu t ut8:15. S-ubjeet o! ermon, "1%@ Bread of Lite." Ocaday echool at 10:45 a. m. A mneus' slefflfor the discusolun utfr,,lilone alcteg ont of the war willl he organilzed. ARl mon, yonna and aid; are lnvited to job tisi claqe. icuclon led 1-y the The Independent pute Libertyviile WAUOM zIZ MisGrace %Veil@s ofChicago, @pent Sunday wltb Wauconda reatives. ies ( race inurpby wss home over Sli idas. Henry tiainian visted relatives at Wankegan andfighiand Park, the laât o! the aeek. ir. an'] Mrs. Jas. Tamisky an'] daugb. terc, of 'r<tal Lake. recontly @pet à everak days et the homo utftMr. and tiMrs. C L. Pratt. Dr. au'] tre. Coon entertalned rela- itireestram Milton Junetian, Satnrday .and Sunday. i C L. Pratt was a Chicago vîsiior kSaturday. Mise Nettie Murray ie bai.,, for the cu ni mer. Miss Auina Metialion of thicogo. vicit- e'] Waucon']a frîeundâ over tihe week-end. tir. an'] tre. H. E. Mineaui, Mise Mae àdaim,.ur and limss Sarah Ceary visite'] frienîl. ut Spniug Grave, Snnday. tir. anid tire. Albert Roney of Chicago, 1speu 1 b,.elaetof tbhe ëk I"MtflWaucoffda relativ e. tirs. Alice Gjeary recentiy spent several 4Jays et Lttle Rock, 111. ; -lire. ticCahe of Little Rock, @p -nt the last of the wcek at ber larmn nortb of town. tirs. Clyde Golding and chijiren or Chcaga, epont last week et the hotu,. of tir. and tire Henry Golding. Mire. Margaret Roney retuirne'] home tionday alter a short viil with Chicaga relatives. Miss Della Kirwin returned train the W*isi']e baspitai last week. 1 Miss Maas[laley ,of Nortb liagu, le .smlu']ingz ber vacation bore aithle borne io! lier parente. tirs Cadv bift Tueda, uuniong for Mineapolis, a bere iioha« -cure'] a pobitian slnurse inl usbojtol. 1 Peter Meyer is enio, ng a wpeils vacation froînhie dntiec a- rirrk et Hl E. Mains , iotbfng slore. Miseslimace Geary, night oleratar et the local telrpliine exclanigp, nu ,.joyiiig a two Weets' vacation. Henry iain, Jr., vî,.,t.d relatives ai MlrHenry severall a3 c the ,a,.t week. Roy Clark, conuaitir. and] Mre. F. T. Clark, tatined at a mlitar.c camp lu Oregon, ruae a record at target î,ractice let week, settiug up a score or 146 out of 200. Roy wa a good lîot with tbe shot gun aund it âeene lis eye le equalis as guod with the armnv rifle. If he gels [a chance eatheb,.Kaiser, il ai ii be al day wîîh hlm. Mir. an'] tre. George Prouty aere visitare et Waukegon last Satltrday.' Mr. Pro*tjy, who lepre@ident ai the Lake cunty Soidier§' au'] Sailore;' Aes,catlon preside'] et the executite Peecl,,u m lch wos ta select lune an']pliace for the reunlon Ibis year. He lîremente'] Wo'u- coudas Invitatuon Atilàch%%am occelited and the tine wmii e Auguet 14 and 15. miss M unie I oeil ng spent the Fourtb witb ber tather and s ster. Frank Scboiz and family, af Chicago,, are viiting Frank Scbolz, Sr., of thls village. Chaio.r'holz and lamlly alo epent the Fourtb bere wlîh i@ parente. lire. F. Doolittie and cblîdren of Waukc.gan, and lire, M. Hueter, o! Ravenswood, epent the Fourîb wiih Mre. fH. Slp. E'] randing and lri,.nd @peut Thurs. day in thie village. tire. EII .Sjdenberg an'] cilidren oi Lîhertyvîlle, and Mirs. A. Lad'] are vlii. lng thelr parents. tir. and %Ir@. Henry Schaeffer. Miss Clara Prebm. tirs. Coruwell and Paul Prehnt spent a week wlth tbeir fatber, Wm. Prebui. J. Irving and family hbave move'] in the upper flaonlxi the Hlm bouse. tir. an'] lre. A. J. e'mond are @pend. lng a leur daye at their cottage. E. Lohmaun and famliy bave moved trom the Young fiaita the Eelfer bouse. Ferguson Harkneme and Wm. Meyer, of the Gireat Lake@, @peuitlhe Fourth witb relatives and triende. Iss s abel Helfer visite'] et ber home over the Fourtb. tir. and ire. IGeorge Webrenberg, of Lib)ertyvlleë, aiea visited et the latter@ bameuen that day. H. C. Paddock, ut Arlington Beigbte, wac a calier ber@ Saturday. The Wacbter famill are ont for tbe summer ln thelr cottage. Abert Rothwell, wbo leq atiendlng the, Allendale echool at Lake Villa, le @pend. lng two weeks wltb the Andrewý. tir. ani lire. A. Kirchbaum, epent Thursday wlth the latier@ parente. tirs. Kircbbannt bas been @peudiug the past week wlt bebr eloter. Miss Hannah Scholz la et home duriug vacation time. tirs. Chao. IDean, of Palatine, apent Suuday ai the home of ber parents, tir. an'] lre. W m.Iiticknase. Mir. an'] lre. P. Patten bave came ta) enjoy tueeentamer mouthsetaI Iber cottage. Walter t',elenor, o! Great Lake@, cailed ou frieuide avi. t,,,.Fourtb. * s Food diitao Jau-8ies E 1,unld, ,! Lake Zurich, bas boci, fappointpflfd Ji 'iii)iriis,îitrator for Elli township, RAY N. SMITH Uibertyville, IHl. . 1 (0*ctal Publication> UmseGeorgiaeFlemntng oi Champalgni vliIte'] ber cousin, lire E. B. Jordan the Pà@t wee ILS TO BE IN wee ee-ed ueset te M. Vînkîs A» N IR RAIDS honte. Mises Drotby Rieebeit attende'] ts- State C E convention at Springfield. Andrew Home-Morton Vividly tir and'] trsFrank Ott ailIrving Poue o epeLse Park, were Sunday guest iC. A. P oresHnPeoen " ist" Seîig'@. FrHn hn"i' The 1orcae soclety ai the Presbtorteian church beldan aldav meetng Thuisd&y SW T O UBAS S ai bhe Comntuniy h bouse.-OAS U Mir. an'] trs. S. P. Butchîson spent Wikgn uy6 Snn']ay oftbChei gtri rs.go Thte guosts wito aîied lte lunch- Gunkl ofChicgo.eon li the-Letbodist chnraiitFrlday tire. Fred Maun ws ratIl,.'ta ernîce, afteiit0on an'] bearI te addresa giv. Indiana, by the eerinas ilinees of theenOitb> Mr. AudrewivHlme-Morton, daugter f A.Mau.consUlting engiacer amnd Industriel Adagtrinf A. ta nwork designer n o odon, beard one A cnnig dmoniraionwl Lw lhîven of lte mot intcrestlng and] descrip- lu the gratamar scbool on Fri']ay alter. tive taike of wer comitiomns ln Eng- .nonc, JulY 12, ront 2 taS5 aclock. The laidt']tat hase cor heen itoard' li caunny'fo'] administration deelies the Ibis district. o! evry nij 't own- Il waai a. talk w1auclmbrougbt têar,. preseau'eto te oyeé of maii> of tho strong obip. ien, It waâ ;be klnd titat cause'] Mise Boes Scbinlehor Ie aseicting Mise every man's heart to hoat fasher an'] tiargarite Tucker for the nez tisao decîdo te do his ni' for hie country' weeks, the latter hein« fo'] advleor of In titis grefit. coiihlict. Il was tite Kankaee'] of a telk t1i stircd 0h05 coeul Kankaee conty.and plctured as no speaker beforo Miset)ill-d Bledratadt @pent lion- bas plcturod lIme rosi conditions ln day au'] Taes']ay at ber home. London today. ,9Ies Bernîce Jackson of Oak Park, To review Mr lioime-.Norton'c talk wau tbe w eek.end']gneot af Miss Eleanor coni*pletely wonld bc difficuit boeause Meyolte full apprecili,n af hic addross Meyer. could cointeoulyi>' i aring Il. Amnog MIs@ Laura tinhike ofaigland Park, îutereting things lce'ah'] was that le visitîng her leter, M rs. R M. V.anî. iii Englan'] oneo(,lit o fevery jour tir. an'] lite 0. 1. Rockenhack and persons, dethng rroni birlh tael19 tire. Wm. Bubns'en,. Sunday vietars z.oars oh ege, is in,'hi nar>' or army ettlite preserit 1esayc hat et James Currene o!f(ira.seoke. 1,000,000 men arr, lut out of urîlion lire. Lydla Wick, wha un']erwent o permanentiy lu ri, filrýt 'Car of the vers serions aperaîlon for guiter, ai a waa but woas iiiatj,,ult,, <;,,, th t t", Chicago baspital. ser..rohaeeks aoul~e nem3 heas four d'i-ý'. at toauy put aI home agein. le sa) a tiîaît'.,t! nitei States Miss i.enra barch sl.eut a short caca' noaa'bas a casimir y l;t ai, it . lion witb ber sister, îrm. lFrank Seaitiaien the 15 mont', -wcr,1\i( 'un la ut C'ross Planes, IIis. tite war. I nal idl '. a% it nothing 10 basve I roun l, iriv,, ot Mi,is1 alila Bedertadtouf Hghandi tiousan']and] roc:, as 'aý oo Park., oas tie vsrkend guest et ber [in n ncapactaî,,î ,:l aoni ot, father's. F. C. Biedormtouit. le tld of stand;;i, inluitre -rue div tir. ond] tre. Jark %IeUaffreyofainsd shakinir bands witiln,711 rer., Highland Park. are vibitiIg ut Johbn each aofivhem hill ,, lin,got, Careln'î le -ii'] ho tri,dul ,r tir uip as~ Cars.S dasidLos vit , holak tie laii,, of tle f 1j ,, re,' tir SAdmoor']I.,, ile'] E S. bunt .afler tiî ho lwýa i ta, rta ut tcr Adamns of Oraysieke, the past svrek. .ao ,ouod. tire. [Dari'] Hîreuberger briuon armu The speaker g,' f u- , hesides rcevilug sererai ,uîlîer itnjuries, criietion of hife ni n lot ting ohmu se e fr1 '],wn taire, lest Friday.Taboutl lte preîsera, ,,nifor air raid, Mr. and Mrsthe action and d, moanorQI tho ico tir on] trs Robert Petitseand ile afîerwar']o . i îe -s:'] 1 'r. daugbter. Gene. @peut several ']aye with sou tripe s a cm i luri ltiee~sr tir. an'] tre. C. G. Pettis o! Harvard. au air raid iuuCbuthtialrid tricitles mun upar'd w h ak tir. an'] tire. Fred ttohwab attende']H o . OWitebc the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H fuealaotr Sbdbemohraowf'] f they ath for th,' thefnerlofMr.Schab' moher ofsouis f te aioung airpianu',,frorn Chicago,.o ana]y. Blegium an'] Il, --îr(»Y fao'tl>vmikes Mis ElzabetbRckenbachaofAptakioe il a point te prepalro at ufh when Io viltiîîg etIWi. Plaggle. the% relire ta 1,,'il complpe, rea'], Mr. nd rs.LinolnPetls pe iurs te aleeaecomplote descent 1e tira,.] trs.Licaî Petisde thebceliers or basemret. île ex- sev ereld'aymsaI i>rauomowc.c Wic., the piaino'] hos' the British nos' haro 7. pas% week. Inch guns wicthcî ey turn on the Mise Margaret Kretà@ entertainre'] et pproaching arplano., an'] that they diimier tian'ay in hunor ofi Mise Margaret are glvlng te Cerman airrnon a Sebiedrf('it-go wh Ioth gustmerrYnchase of Il over','tîia they Scbnede a! 'hmaga ohale he oestoule ovr. Wbe'n un air raid 1 i g- o! Miss Era Ender. nalird, os orybody gars To irl' .as,'. The Misses C, Pad']eu,, 1 I. Needham ment an'] thon tite big guns start wcre Suniday guE-sth n Caroimn's. firing at tem an'] thoefBritish air. Raymond Lrdaif Ravenewoa'], bo umen rise to me4 lte apî,roarhin.r onemv. Wben evcrything la ail os or, bas been viitng ah hie gPandfeiber's, Boy, Scouts in ail lartrof I ,ondoîs C. W. Potîs, returne'] baie Sunday. bios' bugles whh,'h 15 thd siznal thal everYthlng le over. He cal'] Ciere are nOw se0 inar rcalidsthat te ANNUAL REUNION WILL BE People fail he keep tr3ct 0f the nuni. HELD AT WAUCONDA THIS YR. ber any longer. Tlîey have juI gol use'] 10 It an'] alter a ral'] the>' go Waukegan, Juiy 6. ebout Iheir busincess te 0051dayase Moelers of tite Grand Ari>' of If nothhng huit haprrene'] Onir utar. Lake Count> bei'] a meeting et te deterntlned thiat hhey wlli sacrifine G. A. R. balli Wankegan titis allter. ailtlite more in order thit the Kaiser noon at wblch lime tbey vote'] te a* an'] bis hoche ma e>' tociovele' lte cept the cordial InvitatiounIfWancon. eorner. da o taha]lte annual Soîdierot'] d Ho aiso added taI lite British Sailors' reunion et that place Ibis .qtake il a poinît ta tako the Gornian Yoar. The date fixe'] was Auguegt 14- -prisoners te Loudan oaci, tme te,' 15. The program ,wIlil h arrange'] arrive hn order taI they xnay cee Oc the people of Weucoxida. wltat 11111,' havor tbe wark of titeir airmen bas beco dolng wicroas te BELEVED TO BE PAUPER Cermons have been toi'] tiat tan- don bas practicaîlly been ral>s'd, Iu connectian a'ltb titodeath i t hi Ho sol'] thal e),000.000 waom, iare Lake conty bospitai on Saturde>' of doing s'ont nos' ln Englan'] ohicli P. L. Barber, a Lake Forest maxi, Il thuY nover titouglit of douang lurforp deselops tat whie Barber was ginp. te war. EhtIy per cent of thoetua. posod ta ho a man wit no meaxis chine work an .1sils soaa being s'botevor, tai ho really ha'] ranqi'] doue ln Englan']Cv lime watnon. TIoy erable wealth te full extent of witich are lu ail sorts or vocations 'espe. le net known aIt itis tnme. ciaiiy tare oeniu'ruus u,,i ie munition On Barber's persan followlng hi@ plants. deoti wac foun' e betik book. sbowing Thoespeaker toi'] of theboast on ibal ho ha'] $5900 lu savlngs. Bo.s'hicbh.liecrosse']lic Atliantic, bas ung stries tis il Is deciare'] by friends li mol 8nd cunk lawo sbta ie ri. Lake Forest litaIhle Iobellevei]lxie rouie, He pîctured vivI di> bow te have sont. valuable stocke and] bonds peso. igrs are Ira irîidta ho. ready lu hie Iruxit or lni e saving deposit t Meeot an>' onergency that moy s'aut.___tome Ir',în subyiiurrî'. fHo thon Barber was 65 yèars nId an'] ha'] graphlcally picture'] bas groat relief s'ont,.' for thepeet 16 yers about lte vas br,ughl ho lite passengers wuhen Wenbau place lxi Laite Forest. Ho they came wlitin siieit of lte United] fis takex i sci several days ago an'] SlateB an'] velcome'] the approict- irought tote Lake county Isospwita g de"'iroyo.rq anm' the alirpianes that aliere bIs condition dl'] not Improve rircicil ahove la give tiîem prot. an'] his frîends woro not surprise'] te lion whblie coming loto Noew York. Ileur titat ho ha'] passe'] ae>. Ie ifîui]lie wasn't sire ouhat h litel best bte ebombe'] freiniahovo or poche'] up'fro.. bobs'au'] has'lnc AITV ha'] experlence ln hotulimines, hos'as YORK flOUSE AUX. ariversed te speait of eacit. The ePeaier clle'] an Incidence or an 50airmîn obase nemo ose "Jîml>"' W ÀR Obr' Fdlmj going out one aflernoon on a ro- CROSS ENT MUCHiloonierhng trip and golfting 150 CGermanua*obarînes sonding tbe boits CiwssSENT et.] rews>t10the ittonil. Despîte tub .iw.,nd rful foie. the IutIle Englîshr. '[he Yorkitouse .uxillary ofthiptman as se' mttOent abolit lt hit Lake <'otinly Cttêlr of te Re'] hu. decline'] te discuse l wben lho jCrase, bol] Il- monîhî>' meetinglte .was nlervioa-ed b>' Mr. Hoimes Moi'. ATTE NT ION I rn Important Notice to You and Everybody! I The following letter is self-explanatory and demanda as ours, to the end that the government may at once necessary to successfully prosecute the war. your co-operation as weil ,acqukire the steel and iron J. tjolderi.,eri & Son,,erty ville. I llinoi.Jnl2;e1it lGentIlemen: ANs une ut t hi. la-i ngt civrapi. rolln ,toj.r, lanv.u r cw i'.I ,gto (.ail c, u r atten la i. it he lb, 'at t bat it te- o lu tv .(if.eiry mi-rapi rr' ýt r i r n tire i-ou 1,t rý%t,,si- . t t thbat ni) scrap (if &ans k md, chape ,r lu ru, jle ,i ,g ar,,u ri , irnlt i t elism i O nce.earv t bat ever.% pauud ,of c..rapirau tltuaI cniIi o' el»,i p.d l,,u Id 4 mi)n..,ut am ost hoe te.' mIillem and fourrips wl,,,tare a .,rklt4 n ,g,)vorruivt w,,rk niumt hta..ti, errai. trirler t,, lUllili the vo~ntra.cgwlth the,'go,% ,rnii,,rut andl alidin tle%i... alig otthe %% ar W iilyo~u plëeo-ie. t, It bilait you a'ivertice litvu orl oîral l gt1leatt..,, tiio, f ail bolders of scroai ro,n faraier *or imat, tiiaLu rer, t,, pe t, i t t lot t4lrl i,i m,, it eiily get thbolr écrap mo.clng in tire troper rlatiieli Wo'uid aio .ak voir t,, coe to, t Iliat voeuit îî;,roes ,îripout1iiiiiin'],,f iau eai ir al 'rarnd culiectar the ut m,,et ne'ecmity 0 got herimg e,' rap i, r,,i i ry tpart pi:s.cle1. Wauld alIe amk sou t,, reporeît,, the Aes,,rlatlin mnedlately 1,h,.naturef ail Il namuf&-. turere an'] other boil ere ,of lsrap tro, ah,,refuse ta Ne l I i biis îlm o-.nd'%] ab tlivlr ré'ae,,n,, are. This repart, wlîh the ,,tber etatietîre allrh voiu have 1,.'..,î urniiiiicu, a ill minie(Iiately go forward ta the pralwr coeunltîeos Plmasle mscta It tbat tis w,,rk We etarte'] at onice an'] we bel that a. tire largost deale-r in .vou r c,.u, i ity o,,l,, . I t nsa îat r,.,tu, .1,,ty ta e.. that ail availal'e srai, tron lm n. ne- dlotely s ut muaving ln the prrîper direvtion.'[ho prive lfîr gradd natertal bail ben eetab- liche,] hy tiar Industrie@s Huard. ond auyotip holding Ivie notertal for biglri.r ires nîuet be made to understan] Ihat. If anvtlîlni. thie î,rlce nmay b.. redueed. [iac lot me hear fr,>m yau at unces witli i0rtru t~io, oit limi, t.yu V'ery triy 3i a,. W'ESTEtN IISION15 . AMEHICAN BOARD OFîW MUAI' ilON IîE'l,CRS. if you have about your premises scrap iron of any description, or any quantity, tegovernm cnt wants it, and you wilI perform a patriotic duty by immediately notifying J. Goldenberg & Son, Phone 193-R, Libiertyville. WE PAY PRICES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE WAR INDUSTRIES BOARD Libertyville, fil., June 24th, 1918 Mr. John Hocige, District Manager, Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co., Area, Ill. Dear Sir:- 1 acknowledge with thanks your company s check for One Thousand Dollars ($1,.000.00), in settle- ment of al daims under policy No. 124748, now ter- minated by the death of my late husband, Fritz Carl- son, at Gseat Lakea Naval Training Station. The above num4~red policy was issued-on March 9, 1915, and the amount of pre miumn paid the Michi- gan Mutual Life was $126.72, leaving a cash return over cost to the insured's estate the num of $873.28. 1 believe Ufe Insurance is the best thing and shall gladly recommend your company to any person who would insure. Again thanking you and assuring you of my ap- preciation of the benefit of your insurance work, 1 arn Yours truly, INA CARI-SON, Widow andBenefic4V of the late Fritz Carlson, dlîeased. I %clanla by il Ume thme chi ed th, And s. The ale donit i street. ber hi aide. beau, ondei to bet dent s '- NIR4o C'", Mmrit two c 1ohn, tlmp laltion. aleti ber lb a cot ciearea -m drui bill Mr- the &] wttb.i otronl .aftqr la qt or as drei. tene ltion ward front lIon Th, ZION'SFO Ti WAS BN U'EnT The Fourtt of JuIy PicleutiVon City went off epiondildy, according to reporte front Eider Ernest Her- 1wood and Jasper N. DePew. There wore varlous gantes and races for wbicb prizes were presonte] to wln. ngrs, and a specially fine feature of lte program was the lowerIng of the Stars andi Stripes ai enndown. Th- ZIon banid and guards marche] eround the grounds and thon stood at attention lni front of lte flag polo. A mnember of the guards was detal. cd tn lower lte fleg clowiy wbile thé biand] played "The Star SPangled Banner." The ceromony wau very impressive an] ail stood witbh hads bared as lte flag came slowly down lte fiag polo. Juet aslte stratuis of lthe moiody was compmlete the flag wes aI lthe bottont of-the pole an'] was thon enrofuliy etowed awey. In theo eve7hlng a ban] concert wes giron an']lte people etayed I £loienï ln lthe Park MI 110 P. nM. There are nov over 20,000 volumnes lIn circuleation at, Great La)<ec '(mmin the eontra! Library ln Camp Perry an'] the 13' branchesli inte varlous eamps. flePOrt of the condition of Ifatt Bank 01 Cake Zurlcb Lncated at Lake Zurich State 01 Illinols, beforp the commencenment of buelness on the lot day of July 1918, tc made to the Audîtor of Public Accoute of tbe State of Ilinols, pursuant to Law. RESOURCES 1, Loans and Dscounts ......... **..*.*....... -,.................. $124,812 76 '2. <)verdrafta............................... ......... ...... -,20 60 4. Invectmente ........................................... ................... 2(Y.786 41 5. Banking bouse ý.............. .............................................71,428 29 Furulture and fuxtures .................................................... 690 89 (1. Cash and Due (rom Bank@e...... ........................................ 31.506 40 7. Other resourcep ........ ..................................... .............. 45 00 Total Resaurees ................................................... $185,285 85 L lA BfLIT lES 1. Capital Stock I'ahdln x............. ...... ..... 25,000 (0 2. Surplus Funds ...... .............. ............8.00<) 00 a. Undf vided Profite (net) ................................................. 1,261 78 4. Deposîte: ALIl otherdepo@iltea..m....................................... 155,940 45 6 Reserved for Taies and Interet............. ................. 8 1 Total Liahîlities ................ ..........*185.285 85 1. Walter A. Laun, Cashier of the St aie Batnk af Lake Zurich do goleznniy îwear %bat the sboreestiasement le true t,. the beelt of my knowledgp and bellef. 1 Walter A. Latin. Caehier. STArE 0F ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, se, Subscnlbed and îworn tu> bufor@ me Ible <11h day aof Juiy. 19114 E A. Ficke, Notary Public The 1lodependent- Libertyville anà Lake County's Most widely-readsnewspp. Judlcioius*advertisers obtain prof- itable resuits through liberal use of its columno. 0

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