CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1918, p. 9

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RTY VLLE NDPENDENT LAKECUNTY NDEPEDENTLaike CounWg 5Big Weekly WAUKEGAN ýEKLYSN ýL.-XXVL,-NO. 28 PART T*O IBEERTYVILL E IDEPENDENT, MUY 11, 1918 PouR PAGES 01.50 PER YEAR lIN ÂDYAIÇE Mu1As. Martin Kilbmne Says One 'IL. M. C." Stole Heu Hus. -banid's Affection.2 Yrs.i - t ICase Where Man Lef t Lette,' -ïn His Pooket and Spouse Went A-searchlng Mr#,@ à tory' of a Man Who car- ,'ied on secroti>' for Iv. Yer*càa eliidsstlie relation with à voiman1 * lmIo le knoinn nov ha hie vifs merely b>' Initiais; a @tory of wthlie dis. ftvor>'o a et ter ia hlm pooket ie- 'dmor.iy b>' Initiale, gave the vifs tms clue th ils unfnthfulneas; a cmc vAsrs the huebnnd, eoafro.sIed vth thse ltter camse thr-Ough and admit- so tise violo "uhooting match." Anti 80 The initiuisd vaman, the IiileIc clone L. M. C.,oprane co-respon. - dent ln thesenur .1bill. Uns. Mrha Kilba4aet Jackson tieei. Wuiegan, lu I led a uih la ..dli-OUt court lirougi ber ailtorn>' Ale Beaubien, aniiag a divorcera ber hunhanti. Martin KlIhano , -i Inova reideal of the southvcit aida, Theiblil ia an mnîceting ode becauseSt thbe fact tint lia co-res- p udenl namadythe' l.ife iin ùon to ber oaiy b>' initiale anti net b>' »Man. The initiaisof thieconoespon- dentisan mentioned iara "L. M. C'" '_Nov the question ia mho Ji; -L.M. C."? The.bilîl tateis the couple vere flamnieti Jul>' l7ti, IbDIlin Cevelandt', Ohio. andt lat Ihe>'conlmnuedt e ie togalion utitil Jli>' th tuis yean. The tm-o chidren. Anna 15, anti Augusli John. 16. Ver. born 10 iberm. Nm-. KIune daims tint during tie puaItvo yeuxs her iund'm ne- lations vith t. M. C. have bean u ci tint ahe feelsa ae Io justifiet ln si- lusg for à divorce. gSi. dama tint où li>' h, titis yean she ducovereti -a Jeiten inli e packelof ber huai WbiuW fram the sald Lt.M. C. vhlci W« vuslu ndearîug terme anti vilci 1011cr nie stilI has in ber poaseanlin Bie says tint vicu sia contranieti ber hushanti vit the. ltter hi- matie à Complet. confession antismie de lapes ler hfaabanti ias been a habit- uni drunkard ton Ivo years Juat anti bac beau on a prco lie Iltm-i-et, bob dig uni ail of initi eek, anti mn ,dmniai lie present lime. (The bill vas f lad Tuestia>'afternoon-I Uns. Kihana axplaina ual mihe anti tie dcefndanl ane oc nana of propant>' on Jackson .4tncet antilais n-unbrad vti a mcrtgàgp ton $2.200. Sic atits thiathi-r bashands malienIlives vili hay anti hea ites cana of hen. Sie aya that brhuabandte laa arang anti iealtby man andt tnt me leaars ha m-Ilanuuult anti abuse ber a6ftqr be leunns O0fthb, Sing efthle bil lu quaction anti smks lie coutntel preren bis coming an the properl>' or annoylng ber. ecausa of these tucts ie asi e cuntoti>'of ber chil. iran. 811e aatid for separate main- teniance for lie support of bansaîf andi ber chIldtien anti aske an injuic- tion ta prevent her hushanti trou coning o the propent>' ln question ant annayirtg bar. Ltler ln tie day Circuit Clark Brockvay laai-in l- Inaction on orticrs froni Juige Bd- mardu vierai>' Kiliane la restralncti tramt gofng on lie rapent>' ln ques- tion an annoying bis vIte anti farn, Dy>- ÇTii. case cames up ai the Oclohar tertu of court. SODA FOUNTAINS SHORT ON "FIZZ;" DU51 PEPLESS SODA Waukegaa sodia fountaln't vere Io- day lireatencti viii enfon-cetianti an- expecteti vacations. The rrson? %lcause tia gai- drmna wvilcisupph>' churgedtimaes ha thie ountains anti furniah lias, 1he - "pep" ho lie drinks, bave heen ex- lunuahetianti efforts ha gel nav ones lieatulait. Dolen anti Brecciar mho suppl>' nan>' deale have bat! Iheir order lu for atidulional da-tma for nome tinys, but none bave arriveti, Ohortugeofo! nitermul lu explaluati le -tien as, thue canne. Wilhont ciarge at malae10mato les et-oar soda, a fout in la more ieip- a teshan a plotosapb gallon>' mt-lu Sout a camera or e ,ngm-paper office mihoul n press. Local tdealers t10 Sdaymena trhvIX te get utional Su-anme b>' nana froin the cii> buh evon tien vere unnecematul. Threa or four fountaIns badtle.flat- test sert of vater ooxtag ont of thou faucoha, nel oni>' lacking tnusu iu pepls ta a VoInt viare il resen- bled lu tunle a '"tead on." tint bas beau open for a veei or no. 'At a couple or fountainslis>' bave not bieon ervtng soda vater for lvi U~ortis déa .bec-ana. of!the.abortuigi 0< g a rteban atmaer.,- DANiR 0F SU4iAR FAMNEPAS; UST CONSRVE STILL Food Administrator Points Out to Waukegan Pelple.Need of Consem'ving Supply Demsiite the asiurance frein the food administration ait Washington bhat a mugar famille bas been averted the Waikll" food _ 1 nisa,-t'or urgea upon Wuegan Creui th te neceaalty of eonaarving mugar ail liai ln possible. HesaBysi lt o1 tll hal b nacesaary tu malntain tiienule of tbree pounds of augar per montil peP persol'. This ta, necessary, ho 5ays, to previent the possibililly of a famine later. The conservation of wheet £1,o, be maya. 13 iiomething that muet be cou- tinud because it baa beau fou'nd uep8p*sry toi ebhp, large qua.ntitieli abroad. Wankegan botpl and restaurant mnen are co-operating witb tbe food admWatiton every way and are obaervtig heeflea. days to the letter. A check la being kept to se@ Ibat non@ of the restaurants or viate tram the ru!e by serving ment on day. when the. han la ln affect. it fi sait! to be ypry possible that the. ride followed by eating hounes ln Chicago of merving beef on only titre-, days a wéek may bc put into effect here. If.-thia plan were approved beef would bc servedl on Tupsday, Wednesday and Tbursda yonly. of eacb week. Local restirants stili have, difficul- ty tonviaelng aorne of tbeir cumtom- era that beeflesâdays are ln effeet. It la enpecially bard to convince tmre that steaks -ean beý served on only on, day a week, Thursday, and only at noon on that day. Hundreda of people have been accuatomed to or- dering steak& at local restaurants durlng the evenin.r and tbey iind il difficuit to order otber Mde. of meut but they are learnlng slowiy. FAIM FERTILITY MUETINEi6TO ai; IIELDSATUIAY Thore yuli ha a field meeting at the farni of D. M~. Wbite near An- tiocb, next Saturday atternoon at 2 p. mn. for the purpoae or seeing tbe rrop grown on the experimentai plots and se.ilng the resuIto secured hy the atata univerâity la tbeir soit fer- tility work. The axperirnental field at Antioch hais been ioprated hy lthe univeraity for 16 years. A four-year rotation myatem la followed, corn, oatm, clover and wheat. Tbe fiela i n wintpr wbaat at the present turne and eme of the plota wiul yield et least 2ý busbala par acre. Ail the plots where piosporous bas been used. vît! givE [a fain yield wite the otiar fertiier.- will prohahly not pay for théir ap plication. Applications of limeatons have flot provan profitahle upon tbii soli type aven vira ctovpr lm grown No manure ta used as thei fertilitj ls kept up hy the uae of fertilizeai and crop residuest taken tram tii land itself. Tii. vide variation in resultz se cured this year on this field mhouR h. of interesltat every fartner ir Lake county m-ho ia trying to main tain is mil fertility. The vicat wil vary troin a total fallura 1te a veri profitable crop. aIl due to the meth odm of sol1 management. -Mr. R. C. Giikeraon and somte othh 1membena of tie .011. departinent io -the. University ofIllinois, will lii prescrit to explain the methods o treatment and returne secured fron Tic methoda pracl!ced upon ti field are applicahle upon almos every tari n laLake couiity. Remember the date. July 13ti. W. E. WATINS County Agrlcultural Advimei OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFER' "unMlid"by --ý LAKCO . TILIIAND 7UUS1 CC Abotras o f TMti&.Titto .uaeum Mm""1e Tmvspi* g.pimum4. JuIy 9, l191. Carrie 1. Crapley ha Anna Souli elot 109, County Clark'. Sbh., Antioci 1.WD, S1. inMaster ln CliancerY tb W. G. Dai wton, lot 93. Green Bay Add., Lah dForest, Deed, 8. ia R. H. KÇraft to Margery P. Kraf 1lot 14, bloc k2, Woodlatid Bluffa, Ni >0 Cicago, QC il. R. IL, Kraft to Agiuam E. Kraft, k *10. block 2. Woodland Bluffa, Nort Chicago, QC. $1. Eeaaeof Arthur St. Peter ha Bob -CorlettI, lot 1. (ex. W. 55 ft.), and,1< *17, block 6, Exnxoor Âdd., Hlabla aiPark, QC. $30. , .y..Durand and wife to Flora 1 csyi. ot a26, hlock1, 100, Nondi * Obeicao, O., $10. BIb.l. ewc Bogden.3rtu A.ohn Wi AtcY. otsWib6 ad 8.ifockha0,Bbl ..Cic, are Tw$100. $0 en ce l I l ai tu i ai a il w t] r r L s e !r. C )f Sib- eIg; lot PIEF31A lut bsesu la la TO PINCIIN ZIN S êiSI O ISIRE WekFgh mle50TIEY TAKE (OAT F REU1E Vork or Fight Order Does flot- Opposition Has Developed in Apply to Any Nôt in One Alil So Serinin Cltý of White OnIy Fwo Offices, Three Clans or Another Dove t hat Police Have te Candidates Unopposed Libertyville Meetings Adopted - "Run in" a Nanny Goat- Workmen's Pay and Heard cDERMOTT'S PROBLEM FOUR OUT FOR TREASURER Detaits ef Fed. Centrol Busines han lhcen dl ln the pu-- lui~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e HaeaHr ieFgr iedepartmcnt at i of lCly r latel1ym Twe Seek Clerkshhî; County Ati.LbryilameigStr Vili ave aHard ime Fgur-For veait. there bava beau no arr'eatsjlemetn Str in U h 1 0 E_ and the gaera.1 hbuior ofthe Ian- Supt. and Sherif f Fail to day O! tireaerin of Lake eoqnuiy. ,ng ut W olsD lnq habitants ban biesu excuptionally gond. sential Work o! Net In fltacthle only two arissta it have JPevelep Conts ha dispaa plana for tiresbing tbis9 hacn made for- ontaeime bsas been year unàer govermaent direction, County Director Pater M. eotà%moirer and a Émît. The amoke:r Deapite the fact tint nert Satarday' many Intaremting thinga m-are done Mcem vt as flned $3.96 for smikng a pipe ia the day on vu-ichptillions for the ocher than the fixing 0f pricen for pou whom deffvethle proileun0f attbe lb.ita treet aiectric dépot. He fai priguary are ta haIlilad, the po- tireig as outllned ln the Sun lent nforclng lie "m-or or âguI" raie vos acnding great puitsa tuto tie air îical pot In 1,ké county doe.not eevning. isueti by tic goverumnent tOdaY re- as lie rnoce4 vlgoroualy andi hi let maem ta, bave paseeti lia simmreing A motion vas pasaed to lie effeet eivad a formai document cxpluiuuing a tcv hyçtanders kuiov tbat be vas stage. White contenta bave devel. liat a unîforni prica of $3 per day rbal the vork or figit Plan mainsa. bing 1C.A.rne pmel b. v and 1.. pei fo r oofe toteroffice.anti hourd lhe paitifor single bande. tcam ronanthe State Couneil 0f ?te;1k.%Iilg un th poiceslon winti e anem are Ialohe o cause a f thnn a tt tirangti-en.b- lefanse anti vaupreparati hy a O- Finaltiheofflcger varuod him 10 put Thia etewYteReulenst a efiel lieeqaily4ar.-10 a ail comnilte.e ofwbici Levi Mayer avay but lbe puffed avay ail the more uation ln m pipie nt:da4y dsti. ncsaiyée va ciairinan. andtihe la allege',ita have bacome FRdist CAM - b rict. 1e àlat' h Tie circular admuts that confusion aomewhat hoistoroun. Milligan pait OldNYCEK iee a ievrainl i a produccd tirougbout the couD- i.flineand reffited Of is misdpectia. 1ev A. Hondee, m-ho bas filladtheti valuation placed upon Iire.bjag Hlit well knovul Ii oclt, a-office effcienlly f0k- the ladtest egt eqaiprant bhle uircaborrnen pri F -y by minrepresaeuLation and mism- H iiIi lcliy av- a>pdb .Yaer-ot u ot gedta hu erpretation of Provost liarsial Crom--lng benau cfluberman ut ZMon City iyas .opcdb .J aer- nbtma get htaot$ ars vork or ligit regulation. Tie Dr.,- Dom-l*a.dtse. tirait Wau'iegan ciothing marchant. 600 woulti ho an average. Thega ievin nocstd wo bas erved asaun aid! o tic The average cannons rua vasviac- ýtafor ofrtheing ar untieliaamaind-t food administration for lia test sas- cd ut 25 10 30 days "anti tiDraiole- ug te tie circuler. le in ustance forf tric cîîy. Ittse. ain t *Nann eral vocis. hly villflot var" mach thii.aessoi ýs f olio"a: vate ty. ~eel Mu YaredFOR COUNTY TREASURER- rfom lihe normal hecaume cf liaefMet Tint the-work or figit reguistions dova Rliaiia avesce. White luian- J. B. Morne, depuly county cierk, tint tiare are savoral nev machinea Io flot un aluy vay appiy to thoue m-ho dering near 1he polce station one otf and mayor o01lbertyvilie, t. vieing operating in tie county. Tiene adi- re not regiîtered. Only tiose' wvie ierera goltichir oye en her antid for iutinor. vittiEtivard Yeomann of ditionai otts ilsyl belpi to taie car. tl re zrgotered, via are between the placet! ber and"era-rent. The chargeI Waukagan, Roy Bracher of Gurnee, cf the increaseti aceelleof srnalh ge 0 1 nt 1.Tieefr lecoulti fot have heen-"hatlnz no vlu , and WilliamRn osing of Round Lake. grain, rdar o 1.0ndor31.gT appe on th I. rmanm 0f suport" for lhu're w-r~jM. Roing wva acandidate for the' Thrce men are unually reqtlred 10 vdrti kor veen tapes ond ilots of grains munait, but she sboild'Office four yeaa-s ugo. operate a mnachine ut a cosi of sp-e 0 thse etwpn te aes o 21an ve confini ber mneanderingq to tice FOR COUNTY SOHOOQL SUPTI. proximutely $15 per day for lahor. i ýi and inl no vay concerna or affectsa-Atu ipo h a ildoeain n le men nboeethu- draft &go. Thiisla vacant lots, or te tic alîcys vberel .1 rttr lnin vb a ilei The iaily expense cf aeaio,~ ver Iporan inerrattin othe lin cans are. As lieeare no - lie outie for th@ last fev ycas in a liding ail charges and baséd on ab i, ve Ireast itesîovstîtia orposters 10o moant ha anytbing on tie tboraagb satisfactory auud efficient 30'ay rua, vas etirnalod ai about0 uithne applas Inel 1shose vîothemain street thera oteins 10 have been liiii.fer, la as yet ufl0pp4ed and in- $43 per day and 25 per cent profil ruLoapples mrelYto, hoeewhono luduemuCu'hatever i lie lin, of dications are tiat no Opposition vili added therelo.n ne registrants. edible-it munt have heen purely ai develop. twshecnnusi The circular goes abeati and ax- nit melng uffaîr. The goat vas FOR SHERIPF 0f or vath . connrenas&id uIiota laina the different causes oif tic kepl in 'enstody for four days and lie .Geedpt aotf a heom£es ot grin nu lAke coontyi regltrnts but the public sa familier lhe police decided tu tic lier outuide as yet anozipoeed for tie office, de.- due 10 cartlas. operatioii ara, nol riti that clanaifica tion andth te cief ithin viev of ls. public. FInally pile the efforts of mone ta ndiuce NaY mrons, uxcePt at limes. Those lons- bing liai-ofore la ta determine Albiert Tiorpe, atimînistrator for the Lamb or Fred Grahie la enter tice emybdutuhecdionfte wetieïr a man's àuge puts hlm in the family m-ho ovncd the goal sanw telielibd agaînet hlm. Mn. Green la ne- mayine adulse ha codtion. h o ti. wor', or agit clan. or not, animal an dcncnibed andi he put in gandeti as mach e slrong candidate nlionofte at laoperthen. le candi- Mr icDrmîtadit tnt a alm as tic lamai ciaimant andti le wibh auci a legion of friends lirougi- unad iy local fanmera ln pitculng M brd 'M emfor hldmitt andIe e-Ishen restored fi toth le pro:)er custo- but lhe caanty. that it ia tiffticuit to gr-n ia mb lieself feeders, Wibju ac - ana pre ons âa umand ol îagdian. Nanny matie no protesi viaen find anyone villiug tO enter the IlIaIswell adlusted imachine.,.liorouglily pasen a longakimnti f lar. ietur ili. * an Bbc aSh st ilatteti once ln againit bila. dry grain. pitchedta ito lie self -feed- aut q ie o nork,p hrodIla a ile, antisas her fanre nas ater, FOR COVNTY .IlDG- - el eadfly "id unlforniy bads poup eorhi;ii n-proutive aflelaoatt andi hay ste ic aitinokic-k coin- Perry L. Person ans ie . noppoa- lirat, thorea aould ha butilîle losg R>0 dîfictig to pullbit aay nomtuIng. cd fer the nomination fer mq faeras cf grain. ai tlrbring. hlie o anti g etu Pull bin that la knovwn tie narne of no other candi- Uvery machine ln the county gvill Doe iob alinago et et aîs laRICH*IN DEATH, VET PILFERERI? dareoban ms, mnti ned rcc-e eInapac-lei oofeaIly wvitlla-apara- mure la he Une f engeUJ-l* Prsas a. a e XceIllý ent tion, go overy operator van urgadti t S 'TU' la cosinecsion sith the deatb a _t___________ bave lils equipmentla t iret clama cou- ~IAI N EW KLULDE lienCouaay ospilai of E. J. Barber, SLOT MACHINES DIBAPPEAAED? dieSlue of usueli mîniage, t gras NEW i §Lçj- a former employeoftihe Wenban --PIFFLE" GAY SALOONI<EEPER votttuboailov fsrmars four patunds IrAIlr m lrr n LakaForust and on hs Tiuu~ > O L AVE persan vas faund a bank bock show- par humila more than tic atandard TRO TSTO L AVE lng that lie liait a duposit ln 'Laies il vas on Saturday nigbt ttint il eigils af grain. ) Forescat ikniof close 10 $6.000, It lis reporteti a crovti of tieputy aber- Sorne men vantati a minimum AIIT"interesllng to mos that no close re- Ill' vent front Waukcganto Fox charge of $10 for tbreahing saii ota IN A ST D AFT latine of tie man are knom-n iy rosi- for the purpose of raiding aloi but a compromise Prie, f $88 as -dents of Laie iFore-t. machines in tiat village. Tic report flnally agreeti upon. tA Diece arriveil hure froni tWe vest tint came out suhseqaentiy vas tint The county price. for liresilng Beieved that None of the New anti today Irak the hody te Canada vien lie daputies gelitii-ru the avn- grain agreeti upon as follova: Tire. Dratees ilI e CaIed for banial. tntlrhriaiave ers of aloi machines het i bd tii-m li anti one-haîf cents par huaiel for DrftesWi B Clid It la si-tam rp i aittivtelicir cellars andtheticattics, ln lie cua, tour anti one-h&fe-cents Fer Away During Jiily wluose *-wheeabouts at the preeent iay loft, anti ln %arions otier liting buabol for barley. anti seven cents tleare nat rncwn. Mrs. Barber, places ant the village, for vheat anti rye. pior tuelhar marriage to Barber liati AI leant lhe deputie. came a bck te AUl machines ln tbe c<tl vit] it nom- appears certain tint a heen an lnmate ut the Elgin anyluin Waukegan vithout amy aloi m.achlines Operate on Ibis achadule. vichgrill number of 21-year-old mon vio reg- anti It lm nai tuat shîF mas ef uncer- in their possession vili lie pexcep- flot hae aiteneti exceptlui cane cf ltereti for thie draft Jane 5, vil! bie tain avlnti ven he marrled ber. it tion Of une andt tit va. tii' on. con- trope daniaged hy bal or for some ent svay frona Lake counly tiuing vas &fier Licir marriage also liatIslcatedet Imrs. Iilla pince vhichiniloiher'l-eamon. lia month et August. That none of uicim-as sent la Elgin ad paralesi taoulmIde, 0f Foi Lake limits. Ail machina ovncrs are ctoiera hein yul go durlng the present liar busbandti mo or tirea Urnes. Not naone ama taken tromn For of the foodi atminltratlo nanti ne- menti seems oquaily certain. Nlem- înqairy at the Elgiri asylani aîov- Lake. 8ponsible in the gavernmanb for efft- bers of lie local board have recelveti cd liai lie last liime sie was, paraieti Novtbiis ail huppened on Sauaiday ciant m-on. no intimation as te tie number cf front, the asyltinr- sh.? -nt ta ChIca. iugit ad il vus admittedti tit tihe Every, lirenienman'is requiredti 1 men thnt mil! ho requireti duing go anti mince tif-tea utiorittles at deputies vent tiore for the purpome report tu Foodi Admininlraton r Giti August but there appears ronson to Elgin have test îrack offlher;: hier IOf raiding ail lie siot mnachines. loy. tie naines of aIl mon threnied blteve liaItuahi district may baait- in jul>' 12th, 1912, "a _*en, l isten erefuly-it vantfor andtihte nuinhar 0f huaiels of' Pd to mate typ neat monti certain- cd as cured' ' Het- vi-runits o Montiay of-thIs veeai iha a Wau- each kinti of grain tireaieti. ticiciencies of the pnt in addition are nuti nown. Sic nia> eveni kegan business mian vas ln Fox 1Lake. If anyone refuies tu cooipenate ln tu aending tic reguiar quotas. tcati. Canuail>' lienmade n ramark to, one of aaving grain, lia matted ahoald bea Tiere are c-veraI young mon via Efforts m-ilha nmade nom-tu locabe tlke saloonkcepars: '"Wiaî about the reporledeti ionce antigrill ho deul 'm-lU lia lisati as tieserters sanlema lie vite or tieterminu- for sure vlieti-. raid tbay hati out bore Saturtia> viti accortingly. fientis coma forvard anti funiil or an sic iaysaed assY since saie lft nigit? 1 hear lie>' cama out tu gel Farmers are uniedti 10cul dom-n lhe their present addressesasantic Post- lic a»ylan. .nIl tleefi sot uachines sadti îîy>'une cf beof, vient breatisuantipuar office iba been unable bo deliver the cud' day hyhdalds udnesadpttermaeo quonionairs vlcibav en ln- t devèlopeti today ut aLIte Forentcs dtfni tc'bti ail disdin dinrsntieue mano qusinarswihbv en te-tat Burbrcs room3 containei a grant art'a aran. lurniedtu 1tho local board. apptce wihae elve y Te ackeprlnqeto/ho The wvan of claasifylng lia local mn'atcesvlbaehelvt y~ ieaul, ometi, anti noddtetioven registrants wm- hoconMleted m-tIbIa the Wenban's to, bave been takon10oecrrofhclaernrdgF00A . A c-tmi thc Ddxt fcv tnys andti ln tien vii l " etein place b>' Har11bi-r ut varionsK« ha ent ouitfon tbern ta rep(lirtfor mades.f in tac. vie a sr u v'asn tlean io O lCLS %WAN the hyscalexamnaton.Thisex-tims. I fat. hen norci t"Ti a uchine bau beatiare aIl re "hscleaiain i.a- ai fu omb i.Wnan lie lime. T I dun'î dunuppear eatur-- anation viii he het i the Chan- andi lAko Forent offibers tbey fount day night on any otier niglit. Tha'. The price cf miii aola Iar be reg, bar cf Commarce building anti un- an atinhing quantt of sponges, albniaottercmn u eeuae yteWuea odamn doutotl>'vi! h unar ie sarne chamois, paaits, hi-asies, etc., aIl of aU n ng aha l en cmain euh Itrout b' lc uigtun Foo Admin- dobel ilb atrte t-hem flem-anti mhidli tic Wenban' niriiigteesotmcieatiltuinacrin , ot Amn physiciens v fi rciabtdbufore. Tenwhv dnife sbv enfludlng iiem aIl gone. Tic tact of, itrahor John S. Clark, mie "adli youngmen vho pana lie physical tnov havelathedeuIdenamti tht o enthe aterunhavinid requiralments vil) e hapîcati in linetheir property oiginal>'. ngbntilntri.icdptacae ntthausleintrutincnt. for ahl10 cmp.The Public Administraior of -Lake ,otur pince but didnt n>' a vonti about erton anti ln conducîing an investi- for __________camp. COunty. m-ns tatiay appointedtia1 taire lie aloi machine or anytiing about galion 1.0 determine viethar or not change o laclat.nt,,n wn- the praieni price cf 12 cent.s par The nonthi>' meeting a! tha axa- bans are puttln.g ln àadaim tu recon- TeWaoa unakdlan-qatt qlals i tristn cuiv cnmtee0fti ai CUD> e tas atcls -iih ie. elare loonkaciser fartier details about tia fronm-bhat lhe ha. founti thon far lha Faniv burte vsfbteake Couerty- e atclb'Be r rior ley er- viilet thie depubies, saylpg: "Dit! la Inclîned th lhiklai Il ceni. pan ville, ~ ~ ~ ty vuerysy n.On fth n lia tern cfarer pior enl gaver.the deputios sec lia, machine mhon quart veultibcha afain pnica. pilpues up ford iscLeo- tahlec. le>' Camni i?" "The matter han becn caloti tomy pricipl-iemsup ordisusson-as lac.'He repl-icti: "0f ceunie lie>' mam attention b>' farmers tunhelia volit>' the seeti corn report. Ona thounauti ohn oat hstlil'-or-o akgnwo r upygm four bundreti andtilifly buahel» etf -oiNtieng tataillu a ,Il. or- !tae oa m-iaIra ý o apli. T Coucitof atese or akecouty 0 T 14 CHcomplain tiat lie etialeeiawwnnt b. comm-. acuret fro.tlua0laI U4U UUMU li 1 pohiienthaC aIl" 10 tu, loa denies."ho ati.2"ote faerm. Thiacorn moitifor prices 1 0 9n.paduartoan trltey sll forn12 varying ftm16.75 tid $10.75 oen busi- V 1 Tf À- ceIif i ~W~q nt. ti tull meiiey tseifor 12y el tiepentiing upon germination. Tice aA~ bould maie ai mach profit trous lie total sales amounledti la$14,107.50. sa U18SIC.~ ilta. the daq.ies anti thoir corn- This corn vans oai 0 t c bUNN K IU L~ ** piaintl bois iiie a lust one. The tendoadnmdi-UiObstie pover tu Hu"ltai lI, a fàrmerýuf Vemuon W W W w V W4x. .,rie liat may lha Obrgedti fr ~iUeUtoiExaapl, lvnbip va reorlil a le ood -AIW Hspi Mlwubee, 31; ab! almitk la Wauiegan andtIltl ansible A ~ ~ .~..>' *"b , a4m a tion ansiuoun a .mui. X . w icmn a asme m-ildelarmine tto tb W. .téui.' mi acodlg ti.Ia sd i*MMnb tily of m-boulover anti abovee 48 wDI.C."MutIl, iitia<iMar- The foregoing s .~ u a ui ot.Ita on. __Po"ndaiovedts i.undp ghU» a JoO . 90-'Dfm@ltek aMe,-0.matie b> Mr. Clarkieut» c ebly e&tB. Doi a n s 8nq. 1IIfluittoe'u roccat l ing. Utpoe Itichaîti K.Du«ol %Î11110. Wuni. meselng of tha food administration du selmotyilwe avesliày tl"u lie vm-anod t Io oeM. u 3LLaugbIL Nlvace.. Wednsday nigit. Tic onl>' changea smsiofta 2buabels of vlu.ut.g CSe. Cà-,ir.uet -Zâbm. 8; LOU Ala foodi pnicos vas m-tIiregard lu Yi"as<ie the alernative ofaiuuing Poster, OMlepSOO:uL-11L13ticheml <t radaiof o! MO blice b>' Dr isatlLe o rnise thé aveu.tu 1liaNi H. Vorg»an, Os a ". 34 -m-m nrA ci1 4- cer i ... er péW" sSi:bl98 Irs. Martin Hallis, Deurted by Husband, Goes Insane; Has Hearing 4 mW SEEK TO FIND HUSBAND Physicians Believe it May Rie- store Heu Reason if Hus- band can Be Located Driven snddanly Imina b>' the nysterioua du.apparunce of ber bos- banti, Mrs. Jennie Halis openei ail the -burnena of tic gas stoeeliD icr terne on Lincolnnsîneel Dean Elevenh streel, Nanti Chicuga, Tucmday nIit vilh Uhc Intention of oomniilnt nul- cide and illing er tva 11111e ahi)- lien vboin aie hati tuciatiup la bai. lie wouiti bave beca auocesmui u ion purposeouly for the Inter-ention of a bourder via tietecti lihe odor of gas, clceitiahe urers andthotin iotiflcd lie police. .Ur. Halia m-as arraîgnoti la opua- .7 colu"t tua mornlng 1.0 h given 0, beanlag b test ber sanily. Thiat ae la Insane vam lie opinion of lisp . court, slale'm attorney anti physielaft m-ho mati. up the iunnccommis"f. bal l vas fi-lt that if the tubeut canL ha lacateti ant iinducedti a - tua il may rastore the mite'i ra- on. Martin MaI1,the inahand, Il de- velopa, dusappearati mystenloui> lat Sanda>'. Sa fan as inova hi. relu- tloan vith is vite have beau Very anicatla andi liiassorti l*at ie ticugit everythlng of hier tva ci- tinen b>' #proviens nuarrifge. 1iW that reuson mie variei oo rassi liai ber raileftthuer. Bbc ays tint sie env visions anti beurd voie- es aIl about hen, Sbe admiltei freal'lytaI ae* bru- ad on tic gas milh thIcntaention ek iuking ber cm-n ilfe andti ttof ber Ivo %'bilti*n. AI il lnisg, aie saiti niahola>' uvuke, lisleniag la lthé voice cf ber husband, wviehci>p peare t e camne out of apace. Marly' ibis mornlng sic man mcreaing fr* tbc bouse ciarglng liat ion hialamiti anti a friandi ofbis m-ena Ibera viti a ramr or e ul ier thro#t. Chief cf Police Rle>'Sioop tooi Uhc vonan In chargeant iemd hor ex- arnIned miental> b>' a phuyaicien. Tiq resait vus tini lie case m-ag repo* edti 10the aiata'sattoney. lInae. Halbis anti ben Ivo childrpu yull remain vtth Mie% 1da Hlmmai- rsiai tenipenanl> anti ber canevil Q be continuati in the hope liat ber iuoiand yul return andi paniapa ré. saît lu lie restoring af han reason. Uns. Hautisscait ber iret bbo. vas kille inlaCicago by a hua; bpr sacondi buabanti vas muntiereti; lie» ois marrieti a thirt ime beausIt waÎ bard for a voman viti Ivo ochi& drea 1u gst along. "TWAS BABY DÀY AT THE IOSPJTAL; STORI LEAVES 1 - Wsnkcgan.- Bul>' 9 Thi. van "huhby day" l-l ie Me-Mie ton hompitai. In tact ltvas- boy-baby day Ibera Yen, lie atari lied a bumy day op on lie forth aide anti ha muntbaie bati an ovsr-aupply of boys on baud or perhapm he va. tiinking of tlý_ future m-ar demanda Ihat viii coup 6a the Unitdtatis-for ho WUt tirceelitl.lads ai lhe hoapitai te t-rs. Hrloigti Frn.Wuug4 lics f oildg ncîler a kfl 11 F. D. Mna. A. Holm. 513 UrAlisten. > Mma. rank NMeyers. > 2Snti u&M ICamipbell et., North Cicago. ITii boys m-are aIl bouscers. Tie- tret- one arrivait At 4:30, the e oo n t i .. lb.thiri ut 11:30. rTie>' veigicd saven, aine u&M 1< DPound&s The birti of lbroe chilirsa u morpning a et hihou as .uled a recoi-j, Neyer, baera lIMIe ujnany chiltiren iean,boa*u tic à bInstitutiou iti MauPo: of î tie kinti.- "Moliiere andi babeasail dot"gI r uther aual -ha blave ibee iriit til a moruing 'bal ve lic IL JuaW 3 s ae. Tieye à fine lot."mdaM* )Hall. augerlulendeut. Utplorence 7111. propristoi- e ho Amt-imcottage ut F«x L*ie ipeured la oouuty cofft thlm u1 ani ~iad gm-Ily tha aCial gt Dlai soli intaxbcallg iga a Ileeue. Ob. vunli ré oebs. osallg leaill L- Peu tbee u.-

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