CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPIENDENT INDEPENDE NT vfl. XYVTT-,>Zn g <1"0 W IDA aE Ir l>- --b t - -F vV Sfl. .flSt V .Â.IN . 63 LIST 0f TIIOSE NOT ABSENT OR TARDY SMALLER Perfect Attendance.of Pupils in; County Schools flot up to .Former Yers WINTER WEATHER BLAMED Was Extremely. Diffi cuit for Those in Rural District to Attend at Times The lls4t ot piîl;)iof ti,ro un,' 'rî,,t .l Id - l-il , i ro' t 1In a teudat,- i. i 1, ,-ar lý not so for- rural - l-uiftii. di!- fIcultie> t iii ;;i il larl . iitrlig 1hât the il-r Oull ! uil~îr t- - '»,! ii - for 1h Si a r Wai.conda Sno-',t . l- ris, lu-ne- Grahîam. WXalt.- lilîrri-, Town Lîrc SChCl 1i1.,t , l,, 'Lùuîaî niï- 1 - r. ,, !,,nr- W .n *it . Butterield SchoGl -Y- ý,Giii n <rar, Gli,ti r, lR - rIt rot., r 1!,,11! s!, fiord.., ,ni- Hubbard Sîhool fI.-roY CGros-'. Wadsworth Pho~lir 1lo, ter. Etien fhiilagh, r, %gnesi irlîor.- Katit,-,r i(acimor,..\llîra-d ltadk Area School -- l id\~i l1or-eouý. Luther Smali. Wright Sch-Je;inr tIi liciter, Glimer Schoo-l'aii Mu. :1.r. Gould Scitool-Nlargu.-nit,- lister, Grayalake Schuol-Rul,î' %'tiiermall Eline1,r Ri,i ' -Jessi,- Moore- SPaulding SchDoI-L.ora1'i1ie lBarn r stable, linnice .lohn on,.1-e.h IlurIti-. Long Groî-e Scncol-laar-n.- Heim ers,.Ceorrep Stpliîng, Fri-da Su uIlnz Stearns Schuol--Ernî-st (fiamprcy. Wàrrenton School-Do)rotily Fnî Eat Benton School - Mlargiirn t ligFsin. Ji-an _llurdork. 1151$ Day SchiocI Florence NMaitit ir. Lu. lin Gleason. WilliaiGerbert. Fox SchOonl tewart Scitulz. North Proirle Schoi-Agues Glh- son, Vctor Melville, Hazet Melville. Helen Grlin. Meulait Shaffer, Leon- lard Shaffer, Ethel Gîbson, Lake Zurich Schooi -Carl Frank, Mrri-Geai-s. Evelyn Wuestenbera, q-Awrenc Frank, Edward Ernst- Is Weaver, Eugene Frank, Margaret Finit. Helen Frank. Winthrop Harbor chool-Mlyrtie Hanks. Coon S:chnô-t.1bble fiilli Russell School-Arvln Reuvea. Big HoIiow School-OCeorge Lut. jloseph KcIley, Viota Daîzipl. Fort Hill School-2.Illldrpd lDavis. Pomeroy Schcol-Rayrnond Npu- Mn, Carl Kropp, Estheur Itllpr. Waterbury School-Earl Lewin. Lake Bluiff School-Verio Rosen- thal. Lenna lielming, Mary Cliggett, C.unuvl"x e Geragbty. Druce Lake Schoo'-Russell Wright H-arold Clark. Channel Lake School-Cl(emmie Highwcod School-lEvelsu Carlson, Ruth Çoselund, 'William DeVroeg. 'Wesley Swan, Esthter Johnson, Rtutht 'Wlekander, Marsalal Gooch, Conrad Owan, Earl Hinderburg. Ethel Eng- lund, Gertrude McLearn. Gurtee Schoi-Eugene Barnata- bic, Madlyn Titommessen. Spaulding Corners Schooi--Clar- ence Anderson, Judlth Guetafeon, Idi1 Spauldlug, William Blurkeu. Roundout Scitool-James Horemi. Milsired Sawusch. PRESIDENT WILSON SIGNS TH1E NEW WIRE CONTROL BILL Washington, JuIy 16-Prosident Wlson today slgned a resolution erm- r powerIng hlm to take avec the. na. tion'& telegraph, telephone, radio and cable eystemn. No statemnent wýaaie.. oued from the White Hous. es to sehen the Unes wilUibe put under gov- ernment control The Independent pute Lb.rtyvile firet. A WELJaY Z'AUèFD JLIBERY VII4, LAK&E CUUNTY, ILLINOIS, TRILRSDAY., JUL 18. 1918 WIIEAT*FLOUR, REPORT WRON4i I ubli 13' recently given out au tu the wheat and Ilour sgituation lunILake county provea to bave i cen errone guu ln@ted of 10.004 .icn e ef wbe8tat i 12.000 ponrirle of flour being In the liaidm of farmers ln iLake c uuty that Io the amijunt of theme food r mmoditiem tiiet have been delivered lîî farmers tind otber eonmurrimtr i te mii.. manili etiresi at the requeat ofILocal i,çl 1 edifiinl@ tratore , )eaye IlFoo dMidinli- tor Grldiey "Lake county ilifr oud shape and in znod ..tandirig. 1 i- oe..u3 ;,ritileert) (iller ou t he wijoli) .,bot h lî,ra' bood Admînîcitrator and the public as tu, the maniner thrpy are c', otnratlug with the Food AdwIiltratlon " Mr. tiridley maid. «'thiere are frw Pixiitine Dittis cule but the vaut înajori(lî3 tnrjr ople are hlgiily loyai and when given to uiîdiîretaud mbaterthe itiuatfiriml, tIr-i are iulad ti, do ail thtcy arr ai,kiàd. CONSERVE FOO-D j uîiuî-r aurd the eupply o! fruIts aud si-gi abire MOrS tiC aiaoppî.urll>tiit sud litt l ' atmii-t, n- li ".tir iu r irait i l,îur a ia Iiitriiigi-it .rilu thum fan slefultiVan-i grati-fiii. aîrel at4, l'tt i-i i-titer andj îî,rr')Fi- cëit rat id i-f-it le dciii rAu.i .1 .ai,l , ti- Uîî Iî t sîi itI i, lu-ie ,anrîcri fooîd w jýiti fi-ifr,1i 4. b- iavit 1- r r lutan,-,-, I, ura I- hi tirmi-t, rail. tri or, h'r-c prî'eirv, -ita.ieaîiil fruift.on theL. ottier ban, w î . ,thlieit, i,) rsUme plenslfull ' vi! i ýerel,a'ii d .ruitteanîd lu rau ouly t lat a i il -h .. ni ot lui. medîatîi 'v niut,. WM a re .ýu t.. urze the coiluuptimu o! al Vegetables aîîd fruits, while ItiyeY .re freeL'th lu< îrouoiîîg healtih witeleaing lsl,,,r and expence oI Canning. -if w, f.liw tbf5 i-ni.-losely a% ludividuale and comn.uriltics, we are eàvtug lransmportatiotnauj p.-ninstiug gréebter quantîties <f the clapies t,, lie set to ijur trouipe and ,ur Ailles. Wh.-re poseflle, rau. lperserve and dr * for ail the reedm of i ,ur ian taiiiy. tlraw sas lte as WaY be uLpon nier. chandîs-ed lbcke of sucti goodIe, 1 rge e luattîiual dieplay on hhese lîuee lu retail merchant Bh,,w windows and publiîcty lu eîery possible way tlîr,îiîgh tiie fmes and otberwlee. Askthtîe leaders of yiiur local womeu'e orgaulzatloue to lîrlng tlîls before thelr member ail-i Urge them lu Co-operate. Ail, Who rau po@se!b!y use tbî'm, sould Write ta the li!ted Deparmeut of Agriculture, Division of Publications, Washington, D. C.. for the followlng bulletin@: No. 871-Freeti Fruiq aud 1egenablem as Coneervers of other $tapie Food@. -No. 839-Home Caning by the One' Perod old-l'ack Method. No. 8'41-Elome and CommunlîyfI)ry- ing of Fruits and Vegetables. NO. 853-Home Canning of Fruits and Vegelabie. Tbey wil be cent froeeloi possage or any osher charge. Let us lose our eyee for ni, ingle moulent lu md@unaimer indolenice. Thal we eitouid rail to carry the burden whicrh the world war has forcéd upon nleI inconceivable, for -Ae@have our programu and know thal we ral auddnînt carry It out. V S. Food Adminitration Couserv'ation Departmeut. CZAR'S SON WAS SLAIN. 18 STORY IN SWEDEN Stockholm ,Sweden, Jtîly it-Ueut. flarkman, a Swedlsh officer of the Jamliaud rlllemenis rugîment, wïîîa bas rturued from Red Cross service In Rusais, says il le trtîe that thte czarevllch Grand Duke Alexis was ussassiuated lu Eksternburg lhree weeks ago, wheu romors wcre cîrcu- Iated (bat the czar also was murder- Pd. Thse lieutenant ssYs he met a tusutworty man who was lu Ekater- iuburg at thse titre ite crime wab com-. mltted. Accordlug to is story a well dr'ess- cd man walked up the etreut until bu reached thte building whera thte czar and orne of the mumbers of bis famlly were imprleonad, tlirew a bomb Iotasawiudow and alpped away lu the érowd. rTe czar was lu ai muner routa, but was ual lnjîîred, wbll the czarevltch was killed more ity sbock titan actual wounds, as bue was wca'e afttr a long Illnees. Thare are. bargaîna n The Inde- pende nt'. advertlalng columne. SIJ VER RESULTS tSOLDIES VOTE IN THE DEATII 0f RULES (IlVEN OUT TIMOTIIY MURRAYt -BY ARMY OFFICERS Ran Sliver in Finger Five Wks. Ago, Neglected it and Blood Poison Developed Later WAS BORN IN LAKE COUNTY 0f Late Had Been Employed as a Carpenter on the North Shore Electric Line Tîmotit Murray, age 41 vears. sud emPîoYed hy lite Chitengo. Northt Sithore and MilwJaukiiee ralîroad as a carpenter. Passsed swav .T,îfv10, at l orlork t Stthe ainoe 'MrIAllqtem itospIlsl. death hr'tng drle ( to od poisouing. About ilvp weeks ago Mu rray col a slvet In hbîrliueur sud ilood poisouiug el ln, hiscrondition htermeocri-lt liti wo wucks ago ite was remoîrd 10 lite McAIster hospittsl Ntr. 'Mirra-,- ias llved in Lýaie coun- ly ail his lîfe. itavfug iteenitorn lu Waiiiegan hut moved b Libenlyville ahen a ritild. wlth bis parents. the latu e r and Mr-. Joepi Murray, who residrd on the Msurray farm Jus! east of ittvle Abnut two yeairi ago, aftur teborne bad zuen broiten îp ity te dealt of lis par- ente, be beeanie employed by lte Northt Shore Elecîrle as a csrpenter, worklug up aud doîvu lte Une. Mr. Murray was unmarriud, but leaves te-a sistei-e sud lwo brotiters, as fol- lows: lIre. J. Mattitews and Mtse Murray of Chicago, William of Cal. fornla, and Edward of Chcago. Tite funeral a-is e ld frnm thte WhVlte sud Toini. ndprtaking par- forra lu Waukpgai, Mondai' morning RI 9 orclocit, wilh services ut lite Lf- bem-yvllel, Catholic cburct au là o'clock. HurilInlu aite Foi-et cer- etery. FIRST HUN RUSH UN 7THE CHAMPAGNE DIST. CI4ECKED London, 4:30 P. M., July 16.-The fIreI German rush lu the new Cham- pagne drive la deSflnteiy checked il was Iearned authorllsîlvely thils af. ternoon. Up to noon the Germen drive lsad not beeti reflêwed, showing that the Germans recelved a heavy blow n yeterday'a flghtIng. Frons Rheims ta the Marne, a 120-mute- front, thore la local fighing. PEewhere there are only akirmiahes hem. and tiare. To achîeve vlctory w. muet bave two armlee: Ona Ibat ficbla; ana that cave@. Every patiriot wIl ha a niember of one csf thaearmesa. If you ar a.a avar you wIil buy War Savinga tamps. States Are Urged toi Adopt Laws to Conform; Ballot- ing on Front Planned Wishingt-iut t 12.-Tse War fi.p. t o-tt -tu,ral ardeprs o- dia' pi-sc ifî afor laklng lte votePrs f coidu'ý- r ttlte Amertesu exit,editionar r ,, -and snggesting ihat stare-,ds to ive soldiers votiug )rviii-g '-îîud ameud thii laws to muet ther imIitations sel forth. Tbey state. Pirst-The XiW-r fiepartmeuî wfli not bre respor .fo 'r obtalnlug votes of soldiers bti , iut will assist witerever itle ii.ah,.sble wlthout in- te-feing a it1ýi- 't try duties. For Men on Front Unes. Second-It m:.1rT bu possible to (site the iotî- soldiers acllveiy ezîgaged iunîtiilot,: operatlons unie-,, the sot dii- ran r-iails vote by trans- mitting an exi r 1 ballot titrougit thse mail-, as ,,ii -î-rorres'ondenre. Tird-lu no r t will lte War De- partment turiij4lfr o (bu stateon lection offIciatý: of persons wito have entered - - mtlllary service from suri t et'.Netter raulte War Departni. iit idurtaiete o for- ward itîsui balot or other etectlon torne of liierîtir- , 1ht may bu ad- dressed! trisoldEii i lte service. However, alh. i -;lialillld votera o! a certain siate tir- kuown to be lu lte miliaryv servi, u s mumiturs of a certain organloan --t,. but lte orgaul- ration sdilres ,.ýiknown, (bu War IDepartment wiii fitritîsh sncbh address upon recelpt orf io-rtelthurufor fromt thse Proper stte r lectlon officIaIs. Ballots Unider Censorahip. Fourtit-Tite c i torsh1p now lm- posed upon ever, i ici- comlug out o! Prance wilI ut ,. -. walved lu favor of malled roldior ýtes. n'ftit Wbrhre s,,tssrequirultat oatbs lbe adit.. -tttrd sud certIfi Itates marie In î,r 1- r to vali(Lnit t!-. votes, officcrs %'i fibi, Peritled, but not ruquired, to admînister sucit oatbesud maite irtritcerlifIcates: provldud. (ual tht; ivil]Inlunomway Interfere aitit art O. miltaryt'opera lions. Witere stale laîr- requlre te eendi Iug of lertion cotrntissionurs to taks. thte soldlers' votes, tite milltary au- thoritles wilt place at the dla"sal of sucb rommissionens evury 5Usitance found romtiatihie îsiîth thte exig#'nciesi of the mililary siuation. Iu muaI cases, bowever, tut.- Wà Deparîmeni order explalus, it will bu 'Impractie- able to permît comrmiselonuera to faire thte votes. PRIVATE H-EARINGS ON RE- PORTED DELAY IN AIR-BOARDo Detroit, July 16-Prlvate hearingà1 bean In the federai building her, to- dey on roported delays In the 4 frcreft probe. LINDLEY SCli0LARz SENDINfi TIINGS WAUCONDA FOUKS SliIS AWARDED TO TO THE CAMPS? GET THE RAILROA PUPILS 0F COUNTY IF'SO READ THIS, SALE IS CONFIRME to1Po tliaster Ai ernin sln rer.- lit o!t lhe One Soholarship Awar*ed tokîowt-lrî-'îructî{inermtardinil the Judge Windes of Chicago Ageï Student in Each Schoolî.4,*,1 rlrlto t, itlry thorizes Rormal Transfer With Highest Average campîî - Il j 0f the Wauconda Une, - To AUl P-,,maters: G IRLSMAKE EST RCORD ha$ be.-u brîouglît tu the attenîjio. eot GIRL MAE BET RCORDtheDeparstnent by Iphstmasere at post WILL -REHABILITATE LU offices to whieb are attacher! mllitary branche(bat large numbero of pack. i Only Six Out of the List of 25 aires, mauy of tem neured, cou talnin g Plans Cail for t he Installation Getting the Certifîcates, fruit and otiier edi1des, are recelrcd daliy of Gsln as iia Were Boys tlis ttfr s, t ealie,, td t ion Over R oad Ends that mauy packages rouitamnl gfruit In County iiîç. rît,!, nIe-nt *î s , drrayel conditîin ave bee@n lisured and tAfif, cr'jre u o Sîips-onlia, ju.- ( oi inte . dilî , bsue f za!cn] in !tti bhi-i~h l,, lt ire f r ti, \\".ucoqda rk. ulaîîng uf th, f)rIli ,\are î'loi delivered tth, ii'adrreme v e,. lr od, ' t cw ascouhirmed te ". amnaon !et l. i ,. (ii .1,; i toI i rary au thon lt îc, buti for eaî,î ary l( te-lioldi-rs rom iitt, c lriday aftiw 1:-l!, ýt (if to-r r,', ril e,u e 'detro,d. nîîe oli bv Judge %Wlndesfl the Coft coplumas .î.,, i !!all'h':if euh s under- :r iru:i ï aniount., tu app R9 t.lOfli.i., w P e~~t,,,,l tube r.,ntrary tot, Ii.a"ief lî. . r.naiga Gir ithOo) [ l'on, Oon,.ti.the îî,iî tarYéau thon tWe, %iln ,,lase Iî i id tai of"$ ri,«en, t he road wxi n,înt II IdilutL.ak Ar. a on iS,i'iir(laY, it îirrrary ini ulany caese tuîvl>tlilîl,,,îd ci,. tiPalatîine un June t.Itr Jun lu order tu safeguard the li.altti tr1 -Si ld as a guli coilt'ern &i L vS, of the sold ere. 11gî Y the nd,)e-lioldcrs comil.IB Theipwpr tisthat : ite( frl-44 tIJO, Plus t;)"taes atîONlhp ,o tde sUtha i h î y Pîsmaiee rrdî.-tc tI se Ir %las tii,,n offered by the Guart 'o.,e n- hp tu -atot iO ic 1tliir patriue o! these fats and tt, refuse teeiîlg liisnîantiing order a..& , rilssued eacholyrar athi o -'iy trt u arcePt ur umaiing ipari-ri8e uotalîîîtug b(ouglit !)V the notehoiders commw ma sht i l'l th mier o a t!. 1.1 a tY lor jrleliabie anrile,epeciai r fruite, trfor $i;l,îrîo pluis th@ taxes. T"é atirmee semihary amp orcanon-recrîl r rrntended thal, nelîher aI aip aireilsuethe t sa-.i ii t i ieuad.lrreeed 16 iiay ljsreacantutv enougli for the property and tMI arslpear istîi b100, ti it~meneif hrr l reeontodoubt t lt irîherr coialulttee Contendéd th-. hfhý lite ri.-s in tih,.n,. r ,,enieîîe swli uot briln peýrle- rinllu that lieYdit, "ot want a£;el amnration.- IThe distrntt!lui is i-r upruh. doli ery tu the adi reerre iiantieing order. the9 could get tW hononir,. itînu-ettil beoýau i hie fn- It lîruld be borne i lu îuîd that nilaî od for $44,00J0 Plub taxes. Thua mal (liol (o enourae yoiii pý - [Ltterfur he sldios lght started for the ronsummat il niaistil d enotînlge~Oîli~p.. niaterforthesol IeLu tliee ti, ai,thie receiver golng ta tb» île I. o . tinivli theý . it-' fl,' cau, not alwayo-e adliîvered tri the Itilities committce îrylng ta get -d Ile ie u!1 s, ll our e.: la roi, addrscèeec lmraedlately upon arrivai dismantullîug ordc r parts of the state thîtro, are îlot tih,, there, am it cornes lu largequautitieé ad titer mmîssîont ter-limony betor.> al, h cmmision li beameconviu. hizii -rhoo! advautaci a that Lake muet be eeparated nto manunulle adc la tvol ealn and oe counis pupils enjrw, b. rr- setie f. w lis %ime of the soldîcréi le largely talion sibiy unsîîccessfui figbt before tWý enller '1I înaI r oosou lb rse choi up with tleîr miltary dutie@; lurtber- Itilîties Commission as the 10 arship-. more, a large pereuntage of the mail i, cOmnmittee would have bought Tiil iit o çuctý>ru puilsfoi "aed y iouficiut àddemob a d dsmantling order until "doml'e s 1î, îî4 u scre--fi plb fi diayd e ieuiirintadieree tndbfore they would have alloweds lowe, frequenîly it muet be forwarded beaule road to hc jun'ted" and Vins put ù«, Lindley Sc'îolarships. of changes, for military reaéone, lu the off business pernhunuly. Town iocatioîn of tihe troupe. Thse recel.Ver 'theerfore '*bdremý Mlynîle lianit-, Wlinhrop fliai. . ; 12JTTO PitAEoEîî h, iescase sud trled fl) get a hIgherWbI4 for lte PrOCIerty. lu thîs lie ag &&,a' Anna Hîînd -Wau'-.îortii . .. .. A l 8econdi es't P. àM. (ien. seunsuîr-eýfuI întill 1 t WedIp-. itarri-i M. Wald,. LakillVa ....___________ day wlîef a jîtu kdealersqbld *61,O Enîllie Foritrich-, Antior .....4 H ' À Npluq file taxes with a guarantee 4illi Hele Dr.,t NothAilDAIg....4512nantellug order. The note holdtWpî, Htieln TDroit.Sri aco nr-45-11 II~I j~cOmmlttee fought the acceptaueo « ~ut deln Tomnrs ~ 4 l A ~ii L m LII his bd and On FridaY a compmm*. liaroid Odeli. Grarsiace ..45-10 fi T~Y lva Was recred and the reeelver ree- .oseph Keliî'v. In-aeisde ...; 9 flUl LIDE OUImmcnded the salé of the road ta t)». tenote-holders' committee at *00,0*. 'Lois Shoîîp, Northi Chicago.44-12 &tuch t0oOur amazemeut we find hePlus the taxes, whlch was scpe Muriri Lusit, Libertyvillic..4411 impressIon ln u cre of ou? counties, that b)y the conmmttee and the Judg% ab Jain"e Dolton. Area........... 4-11) the Wr.Savng campaln stoped wléb cordiugly approved it. - LoiýBroglion,%Vacona ... 4-1 Jun28t. Wesnotiagleagestr sTlus euds the long fight to pp.i I.o~ lnoulitn, vauond .49 Jnc Sth Weanntlmgiuagrate sirieW.aconda's railiroad Wh. Agnes Peterson, Derfild .... 4-12 mistake. lu thelauguageilf nue of ur rua0 vfromù Wauconda ta Iâke gUrkb Bilanrche Schuler, Prairie View 4 Il national heroes, -"We have Dot begun tu and Palatine Adeila Norton, Lalie Zurich ..4310 fighi." An Immedlate reorganizatiou WIX liatîcli Nuska, Barrlngtou ... 4-9 Piedgee are not cash. They muet be bie made ud uuder the new manAl» The radate oftherurl an vi- trne ino csh.meut the road wlll be etlray reh5a. Thegrausis 0 lie rralandciltufiedint cah. ltaed sud uew equipment luatalla lage scitoots dccm if an itonor to bu The @&ame organîzation that Rot the whlch wiIl give first chas accamoUL. mentionud aniong the 25 niaking thi Piedgeos cgued ebould be uoed to get the dations ionte people living lu th"., bighest av'erages iu the examination. pledgea paid. section and schedule tîme will aoom<. Il i., %toîtIlîof note ihat the ten higit- Thee chool districb organisationeh ave be reelored to the line estwer al gils nd ut ix n te royd atrýeIIoqsguce@gje ettng Ganoline cars are beiug considerlà estacr ai gils md utsIxlu hu 'xod trmedotc s~se,î~getngfor Iassenger, express aud mail sOp. 2. are boys, carde lgued. Let svery officiai Who Vice aud une trcight rua by stesu The lit toliows. eoiicitid a pledge, e s t Ih ilat: the spower. The rommitte lu harle ci TwenlY ise making the highest pledge le met hy th@ i)urcbaoe of @emps. te note-holders' luterest was as fol.- ai-pages Thre aoul be Ws, Saing Soc@tylows . fi. L.îsiter, chaîrsuan: P_, a ie-agî Tereehold e aWarSavngeSocetyC. K ît, George L Blackburn, F_ IL Li lSioni, Central schoi. North eetablîshed wberever there le a perman. Dahmslsud H. E. Raymuond ar W»;' Chicago. 'eut group of men or women. - couda, Mr. Fisher being of, Chlca*0uý Itianclie Schuler. HaIt Day Sciioni. 0irTe neat six moulue Icne@t he monîbe Dr. Shiing froin Palatine sud £MA, Agner Peterson,_ DeerflId scîool. o dowurlght business. %%0 muet oeil Fîcie of Lake ZurIh Luno we n - ve tien p.îa... Counties tbat have raied their quotas shbould Maire hhir succe@o etili greaber. BeforeJanuary 1, 1919, we muet buy *125,000,000 worth of War-saviugs etampe lu lîlluols. Iboshuefr we bave unt actuaily boughs more than a quarter of that amgounst. WB muet merchandiseclampe lu lhe came way bond dealers merchaudice securities.9 If auy War-Savîngm worker an niuch le uufaiîhful lute àPublie truet.-Iliioig War Savinge Bulletin. BABY CON FERENCE BIG FEATURE 0F STATE FAIR The Beter Ilabîe Couference, wblch wlil be mie of lhe ieadlng fleatureufthlie 1111DolS tieutenulai BIale Pair at Spriniz. fieId, Augnet 12th tuo 23rd, le attrarîiig claIte wlds interest and judigfut oti til,, early luquiries for cutry bianke upa ail of M1O i00 111e lots rom sex moulus tri tive years of age wiliipace underme.ruttiy of the staff ut medirai expers who witlii erlentlllc exaeîneas wil deterniue (udr physîcal statue. This la Ob@ (bIrd animal reuswal of the state baby coufereure and tbls year til wiil be coiiducled ou a plan aud under condiltin@ wbich niake Il doubly altrar. lies (o lbogemohtbsrsiiesir,,us o! learniug tbe physical statue of thelr eblîd ren aud wbat eau ne doue t,, luiliruve thora. Auna NM.Hund ,Bddlecorne M adelyn Thommessen, Scitool. Berniece Champuey, Stearus Scitool. Myrîle Hanits, W'lnthrop Harbor Scitool. Margaret Cllggett. Lakte luftf School. Lilîlan Anti-s, Deer-field Scitool. Autel Norberg, W'lnthrop Harbtor Schiool. Mfartari t Ilansen, East Menton Schlu u. Janies Dolton, Ares Srhool. Adelîn Norton. Lakte Zurich Scitool. Einîlie Fortrîcit. Grass Laite Scbool. Jue Keliey, Big Hollow Scitool. Bernard Deciter, Central ScIsool, Northt Chicago. Anne M. Cook, Central Scitool, No. 1Chicsago.- Esther Zprsen, Area School. Laurel Stryker, Deerflel1d Scitool. Harold OdelI, Graslaike Scitool. Lambert Keller, Schultz Scitool. Lois Brougitton, Waucanda SChool. Esthter Feulen. Gumuee Scbool. sMary B. McCullougb, Gurne jScitool. If your nelgibor offers hi@e lte, surely t you eau boan your ne3-. Save wlth the @ame@etigeruese liaI 7015v iefgibor fiffues, and bos' War Savinga atampo wltb your savinge. Scitool.1 Gurue COUNTRY STORE POULTRI DEALERS - NEFU LICENSEsi, Country store p.aultry deaiara rare required 10 have licenoes uo nmatter bqw samaîl thel, des lluin lu su ad poullry, tbe Food Adminiatratlon aunonc". The Preeldetm proplamation of MaoW 14I requirlng lîreniliriof "Operators o08 poulîry auid eag parking piante",hb» been Mleunderstood h' Mauy $Malildemi.' or@, il js de-lered. LîîJcr lb.ecladÉO&, tIon. ahîvureone@lise ouitry or esll tii ali 'i ýtiier may itauntaI italile60d» r'oteaincr, regard!ess of the amaunt si busIness doue mue> be iiceneed. A"~ Muet sitialil daiere do soli 10 cooemim"l men trorulime to tIMe, [ri. îîrrto c.uîili. a vivith law 6h07 mluet diI out blante oalaned rouinbW' Unilted States Food Admuinietation m hiave licenses 1@00@d.1 FOOD ADMINIaTRATION TO FIP - PRICE 6FirH Tit OISFLO<4 Washington, July 16-Tha foo d milit.-stlon wUiiagon Annoumns Imuns "fair prîcos". nt. wiloh made fions tha 1918 crop nsay leho1* throughout ltaecountry. Indepspdent r*ade,? -.B3ON> >, Lake Coumty 'i Big Weekly Qtu5Jtici: Grekt& tbao0"eWeeU~es in tounty Combined WAUKEC3AN WEEKLY SUN - p ý, , " . 1 U, -Lcl(:) . i: 1 w le .0-V a, 1 ONE TO EIGHT. - el.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA

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