CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 10

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-~ ~ . -~ ____________ ______________________________________________ rrrir _________________ ____________________ 1ESS MO6TS I~ forRtrnhrent N. Cu adItsStreet Lghts Wlghts libà Citiena et Narli Chicago re- eai. lt->fina l l.on in municipal retrenchient on M onda>' nîght, vbcn for the uval lim, ail the street lgtawere sbut off. It is only to be cojured what the conhequences 0f 115e4ttJon May mean. Itle t 0be boo4 tiat no accidents wil occur Med tuAt the communItY *111I fot 1e. 00M tIhe preyor ithreves ai night. That n*or depredations aucb as the I4îsPOlVJî£ ofgrdens. etc., wil be t»e I*Vtable revoit of uurning Off t(e. e*cet ghta. of litI Iere eau1e »0 U1t. A lamge nun*ber ofjbouse- IIoWdb.f are already Io@dng arovnd for watchdogs ta Protect their prop- 0117 cter darik. Other ecanomies ln Opeatalng the municipal plant wilI ha PUt ln force shortl>' and white pea- PMe may flot feel thb, effect f rom themx rl.ght away. In ttme thir êrror la voiag downt the proposition to in- ereec thé taxes willlb. forclbly brougbt home ta them. juter aceci- deuta 15ve happened. crimes bqen COsllted, strietq for lack of litle 'eltiha bava become impassable. ires bgvp OSurted te, whicb 1the depart- meUit bas flot proniPtl> responded, the voeawhu did not reckon wllh these -4cUOMeesmay change their md &bout tie advsability of lncreaalng the revenue af lhe it>' by raislng the tax rate a trifle.-Tllnes lteview. 7_ C01FKRINCE 18 HELD ber et Commerce bas establiashad a the employer a ndtie edWIèba ilike.1 Arter Auguat 1. employera vili be abile ta obialn their ua,'tilibd labor tbrough this mediul-aau an Sau mentalil>' for bringlng tagaîher work. ers and emplayers vho need tbeirý erylose. 'duorder te ceue île succesa the bureau will b. managed ln aucli a muiiner as toai@Ussur e n. tire Impartialit>' an doperate solel>' as a agepcy for the c-ordination af the suppi>' and demand for lebor. witb the ellination of ail possible vaste. A cmmttee la ln charge cf the bureau compoÉed e.qually of a luai- ber ar representatives ut the emplo>'- ers and representatives oi the wor<-, ers.1 The centralisaLtion ai recruitment of1 uneklled labor, tabeb.Inaugureled an- der tbe direction ai the Ul. S. gai'. erament on AUguet the ist yl af fect establishmnents employhng 1001 or more vorkers. The establishments *thr ame vtliln 1the plan, to. vil b. permitted telitre In 1the ordInar>' wvay such verker.s as present theai. selvea vithaut Induements f rom 1the employar. lna tier- vords ,ac(cording la the. bulletin aif1the Chamber of Commerce oi the. United, emi- ployers 'yul b. f ree te engage men who citer themselvei et lb. tactor>' gale vithout baving been ealltited, drectly or indtrectl>. Al euch. bow- ever, viii te leareti l4rough tbe free einployment bureau as a means « Protection te bath employer and empla>'... The plan le intended ta put an end tei thee aste and Liîe dior- ganisation vblch arise iront "steat- Ixg lor"Il la meanlta substitut. an orderi>' proceedure Ibrougli vbtch. Mk e stablishment ma>' expect ta supply lils eeds for unniillad labor ln acarclanee vit Iimportance aif1the vork upon which It la engaged. Thte governmént bas ruled the priorities Mr labor wvIi be established cal>' visee iere le ce actual abartage and furthermore. Ihat sncb priorIlies as aâre gIven vili accord vilb 1the prlaritiee determlned for fuel, mate. riais, etc., by th1e var Industries lr m Ploymenl bureau eervice aMeng bad tha lines ai matvie vilci basbeen anusccee.fuly openated la Kenoaba fer lie past seven years. This em-, Cet* P i.l Tho mi-an"s *0cyme«l bureau vill c-operate ta Fl&liag la Hma m u cc la oftec don. tléa fullest aibent vt th le commani- b>' lie vomenl, and viliout nets, boalS. ty btd vbidi la in#ilsd do mt or book&. Tb.y impI>' vada lnto te vlit th11e bureau ln an vater a"d form lemâeld a b at-g. qivio>'capacit>'. The butea bas Ti. 0h« .b««ng -0piatkMu,th>ar bsea atabllshed at' lh. argent rt- aiiot mre tu impuison one ln lie qýM df a - large number 0f war ln. ria Tiasa vomen ar evR>' quiel lusigalai isonualad song11 ancd a anecd ever>' lime tli>'catch 11551 ptee n oed amite lg v thxeta df» vith beinbanda tbe>' simpl>' Ume Pfwiled y be verunet tlit alive, lto<lia basket on their *biub vD assure absolnie fairneas ta back. CÔUMTY FEEL 600D. Gentie Dowýnpour Cornes Jusi ln Time bIoflefrosh Crops' of LkeCounty WORTH A MILLION DOLLARS Russell Farmer Declares tbe Barley Crop un County has Neyer Un Better laie cotant>- farmers on Tuesday vere aIl saue. Tbev eePu ltîgbed alaud.-The reason? Recause the ronds wer. anuddy-and thie>' iked l. -'h. farmers tcli vere iaiking about tlb. "illion delliLr" raia of . Monday nigit and Tnesds>. The rainfall vas general al over ltiis ection 0fr1the country and the farmers declaieti ttat with this tirab tal aite n-op- er lime tbat tb. district e-as going ta be assured a etop of pretty ni-art>' everytbing. Itlsl certan iiat the. tain bas added tens ai tiaumands af buebeils ofc r ta theicrnmcrop ai Lake counly m"d tha t he whet Jnst ripenlng, la gaine la 11e an infinite- ly' better yled on account of the tai. l camne instlnla ime t10lie of great- est help ta th latc poattes snd tbe fat-mers no wbelleve that wbat looled like a bmd prospect for potatoes vîll b. turaed mbt a reai crap. The IbrifI gardons are also greati>' lmprovted b>' the tain and itlai certain Ihat the yield .ofth1e garden'wlli h.. greati>' lncreased. C. A. Edwards of Russell, speik Ina of lihe-va! uetofth1e rainsaid: "Tbe rain came mast as il vas aeed- eti badl>', and, belcie me lt vas a gveat help ta, the crops la geDerai. I n nome cases lte banc>- vbilch la ýa beav->' Iis vent, lbad already begun 10 lealin oer anîd i'Se ain ba., brouhtt Il back ta an upright position. The harle>' trop ibis yesr has letter ihan 1 have ever scen il. There doesen't seeni ta be s0 much rve in the cout- t>' Iis vent as usual. The wheat crolp is excellent and t beliee-e 1r. i,~ mare- wbeat being grown ibis atha for man>- years.' 'tir. Etivards said the aat trop was mIOAt prOraisng and tiat corn as s whole seemed ie be comtng aiong aat isiactoril>' althougb a bot spel iceded to glve il the final chance. AT LUNILM NI Coumasman George Z. 1toss open. e4 bIs nalnpaign la Chicago for the I=plbim nomination for United ttt baor Tuesda y la Chicago at a innebeon given for him at th. H101.1 Harrison. Mr. %Meua n a ddregs at the luncheon said that h. had cavered 45 ceUntes andti ltIeverything vas satlstactory from i is point of view; Ihat he had enlisted th1e cô-peration and active supp)ort of leadiag 1epuüb. licans in ever>' cotut>', Who ver. en- Iiumlasttcally for hlm, and tiat h. »e- Iievad lIaI bt h ileof sentiment wao strongly turaing lits9 way. 1 Views Office as Revard. Congresaman Fo.s _ln lItegourse cf bils speech said:- "-This office L,; sa greet thst it shanitint ho given ta iriqan simpl>' becauie ho vante 11! dr betaute he tl'iiiahe bas the wbereviîlial 10 get Il, but il siouid ta- regarded aa a re- yard for long andi faithfidt servi«e te tbe counitry and te lie part>'. It 19 Dot fOr ]ae l.te,>' that 1 sbauid 1he Preferred. That i, a malter for the Republicana of Illinois. lBut -1 alaini th1e rigbt ta present my record of 22 years' service ta my count-y and mv part>' and sait the Republican ta com-. pare I ltb tthe îecorde af my con. tetant&.,, UAN Of MYSTEY BAFFLES OFFICERS (OCefimuevtwumageaza Oa& resnlted In lta inomst pecahiar candi- ton.ý He zeoms to be exîremel>' nerv- eus wbidli maIes Il seem plausible Ibat 11e ma> have bren subjected la a terrifie mental shock et sante klnd -- The extent ta whlch the feliow vili ape allierse-cas thawn tada>' vhen one 'of the prisoners vent ta the faucet and gaI b'mseli a drink. The enigmna toc th11e cnp out of the other Prisoners band and drained the con. tents. Whleftfe Priosf«r jkk h Chioa1. ' l % ýr1 IoFlxed at275 LW 100 MAY BRIIlO 13 CONT MILt< Waukegan, July le. Dalryinen aif1the Chicago district are tu receive $2.75 per hundred vetaht dnring Auguet for milk that lontalris .!par cent or butter fat. Thils figure ulas determined Tnesa>' at a hearlng presiticd over b>' W. E1. Lamb, attarDe>' for the United States food, administration. Thils la ant advanetof 45 cents vier 100 poantis over the -price.In et. fact for .luly. The price to b. paid b>' the quart ln Chicago is 10 1e flaed Ioda>' or <o- morrow, after the disîrtîntars have beau given a bearing. 2Mr. Lamb sait] that lie Is hopeful the prie ln Chics- go vill b. kept at 12 cents, bul that no definîbe figure could b. given out uni] data have been collectai! thal vili show the exact ost of distribut- ing milk. lncreased cost of labor was the chiot Item Ibat causeti dela>' In decid- ing wrhal price eliould b. paid to tha producers. The figure finally d<ecided upon vas tmased on the for mnla adopý ted b>' the Chicaugo milk commission. This formula states thalt t prodcue loo pounda of milkItIl it necessar>' ta lirovide Ivent>' poundi of home grava grains, based on 1the value oi corn; 24 pounds ai mannfactured féede, 110 poands of hay, and thrge bours of labor. Para labor was figured t:Io i cents an baur. OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS mu'ndehei 5v LAKE 00. TITLE AND TRUST CO. Abtract et Titis. This Quarantse Maenlo Tmpl moi. plions4. J. T. Parker and vle to J. 3. Hec- bach anti wife. lot ?, Cummings and Co' North avenue addition, $3300. P. C. Nieman and vufe, 10 La.ura q. Nietuan, lot 20. Fox lAite. $1. Annie F. Niles end bushand ta Guy> Huston, 40 acre..,;ln Deerfiê-hd twp, $1. w 1 IbldANL" * SL Wtukegau continues ta lag la the sale ofI 'rlft S tampa. acoordibt t tbos. Who are pOut 4thé amiga and efforts are hein& made la point out ta cititens tII. necenait>' of living up ta thi. jtdgàtfleY bave made la buy aitampa. It la pointed out that because thty are nat rominded ao. the tAct conatati>' thaï, mcy are Inclined'to log and the resai tgi. ha1 torp haî been quite a falllïw Off Ilm sales. E. P. Bedgwicl, cliairman of the sale or thelt statipa for Lake cauntl>' mae' an, urgent 4ppeal for ail 10 Opeed up the purchase of stampe, lie assertz that lb. mail carriers and others wbo have been dellvertng tbe stamps, do not elways have lime ta zimahe the deliveries. his.lia sayo, Piould not preveni people f rom mak. lng thaîr regular parchases. T. A. Simpson another Tbrifl Stanîp booster, points ountIliat it woald b. a lesting dîsgrace If Wtt*egan and I*ke count>' feied 10 sithecribelits comploe quota. This nU>t be done befas 1th. tiret dayof. Jmaury e.nd Ibis witl not 11e don. unlesa there In a speeding up in the sales for Wau- <egan and practicnli>' cvery commun- It>' In the cÔmity la wa>' bahird ls% âchedule at the p"v.5eD tinte. "We cant afford ta fali behind In tbe Thrif t ftamp gales," Mr. Simpson said, "arter we madie sudh a splendlà record In 1the hert>' Loen and -Red Cross campalane. WP have been mare. than 100 per cent patriotie ail the- way thrangh and iv. ilust flot fait down now.' Ail itenosha ijt searcbing for 13 ypar old Agnce Haha today. Spurred on by the appeal of )Ar. and Mrs. John J. Hghn, parents ofithb. utIle girl whc diseappeared Inl mystery on lent Satur day inorning and by the action of tb. cily In offring a revard cf $100 foi the finding of lb. cblld and an addl- tional $600 for th1e arreet and convic- lion aof1the persan via ol oklier ava>' people In ail ranks o cfeIt. he clty boIt a nev lnîeresî lIn1the search te- day. .In dlscontinuing the manufacture of brasa beds a s ago. the Slmmong campan>' af Keflagha, anticlpated the order oi 1h. War Industries board which basnflot oui>' ordered tiat man- ufacturera discontinue maklng brasp lieds but that 111.> reduce.tbe amaunt of steel used In lbe manufacture ni moeal betis. The Siminona compan>' a week ago, discontinued incling brasi- betis for tb. perlod af the var. 100 MEN TAOE TO ET. SIIRIDAN Mon Take n h-MaedsAre Sent From Muniol Plur; Fil- teen Under Arréet Port Sheridan' aU lCamnp Grant Tuesday began recatving ticemcm tak, an ln the selective service evasati raidà englneered by th. Departmnent of Jugtica and the American Protec. tliv League the liraet cfheb.wegk ln Chicago. In lois of fifty tea seventy-five they ver. taken frein th14 unicipal Piar where the>' have been kePt sane 111 raids. Two such groups vent la licrt Slheridan. Ollier groupa vere cent tc exemption boardm te b. lmlducted intc army servie. Somë 'of thmee vie tafled t$0111 out qupntlonnalrel-«nd whose canduct ni- Ppared ta demand further investiga- tion ware arrested on tederal nar rants. "GOE uD il; DN CALLIIN TOPAY" Owlng te ID. enormous work whlclî bals bepn put on the postoffiep a»- thorities and en2ployesa. il vhe have mnade Pledgft t buy war sav- ings btsibpO are reqnested tb reslize this rftponaibillty and tfilI itieh- out being xoicltedi iy the maiii car. rier and postoffice officiais, W.- hopp, tbat everyoca vbo bas madp c Pleldge wgll veilla. thnt it leis or ber duti>'tt taire tic initiative ln ni,- taining stamnps in case of noD-dcli'- ér>' iy the postaffic,. Every ce-nt' " needed by t'1tc gaverame-nt ln this critical -pertod. E. P. Sedgwick. Chairman. 1.ak' ('ounty NWar Sa'.tngs Com. *M To bring -the pi-esent w ar to an early anci a victorjous conclusion for the United States, and to establish an honorable, a just and au Arnerican peace is the paraniounit business and duty of the Nation. I0 will vote for appropriations of every, charaeter in the inter"ts of and for the sup- poi of oui- Ainerican ýawm aand navy. 1 favor a specifie 4elaration by Congress of America 's war aima and demands. I arn opposedl to the propaganda of hate which seeks to divide our people on racial lines and thus wcaken our national unity. We are of rnany races, but of one mind when it cames to proteeting our country against any and ail enemies. I arn in favor of such legisiation as will effectively prevent the sale oif Aineriean food prodtîctsat a less price in foreigît îmarkets than in our own market. 1 do flot believe in putting dollars above hurnan Jives. So long as American nîanhood isconscripted for war service, I will vote to conscript wealth and ail exeess war profits. OrI afffinn n\v allegiance to the principles of the llepublicaiî party as deelared in its na- tional platforms. . à k MAYOR of Chicago, Candidate for the Republican Nomination for and Other Good Speakers. at the ARMORflYWAUK-LGAN Evryo de is Col qa]IIy wf to Hear Théee Weil Klnown M fl s'sshe' vital i est-iolisof ihe léo>àUr (Il fi' TI Di MOD 1SICLAIMES AZ9RILLYl Ni TLED

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