CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 11

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T .I~EVPVTTTT 1! T V1f~vkrs1,T U v~? I -~~--iA..A ~ ~ JLL ZUII:LJAI, .J 'lULY 18, 1918 July Clearance Sale of M3ouses Wlrthmore Blouses $1.00 Onie lot of Wirthmore blouses sn a large ]'M'94:of prctty styles, are offered in tlli .J'y iarance Sale at eaeh ....... 0 Lingerie Blouses $1.98 Bevalitiful lingerie blouses made of fine voiiles andl organldies iu plain and fancy colors ar îffered in a wonderfiîl assemblage of styles fi4 'i Ilie..Iuly C]earane sale u t eacl1,î............................ 1.0 Georgette and Crepe-de Chene Blouses at 3.98 Fuor this *Tîlv Clearance Sale we have as- s<îiîlîled a niagnilent hune of blouses mnade of ftie iî~îaity georgette and crepe de chine in al t lie %vaited colon, and sizes. The styles are s0 varied that ehoosing is nmade nrost easy. Every Idm iniîs*l this assembliage speeially Piieel at.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .9 Main Floor Speclals For Saturday 75e Union Suits 55c L adies' knitted unîion sisi aIl sizes, Viî1eck iii slee'. s, lace and cuf j kw-e, regîîlar 75(- iv;ýlues s"aifor ..5 S,;t iîtt(ay ...5 C Novelty Printed Voiles 4eAli, novelty' print- o-i oislumam-beau- Sifi p'i atterns, 40e and .*<1'v:lîîe's seeial for S.ît1iîdav, Per yardî.......27JC $2.50 Table Clotho $1.98 4;4x4 ineh mpe'eriz- cil table cliffths in assort- vil patterns, regniar .$*-..-)0 values, sî>cial for Satiîrday ech . . $1.98 Seal Leather Purses Seal leathier enivelope PîIIISeS, regîzar $2 valtue spevial for Sat- c srdar at ... 8 Palm Olive Soap Speviaily îi .dfo r pu iilvler lO b............ o Bleached Mualin Mec Yd AA ful hleaehed sîuuslin 36 luchies ide, extra heavy, regular 35e valtie, Saturday 30c onîr, yard .. Outing Flanel Plain white outing fiauxuel, 27 luches wide, regular 25e value, spe- eial for Satur- 20 dayi, yard ....... 0 Fancy Hair Ribbons lui massy prettv col- ors5, regular 35e value, speciai for Satur- day, yard .......9 Armour'. Bath Soap Regular 15e cakes specially îiriced for Sût- urdaY, per" lO eakc-....... Pillow Cases 4*2x:36 ineh pillow cases, regular 35e value SPec'.uil foi. Sat- -I urdaN, eaeh ..27 July Clearance Sale of Summer Mllinery One Lot of Children's Hats 1.00 One lot of the new est styles iu hats are of- fered in this Julv Clpariance Sale for Saturdav ut eavliî $1.W1. IM'ake NIouî seleetion eariv and suive disuîlpointnient. One Lot of Women's Itats -at 1.*98 For Saturday we have assembled a wvon- derfîîl assortuSeut of trixmmed bats, selected from omir fluer grades, at theiow price o f.1.98, These beautif i trimnicd hats preseut. the newest ideas in millinery, and muiist be seen to he appreeiated. In spite of the growing scarcity of merchandise; in spite of the rapid rise of manufac- turing costs and wholesale prices, the mont h of July finds the Morchandise situation in this store much the same as ln former years. Special lots have accumulated froin the season's sellilng; broken linos are the remuit ln many sections;- seasonable merchandise la here that cannot b. carrled over into anothor meuon. This'situation must as usual be met, and we'- are meeting It as in former y sari wlth these July Clearance Sales. July Clearanice of Women's Apparel 0 "- Lot 01 One Uot of Wash Dresses Silk Dresses Values toat$&75 at 4,75 Voile and gingham dresses iu ail the ncwest styles in a large assemblage of beaîîtiful patterns and eolorings are of- fered in this July Clearance Sale at each $475. Now is tihe time to lay ini a suppir of thin dresses while you eau get sîîchi wonderful values. One Lot ot Silk SUtS at 15.75 Onîe lot of silk suits, about 25 in ail, ar'e offered in this Juiy Clearance Sale at about Isalf their aetuai value. They arethe ver îewcst sty les but we only have nav %-blues and blaeks. Your eluoive of tlhe kot 8attîi'tay at the low lpriee of $15.75. Crepe de chine, georgette and taffeta silk dresses in ail the most wanted col- orings and in the very newest styles are offered ini this assemblage of specially prieei garînents for Saturday at ecd sure tii flnd many dresses to your $9.75. Tlie styles are varied, you are likiîsg. One Lot of Women's Coats at 12.75 One lot of wvouseu's coats made of plain and faney inixcd clothes ii) ail the veî'v inewest styles are offercd i tîis Juîl v Clearane& Sale, greatiy under- piied. Full range of sizus. Every guuuuuent ln this lot is very sîseeially pivicd at $12.75. JuIy Clearance Sale of Footwear Men's Canvas Oxfords Mcn's w'hite cauvas oxfords witls rubber lieds ansd soles, ail sizes, forsu- erly' $2.00 values. July ('Icaraisce Sale foir Saturday .... 1.15 Men's S3lippers Men 's llaek and tan bouse, Everett euit, solid leather soles aud liels, ail sizes, formierly $1.75 values. Juiv ('learaîsce Sale prie fou' Saturday ............ I*4J Ladies' Pumps Ladies' high grade patent and dul leather, oue and two strap pumnps, ail sizes, formerly $5.00 values. July Clearaîsce Sale price for Saturday ...... ........65 Ladies Gray Oxfords Ladies' pearl gray oxfords with band turucd soles and wood covered heels, sîzes 3 toi 7 and widths froim A te C. ýA strietly up-to-date oxford that forus- erly sold for $7.00. July Clearance price for Saturday,4 5 pair .....................8 ladies' Canvas Boots Ladies' wvhite canvas, highs eut lace boot with plain tee vamp aînd military lieels, ail sizes and widths, formierly $3.501 values, JuIy Clearance Sale price for Satui'day ,...le White Poplin Pumps Ladies' white pôpliý puimps inu thse ver *v îsewest lasts, haud turned soles, WîOMl covered heels, ail sizes, Jîîly Clea rance Sale pî'iee for Rauitîîday ....... ........ .2-35 White Canvas Oxfords Ladies' wvhite caxivas oxfords, wvelt and baud turned soles, high and low lieds, fonmerly $3.50 values, July Clearanuce sale price for Satsîrday ...................219' Chiidren's Blippers Children's patent and dull leatîser aukle strap With hand turned soles, sizùs 4 to 8, fern-erly $1.75 values, July Clearance Sale prIce for9 c Saturday .................98 JuIy Clearance Sa-le- of Wash Skirts Wash Sklrts at 1.85 One lot of pique and gabardine wash skirts in a large range of sizes and inu the very newest styles are offerpd iii this Jtuli (lear- asîce Sale at each........... ....... J Wash Skirts at 2.85 One lot of wash skirtu made of fine quality gabardines in the most wanted styles are offeted iu this July Clearanee Sale at the b& low price of only,................&O High Grade Gabardine Wash Sklrts at 4.85 For this great July Clearanee Sale we are offerinig a wonderful assemblage of the ,very ssewest style wash skirts made *of bigh grade gabardines at the reînarkably low pricee of $4.85. These skirts inust be seeu to be appreciated -as the styles, workmanship and quality are of the highest type. Basemnent Specl als For Saturday Kitchen Outfits Cîînsisting oif threp ku emeat chopper. i('( piek, fork, caket;r nes', eau opener ansd self li)eking safety rack- The set com- ..i1,0 plete at . I...- Glass Table Sets Cousisting of sugar, creamer, eovered butter disi and spoon lulder. The set comupcte spe- ciaily prieed for69 Katurday at ..69 Sherbet Glasses Near eut sherbet glasses or ieie ereain dihes, regular 251- kind special for Sat- ..12c uirday cadi . Soap Special Aineriean F a susiil v soap, specialir prîcedl for Saturday 59 onIr, 10 bars..59 July Clearance Sale of Men's Furnishings Dreu Shirts for Men $1.15 These shirts should interest you at sucli ex- treinely low piies. They are the pick of the season iuncluding sucli makes as "Wilson's" and Ferguson & McKininey, ahl sizes, guaranteed coli>is, Freneh and lauindered cuifs, ., Valuies to $2.50, Saturday only eacl. Straw Rats $1.50 Final elearan(e of all strawvs, sennets, Jap- aut*se straws and faney braids, former prives up to $3.50, spevial for Sat- 15 urdar cui ....................... 25 Per Cent Discount on ail Panama HRats for Saturday Bpc~ . . ninsuits, former values up 10 $1.00.69 Silk. S11k ibre. wool mixtures and silk stripe shirts Wn.& large Une of broken sizes former values. up to $52. 9 Saturday only e ci................. 0 # Final cieanup of 2-piece ,,nderwear, broken lots of porMs knit, baibriggan and fine garnie, sorne knee lengths and Oilet sleeve. former valuep up 10 $1.25, special for Saturday. per garment.............................. 49c Dieh Paus 10 quart retinned dish pans specially priccd for Sa tO îîrday at a 7ot Oil Nope Good size Ilayden OÙ inop with pint can of oil -s)ecially priced for Saturday 7M at, ......... Soreen Enamel Quart cans cf black sereesu enainel specialy priced for Sat-39câ;i iiday only....t7V $16 Dresser$10«98 Plank top golden oak dressers with 16x20 inch beveled French pt. mirror & 4 drawers. $15 value, Sat- urday only . .- i9e- 8 in 1 Alumlnum sous Double roaster with pan assd 5 egg poachems eue set in a box, special for Saturday at2.1 eu . 1

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