CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 12

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LTBIIRTYITiL~INDEP~NI~Ewr. THtTRSDAY. JTTLV 15.1915 ______________ - fl î 3 ,.Z.irr~Y -~-~ ÏXkertyville Independent t ik Counsy Indepedent - Waukegan Weekly Sun Tii. traglo death in France of Quentin Roosevelt, son d> ix-President Roosevelt attracts nation-wide, in fact, woed-wd.attention. The tragedy brings' home more t*uU~ to Americans the real concern the former pres- jdM,ýzhave and bas the world-war more than ~tblg tat as appnedbefre.The colonel now no doebt iflbucle n hs amorailthetighter and go after lb.. uis ad ate thseluk-wrm* Amiericans who have critlclzed hlm but who haven't sent four sons to fight for tthe colora. They couldn't get anybody to run againat Judge Per- mou for the nomination. The reason waa that ail the eli- gties knew libam made good and that it would have been f0Iy te, test strength against him. And, isn't it well that itis go, for, to think that a judge of his ability should have tg go out and make -a fightt' Well, it wouldn't have been e#tright. Recognized as one of the best county judges àS*,tate, acceptéd as an authority in the nation on -juidnle matters, it-would have been a shame if anybody 641e01 for" the. attempta made to force a fight upon him. Peor Mrs. Sears! She wants to b. termed a resident of Lâake Oouity but Cook County wants her so badly that tbey1re trying to force her to admit she lives in Oak Park. Toobad a person cannot designate the place she OALLS IMME. 8h. HAS cailed Lake County her home and now à&~ Cook county tax-grabbers are trying to'make her b.- lé,e mie doesn 't know where - he wants to live. They uV.Jdn't boier themsives if it were flot for the fact that tb.y expeot te get a big bixnch of taxes out of it. But, it 's astang thng f awoman 1k. Mrs. Sears wont be allow-_ ==t dcd href juat where sie lives. LAURENCE WILDER l8 NOW IN AIRPLANE WORK It develeps that l-aurence Wilder] U.aIl recentiY heai of tise Wllacia' .Tanery and son-lu-law of James Pitten of Evaustoii now ila-set" ln Sovernuient work sund et present 1 la Wauigtou wbere be la geting, Iliseilup for the Job bc bas been as- ulpeil te foliowlng bIs, ofrer ta wortc lOak Unele Sam t a $1 a year. .1r. Wilder lise been assigned Io wortln alrplaue production work ian- der Col. Mxter. Ilie oW ilagettinsg self of bis offi-r to h-tp thp g ocurrus menut . Mr. Wilder la a maan of wlde ex- perience for bis age and aes head ot tise ianery during its construction bure. lie galued quite a reputation for exeeutîve abililty sud tiien after the plant operatedul lie again demon- strated is efficient-> lu managerial lmniediateiy alter lise aie of tis- lactory ise tundered lts servics ta tise goverument for work lnu uny de- îartment wisere lie could lhe used. ansi as bu was tise fra one tram Wauke- Ran taofier bis services for $1 a kinstructions nt Washington as to 'year. tbe lstep was one whicb ai- what wli be expeeted of hlm and h14 tricted more th-an orrinary Interegt. vplr -W41 carry him ail over thé Nlr. Wilder la the son of John Wild- eelltIy. Pret 0fRnnaton. Mrs. Laurence Wild- Tt la tated turther that the chances' er isatai er home on Sheridan Road, ae M3r. Wlder likely w;li be sent' Waukegan andl Intpuda remalning *>rad la connectissn with bis dutili. liere while her hîîsband la dolug hi4 Mas proet soJourn ln' Washinsgton hit for Itocie Sam sudlilberty. She tis rou six or eight weeis ago a is thp daugiter of Jlames Patten of *bieh tinte li was summoned to thse l'vansion and bas h een very active ln cWal tet be assigned to the depart tise Waukegan Red Cross ,%ork for 'Met decided to avail lt- many months. 0UPAITIVEPUCES ON 700DB AS PAID BY ERTAILRS, ÂND CKAEGED TO CUSTOMEES. TelowluB arefair Pricell fer foc de ln I*ke cOtulty for the current WMt. Sadterined by the food adl mînistratlon. Names of ail dealers «4"ug at yrtceu outulde of thlus rang e iBhould b. reported te 0. C. Grdley. lissai food adiuliaisteYo for Lake c O.ufty, or te township admînistratora Vbo wS li ts the proper action: <prpared by thse Waukegan food adlminstration. Effective Week beMlra tig .tuiy 19, 1918. Saisi pricea Customer sIsoulil psy for thse taplea namned should. mot «M« the folowlng The tuait tu thse retalier et each article &as la Silynu. Cont te Rtalier Prie te Consumer iift" Wflapped Bread ............Par lb. loa2--8% 10e Wht Fleur ............. ......... Per 18 harrel1.0.5, .5.7 Wlts Fleur (in buik) ............. 5 ibs. 33e 8 «Y* Fleur (in baga)...... .. ...... 5 Ibs.-33e 39e Otto Fleur ...................... Per 1-8 barrel-$140-1.70 $1.50-1.95 Moule Whoat Fleur ................1ib. bag-32 1-2e 37e <TUnder thse Preuident's prolamnation retailers must se??anil cou- aumeru mut buy witb eacli peund of whte fleur a pound of snme sub. attute. Conaumtera bave choies ef cernmeai, corn tarch. corn tour, bcSlar grit. bariey flour, ries. rice toeur. astnteai, rolld ote. buck- wbeat.liour, potatoo tour, sweet potato toeur, uoy beau toeur and te- tela fSeU"s and mealu. RYs fteur la Dot cossidered a substitut* for white iUo.> semn mFleur ................_... .5-1b. bag-320 3ic Cern Usi&<whte bulk) ............ Per 100 Ibs.-15.75. 7c Cern Usa (yellow bulk)..,......... Per 100 lb.--45.76 7c étans<whOie> .................. Per ib.-33 360 fg < (bu grades) ..... ..........Per lb.--48e 54c eSWO medium grades>........---Per ib.--foe 44o *MS Suarts (whOle)-----------..Per lb-Ste 35e LaE(bout grades, esrton) ...........Per lb-30O36 &4M(uk ................... r ib.-2!9e 35e Ceeas (full crsam eut te order) old Per lb-Sfi 4 Cheses(fuftcrsaim, eutte ord r.-I'sw> Per 4002686 Cb*M ( ful ream, brick).......... Per lb.-26c 30-3çe " (&0 ta 0)............... Per lb.-Ite 180 Pvnm (60 te 70) .................. Per lb.-1SC lIse Miun. ..................... par 100 lbs.-$7.2s 8 -fie Bl fny...................Per JOO lbs.-$10.oO 14e lb. Bis iblus rose> ................Per 100 lb.-49.00 180 lb. alos Fleur........................ per ib-11îl12e 12-16c @Uas <navy, band pickoo),......... Per 10ù ibs.-$13 Ie *We(bighesgrades) ...... ....... IeM M aum grades)-----------...170 110 - UlPVapeiIted. lo twOteIlSd) ... lie 14e l0mur (ormseey. extra, bulli) .460 51e (ORO cent hlghsr ln cartons thun la tmue 1111011Ife (sa-dad grades, cartons).- Per lb.- 7le 36e *MeIn (standard grades, relia> . .. Per lb.-20e84 ~sEs(medîvin relia and bule. .Per ib.-SSo. ne 00 rcy, l> ... oaeu-46c 49e ouii (la bull)...Per 100 ibs,-#.27 91-2e Opuft (laMUIso ertons)_- Per carton-lgc 20e J ...... .......oPr 5-lb. bag-Sfic . 38e d~~64b - -bbag-esIc B -Per 109 Ib,S pli. of 15 Ibo, 65e 1 An Out-Stand 9 Sale 500 SÛRk and Wash Dresi -1Saturday and Monday $6, $7, Wsh' The. dresses pictured ilusti-ate the extensive variety of pleasing styles from which te choose, of course there are flot ail sizes inI evcry style. To take ad- vantage of these remarkahh' priee reductioîîs is to praetiee the wisest sort of cconomy. ail sizes, çtges and colors, according to price Ili B LUJM BERG i's Furniture Sale --mmg Lawn SwAings I. TELLÎ 0F 46? BiRTHS WITMOIJT USE OF -MEDICINE OR DOCTOIS Mers in a atery fremn thé Sana Zion City correspondent, Edgar W. Croft,i telling of how a Zic.n womaa who nev- er had a chiid herseif ha@ broLght 467 babies into the worl i n ZVon City during the pont 12 years; a ftery of 467 chldbIrths with but lwo deatha; whereln prayera were depefided upon to curry through the mother and chiid rather than medîcine and surgical ef-i flciency. It se a etery teiling how a1 woman who deliiered 467 dhidren, befere the important moment, tient In prayer, and, with the prospective mother asked the Atmnighty te aid- and $ho elLys that the prsyere were heard In a11 but two such cassa ,It sa an u nusuaI @tory, one worth read- ng whéther you believe In Zien or nt-a &tory whleh Ua well worth de. liherating over because of the unus- ual reéord lalmed by the midwife, who, not professing a. knowiedge 'of medicîne, declares prayair sud prayer enly le nscessary in successful chlid. tsrtýS.-EDITOR. (By E. 'W. Croft) Zion City bas (lîlcago bpat a mile wishen It cornes to a low death rate of mothers durlng etilldhirth. Fronl stutltie. receiveil ly tise Zioti City iseaitlî deparinsisi it It as beûtn sisuwn bat Chicago lis a fur lîlyrhtidiatb rate. Tise late Dr. John Mîrlîîisv t Chiscago, made thi,- iteîsîenti h sî i-? per cent or thse niot!iers Inlu hiVa go die durlng childi'irtlî. Miss Ellen Lloyd. a maternilv nurse Out Of 254 molliers ni Z7 n hoe that1J~4IU L U I sue attende(] dirurIlg ciiid tirlhi, oriy two have died. A total of 467 bilbies TI Q mlt]w - were nurped Into is %woril by Miqq Lloyd, and of tises, Zion clilîdren 231 DIC S PROBLE14 were boys, lbcc eliig just dme more- Of the latter thantsgirlsq. ln ail of Waukegaau JuIy 1i. tlicae cases nu druxa vere Pe-snîitted The matter et Supilg a isubiclity n'O sugciwi sdcamPalgu commit tee slaont of the, li, rgîcne lfttu.; wr afiin ln.,W5î ti i atterg niat wlll be brouglit hufor. ssndnodctu wcr' eu, lu.Qîsthîe Lake county coil merchants bsur- of Pise bablu., w.. warded lirst pria.- eau et a meetli gcalied for today ait ln a Chic-ago bs,î show, ItN weighi the Chamber of Commetre room.. and general iiîbsg livalrf"ct. Coal dealers troim ail parts of tht-t Misas Lloyd altributes lier remarka- county are expetedl at the !Jueetlug.1 Ie success tluIle powcr of sIod and «P'eople have been adilîedIo buyt player. Sise sas-.risber report: "Hav-. Iheir coal early." a Waulcugau dealer lng taken care- uf 167 biabies places said loday. "The majerlty of iliens mein a possissss ssbere' I can speati seem btu eel tisat thils-ipplies oniy (ni witls some lsnowledgoI. A r.-niarkasl'-s hard coal. Tbe publlcllv eotrmmluee tact la £bat îls,-re la-s'iq been ai whlch we plan to appinjt willi niak- dortlor aILt.-iîiii.L ý Ihau- eel I' t a point to ssox Ie publie tIil- isad. 1 hAve nîs s-I's-ss isle us,- (Jrneeesslty 0f ordering tise wiliter sttap. lnstrumente ln TitI work in Zion, anld ply or soft coal aJso. It la mast as ins we never uc-s- ns. dicines. drugs, or portant that pe put ln Ibeir soft srw tbler mutins. Soin,. of thIs oti- coal slupply now sas ît t that they Ob i/s bave bec-n delii'ered witbout pain, tain theîr requirem veills oi)lard coaI. many have hait i.cidlilverances . "Tbere ila a urplus of cars Sitt liç amn glail to sav 'bat if. 111 juothpi-3 present time tisatcleaulie useil for would tr to G isi andl do rîgisi andi lie lieaullug of cosi. If peOPle 1wlll liray tisir ssfêristg -olil be lbitia. order their xsoft coal 110w il means a 1 .Nilas Lloyd lias btenbtlise mater. btter supply for liq neit wlnter. Osh- nity work for 12 I-ars aud se tiiiL crwlse tise situiation iay becomu s stes ber reiuark:slle suce-4 in iii tisno-li and we mnay bave dlffleuliyIlis tne, uftaiur e,p,-itIl, iDiv ise POweir. abtaising soft coal.' A large jpletus.- ,f Ilwi noiieri; of It Ulways la t-aster tsi ubtaîn sot these bibis wa .ý ird-r,-d taken. s»] coai. il1la îiointed out, for If It. mitîi (iverseer Voliiva. Il, i- prouil of the- nparer he-re Wiil. tise bard (,ouiconePS record submltts-d by tise Zion nuise. frous Pents ylvaflîs. rt9'a Greateat Ready-tc- Wear Soe fing Feature of Our July Sale, A * Micr..hotograpliu of types of ýdffern gre and pus micro-organisme that cause tooth decay, and abscones.ln quine and jawa. Danger in Bad Teeth THE germe cf consumption, la grippe, rheumatiam, pneunienla, typhoid, diphtheria,e*tc...multiply rapidly in tooth cavities, and thrlve under the edies of sor*, awollen, ulcerated guma. Those germa are very dangereus ta health--espscially dangerous to people In poor heulth. The pue germ le particularly d«dly. OEADLY la JUST e Word to upe. Swallowed with the food, It finds 1ti way int the blood , and, Booner or later, ucerding to one'&a constitution, brings on destructive diseuse cf the kidneya, bladder, spleen, heart or stomach. Do You Know the Present State of Your Health If it lueflot satisfactory, if t le failing, unreliable, or even *or. loualy uffetd-have your teeth put ln the proper shap. That wIii mt only protect you from furiher Infection but it iu the absolutely NEC. ESSAAY firat step towardu health, happinesa and auccets. Caine ln for examinatlon, whether you etart the work or net; t la welU te know ail about your teeth. We are here dally, 9 a. m. ta OP. M. 0 WINOi to the iiuability of a large tiumwr id patients to take advantage of unr Special L<*w Prirtm, wtý will exteîadounr time limit and make the fnlowiUg pî-ù-eé --Unil July2O0, 1918 We were fortumate lu securing a large arnoîlît of Den- tal MatI-rials including Platixnn id pl-atinum pus teet, before the war caumed thie prices of tlîete gootils-t-oîcne almost prohibitive.. therefore Save Time and Money And take a.dvaatage of t1ie opportunity wblie it lasto Goid -Crewýns, 22 karat. ...00M Gald Inlay-----------..01.00 up NaturaI Percesaln Crew,îs. 4.110 GeId Fillinge ..........11.00 up BridIge Work or Teeth wlth Sîlver Fililnge ..........SOC up eut Plate - 5Lm Enumel or Porcelain lnlay.01.00 WhId tte.."...... ...3 Oaats anesEta Whitd Se ..f...t ...... &MS.nee anes xr Oold Out aPites ........2,00 tIen.................. soc TEETH EXTRACTED FRKIS WMEN PLATES ARE ORuERED Get your work doue at our Sanitary Modern, Perfeetly Equipped Office&. We are postively here to atay! DON'T BE MISÉED By Dentists that charge, double prices, claiming superior work aüd materiais WE WILL FeRFEIT ý1,OOO If work la not done lu our office in a scientific manner, -usiiig tinat clam materials at prices as advertised Harvey Dentiss North West Corner Washington and Genese <treets Over Peare's Drug Store Open 9a.M. to 8P. M. - 8 1unday 10a. m. to1 p.i Telèphosie lm4 OaaMlmniaere ifDeairo le S. Q I Ini ail probabiiity Waukegan's Most important dress event because of the extensive assortment at each of the folio wing Extra Low Prices- $8 &$9 $10, $11&'$121 $12.50 to $15 "Si1k Dresses Serge & M&1 DresesWas Dresses Was& Dresses t* $M5at Dresses te-$30 gIon Am . agflii ui 2- * [il r. 4. Hammocks at 15.% Diseg Our Floors'are Overf' !!!g With Bargains Numerous to Men, 115%Disct. on Al F Extension Table, 6 L. up from.. ..1 Dressera, ln aU 'finishes, Up from.. Baby Carniages, up from ......... Bra e nd Iron Beds below cost to n Full Cotton Mattresa ........... S Guaranteed Springs al ateel up. froir Combination Alcazar ka Sellers of. Kitchen Cabiii ount Too tion MAS.4 14.85 14.95 nanf. 012.45 %7.90 anges iets 1

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