CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 3

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AUr May 12th. Mr. Rogers' orders ar- UNE AWAY 9 ~rlved ln. Pekîn ln such a WYta bo had vory ltUle time to arrange hij4 business affaira hetore leaving . or QUIKLY WIE's San Francisco. In tact, they wfere such rus.h orders Viat he had to iea.e MIN ~.rL. Roge rs behind and she li' riow ~ithýrln Shanghai, China, or Nagaýa- BEIIINI) IN C k e, Japan , if she bas flot aiready ,tared fr UntedStates. She ex- Ilarry L. Rogers, Pharmacist pected to start shortiyeatter Mr. Ru j ,ers d.-partiîrci but hh'hi,,;had i of Great Lakes, Anxious tsi-iy,'*t ihr Abot Hs Wfe broo U 'Il ieht t.iY. About Hs WifeAbroaMr. Rogers ieft Pekin on A n i il i., Sarve i nFrancisco on HER SISTER RUSS FIGHTER a 2t.lethenrc-a e No der n ur tfor dut tGra Prs. Rogers Lost Three Broth- Laites and he reaché e eJnm1! ers in Russian Batties; Fight- A E A D R O ing Sister Wounded J M SA D R O [lai ry IL î.ogr-,a_ phaîmai-.t in8 tiie U. S. Na,, , ;;o)t-(Il for i e 7, STJLL 4OES at Great Lai.-'.ore Juîîo Ist. andi n con nection viîh is comlng ber,- t det lu-,i lî taihi. haai 11101m i '-r TO STIOREDAILY, estIng hfistor,r . iarin l spi.nt a u,l ber of years ln service in (7ina. hTou- r, ibis i1,flot 1hi. iin- ' am,-s Ands-rtion ,pjone(-r crîhtantl i tere'.tfng part of? \lr Rog.-r-tý famiv j0f laîtte For#4t. mad a blrthilay party malie.r for il jii tdcviîls tuiat lit - ' Friday. Jjuly 12. Tlà--rc- werig97.n wif. ., owiîîîn i.-wms mai r ';trî î-tdl#,s on lis cake, andi ail bisrii-i1gb- yeara agi)"ln Shanghai, Chi na . i.,hors were tihere to wish htm vwetton1 fluw on ber w;iy to/tluis countr>v. jthe l awn of Thie-G-orge Findiey1 That 1ý",a soeiii utapoi3etito bi- on beriborne. way b', re.*1 I ra. Findley 1i Mr. Andersons Ami. h-r inî-restng part of!th. daughter. Mr. Anl-ison, for a grc-at1 f iy hat Mr-.. Rogers. a lRu. a nfy ycarq wai sup(-rvisor(in the ' by blrth, ýîad ive brother 1 in thbej courityboard, conîîng from Shielis Rus-ýian ar'Vrîl -P, -eof Ibem having Itownlsblp ii- inijr.'iou is own in- been kilt, < on thi.- we'ter'i Russian cord a numnber rf .ears go wien hi front duri ng t i e îg va'-.Tan-i aKe eatîed hlmltodi l cie io cire nup ther- .Ti, h e -ro ti,, brol tiî* r-i jîr goliticai wvork. For tllany yeare Mr. be alive b ot if t h. y are shi, l- i i,. îi Anîlerson opene d bh i hit-lre in ânow il. I#h.îaý;nonulheen abli, tol ILai 'For--î toi m,", .If. act, after get an),wo rd lrîmim hi ni for ;a ong hi gui well i line in iyarg he coutl trne andlh- i iti. i-N' aso f"tlote1.'ndiiced ihy the chlldren to havei çonjrii t. t h-ha i~'onic t i- up the pra.- 1tb-of arriviîiui ratthe that lia-' t),-etnwaged thers %cirePaai oct'icilithi mortiing. Furt b.-îrîîîure.M r s î-r- si"tcr l'- eotniie-d thi plan unti: about wasi' , îi-- r oý1 of b'- famou" vowi tm-,) . '. . i s . l li,. e inatir pi,- ans batalln -f 1i-alii and waq iilot isiai'-d hum tlbt -. 'mii reahi ',- thro zhiil 1hrua -t M-ile Ibis won,-., point i n s iri-n hi re le haiibett i an-' anc r- îtî,n - ms ti!iilc t r th,! -' nhungi- h -iliîod of dali> Ete- ancid lijh.r1y ftvî i- .i-ian p.oilh* Sb.. flija-il i o n - . 1-t sOmîhi iv t%' Ma- tai,!, t ' b- it, a li t,çjnania e i urnti I - -n the loc*i. lies and thmtwa-*, hi- ta.çt that Mrs. Rog- i T" a e r-il rei roni'T1 1"r. Sil-, as not 1day from l, t e . reaching.-tht re. heard sur,- a -r <-r hi sîter r-' us- LlilyliItoi eus' ýr- d or w!) ._t i hi ie ueconîi -_____________ t., lier %iîoinds. 1 - Ev,-ry pehdthrflt aid. t,, she war s INtr liir4 . Ma amemiior (if tie'E Amnr. ai tL- gît Ion Guard ai Pekin lnii -v.-ry ' Sarniz,. tariip putr- und arr.sî d in tLi- triiîd States,-oni-baser 41;1I- ' ti hor~t.--, t i- l'r. -Chain' ea;7 Back the Governmýçnt to the Limit The Governnient has asked American busi- ness to pursue a certain course for the dura- tion of the war. Keep quality up and prices reasonable, -a strictly non-prof iteering policy. It is the only patriotic policy. It is the policy this company- bas alWays adopted and the one we wil continue to pursue. We stand ready to undergo any sacrifice in order to cooperate -with the Goverilment. We believe it is best for ourselves. We know it i8 best for our country. We appeal to ail concern--big and smal- tg adopt the same policy. American business muat raily as a unit to the support of the Government. It is the surest and qulckest way to wmn the war. Unîted Stafes Tires are Good TIres We know United States Tires are 2 tires. That's why we seli them -LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE SCHANCI HARDWARE CO. BROWN & BOE'M~ER, Wauconda AREA GARAGE, Ares' LIBE>RTYVILT.E LNMEP1ÊbEN. TRU RRDAY. JULY 18. 1918 the co1llon occerred. He- was finîtf SEE $,20,OOon the scene after thbe i raqhi "«flrabe declared fi'e 'r,- ix of the BACK TAXES FR61M picnickers were stanfd ic initif, ra o fthe truck. They w.-r,- tbrou-n tu 5the tracks anld thefiour Xiw--re! MRS. ANNA L. SEARS among tisat number, -- ________Alsrm 'Wu$ Workinc-. Effor Madeat HaringHer Burabe says that hi-- is cr, lEffor Madeat Hering e tiwhich he waq re*urtî ii:.,a(nc af- Today to Take ResidenCe t41- hasiogil îî,clargad i1 ii -a- From Lake County cd the "cen,- ani "'-"i a ii idiir _________the collision the dan- r i -ai was IMRS. SEARS ON STAND siungadthe b4 -- izra. Testifies that Her Residence r",,d officiais refui<ed lu g-h ttliq aîde..sof the 1juretl. Always Has Been in Lake îîeckîcssness on the t1W r ui and Not Cook Counity tîo truick driver î-au-,i i- - i& iti The u(,tio asta wethr te I-,iaccording ta G. T. lsllrni, ii. g-n,-rai The 1îîetionas l wbeher I l -im ,age-nt of the b - - l: iFoau,, gl isd- of MrB. Anna L. Sean'., ,it,,a ns aj a investlgai i,i wViiiiw of the late Jtichard M. Spars, I The truck wa4jiroeî-- -lHriýýtîi 1on nîîtirnîliionalre resident of the towflî the ecAd. The Inlerîitri acr, a of Warren, l.i ln Lake County or Cook \îiiuljaukee local. boUni for -vanston, no,itv .wat. brougbt out ln a hoarlng was siowing dowii t0a<')i ie :te Fort in the, Lakre (ounty court bouse before Stîtridan station- Apecial Mater In Cbancery _E .L. ip- Warning Signal Given. ton tr,iy. The surn of $1200,000 The niotorman. Rus-ll 1Du l!ni-uiot ling-- on tii, result ow the bearlng. Htighland Park, soundeil his wiistie. .Nrq Si-ar'. paid taxes tauthe enu- li-]imuth said, and a r«--il 1tmrn. %vas ly of Lake for the years 1915-16-17, wigwaglng tbe danger na athe claimlng her residerice as tiIs çounty. croxsing. Thý approachiing car was Theý county of- Cook now lm contend- -Plainly in evIdence, be sid. Ing that Mns. Sears' regidence liq ln The rear wheels ufthturie were IliaI county ibrough the faci that she knocked off and thlb.'i guachine bas a residence ai Oak Park. Ar Is pun arounfd severai tim)i li en fell rang.-nients were made by Judge C. P vr brlg t uiiLi-rýgt Cuting cunsl or rs.Rerste Sentries at the iîrietraînce r'utig. ouse fo M. ean t .oînijdth e alan. T' 'ýiii 5'îulanc- have the, bearing ai Waukegan. If it f, ,, î,aring members iiar-m- i dictied that M)rs. 5,-ar'.' residencf rîîî,-itia-l corps, ruslîî-îl 1vi-ne ls Cook county the board of reu-lew "Jackî." Gîven a Ride. there plas 1te10 ix ber lax for the lait-t Jackie" Brennan m-i i i ii way t,ý r.-- sars ait conpiderable ýover a to cigo for libe-rty nýliLdii skeii million dollars. fr 1 id.Heha '- o rîi thi '- -eritoo ktb.- witnee!s !tand truc-k only a short tii,- --r-i the ac- 1t t li- aring iln Waukegan today and lcitient too'i place. watt questioned about ber reldonce Different versions w-, r - i -n ut qhp a"-erte-ii losiiveît that ber resi- the wrec-k. R. R. Ad:iTii i 'ý:!Beiti ,l.-n,fi-s ltAko eounity andi sait] it Il aenPavenue , who wa,- aî- igron s sys bas beeja de-ipite tie fact that the Interurban coach, - iA hi- esti. 'liie maîntin-. a Ironie ut Oak Parlinmater] the speed of thi -r .'t :t tuiles Mnt-' Si'. a n tu, e onîr w tetcan bour. takpe tFat1d. The braring wat '- we re cumaing rn i -ý frîini Fort contInueti She-ridan , - esaid. i T- '-letric coîach ,struck the mol --r i j iX ai tii- iii Tii nortiî entrance 1 vti r-r' S;iieritan F U Iiiîîr N reseruation, scstteriiint - ,inithi.- ruekalong the, tra, 1, f,,: '. iv >ardi- CKA~l ATFORTSailors andi soldiir- i iei CRAS AT lRT; w-t-r,- mmediatcî-iî r. ri into miý- lle! icuatis and tnol( - njured ta 28 ERS li UR T thebai-i husîttai in - -rt andtie1 he Lake Forest ho-i- - Fory Cicgo eore icmms GCneialîtManaget i i b of the ,f~~~~ ~ ortCiaoPof itm Norh Shorr.- lin,r, - i-diur f of Collision on Return From tii.- trucek M-a aIt iM ailina 10to Sunday Picnic l-î ii- sarninz ,- -r-i -Titi.- i aeh ,r.1 ift the track SAILOR AMONG THE DEAD for moi-- thian !i riii t- t ihe point of lhe accident,"- -- - no -The nioter- Carelessness of Auto Driver ls rman w..'. ountýi, b- uuiistle antd Blamed for Accident; Ouick lbhe wig wag i i-er-ial wàtt il. inFistAi W rk operation. T ý i itlorîltîn slowii in irs Ad W rk down tetu ,n iii 1- - i our as be ap- Four ltirnons were lleti and 2ý proaebed tii- i "îi in2 heciuse ho bai! Injureti si-verai pcihaps fatalir Sun. a regîlar stop i i , lie. day oit suhen an auto truîck ioad- *'The truck 11, !lt hi ,-ecoai ed uitb a pienic party wusasFun down and tofled ini - ditý4, 1 ani tbld iix a Nortb Shorp electrir car. Tho" the,-death-iatît -irit" were flot accident ociirred ai thi,-Noli Galecavîted b *yv11 - -iviulcollision, but road crossing of lie trolley traclus dl-. ite faîl imb It£ih.» rectly lu front of tbhe nomti entrance lu Fort Sheridan. The deati foiiow- AMOUNT 0F FLOUR Irving Juîîas. 2159 W. uplntrosel avenuie, Meyer Ilyman. 1214 W'.. 171h sîneet.i Sarah Jullus, 24.5iî W. Montrose ave- nue. P. C. Brennen, jackie, Greal Lakes. List of Injrijed. The following were injiineti sorne serioiîsly: Samuel H. Altf.ildt. Faýnnie Neuber- ger. Dr- Stanlev Pylman. Ethel Co- hen, Sadie Cohen, A. Nller, Samuel Warshowsl, .Behîba Julius. Reulien Friedman,. Mn 1-ilda Hy- man,.lHyman Eifenbausm. Lenhant Hy- man, William Ei!enhauni. Max -o love. Wilas SephIi. Raye Chinn, Anna Neuherger, Ross Jaffe, Robent A. Grunti. The above are aI Fort Sheridan post Itospital. The tolwing are ai Lake Furest Alibce Home buspital. L. J. Fannisa. Morris Jacobson. Sa- rab Jacobson,' Hilman Jarchtson, Sa- die Cohen. Rosýe Cohen. Sarsh Pire- stein, Rose Julius, Dr. Arthur Eifen- haurn. Injured Are Isoi5ted. Capt. J. tD. Milev, 401h infantry, Il. S. A., sîîmmary court oflicer. Port Sheridian, ant Iin charge ufthle wremk, wbich iook istacci at une of th,- gaies o! the Y,lsenu-tion, refusedti t allow lhe njured-ti lbe seen un lnterviewed at an enrly hour this trning. The party of pinciers wasUelarn- log 10 Chicago froni Poss Park, just esit of NorthChilcago. 'Six om elghl o! the party, hhose neanesi lhe front 0celt,- truck at tbe lime of tbhe collision. wont hume wllb- out assi stance." salti Capi. Mloey. Heard No Bell. "Thpy declanedti ley titi not hoar any bell ai the crossing befone lie truc', neache4 lihe tracks, but, on,- uvuman said q'he heard the bell after aftpte h-truck bat startedti 10cross. . "Francis Burabe, chauffeur, Larsen Broîhens Garage, Hlgblsnd Park, was dnivlug nurth ou the rond on whlob SUBSTITUES MAY BE REDUCED SOON Food Administrator Clark Says -there is Indication that this May Bc Done SUGAR RULING PUZZLES Number of Grocers Here Ap- pear to be Laboring Under M isunderstanding That thpre i, ;.-i apparent misun- denstandin- on -, part of seevral Watîkegan grocer: ., Ih regard lu lIhe sulganregulatîon ,i -ndicaied by tise fact liat a narnlir .af complaints bau-e been lotigedti ilicIhn q. Clark. fondi admlni'.tmator, 1,v- peupewho have been unabie, to ,)ljrchase sugar ai- lolmnentr. In scores rof r-i -, pernle h ave been unableunabte I - rciase tlieir 2f,- Poundi allotnîcnt-, fu-r cannibg purpos- eA. tihe statenî.-ut lien bctng matie ha h egrî,cer4 i-m --tnable tl usip-1 ply sucis'ai-g.- qi titIIpsie In otber Instances thliera pý.îars io be a unis- understintIlng abit tlh.'plan of seIt, Inz hit tut-tu-îîm t a tlime antd sellng but tbree puînts a nionti per perron. "Th'ils mis- lo i, i-lutpart luti-h, tact tiat ttîe c-( areanxbotts to conscrve th rr, tiule'. utsugar." Mn. Clark sald,it. -niln mort cases It probabîs inliii' tthe fact tual gro. ers lias-e itou-t hIA seto get sut gar ln suffliî r-' niianties. Itrouji- lie acotînt - i cil1i -eieve the peuplA are doinethhir ii1 tulont h,-1lt sulgan ittinnî tiu, en! lier.' Mn. C'];ri ta - b hefluor sit- uation iusers pr.itiising. He thin.' thai wisn ti--,t. su heat crup cornes lu liaitihe oirtiti iuation wil be even hetter. Fi, thinks l vpry pos- sible tha the slituin lll b,- lm- pmoued lu tuci an extent that liie arnount o! stihtitiites wbIch bouse- wIves wililihe r- ruired hto purchase wili lue mach lt-s-i. î Thon. are bargains In The Inde- pendent's advertising columne. J) DE T~FA IN li. It fls ot niattor wbethor FIFL fI4 AsJwl tii ahraPnel or boavy explosive or GR S o f gan shela. The animunition wagon fI IN UI Y IN CA E bas tui sot ta keep going right on 1~ LAl JA/'IlIMi! any orthte -boys wbo were RECO DS L CKINi trougb the lait big fighbi over there whn heGenin helswýppla.,ter INSTR3iUTION OU Ing the- rcati-for miles hehlind an-d Federal Officers Coming toil, 1the ac-ropn., trigt rap ç embs ion ;Men from CampLga, eac linois to Look Into State them. At-k an:i0fMioifirrtheoi ConySet as oa oh - fe-itg nrîantiru liition!,r CUty en Esi-.Te Birth1ecords their batt~erieS'71Y1te> llîi ou about Otes owtSh t SEVERE PENALTIES FIXED Thie n htulrîjnbecme ierified antid ____t__ n-thyaiaydo REGARDED AS XE lb--y can't hall) il-andtihle rain o! fi__ t Law Holds Parents.- Respon- sut,-iis hica1me heavier eu-erv hum sible if Attendant Failed to dntni yarti- Mii a f-w :11,1b,'s Are in Demnand in al- Parts ofi Report Birth to State matesq and thue teani. tt the Countryv; Largest May - ~Soni-imes the horbes scieam-ve.sRilRag Vourt'nce Sauî.i s coming taoi they screani But the lim!îbers com1nn ý Ilinojati-t.risartiof August at2 U i1inlh-%tu e1get ta thîli- own Great Lai.,-. s Ifurnlshingtb Miii sp.-nd la îîî' tSpt-ner e tinto as quicz saspossible and Iah n'i-cigtinad t~~. investigatiù g t he bilhad 1i- t irO 14 ltin tiîn.- tn thlnk nt a ns h r ecigtosnsa records of thsi tat [if, is very thinz but uni-s ow-a job and -lideiIa aiosat oder uiaot muchI nîene î,-dfi. earning 1ta laenoughuie for tual i"tnaighti ai es-b-rn -rifle ranges. extent the bintb anildi ath registra. The noise of the Iraffit and the1 At ýthe Navy Rifle Range at Cam»l lion law la being observed and just smasqh 0f the sbelit drown thA voire.-Lgntebujces ae ik wbo the violatona ot 'tija important of the drivers; It dro-wns the.wail o Oaant leacesae t law are. He wil b.-eciuaiiy jnter- the approacbine "heu's..Perbapq ut tI C-Offlm thlai ft heni for c'pToufdr ested lu having the offeîîding parties jusI ais w, Il thati It duies. fuor aitt not sliips" in samait inms line.-i properiy dealt witlî Possible for the men 10 leave the. They do etit liziger long ai CaM» Siate health offciais bave been In- bonses' anti seî-k siielter. They jumI Logan. Eastern ranges evldéntbr stnucted by th1e d.rector uft l Ie nît_ bave ta dive straigbt on. through ed Statea bureau o!fi, eLslitheb ae d Iepadfn uni,ete-ound GreatL. U men emllèlm bave lb,-birti alid deatis reuord-ioftgegttculatlng, roaring themselveyop byclmrfrsstubr ~ the entire stale ready for inspection hoarse ai horses wbich do flot hear coaches. Even construction ali by Seplembe r itTute records fii-sI and are ton frigbtenedtia1 see. They Cooks and bakers are being sont frou- exaniined wililbî- base o! Aprii. May are beaning the food for the Rtlns: Camp Logan lu easlern ranges. and June, 191N. Fi-uiowing ibisI'in- and the guns must nover hoesiar-veti. spection the,- icords for the ,yean There was once an animunition Broadening of Work. s 1917 wil le gine oi-.wagon whIch wenttUp the Irack t o EnsigitKS. M Abrams, conimandâig 1 iIIsCleciîmg Information. the gunpils aI a greal rate pasl 0V- officer ot Camp Logan, pays a h4dk. For niant monih IîIl atiihe Jetterai env iinti o! obstacle, duwn Imb anti tribut,- lu Great Lakes bluejaokets. . governient officiai5 hase hi-en ac- up out o! ahell hoies, the hunses% Tewr i apLgn1 ei tive In secunjIlng fruiin sanlous sources strelching ta the pare like traek ra- TewokaCmp ognabig uhe arnes anti addr.-ss-o! hahic-. cers. anti the driver, siandIng ilie a broadened. A machine gun sehoot boru anti or î-.u.idying In Ilinoii madthIniig on the traces roaring andl has been ostabllsheti and 40 men have durng. the lui-t Mi monîhs. Fro,îî tugging Ik" a mian possedi. Fle been assigneti for tb,- course. Te'.. newspapers, churciî 1records. postmas- andeti in gi-eut lump anti came toaa ters anti utlit-r ltedtrai offi -rs midi hait In a bogged boie up o'er the ai- Great Lakes sailors bat-e Just roturE.-5 troin sarious oib--r sources tIin- lesIn mud. A capli-in carne atong anîrl cd front thi- e-bs 'Machine Gm formation has biýen <locti. t Tlii" congraluilat-,d the driv,-r'un hi'. piucit schoui at Utica, N. Y., andi are là. feleral, ecordls îuil he c.ceianti darimmg. structors la lie Camp Logan achooL' agains the tii lue r.eiords luatint. r 'Dont irais,- me,' naithe driver. Stol nSnnfedat nlM mine the comil.-teiie5s o! îht- tate,'- it". uc-m pointes youuve gotta praisp, ShosI"pigfedadEfM n.gjnration ut bîrihs and tieuha Thep' gol nu scared I couitini ho!d rifle flink, and Colt atîtoinatie nevol-- In conrieclion wj i l t-- tst th- thrm. And 1I w -taseareti ai their ver and tli.,ol flihg alreati> are tu1kiý state deparîneni ut public hcaiîb i - heing scareti that I couitin't bobti MY- lng out jnsîructons. cailing lthe attention of physicians, sel!. If I hatnt been for Ibal mud Esen ag*eG ll0 liogpItal euperiniîndents ant i md.- ols igu'. we woîîtd has e be-n Eser ags.118 wives tath,- Impiortance o!f ie-- away beyondti he front line by Ibis Aireatiy 1. 812 nmen bave been sont- diaici>' neporting ail unneporieuj birîhs ie- We were going Sorie.'" ta naslerfi ranges. There are 4Oftiý occurriîig in ibi-ir practices aor hl rea Lakes salIns i.'the Camp 1.. their Institution.,,wlibtheli, St 18 fITUUL IYL gan range nnw and 1,000 are oipoet.< montha. Aut under'akersï or p. nson L.IUNf II iotu sint br an acting as suci and au cem,-tî-rs ofii D NN T Ne oleasgdthrso cials are eaiied upon ta inumediateiv apLgnnw atelre fie c. nilcates of tiath for ail todlr,.D r nv il ag nteUi ds o ! ofor ace tfon uia , FOR i'mjM BER 0F1a rfl-agei b, 7ied Stalo..ý the wthutacceiaplemitbî;r2. n'but the largest ini the- wuld f5fil nBss huie bsitu la.huilai letonrmit Crestnie a w LwHoîde Parents Responsible. EATIPNG lOUSES funhhsaeoznsirutors forwr Parents are warned that thei laus_____tiee,,t10. iold-i ihent equaiiy responsuie wiihSen r Chie! Gunner's Mile M. S. Nutit the altendjng ptiysician for any rai Dr. R. R.Spne rdt 'eraCmpLg. rirut report births ocmurrîng in thier wt --ICn- l range oaie tCapLgn familles anti for any such failune lbey Wit Saiimg JaniaI on are subject ta fine ant i inpri-onmient. ditions Here are Deplorable Therefory-, parents ba-uing chitdi IL RN ~ IA boarn sincp jsîîlary 1, 1917. sqhoitti CR NEC E R immepdlateiy andl deflnitely ascertaî.n TELLS OF ONE INSTANCE ST IO WA R train the atteninmg plîysician or miiid____ wife If the iirth of theij chut-t was T T ON'A E reporît lu thse inca: registrar. If %i Says Rat JuAmped Out of [ce B CT RA re-îoricd. or if iii touat on Ibis pointt Bo inRsar tWhnH I A l the parents aboutd ti Ionce secure Bo inRsar t h HOF L ÀC E ý the, neces-ary liaiik certifiiti- tri-tii Opened the Door to It Pioigo edyBoel the, local registrur.M-ho In most In-PioigofDal at 'ancen , ite titi.n cierk. bmave- jî Tluat onditlons in s-itnr- restaîîr- Illeti out anti fiiet with tise local at nWitea uiNitCis in the Lake Water Pro- ' regi.,tnar sitlioîîti ts- n li - mah go are deplonable fro:i, a sanitary vents Disease 5,-nce outhle dor.Ior or midwife ai- sttniiiiltih;- iii stateciient i redite-i tendant lhe Panent niay sign the er- 10 Dr. R. R. Spencer, Oief aanilation Tbat an ounce ut prevention la~ lificai,- of birîh, ollicen or Iisi district, In an article ot on fcr aeonbr Undertakers and Sestons Warned. aputearnin ntle Chicago Daily News woni onio uel bw tîndentakers on pensons actiîng as Wcdncsdny night. The article In tic th" Great Laukes methoti o! mskiW -iie andt sextus vif cenieteries are News. bîaring a naval station date lthe drinkbng wtter on the station a. certIficates with 1wloc 0ai registrar line. neatis as foliows: solutely pure.. for any bodies diý:pused o! or ancept- Great Lakes, lIt..- July 10-Dr. R. Tt requires only 80 ounces of PW4î eti b> them for bîînual sijce lanuary R. Spencer openemi the lcebux door. 1, 1917, wlhhout the legal but-bal per- OuI jumpeti a rat. un the icebux liquld chlonine, casting Si 1-2 ent&~ mit. Promipt attention ta Ibis mat- were quanlities of foodta u be servedtiab kill the, millions of bacteria la é&; ter wlll save senbous enibarrassnienî. lu patrons of lie restaurant. The the "raw" waten pumpod trom t3eh When I'ncle Sain stants anything rat hadlbati firsl choice. the patrons laire each day. be sees il through 10 a proper finish. wene to recels-e wbatble!ob. - This incident was une of a number 2,750,000 gallons Dally. Dr sillan happenings wicmbtank Âpproîliately 2?,000t gallons» i 61lVES A <IRAPUIC place during tb,- tour or 4.1 restaur- water are pumped. filterod -oa. anIs anti foodi abups In Waukegan anti chlorinated esci, day by the*Gr"t' uffy North Chicago bu' Dr. Spencer, sant-u tion officer at Great Lakes, as pari -ksPoe plant, lA. Pease of the DESCRIPTION 1101W o h fo le pcanpaigu 'inaug- PwerMaintenancedison f l Bit GU I FIED Lakesqj«,rcMesftrain nsanlîary shOlis.d:y Soncso Cat.EdDato W o s eIin an>- oiller - futhe norih shore "e lote wnter gr*sa1pý Cap. E DatonWhoIs eiltowns. Not une place couitilie plar- throijgbout lte 21 itours of the 48W Known Here Writes an In. et I n'grade A In ecuber ofthlie, twu ia> speciai apparatus. faraemnn cies. Testa tmken of lie raw water shlow' trsngLetter Dr. Spe-ncer and Surgeon O. .t. Mink oflthe naval station are now in Chi- hefore i lit fi, litered hundredi q W ILD FRENZY 0F RIDE cago lnvesîîgaiing conditions of food germa )er, cuhiec crntîrneter. Â A s"M dîspensaries In the. vicInity of the. portion of Ibese bacteria la e m0y« HoresUrgd n b Brstng municipal pier, where thi'e-n.igzn8'fIrsl by filtrattin andti ten the chiot.w Shelis, Many of Drivers Act suber,- there la a salaitnusvil camp. ne does lhe resi. andi other places aroîtot the loup. Teste Are Taken. Like WiId Men Also in 1he- future eu-en>- jiikle lt Tests are taiton each day by th* - CGreat Lal<es will onstitîtle a coin Medical DeiIu'tmont o! water comlng Captain Ed Dayton of Kenosha. mItle,- of one and wiii bc- e-pected lu1 but well lcnown in Waulcegan. who report any fauity conditions round i n fromi diffenent faucets on tbe statimc ln over in France ai thé, bead ut 'àasny rond place bie vigita white away sbowing tliàt the w'tler Is kept 5k conipany handlbng msunibions for the franm the station. au liaI the place soluîely pure. arany-the 157th Amminition Train may he jns.tigaî.'î anti placet u1, Cbionine Is useti eitenslvely hy t»- In a lelter reelvei today says: lhe blarklIst if the owner due'. nul "A lot of pe-ople seem b b le Inter-.î,îke '.tnps to mai..'lbis place sani- Genmana In Ibeir gas attach..a aaial. osteti ln Jut wta-l an ammuntbon tary. tbe Amerîman'. and alies, Il la '4 train 1'. anti w-iatIil dop.. elleve me__________ deadly poison. biîti fs not lnjurtow. JIt l nul a parlor car IluTe tbCe l'un ont FORMER GREAT LAKES STEAM- wben unit-i as -il t;real Laites beç'. liii Nortbwestf-rn anti il even coin- ER SINKS U-MOAT OFF U. S. causei of thehii-i ime, amotnt of'M pares ?avorably wltb saine of bthI-_ter. teruniîan cars tiey usedta lu n about Ni-M York, July Il-A Germanit-r Kenusha. If the people really want , Il. tîmrine suhicb attackthe i, Amer- lo know whal the work of 'feeding ,can sieamsbip Lake Fiorest 51.( $1,500000 FIRE DESTROYS the guns 'rpallylit, I arn gofing ta miles off Cape Henry..whlle it Mis ne MNEFRILZRP*S1 oumli t ollowing: turning from, a recent voyage In IMES F- -ZERPX"ý You clin nover picture the ammu- Europce, 1'.helievi- tuau-ae bepen sii. nitiup awagons's frantil conlortiaons he b. steamers sgun' afti- r a ttc i - Jacksonville, FIa., JuIy 18-Tlie ýý gan action tînlegs you have sottr rîînning figlil. accordiniii-t-' Il- fernilizer plant of lte Amorican Gh6.ý

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