CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 4

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LIBERYVIIN IDPE~T mraS DAY, JL 811 Wertyvîlle Indejendent 0 Cone Independnt -WuhgnWely Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange.9 WiUi4 asthe Postoffice at Libertyvtlle, III, as Second Cims Mail Mattier Offiiai Publication for The Village of Libert"vilie. Offiol1eal Publication for Lake County Board of Supervisore' Proceedinge duI ery Tbursday. Adver*lslng Rates Made Known on Application. 0,0111IRlPTlON PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE **.11. SMITH ........................................................... «........... Editor FI .. SMITH...................................................................... Manager IU 1ETOOD, JR..................................................... Resident Manager À PRETTY GOOD "OGAKGpoATECRàAL WeD vil, after ail the. fussing by the other Wauke- Spiper over the prospects of its aigdat*4r.ouity *«Mr fot getting firet place when -the petitionsL were AWs with Oounty (lerk Hendee, it wvu found this moril- ' k that the onIy funs they had stirred up was prier to the ,qnlng of the county clerk's office,'for without any argu- Mat, without any thougiit of ha'ving had an argument, ýwh*n the petition of the said candidate this morming was eften ted fist~ County lerk Hende. of course gave him place because bis petition WAS the first i. Bo far Ms candidate Jay Morse la concerned, Mr. Morse said sev- a1 days ago that he dida't give the suap of bis finger viiere HMg position was assignod on the ballot. Ho said :Ib foit that the people wbo were golng te vote for hlm w0uld vote for hlm anyway whether bis name wus firat, abcond; third or lust. Ho amlled at the fusslng made by 5e& otiier aspirant te the nomination and inïmediately atter he aaw that the other. crowdwas oxclted over the ~atohé went te County lerk Hendee and told Mr. J&Mdee that ho ddn't care te bave hlm show hlm (Mr. - norme any favoritism because RE happened te b. work- kgla the clerk's office. "Ptme ny place," said Jay te Mr. Hendoe, 'land 1 -Vi lot the. matter rest with the voters. I don't want to ýftod anybody out and lot everybody take their regular1 egurn1Y1 And 'o it was when the petition wua filed.1 Mr. Morse didn't make any attompt at any time te IWart the. efforts of somebody else wiio wanted te geti *Mt place and go after ail the attempta te stir up sym- 1hh and Makte it appear that the aileged "lgang", at tho but ouge wua TRYING te put soinetblng ovor, the Ga- pu Inda at the 8how-down that the officiais there and Scandidate frOm CountY Clerk Hondee's office are Just sqaeas they have alwayu been. TI fact, tiiey yelped1 they wero burt. GERMAN IN THE SOHOOLS Tii. question of teacblng German in public achools ila ffl whlch anses ii everY.comrnunitY baving a number of1 ««rMan sPealdng citens, andift laone which à best dé-i WIined by removing every bit of empbasis- wblc.h hereto- tors has been put upon German instruction. The Engiah laruuge la the. one great integrating1 force which we bave ln the United Status.1 'ire presorvation of a language is the. bout preserva-1 âwe, of a nation. . The preservation of a language iu thei Üulted States vill b. the. best preservative of a national-1 %ylu the.United States. It la not incinnbent upon tii. pmlcschools'of tiie United Stateu te work agalnst thor- Igitegration, thorough nationalisation, by permftting puulsentimental stress to b. placed upon German ln- MMUctOn- It bas had a sentimental value in the. sciiools 'Ïfd that sentimental value was flot beneficlal te tthe Amer- hsuing Kof alions. 'When German ceases to have this sen- aI~ntIad tierefore political value, it willnormally ,te its place lu instruction for I ts true worth, culturaily Midcommorcisly. That is fair. Tii. fosterlng of an emo- t&nal value in an allen tongue is not fair te tthe United mtes. BoyDT.R INBURANOE Secretary McÂdoo bas Saled upoli all local drafti ý oerds te acquaint drafted men vith the provisions of the. Insunce l&v and te urge overy draited mai te1 __ ut titi inaurance, Tii. boards bave been furnlsiied E -amtffature te aid tiiem in ths educational work. The law affordlng insurace te our fihting forces bas ~ulbeen caned the most Just and humane provision ever ~eby a nation for Its soldiers and safloits. The. govern. Ui. Mt and the Amiecn poople recogniZe the Justice of af - %odlng this protection te the, men who risk.their lves for 'ilr c nud te their familles and' dependenta at ~e- It ison11Y Juat te themIseves and te their famies dependents tiiat our fightlng gnen avail tiiomselves of Sopportunlty. LOOKNG FO]R A i T, li's a tact thatthe crowd wblch bas been shoutlng ' h'Oufthoa gang" bua beon trylng Its bent to get SOME- teriagainst Judge Persons for the. nomination for hie ave lMPortuned several'attorneys but te ban't Persuaded anybody te offer tIýemselves as the * es, the gang even. vanta tfe go Persons and t a ttorneys (viiom we could nane,) if tiiey vould their at into the. ring againsitith Judge. Even lu The Predction made by Capt. Stayteu, .the. Navy' League man vho vas here Thursday. night, viierein ho predlcted tuere will bo five years more of var, la proot conclusive that peopleofo Waukegan and elsevhere muai be ready te maIre additional sacrifices at once and co- operate oven more thai evor beforo vlth tue various ad- ministrations, such as food, fuel, eic.,:if tiey expoct -us to vin tue var. W. must enter the spirit of ibis var lu eam:- est aid eachi ldividual must do hua bit and do ht cheer- fully aid continue to do lu if tue United States la te, main- tain i part of uhs big var. There are suR lmany people vho do not look upon tue ver as a serions tulug, itact tuey util believe it la 3,000 miles avay. Thé sooner evoiy Amorîçan gala ovor tuis ldoa, just that much sooner vili tue var end. You bave seen people jump asido lu deep concein aid foar as some dub, acting the rois of a tun-maker, luiges at thorn busi just as he gets close te them, divorti bis auto or other vohiclesavay lu tue opposite direction. Tiie pros- pectIve vlctin gives a jimîp, a startcîea outinl fear--and thon'mutiers smetuig, bluuiies- aid becomes fonsd b.- cause h. bad showu alarm- ai ooihlhng tuai dldn't brlflg any lharm. Iu short, tiiey jumpod betore tuey vere bit. go Itis laiti those vie tried te yelp bofore they verseiiuri lnuth. matier otffihlng polluions for tue tall prlmary. Tihey nov féel rnuch 1k. the porion viio uhinkz hels about-te b. harmeOd aid tien, chapined, fluds ho dldn'i corne vhthin a mile of hi. Six violent doatus in Lako county on Sunday la some record vhlch tue county isn't proud of. Four in oie plue and ivo separate instancs nako the. six. As 8aturday seema te be oonsplciuous in matter of big disasters such as the Eastland, tue Columnbia steamboat tragedy, aid iul- orous ouhers tuai have occurr.d on Saturday, 80 Sunday 'seenis to b. ithe li-faied day for accidentsa. inLake couuty., WANT ADS*u:ms lýT,&&-Oae Cea a Word, Each Iaaertio.. ~t~Mi~mCharte FOR BALE + i f-rrnnur.T.Av,~nTTq + ILOCK YOUR PIANO. Lot tire nueicriornaouti Have it uade loto& deru Piayer-Plai,, wltL atalbransen 1ajng mec.banim.rn inide tn, va-o face of udge Porions' 0" 10 n--recordiascounty Judge t tuey aie willng, foiresou, e frc a git on wyflio al »,(OWI hlm. If the figit DOESN'T ensue It vou't be.beucauf. l- ofC1 they dldn't TRY hard enougi te force one; it vIlib. be- cause they couldn't ffnd -a7"goat. 1 - Chas. S3male, Jr., dent.. the report* Wauconda folks naturally must be vory ighly elated that bile golng ta France lu tho Inter. ~ ngotate ~ .~L.esite of the Y. M. C. A., and further states 4. to tinfk tatey haveo ucceufully ngtatdteplan ibat he has neyer even considered the whereby the residents thomselves at lait for the. firut time matter. corne into complote ownoruhip and oontrol of tho rilroad Word ha, been received by Capt. UN IMoffett from Washington that the1 r which rns from Wauconda to Palatine. Residonts of contract for building the new officers' mo tuat locality muot be adrnlred for tue deternination they matral chool et Great Lkes ha, plai have shown in trying to get their ova property and Imndle once. -Mc-4- eposeve eliers- it fr teirowuconeaince Efort bae ben adeattending the school will bc provid- FO it fr teir wn onveiene. ffors hve ben adeed wth a separate room lu the new Y rlght along te junk tue property aid for a time it look.d barracks. ph( as though ouch vas going te be tue course. Howver, Camp Logan la to have a publica- - Wauond popl wee nsiten tai ueybu tu ~ tion of il, own, a magazine ta be É road anda poey haerorntenrv a tt eyamu tevrich publihef every two wees. Orson Che roadandthe hae coe frwad wth a amuntwhih Agel! wIl! e edItor and E. C. Dean L14 seema staggerlig at firsi but which vas accumnulatedU as iess manager. The pr wii! result of tie pAtriotàm of tus people of. that locality. Le devoted ta news of the camp and $70000 la the amounit tuey are going te rais. aid it la go- rifle"ranges, ing t geven-.mers tuai tuairebabilta te 1,radTrde ustes fIn a unt h plant.i&F te t@ -are responslble for t Illing of and get it oper >ln l u vyI siud e ut, I"à In the. lake at Chicago, elfalth Wauconda, Palatud LaeoZurich uuidents have come Cemsierda. ompltainte hae tte bL nt i tuh ahapo and thus tii. llttl rallrcad vich ee.nreceIved &bout the fishy tant~e FO fuirnlshed tranportIon tacilities te Wauconda for thei. d fih hav bee washd upon - first trne since tue village vas establlshed lu not golng ilu- the shore In the lait few days. FOI to the junk iieap but la going te keep on runnùig for their iSorgt. W. Vernon Booth Jr.,of 1 lu LakL'e Foreat and Chicago, reported Rdi conveience. 'Waukegan and. orer cties inIk county as having abeen allghtly wounded lu can veH look up vitu pride to tue step tbat ha been taken aerlal combat In France, where be FO la lu service lu the French air corps. wil by the residents of western Lake couuty In ibis particular has suftered the l]oai af a iegfit ha& pli mafter. hecome known. The uae Of Poison deil bulleis by tire Gevinans le declared to have muade amputation uecesaary. "M The fact that the. federal operatives are rounding Up The ran of Monda'y eovuing ani people lu Chicago and detaining mrauy of thom'over nlght ulgbt proved a great boon to the lu te jils shuldsere awarlngtei r01>,of Lake count>'. filwas onu in hejai, houd erv ua rin oWaegan mon of those ccntnuou, l'alls whnch are vho go te Cicago that they should not fail to take their termed "soft and penetratina' and classification card vith tiiem. vWheu they go. It is a mlgh. the benefit It dld ta crops as a ty sigit oasier te show the card viien ltheoporative aska wh'le lan o a eestlnaaterde. for It than ih la toe panwhy y happened toleave . some cass'ooe, aiead explîn 0iito l jclare e rata ba down ther grain lu your otiier coat at home. The urne te thluk abdut it laCo a amagtng extent. before you go ratier ihan after you arrive lu Chicago. Ote of the 'brifla of last week If you iiad tried te stir up a lot of fussing over'the among the friends of the Samnel T. prospects tuai somebody vas iryng te "lbeat"' you and O hases and thre George M. Reynold1- thon If viien the time, came you found that nobody vas betb Chase and Misi, Reynn.l*d., whtn L, tryhng it at ail even afier you bad told In.glaring hoadliles the latter', motor 'ngine stalled on what vas in the wind, vouldn't it make you nxad? That's the St. Paul tracks near Uhbertyvilie,- - s turdy frelgitt train bore dowt, iov it vasviiti e candidate for a local oMfce-big nw on thein. Unable Ia rou,e thre sîtg- hoadliles teld hov overýrbody at the court house vas com-1 ,gaish il un- r, bined against thoir candidate; how tbis aid tiiat vas being jthe car Jme t imne tb aýol hein cý doue te block hMm and his plans-and THEN nobody tried qlmCsh,,d with II, as thte heavy train it at ail, everything ian jusi as smooth as oil. So, natur- ly they voie disappoînted to think that tuey had 1m1Cal (urch JrSrvicesý culated and thai they bad lout the. campalgn dope vhich___ they bad hoped to produco.' Presbyterian. Stunda3 *chou] 10 a. ru We can just imagine Col. A. V. Smith as he led the, orniig worship atI l a. .Topir, boys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ofue19hh gantteGrasi iAd ve itslsgOunr h os.' boysof te 14th n th rus aganstthe ermas inthe ErenibDg ersice a Di8 'cock. Topic.1 nev offensive shoutiug: "Give thein hell, boys, give them -.4 tteai!mau.', heil." We can se. huajavs set, vo can seehlm cluchi s I sPecial mugiebul rie. fist asho sed o d vhu f au- Ont F rida>' e'enirr et th<e Ire8b eb> n fitsasheusd o o he.the old football team iof a-'anse aai;att*uipt ,ni ho rade tu kogan High School with hlm as the center rush, dove luteorgrz i lltiUt~Fi"eA il Lake Forest, Racine and other teanis vhich over-veighed 'wllo are rntereeted are lnvited us mrany pounds th a man; ve can see Waukegan's battling chuic a meeing afI îLe 'ree< Planli conter shove hia mou tuis way and tiiat-and vo can pic. b-rmade for -atup!ng, tetderfo texaru lia. ture hlm doing a isimilar stunt right nov as ho shoves lists huis and etc. WAord fias l'n eu-tiieIv.d linos ahead against tue Huns. Ris iiigh school batiles tr<rn headquarters aud tire troojIN Do vere play; nov he's lu real earnesi and from accounts'or, officiai recognition. trom abroad he's surely doing hus bit and doing-it lu fine Melhodisî-kLpu«eeraî. shape. Waukegan la proud that it la distinguished by the Sricsnext Suuday wlil e held attie HA' kuovledge that a W'aukegan man iu holping this latest usual ture: Sunday tchuolâaI10ocilock. smash vhichisl being handed tho Germans. Morning service, preacblng b>' th, aoo ______________________at Il o'elock. Eveuing serviea 'FRY CONKEY'S FLY KNOCKER FOUNO-Thre ead aifcuttIAoh .Joue 14. UJorgo Rosiug, l 111< . ii27%3 HOWý MUCH MORE eouuinment you'd gel front ' y-in L Piano If yeu eould play It wkhl muel- roll&! WL>' nat have a. Gu1brsn@.-n plais~iug meî-hanlsinstaikd lu it?- Ast PRay .Furnlîîre store to glve 7011 ai n esîmate ofthecost. lhoue No. 9. WýANTED-A ruait for iawu and gardon. $40 per muon Ili and board. J. T. Eillis, Lt bu-ty'ville. WANTED-Câfetmria manager; proier- aLly a wonai, capable of tpanwsgu cafeteria and lunch club iooding 800> office sud factor>' men one meal dalip. Answver by lbIter, éetatIng xpu'lence. Address K 1. clo Llbertyviile Indopn- 080 YOU KNOW you could gel e Guibransen playing mnechanlsm Install- od ln Jour Piano. Cali up Nu. 9l FOR RENT-ine stock farni of 220) acres; 2%4 mlles nortbwest of Wsncon- da Urs, M. Meltahon. 1h54 N. LeavItb St. Uicaj.o. Phone, 64119:Rumb. 28-St The indcpendsnt's IcltIncn siot@ of READERS-not of contes. le ' )EGKER9S DRUG STORE Dancing from 9:00 Io 10-00 SATURDÀYULY 20, Qi cibertyp1iIeJituditorium l FOR 15 DAYS IF IT DONT SATISFY YOU YOUR MqONEY BACK QUICI< QUART 35c; I4AL-GA. dSc. 1GAL. Si * Mfusic by Prestom's Yamous floveIty orcbesra of gblcago $1.00 PER COUPLE ~WAIIAN PROMENADEtrv 0m"et i10'siliatio IAWAIAN ROME ADE1 '. ron. a ho ;,)ntç.d te ç,osi hie A T THE AUDITORIUM go.verunient controt ln <r,r to m Promter J.W. eid(Bill) Prootr. M.reson(Art) 'ciu)ck, epeclimnusic b>' the choir, j A. M "emto and .IN ~V. tedu.,.we,- ,,< «foi- iciar,.t't ii is ~to«r.-ý sermon hy tire pautur. A c1rdial invita:! knî>wn amusement, promotu-re, have than prohihie tha;t wl:h thea,' icl t1cm extekided to the public. oiînpleted arrangemientn for their nuvel armies cOnsuming hetween 40 sud 95 "Crit', Love for tire Uut.oi.Door' dancing part>'. Thii. dance, which lemier cent or the t«'ai const.umPtlon <n wll li the eubjecî othe Epworth Lesgu o o am a Hawaiiau P'romenade. will ail.-ýd countniesý, Amrrican forces leesn nzt Snda' ovuin ai o'l ie given a% tire Liberty' ville Auditoriumî, would use more tlîan '0O per cent o, MisEaWlim illa h etn.Jul>' 20. the total amount utied lu tire Unltcd Tie Evhoilliamrs wi ied t etng A special featuro of tht, novel dance States. The hoirrehersaiwlliho hld ino î tie tire munieMr'. trPreston bas __________ week Thureda>' evening at 8 o' 'dock. Ail orgauized au orchesîra of well tralned REV FU ST membeo are urge d to attend. mupiciaus. who will furulirh "peppy" "Ye N T N IS music of a higiror grade. Solos, novetties "BONE D YSe9'VIN and concert nunihers wlilieh on tire TO ]B A À FARM ER A TEST VOTE IN decoratioa.he hll aio e alido tre D RING VACATION TRC l C lpfdecorated sud navel ligLting >IIIE I C CLI 'Itarrangements wili add 10 tire effect. PnoanarstIti .-Rev Jon W- uT U. 1 IBE U. J 3IIAitl Everyhade Io invited ho tht. openIng Promenade. Washington, D. C., J& 11-"Bone dry" Prohibition of th. manufacture SIMESMAYBEI land eale of Intoxicating liquor trmalue o Uied a tesllforitoeTi Irouiidrof the United iatesoUT ON effect on Jan. 1 next uniess President P TO À IN Wilson defeats tire proposed action o! congress., O l!> ÂI The rond to Immediata passage or USd4 AIP R UES lte meaaure, for whlcb the prohbi- tionlats have beau 1gb dug aeversl- mOuthe, was claared today wheu the senate, 36 to 33, weat ou record lu Goverument Prepares to Take favor of attachlng the uationwide war Entire Control Over ail time Prohibition rider to the pouding art7cuitnrai extenalon bill. By thîs Tobacco vote the sonate revrged 1he chair',%____ rullng* h9idiug the rider ont of ordar.> Indisattons are *» senate wili Washington, D. C., Ji*' 14.-G.1. adapt 1h. prohbla endment, by erument contraIol .thetobasce in- su aven larger maSorty. utyo h ntdSae a e The concurrence et ah. bouge la e- utyorteUitdSaes.y e garded as a foragone conclasIon ju- suit from the heavy requirementa or aemuch as that body lntlialed thre tii. allies and 1h. Amerîcan militer>' move for war prohibition b.y adoptlng forces abroad. Rationing o! lhe an amndment to the pouding bill de- Amorican population ta belleved to slgmed ta suspend th. lîquor traffi. Tii. "wots" virtually concede their eapsiit. dbfat In congreas aMi are fallng The war Industries board announc- bael on the hoWi thab Preesdent WII- ad today that Il ha, heen conduqting son yull veto tebill on the. ground au Investigation to determIne the. rM liaI a deprivation ùf alcoholie baver-q e na sues -wiîl creatediiuaUWatiton among 1nreets abroad aud the antount the. workerg lu ,IM g.rndutrl. thet muet be conserved ia thie eoun- atoll af Embury' cirurch, Ibis cil>', PromInent mInister of tire Rock Riv- er couference will carry out the, "'wtn the war" Idea aven lu hi, vaca- tion. Ha ýwili work on a farm near Galena, thns helping lu tire produc- tion of food, and the money ho eans ho will InvastlinIliberty bonds, which ln turu hi wil contribute ta &hoe fl- hury ehiurci as bisi contribution to- ward the. iiquldating tire debt upen It. tMr. Funston waî reared upon a tarmn and éxpectsi to returu a tuil eqnlvalent lu labor for ,var dollar ho rpecives. (Mr. Funston was pas- tor Of the Wankegau M.- E. chureb prior to Mr. Rom pela' comning. it was Mr. 1tunston who arected tire new Waukegau churcir.) Street carisud trains kilied six People lu Lake o nuI>'Sunday, and that la SOME record for meo day, even for IÀAke count>'. EASY "Economlxe," la gond adylce, For iver>' lime you aoit the prie Yon Insesyour appotite. r_- ýR SALE-Teani draft horsem, six' years old, welght about 3101) ibs. houe Waukegan 9 16-Y3. Wkly 2t OR SALE-Prlze Stewart Nu, 24 seil.- feeder smore; pipes and ail complote; beap If taken at onces. F. Reveo, -béri> ville OR SALE-J. 1. Case Threahlng, Machine and McCormick, 8 roll Corn bredder; ail lurunnîngorder. Riedligger Frets, Wbeulng, III.-2- REAL ESTATE + OR bALE-ebotss ,ssldsnce lots on lWcKtnleY Ave. lMn. Grimes. ' 2.4 OR SALE OR RENT-Rouesand larme. Insurance agent and collector. dwila Austin, Phone 26. 9t1 OR SALE-An lmprovod 40 acre farm; 'b Or withnut stock, cropisuad lm. 'menti Immediate possession if 1 ' 11 rox ----------- - - - -------------

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