CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Jul 1918, p. 5

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LBETYVTIIE PENDEN, 1gMISDÂY, JULY 18,1918 A COMPLUEULNE 0F CORN MACHINES Janesville, Deere and Irternational -" Plarnters and- Cuivators 'ý Fort1 Large Stock. Priced Right Atm pude Schanck Mardware Co.MI 1her e XL 't KG p -r 4 HIGH-GRADE FURNITUREî HPrices is almost a thing off in Lake county, except at this We buy for cash and give aur1 BUY WHERE YOU CMS THE CHEAPEST! Our customers are always satisfi, tomers. They know from exp our 'furniture is dependable ai price the LOWEST. Davenports, $40.00 to $48.00 Rockers, Liberty-ville News If you know af an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 P'. Etiletzar open# Wednietday ln the tirs. Aime Todd, Jr , was a Woaukegan1 Mien El]a Voie@, oi Chicago, ine 1 viîtor un Saturday. the wepk ait îlw Harry Kaiser bui J. 4efinlein spent Wedsesday lu lire Pieui Morris wae a W aüu'teran Th* C. E. Ieman tamily of M ago. vibutor on Saturday. spent Frlday evenInie altb local isc Betty Jocbbelm @pet Weduesdlay Mis. Lew Fiang andti liil-r-n ere MIs@ Anna ittnrrOf Lake icago. Chicago visitera on Fridayý entertaineti the, Sharyl tirle )an Kalser was a brislnese@(Vie,'Or laui»>M John Wiiliamsaud du lMise Onwenstla club On Tueday ever ago on Weduescday. "a, opeut'1'ueéday lia Waukercan. tr. and tirs. Paul Wlnkler an( r and Mirs. Win. lecker and cbilldren( iis Frances Vickerman vicltd i rtende ot Foi Lake. spent Sunday aith c Tuesday I Cbicago.ut Lake Forest con Tuesday and %'Moines-. onebon ee .cRea ilervsiedIreue nday. The Liberty ville band andi the ego over the week-end. i L. A. Walker spent the tireit Of the lde'bu rjyt -me arsbal Limberry aird John Biernard week tieaubacting buineoe at loomtug. pititeat Round Lake on Siinday, v)re te enosa onMonjy. lg, 11. r. and Mrs. Almond and dame red a Knosa a Moiay in, ~Morgan, Utah, and tirs. B S. Mc rivate A. 4. Moore af Camp Grant, 1 Misses Resale Whltmore and Alveretta IBlue Island, are guets of Mr, ai i the week-endl wîtb lrcal relative@, Ligbtbody and 1D. A.. yonnu*cient Suu- j, P. Dymond. Tbq remeat ti igo Gotti left au Weduesday for a tZon ne they could attend tbeSberma' 't Shberidan. to t&kemlitary traininlg. 1jltrs. C. M. Fuller duit dauutiepr, Miesnreenton. wblcb le belng beld to 1Aile, visited relatives iu Chicago un tha home of George FallausI finâ Todd, Jr., manager af The Inde- Saturday aiuiluday. Winuetka. dent l onfied t @ ore tnir. and Mrs. John Brehenan, oai Samuel (mo mpers sayo: "Th junt of liness.Chicago, are visitingai t thehumeoin@ofstIli manyto, wbomtbre4worldcai c.u PlorenSe olideubet euetaa d tr.andi Mrs. Frankt i.gbtbody. bas co 11111e meauluig that tbeyE cousin, Miss Rasabelle Goldenberg On Wednesday the local draft board Pure.uing luirirlen efId Ib te weekib~d. 'examinedr about eightyivë rnpe, mem- Are yau ane oftte peôple, or bers oi the Jue 5, regietration. cave ta the utmoet of vour abill Mr. and tirs. Auguet % illig and i wth your savinges boy War I daugbiter, Marie, ai Chicago, slwnt Sun. "tamps? day at the Fred Jochbefm bhime About tblrty 0othtbe.fermeras county are organtzed a uEm, The Colies& Doane tom çary unloaded t.abor Committee and 1 areasir a twenty ivm car ai the farîue Barre for belplng f0 ineer anv deman, (Vermont) granite ln thie 1ty Wednetu- may be for surii belp in thig day. Posterc are boing plareti ah' Barnci Diethorn in Bot r oerlrig trom county-watcb for theni-auti hic receul attaek of muiipt, ast rapldly neeti emergenry beliî t any tliie a.4 bis many fieudse wouiéd lIetet ernear future. notify the rurumtetf hiii,. your nelgbborbood -W. E Watk Mir. and tirs John Bernard and family Tuesday morumnge rChicago were calleti to Chicaguo onWednecgday andi Examiner carrled a splendi( by the deatb aoftir. B,-rzard«K eioer, colrioi ture Of "RelîIy's Suri Mrm. Rose Feilen. 144tb Fielti Artillery-now lun t Pricate Artbur George Mers, who l, ai the flghtlog an the westeri lu training ln Company Bl. Indianapolîs The gorup sbowed a very Rood Areenal Techulcal oceool mpent Sunday 01 Lieut. J. M,. Patteneon and Lie witb bis parents@luntiis itv. L Lawrence, Lîbertyvîlle your The pilure wns taken ut Fort S Lieut. Paul Pettligali unei a retient just betore the Bocks' depari Rail, tormerly livet berý, tut le Dow C'harles Acheu, a petty officer etationed i a a training iiiît, Arizona. ireat Lake, Naval Trainng! tis Eirzabîetb A. lJe1,it.îtg f Qurnicy, @peut Friday lîrre with bis grand lîlînoim, andi ber nellîfi -t Km.Henry tirs. Sarah, A-heu .Mr. Avh (-nnIS. S. RK. 4 Kirkwood, vie;lted the cilli-e (if The 1 ndplni Missouri, epeut lapt Titi'- ia vw th ber wbilc li aer lie wame euployeo nepbew, E J. lleuer. twelve year" ago. Alte.r a Secr4ar. Baeaym ,'- t 4 ,l,0O out Lilierty t (île lie lettfor Fergu Orby ae zoue utii .j iroint. Help Minnu., where he experts ta briug tbcn, li-k ruli-kLt by @aving a tbltrty-dave tfurlougb wlxhhbIF the Utflomt (ilft.,rr ai,.t v and buying Walter Acben. tMr, Achi,, alid War Savings iutanLpseed ,1te at tihe na val etatio iianti tir. aud Mr- %\'trilit Mr. and bile aptireriation ,of the bitud -e at Low Mis. Frank .1. %li oit aunIMr. and tire, t neSamurl bande out tlu a tI.~WJ. H SwaIlt th.- tr-t of the week on- tije Lan p sauauto irip Un rizli Wes.ternIllînois 1Auost delighiOui daice id i st r .was a tiuert ut 0t outaiMr. andi bat ingi it Icharge. Ut er tir.W. 1. 1 ir- floin Wediiesday outw Igced ili. lu- l patrons biot week liltil Heavuer Karniann, a lu, arirert;n te au oin-le of Nîr- t1-ihiie tuîirrans,, lîlaj.-r pli,, are J. liAIli.-ra,-i ltrbHelt.îuweut la their efforts to maL..the to Fox Lame, Surii i on a tiehîng trip. oe.-el, wlui t aa., andi a g, 4[B U Y The recuite vifi, '- ruccessevers very ol creditii. lue tt,,. 'rheyt ic) evi dent troii-l,~ basket ut filh the a very sweet torîrdi ulîrrausen Postmaoter wa. .-, r arrying upun their Arnug the raauy m ei,,'ttd ur returu. the prograir. a ere vcraile,,ius Neit week Fri ui rvelng. Juiy , Mary Yalitke,, Jack Bradiford r there wili b.- a tr imtîportant business Kattrie %elclu; readings I » meetinigof thr l-j'ît . rti lýeagrie. Foilow. Thompsun andi iittle. Mise Fi- îed Cus- îng tire busiesii - n itîg there tvlil bc a bot) of Uicagoalsu very fine v--ry enjoyable r. u le.Al memberes@en sio, b iB. Thomulson, of pe in eandiirieude aire i r l1eo11i- invlted. Tre k utlu s.olo rendered1 On Juiy 1, tuehrî.,veai the lora ilds egeo.llagwae v. %.nd hp.nostoffie e .e-it, ii atIe@ in saarine@;appredlateti -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - en m $4.50 to $10.50 Dressing Tables, "-?iaia alnut $18-00 to $28.00 Kitchen Cabinets, porcelain tops; Kitchen Cabinets China Closets, Buffets Etc., Etc, Become a customer of ours, today, and dose the avenue of future regret. Treptow &Mason Pr1pt UNDERTAICERSat Dolvéryj 11LretmnJ r - the aselet poetn,-î.- anti regrlar clerk seeeivtug an itair ut of8200 per year; the rural carrier ý240J andi the substituts clerks 40e per hitîr insteati :of 35:c as formerly. The Presbyterlau Ladies' Aid, lu cou- nectîon with tbe li.îbertyvllle band, wiîî gîte au lce tream rîrralautibaud concert lu the village park on Tbureday eveniug, July 25. Tbe procerd@ will b. 'eveulyr divideti between tlhe two abats mentiou.r cd organisations,. The Libertyville Township Sunday school conventon WINl be held next SUD- day aiternoon at the Area Congrega. tionaiist cburcb at 2:30 P. M. There wiil be a speaker trou, Great Lake@ andt speciai munie. Everynue la cordialiy Invlte to tatend. Marsall Field, coine years ago, said: "Careful savlng anti careful speudîng fuyariatrly promute muocces.. Economy ie one ai the nuost eseential eisments or sucesu, pet most wretchsdlydlsreg&rded. The 5 and 10 cents equaudered a day, Il caveti. will In a fes' peare amouint ta tbousauds ai dollars.' Save by buyiug War Savluge stampe. Word ha corne fram the farmn ai Libertyilîle, whlrh le a branch 01 the woman's landi army or the State Councîl of Detense, thatý the 44 girl, who are enrolleti tram ail parts of the country are maklns recorda lu farmIpAg and dairy wor% under thre direction of Mis Blanche A. Corwiu of the Corneiliagrîcultural college. W. V. B. Ames of Lîbertyvilie, donat- ed the farm for the duratlon of the 1 -war. il Itg supporteti by the returneli from in "Idry praducts and b>' volun-' tary eontributlcn.. s zm 1to RAY N. SMITH Ube.ty,niI. T01il Puic Cn?~c in Banks îs théuràideri n pricîple keNaonL ,kn 'Ihe stJiIiv fr caîs aws las Ien plroven tya test Of f ii{yare. %ewàitful ~ftuGvernien ior1y&urmone Ai n our Nt1ondIu lty and Savina e -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- nepec SAVE MONEY BY PLACINO YOUR nfrPlan- AAIESUSRPIN ithere AAIESUSRPIN rount. WTI ME ,) e Wet.M My catalog gives many clubbing combinations. Here are -two of its money-saving clubs: Dolieato----------$1.50 Everybady's............ 1.50 BOTH FOR 82.00 Current Opinion........8$3.00 Review af Reviews . 8..3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. Independent Office TODD, JR. Phonue, No. vi utd, - -U----ia ---- bit; tye in t e t vIO OOD LUCK COLD PACK an(] V. JR RUBBERS uirIg for Ail Glass Jars aflair a reat deal Approved by Lake county food preserva- A.ueat-d tion sc.hools and the U. S. Department of mbersi on jAgriculture. by Mir@. Don't attempt 'Cold Pack" canning with- and Mme utu0g hs rbes by Ruthbu sn heerbes Ireldman i E. H CORLET Chjego. . H COR ETT by Mi@ MEATS AND UKOCERIES ery mucb Two Phones-339 and 340 LbryilUhanu -1ioag *000 ýpendent Classilied Ads Pay. Ask ang user of "h As a special feature aof aur Mid-Summer Sales, we have purchased a large jobber's entire accumulation of short lengths in fine clress Silks. These are in 4 ta 12 yard lengths, bath taffeta and messaline, ail yard- wide gaads, in plain colars. To buy these silks ini the regular way, you would pay up ta $1 .75 per yard, but we offer your choice of theze pieces at, pet yard ........... ........ $1.38 Lot af yard-wide Percales; in goad dark blue patterns, short lengths of 2 ta, 12 yardse, very special, at, per yard,- .. 25c New piece of black dress Satin, 40 inches wide, beautiful quality, well warth $2.75 per yard, apecsib at...........$2.00 BUY WAR SAVINGS AND THRIFT STAMPS REGULARLY. WESUL D"E. W. W., CARROLL & SONS. COMPANY Phone 29 mllu Liaqu

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