CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 11

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LrE ttr L "<s.ND NT - - -A . ieTR 1ii - ..jj&ýc1JP£1 , 4L 1:1 VA II 3.LJ, Ji1J3 - xiNDS ofWOMEN I SLAJ(I3S IN J. S SCOFF O U RUET TLATER 15 MIER'RS PLEA Man Who Ciaims He Is "The Christ" Serves Another For- mai Notice on Zion City NE JUST CANI PREVENT IT Says ie iW fot to be Blamed for Assuming Role Which Almighty Asigned Him F'ranklsA q SieMrcer, the Zion rpsi- dent, wlî i-tMai li ban'had a vision In whicebtth, Aimighty haki declaci.d oflî7tr formtîa notice to the worlil, willlî aSt)i-lal ri-terence t Ioniîsas. lie <lION TAKE NOTICE i a w ii 1tumatéklio.nwa te You a tact lii t yîîî osght telinor. . îu u tiy rn-jst It and rlilciîle il bsut li'tiv ay Ja coming riien <bd a-tis sî ilti- and >cau a lit fiel- lik- s istino rnul paying at tela. Voit wheIlooîîk Ifr Moin 1 b l cid nsili issîsî ,îîflithaI you sari- the unes ii : ciossii arti( I liaI, hei s ii y')i us ii 155>55. 1 issi 1lînt t ami the Chirist. \ssss îi -rtait dl me:iîlaîi- il]t Ioo hoisI îld me Ho..If yow a wf s i-,,--lse, jo-f the properi (it isl il clixaigi- as madle i muntgo -is,' oii llaijie e7 Du i>i 3Ou hlnk 1s asv ls fi, sl'-ei,"ive yosî h.gossii a îuid tuaitdio ne? 1i a gonsd reccord . My lit.,li i j;.5s 1- aun Ipn boiok. i bis.' tioslsssssii- t <s'ls cal lbut a x-est de-ai I s.., il, sîi-laitil, ,a;-tlzî-i 1,s Vlpi c1 lihn AIt', Ikoi-seland irierîit fis -il-ssbi hn unfill hv i a,-ul w.l 1sd-sr'- lis pa'- Ihi- w&> , teallai- Il a ;> ,v a piblîIi- o uls to g1e1 si il I i li'.rîi tii k--vu sJll'nf «,t) ,ý i l yi i tlias.- leas Ioregret Mti-ils I g. i rî-.dy alin God's lIeue 1 <s I s-s rik, liard ans])ou hal bel Ir ssisi i ilus c-tory (i nue bIis for ilai, h.a i t 1aili tLt-;aller- aiIbutsiiVjslia says ('Iirî.ýt l18'sl Z ig~ 1,, iak. usil)'< ln Ilie cîsnd s 'si sut a%%ho iiliI aaîîr t0 gîîin viisr cIi «lii isi slis iuî(,tait ie î've*Il d ùvnt le) one- a in? lie-r now? No hon. iiirn <.<rsthat 'sînsiof Pent --H. s, tLnît \iia doin,lo o sn difi Si ic fi-lii1-'orsiain xîr Crli Csîiîl sdo iPliiwiy hi dosa Xi5 i li-fi asa ii liei ixgel ting n-rvous anod ex p-Itais- Ii become brI'nter for * iiiielf.I lit fie ned nont leaîî on ilîxîf ,Iafi N sîii v Ih liISisa * vs(Christi i comire ii i o, Is fd t ay yen had i-ca<<l lsîsîssr Ibut you rîli neer Ise lu-aidt i soi, 001 footing. i amn l n rs-? iillv ron'clotîa or rire- b eu llii-reuponsibllity andi the kci., cxcii ,11uailons' put upon me. S1r.xîî xtli i sît hst Ibis peolle ne fîoPîsIl lcfcsri ln lis comlng. and yoii ray iii> is ionBut nom. lie hon. ;-'St, be kiîîd, î-nurtcooa, gîve thle man a ciane. ot ,narl. It, mata nolh- lng (f) gise a smll,. insteasi ofa anari. I ami a ur lIiislIer. friend, servant. 5qanîiiflh- acicfiie the Ntessiiii of ~Promis-e. Fsl S err p b.) - Meat es de buckrbeat cake gaI flop overo n hie face, Brer Bacon- ri-' dansce 'roun' en amy, as..:- "Onse gond tu'n demarves en nuth-1 er," sezee-Meanin' dat ef dei s01er boys go en do de figltin' for1 una, de lçaa' mwe £ !On k do la t.c sen', ' de -weat-an c alt buclmnheat lntid. Con mm.r en barley flour fer uns rut he'p a lot tao.- 1 s ~ - WELCft lAS AN AiRPLANE; saIs HE MAY BE A FLYER States Attorney is.ReaIIy Own- er of a ReaIiy Curtiss Air- plane Right Now ARRIVES FROM KENOSHA Prosecutor Says he May Learn to Drive it; Syndicate Turns it Over to Him l.a SI t es Atbtorne>- J arlis, G Wîefi h us, heccume an aensîasîb sý lis suin bu, he asird xman, .%laylae sc._ At anY rate, he ;is- an alrshiji. 'hep--hi- gol Itlrodas andl i lw 1I ai the terminai on lMarkO t ri-et abere il li; beixie torpd Psrilng futher orders fi-ocui BN Weî Il camie down on a fi ick f l4isnorn Ing fnom Kpnosha and is ,o!thec li ils mlqnoplanptvf5 s. a f5111>- igg,,qs' niachînp axnd capable sof 75nàisîc5an bouc.. 9 NO CHANCE FOR TAX EVADERS IN UNITED STÀTES Thf-ilnt rrnal. teveri il e Col]lec:istoits [r r ie f-sc ai viar eniiig une 3o lasit t otaled $",72,0#)0,000,l The ciltes tions for flie ricedliîxg ear acre $lsrssiîi Tht,. irs cecifon,, esc-ced hy ic.arîs$2i(, th"Osifl .- frmatey; niade a-lien the war revenu. mneâssrpa acre pased Il.%s Cnngres-, tast acar. Pour rliousanîi peracîxîs were emi ployed i nthl- wnrk suilri fotai c-nt (I fli Corllection ras nlvi, nsss- The Paf iotIsm roused ty 1h, war iconbrliiîed largela tri the sur-c-e,s of 0m lie rl. aîîd fthe r ssp:îvýsa ssistiSt' arl nd i wfiisilh I rlie euos iriimclt. 1. ds-i-rnîined effort a il liemade Ir) lring b lbook fax <-adeýrs in eveiy firb ofrIxe esisin1mry The rreaixr>' ari-adv hais uvVd.flc ýagainst aa lirgr, nulnilser ahi, alse oiehtIro i salev rixe ,aisi 1 s (lic4-king lip cmnix st andi atrli ti, lisar a ti rIegos i.riînmn cxPecrs iilill"v 50 disco%,i r and ri i-h nimo> fax e ai;str. sss a cli :r C05v'i large soîouîîîs< o!r-- î,< r limita and if wouîtld i ihaîsdvthiliwLAWYERS AND BARBERS o! n, for hilm tui jump is, the mîarhlin', MIJST- WORK OR FIGHT isp early or laIe'iii the îxorni;, ansi Re drop dnwn ln the court iîuiîs-c-isar" - fuel near bie office, Inside of s cosspi, e o , \Mi. Cen.('rnssder -Pruis51 minutes fnom the rIefini e fI iortsomse .ibal gins-r-il, la givlng roti-iderýaîlon gan Or. bde rnid handil> drop li tIse in secraI radicial slctgc In, fo ge- f lalce o: *because that lsni far frisîx teninonf lise wiirfs or filelt" order. ofnEl hie office. waI Iparxiidt iuiîfiatai on- tlI se Bibut, outl hlss happeîed. <tannstiîeîng is--IaIs-ui tis f01Waul -RPporlo--I'r Sic Weldhyosî base an tuiidfic-tIse" are bînsyris, harisrîs-rr-ssi M arhi , t i'tylail cireiss mplf)voin ansi attendant,. M Wck-bThat tue ari.If is ulnderafosi rhat a persistntordic-mano Reporter -Coing tf0 li? mand bas 1Isen nmade front m:oy sec- Ibei« Wcich Mayhe - tior4, st5pcialiy front Phîladeiphia, 1* 1s, RepoterReai>-,ns-iaIs 11e e w Naa-Yornd<xiiChiicago, tisaI ycuigo Repoter-Realy, ilat* fle Iesgave Is Tt yoh-s? l'iyers lie infliuis-siliithic anUs or T Wele-IlIs'ire iluTIl1s isanesiln fighi 'orsh-r. P Re orter-afSure.h- Iil 1h la kIssi IîxiAlfri d E.l'h ix. Mna. Rî'oiI r ur , fir udis-, fi synl l .~~~ i~~s ~ C hie:F Welel No okln. i hsi' l , prlngllel ;a-.a andidate for son-. i my bands and ifl s foc sale. fuit, l n îlîit îer bA the ncaîtîme, I1i glt learo io rîii iOnce bdfore sigâainat tonzressmnan Au U Tl; -ieriapa t1m'Il. Tt anlicl hoea lPosa hut ras nierels- 'an als-o ran." bandy lhlng f0 jump loto théf car ln_________ -ihé mnrnlng and hinrî dosen t,> the Tuesaise rn,-nI LTehmann o! Sandl offic. woîicio ifLake, îransfir-ridIo bi., motier, Au.- Reporter--Yen. ansi if caîîgliî far gusia Leîiiani i f li to al of lits Ont eu the count>- tati- ln the ilSy, yofl îrotîerty ai Sanid lke The consid- couid junxp homte ln great strides and eration la lîxdirafei 0lnie 7usI there moulisi 1e noihing Io il.The propîrîn Is one o! the inesI o! Weicb 'day do il alter ail. Tiluisthe sm 1nr-ot~idta n< i Id lue Ihe aporifouîîd li 1wliii iili-reglo ous.d ineltisipsi Reporter I511T slat iare yoîîgoixîg sanme excell"îîit tick gts to do mîithil? .thestsreet hum inhe iresidence. Wec-lt han been csntedl b>-a_____ syndicale 'ut Kennaba and It bas heemi Editor, Johînson of t he Antloch tunned oser 10 me- for sale, I il; in 0News, deciarcis ibab the Ltus lieds fine shape. 1 neyer f rled Tt yel, but at Grass Lake ARE In bloom. There tbe>-sa>' il fles like n bird. I may waere 500 pesons St the lads .3unday decide te abandon flic auto ansi laite lfast and heosais'hugê bouqiietas,ôf to air fiying insteýad. The>- s&y Iras H1om E'i ~rgcax¶nled hine. T ithé great sport,.(lotus beda for in bloomr ersn h Reporter-Bsn what If yoiî drop?, greates4 lied of florer "a heuiîl a m Wlct-So long, Ive g6t ta go ta, Suites. Thene la but oneate-ble bd fe i the. ofice lanad think It over l n thecocuntry. dam n lrid.. WOMEN'S wuR WORERS @ATIIER TO TALK "SU OP Mrs. Arthur Aldis of Lake For- est Tells Workers from al Over County of Progress TWP. CHAIRMEN PRESENT Deerfieid is 98 Per Cent Loya -AIl Departments Are Do- ing Fine Work in Co. Mrs. 1B. A. sis iîri-ldpd ove tlie meeting o! ýi snlv- sî-d townustîl chairmen o!rf he Vs siu'su commiute of the ('ounciliof \ss -sisal t),ef Tuesday afterixos)ilsu lisWaîîkegai Chamben dl COîftlusi tj (--r Reports werc- sîIl i\sIIvnCt.Mn, Arlîjîn AldIs 0fluuk ssi-,gave 'aI interesting aceiîlsir sstlis rork 'i. complished. thni si lsslssig the estal Iiebment ?ofIta 'iiii v vi5 anner: and, tro demon. ss fiis-ach weal in conservation ansI ts1b nihstltti Ia. SiipplU iet th ile womep ieertield 9r, perr eî,csssyi ln reg ring ton war 5(5ss-s sports of mar gaisî food ani 1eonsenvatiionis mallsîe b>- Mn. n and %Ira. tlsidi l-it M aiuke atnMs. Cook sur 't lyxoond la township; Mrý lHarding, Anisa 5.Schank, l1,isrille; Mr@ rwies,-Vernn, n i]missPool, conda. Ira. liatcli. fornss-,rts cssînty cbair 1and %Irsa.s-luss os f Idahot ke vecumgîgiius,! usiIsi- ors o Wnman's c(iîiiil-s %I.r. 'li i, grden sis i-suor s l thecounty Pa practîcal raIlk le atternoon si wsi as coîr -d b>- a s-lu 1f i-ss talk h)~ ;. amilton uof ui. 55on tlb Cago cmîlc alissil,5 uslgesqet .e next colrîxîr v xxý- ri Iwll 1, Arai 'on tIii,' ulils Tilesday eo Sat. HER'S TME REAMO Below Is a Schodule of their IIlir Specific Shortcomings and the Cure An efthitsaatlc Statf, (ounicli of ~ N 1w fen P worker aniong womîen lias claaisitied ber alicker aitera and has lrescribed a cure for ach clas.i lie re lt la:li 1. The woman. who front lazins or lack of patriotissm lts gond fond Pithe.r lbier hognîe or ln nssrioy groceýries or gardenss go 10 waste, CI PRE: Can ail yotu can. 2. The roman 'who bliys Tien clo4hing whey that which <se has k gliii servIceibIe or migit hlictriade ls<--OR V~!ear your 01<1 cîtthe, or make themn over. 3. The oonan or girl wsho knlt, for herzeif or ber friends. nt ln the m.ilibary service, -rool swraterf% or ~ou- 4,PË 1rodof duif ëolor-s, *ni tI hright rool imob lanket.a forh P5rench wounded or Belgian delilf 4. The roman wbo beansithe fond regulationa just because ski' cao gel liold ofthebtireatrlcted article. <î17R!i,: PidtUre the starvIng children or French and curb y>our appar îlte. 5. The woman who lsuyq for lie, self or ber friends lîlxxrle. whi(<'li«Un miglit be done witilit îî(i ujVý bis .ss ThlfÀ Stampa if you n0<1151 pend the noney 6 The wonisu Who flesil*a code with -ler friendis goingoercisddlk ie.a hybnd.t. wtlereby she may get infortnioh th 9. Thple.roan hondtrest. l censor roîid flot iisa ('ClRF: Worl< 9 bac hefroni niilitry ries fly m- biarder, and yeu ront be .9nworrlpd, bec r o iemilay srvicerans 1 go about the flers. wen ofhe bameans 0f asupogol 7. The roman rho failsto bwrite hnea masosupr i- frequent and cheerful ]Pitera -tu- ler o u t hlm. CURE: lie as brave as relatives and friends In flie army the millions of other mothers, sis- overseas. CURE: renty minites le trs and wivea. an.d a three-cent stamp, In. The housowite who rediuces, 8ý The roman who refuses to the efliciency and morale of lier rani rork for the 14ed Cross or 'end lier ll,, by serving pooriy cooked fond InOneY to1the governmnent bocise lbsituls CURE: Boy the Suite she hma sreadY given busbanii, son C ,ml f,.lactense Cook book for a or brother b bbth service. CURE: nickel, If called for: 10 cents by Figure out rhat would bappan if the mail; St 120 West Adamas treet, Chi- familles Of 2,000.000 0112cr soldiers cg. WONOERFUL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK SHOW-4î00OOO ln premiuma. SPEED PROGRAM $2,000-Live, anappy races. August 19 te 24 Inclusive. DRYDAY-August 24th. CENTNN~AMACîNER EXIBITShoing Illteat labo, savlng devices-Acres of tarni M&Chiînory 'r AUTOMOBIL.E RACES...Barney Oidflald, Chevrolet and others-7,500 afferad-racing dates Aug. 18, 'A îp ~14, 15 and 17th, flrat wook of Fair. . ý e MOT0ROYCLE RACES- 2.WD ffoed-3 days-Manday, Aug. 12; Wed., Aug. 14; and FeIday. Aug. Ila e, AUTO POLO-Every afternoon and night-The game that captures tem aIl. Real excitement.- In $25000 CIRCUS EVERY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT-sC-oiiseum, commencing Monday, Aug. 12, and ciaslng Saturday nigitt, Aug. 24. 25 big actes-Three rings--and itundeeds of people participating. s. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIUIT-..Consisting o ai al kînds of War relics-Modern aune end in war material and up-to-date educational features coveing 15,000 $quart fest of floor opiacé. r- BRITISH GOVERNMENT WAR EXHIBIT-..4f ail kinds of war relics direct frce, the western Battis. là- fi.ld fronts-showing freat German Zeppelin lirought down by the British aviatara, als. tihe sro. ry plane partlclpatîng ini the Battle cf the air-a duplicataeha. eli af the ane sinking the Lusitania and qk 1,100 other war spécimens used in active service. AUTOMOBILE SHOW-in exclusive, special decorated tent-l50x250 feet-ehowing Intat modela and types ai machines. n CHILDReNS OAYS-Manday, Aug. 12 and Manday, Aug. 19-all chludren under 15 ysaes oaf age admitt. sd frec. 9-BANDS-Wehl'à Chicago Concert Band-.LIberatl's Concert Bsnd wltls If granid opéra singees--Wa5ehl Factory Band-Capitol City Band-Peorla municipal *afld-Decatur Band and Lincoln Bond. 1, OLD SOLDIERS' OAV-Wednesday, August 14tit-See Program. s, POULTRY SH-OW-ncludlng, Uv.e ehibit f ram Gaverflment Farm-Egg laying conteit and utlity classes. I MILLION DOLLAR LIVE STOCK PARAE-Frid&Y aftarnoan. Aug. 23d, d. ANIMaAL AND BIRD EXHIBIT-Natlve Illinois wild animalt;.and bleds. NEW FISH AQUARIUMS.Containing aIl ses and kinde cf live fiait-aIse ahawing thé brsedinq and h. ' atching of &orne. e, BABY I4EALTH CONFERENCE-Two weks--Ppular baby show under direct supervision cf Ospart-. ment af Heslth. r- BEAUTIFUL ART EXHIBITS_...Something nsw and attractive. STATE EDUCATIQN&t. EXHIBITS-From univrities, collages, high schooia and rural achaol-m.del schaal buil dingo, new, Intsrestlng and attractive. )f STATE DEPARTM ENT 0F I4EALTM...Absoiutely new, educational and Instructive. h-UNIVERSITY 0F ILLINOIS-Exhibiting ln &bout aIt departments, ceai edsicatlonal, shawing itew Yeu Y. j can Improve and botter conditions. TEXTILE FABRICS AND and5 lnterestlng, MANUFACTURERS' AND EXPOSITIIN BUILÔING-Contalnîig everythlng thàt titi noms impllea. n- APIARY-Solwing Sugar Shortage peoblem. 'Y. FRUIT, CU t>NR AN ATVSOE-..ntereating and Insttructive this year, on acceunt 0f mmi. e Ings a d demande oaifoodaddministration. . CUT FLOWERS AND DECORATONL..Rnwaîs evtry day. The new miniature Dame wilb. full. FAIRV AVENUE-NEW SHOES-.Of a patriatic nature. ee JUDGING OF LIVIE STOCK-in ail stock pavilion@ beginning Monday merning. August l9th and la stine ail week. SOCIETY HORSE SHOW-Beginnlng on the nIght of Augyist lOtis, and eacit night durlng th. We.k. BOYS' STATE FAIR ýCHOOt. AND JUDGING CONTEST-,5 lve boyeý-HeIing wln thse wàr. GIRLS' OOMESTIC SCIENCE SCHQOL-200 girls-two weeke' learning itaw ta compty with food ad- mlistratlost cules. TENTED CITY-Accommodating 1,000 faellies-see pcemlum [li foc cost and detaiistd intormatIen%-..- ,,Camp grounds ore beautiful, caitvenient-The sting an doleeffing peablema ail solved. CEP#TENNIAL DAY-fs. fast day of thte Fair, Mousday, August 2$tk, Ex-Prosidont R0ooeveIt toefspek. GOVERNOR AND STATIE OPP-ICERS PAY-?rhursuy,, Auguet lSth. NEW DOME BUILDInG-A tqmporitry structure 100 fit. by 1001t. an aidl site itousing Culinairy, Mortleauft ture and Floriculture Depelmients. MINE RESCUE CAR-United States Gavernment wilI demanstrate mine rescue work ln &'@fées huas., car at Southt end of Macisinery Hail. FISH AND GAM£b-Divislen of Illinois Dept. cf Agriculture wilI have tIre Fiait Car an spécial sidri~s built ln en graunds near southeast gale antrance. 100 YEAR$ camparison wili he amde b? ail Oxhiol tara n. ail departments. OLD RELICS DEPT. wIliIb. axceedlngly lnteresting titis year. Large speclal displey of vdltbble col. i * lectione. CENTENNIAL VEAR-tremendaous crowds-a PFair ta Intereat ail-The Real Pair-Asic your countv * clerk for à premmum flot. THE FAIR will b. se big tii yesr that you shauld take a full wook ta study and vislt aIl Departmmet -S0e it ail and appreolate It. W. built lt for yau. Naw take advattgseoft1hé epporttatsty. i - -~-- St urgeo f etva% l a s e , @tuf enfabeflese '.et.uo cbl efusd la tbie mes theé mnoked r aalted. Moft h** 1. 000 -Euth aar ornedo im wqbt et- a OhWeIlsfibng station duwtàg tS. le strusu migration, whlcb lata fer e fortnicbt. The aggu are o opuita quantit>- feai» the.ov&au ne> Illinois Centenn i' State FPai r and Industrial Exposition --A U G U ST 9-2E--- IGreatest Fair on Earth. The Fair of Quallty, Twelve Active Days and Evenings. J. E. TAGGART, Pres. B. M. DAVISON, Secy. thon 0 .4 ne a a* eÀ ai 1 les- %%.SAv % i

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