CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 2

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LIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT, THR SDÂY, AuG-uST 1, 1918 hsDo PROCTOR ISURANCE IgLU4.,Accdent and Heetb, Plate Glass, te- moibU, and5 WokIlng- MMas Compensation. W Him B.fore Placing Your Insurance -is 114 s- Ubtyvilie, D. - Omp* dW&u' De gSteve EDRILLtE ,m u P rte wute te n. WBRMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY . 1BAIRSTOW rleand Granite Moauments imteryWork of Ever% Descriptioni *ftspOIdOIc e 5oicite6t 16 Genesee st Wàî S.BUIRGESS ~M"NAND LCONTRACTOR ,wotk, stoue wevi, pimanl Mé ok. Bolier vonk and 0rill a .peetlty. myîctSed re rintg promply and «1-W ZMon Clly, lu. DO. I. L. TAYLOR pm b Fiast NtIs u laaIldim 0,11111:-1 te 8.30 anS 7 te 8Sp. M. M na zbroadway, oppoalte pans bêvtv iiasnois. - DR, GOLDING DENTIST 194Ma lo 12 a.ns-1 ccoô P.M. Oftr ivt National Bank ~Cbos U-. as. Phone 157-J. MDL E IL SMITH. DENTIBT. a8 i9-A" 00055 bATIONAL BANS h-8 tc 12 "n.daS1Ite 5p.a Libertvuw lImola MiS N. STEPUENS, M. D. 6" ICI U IRGEOiE omm mm aiteMo imto se diesses of sws. EYB., E-, NMe, Thaml BMeyu CBoiSd for GlISe. &Wuh - 51rOa0.lel. 05 ubertrvilli ML O- F. DUTTBELD. VNTERNÂEYSURGEKON. à555 USAIM VUT5SiNAUIAB, EIIIANAN W. COLBY .AtOrney.a-Law 101ai1114ome0, Ceok Ave. Phone 16&. METYVILLE, . ILLINOIE LYELL FL MORMI ATTeI5T-At-t.Âv 4..ibrlyvlls Illinois 160« BailSi«. ý- ess ils-m. Office mont, AwovzOETAr LAW. IMARTIN IC DECR M807Wabington Street ~UEEGA. - . LLINC office Phone 848 Poo. Phonse 13600- rttn COUT ED & FUEL C( R AY N. SMITH __I*mren,~d«?m r »Nmmmwmmwwmwý BIULL DAUGIITERS m"u" 'a'oa M- Refia G. Cex Springfield, NI.. 24. 'UConrad Reuss. Oalsdale, Ill., 22; M E TTLE O Parl Friein. saine. 18. *Adelpis Guetzkow. Mlwaukee, 41; flVL'IlEIJCE 1I anha PloSki. saine. 19. TWO MLE DE C S wau M Geary. Nauconda. 12; Ecace Coswell. saine. 25., ________Zoize Uindberg, Chicago, 37; Ntpry 4Akilu.Sac yrr. Stic . 6 Roselle J. Hull of Clayton St. Jioseph E. Chodtem raa 1ak r . "2 NMldred Hanke. Champalgis 4 Trasfrs woHomes to lUriet Goldizîn. Great lAke.s, 22: His Daughters aHrbr ttnn. a,21:.i c drüd '.%Iislsbrger, same, 21. C Geo. Usuterinan. Great i.ldes. 24; LOAS FR W EK $33,115 Nmarie Darnes, Grand Island, Rab.,l IChester Crear. Great Akea. 27: Business in Realty Brisk-Ray Mazie Nelson. Kenesisa, 27. CarIes Walters. Great Lakes, . Dixon Buys Farm in New- Nagdalen Boggie, Detroit, 25. port for $1 5,000 LousePenache iwuee.ta ______ red H. Valiand. Chilcago, 32: Ger- It Busnes oftheeRordr'qoffetrude Parlsh. Harvey, Ill.. $1. . ria Busnes et1.1e ecorersoR Fruank E. Barrett, Hampoton. la. prl for thse veek ending July 21, 1918, - 1 , Marie Kabisisuar, St. Paul. 22. an A. K. Bowes, assistant secretary S Win.>Rnge, %ilvSuiee, 45; Emmi et curis-y Title & Trust Co. e, saine, 40. Number of ct',îeyances, 68. Aibert Fila, Ciicêge, 46; Sophia Cal Number of. chatta Lrgagas.,12Arnld ,Is. frn36. bel Nuner of trust deeds and mort- Fd. Sufler, Milwaukee, 26; A>- 1i< gags.22. na, Mede, sonne. 26.- i Total numnber ef instruments bled, Cvrus Brown,. Great Laie«, 32; Car- Me 102. rie Bullock. Washington, D. C.. 30. thg Total amount et loins. $315 Guy Leitcis. Chicage, 23; Jean on Business basieen quiet andS banHindley. Chicago. 30. eblov the avarage. 1 Resu. Iteich,. Chicago, 36; Mary ce Thse fteibvng are th1e more impor- Francltowskil samne, 34. ria tant deais: Einan Palmquist. Chacago. 27; Es. ilý ln Wau«iegan: Emma B. Toops ther Levi', 19. e anS Phills C. lIaniela escis took ti Nathan llichaels, Great Laies. 22: v. Uce fren Roselle J. Hlull, their tnh. HldIegarde Bunke. Oshiosis. 18. eu er. ot a bouse on nortb aide Cîsyton Henry Gibson, Great I.akes, 23;t:h, weee, u t etofUtica st.. at an Violet Monroe, Evansten, 18. th, inate, onidraiUaoft Io et Chris, Krieger, Cicago. 27; Elsie lh John Rosen isoughîtisais Geo W'Kastelyn. samae, 26. BranS bouse on West ide Nos-tb ave.I Nevton Brown, Raine, ai; Lttie of eotho Second .5t., for indicated B. Dawson, Frankvilie. Wls., 41. th nort500 . Jobs Seherer, Great Laies. 27; tel Hasunais T. Aniderson bought tie Fieda Krarn'e. Mlwaukee, 22. Phil Sheridan lot ai northeast corner Sam CiaPPetta. Wi&ukegaas . 21ui Beividare anS South. West as.. for Maryaee, Lareee 9. 2: an nominil consides-ation.Clrne-%on ArsWs.2;M Chauncey J. Jones toai titie teOieh(.Eether Lapp, Cedarville, Il., 22. te Calebs G. Sharpe proPerty on West Samuel Peutts, Racine, 25: Vir- a ailde Sheridan Roa. between Wash- gina& M. Hephron. sanie, 25,. antO t. anS Water st.. for nemin. 2Arthur H. Churcill, Great Laies, th alIn eaion .23. OlI1ve Ni. Rutishauser. Chicgigo. in Thea. H. Durst took dtle under 19. -- t torecloure et the Johnson 5 lot<>o HaiTy J. Heintzellmaa, Tacoma th vent aide 1resctt ai.. sout o is et lisWash.. 33; MItilda Mlin. Mlwaukee. tc et., for $1.9096f. 33. Kn.MlvueM4; atae Carl 0. E. Lind bought the SîgriS MWin. ingtl arne. 4 ;7. hi si Hsedberg- 6 lots at seutbvest cerner M esE. Bruzmiec, lit4 Sentis Butrici et.ansd Lloyd ave., for JOra&ces Dalss, saine 5. 3 h Randicad M81, rak000.t0w Cal Garner, FLShSeridan. 26; Del. KRalph andP. aryuFani hjoibî,,"la iBrown. Il gland Park. 22. Mrioin -L, ,Qfl. te eunIL O 5 for Iich-leT insey. Junction City, di Larin300. 5.luieceeay frKansas. 28,- Therern B. Duniavey, L ? Harvey T. Crawford boughit S 3 4 l-Aie Forest, 25.V acres On forth Bide Golf Road, just Aii El Jen][lns 6Lamidale% Pa, & vast ef Nortis &e., ai city limita, 53; Susan Green, St. Paul., Minn.. ci tramns Malcom S Pbillp tes- l'dicated Fed4 .Crme,*anpHupheyc a $2,000. YdJCrmrCapHmleyh In Laie Forest: Edward C Ma,- Va.. 25; Cara Warm, Mlwaukee. 2L. D %mosn jbought the TMhk A2Ateid-~, Herbet Becitinisani Fort Bshen. S bouse on nortb sida WoodanS ave., .,dan. 21; Augusta Carlson. Higbwood.c ton $6.500. 21. 9 I land ark GergeWMr Carl J. OBrien, Hastlzsgs, Minn, b Iîa n wisS . t.terg . e t.. er- 33; Jane Hogan, saine, 33. i rianualS v ite buatiseet.cPeter Peter Barber, Fort Sheridans, 25; tisst.sand lo a etvest o RerGertrude Beecker, Green Laie, Wis., bert Corlett for indicated 81,0 20. aîaJm.Niîue.Gori I Ion tD. Orvis beugist 200 eest oniMai',ntiocis.-,Gerila I. eoutaide St. Johns ave.. South of arl Va aenus, anon, is. ,il Lincein ave, tram Rascoe 1L Tearney CEdlHas-vnbu, MLauke, W1. I;] ton indicated $4,000. dt avnkMlue,18 b May S. 11ong9hnught tis. Alhert . lesAkin, Mt.Greenvood, Il., el; Meçune lot on ltidgewood Park, weet Cors lroening, %Tt. Greenvood, :1_7 O! ralîroad for Inlîcitad 82.000. John Bayliss, Milwaukee, 52: Sas--t In DeerfieldTonhp Mary A. ah Pierce. Cedar Rapids, 44. r afnlneis Tov a i sta in7o Abrahiam Adelinan, Chicago, a,-, 1H. asirS d a ll estate in 71Grace Bartman, sanie, 27ý. ks,2 %MH.Hutchlnson. ae atae, ra ae,2 In Renton: Adoiph P. andS1y l> Vlasta Lukar, Knox. Ind.. 23. 1 Lawrence bougbî 20 acres Ianerth. John M. Hoerl. Milwaukee. 34; 111l euat 1-4 Sec. 10, Winthrop Harbor de cm4.sie i tram Jas, K BldSerinifor Indca.- Ca Pd810,000. AD Â 11 LI Newport: Ray B. Dixon sought À RER L414IE tise Buacisan farm et 138 acres an e. nontis 1-2 Qec. 7, frein J. W. Reece AI tI1 fo 15,000. C Y T .iiii bPaul J- Oletchke et Chicago, bugiss the Win. Zander tarin or SI- 48 acres in -Sc.6. from Caahus A. INCT E Kingaley for nominal giongrderatien. INZD NCT E suhlect te$88.000 encumbranee. In Antiocis. William Hunier Eider George Robinson Brings beught tise Wlbur E. Hut-lotCoyote - eBt sida F'ox River Road, eouth et a CyoeBaok from Plains liarden ggt.. for817. lI Antiocis Townahip: Henry and of Nebraska Mary A. B-uche boughîtisnree lots lit e ereR abne o PiBlunt Park on Petite Laite fromE l Ctybasaeoy B ote thatttrfcIon -JChas B. Blunt for 8 .000. Citydeletatteta tatio. sasl a In LA,'ee Zurich: Cors R. anSd'. vasgon s alof a tter eani alun bsn J. Leenard ef Elgin, houghtlfiaew n falte fnn on I ota In Robertaen's Suis., for 82800. cres tiset vas dur eut et a isole t Palatine, Laks Zurich & waucon- livoodS Neis. Eider Roise as da& RaInoad (led its article. of ne'o vlsilng there iis ned an a peration. lad nanued Chester Sith- bund th-e nest O! Young coyotes In tise 515e eta RealEstte T nsfrs Isll anScaptureS th4. nîne ot thii Rel stteTrnser vxle tise motiser eut on a mnoI t Bone distance bowling Meurnnu.'iy. J uiy 25' 1918. For yeara tise lad baS heen tnying te M.S. PhlUP and vite te H. T. capture Yousng coyotes but bai been Crawford, lots 4 ansd 5, Waukegan 1155i5d55t5 fl dise vas qute plat- Investinent Suh.. la Sec. 9, Wauke. ed ovin tise finS. An tise"atg a gan, WD, $1. 1 b-11 n t he ',tis aIte or Nebras of PiIIpI Shenidan ansS vif leBannais $1 a be.ld. tise capture vould net aI T Anderson, lot 7, (ax, N 46 tt.) block Ieat $9, anS Yeung Chester vas about -2, Tiffans etitu Add.. ,Waukteffl, te scalp lbain vien Mn. Robins came WD $10. On tise srêne anS beeged that ha A. H. Cralg and vite to Ludva would at heast spare tiseuts f e oe Rausar, lot 9. block "B" Cnalg's Add ot tbemu. te Antioch, WD, $1. On bis vay te Zion Cty vils 115e 18S T. H. Durst anS vite te Elma Younig coyote I a @boa box. EIder Joninon, lot 2, Durst's Dlv. hIBiocir Rabbins vas obligeS to transfer at 17, Lenea Suis., Waukegn, WM, si. Wauitegsn. Tisera the coyote set up - Master in Chancery to T. H. Durst a bowl frein insi1de lise sise, bex and lots 8 te 12, Wasisbsrn Spnings%, it mt bave attracted a lot et Bt- - Wauke"n Dëëd, $1,909.65. tantioni. The Sepot agent dlSn't * Robert. Corltt and Vife teoG. W. finOw wvisa'tetamaie oet1,t, thse noise and MElie Marriman, lot 17, blocki6, va Wla untamillar. Tise eider set Exinoor 5.55., Ighiandj Park, QC, $1. the. animal lown on- tise fourandi I R. J. Hlull tO Emma I. Teops, pas-t 111a11Y ti train pullS Inlafer Zion. I lots .3 anS 4, lock 6, 0flgjinal %%au. Thse oyota 'vli i iii countenanco = NOTICE TO THE PUBLICO À STATEMENT BY THE OF FICEU O F THE Studebaker Oul & Refining Company RSUSE 0F MAR* RuMe LICENSI3S; ILLI3fALWEDDINEiS veosthat Great Lakes aiosand Even 0f ficers Are lmproperly Married HICAGO 'MINISTERS HELP iey Overlook State Law- SerIous Complications Sure to Resuit to Couples Just nov when g0 many stringers. mporsrY recldenta of Lake county, Sdevelops that manv iliegal mat- lges are -taking place ln wht.cb incipalsar" Great LAieg saliors nd ln asnie cases even the officers tGreat Lakes. While fer the Urne helng the Ille- al marriagmesof thse klnd mnentioned 10OW do 11otsoean to, be real viola. nIo of thse law neverthelessi when he thie cies stepa are neces- "Y to prOPeriy establish marriages he Principale tethe weddinge yull Id wlMt a bad delimna tbey are ln. Th~e tact of thse matter ilansany muplea vho are getting their mar- lge licenne ln Waukegan think bone Hoise are usable lin Cook 1unty and take tbem to Chsicago rhere the ministers are flot fadr Mough or they are flot faimilier with ho Iaws sufficiently te tell tbem tha t bey are lileal snd ntet uPPosed ta )e -sed ln Cook eounty A number or forceful Illustrations )fthe serlouaness of a violation of bis kind bave been broughit toaia- ent1on aithlie coupty cler's office. Por Instance sonne years ige a man got a license in Lake coun ty id be vas married ln a big celebra- Jon in San Sousa park. Chicago. A lw years afterwards hie tried to gel LPension after serving the goveri'- ment as a soldier. But, Il developed tat the minieter whto marrIed hlm ln Chicago hied neyer sent the re- urf to Lake county and tiseretore Lere vas no record ln Lake coulity Iprove hie marriage. The reeflît vas he vise unable te get hi@ pen- sto because be could flot prove that e h'id actualiy been married. aven though the recorde bers showed tsat e bad procured a license. The Latent Case. An Instance caes..te ight the oth.'r day in Waukegam, wben a Great Lake% sailor tocit a license at the W7aukegan ffk0 of the County cierk and vent te Chicago wbere the Il- ense was used bY thse minister. Be- cause of the nature of varieus blanks he could net ifIl il out properly. but severtheless the mtnister made "a stab at ItV 'te 01MIl tout as besi hie could. He sent it bacit to Watlkp- tan, and It ws eorded bere as bst as possible, but the record dos, sot comply vltb thse lav. Ignore Inqulies. The absolute indifference thisaI shown by the minîsters and otîsers Interests'd ln these kinds of wed- dings les hovn, by the faoct that emn- ployes et the county court bouse frequently have sent leltt-rs te, mînisters and Jacd<es themselves syho bave been married illegallv ln ibis manner. but they h ive seldoun recoiVed replies to the letters. In ether words the mIigîters in Chi- cago and the Iackles t.hemseives sPem Io tblnk that a license Issued ln Lake county and used ln Chirago la ahl right. The tact la that it does3 flot seem te bother tbem aftr they are supposeS te have been marrieS. It was only a couple of daysaïag that a chajulain at the naval statio .et to Chicago wlth a tkreat La]e station couple and officlated at a wed- ding ln tise city, using. bowever, 8 Lake county license Thse licenses ail show tisey are only usable in epeci- lied counties ln the etate. The big trouble cornes in case 4orne oft tiese sailors diavile ln the service and tire one who belleves she was married te hlm tries ta get ber dlaimi for pension. If the mar- niage Ilcense In Lakte -ounty dr"es net prove it. thse "vite" proluabîr wiii net ha able te iland thse pension., The, record here muet be complete be- cause the government ls very parti- cular about ail data pertaising te marriages. One of the mont torcetisl illustra- tions et thisImportance of this mal- ter was calied te the attention of employez et the oouaty oierk's ef- fide thse other day. il 'isU discover- cd that one ef the muarriage iiceiss that haS heen lssued bers lied beeir usaS ln Chicage for tbe ceramnfy. An elMort vas made te, get ln toilcb vith thse Jacia at Great Laies station but inqutrY showmed tisat he ivas t9sed on bi& vay te Europe. Now lb. Point la thîs. If tbsat YoungB tIIU should lis killed or Ius>ursd. bis wltg (or sUpposeS wife) vill Dot b. Position te maie a dlaimi for ber Îu14 for tise simple reason thse goverfi. ment wili net recognize tise marriaS@ un performed in Chsicago, when th$ Lake ceunty license le ueed. Ths Importance therefty of observing th:e Lakte ceunty lav in ibis matter lo Yery appareot. 640 LICENS3S. ISSUED HURE SINCEI 14Tli DAY 0F MAIqY DO YOU KNOW that the properties controlled by the Studebaker Oil & Refining Company have a production now of about one-half million a year? DO YOU KNOW that the Studebaker Oil & Refining Company is destined to be one the Safest and, Best Dividend-Paying Oil Concerne? DO YOU KNOW that the Covernment-yes! the whole,. world muaethhave more ol?, DO YOU KNOW that Bankera, Manufacturera, Farmers and Business men-large and amali are rapidly taking up this stock? DO YOU KNOW that you can get Stude6 Refining Shares now $. upon Most hberal ternis, bui ________________act guickly Our Inveatanent letter contains a full report on this Security. Send for iti It wifl pay you. baker Ou1 & 00per ahane) Ut you muat AiJlRE8'4 ALI itQUIRItES 10) SECURITIES TRUST COMPANY 10 South LaSalle Street CHICACO, ILL ILLINOIS SERIAL No. 101. Theeeecurltlseahave bec', approyed by the Depairtinent otatteol Illinols. TuE SECRETARY 0F STATE DJES NOT RECOMMENI) THE I'URCHASE 0F ANY SES. RITY OFFERED FOR I Libertyviile Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket Off ice Pies.. Libenyilile 74 M7 Second Sereet Phoe,, Grand 1136 ~r1. - C HIC AGO in 1 hour, 43 minutes VIA 1THE NORTH, SHÔRE LUNE Residents of Libertyville, by using .the North Shore Une, can reach the heaçt of Chicago'a business and shopping district in plenty of dîme for a full dayas activity and get back to Lib- ertyville in good season the same night. Limited trains connect with Elevated Express trains aI Central street, Evanston, making only two stopnSsouth of Evanston. These trains go around the Loop, stopping at ail departrnenî stores in the Loop district. Train Schedule Trains leave Libertyville every hour fromn 6:30 a. ni. t 11:30 p. mi, making close connections at Lake Bluff junction with Milwaukee Limited Trains and Evanston Express Trains. Saturday aflernoons, Sundays and holidays, Limited trains leave Lake Bluff junction every 30 minutes. gParlor cars are attached to trains Dining cars are attached' to trains- Ieaving Lake Bluff Junction at leavîng Lake Bluff Junction at 9:54 a. m. and 2:54 p. mn. Chairs, 12:54 p. m. and 5:54 p. m. 28 cents, including war tax. toaeist ticket office of the NORTHJ SHORE UNE WE vould net permit our naine. te hi une nor advinseour frienda te jota nailn Ibis Company, as ve bave dois,.unim es.vbaS fnily oompi.ted Our Investi- gations &cd bai obteboîd contrat of actsial producbng onl properties. "To tise man vise cazi afferd ta Invesi, wvobelles. w. are odeuinjan leospltosa p- portnnli,; .We» un-. h.etatingI.y tecounmend t"hès Bsastu our fInond@ and acquaintaces." SigneS, CLEId. W. STUDEpAKER A. B. STUDEBAKER P. E. STUBEBAKER Chicago Tiket Office 137 SeelPiCWak Sret t.., Cestreln

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