CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 7

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LIBERTYVILLP, DNDEPENDENT,.THRSDAY. ÀTGTO 1. 1918 tat Frlday for a viait with ber parent * ~APENIN 8 AT lu Peunnylvanla. AMr. Burnett wil I ZN GS& follow tâter with the Ford ta bring then IaEngiilh started Sunday svening fo j Washington, D. C., toaecept a gavern I J £88 LONGABSAUQI4. Cor. ment positionl . ...............t. ..... The Ladies' Aid soclety ili hold lt 0darsTkt for Job Work. ::tregulr meeting with lir. Forbet MrsJ. SLrn~n onddaAghtr, u-your pienic suipper. Ail are very wuiI Mr* . 8 Leraa ýnd duglterRu-cousta attend the meeting anod sapper. by, vere Chicago vistors irIday. MIss nEizabeth Webb and~ Mr@. BeOebe, Ths Episcopal Skinday Schoi bedid ofAntio-îî, sppiitlent Ihurmilay isiti annuel pilet iiund Lake Tueeday. Airs. teu.aPi tian. Ail report au excellent trne. Mr. and Mr@s Cari MilI, r w,.er oj:.d#*y B. (ieary and J. C. Drown were bus- get tmi lSMA vîiturs et Waukegau Saturday. Burîunîuà Ueo. Brackett bas reulgned bis@ppos.-AMr. aeed Ars. urro n and .i.hî tion ast the M. & F. batik and bas 'lt &) wlîng druve the i onu ta Cicr,- Zin for bis home la Wiucansin ta ici, the day miid @peut the dui wltb the D)awaon army. lirs. Wendelken le illini bil@ îemlly. placs at the batik. AiMrs. Dairumple spent the liant twrs Mdiss Ruth Doolittile snendiug a iew wonswt D.Jmsn aiya days witb ber parents bers. She 's Dow ilburu. -eluplayed lu Weukegan. I. A. Douglas was home lar severai Mr. and Mrsé. Frank Feulon, or Val- daj. duriug the paut week. dors, Wie., are sçieudlug a feisdas lun Air. Dewar, af Chicago, @ponit Sunday Urayalak-. witb bis parents bers. *W.. F. Rebin, of Borlngton, was la towu Sunday. Ma. Rehbein drove ýh Maxwell back ta Burlington.. Rsd Crois Notes Ar. audtiras. F. C. Wlbur, ipsut Sun. White the lRed Crose auction sale ai dair wltb Mre. Wiibur's brother, Wm. Jnly 20, wiasnat su big an affair as that Duahas, at Ouruse. of the week Vireriaus, It wae very encises- Ars. Lonue. Palmer, of Wautegau, a ful and the members feei well repald for sp.ndlng a tew day. wItb Miss Sosie ail the time and trouble and wish ta Whiehsd. thank aIl Wba helped t assike litthe Ar.andudrAirs. Cbarte@ Kuebksr, Sr., suceoss.tat hwas. muade a burried trip Ia Camp Mderrbti, N. Everyoe enjoyed the music turnlsbed J., ishers &bey vibited their non, Chas., by thbe Jackle baud durlnïg the eveniug Jr., isba expettr sali moon for forsîgu and et the dance whleb followod. duty. A feis articles are sil]irefit sand are lu Air. and Ars. Wadoworth, Air. Setzer the lied Cross roou on sl and Ed. guider motoîred ta Wisconsln Nais that the auctian sale le over. we Frlds.y. Tbey isere accampanid home muet get ta work ln pur bospitel Sanday by Ars. Setzer and Claude, wbo Sarments. etc, Ino carra-st, s a large bave been vlitig Ar. Sezer.a motber number muet top furnlsbed by Aug. 31. Dr. Coulsori was ln Chicago Manday Matériel Ilen anrrd and ail la r..edy and ou business, favorable fur gond wark. A good atsen- Viss F. J. Drues and Miss CAbIman), ai dance le necded for evory Thureday. Waukegen, motnred toaryslse Sun. Tisa ail paintingu danaîed ta the Red daY. Crue@s iilibe an exhibition lu the drug Charles Fsulon, of Sandwichs, IliI.was store and tickets mey b-c purcbased la taiso Saturday and Sunday. th@ie Mies Aile Waidusat, oai bcago, le iA commîjt tee bas bren appainird ta vlting iss lian& White, thîs week *end donations ai fruit. eokies or cake. A letter rom l.e"r ieliâoke, tret ia- ta fLenv. Romiel hu W.ekr.gsn tu be ueed émuolt mats on mutimarins chaéer 131,.tli bis social wo.rk wltt the jeekies eit beporte that he bas oepent a lis, dalis ait reat Lake4 and ail Red Cros@ members the Atoren. a group of llands môme hon.I wiii bha, e cheutebslp In tiiswork huadred itmleet (of Spain. Lie e i1wlen their turn comes. Donations*eil -Me land tbere te tilied rama nueý top o.! be italien ta Waiegaix every Saturday lb. mounitains ta the baittonos ai tihe as tbey 'urteiun 350 boys every Satur- Valleys aa.een - __ ay ovulnAuciion Reports rVOLO Arnoune of JiseJuiy 13_......122(; 85 Ars 1, Webber, of Wilnotte, le viit.! fagll ber aunt. Ars. S. Wottganmý Ar. andUAis John Lento-n isereoe- ses at Fremant Sundey. ?Air, andud Are ock Ketromnn, Ami Rate Mrn Even tmpp F'ort raysake, spent tinday utmb Ar.irbet d ns lkMlidor. ts Sc l-oth-ark aAna oaller et1 lm Round Lake irsndey aiternoon . 4v Air.rnd Aire. Wlitl-ltpr, Mr.N tek Wrio 11.lidîr and on a, Norman, aeut@r. KitiA Ben ltuoinig and son, Franik, opnt Mon.-Boit] day evemnîlga w11h atin i-tofio-i eoid far o a hi7 st weukegen. Sofa Otto Moutdon, of Great Lake@,. peuýn 1)iii1 Iaturday aeut inontyayt lis hume bers-Qui Ars. Wili Stuflel, fi M heurs-, i. vii- C 1138 ai the home ai Mite Kracof. Dan' Miss Eizaeteh iabenlan, ai Ubtagi'.- lassuentiug chie week witb AMrs. li-te-r etadtfielît Miss Clarae ltOslng epont Sunday et .the honme oaiéAirs. John Moildon l MIsses Elizabeth Oo-llingeant Frances L Pitien vlihet relative@set Johnsburg on Thorsday I - MILLBURN 1 irs Warren iiokak scompanied bor MatheX irs. Ilurge. ta %Cw York. Miss Margaret (ilibert vited ber @tu- ter, ire. Hqrace Culver, et INanavtilis, the paëi week. i1 heEasteru Star entertalurd about 3t fromn Waukegau and Uraylake ~asThruday. MisPeiHughes vited relativesslu tbis viluty tb. puti sesi. Mesdames John aud Rot. Fulton, ai ;Vaukegan, called an rieuds Tbnrsday *vsuing sud atiended the Eastern Star meeting. Wlte Lacuand auimlly, af Wtcouln, hxavs moved to Ailburo, ishere ihey wlIl iake thêir home. C. E. licuman and famlly isere Bigb- laud Park visitore au Suuday. Lyburu 8 ewart and famly retarned tu Chicago Suuday. Ar&. Dawsson expecis ta returu to Tbree Oak@, Mich., today. Peter 8trans lost bis diseharge papers ,o! the Civil isar betwseon Ailburu and Waukegan ou July 6. L.AKE VILLA Ar. and Ar@. New, isba bave been et Allendals arin for sametime-Air. New asir uperInteudent, and Mr@. Ne* !t ta ber ave reoigned and aoeeptod positions lu or near Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. and Ars. Abert Kappls are rm clviug congratulations an the arrivai of a daugbtsr, Tussday, Juiy 28. AiMr. and Mr@. Chas. Hamlu aud sous Apet the, week-end witb Chicago rela. tives, noiug lu thoîr Overland. Lester remainsd for the wssk. ire. Oeo. BurnettaudchtildrepotrlAo oaut aiae July 20-......159 70 ear----------------17 27 ebehntm taud------------.....638 clng enteanaitut Jo4y 13 20 94, )Per July 1:1î.. ............... 84 0 rtune ieller niaoeo ...-.i ... 4 00 o pond----------------..... 7 7 ah donâtet------. .....---------41 25 oCt. isere sabot ou Wrisre-------------------. . ....34) 00 On Satiirtey. Juiy 27. the people oi Lake Ville endo urroundiug country once mare sjaisthe dotais o! Iheir bank ewtug open ta the public, after bevhng bren cboseni for sereral iseeks L'y the siats isank examiner, turing whheb lime the euthre institution oent through e pro- Oees oi re-oarenzathon, wbereby the capital stock ta the lest share pasosd ino the bauds 0f local people. T. D. Sextan, isbo awnsd prrcilcally ait of the Stock Of the hasik, isbicb oves rgahsed bi hiut In 1912, soid ta saute .evenijy. six persans of the taisu sud surroundlug country ail ai the stock af tbe bauk. Tb@ transier sýàà effected an Wedues. day, Joiy 24, and onuSaturday the doore opened under sutirsi! usis management. The tbres directors eiected at' the irt meeting oere Cherles fB. trattan, J. K. Derlng and Frank M. Hamrou. The ofilcers isba iili bave charge a! the beuk are: President, Frank M. Rautilu; secretary, Charle. 0. Stratton; cashier, k. L.. Deiser. To and ta the commuttee selected by theo a great deai ai credth. due for the wsay this natter waes hanche. Maceh work aqt a great emount aitetal hiad ta be taken cars of sud the de. positons wisa..mouey became Invived ln thse coisnq ai the benk, may foelihat tbsy bave been rendened e servicb ovbhch haé Bavd ihem e great part or al i bey may have bad deposiiet et the ilme the doors oere claeed. The Ilit of stockboldere ebois ahong ts subsiribers ahi ai the business mon, fariner., and Dot e feis o! the large ProPeîiuere wnmWho bave thein sfummer boutes ho Lake VUilabût ob eaui CÉléago tissin'place o! bueines. j. ,. )salngn-whbobsfertote. e bt"nS lu IN THIE RACE FOR SIIERIFF NOMINATN Gages Lake Man Circulating Petitions by which he Seeks Place on Ballot W auloo-oa.Joîly 28, Aller &tt t aprpe r- I th t-'mer Sbo-riff Griflin doesu't mnut ho ing ealet tuto the country about mit nîglit lu case lucre is anytîîing dolng aller lie gets chpe ut lie scriooîsly obiectq toa ecuit et that ime af nlgta nit upan aru-lvlng et the acene o! action ta futd that, evrythlng la qut aned the man lue isas secsldg waq lunlied and sound asleep. It tiaupened Sunday utgbt. A man ruabet lu !rom e place north a! t..mb'io corners sud arriving at thr eherhff's residence awsakenen i hm and sait "Corne out ta Lamb's corners lu a btuury, tbi>res a telbais auc theron Who ha golng ta heat up enother man and It looks as thougit it le a serioue situaton." The eberiff didu't lase any trne but isasteneot ta Lambes corners. There he foundthte man lu question aslep andcoaneidering the crcîtmtaucee lie dld not teedlike arresttig hlm. It speema that qulte a lunch tram thr nclgliborbood bat becu ta a pic- nic darlng the day and thei report la they buansethhng that oves strong- er than oatvr. The resait was that there isas causîderalile trouble tur- ing tbe aftirnou and aise aater the plenle ovus over. The man wba ovent- roi ta figlit esataly emmng other Ihinge tlppd 00cr a buggy, lashed a couple ot uelghbors over the bead wlth a Une and made hhmsel! gener- aliy obuoxicous. Then he isas gohng ta lirai up anaother uelghbor aud Il sa happeneot that ans a! hi5relatives iasten>d ta town ta bring the sherli? out ta quiet thse situatlPu. No complainte bave heem mate and thtei-eore it la tlt the malter ihlb> droppeot tnlesg ibe trouble ls reuewet by the man In question isba wantcd ta light sa badlyý Sun- gay. Bab Seller af Fax Leke,sys the lotus heds arr not yet ln bloom te- spite reporte that tbey aie. Haegays it wlil be tisa iseks betore they are Ir. bloom. i.s getthug the bauc on is feet il Devoir IA 1 ~ U I il be forgotten loy mhoéie aith wish o Dh IECAJS~E lRE. UA nm worked; E J. Lehmnn and 0>. W. 'rLehmann, AMrs. A Lehmnann, Airs. Editb U IE A U 'o Drag ermann Wsudlaud. Radalpb U H A U m. Weudlend, E. L. Wald. Charle Il OfL UC ORS R Stratton and Frank M. ilanolin are thuse U CK ORS E st holding ton sheres or mars. s The future ai the bauk eau uow hoe 39 aseured and fie people of Lake Villaeaue Chicago Fishermaii at Pista- ni jusmtly feel that they have risen ta the kee Bay Has Lucky Two ioccasion and by malngtgether havee-Bu ecoue tbrougb puh trli m nt Days, He îhought, u in ldlviduel effort but by gond e-hale- heertsd teamwork. Lot ibis eling LUCK WS SO GOOD IT ky graw and Conltinue and success ill thr PRO VED UNLUCKY t the recuit.______ la RUSSELL He Caught So Many Fish He ti_ 1 à Exceeded Amount Allowed M Ar. Church preacbed a very luteresting by the State Law ssrmnon Suudaymoruiug. Bewlllpreech 0 no-st Sundey maraluig ait 10:30. Every. Fishing isas on, good iiln i-il Ubody invited.- llfkY, an the western edgtet .Of o 8evra frm ersateudd hesociable coilroty ibat a man namet ntrr iteveel ioin erearende ibson of Chilcago, stock ta the jo,o for ài and baud concert eit North Prairie last two day.q and when leho adl fnish. Tharsday uigbt. lie lad 100 pounde o!fbbiio-eolh-an.I Y J. 4i. lieres i.l sufferhng from biaad stufisth. àw!èâQ~a4o- rsh _b a ve mno re P nu2'5 Woun dsaof f n caring bar hlm. his possession et any time. 4wiit i Mr. andAidrs. Câble of Chicago, *peut ha;;onëd Ibat (jame Warden 1i- no-v last week witb the Ileeves fýmiiii. Keru muf Waultegau, beard aho t he Airs. Bans Petersan end 'iaughtsere o4 wouderful luck thai Andriekson wao haviug so ha thougbt hohe lotor la. Chicago, @pont part ai la@t week Wilth terrupc the. tellow's vacation tQ 'h,, ber slster, Airs. E P. Siver. ext,,nt of et leiet findhug out ti!n'. r elon itchaier, ofniluwaukee, @pont e ports were true. couple of day. recently with Laura sn u~ sntt itks rrairn oCare or.-enough, The Murrie aud CorriS youug faîka "There, was Andrlck, spet Snda inAiuwaaee.A.sittln1 lu the -boat @pon Suday n Mlwauee."A-tlttin' ln the boat Airs. 13 B. Howe aud Mis R. E. Leisin "A.Puliin' ln the flah, wrin(,hlcagoTbursday. Tbey report "A-puliiin the flgh, isreho"And, . a sthlnq upset him.1' that Air. Lein la doing very nicely. until Henry appeared and 'od tfM Mirs. Ge@o. DeForis :oenterieiuing ber ta show hlm the string of lis;i he twa npiSe. produced It. 11111 Uawe returned iram a Cliroruha, t- bes ut vau've hait oRk Thurday ishre c sunt ever.i aid Henry, but be qaick] idi,.lod. Thurida. werebe @entbeyral"but you'er outtmuf luck naw fior ,)i'fee mouthe, pinchet. i am the ganse warol n aud The youg People'@ cluib met Saturdey the law says you can't hai ore evening et John Whtte's. thon 25 paunds a!f fsh et a tom--unit Dr. nd M@. Rddlg atende thean muet bave itO pan.udes6 Dr ad Ais. teddng ateued te Further, yau're lu iuck lbut out auto races lu Chicago Suniday. of luck tor the reason that Siou werp Air. and AMr@. William@ are the proud fisblng witb set Unes and 1h.ý la"xs parents of a daugbiter, boira Sunday, FaiY You cai't do that. Came itl July8. 8)tbotheaudaugbmr e "and sec If you'i'e inuk banze4-" Jul 28 I$uthmouerad dugber re And so Andrlckso ient1tu('hiea. doug utroicely. go and carried his 100 pmuundt;muf Mo-b wltb hlm. They went directly ta ibm state DRgainLMER 0F gamt ,1 D . PÀ IdEROF "ee, but hoe had luck." exîlatmed te warden as ho viewdet h-, anc (iRYSAK MDEstring or!11i4h, but be ai-o ckl fiRAY LAÏE#IÀD ated, "but, yaou're out of Iiico. nuis Anrcsn for you haoi- vo'e MED. RESERVE CAP. Igwt P i:os .n"thitt(,fhs'1 !Dg mare than 25 pounuds or' t-h lu yaur possession. It isnow a uain lotin M. Pi mu r. Howevpr. s&-elur Ihai -ii il'it' i About a month ugo, wben the wa.ridmrsland we'tl jiiot tako . 7 rounds officiais r-alled frdothr oriofo!the fiai> and o-nd l'oo.- u a a reserve. Dir Palmer re3ponitd 10 ohooplIat or nrîihanani- oroil Non can thi- eail a 1h a numbo-r of otluer î,h. 'o on If y3iitIl promntI.- .o r to do ,-uooans. ti, went ta ('hicazo, wher.- il gt n ho taol. t, o,,xani1naton.i La ;-t AnotricksGn. f-1-' r . 1005 I ,ck iabd ,%erida~ocing<hi- r 10da t. b. n toocned premi oitl cool went ou hia gorainnitf-, n t îmlie had im-q-c. e aav cmptcd and isus given the bo'i,, or _________ raptli 00 of!NMICd al Iti-se ro a't!- . Hus fricndî are congoratulatinik onui ou all ioes " HE 'À ESI Grcen Wii lavei-e ctroofor tfi hoEocn! Ion Tho- ciiolot ho - la Reptiblicen nom inct,i i foir eh erl t! fo nehomo- I b i-e .nd hao t i olOi, 10 Word carne te the qS cro lody fi-o'-n IFs 00 oui ad 10.15 ,i-n ouci-il ii-- lise country titat C0,r0 offiF-OO woltl se i.-'acîh,- ionu resîdent of ar- torn-rs 1> Presenit aetIhe liearing whprln o t.hrowlug his hat utc I0- ringe. It la parents sooocbltto n-gain eutboo leauet that ltoic s rolaiug pcti ithe chidro n, a-o-oe tier tharlo-s vtî tiens hy ishicli lio to bplo i -pIied on the Repuhican ta I I Up ta nais tiere liai--o en FAn' rintes mentianet as p1>0 illiiqfrF RX N B U apposition ta Mr. Gret n, loti up tew~n- nais nouehelbsrcooil;oit petitions. Thsun, 1 ftie petItimun atm- filet thîro D1ON CIT Y AIIJ wIltl b> a i-et scrap o ý ei hs ________ownme TO BE AT ITS BEST ESCAPES FROM Crops as a Whole, According' ASYLU , STE LS A Io Careful Analysis, Are the ASYL#ISTEAS ÀBest in History IIRS A D J( tion Ciy lbleilsot nith fine rp, ________comprisesa tract oIlI square mit-s. bas seume fiue ferma ou ilt dttsln Thos. Twentymnan Jr. Picked 3-car, accortlng ta the tîarmers thn up ~ Hlsdae Afer ak- selves, and Scitilrdiug la O. W. Fr up atHinsale fterTak. ley, o!ofthe test authorittescol ing Palatine Outtit tarmingmlunî.ake county. N 0ta ove are etwasi-neut ond supply ha.-. GSus Ittter,' wli ha> a tai-m tbree become suclu an tmptortant problous. miles >narth o! Palatine. came to the tanner bas corne ta b>e qiielto- Weukegau totay te Iook tnp a valua- as Important as lh> saodier eudthile bIs bomes and buggy that isse stolen tsi-mers ou lh(, Zion Es 'tate are cer- tram hie place Iset ulghl. tlte gainedtinly "dorsng their bit" tbis year lu no trace of Il: eut le!t loir Chicago. puehing their tandtle tbe limît. At tbree o'claclt a mlessage came Val T. Mafzteer lies 95 acres mu! ta the Waukegan potice finat a man the choicest aud eut he stiteot yee- unaed Poisers hait been îlctcined et terday that bis praspects a! a gootl Ilînedale, luavîng a loi-se andt rlg crap tête seas;on wsens Imiter then whc apparentl> ic lu ad stlobs. they het hi-en for mau3- !ears. lie Sei-gi. 'ryon exptained tii-e e a-o bas hait. a fine crop a! bariey, ln tact body tram ber> tI ýtii- înaine o!fi'ow- lit catt-l nat hlve heep beiter. Titi ens an Bebo-toere sîrel .wliere te wlueat sud oat irop le goat, aindPe,;- tellow said h l tiretncuthe ques- péecal3ly hena. "The corn is do- tiuavhng that !obtowposowus titat the lug flue,," sait tiMi. Naffzigger. "Thec man detalued was Thomas Toventy- nain andthle liai wcatber bas matte mau, Jr. Ie liedt been tient ta El hi Idéoal toar corn. hItla about reaty bo gin an-May,5 anot the chanuces are ho tessie now." escaped, made is îl-wav la Pelatie, Eeides Ilie corn aud wisti, Mi-. got the herse sutndbrg andt oent ta NaffcIgger bas a fi-se fildebt ariet Hlinsdele ovi-i-,e owca pimket artclaver.le bas a big rrop of epples. wwentysassnas hobby wbcn lu Weuke- rasçsberi-ies sud otlier fruits, aut bc- gaa a-as tlom, sicobînEro! hi= neld lesites ibese grains aut fruits b> basi ucevriti- ls - bicboasa rema anda fine oatro-herd af Durham' catîle. rig. Il- rill b.c--lit baek ta Egiu There care only Ihree or tour hents ano thlb i: -'-oti--o- ,,!tetahe aiuer. o! Durhams lu 1a-e e uuty, aue af thceliesî belng et Round lake. There are bs-gslinz In The int The> 'Mount Carmel tarm, coausbetin Wdens ade 1of 17,1 acres-, l4 une o! the larg"s- penents avctisim2 columnal. larma arount ZMotnCity. ht la larmed grawu qoite ixtenivety lu Minnes la eut other centrT'al sMates, but If is only ant experiment bhere. Il is a targer grain than barlc. ud l ai co i> splendid teed for cattie. A.C. Anderson bas a farm an blrd strret, Zion,('ity. Hp bas a farm af 1'5 ( acresI-le has a crop aofisheat, iiarley andt oat.s aud corn. lNe bas two acres ln hearded isheat, and a good crap o! aiflft. Mr. Ande-rson 1% said ta bave the largo-ot oiary an tbe ZMan estate. le le alRo credited wiih having eotd $400 wortb ofmutmilk lasi year. On bis farm die has two large silos. Neis Jobnsmun bas 56t acres aoft-mol on lh" MiIwatkee Road and 2iitli streel. lie is Raid te, hioe ibm lin-rt corn ln Ibis part o! the countiy tlis farm teis n a very hIgh statE, of oui tivatton aond is a treat ta look et. Il-ý ba.s a modeorn up-ta-date bouse, an-I a fine dalry.lie bas Hltetin cuir' Anal ber farmer ut Zion City tuas 49) acres af lent and hue a hlg cro7n of 'oterqis ho-unultoss obeat. Hec l4 reising JIlon new lant. and i, !ooIl ta bie a floe eî'op tIqts var. fi, lias ah-o some Swedtsh select ovat, andl oore oîfaliu and barley. CO M-tiihards baq 270 srmo - go-no, r:ýèI rol -rps is olhýoatq, " 1'i. andt coi-n. and bas put up a terce quantity of timothy bey. He lia> t 1Il' targesl farmn on the Viuo City sitIo. il.- bais loue herd ai ilollein ai- and a large dairy, silo. etc. S P -on ý,of! hie rono ini genril I, Lako- county. O. W. F'arlev oRaid thi4 xiortIlîg that the recent raIn.s ho' ¶ bien a great boon ta the cor-n crapil. Tbo-n ilere wis the bot oeathe -r hl on top ai Il sud Vie corn tII groîwin- rapidty, andt la o! a fine,,color. ?be Illinuoisocrop is exce-tionatiy goooi. In the coi-n bell. which la lunen r-il titinoi.s. the corn la the' lnest Ibm'- have baid for vearq Tiîey have eo cli mon-re ai ol It-11 o orn Iwtlt an o-- boomebld 10re,- ulake c1unly. Th,,- ruli.m- little or no wlieat tberoo The lndependent's circulation con. siste of> READEPS-not cf conter tant&. Lakeside Hotel on West Bfank of Fox Lake, Burglarized Early Saturday A. M. BURGLARS USE PASS KEY N one of the Room in Big Notai Were Ransaoked, Nothing in Barroom Disturbed Ttne Lsk"'lde Ilotel. on the weM fmnk of FoxnvLatte. isas burgtarise< nt on Party hour, July 27, the tilpven malrîng off with $500 In curo. rcnry whtch tbey tok tram them ash dmwèr ln the bar Toom. The rohbery wafi net d!qoversI until 5 o'clocktt'is mn>rniig VbM on(- of the proprietorfe was snmmoa- Ad by the harteuder. It is believed that thé rabbers eained efliauci'Into the 'ioitpi builê lung hy means mof a pa.s s fey. for»., nothinc lied heemdisturbêd lulntb. hot Pl lohb' or ln Ibm barraamn prop- vr. The lakpqide Hotel In operated iby .foýsrs Lortd and NMichllsn. The roilie of Chien go and nelghhorIng el. t!es were nottff d and an attpuint le beIng niride ta roundj un viunm','n and tip%,ie who arp lu hidtng ln Chk. Do vou think Von bave doue ail thât chauid lie reqtàirpd oiyou ishen 700 leud yotir innany out ta vaur abuniam. wblle other men gte ibeir lires? Saswl flee a Ilittié. indie yoor*elf Ime. spve more, lend ail yo eau. aqd then b. 80157 yon enn do no more. RAY N. SMITH Bell ystem T ELEHONEservice, like evehig drmay go wrong occasionally. It is our aimito make our servce as nearly perfect as possible, and our operatons are carefully trained with t that abject in view. You can co-operate i mùiing the- service satisfactory. When there à anything wrong, eaUl up the chief operator at once and stepmt wil. bc taken immefliately toCo'-rrcýt it. ~ CWCALO TELEPHONE COMPANY st-watch------------------.......25 01 Xlll Ot isix ti :li ai b nie. -becn calinet.---....-..-.... 50--)-------is ,ule,-t to a llai Dr. Palmer lia.ý ajo ' i e lo ........' bi lien i pr 00-1 i-ng ot Grcoy olake acoiia là 1,1loow (Are. )airymnplct I10____________ nà îillow (Mno. i; Hers, 1(1 tit 1t..-----... .---- ----------21 TO QUELL cri oS-e ... .... .... ... 16 20 ........ .... 2900 ÀNEAR-RIOT AT IKE VILLA BANK ýSherîf Griffin Asked to Go to Stop Trouble but Finds the RE-O ENS NDERDisturber Asleep NEW MANAfiEMENI AFTERMATH OF A INC WELBOURN IN "MODERN MR CEPY '-- WÀNTSMONEY DUE. liIM FOR LOSS 0f WIS AFFECTIONS Clarence Bristol Makes a Levyý on Joe Petticord's Share in Estate of Father ENFORCING JIJDGMENT Some Time age in Court Waakegan. 3111 Si. Attorney .1. K. Or> ta today In 4#r. (*urt courit fiho-d a buti whereb 'bel 'meRs ta osir in behalf of his CIient eouur ., ebun ta tegCuauqudas hleorm samefeo! te lete r I tetram JoiFph Pmoticord of Cray.qlake, counry.He bing tathe hauauqa pltfoni ome f te anders mOf Scl- tbeamtounf awardpd hlm for alleula- ontifllcexpeniment and preeente tliem entertelnlagly andri learly toauanau- lion0o r-lir,Irstots .;affptions. qta audience.He bale water wlth a cake of eelm e uses shingie tjs s Tha suit woo.oied qftii'tst lp,1tti- kinOllug woodnd malles e~ottisai lt s es onors taisis. mke. thse thermometer alnk ta 40 degraefflbelais zeraoile teu fat'~n. Ihat of .1e Petticord. The seconde. Ha propels a mistor isitsthseSound of a flutir And he do cr ugin was obtaiued In c'.nrt bers, of thlugs before bis audience lu these scertific exîoerlments that eeem far Itritol ehowin< ttat Petticord. Jr.. out be7ud -tihe range of pasiblity. "Modlern Miracles" laeth subj t of hl ran awao' wlth Mr-%. Bristol. week-daY hlcture. Hia Suuduy addresa he styles, "A Sermon In Science.» on~h ~h t~'~t cu>yîl~ r aio an Ilyaung Petticordoq, eare <or tihe lir. Wedbou-a ias over one of the Lincoln Chautonqua circuits a yedrao q fthr state The 1tervenlug De- bas iectured et soute of the oldest anud'targemst Chautauquas la Amer e H.tion iled hy Mn. Orvis elahut that, yul svpear on the Chautauiqua buté on thilftisday at nlgbt the ostatp îs %on on Il,-ediviiied "du tlierefore Bristol wants his cli lalten ottut ofthe azuount due the Son b> thf- Eliaeon broihers. They toa hefore the court permits distribution. PKErEx.S FRIEND h tave a fine berd of dairy cattie. They The action hle direct-d almiust U. are raiuoiug general crops ofo ats, t-1. T.itchfiltd, isia sawulned hY tis" RT alet and coru,-anld are putting up eider Petîlcord as executor of the large crpo i n i otiry hav ptae TO PARENTS, COURTl eerhsaarme 61lVES CftILD CliOICE rI a a l arge dairy of Holstein andBU fL R «E DraicatIti>. H a odco ou' orn, aats, barley and pasoes,$0 RO O E Little Ruth Walter, Formerly of tionalry gad. leith~~ e g PROM lIOTE Zion, Permitted to Select er in Zom itv, or perasi hl Her Own Home for t . the ils ltha gra C AS IlREfIST 'REMEMBER YOUR FATHER" rhat is Admonition Her Mohter Gatve Her but it Proved to Be Vain "Yei mav aek Ibm child auy quiý- tiens cou w1s4 - si! Judge t'er-ii'osi lu court an July 27, addressJng hMon ris Welterof Kenosba, tarmprly oi Zion City. The laItier ioiruing Ia Riott.I, t Pight-ymar-oloi daugliter. -oaii. i iîh e-ould yoii rallier corne hoînie la- pa and mimma or isouti tiî ralieor stýay wlitb Miss t'-olldge, and, v ho- s-ald it hie made empluashs on tle wordluth. und booked t St er eternly. l'naba-,lie t he chitd lookeco thoe father aqtiar- lu thii>e0-3-e oantd il ir.would rallier bl ie liMiss, cool1 The moîlier. seelng hou- 110liv-s weri' lurning. s.-loi- boni frore--o Ruth,. li ti 3our papa., "I1 know il, o-aid 1h. ciil.diijj, da onful ly. And, tlen aller han-lue Ihat tliý other cuilo, Esither, aCcu 14. iý . g- bing l>L am i tolcoîritetIhe lionio oir gIrls ni fl:rX Tidg--. lit- P. r-o:ý For th, lic I lletç-o-o-bi f rit i i dron. t1ho-l-o-ve Iho y i-r -lay abi'e- lie3- a.0 ,r.>thor i han go bar k toi li,, rý dareunts IrEnteran orolor ta o' o 'o-ct" 'ÇV o n ltire 'oVnhlor llo oital 7 or r ite c.10loin î ri4ere 10k inawaeo froni !bocni 5ocalose th' y v <tio't Cari- i or theni propo-rly. T lo- îl b ri or -n te Park I there li.- ile ihilil was glnon to thle cari 0f Mo- -o ('uoit go,. wio 1 li a chbor ilinic in luio Tl'de Park igo o-hooland it mo i Page MUM lý 1:»--- - & 1, 1.ý

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