CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 9

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L ,;RTY\VILLE. INDEPENDENT L&$Lak C ounty's Big W AUKEGA GWous.. v XN " *a "mT akem uic*. AU MW'EEKLY SON eI~~~r ~ -~ - - .VJLa. .AAV.-.NU. 324 PART TWO LIBERTYVTLLE INDEPENDENýT,AUGUST 8, 1918 SIX PAGES r115 'lPif 1 nll Tht AflUM Î'TU'LNW F....... ........... ........ tion on Request of Attor- ney General Brundage ITSMANY VIOLATIONS 'Chboerledas Place Where, S*oW~sy and Lawless- nmu is Rampant Cbargng that tlie Uppincîl h-oci et FOX lei..'.One of théb.hittric re. sori.ofthle lake region la a nulince lad subversive ut public muorale. AI-. tM'ny Generci Fduard .1.flrundage 01a4 Stae'a Attorney James 0. W ich toay Blied lu circuit court an Infor- Mation. and peitioned tbé, courlto tenuel.'a n ljonction reslrcinln.'thue place tfro OPeraling attder thw i' ont ~ ~ Th ceue.Tcreefrainin.' order vas orderptd 17 Jndgc Ilduards sud wuc sem'.ed by Shé.riff GrifiOn eariv tim aternoon un Peler Johnson suîd Steve Vanent, lsep file th ol-I. and liajamin S. an& tEizabeth U.p, pincot Owners of lb.' properiy. 1 tînder thé temporamy ljuncîlon i Mot onlY Witi bc' Imposisible for lui..-. Ictlng liquor 1t e êsuld on tle lprou 1ace but di. msy nutl ven he i.'orc'i - <ler.'. lÀ.kewce (ihe operation utful,t utelilnea, gamli)g. and nîher Iingi tendlng lu di'liuach lbhepubliceiras la strcfly fubiddpn. The petlun Blied iy th.' attorurs gemeral. reterrlzw tu Johunson eclii Paneud, charges Ulaft tey "have a t treeted te salid premloisea îuy Iun dreds of criminais and dissoinîr 1u-1n a" mmd outen. sud mcny minora utfiîn. der' yeam, frein Lake. Counfy and ad. Jailuin.'connue. ad sl.atee., sud hava - wuscd a gener-eloilae of lawli.asuess, dissipation aud debaii.'bery te exisi tean aditilI aid preinuinea lu lb,- greaf detri-ment and. Inury ofrlb. pýubic bealth anubpslic mra.utr S.'communiy ut Fox 1l.cke. or Il." cou.-.nty otfl.cke. aud SIalt fflinluols - A. F. Kruse. M. iR. Wciker aud J Qlîu O.Glacer. siaf e invr.txator. ohta p ed lhe évidence against th.' Lppiu- colt fieuael. accurdin.' lu lbe- chaugrm tu tie Information.t Thiu.'men rcharge lbal lheyv i.ll cd tie hotel un luine If, sud lune 17 IlfIX, anud ac unlakey sud boer ..oid -tii mInuTe ut 10th sexes. sud ais., suc liquor sold lu ltoxicaled peuple, Or, J'uly 17. Sunday. liey say lhey sac' lutoxlcating tilquer semved lu e vr lno c'eoplo' Thyvg a y liaI esmin.' liol. place airînuand fliat many plaveti fh., nickel lot machines uhucli io .4 &bout the place. "GO THE LIMIT"*; LAKE FOREST COUNCILI1 Tic Lai..' orpaf clly coucilihait a verY. important and ratier heated session Tuoesday ulght when on.'ofut tbe principal maltera taken up wèis;f tice discussion of th.' Sheridanu r>idt biridge-blockiug plan fiat h bar.hen '1f1OMlW d p by Lai..'Bluff ofiiels. The Lake. Forest counicil. by a lin aniMOns v.oé, appointeid Mayor Kecue Addlnglou. a epeclal commutte, ut onc 1e lake up wlhh Capli. MuffeitIi.-1 matier ot Sheridan tload liig ciospld by fhe La'..' Bluff offitia. the iuder-1 istanding biug Ihat If the naval sa.e lion ofl'ciala pr.'termed nuetluelicdle rtic mlter thal Mayor Addtngluu uas te, "go lb.' limit' ulîhin the slu1 Compei fie openin.' ut Siemidan et Lake. Bluff sud thîus rmemuve %b laiv la çlamed lv peuple g.'uemallY aë lie- Ing a diacrlmlnatory attitude lowaî-ds Gr'eat Lakea ustation, Many hol speeches. vere malein tavor of imméediate action. afler .' U. Baker, IAi.eForest miliionaire,1 * lied Preenied the case and hcd mcl thse Daily Sun'g ral Iage sud eli torial comiment un lth- mafler pulbliabeh lu Ints issue ut lest Fridav. Mr'. Baker isaàd W'dnesday fiai tihe palriotlc sentimenla utf the WVau kegan paper round a' ready écho lu Ihe heamîs of loyal, Laite Fomeulemc viOse on. liamlies.' utsa ite1du their utmnoat for the Glreat Lakes meni. "'We are goin.' to give the commn-, dant, thcfOmt opportuuily,*" salitBiîk-1 er, Wedneeday. "But tf b.' la foc busy te -presa the' malter. you inayt r-et aaaured that Lake Forest will eary liltlbhrough," sald lie. 1 Chicago pipera Tuesday attemmouon' earrIed torles on the matter. 'The 'Nfews and Herald.E'xaminer maklng a tealure o? il. ViWaukegan aise la deeply luterraf.L efi ln tic situation lecause bludreds I of auloista tram thii. cty bave been -obliged hoeincie vide defoura to avOid tie road whlch las beau clos- cd by the Lake Bluff officiais. La'ie Bluff autiorif les asert tinat their only reasont lui cloing the bridge la t-bt thay regard thbe bridge over a /' .vIne ln the road ln ques- tion as unsafe for heuvy truaffic snchb as Occura on Visitora' daYs cI the naval station and on Baturficys and .'SiidayL Tliy gay tbey tear an accl'- viii tke plâc. if noveraI cars tre ,allowed cn Lb.ebridge et the a~tf. tAKE LO 0'8 *OLEST /IAm vil WOJN flkCE The Tribune prinîs tibn commun- -SS E L U S S Prairie VlewIII .,Aug. .-1 TI nuT VIL -tie, ln loday'a Tribune 1h. drall uf Janues A <l>'oîîrn, and the srlli'le Matles Ihat he. watt lheh 'old.'cl ns- RACE MEETIN6 NOW IN AÀJHOSPITAL tive ('llragoan," gî'.lng lhe date ot bshi t hîîiai. Oct. Il, 19(35- 1 heg lA , toap l h Gu i,: ey I eau antedit.' hic lilrth ly nlleAttorney General Brundage Or. a race, dal d b'Gîl ou monlFranceinuly 2nudo reaniChV.î9i Jnî1', h935ngThen arolu hiory (If ders Law. Against Bookies kegan tiismorning lelliug or ii, lui Jan.~iire î, lce5.1hd eary Secorond flîlcago .'mnions Mailas Mlaon Enforced wJilrn'. repop Se'.so oi. , nd rm allier) am cblackRmllli. hai.lng m . . oe on hotIl%îî.. Iuithe arhoru a trhefal.r13 n d 1113.and ai SERVES NOTICE ON WELCH Andrew Cooke tarin norIaý, t o Dearbarr mortli, an1933randa1834. and o ihiere was whpre 1 was bmr. 41ney i îur(' alikî'î(Il Ilor, few nolis fater lie muved 10 lia!f-nYHmrCtkWik,:i Dey (n0w Prairie Viewl, 111. i have Brundage Tells States Attorney ne hpe na rpeaident ut thaf luown cunCîn I1 E lii,'lellr areine rouglim n o' nul noîislly to tihe pre ent lime, He WiII Expect Hnmm 10 Iime and tella how 1Liut.,lPop,,. ahil, 1 p t ltree ypars' service lu the* Prevent Gamblinn Isconini onaand oft l r.nldh ciii wcr. IS6jZ lu 1965. Nineîy six.h jaaw liis cumme.ndiug oUfi !r hot regiment, conîpanY G, Illinois voitîn do)wu, how lie I heu aisimmed r Ii, . teerat. A lwo w.'.',. running rare mcclt and afler ta'lng bic men bia r111i; Perhaps thre are ulliers who eau lue, adv.'rlimûd l lie hld aIie)r ltreiiches fo p.'rnîl'tbeir glî- ' . anledat 1h.' boie rcord. yville beginning Ane ? . will lie un Off. he himsî'lt, wae ahot iii ,ir, Nii<SIN dr(Ane the caif tuthlbII . lier" JUDfSON A. I", s1 e urvellanre u« tate sud oiiuir beiaef,-u bt'he el and aniI, <ni a GOvERNÊNT ~offiiais, and if gamhllng 1'. permit. inger, The shoIs "wcum hri'in i TRUMMELL'8TOPRO13ES led proseruliOns 'wll fOlow. Th!% ach case and came (romin I ii, ;îit TRUMMLL'S EATHl wasdiscllied lu a leller mwrilli'.i oddsocos hî iI Thelbîurviha fui is.mash~î.'ual dicloeteCXl dceso ned ight i i i Th hovta ou lymyh% Tuesday by Attorney Gem-rai Edwarîî l i ecpdmlhyPli<r-i cnenlcm'd .10ilitote Miles M. Triîîuuîîî. il aller al cage. cae ing 1the 4dath of the wai' 1. Bruudake erluroses F. (e- l'o Ppe eniled froin Cook.îiîî known Wankpgan yuîuog man. 41a,4 banin, preeldeut outIhe Chicago C'i*i. la'. lg been î'mployed ai iw Ciii- etueà Chf, governmenltu laitea '.5ni' association. mercdai National Bank. HIj-w,11l liandlin ithe mal. r. A fedf*"al 17' Mr. Oreenebhuin had reecived in-1knouivlu Wauki'gsu, bis iiî, i i . r. %exligator arrlved inu Waikcgao W14d1merly heiug Nliss L1,11c rl nesdav aflemnoon and runterrei wil.h formation 0frlbhe meeting frîm 1h, Tih .' scrfromt Lieul t . - l)ellît Curnç- Edard 'ouaul Lake Counlv l..sw and Order League, 1er rrierrung lu his uni f'Iw Tii.'[art thaI Mr. Triumin.-ll ais cnd liereupun had wrllleu Mr. BrocI 'lh. atai. M. 1.' ulir Iii . t îru- i'ugaged in goverriment work. ('u11 dage la,]iter ut preco n the < rouild nc du(:iilou ss a m uy .îîml ia pied wilh lthe n'yeriuus lemcnt. lu in t "'experlence ice clown thal alîcl"i Coi'. dc elo ' bal e h l î-1 fi. th.' rase' md lhe (cal harilihrç-aln nu _lg14vrulfuetint c iasderiie bb'alnie, Tir' lhin-l ie 10' l-eileri. baie theu rerll'ed 1) ' v a mel~l itîlvcranl ewstrîi blugi u ii ie riomier of iunfn 'nh.' fi-dral or. m- rel'.'au excuse for belting ou <b.' and there weme a gond inai cacual- îîce. iaîled 1hr govertim.'ni lu Cake rares fhrough hcudbook,s lu (hîcru 1". Our expculise, .a lieutenant hy la bondln he ffar. o. lbc naine ut Marthi. was Iihit atîil ah b qd usieasfaik, or ad o." 4 'clork a. lu . and hart litsicig urok- thtgoesîns at aned Mr CoCr1. hy Mr. PEmnudafie ln replvuug lu Mr. en by a apiluer s'usethe- kue.': 1 gard lu the pibiliy iitl Ni .Green.ibaiamn'a lelter wrute: theut ki.charge (uf l).,- gîînr aud TrummeIli me. .ited lelters îhrvateuî- "I recali the Incident vou mnilon ahojul dylgf m. erildlin lug hic lite ut hm' did Col gise up his ed, in which former Slafe'a Atornev up ope f..pln -aeoe guiemument employmenî Su far ai.e îîaîy served i cle'upuu 1h.ri' Acopeuarphli.<rn've (an lie learned Mr. TrunimeIl diii netl r,,, ud sdjusled th.;riin ire ou ohm rpecel'.î any lîlîrra or flue kun uhît eting prumoters soîne years agc, baltery, and w.' cerlarii'.- guI one of thle duos nul mean. lunIthe opinion<f Ihaf lie wuuld use the çoers ut liii thnae "sheptlaou ti Ir itourend the' guverumneni insestigator, Ihal lbe office lu enfurce the gamblin.'las'about. I had th. es 5 izin lrr'uc.s dîd Cul reeci.'.- hem. A Tour.'O<ni and the' couaeçluent resuit ihat f,ý u ef he1gns m-i n l a 11111.' ide Opete probe fs U)b.'made out1he',-rsI acmi i <ibrdtlc lire affair au tiut t may b.' deter- races uer.' sbandoned. 1 got mnue. One, iliir..r about the' tned 'aheuher uîniîîl cuiropportui - Ihai.' nii leas.îu lie tîelieplIai Ihz.'or the lhuid I' r Itn s'eut lv was uflered ;.s.shl cemies lu Ithe claIes' attorney out Like rouuîty Ithrough (he fume Iilger If My riglit anse the local mais' deih. wîîî nul lie equalîr diligent tn enforr. l thrd uid the ;rofn iy cigtnegpiand JAP CONSUL 18 TO ing the laws and I have ari t into- 1 une llrough M, -i Irait lio elsI. 'n INVESTIOATE ARREST dcv ltrausillluig the information vri hpeetand ankle. I wa î'1- [Ylucsy iu The erre* pnd inrarceration un gave, (ie me th e l ilal h.' miei.'hetg hi lu ýIiufI,'.'1,,-i;,, lb.' dcii thie rounly Jaul ai MWîukegan ut To0..idlately notit. Ithe prnoulrs outhîl 1 ta e Gemn u.7-ui r '1' 10,g SPrikawa, a Japan"e rfroinHighland comm.' meelinga Ithat Il.' la" '. 'ou our btaterr% rai' hein nom. Park ou a charge utfhurglamy, laktes againal g3nnhliug cili hi' rigorously tiing to thhlk aboliti -l r nen unrk- on ,idOed Imporance heraure 1he 'o 'nforced. ed wondertull'.' loiii'.very coul. fire of the' Japînese consul tulit,.'Fortiinalelv Iliihaîîp ' tolugo lu U'nited tIches ai Chicago, lias ie "I have also assuîred hlm ibal lit, orîî-rvaliou postli r irAI hetore and corne iiufrealed luinlte rase andi i. powers utfibisoffice iill b.' at lis lad regislered su i 'lnin.ohm urbar. conducliog an investigation lu 1-arn co)nmand ln mainfsiniug 1the law ,and rage waq mc aboutîip-rf' Il'. adlusi- the. truth oftheb.'charge-. Chat hlifurthere ta auy reliclanre on the aI*ted act'o.t(le i'v. 'r Ir the.'pi-es- b.'.'. plcced agalusi lbh' yuung man. n fesv lI emn S.'rik iwa uopae ndrar'f utlocal 0offiiis. ùny invesîlgalors wulîletofesv of, u- emu S ws lapi udp areitwill taeea 11111e nmarc illP eoAmer- a few daya ago on a charge of hae- proinptly advise nie, and ilpin me- jeans. We cl Ihink oîhIlire fliai îng burglartzed the Puirdy, home ai ceipt utfsun chdii'.' I will underfaki' Germny has miade Iî"r lest big Highland Park. where lie waa col, hie enforremieut outhfe lau." drive. ployed. J-e usa given a pr.'limtnarv ____ lflghland Park, uho cuufîn.îed lb.' caea and placed -Zerikawa und-r bonds. The Japanese cas unahl.' lu uhtain a boudaunan and was removed tb th' Lai..'Counnîr jeailf.'le days acgo wheme >lie la belu.' leld peuding the heariug uhicl is tu lai..'place ai lghlcnd Park o.'xt Mouday. Attorne.y 8. H. Block of Waiukegan, tas heen retanled ar% counsel for th.' Young la,-anese'. Th)u. local attorui'y was somewhat suruprseed Wednesduv afîcînoon when lie was vlslted 13 a rePre.ieulative ufthIle Japanese con- mil 'who lutommed hlm h.'bcdl learu- Pd of the mnater and was conducllng ,a sapacle ivesigation. I8 MERELY FIRST &TEP. lu connection wlth the filulg by At- torney General Bundage ofthîe lu- jiuctlon bliiagalust thele ppýhcCaî bofel aI Fox Lake.'%Ir. Bmuunig'eaul. nouucu'd Wednesday ulgint ilat Ibis bill was ouly th.' irst et a camapaign ho Iniprove conditions lu Lake.'court. ty. lut short, the attorne'y general ut Illinois, findi.' that ft.' morale -of Lake Count y lsn't liing' kept up lu the standard h.' bellevea hIt eould b.' kept, la goin.' lu "tike.'the blth îe borne," et.'p over the. Lake. county lau-entorc.n. and look. Lter tb:n.'c hinoeif. Tis la 1(thofirst lime ln thc bistomy or lAite County that au attorney generci bas tound conditions à4ncb ce to justlfy sncb à step. .Protest Flled. Several weei.e ago militai-y and naval anthorltlee and ThomnasTt. Quayle, boad! of the Lakte County Lsw and Order Lestie, laid the ieattation bêtora the attorney general. Mr. Brundage'e premgent campaign a imlai' te the aueee@Wutl fight hi' conuncted aga-inst laiwleu tirant. sthops and repotrta-lat. Cla&, Vermil lion, and otluem do*natate ouuties.,ý Tbe t0m7~5#1j no 4' SEE FOUR PER-. SONS KILLED;OME ON TO BE WEDDEDI Four pereulua weme kiIled and tuen f y-six injuru-siln automubile accidentsi lu Chicago sud near Racine Tuesdcy An automobile conlalin.' tfour per cousas umn duvu ly a NorthbShore Eiectrlc limited train tour miles norti 1t f lhe Wlcconsin houn. Ail memberu of the autumobile part y uer.' kiIled. The party was returning troni Mil waukee. Hjotb apparcutly did nol se.' the train untîl it vashou tl te l avart a collision. Tbe Iodles uer.' takeu lu Racine. The tact thal four People were kilI- cd by the train ou ulici tiey ver.' ridin.'. did uot deler Edwin 8. Humph. raye and iSigna Benaton o? Chicago 35 and 28, froun contlnuing Ibeir hri-l to Waukegan and getîlng tie licens.' on wbicb 10 get marrled. llather a bard uay 10 tart out oui marricd lite but va iad gone 10 Mil.r yankee and tound va couldn'î gel marriad thare without gve dais' no tic.' an w.'came on ta Wankegmuand ver.' on the iII-tated train. Il looked trying 10 heat the train- aaid Hampb-, raye n, a IfteP Peln hec arw day shoutd le baartiy appreciate.J Iv the Sopd cîtizans o? Lake county"', m.Qniyle aid. ':tunBorne o? te lb Iaufi-ou»25 ho W muonubave ibéEa, en'i-it"one -ine dniniing, Bt dia lars. - Young sfris 16 md Il Yom n *14bave -been aerved vibffhllor etthl. ence IIERE'S WOMAN WITli RECORD; GAVE lIER ALL TO WAR Mrs. Adla Hines. Cotunty Street, Has Husband, Son and Alil Relatives with Colors Mmi.. Ma I-liues, \Norh Cnuni.y etreet, Waukegan, i<n roid ufthle ficl fIat ber hueliend. tiir Oly son 1111, ail ot ber close'rîair are 1l11 lb.' serv ice ut their couîntry. Hem busbaul CIl S;. S lImess in l fhe. leevuil D.'lacluîîîcîîîbaud anî lier son,* H. Ilines,,ironlthe U. S. S. Oregon. A brollrr, llarr- Day, las beau lu the ncvy 12 yr adif;ul nou a chie! bolcsinsniate. 'H.'bas .adef uv. tripîs armons cou veying Rbîpa. Another bruiler. Italpli Day, la iu tii.'Tuenty-ltrst PIF-Id Artlle' and le nou lu France, lier hlinad' brother, David Hines. ue. ouithie bar. dem for tiii.'. yearsandul s nov a ser-Z geint in Comnpany I. lFoule.'tblu- tant-y. ǧfer ther sud h1^r ftler loti toughtinlu lb.'Civil war. Mm. Hine.' asys hem bualscnd has lielpd hoenli IassI 20 men lu îleU. . svy 'glave up c good1 home and va gad10do l," .le sayp. -i County Clerk Lfqw Hendea e laiad ibl at hie bonne on County etreet wlth blond Dolaonlng lu bis foot. Iclun fécted It whlc worklng around li. auto at bis home, but the sudden i trite. blood poisoning was Most unexjpctçd. LIE UT.LÔJAÀ.V. sIÏTH. S-AYS 11E IS NOW ACANDIDATEý Lieut. Coi. A. V. Smith. 00w l.ght ______________________________ iCg the Hune in France, as second in with file uppermost thought onhow T E XMESSciiAG to defrat the Kemer, nas foundf suffi.F 01 Ciefit time to ma ke a formai and Euai RO decision that if the war le over and hle la bacd.ini Lak&e county in 1920 'i UC lie Witbe a Candidat..-foi- atates-&t--r -l terney of Lakeo county. T ET E C E TIhis ia<'l la nhownîiiiui i dr.'ssed li the lIf Sun i l oi; ,uiih and writinh o is irivatt-ti 'O N ACTIVE SERVICE Ilonary In hla . lentonufihe liaH llll,, in Prrance. la withth (?ol Smitlhu rrelfrç Coluant e 110Vth !li 1nii'Snsiaù i a pp.AMERIOMi EXPEDITIONARY FORCE <itil r lite Si aE i, lt:July 1, 1918. dl i'llit-ueioril h'coel I tIn'o, i ditor The Sun- for milii. lits )ýoitiy lp larialn I appreciated very much your kind words in ai i,. hw taIr,, lie.:I la; k rfrnc the State's Attornewm te.Ihve lu lliînoi. %%:i In h.'fivxl iefi 1t t eferenc tOhav iorliîe. 1< ht Vibeariiiiud h.f l i I, no heitation in isaying that I would like W ,hold In fl [a(ei il curîidering I' , 'Il.-eiiwn lie glai,in I if ,h the office and intend to again make the campaign el.'iiui T irfir îoî'ciieif back in W'aukegan in time to do so. The inr< iirp ,I'ii' j, A. V. SMITH, Lt. Col. stat,' iornr in (s.. e oi < W'hat Inspired Announcement bat.k a is ii iii iIw adîogiîiing. 'iîî and .'xprvesfe'. Li Sun', uîopinionin Col. Smith's statement as quoted above wus ii n - the maili. fe nz '. n 1r'. 'ponse to a persqnal letter dated April l6th wntten to Wm amouëg lho., v illh whi ili son ha, brthe editor oîI' the Sun, the. foUoioiing beinir au .xcerpt covr. d, filatIri('ni . 111 h oui - . - hack froînt France IlivIlie t(iinn';il rom it and on wnat Col. Smithn nu ued nisanunounce- sile'.allumrnf r amipaîgnri oiwiment from the trenchesl ron"rI.'ie wiii îiîflotia., ie inî-ak' ce.'lng Ihat sl th e i .'t leler 1 have wrltlen te you. camîiaign a il.Inluothîr î'orîls, lit.- as.a word tfencouragemenl I milght ccv lu onei hat 1 have heen tir apreadlng the word and have had Il sent hack lu mi# hat f ifle. war enda i b henexi lime flic.'Bides Attorney campalgn cones amound anu t 'oi. A. V. Smt ornes hcck lu Waiikegcn caf.' and sound and wanta the' joli in Lakrc otinylv.hiis th.'fellow lu have il. This may tend a Itîtie encouragement lu yenî lu kuow lhaîî 'olîr frienda lierte are nul onîrllîlîîking uf your p.'rron present but or yoîir futture. Bce l ieve flei, il any of lis cao do aiivlhing ror vou aifter yuî u have gneP Il1 it 1ln vour lire 1)iv ygoiog ahaio t u atic 'lit) the' la. I liatlalenow .oure. w.' are goîng Ilutitre Inandlhelp y.oîi)î ,..lie t hiiringfor voit lu do 1< lu êerilniiîihisi terrihle r'laîughier uîhroad ca.,lllirkly as"posai- 'ble. gîlt lie 'Kahiers scalp, cand fi.'rcoic(,hacnd mil]ithe people ut I..' Counîr Ihat von uare wiling flu arepl the lbottierwhich would lie yours liv ail lPglîlmi' î'lainma as a nialler uf a litt. bit of recipro. dli' on Iheir part. 'erhaps lisi lb.filime Ihat stage arrives Yeti wont wa nt the jobi but ou 1h.' alher lîcod your bus, neas affairs may rearli th.' point where voit wil lie glat i t have. il and .0o know personallv there Isna ' vhody 1I ould railher se.' have the honor than you. 7hé tact thal I anîd a few of your friends are sPpaîling thir, sort of poison t>.may hasten îofr efola lu beaoatlthe Kaiser so yeti can ge an. ber.' and lake adivanlagé, uf a sillucion whlch should work lu yoîîî ,medit and your advanlage. peupfleOft l.akecouuuîv vil leudi.s'- lin uil,..u-t a inuertI ah noluri - li'iiii ise a , impbran,' osuisial'l' Merely An Appreclatuon. 'lhv .' lî'îhîîg lins lii'eui iliai il (i) Sillitliis«uswilIg io gt ivi hu ini ild lis liýýi l iiir's I os ii ighîl uuîu ai tl.'s o'. r liiiFranu, eil s ili %s llieIe(! c i'"P' <il. ilifil hifii the' ho.,, whicilho , enlighîl fa i ,r.- ago and wlui ch ImI-ciOl ouli h ftcr a vî-ry vigorou-. *âIiiiprulgil aul iii s ulvPd nialiv i s-.i'ý. filît wa lii li1 air mli .and ivith Cul. Sinilh ris k fi-r.- un l,'îhîc î'iuuiu if ahiii- i alirlirl<ii.i'n of pî- u lion Iliar fh.. vole, of ut,11<liecolnui can silo,. ipi<un. 1)y t euueruîug Ililî 11h î..nrî n. ,u nid îtîhuas île proq,u, ifi li,. i iuuuiul Ille ie 11I' I î-ile-S'il,. hua? lu cccCol i. lluIIimi nark hlie' uhnte this canu ,aigu i-oui. s on thîît le sî,li1 get sl iir îi.i.'. cru hi-Imi ng vote fomr the Offire fluIoni liltar exceel aîuy î'î.r gi.'î i .icansdidate ruuniug fur liii.-. 1p,o. i riîleiiLake' coîuuty. Ilui vtewiî' f1h- pr'osPective lemmiu'i- linnonfuteh--'.iimr 4causa.ofuthLe nan- ner li whlch lb.- Americana sund Frenchtu a inig bIes nt thie Gem- itsu illes. il s iiteregling lu note that cul. rinilli even'nuw hais lbro'.în is tai ltet h' mrin.' sud la ecdy t, ein"id le îiîî'remssioîu 0ffthe' votams ut l,i.eruii Muor'-, lan 101)00t)Oh f Amerîcc's Youug mnuhavse enlisIod aM tie Gr-eat Lakes tei,,inv srahtun, silice ver sas declared. Peter Mceemohî has recelveii of- clal notice ibatnele bW"been appolint ed t0 the- offce of Ueputy Cllector of Customa utf Wankeian, 10 0MI the va- rancy caused lY (lie audden deati ras- c.'ntly.uf llenryBmo,uker. 'm.% Me, Darmmtt'q appo)iutinent ln effective lmmediate>-. That h.' wuuld be ap- polnted to lbe D0io~Qn w#s prQdlcted by the Sun severai dcye ago. Announcement 1 desiî'e to announî'e to nmv niany fî'iends that 1 ani a vatîdidate for the' Re1îuhliu'annoionation for Sherif of Lake Cotiîîty. su1je'lt tîî the Primai'- ies oIn September lifli. In asking their suîpporut at the primary 1 arn doing so entir'ely on my preîo-îus record as Sheriff duîîiîîg the'ont' ter'nmi llil dtlîat important offi.ce, duî'iîg the yeaî' 1910-1914. If î'enorninated and eleeted, I shah do ail withiîî rny power ',o again administet' the dlities uif the t' ofinl an efficient -nid satisfac(toi'-'vîîanîîer. I appreî'iatî' the suppî1ort already given nie throughout fith viîty and arn willing to let my previous record stand as the basis for asking sup- port at tiîe eoliitg pî'imary. ELMER J. GREE'N-. Id ý 1 SIX PAGES -Ft $1.50 PER VEAR TN AT)V-&Vi-TV.-

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