LIBERTY VILLE ,LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDE NT VOL. -XXVI.-NO. 34. IFOUwR<EEN PAG~ES LIBERTYVILILE, LARE COUNTY, LLINOIS, TIIURSDAY, A'UGUST 22, 1918 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEzR IN ADVÂNC CATHI[OUCFNJTERS MAY EAT MEAT FR1z DAYS DURIN4i WAR Wamhngtooo, D. C., Aug, 16-To reý mot-e ail doulit frein theý mind.s of the (aîiîollc soldfierà anti sailers of the United States regardlng the obliga tien of ahellinence on FTridaysm, the war Cuparîment today mnade publie.' the folý lowJng direction f rom PatrIckýHayes, Catholic char;aan bishop: "AIl Cathollin bIbm-army and navy of the lynoued St.tFci, are di F'penttd, al; totig as tlîy remnain In nilltary ser- R~ ReistrdhreJn 1 rttn!fi-ait meass on al Fridays eg scre her Jue 5 îlitrîtuglînîîî he yeimr.allh the sole ex. Practically Intact ICi-ltlit eof Good Fritias-, (atholic nurs- es aiso are dispensed."' The Waukegan drait board today DI Ofl IiHIT recemved officiai notice tOday that Au- guet 24 la te ho registration day end V D . a Il the Young men vwho have become R ULE TO 60VERN~ 21 yeare cf aile &Ince June 5, ire urged to appear and regliter on the IJ DIE date $et. Those n the Waukegan ai- LABOR D S U E trict are to register et the Wauke gon Chamber of Commerce building, and at Antioch, the samne as lait Jur'e. 1A ot( !r:!s"ýir.o Tne houri of regstration are to be A < tt 'î" - t- rfi 1ltî the iame-namely from 7 a. m. untJIl amentlreni, la'îît, crtlayîiî-tainf'î 9 P. Mi. r niiit S, fiv Th-rît a'r'gl'lr.îttn on 'tîgit '21, nlîî -t Jtîtkir, ai et ni..1 w îitho è t-c)tll ',lt - a17 aîtt ittcol s'.ni , o oit ami t Jtîum, t u-tsp lij î, J f iîsîs1Inl In n f h., factt l", luni lPIw",", t lîi ntî, i rut' lb e-mi,-ula ttins ' thtl'tr'-sidon, ;7o t-uitsin,' lî,lI ..lIi trait I'racti a!ytt I ,- o ' ,irris'Ilî nIe all or t - tpiil. i- r- iti on fi- he par. i b 'in on..' antlýi ttt lt.rt tiY it a SititiN : to <'itl Aion a nînîttit Titta ire-îi'1" t '-î I i t t f thriiii- l-h on tht numîttitîr f 21 >t rotlI utmen îtfjitanicîtl1.'rt,,-rin 's rt-glstem'-d'OTit on th,îlir fhis ytar ath ndcldJfr nig ý OIn tht' liaslI lthoet- ai bp ahi, it ci ottttf rmn 2()t< ii ~lieu,-C-hlafreIn 1 i-î.n %st a'îîîîî, hi. illig ? Il-t Wattkegan 4Iii-trîi. am It la flgurý,I1 th,- t rî L1rm-eitînsn indsria tat thim ntumlier havt- h-tr, 1dsue a 'l Years .toid mince tht- Junt- r(-glisra Ion I".- ,t t t tni,-f.ntn. te si-r. thîs icar b !ea cj-I a.on r tuftose vito rigLsiaret dr,"-a ett n june tbis 3 tar havt'e heninlen Morrîson Sces Conscription. away in regular drafts as set lit -v. i.r t'Mtn-ntftt mr srai have voiuntm-erm-d for spi-cial duty r M t-- o hAnl In remponse le rals tIsai have heen nn ederaltin if lahor, oppoacti rtecd Memltmrs ofrte local board the 'werk tr i fth" antî-ndinent ot have- beiieved ail a.iong that a nuin tIi.- sonate- iti, sas me ' Thpre lt no lier of Iliese Young mm-n wouid bp 1qutin abtouttaberging along with called away titemonth Ibut neocal.91 for drafts have hem-n recelsed for Au-j the govcmroiitL . t".l doiîtg t Ruât UP tu the preat nt tit- 1cmrlhet_ luittIs amt'ndn1ýt.rt - The work of s'amfying ail of th,ýs* nolhlng testiar conFcri;ptior if la men ProbablY wil i 1, -vintlI t1h- br" la the nei fi'a taî rhumeitre been delays becasuse suo orf tso cases have ht-en h. for.,-the Ilitrtt ll board for final declion Thc" î ia Jorlty of the yeung mm-n have lt-e- RIICE OF MILft classified, htawiscr. and are rpady te be ent whenes-tr th e- tailaisrecels ci held here a wcek froin next S "'tir da wllbeenirlydi tic ron ho TO 13 CTS. SEPT. 1 ihortly we the draft agem are t-x tended. and il lma aIs announced frotît tbe office of Provost Marshal-Oencral Chicagos retail mnll< price will-ad- ('rowder that the suggested date.Sp.- vance 1.2 cent a quart Sept. 1, accord tember 5, would flot lie the day for ng to an annotinc'nîent hy lte !,)d the registration of nmen front 18 in administration ]est night. The Iyres-1 45, even if coogroes passed tlie bill In Cnt prie la 12 1-2 cents. time. Plot hotties wi remalin at 7 cent,. Tlie prqvost maraliall 'îas no Inten- Coincidentis wîith te cits .'s gobeg lion, I iI s aîi, of creatîng regiqtra- on a 13i cent bail for thse dllverëd tien dates for mm-n reachlng 21 produc, tIse prise under the cash iliromiehout thte year, but the pres'-nt -an carry plan wlll bcIe r-ased froin registration was mde ilecessar%. h 10 cents le il cents a qu'art. the approaching dmficency of mnai Producers-eGt Advanze. power. Under an agrEement hetwecn Ibm- foot adminils ratlon, producers, dis- tributeti and condeissors. the prodite COUNSEL FOR for Septensber tntlk. an advance of AZPECAS CO. DIES I~u~~ uutr ni Rtobert .1.Km-m, 150 Northt Elma'ood avenue, Oiak Park, for trme days ci- vil gos-enor of Vnrtu Cruz turing Americtîl occupaiollen 1914, ieti Sunday in Muexice City feiiovbng an attack of typhoid tee-r. Mr Kerr was attorntey for thse As- pecam Minerai Co.* cf Texas, %m-x., of vhlebcittuutp:tnyJultig Treptow cf UAberîvillis and Mrs. G, E. Olden-, dort t ..of -tsitcrrspcttvely are iecretary andti reaFîtrer. Tht-y v ere, slecýked f0 bmar o0 frMcKm-t-'as t don passing, 'Man ' iaskm-county peo- pie are intere led 1lnIbm- conipans- ut whlcIs Mc, Km-cm vas ceunsel. MOFFETI SEES DANIELS ON EXTENDINO STATION W'asinmgon, Auz. 20.-Capt. NMof fett. oT Great I..attcaNaval tatioti arrivu d tlai- i enfer vitIs Secre- tary Daniela antI other officiais on, enlargementt te station. Tmor rev Capt. 7Moffet saUt lt-ai-e fer a three tînys' trip south tb inspeci uit- naval station atiHanmptons Roada, lie vill relumo Frttlay anti es îne the- c01itm-rmnéew Méorris R. OConnor, a jackbe, vlhil' getting off a rigbt train at Seventy- fifth and Halat-S street, Chicago Suyit t.îy niglit. fel and bis foot vas crusit- et, Ht' proiiahly wviii bas It Hi. homne fl;aai1044 SouthLIoomnis treft, ClIleago.t 015tsie'mn ofthe [ced admniastratin.t annunnteS the- r-iliprlm-s 0f 13 cents fer Septuember taihI 001 be ext-es ile btwp tm-nonetsan Jan. Itntd-ia bt-v lect-ti conditions; arise te compet a fîther adi-ance, 909000 MARK IN IDENTIFICATION TAGS IS REACIIED LAKE CO. 50,000 TONS SHORT 0f ITS COAL SUPPLY Fuel Administi'ator Erskine In- stducts Dealers to Sel OnIy to Domestic Consumers MUST MEET SITUATION Urges Dealers Also to Unload and Return Empty Coal Cars with Dispatch The smrousnes of the coal situa tion ln ILake counts lbas caused Fuel A dminis«trator L. P. Erskine to send liotice-, to ail]ceai dealers in the county, instructing them to spIl an- thracite coal only to domestir' con., surmers unlees specifle permission là' recels cd to the conjtrary. The fohiowing notice bas lîcen sent out to ail coal dealers in flic county by -'%r. Erskine : ý'rom Informa tion reci ted. lak, county wi li e ai least E0ji, toîns ot anthracite coal sho()rt, wilh litl, pros. pects of getting more. litis vrr es sential that you sell anitracite coai for dîîmstic Pur)oses only. In cses whî're office buildings, or places of business May require anthracite coal or sustain a great loge, it will be neo- es-sary for you bo get permission from yeur county chairman of the ceai ad. miitration hefor4 §âmie cao be sup. plied. The domtestin regulaf ions re- galndlng the two-thîrds of their nor- Mal suppIY, Must flot lie disregarded." About Unioadlng Cars. Spencer Er%-Ing. director of state reqîtîrements, and Puel Admlinistra- tor L P. Erskine have sent the foi. 1owinc Instructions to ail coal deal- en, ln Lake Counlv: freai Dr. Garfili asking us te me-% Mtore Ihan 9001511 Identification tarrnoîaeorefoî 0gtcr n have now hem-O matie for Great La(es (t0a1ieipffrti s tareti arkien mntis'eýd OItn anS ehicers, nddpopl 'ý tre akt Tht- 90.1(10 mark vas reached Sat- the mines. urtiav ninnrX anS ses-etaI Isindred "WP are at-coinpll.shi ng wontimrs ln t-mm-er made turing tIse day. It lran.3lorlt.aion ai prosent, butl.ovlng tatthe- 190000a mark e it r -Wisgrowbng demand for w il be mm-cheS tht- latter part ef roai t I if nperatlvely nmcessary tIsat itiI- monýi ior earty lb Suplember, et- cor crf cîî.i rce-oued lIedSealers A mca- stîîpmsrt of 2,,000 tatgs siashotnoid( meael ad re rti eu ssfrtî.îs norning. Iarned le tht- mines, ___________________Ncv is tlie crilîcil lime andS e-ty- BRUNDAGE ASKS VOTE cario n." eýay eh testa PRIVILEGE FOR FIGHTERS tIi-tI. Pitix lieauclianp of île Bt-t- SpringfiettIlit., Aug 16,-In at ih it os il us-bp corps la missing ln sIInto it tr iotttoighî AilorneY it-itun. -i,,or(ling te word recelvemi Geocrail Brîîîuna-s ta tIthe war yest-rulas 'hy Mc. anti Mrs. James FI, Sepaî-însn andh cnzrcm-s torna a KlnL cfLake Forest. Lieut, Beau- agreensont ntaltliîeIllinoiss otti erMtchamit la the fiance of Ibeir daughttîr, semving <tersests levsOe Pti lie coin-PIs Isabuelle A. King. TIsey met Ing election,. TIsai tht-y may have wa-bIt he vaa a slîîdent ai Lake For- lIse saine ballot privîlegpes as those ti coliege. He joîned the royal fiy- at honte, lie Semanîls tIsai île voles Ing corps ln July, 1917 He bas bmen mallet lîins bv soidicîrs beovîllheiS fiying ln France since July ot this fron tise cenorq. The Astraltan ycar. ls parents tormeriy Ilvect Pi halot systom i s ndaîîeed. le as- Si. Anne,.Ili,, but lave mos-edte serts, if such ai ctien la ttlken. i Canada. SUPER VISR WIITE WAS FATIIER 0F "'NO GAMBLINiyIs ELECTED TO flUAI NINE CUHDREN; WECHIEDICT ON SOLDIERSSAILORS LAKE CO. PIONER BIû RACE M Annual Meeting HeId at Wau- rW aukega tg 9 States AttorneyNtfe e cOnda Attended by Hait I, i t S t Peters Gambling on Races Hundred Vets b , hil~ iIBi ret Toi.,ise El InSiffell and nine chu-: tirpn . .ii-th eof(h Icazo;' Mri. G en. 'BISHOP FALLOWS SPEAKER Pe1nf Vîtinîî r D'en-1t TO EMPLOY DETECTIVI lin 'tauîîtina: Wr-. Phillcnal' .Milwtaukee: Caroline of NMlwaukkee, Mar'* J.. ofPort Sain IHouston, Tex., !ackie Band Furnishes M usic T (tSav Attn, Paueter Big Two Weeks Race for the Occasion; Greenileaf 1îm--i.sfai,'ls ie uceave, x ta Be HeId at LllbertyvlNe Again Is Secretary ; :,lto,<n; o,7: aitt,,r. ît .*oon, McAgu 2 "ltianîof MlenvJohnif \t e'o24 J - tînt sv Nit&t tsi Krapif of NVaIn Nî The annuai retint0 nef the Se(lierls lin 'and lient-v of Veto: te 'pi t S!att-. AttorneY Janles G. Wek anti Saile)rs' 'iý-Sslation ef Lake count I' ter,' . îsedni ni0S t it ti.rt;shail bcno a ty, hi-Id ai Wa'ucontia W tr 1, M -.1i a-hm n t Vt ' .nrg nilltia tt wo w and Thursday lasi weck à t at -a l id nm i il.' t tint . r - u ' i- rs fi. îg abich oPeiis ai thç i t-bicv lu 75, vetS. h pros cd r, Ii et (ln 12. t 1s .- eî,- i RLace Track, Aligust lncîsig affair. ln it iirria;e oIiisîl,e lFtte'fl nqti tdai wrote a letter to Law On_____________________ r. trointter uorlte race 1110 h,,II htion the- lanks of ILng, cYE NÀ Eltelcti lit inteda1r ue i. Hf t] Lake anti a Very interestlng attire-aE tUMlliiIi'd t Pree.H a ()f w.l-newas gve- -y-t-( -. w -l ieplans te have detecti-es onu bal Thte realo0nse was matit' îy (-,x. i "ur~~ ~u t ti i o abling"eserit lit. ewas a chorus andtihfihin UE1YIDEI3 uu 18 n excerpi fPci vin çteher r -- -t uzos,î.m .. rie iuîîosol ed on gidleck«tec ueýlra ld'mdThsableraTht-c'a a ti- URV _ Ir i ltecmp rire and foiesa tria lt.e uiograin a movluig ~cir-ant i l IN D.A I dance t-ltertined the guýsst int,._____ hall. I Toilin the village- hall TuIsttN aines Are Sent in for the Ap- i tue business meeting ai th tit' sehfHr.,g animual clecîlen ut fficers 100k pýlçrIl proval of Josp arrg Tutus afierneon a prograin vas liii-'I ton, in Charge of Work 111 titi- ilare park and a sers' itr ' tig tfaitwas gis-en by lishop P'at. h msnt c sîago. A Jackle band of WikgnAr - 2fl tiuc is -prescrit anti furniahetiaiea. u.lf MUsuC for te afternoon. Tkey vert- Louis P.ErakIefuel adminisitra- ainî tle gise a program tII es-enbng. lor of I.ake ceunty- lodav mate puitl- ______ AIttil Ptitt-1k place In Ibe vîliag, lie the naines of mm'n vhom Ise, tas pari thii'a ft rnoon and ihîs aise recommendeti as membera of titi, S IT W L BEdrcv a Podtrowd. conservation commillee of the colin- pr o Avn tonshp, as eectd carge of the conservation work as SIIRTE I A SO fresbdcnî et the Soldiers and gallor" regards tIse utlization o power and feESC N rilite eiuIng year. The officiers I5tvttatobt erfiee--tpr elecîct i wre as fo]lova poat-r or Ilhttoa concern when Ih IVIUR SCAN preqtsntA WbiteGra. ake. înteesmta of oe FîrtsIVice Presldent-qGeo, W lin- Second Vice Presiten-p h. Au, s p ndd e o epr.HrrîinetonadmrI Nt-a Yort .Aur t,11; -rlta- fbn. Waukegan. istalndé engosepherr. a. nie mbur t dies! Skirts an' 't) go higler-O, Ta',irnl Vice Presten-J. A.Mason, tilteaimortnt cn îita, ene rso Quufs- cotiidirahi hitisr: -Therf, b, Prairie Vbew. h motn onite a ~ ~ ~ c meto ia ,t r el hr Scry-Tras-S. F. Greenleat, Wau- Consultbng engineer-L. MEckl_ ened tbree inchî. Irona lIe presen' kegan ' trand. lengtli, but Ilie 1ir- -nt lmngth is v-ar- Eectcls-e Commbîee-Ballard, Li- Office building executive '-C. IL. f able, Seme-skir,-are already titree berluuîiile; F. C., Worth, Waukeg3n; Whitney. inches shorler ttan some other H, L. Burdick, Ares; J. B. Ttilmobal, Indusîriai exputire-tiamon Aishu- akirts, Wauconda; T. Ni. Clark,.iîghland 1er, 're it p cani te.-iijghit froin Paris Park le manutacturer-L C. Tewes. today. broughli 1)' vt Mesdames Mar Business man-Charles Ingails. garri lreaker and M. Casalis. whc, GIrl.q oetIhe State Training Sciloot Chairman-William Wright. were passengers abeard a Frenc h for Girls at Geneva. wiii do the -The power et thia commIttee Is ai- steamer arrlving somevbhere In Amier- tlireshing aI the state icbeel. lie'cln- moat unllmlted In the mater of pow-E Ica. They addedti ltIthe prevailing ntng the latter part of tiI week, Dr. er and iighî and tle iosulii hav m elers for .tklrts aould b. gray, Clara Hayes. the managing officer an- responsiblhleos vîtbin thbP near fu- bravai, navy hlue anti 'taupe." If Yeunonunces. toure, Nir. Harrlngten plans f coîne1 àmnew vlal ibta meatîs, China lias about 440 nevaspapers, ilere sbortly and talk overgîle situa- t "Ail frbiis vill le curtaiied," one wth an av erage ciccuistbon Per la- lion witilte varloîta committeeE sait. "Cletit vii li conserveS b! sue of net more than 3000 coptes,  members. t making skirtsamaI r There vili Shanghsai daily, prlnting 30000e-__________ aise III a satin in tadý es by reducing piedaims te have the largeslt -r the number of colora -- culation ef an! paper bnlthe CelestlalSTL A LIE IR S Tite House thai Jack Built anSdtef Avenue Tavemrn1 Milwaukee avenue - SERM ANT STAN1~LEY road bouse rotused lcenes by tht, rS'i' F A t TO SPEAK FRIDAY tiisfei r if drvWedn nce eatywh-i t pIDIOSYNCRASY NIIiHT IN THE PARK One ofithe draft evaders Imprîsn 'mTI~.ry lhryii' ehU Pd aI Fort Shteridan, lias develo:-,îi one year age. Moutday, Augusi 19,, Se-metSanrt î settte n contagionus dîsease, ,ieut.-o ten4Diioriietyii, elu sereat tale, % i)spnttheean LA.1.Chapian rouiS 001t dl indeer41ic ietsm- t h litedi-s eue-hall years in Fratne, unseofthe thb-e xitîci nature of thse cl, btcharge oftii litîy, ureictimg lte lives of elghty ourvivors lititt- tuidbue tventy-lis-o hinted tailite moat proitaitte 'm huudret mon wai toitîipsmi te tamous citaran-terîttit- alc'an" e- 0ta -ciour t itiu, vs rudn tu y a@ "Prines, @Pal" rîiniueni o1 Canada, es vonld hie German or pro Germnaà piasurd 'party bn an uaitsuîobtihe o e messies MTilaaukee avenue.hTtvwa, tearet for whoso rank-s a-m-e îti--Inated by the Express companies r-cmlt id offi-stîrte tImetat @Iiinjuries iiiloi elther n- zourdorous tire (iilte Ilin esn iat tclai 0011e-p Iodas' nscit,) at-ept ans- terni'iaelbly reil naait ir regimentcunstbîuteLd te principal but. perlahajbte packages atidressedtie10sol- foithmioteîlr -i'-I of htu'tlehl 1 vWark tmt eleet iia(!rlthcal moîieut lu diers ttilç)ned In tht- diffament nitil- -hag tfhet""'b. tari, camps This action bas iteen Afier spendini onie n tiiits îter Flandors, ant i atas twbcevouaded tlken h-cause etfconmplainte cf foiS surgical reatlttiîi bu lia- lospial, lhe a vAille lu sersice, %%ill sîueak to-morrow mater dmciylig and rulnlng contents bemau tontent, fibnaîll r.-t-tveringta mut-h (Frta3t evt-nbrtg Iilte Libertys-ibie of nîher rat-it a Tîte notice sas-e an exten Ip aI b- ta ias umieuh..0aurosule bis park, iu theit- aert-st .(iii.-prosent Salva- t-m alitit-.nd ci-rita cf tht- express 1ton Army drive. 8r-i.r1Sttanley Id sait cornlan tes iilrotuas te accept aidubles. V ile a petiti in lte hospital, L pat-Iacz,s auitit--î,ct Ir)thse sottiema h.' wu@re aieî.utterod by its youig trient, tue be an entertling taîker eut viliiunIl mr l tî't I atrcontined aI Llb.'rîyvîhle anti auitesitelly ire@I) gis-e bis audittîrs stt.ît- îartii-lars of tth h.. '.-: i la ,o removet. 1tîlom-rs viere sm-lt tutibrîgittan lis vert existlng enfitri hilue.iasbeen se0I1Toit i-rukiiaaJapaineqe, vas Itrled l b-I te Iues vivltly bulresse(1tipi Tt ombutsnd. tAt-Jfor hi ' aîty in roîînîy court toilas I In the uspîtl a dole o-lu lieiv,, r--it isnt-ant aau ciltiing r'euitrtîii-e isere troely et-- mIn ili te re,ýandi D io ttleetion emeil sottît'lîtmt lite Insane asylin Iributel bts thlîtev ho bat occasion ici will b. takena i F îtî1n T ,IerdLncehoprd tul rotiueritiier boa for tany ecîsof kîunuems Vs'rt-n E Faoti0f ilgiau I e t .s at, r vert, Serbkawa fornIr-Ie i- in uthse' mse barge tsf bis WarenP.FaonofHihlndly sas. mni;îovfu t tthse Purds- hume -1to Park., I., sun tif Mr. ant I .ra. H. î,'Rtai -ttfllPark and was arrpst ii jolbih luiietîni.' sgenerall eutre Paxon ef W'ackega,m.wai. one outitbc.. vlen liewaas round under TMca. Pur- i 1h.- h-jeu i o lrtyrille. He b iblsty o gIvun a st-centdtututentttit-vonoSatS(13'slied.Tt illias lipen found tIsatIlit . 1 'stIs ao"ilyItmCli1î)î,s'îî urtiay, accemtintg te lVasitîngton ait-bas- ctI II tise Dunnnlng Insane ast îs Vlîitlî nititi 110per cent L. S. A. HtIi t vices. 1luin(l'rte diflterent limes. - ------------t tj Doliy DMilon. Dofly Dillon. teonening davdle-m GIsSaineS dahing Dlck Derer1lttdeb Onair dancer. Dit-t:, despatring, delled deeorum, dot ditlîes daily, dui-y dem. onstmatIng devtlion, Deily, deligIleS discardeil derbeben, tîscontihued di. paragemen. &Dlck's diainend deco. tales Dollyle djolnly dgt.-Clriltan Be*oter. tI r te Inform you tIsai if ai i inbliîtg is conducted in conoectÊg Iwih îh.i- rit-e meci ai Lbertyvill, 1 1'ov e . T he 6 111Y w a y e s - i d e u h e , Ca IlLe tîbtaîneti, if aucit gamb1be ess(Ur, la through the use, ef dete t i t(s 1 shahl employ such detea tii, suie istl attend the fair &U4 tacerîtili ilfit0y gamhbng exita. 1 a togtioig you titis notice in tairn.n te yeou and any mito may bee intereui. m-m in tIse Promotion of theae raCag& L hoPe titis waralng lnay deter &*' wlîo mas- ittendto foater gambling'tl. cuit ne. tien with tIse race meeting. \'dry slncereiy yours ' "'State's Attorney.- Complabîtàts have been made to tU Itropused mnes-t because it vas. portd aat gambling womld b. p«6E. tiitt.Tîomar, R. Quayle, iecretart tuf thitia~ke cony Law and OrW: Ls-aé;uui' rien went 30 far as teo#»., sert that lthe meeting was arr&ng.* as a oleans ef luring jackies thel. Iront the naval station 80 thSt thyr could lie Ileeced of their money. The stale'a attorney liai takon 0.. fit-aI cogtîlzance of thse affair aM a ys he purposes te take such itep&ýA a.s are foundtto be necessary. ne r-aYa that n01 only wiii he arrm$., titosi'Dtoattempt te make oboolise ont teraces, but ili cause thé a M rest of pris ate belters as Wall. CLOE CHECK IS PLANNEDI TIsaI no attempt wlll lie made t6-' make hooks or have gamblng of aMW sort ai the blig two weeks' race meet w hl1h is sclmeduied te start at the L&' lîeriyviile race track August -2t. J&a lthe statement of a man who iproe., es 10 be In a Position te know who. of ha spe4k. He says lIat vhatovep books are mae iiie made la Ci,. cago. S'aIe's Attorney Welcli a,,rts. îoweî'er, lthai ibis will not doter hlm In lIasine deteclives on Ilie igSn to kepP a close check and cause ar.- resîs If anv allempia are madoe t bi-tttg on lthe results. t' J-, reporteS aiso lIaI the LAko oti)nzs Lais and Order League vii titie tos-estigators on baud te asist in (t'-cliing top on possible vilation&, UTh- Lmtv anti Order Leaguehas lis. rist,, t hie offce of the attorn e g -itral in te ra m-t m eet and It la p o . ibtu tii-i stale invesigators wtl l e on lan. GENRAL SUGARCONSERVATION 14ueema ma.y tu the diet? Nelt!iq cane nor beet sugar 19 neeusary. In the casan diet alltheaugar needed may ordi- nom-'j=o»iledby using honey, sirupa, fresh, pre. servd an _"dfruits. What a&e th.e rnera! augar &&vins ru!..? U.. adl ugar'sparingly lind whervee possibMue @*u aeteners. Be sparing of confections and sweet cakes. The American people last year 8pent enough rjoney for candy to feed ail BIlgiur for two ro .gpplement a wthhoney and litru ps. other "tehy foodas rather than from augar. Sugar excel the as nt merg-oo nlyabu One Ipr more hani oune ay. Thîlsua ii a morW e han 2theblesone edc . It soul beremembered that this la to Incide ail sugr ued or nypurpose whatsoever-for table witou condîîctng of a rae meet - rabs- in tIse nature et a neveity la Lai. ettîty a- Pools et seme ' on t-ans- alvays have bren made il th* at-t- whIîh have been cenducted at iertYile yeaa'ly. Evemythtng . in. lt-aies Lhat the race meet viti b.e » of lthe biggest ht-id bI thealite la along tme. JIBERTY VILLE BAND WILL JIOLI> fiRAND PICNIC LABOR DAY, Ti I ilerlyt iiie haut lave arraas thou a bilg picole on Laler d1ay, '-).tlua 2 T ie site se ecte S fo r 1 h. .uva.iultgI a beamri!ii grose alongthe> un iiorigintal iglil-iour memi andi itiia in. 1 - 'inry o e..t..dn.e .s.* ble gii hor .d bfor dlnerande st s Enberteloment vîll const ofe MEETING OF COUNTY 1 litms -gltàtre or inueotrp etracgît. -ai'oncot@ îby vliîu&R wonU A. by, FOD DMNITRT0S i Ituislt-rtin n gilon remoneremntu-. 4 hue bîn andt hbiug, bail gMm.&Msd FOO() DMINITRATO l ii le kiloe bltent 1eneri -5î- danctintg.Tise admlsoien toe .giemrAls Thotn, ma asaa meting etolte CunI lîtîti 1îofuts. ý i tie r , miaitiJd mbranIed lte Public are cordil»y Invugm tFotdutilunîiti.rattîrs Thurodte vening, qt ulîte t. ,11rilas their ftuhhte- and1 to ireie h ie uîeruiog, bro# 11*-, AugugtLth 'ln îtIte tiret-ltors roo n of iiitîîîEv.ter-atrt, the public fvlt-m-ha lunch baskets and enley, tiemeeives ail thme Firsi Naituionalian-, Tise obl@eel cf'Il lis hEa aithul tînt coiu raeousguaruliaî duîy. Baud@ are te ho prodent fies titi'nteting a-asue cîmpute 'the igr teuh.- liei- s n tty. Na- ho Iv-clong le Attocit aoVll.L'iut omz a l t i t n i r i l u . t I t a o nm n u u r l u r e r t a I t t î tîl s l i, s - l l - d t î e a i i ug a n t m a y a n d p r ob a b l til - u e r p l a c e s T I b@ . . I lte dtnrttlril-ts ne~vku'p aclî'cken l 119iîtgs-n of bIs lif-ea.'usui- aesLake zurichWauconde ami the ocalýPRl-ZH n tl, Contv.forter thpr pointe in tithe euau moner~ litetam-t ii-'aI-s alutcîsuîs-,' - 's~ tit Itcîbir tiil -lita.t- . giuitte tîcule pubucty. Lake, County-'--çBig Weekly GtloGr reaterthadm ofb e ee inecounty combined UXPECT 75 TO Ri3ýi ISTER IN LAKU CO. UNDER NEW ORDER Between 30 and 35 in Wauke- gan District Probably Are Affected by Order NO ORDERS 'FOR DRAFTS Group of 21 Ypeir fld Men Who WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN fl uw 24. Bot the om aUS fruit, ln SUgar sirups ust 1