CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 4

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LtBRTVILIN DE tTRI!UMAt', and as long as his taste wu there Thun the new order of Mr., McAdoo brings about a complete change and in the future throughout the country as lQng ns the goverument controls the rmade, it wiil be impossible to get a drink of booze on any train in this country. This sort of a rule almo cireumvents any imdi- vidual state ruies that might be ini existence, wherein conflicts with railroad rules as existed before will be entirely done away. with. Private John Juld, a Haineaville man must be placed a Lake county's bistory as the firut one of the county'sI îlects to lay down bis life for democracy and freedom of ations and, peoples. Iý la fittlng that he should b. a~ lolisb-Lltbuanlau by orlgi; it hllurates the democratie id côomopolitan niakeup of this land; It la empba*sod aore forcefofly ln bis case bomeaueob wanted te go, b. waa aious te b. taken. Ho weut, ho foui«ht, he gave up bis r.e. History wont tell of hlm as it bas of the men who orked ln seusational mimner, sucb as air-Mlgts-but he [idbis bit and hlslife is thecoot. Mayhisnmambo bon- red in the years te corne; may Juak be given the ditnc- on ho won by belng the first one klled ln action of the big rmy of selects Lake couxty bas sent te Europe. TËè~' rernoval o! wbèatless days and wbeatless nightas comnlng at tuis time, wben the. beated days are so hot,. causes one to think that Uncle Sam is gettlug bis food sit- uation wfl ni baud. Soda tountaiu folks now cease te look at thefr sciiedule to se wbether it's five o'clock-or not-tbey uow cmn seil cones at sny old bour. Thus tbe kids agalu don't bave te keep tîme on tbemselves wbeu they bave a nickel to speud. 'Of country to send a big eneugb force across ta _ ute b enemy front the fao. of tbe eartb. And, tbe soon- WOUNDUD SOLDIER !WAUKEiAN BOYS IN Irt'a doue, the less vii be the price paid by us for victory. T L S0 Iii 4TiDSIG II ]Zr. Oreen's administration was always regarded as *Most efficient one and it was marked by courteous treat- IN BELLEAU WOOD SELVES IN BATTLE Mo f the public, carefully bandling oftbe county _____-___ .itib rm and bonesty througbout. Tbat's wby it is bard Andereck Letter Gives Idea of; Lieut. Col. A. V. Smith Toile of te find a candidate ta oppose thie Waukegan man and Fighting Spirit of the Terrifie Battie Participated *&mt'a wby bii tampaign bas been moving along so' ni*cly. Americans in by Local Boys The fact that County Clerk Hendee was laid up for___ mm days, as a resuit o! blood poison in bis foot bas net THEY FIGHT IN A NEW AES GRW O IHT ~i1beclany withbibs campaign for rnomination for W fSE RWO E SGT atmle reason tbat bis friends bave been doing it for Americans Pitted against Prus- Dead M en and Horses Litter »bL The efficlèncy tbat bas mnarked tbe administration . of sian Guard Drove themn Back Ground; Appearance of U. S. eî ty lerk Heudee bas been 50 narked and 50 oflsp1C- xiiigBaer lnsWlo uef tuat bis friends bave been takxng advantage o! it and ______ _____yPlne Wlcme ti gthe fact out te tbe voters. Furtber tban tus, Mi. Sonlut of the ig'lttng sirit ol V.aukegan boys in th, iliii ('icI i deeisanaturally a popular fellow and tbe excellent ser- 'le Aineriîini.rorsin 'taiire-tlie t r(WIer.v who hat', pr ý-,vWbe bas gvegm thieVolunteer Training Corps o! 'Wau- plish the unetxpfeîd--k Çacntaiii di' I'ranceebavebeen iunuiàll)yfortuit ~~m mn the'U'lusotbr ublc veent, adsto isa Jetter re,,Ivcd by Armand S. Ait- lit, inscaping flice eaually lisi. 'iî 94 îou oter ublc mveent, ads o bs de rckof Kixn'aakpeefromt bis brother t.îornttîion is eonîaitîedil iia " 'dfcations in asking for renomination. Mr. Rendee Uoirporai Ediwa P. Aîtdercck. a foi- ;îst n>ceivedl by Aliîný, flî'Iîl'ariti ner resident, nov, woundcd andi con ni. c front Ueut. ColI A.V. Sni;h of been lookod upon by resîdents o! Lake countyasoehidta spaltBreux \ýikçgin et thl most accoinmodating officiais tbe county bas ever Cîruoral Andererk i the yotiigi Il vît a Most velconîo ie ih, se F bzL W'hen a person goes to the county clerk's office to so' of l theve. Mr. Anidcreek, foi cordlng ta Lt. Col. Smithli .a'e ier- ý'1 ' [liter Wauketgan iapist milii h ican airpianes appear oser the' An. i,1nformation or ask favors, If it lsa'within reason, r. T1he soidiertsi njuries weîe relerr,'., Jean lines. lIits1ter ig writcn a a ~~ide su bi assstans awasglady rspon te heIo ln Saturday's Sun. terse nilitary style but biie rjUn e an coussitates ay s ys be t ont the His letter, a very desrî,îis. onu, lin.>,one ivîay reailof th', wondrr tot#.I act, ciuts a eu h onycerkzs t'liiug iow injured soidiers art! cari d fuI .-xprrieiîees that bit anil lie Wii 41,~ .- -. ior. ln part, floski-gait ioys in the rcgimn clii iii' ji ,k M nm alo! uhese years h bas held the office. That "Yau doubtlesm have read and for n inF hiiuglt la uhy in 1Mr. Rene ase, it is not necessary for bim gotten about the ftghting anound CII.t Tit,' iciter framn Lietit. Cla. Siiîîs te. akea bose-o-bose ampign ecase eeryod au T'hierry and iBelleau'W'ood la'aimi, JAl 30, indictiigi liati i ta mke bose-t-hose ampign ecase-eve Yboy moîtb. WeXI 1won't !amget thlOiti'realehe ir- with more dtepatch than' bu bad more or leas contact witb the county clerk's office ipl"ces seoon for It was ii11iliat sî'rîo susu.lly the case wil IIstldiri it duwlng bis admnstration.. Therefore, everybody knows altair. cu a e'onal ing t th' letter wa. 'a iii ho courteous and eMfient bis -administration bas been -1 lad ben .,, er iloi) for abtbi batitle front J.uly l7,thli p 10howiii- tira hours befare thc hullets ith It iletiti hier ',as wiUen. and they do nat feel that at this time, war time it is the nunber, on' came along. It was a 'rît.' letier foîws loulul or businesalike to consider making a change inlu ong wa tta a giorlous relief ta gî-t ONACTI\'VIE SERV\ICEl takiglu ma wbobas ad bsoltelyno xperencein1 was put in an ambulance and sent EXPEIIITIONAIIYI'Rl Wnicipal or couuty affaire. toa auother station out of salli lire. July 30, 1919. Here 1 stayed unttl nîorniltg and To Ctp.le n. ParnIalee, then wcnt on to.aiat 'vacuatlont Waifi.,anî 111:, It iq a bard tbing te figure out wbo is going to run lio.pttal. 1 staycd lat the latter place Dear Fricnd: ten days and enjoqyed nîyselt f aansaîtyoîkîsrIla. inu-lael the county treasurer1s contest. For a much as possible under thle cieunt- Jreecle oiir t t ad i,,are1iii' Obe the Waukegan candidate seemed te be maklng quit. stances. The Red Cross people treat. them es mccii. e asaieiatee , but 1 cd us Itke kings. They brought ut'.than àk*IOVlC n uvarious parts o! the. counIltv o!fba cgaet caolte arut a big bai lasince Jtily 1tIl ,nil ate, bt, hcoae adfri ve.loksa i.ow s I f we lia d woa liii' ,-ffe pestgeh setae tohavegaied t fist u ben 'My next journey was on the lit.. regiment bas badtsanie casusîtie'. in '= ,b"d ýnd it now appeprs quit. evident that tbeIist al train ta tbe base boqaial kle n one uteIseýi t in- be»enthe the thmcanidats. n fatilBardeaux wbere 1 amn nov staîin' comnparison witb ather régiments *Opgbeind tueothr act1Iamn gett ng along ail 'ight aud fe b ave flot been beavy. WVe haveie iii eta* Waukoanmai, it la declared by mnany leading poli- ing a littie better every day. The extiremely lucI<y. The guns, work M m inlapicked ase tbe "poor fourt." TbUS the. conteaSt wounds are practIcally well but a wiithoit itiermission and th iii r- nerve center at the ruglit iboulder planes -fight constantly. In morinq lOlOvo itself t the tbree men from tbe country and anal- was disturbed aitd rut sti I havent fora-ard we, sep nîany grtîes<mnîe .-. 1 the use of nty iglit arm., but I tbink 6lghts. 'lite dead are seattercul os 751Dg the situation from every precluct in thé county, it 18 It viii be ail right soan for 1Ia h ilsad ntehue.Da qut. apparent that Jay Morse o! Lmibertyvlli l decidedly no If mucb faribîr than 1 caid a or 5fladlost and b*okeneqip-t lu ie oadat . peset tme.1fr Mose as eenmak *'ranwblaa t 1Iave seen of aur men'nsiekpniitg at tirnes.Our trooîs Ihave anic cavsots l fa" bebas I ben ainugfor ction 1 knaw ve are superion *0 tougbt fiercaly fn ihis sectot aîîd r"Ca aPag, i acela merely be sigfrt easye3. The oMciaî reportia, at' stand iigh lni the estimation o! lb' v~uOn the assurfance that ho 'will give bis best to the carding ta the papers, slaîed ibai w veteran Frlneh. Frain letteriq found offce U! elected. Hiz experlence in the county clerk's of- vere faced by the Prussian Guard anL the German dead it would apa auda division of Saxon troaps. Wiien that tbey also appreciate the mri ice, bis experience as presideut o!fiàbertyville, bis knowl- Nwc vent over the very biiiiIets flyiltg o! oîîr lroops. We are beginnirg ta t'ait oul cars vbiuad a protest. Wbuat sec Amciran alrplanes river us ai 04P 1 cndiionsthrughut te cunt, and bis person- rlght bad va Americans ta make anit ast. Urp ta thi tfne we only hall # 'Ù acq]uauace with taxpayers wbo bave bad te do bs attack durinig a Germas' advance on theFrench. The Ami~rcatn macines tua.vit hl lu be ouny cerk' ofice sa e th bng5s 'e vent forward tbrowgb a haill erovn bas just picked up a (ernan 0" POlnhedOut as wortby o! cousideration wben he aika I tf ],,d and shahl The enerny was The mewhicis vi il yad enhbl for votes from Lake Courty resideuts. 0(t)bilait.Of tbe tcw men aroundnrte killed.- Tbemoad near bere was ined né ecmpalgn for the nomination for sb*rlff lu Lake tli're vas only ane vho even falercul with Irenceeansd the Geriuin idi'ad la lot uni a olu wbre t l evn rail and nat ana vho ahoved a sign af vere sery thlck near It. Writs' and 9 Pit 5uegt1 eeUralyln- fear. The tatber va vent tise tbick- let me kiiowvhat le gting ont ln t«Mgtlng. 'The fact la, it appears seo e-slded at the pres-er It got. 110v mauy of lis eser W'aukeigan. Mail cones iln very low- estlim tht 1 dosn' lok es-g came tirougb jIjdon't know. (Deletetl 1, and we do not bear mucb tramt Mt àiùe tatIt oest lokas tog a real scrap la to be hy censomî. ilt ight have pras-enhitl honte. The Lake caîînty botys Init'e 'vftlâd"d. EIhner Green o! Waukegau, who was sberiff *,,,enrrloent.; front comning up If regîrnent ai-e vel. Witbhlait vlh. wo! the "edtheouutwtyid'tonceIam Of 0 lutio yfo nco e before, bas been worlngou1 bis organ- Athough tthe Gemman iigh command Sîncerely, frBuetime and bas it in a perfected state. r- aresaltoun teslr a! theArn ei. Lieut. Cal. 149tb P. A e«odlna'Y bis opponent bas a bard cbance to break lu and hind Prechided any turniaz ijicit on_______ ar Part. Mtill the German infantry ýMwj uthethug looms Up low, 1Mr. Green will win pro. aiîowed no inclinion ta came out anti 'UVbY 0ou he basis o! tbree or four te one and nothing cean meet us A machine guls 50 yards Flowers. ,Ldpm .asay, slopped me.' Flowers are perbupa thelsauot affeo- itopini Whaî foliaved 1 cannat vnlte but tiva of thse nany Milet'flniablng the ides 1 vaut ta couvey le that It touches" necessarmi te an attractive 'lTe order froi tcrttary MefAdon prevet'iiit tht' lise and s liben proven titat va are superior bomle. Timre are tbeuaands of perMon 1titheIbe emY Individually and col- vit b baatlfUl oumea. costiy furulals sale of* liquor on ail train-.; i an ettirel.y proper one' andi hringg iectivcly. The langer hae figs theUic&% pambapal, artlstically aud sklllfj about a more fair condition of tlhinçrt (han formeî'lv existed. womse ha yul hae beatan. The Amer-. Irnged by tise baude of a laver det- cane play tise geais lna Day vay. Oao u ttkats itafuel Un7ilder the nid plan in rnanY taft'a, the' law prohibitéd thte drink- 1 vouid Uke to tell you more but 1Irtr u ttks h tl iibn Pcau't WrI te veil enougis vitis My le!t touhes, thse @eniiigl-lYýIWpOrttl Ing of bonze frnm a hottie' on any part of tht' train, but il a per-ai. Tise fngers almply won'î lteep tlny thînga, doue by thse voin'iau h "went into a diniig car on the' anme train andi ordere<1-bonze Pace vitis my tisaughts. Thesa agees lO!ea and existe for ber horne and ex- by të gagoii] hecoud din1 agIonrepresent lwo andi ane-half boum oft reoues liar sacltaulher aurroilidiffl l>y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fr tllgafnlt olidika ngi hie poeke thfflý 1Inated scribbilng.' oaeteoaioa1 --cislS VOTE FOR FRED E. STERLING 0F ROCKFOF16 CANDIDATE FOR RePUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR STATE T USiER Prlmary EIectoe Wed.. Sept. il! bertyvilIe Independen t CouV ntInspendet - Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Tolephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. i et th Poatofliqe at Libertyvtlie, Ill., au 8e<ond Cise Mal Matter The man who, as tinairman of FOR bALE-Chaîco resîdence lots O una.AtdasScrteTutCon the Republican 8tate Committee, McKînîay Ave. tirs. (DTres. '2 4 managed the aucceiatiil Republi- __________m_ an*,1 .L~lesrst hcgli can campalgn ln IllInoleiln 1916. FOR SALE OR RENT-Hauses and .it He cornes f rom Big Republican tarins. Intirance agent anti cailectar.WATE- omard s fhlts Wlnnebago County, whlch Ha& Edwin Austin, Phone 26. 9t 1 I larm. Lake F l mn ortit ppy lfa ~a Nover bcd a Nommne, on a Repab- FR AE-nihpovd40arefr a :14Aplytoe. lican State TicketwltFOR vtLE uAnstackroe4aa sud lin:1 I fliofe.:1 Ne la wldely known and wiliIadd wt rwtatsoccoo n m WANTEO-An exiwrieu.teîifarmner, su, etrength te the Ticket at the Ne- plamenta * Immedfiate possaiwnio Ir cebr2*1Mdeulred. F. M. Harding, Ares, 111. 28tif 1t)aca ona s ivoarin, I .mie>. rt w geo. CUIl tr Write. J FE lartdon, CODE 0F MORALS FOUNO-Two auto tires. 4Owner nîav (iii uw , o'lItttti- 142 The irot lavisa the aw ov r Uealth-- bave monme hlId-'1ntIf vjr'w ti:.rl 9LOST-lluy\lae. iàisht 14)1Iboi The kaod Americanllrits to gain and ta sellar. praIrIc ' 111a,32II1 .îCal. A'r, T . Ltk*. V~î.ii. keep perfect healtb. LOST-TmWt okvire t ~Kl Pit :,l <ar 4wr.-k,l JK The vellare ai aur country dependi; Sprlngtiei i tes.«I.,z4iý. uewdav tgri i ,ri. .ik la e1r upon thoewbottry to ha phy@îcal fit betawpn Wteeltng and Petite Lt.LS-i lakBull ('ait, S intnthsolii, for their daiiy work. Therefomt.: ieward Fitidem lieasc notiiv IlIrr. r , tray.d lrotlit,' strin M Dr. Ktttoe, 1. 1 viii keep my daotbes, my body 13121) Plmer Square. (tlcago, gror Oitulatle rtrtit ai lHall lay; abo)ut a and my mindcieeau. 1indeltendent otilce, Libert', ville 34 2 week ait- ". 'ba. 272 J-1 2. 1 viii avoid Ibote habits wblcb wauid barin me, and viii mate and neyer break Us » vhlol vieVII hoIPf '\a . me. 8. i viii try to alue euebfoodi, dcli and exercise asu:>111 keep me 'IV perfect The twe) le the o.f Self' ContraI-Tht' goond Ainemican ctuntrtfls! bimaeli. Titase a itabept uuîtru tfiten'elv e, 'an iteét serre tbeir contry. 1. 1i yul contrai nMF tangue ant i vii fiat allow it la speak neecat.. iulger or profane wyards. 2. 1 viii vautr oi D'Y te lnper an dti iii Dot get angzry ahen jpeuple otirIngs diepiense me. 3. i vii vatrai nMy tbaaghtH andý viii bat allow a faalitih wis bu Ppottil ai wieprphe Tht' third Iaw v th ie Là,itof Self' itellauce-The goal &Auwrlncan A If el reliant. Selittînceeit la bills, but Self-reilantc it' tnet'cssary ta baya andi girls Who voul 1be 8trting and 110»11w 1 i wili gladly lilten totahIe drvice aif atider andi viser tucolle, but i1a ili learît ta tiîink for myswlt, chtoee for niy-ehf att for myseif. 2. 1viii nat betaraid ai being laugbedu at .ý.1 1viii not ho &fraoid ai daing right CNTI viien tha crowd goei vraug. CNRB Th out.ak is tise Law ai jielia- RAY N. biity-The gaad Amreian le reliable. SELZ SHOES FOR MEN, Ounr country groati great and gaad as ber cisizen. are able intim fuily ta trust UBERTI encli atbar. Themefore: __ -- 1. 1 wilii ahouest, ln yard and Iu art. I vviii-notilie, sneaa, orprelsuti, nom viii i koep ,the. iraIth ram thosfea-ho Specim en r'h have a nilbt ta ib. 2.1 I iiDot do vroug In tis, nope a1 not4belng found ont., 1 cannaI bide the truth fommustiu andi sanua otten bide It froin others. 3. 1 viliinot tata vitisaut permission vbat doas ual belaug ta me.________________ 4. 1 wiii do pmamptly vhat 1 bave promised ta do. If! have made aoileh Shalh a Spr'cial '1ax for Ru promiae,l:l viii st once canfets mY misake and I viii tri ta mate goond Be Levicîl? any isarmnwisch mi mitats maY have _________________ caused.1 i viisu, speak and &et that people viii find It essier to trust each othsr. Tha.fittis iav le the Lav 0i Clean PlaY -Tisa gond Amaricasi plais fair. MOleahs play Increasesand trains one'@ streaugtis andi istlpe om te ha more utieful __ bu, one'@ countîry.1 hemaby cerîîfy that thte above is i 1. I vilinot chiet, nor viliiI play for ta, be Vated ai a Special Election ta, keelpi or for moner. 3Ni sheuld nt play County, lîlluaja, on Ticsday, Au,6ue- !air, the laser wvol Meç tise finn ai tie C. J. i gaine, Lihe *vluer vouitilase is self respect, and Ibe Igarne Itseait ould ha- eame a mean and aOlten cruel businepo. ta do the right thiug ln the right vay. 2.I viii ltreat my appouent with 'The valfara of aur country depende palitenees. upon thatie who hava laarned ta do lu 8..11.11 play in a groukp gaina, 1 vili tise lgbt a>' tise tâlngà that ought ta play Doia for ml7 ovnglIon but for tise bu dona. Tiserefars: sucessiof in> teain andi the fun oi tisa t viii gai the beout passible educatian, gaine. andi learn ail that i can tramn those visa Tiseixtb lav la the Lav ai Duty-Tbe have iesaed ta do the rîgisi thlnn lit the goad American ,doati bis dut>'. -right va>'. Tisa shirkeror tise vilngIt dier livee 2. I viii tate sa n tereot lu my wort uvon the laisor ai otistro,bordons athars andti vli not, ha satilatidvith sllpsbod wiîthIe vurk vbisb ha augbt ta do and menaI>' passable vamk. A wheel or blinutii. Be banna hie feiiav citizens a rail x)r a na!Il arelessiy mrade may andi so barm bis counir>'. cause the daath ai hundreds.l 1. I viii Ir>' lalndoutwisatmy dut>' 3. I viiitry'ta do tbe rigit thing lu ls, vhatlI ught tado, anti mi'dut>' I the nigis va>', aveu viien fia anaelse vIli da vbetisar I1Io easy or isard. Whbat see. or praisee me. But visen 1 hava 1 ougbt ta d 1 tan do. done my hast, 1 viilnai anvy those visa *Tbé e entb iaw le tte Law aifCootdbava dosa beilar or bave raceiveti ilgber Wrbiuagshp-Tise good American %ries ravarci, Evyy @poil@sthe vomIt and thea BUTED BY SMITH W1OMEN AND CHILUREN r'VILLE, ILL Wen's Ballot a troue pecimen of the Men'@i Ballot be héld in Vernon Townsbip, Lake, t 27, A. D. ]918. IERSCIIBERGER, Town Cierk.- worter. 'Nie elghth law Lé the Law ai Teain- work-Trhe good American vorta la friendly co-oparation wlth his ieilow worters. Olua uan alontinould flot belli a Ollp or a great raàllroad. One man alone would lied It bard ta builid a bouse or a bridge. That 1 mer have bread, men have sowed and reaped, men bave made plaws and tbreshers, men bava bulît, mills and inued coal. men have made stores and kept sitores. Asnva learn bettar bhawtu ta ork tagethai, the wtl- lare oi aur country la advanced. Want For mae, ounemi.l ime B8. OSPENDENT mach 11MB seruem WeekIy. RATES-O.. Cent a Word, Eacb Insertion. 3 Ne Minimum Charge -- FO---IE WANTED-Boye on dellvery wagzon hj' FOR SALE-Six heavy draft coits, twu September 1. luqutre Mierchanto' iiaiiver3 (Co. 331 to four years aid.Atcariy Karm,"Lke Forsii- WANTED-Truck Driver ai once; goed FOR SALE-Higb grain' Ealmteinvowol wge.Appiy R. D. Rowilug, Gra.y@- with caives and mlker.. one bull and saa li 323 few gaod heifers. Frank Hoiub, P'rairie View, Ili. , Sti WAN VEQ leudjehr for the Randout FOR SALE-9Une, pure brod Hoistei1 graded .ah)o. Applicante shouid BullCal a gandon f VaHa ,n'sappiy to 'post<îffce box 4261, Rondout, lamous $20 bull Aisoo one pure bredil 2 cow. E. Wiicox, Area. 34-2 - - WANTEO-Hoko weigbing froin 60 to £BA RE ý. à ETÂ'!E 120 14.ball Arcady Farin, Lake Forest, I. lPhone 17W432.4 FOR SALE OR R ENT-&iy fartu oi 142'1 - acré, Nmil@ sl o whelig I WANTED-A substantial inan ta e cernent road. Good miodemu imprave.' pre8ent us in..shî commulty, muet t h mnte. Wili also ell bougse with twoI favorahly kuovn and bava foliowing. iots lu Prairie View. Addretis Victor Th a isau Investmntu proposition of gSàuer,,Prairie View, Ii. 13. unquetiouable merlt. 'A e furnleh avePy cnoanration and clotssales for local- Official Publication for The Village of Libert'.ville. laI PuhlIetIe fer Lake Cunty Board of QupervimOre Proeellge WMr Tbnrsday. Advertieing Rates Made Known on ApplicatIon.- RIPTION PRICE. 81.50 PER yEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. IIT............................................. Editor se: ,TH,......... 1......................Manar ECKNARDT ................................................... Local Manager j -UE3, WHERB'8 TîE END? Heallngsini this morning's Chicago papers: 1. Win war if it takes the laut man in the United g«s, says General Marci, chief of staff of the U. S. 2.. Two kaisers to proclaim .war to the bitter end; rMan anid Austrian rulers tor tell people COnffict Must on because Mlles will it 80. Thus~ withb bth sides absolutely deterinined to go on I thei md the hope forthe future lies entirely à the abil - mlin n 1 it

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