CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 5

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V!BERTY I NDE !,AUGUST 22, 1918 AFTERmHARVEST TOOI "JANESVILLE" and "DEERE" RIDING and ENGINE PLOWS' "EMERSON" and "NEW IDEA" MANURE, SPREADERS "CASE" AND "TITAN" TRACTORS GOOD STOCK. PRICED RIGHT. Schanck hardware Co. CONTRIB<JTED BY F. B. LOVELL CO. UIBERTY VILLE, ILL. Se J. DEINLEIN First-Class Grocery and Meat Market 1 IL. ariw,îx A liiuiitiiuti i c îfl ar Caj s, <oieti 15C 35C Majentic Fruit *arF, doziie.....................I12C Colîeuiiiers Syîî 0 iilb. weiglit, 1lb............90C Gold Medal Peae, eau,....................... lOc Aenit Pork anîd ians, 1 lb. cau............... 15c Ptll cd Wheat, -Package ... ....................I15C Puffed Rice....... .........................15!c Phone 31 Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTY VILLE RACE PROGRAM FOR CUTDOWN ON EXPENSE: LIVE THE SIMPLE LeFE WCHENRY COUNTY FAIR- - Bere are a tew pointe on tbrlft given by Prospects Are Good for Big Feld Oflth Brtish Chancellor ut the Exchequer Goocd Morses and Fast Races whlcb are warthy of émulation by Wednecday. August 28 Atieriranfe:j 2:1t l'ae................. Purgee$40000 Movstoci lieod flors impiy. 2:22 Trot ..................... 3(0 00 Persona], tiiusehold and business ex. 3:00 County Mxed..... 200.0o penses muet be reduced lu the minimum. Thursday. August 29 Surplue weekly or nionthiy earninge, 2:17 Pace ...............Purge $40000 over neceseary expenditure, muet ha 2;30 Trot .......... ........... 3800.00 lnvesed etraightway ln war pcurities. 2:25 Pace..................... :00.00 Curret balancee at the hankpsbourd County Rnnuing Race .........50.00> be kept as eqmail a@ poesible and the Friday, Augusl 30 mouey lnve@ted lu war boade. 2:18 Trot .... ............ Pures $40000 Nobody'e muney eau be neutrai. 2:20 Pace ..................... 300 00 Money lent te the country lgblo for Fre@ for Ail Ruuning......... 50 .00 the country. i3Ço outrance charge for Pther running Money epeut o n luxurite sud non, races i ,easeutiaie*le blping the eueniy. L.UUibetvleNews I il you I<now of an item of locallmnterest, eili4ly telephone No.1 &re .1 . .Deletqicifi. Mr@. Chari" Ubnir and cmii William, Crle ip ornietivie rëêuit in Pain Mi»e Hattîs B huebîti fledinga le%%vlted ber piter, M ré. L. Z' Protine lu fui î.ccîdenîe .Lams Snnday on t ri da t Oak Park Chlcawo Tbureday. Wlllair, remîîlîied frein Chiagi a young lad*y ln alightin.d da3efor a short vil. froiu the trai et E'.erett placed lier Mime BetvJorlhewiiîvîisied frieudo iluý ChiagoWdzjmdy.Harold Predmore and HarrY Moiore, band <on tie door raie 'A ile the train Cblcgo ednedaywho are statiocedat theofi -r, trainîing wau. topç,iîîg, am lb.- train mtopped the. Mm ceili Re li..î cvisitlng Cu~r- amp ai Fort Shieridan' %le1ted tiI.. door t.wung tt, oiiler tiîigeri We ii andl tripndK In fvaneiîîu. Hlen Carrol. Sunday. flot aeltair iîe ile ie. iii iiureîl Mir. and M rre. (.i. .(xiley viited the Clifford Coonfer. wbo ao îîbîio hie ontfdis or fot. Lii eiizîiîit it muet Nav'al Station Wediuesday. pleîter-ln.iawe. tirs. Jay Friily and Nîebave been Painful. Mimes ieorgia. aîîgwortby returLed thel Whecier homie froniCaîîala returu- Workineu are enigageill n the ( unmtruv- fron. Chicago M.oiiay evernIug. cd to lits bome Thureday. tion 01 au Immet-e îîicrete iower at fred IClark aud fau>ly of Cicagi> Mr@, C E. Carroil and einildrri, Mary the Arcady mnille ai tirîdout. Th, vieîted the W. W. tarroil home W'eduee. Janie and Charle Edward, ].flti vFeu- tower wlll rlve te a lieigltb of 16o feet 'Iay. 4ay for Aiegan, Ilich ,wl,r. îiey ailaud willl e ueed for torawgi purpoeee. Mr. Cham Young epejin TIur@day at inake anexîended vîiot wli i Rue Taylor fi wlll be murmouuted liv a nîamnîotb Fox, Lake with hier daugbter, tire. Paul and "Ianly, former Lber) %iiîî , recleet. steel tank, which le te o e td ii eture Wlbkier Mr. and 111re. Rland H. l-A Detroit, water ana furniwh ipr->Puro for tire %N ord bac leîkireeoýived tbat Iayuîotd Micb * aie roceilng cnrtalon p rotectilieand other purpose. and Frank fenIîedy Lave arrîvëd 'biely tbe birtb 0i a daughter on, A ug. A 7tb. Tbe oflicers and dlrpecîî,re ofi.he L.ake tin Frani e. Mirm. Fike wae formori, Mi,,c Evae CounltY Board of Ariculture belj a Takoe a iew ila3e otf and attend the NIffleury otoiiy Fairc t iWodstock neIt aeek, The Nise.'oRth iLaro ndjRlia Dunlay ii Ihicagi., ,re vislting ntthie Joclîbeliti home. Uir,,t. M. Fi-r aujdtir, iba. ing vited Fred Pnr, wc.ehi> le et the Naval Station, Vi edueeiiai tire. Marian Hiîiîlard ie epeuding a tew daye thile cc eek i.gueet of relatîve and itiend iii Area. Mr" îîi ,l svimillug rieniom and io g at-ri,î i- rutierm in CFIeiagii. Sutucdaîv fi. -', , a] aîiîlHm le elter. Suce Noriî ljle uigpe.ît iaI taciiia PaIrk. NI i* Hft.-i jliîi.iiae nu l., , f im c in the Haliieiiî.u ilt-llili I li, îîg lm fit lier houme b C erif àiit ing ai a t -. Slî,i . pefintîî limI 1aeck l i,îîî'tki iA. A(riT î. liii, -ucneýi frein jiavu,-. Nîî a Tl, trîi Mrc, ait-Iil,- l.' ieri,,Il %ai- viieiig 1, i1- eîitî hî.t tlu-m.c A epecial electol ato 1l->ield in Vernon townehip (polliig pae rii Ve w) on Tueeday of nexit A ek, A ugust 27, for the purpusle of makmig ai. addi- tl,î,ail taxi evy for bridge aid lîghwa"Y purpoeme.0 Tbreeblng Se keeping the tkirUiece i)uMY at lîreseut and sihile help iî ueînewhat ecarue, the yîeld le bett.-c tian the average. Wheat les atd t,, le îîîaking about 35 humee. b the a( r-- itarley -)0 and .)e@about 65 bueli l Mics Floronce Coie, aho, tienn luneouehichîago u,erî-autIll eiaIllsbuet.te istakiuî.r l-ranimal va(-aliiî. sieerai da>metif shlie e8le puttinst nufit the hume of 1,-r parente. Mr. aud Mrh. John L'oielit ii iv. 11ev. Rari i Morgan ii' i alie are taklingatwo wooketvacfitîîîiîiii îîirt(iernt Wtcniwbere ibey wifl il, in a Boy Scout cal4n. There wtil 4i,- , ervices at theo Preehyierlan chur-i , îxt Suuday liciause ot tho patore i--. Mr. Harris, manager of til. Urldley firi,. reporte ligbtIung strlkiîlg a 8bock of khîeut, dîriig the - ,. îeeterdlay afterîî, i, t b-. siovk î Iw ae burnied entirelv Tie ..r-,,-wam aboutfilîteen ride Inoui l ri dîtîg sorte finai detailme oncernig the holding of the aunual fair, Seîte-ibler 1D, 20 auj 21. weve arraîîg6td. ounty Farin Advieor Watkinc 'afieJreont and advleed with the Ioard vofireining the eafley and îîrficiicalîllity etifhaviîîg an uuueually g(,(d (atil e xitjit as tho t'air. ln the dalry prodiâ te aieardo at the, ebâte fair in Stpringfield last week, Peter J. Peterpon, uf tourtîl Lake, reliremenlirg the norîheru lisiî t e il 1[isî%%asc awarded iretl Iieil ou tari on a tub) and print creaitîer> lutter. tivéo'( lIaii,- pion prizes on miailie. rtelît-eliti-iinial spocial proînlu ni emi , i ii l vr.'i11 iery buiter (Illilnois exiiiîiîtrs îi vi id tli,, grand cfe -ik e ,-i uir Ici-i butter lu slioi-sii ,rii in iiail, maîpli B. Utie, ,,liî for iluei- at lf.. teon years lbasclieun agi ns 1er te %Wei[. Fargii Expresm company lu Milse îsy aind fit frdes.sui cuiie s, teuleired bis resignatin abouît three W,'ei.sawci and was formaiti'yvcheckeîl eut St Helv i bac accepted a poition wltiî the Lltt, & Pacifie Tea i.oipaiand ,]exi),eite i leavo witb hie fiîily thic ceek îîîr Miwaukee wheri- lie a iillei,- >atioi,-,. takilng a le%% la3 S.getling ta( ,1Uitfilîd wlth the".iem p~arlyo , tiin,*Ss e iîiil aeinoil lieforo flstedtiartuce itri their tori e i ,thie litar u .11 iiiiiîiole ht-itierel-onglitt -rclit ~ciby-Jamies T. Daimlt tetpiiîpiîracl> ri - îî *îî.11,r ii riitela'ntrtr j ilini1,ed ,îtl t he ta, . bý i b. lerty. 1I îoking atter tîi p ri- t,îiîîii,c intil part -iirîFoi ti-, .ville station, ltie te tit.11 -tuipîed, the archal (ISi Mr iu. %i- %vhroiila 'i îîi.-~~, . , , . i ~ ~~ îiîe-ei îf l-.iiî,g and I . r a WiC wilî pribbl.,i, te a NM , îîî-e îj i iîî.l(cai' ,~ -.iiat i- iig ilu-gaie. l- sUtiil itt tii wa aka, Iiîii ir, r n I uiltdl îî'. j r For flac e oi - iiiuî Iu ii. nl ' H ar lte ,ac klelitarîlofit ii l pl, iii si r a' Iil 11 1 l- ai- e Fàki- e f a f u e , i i m 'air i -t the N,,Heu ry i iun iv Fuiai I 11ut tu hiav.e lo.t i i lite îîî. iiîîz . Ir .-..i 'r- . Ali- ;on Fridaày, Alîgnet 30. th'. j, fîi î, -l - ieu 'r lié, ~de.-,tni, i.ri.,e iiî-irmeuier. Vsttethetriui~Fi , NI,.. Lî. u . î~ ,iiîî,îî,.e'uiie mc,i1, in tii, ie'1i ir -- i , .ueeted fin N'Vioîuîîî th .e liiy tN i uliî>vPairucv- lî,îîej. ,,t,:j, iî, 'i o . ri-d sud ihelr sii. î -, t ire. Irene da aiî icdy,..gut2 ,2h li i w i i i j,.. i-'cii île rîglit, S rrtuery w J1'i i re r, ofthe 1 tligai! i l oi jattendiqiciaday W. 1,loIcal Ai lilar i F îuakituiî our euh- ofthte Pitr Tht - i - U!. I. e i.ui- lC sccipiu.e t,,ir. i 'è- lIbeitilUg the Shar> i '. 1 Iî r 1-.'le. i i.daiy le ,i aî - .-rln b o A t grfi- rigranil iîciiiiîlg lîarti. ce .-elll t' .t,-uS uiîîgwam an(]iiar ~running rfies-il'ii,! h utici. t h ~~~It WîînUli i- , I plan foir the cler- iu'ny tc ai 5iîdtik Tlîe l-1- 1 r .î. i i- iry !auqsolmteisliai iet , m . -iy teu îrl etae Lae is.1,1 near t1e,"-1 I.ofifilce la,.i Week uîUCl >er i s SI r, .î.jui J îidult-.anlueIî-r iîîrî. K jîfr thiee l.- -pso NmMis iviu ei . a1e t' ue is alai -r î,.îi .1 net 'a fni they Methodist-pscnl thi,. e v 'tl . an I trienîl eai t lire.w e ti - Il . 1 IVW e -rtaiuny (du Sec, lis nLex t eunda3 a IIll îel ld le A uticu-uonu ftlekot, ie-e i, - ;.1i--n îîîîîîu a s u nlat 'chool ut 10 îîi, ;~~t- N~ 'N - Y. CONTRIBUTED fi. J. B. MO[)RE& Co., EIS FUNI N Picont 14. LIBERTYVILSE ILL. dopactimeutal a rk ifor ail figes, Mcrîî- Ing service, 11 uiilocli. Evoning ,erî ut- ai 84 ,cloek. Preacliîîig lu> ilv. teaiî,. There will iii sloctal uîuîeic uitte ereuing 5crv ie A cirdlal I nvit atioiieex tcud te al . ' îtîedles for lIneîîilmwrabe >1 lit le the suljpec ofethie Epworlb Leegaire ieeîîon nut Sunday eveuiug a. 7 olk Paul %liîrnim wili beal the meetinig Ail are co-rdial> invited tii atiemid. Choiir rehoarcai wlll le, hcld tub w %eek unTbursday eveilug aut M iicliii-k .511 iiembers urged ta attendl. r'L4w.rvl TTo PkTulhc onfclmSn inxBià Uans-4le underl , Al, slams 1ta:s1,en proven Lya test of fifiyyeare. 'Lc w4ft1fi1I eyêof»urr oveimad u oaYaur monyfin Our NoâJu Specimen Women's Ballot 1 gercî e rt Ifv tlîtheit i a truc epîecimen of the Women't liallot te0lbu ',îtcd at a S;.ecial Elaetion t,' be-hs.d ini Vtrmon Township, L; ke t îîîtilloim, on 'iîesglay, .1îîuut 27, A. 1). 1DIS. C. .. 1ERSCHIBII4EH, Town Clerk. UDA N (1-JN -__AT- Jr!ertel's Park Pavillon. lait Day, Illinois Saturday, Aug. 24: Corne and Dance ail the dOld and New Dances! Tiokets: 'Rc.niiiîi Sunuday 'Ai hbpo muere-d aImoermon. thie EL E. cIIîanIl0ii Sunda>, Sept. Ici N et wedvecdae ,ueuiog, Aug. 28, i la îîîîîîe-îiîn wilt he nioruiug service 8.30 Ibere wlll be a very tmportail t veoailiihé, reiorte ot al theidepari- .meîeting ai tle officlilboard outhe .M.2 meute ot tht- cborciî. lu the evenliug ait hurcb, aIl ofliciaIs are requet.d Ioi D uîîk r. A. F. Clark wili preach tbe prisent. SPECIAL BARGAINSl I IN MANY DIFFERENT LINES Box Stationery, fine inen-fini8hed p4per, with tinted edges, six different colors, at ............................... Lot of childrens Hofe Supporters, strong Jaspar elastic, ail sizes. The buckles art slightly rusteci, so we have made them one-haif price. Per pair........................ New Middy Blouses, s'mocked in colors, collar and cuifs of blue, green or roee, "ech.......................... Dorothy Perkins' Adjnstable Dryers, for infants' clothes. A most us 'eful device. Thse complete Dryer for.*....... -. The Stocking Dryer for 25c. Just one-hai regular prîces. SmaIl size, extra heavy Bath Towels, each:................ Thin blown Table Tumblers, pretty etched design, 4 styles, six IBUY WAR SAVIP I IGS STAMPS, AND THRIFT STAMPS. WE SELL -THEM W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 I .......e@e.e@Oe.eee@ Gentlemen ......50 Cents Ladieîs............... 25 Centi,, 25C lOc $2.50 soc 48c 00ý* 1

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