MABY lOR n the vi-Iinflvof Arpa this@Ppn h RECEIVES FRENCH CROSS be tuund. The conscription ut t he able badicit men 0t twenty.ane ta tbirtY Martie Wilcoi, @an ot Ellowîrrtb VM ileax year, of age uakeSan important change@ of rgi, a member of a Machine truninb the war king farce of the land. Whien Basse)on under Pershing, hlisijen u-ted the conscription liet itrege ln the able tor vaine under Ore, acearding ta a ier bodipd men of eigiteen Iu torty-five moâ"à dby is parente a tew 'aYO &gc). year@ ot age, ie shah ex1uerienu-e mure ot "In lIetterldateP July 22nd. telle uft irlI- ttiso upieasanttand unusuat feature. lus eDtures when bigComancy wen t Frsm te present view îpuîl t l l ot oyerf the top" for the tirst (lime NI r. be ##r ilrisiel g tlu seeth e Ame r icaa wo0m en Wilo and aà leulenalit were, l"s'ng tebînd the plaw and inl the tbreehirig .*ePary aron "N Mal'f Lue gg Iext ea@ini But il it uittut *bon. a <erman super apened iree this c tiditian, the warld will learu that Usmgent nias wounded and tell. lie nut o are the Amnericair men not ton - as one oft tires whu, nerp wtaundpd rut-fihbtte he mrca durlng the engagememut, the remaiaidr o ut(ýli i re tigtoobut hutheaerica .h. men returning unlinrt.Thtis coin nî r nlta ru pfly w ae ln the battIs for a period ai esVetytWo honre wlshuut fooui or A JACKIE IN THE PULÀPT dosp; they luit pack,, wpans and téyhn bey had ezcet what they T4ie lev.. F. 03. Wangien, iarmerly caarld on iîst persne;' th t pactor ut the CoDuregiAtional i'iurî-b at eaptued mn tprîsoers nd mu-i tutt lviinhOe, but now a member ai tu. I15, -d ued ery pnuemberswand th 1F0act l2th Reg. Camp Paul Joues, at Gireat Ronoevr crss e ter wnte e dnhLakes, filled the pulpîl a% the llunday Geobr cn guners Thainsd andeleockedita ur,. ng service at Are& lait Sunday. lhIrmgnand l ai eman sd loces adAucompanled Mr. Wanglen nias J. L. tb be tandprofers b erusu ltheyBridges, tormerly of Waterloo, Iowea, a kuw thst they would be given faod and cosrcInegnebtnwamm be weil eared for". Mr. Wlcux aiso tells beC oi Ca. 24, l2th Camp Paut .ý,thebenfisth Amrteu en eepveJanes at Great Lakes. HereLsa minuoter 410. the Y. M. C. A He says, "Il tlb, aithe gospel and an engîneer, oide tuy peope athomeknewhuw ach he ide, shaulder ta shouider, in aone great Ir M. C. A. means ta the bute here they camrnoncause in the'interestuîofiuuianit.' would support it and gives ntl Ir hurb.., raIe about tIi. morale oft liei.' îican Moris Wil'ox lias alwaye l-,d ln arnîy: when mei.n who cunquise* that -Aiea liagradute a Liiertyrlle igii arld v ri-taiu Ochool andtlewelI knîwn initht,. rou.ic- e îdr.anIuu rdudai~ * aunîîy. tblr culture anid rctiiemu'no, tiicre van -lire Uta Question abouthie ruorale. OLD MEN AND BOYS IN THE TIIRESHING GANG NEXT I tARiT WILr. BE nM iMEN -When the boys leave for the iront, a ww of them at a lime, tram sacit neigli- borlsood. they are misssd ioclally, tram tise ommunity genereliy, but witen ln 1h. active ttnîies ai lire it wihiemene es *Wrl tumBq tieir places an 'the tarm ln 'e. woklsadwarehouses wth mu. Who bave apparently out Iivsd their lu les and vita shanld be on the »«»d llbhant vitit baye lu the Imu. ~aftrity otIlite, il h isten vs reaIlize the sselouuDmeof tee r In one aspect. Ibsondltiop lte partlcally notIceeble CO.5UNTY SALE wod Fanna t1,000 Acres r.Fivorable Ternme 'PI Payment 1i..<. Farina >Withia s50Miles of Chicago Gr.test Produce Market in . World îl;?RQPERTY IN TOWN OF ARE f~RSALE ý,§dern Housea ý'Vacat Lots Factory Sites IAcre Tracta F~or Subdivision ýOm4U iTracts Truck Gardeners *utyand Sinali Fruit Electricity Railroad Uine Connections Market.Fèr, be r of Industries. &L HARDMNG, MAMMO UTH MODERN BARN4 FOR FREMONT TOWNSHIP This one is aoc under construc tounon ans utr thie acms acuet lit August M" ir tz. le-a mules natt.e est ofi Acea. It is ttltty-lwa by erghtly iet, Inienty tout puuts. nith aenriglît foot lasemnet under tue entIre building. Tho barn isletuu b equippet vitit svery labor saring device kuavu in niodern daucying eut staî'k raletug, withî e larîe, -ita built ensireiy witula ttc building Jota L. Irvhng ai Area, daettc, masounyack, Air. Watan ai Vul s doing tbt cerucnter niork. It le expectedtIhet tbe trame vili tue et> ta te ried about Septemtier lNt. AREA BREVITIES tirs.Emma Bouse in ûcauipray wlth tir. rend Mirs. F. Mitc-hell mtacedtot Loar, Il]., an Sundey. tire. F. H. Harting eutdilaughter, Hlelen, wvesWaukegan viitare tSatur- day. tic. eutd2Mr@. S. L. Tripp cnt i r, eut Are. E H. Biuhm mtaredtuo Dowuersa Grove rend @peut the week-end %viîh relatives titere. tire. Aima Joues returuet home Sun- day ater spendlng ea couple of nieeks nuItber teugiter eut son et (lImer. tirs. J. Chantier rend Morris ChantIer were tChicago visitore ountIoutay. irs. Nille Brovn tee retucued home alter ipendt P.ecoupleoaI veei wh ber aunta Aurore. tirs. Woot entertalit ed brtaugbtec. Mr@ tiîeun and a numbr aif rieuts avec the week-end. Miss Hezel Eastou ut Downers Grave, vas the guesl t f rs. S. Lý Trlpp, Sun. dey eut Mandes'. Leu Pufali spent the week.enl nith his farnily bere. tire Badge rend chiltren @pent Tue@. day et [iamont Lake. Mir. Miltchell ai Wenkegau. pestuir ai the Congregational churchitberse tteudet theCJ. E. socil! t the Park Saturtey 11gb t. Mrs. WIII Porleous bas beea epeuding the veek Vlsting relatives et Wieteon. Ail@& Helen Harding ailitfriands Aventt Wýetuetay st Lake Bluff. taptain Stone ut Philateipuire a greuteon of (tradma yce@, vistet et the Lrtirop bomne avec Suntay. IVANHOE Mir. and tirs. Heneon, nho liav'e beln sî.eutiug e couple of maUtbs w-ltiu th@ latere siter, tire. B. V'an Pien, iettun SaturdaY tr a susart siai nitittheir e@on luWltuuun Ars. J. 1,. Shefield cntdeughtc, Edna, acre Waukegen rimlt~ore recsutiy. 1 cfre nd tirs. William Shaw rend chllî. renu uof Wauio,ade unccccalîcre et the H. C Pavur home suidtiy. (luitrl, n il Chatelerin li as givra up hile putu-iao ii lilttreo rend les senditig a lesu de.c etilu ltue lurtare leaving for tie Itrainilng tati, 11in expletsta gou the tî's Grtes, ut ut l'ak.. prerchet bers lest Suiam ite .meu H-- g It i.ira candidate rend it is expreul Uiut' lthe,'uhurct viii votte an tbe qu'.ti u-\rcuide5, lu tbe evcatng the l tietut1i . uiilay Scitool n ulutentloais L.11 WOlu-,' 1, h it t o.- 1ev. Hoakl' 's . ni. i V -reter>' tram theuis 'ret iakes fIes eatdtire. Poi 0 liieDirrîund 1Lake, Sic. 1nager. <ut %aukiiianu. and Ir. Follet, oi Liberty. tvu'! it vas a rare treai ta bave su many geood speakers *l111 e maliiie vers eorry not to bave a lare audlessi Mrs. William Knebker a»d daugister, Ada, vhilted Miii@(Gertrude Duai at Gags Lake the irt ai the week. Mie. Ada la enjoying a vacation and spending the muet of it et home. Mir. ad Mrs. Fred ilpit entertalned fiende tram Waukegan Sunday. MlIe@ Aiics Maaro r ho ha. been attend- ing a commercial @chboal lu Indiana, ie.ait bc me for a vîsit. mimesHazel Masher. ai Chcago, @pent laet week with ber grand parent@. Mr. andi Mrs. ('.IDarder. MIs% Emma lKnebker.te spemdlng a tew days with Waukegan trienda. . r. and tire. E, L Rutta attended thte cîreus ii Weukegan Thucsday. Miss Matie! Belîmu utWaukegan, te spending several nieeks vacation wlth relatives and friende lnu iîlsvicinity. Miss (ieneviea-e Diebold af Chicagol visiling ber grandmath.'r, Mtis Katitryn Itiebold. ies [azPi Macher ai Chieaga. spent last Thnriday wltb tirs. Henry flertel. Miss Katie Stoffel la @pudng seteral niees at the borne ai ber cousin, Mr@, George Failons ai Weukegan. Mir. and Mr@. Andrew Amann and Mis Barbarra Amana spent last Thuroday ln Chbicago. Ja, lioriier ai Northt Chicaga, called on bis maiher here Sunday. Be cuire and attend the dance and suluper ta, ue given by St. Mary's parisit at hie lnranhoe bd. W. A. hall next Wednesday eve-niurg, Aug. 28. ire. NMary' Stofiel and clilîdren attend- su the tuerai ai Mathias Stoflel at Waàukegan, IMonday niornIiig. Mc.,rand Mr,,.George Boreier and Mtr, and tirs. Andrew lourier and iamUiy ai Alîugton Heigbts, client Suuday it Aicr@. Mary tiaieter. ,caudma t.ubzlec, utfBuîhind.Park, @peut rtunday, witb M. W. Kuedler and Ted. lesdaiiwesaon un smithi ettu'ded the tunpral uof a iiend ai Grays Lake Tueciiay. F. uStueiu and ieally ettended camp meeting at Baringlon Sunday, aiea C. Hans and iaiiy. Mies8 Holet i.. entertaining campany. H. Albrecht end taîîily were Waukeoba vîitari Sunday. Clacence Loamis and fimuly Siindayed at rDes Plaines. Mrcs L. Maciber lurned ln a very good reuort tlcam the canvention, nuitmany goad points, which mare augtât ta bave Ing thc week ali t their grand mather at Glen vie w Ada Suithutf(Grays Lake spent Thurs- day rend Fclday nith ber muthcr et Jue. Richards. Florence Leigittun ut Libertyvîlie le apending the week %ith the C. J. Masan iamily. Mr. eutdArs. J. A. Muo and M trs. W. Sttnclirttended titi doldiers Reunlon et Wauconda WVetneetay ant Thurstay. Mesdames Coan, Smith, Wollo, Misese Laure Sprague eut Cludareli eut C. J. Herocihierger visitedthet Naval Station Wetn*,oday aflernoan. Mesdames Carpentsec eut Ryduer of Chicago eliet ou irleuts lu titis vicllty ans ta>' lasI veek. tibae*eo.P*v. Curtie, who bas be. an ative agI ard worker on the rail. rOad reorgals.tion, vas the iret OPerk and gave a rousinu talli on visaI tise ailroed teens ta lte ,coUk munltY and urged al ta itold bath fnancliandsemurally. John Badge, Who la thse Onancial agent toc the reorganisation oommubtee gave qulte a lengthY talitoutllning the .phan ut re-orgtanusation. M.Il. Dietrich ai Chicago,. wba receutly purchOaedthlie Sîhendort iarm, vest af tavnr, lsaone ai aur ceaI boosters and saitb hi et the comurnunty i-uldnîtnu effordtuta taki a chance an loslug titi reliroat ant pledged hie inancl aud-n moralsu pporstot it and nrged ail tite citizens@ll tecommuni ta do likowisi and in& hiors time tbeneccessary matay wouit hi ralset ta comploee tipur- chas. ot1tte roat, put thte coat itet lu goat shape ant re-equip It with goat raad vauld hi on îlfe tdand paylng gond dividende. tir. Fiechel aiofChitcago, ans of aur sommer resldente, gave grest credit tu0 ou! village and cammunity aut sait viti thet progreive sipirit and necessity luit sure lte railcoatd question would be solved - LAKE ZURICH Rabrt Kasten @peut the week-end at lis bore. Mirs. Sophia (îst ou iamiinont Lake, spent ea1ev daye vlitting relatives and tchands ln &bis vicinity. Suntay atternoaru about sixty people getiteret et titi home ai Geut. L.inlemann lu honor oi hie brathuer, Win Linlemnan eut iemily ut Nelurreeka, cliiibave been vleiling ber@ for tii,','weeks. They returned ta Nebn'aukea Sundsîy evcnlug. The social bel Saîurday evenlng by ttc Ladies! Att ut the Eu engelis-al cburî-l 1toved a grand enecu-ss Rov. J. Heinricit clint a ew u'v lay n Cheago lest veek. uchutal wnl begin Tuu'culry Seput. 9. A number ai pu'oile atteuttet the Soldfers' rand Sellors'ceunioun at Wau conta Thurstey a utriîneteclî. Seturduy cnening nut th@Lutterren cliurch et Fairtioît, Miss. Olga Eichruisî and William Ankel" wecc itet li tuarriage tir.eutdtMrs. (teuirge 'sVuurnberg ai Lîbertyville, spemit the week-end et tte lielter tame. Lecoy Wucîteuberg iun sîuedng a ew veeko vith hie brother, Vctor, lu Harvard. Air.eutdtics. E. ttcauding end B. Ilrauting attet tu te tunerai of Missg Norma Senne, Saturdey et terno<în et Palatine. A numiber ci people tram bere are planning %u attend the festival etthIe Orptauage et Beneenvilie nadI Sunday, Auguat 25. Win. A. Itosiug of Antlocb, eut Scott Levot' aifAiiliurn, vers calter@ ln towu Tuasday. tir, eut Mr@. %%'miPeppe.r viitet ln Chicago lait veek. E. Ficke aud F. Grimm matoret to Waukegan, tioutey. PIllIp Young maeia business trip ta Chicago. Mautay. Mise.Ella Fettler callet on irIente hics lest veel. Augusi Froellchbadat e at ai cattîs au thte marketT'uestay. tir@. Williaem Eichmaui, Jr, ant sou @peut e 1ev dais vislting lu Chicago lait veek. OBITUARY ltrcs Fred K rutpp. vte of k. rît Krotso., tirs.Nehmer entirtainet compeny thte ti t ethe Ileaconeusehospital lu Chicg pasi w..k. Ion Tue>. Auguet 6, itirfutwral takinir .lorence Matiter is visiting hier grand' muther et Lak~e Zurich. E. L. Harrison, whahbu@been traveling throug'.ithe central part 0a iuitleAs repreetuàive toc au elettrit lighs tixture llrm oiCf igt carne liome Selurday for a tva veeks vacation. J. E. Gainer, repreoenting Jas. Farcel & Son aof(turnpes. latraveling ibrauit the coramunlty bîîylug nibeat rend ather s@Walgrain. He i@ oayinoe 82.07 for, place tram hec late home ln Barrington, Frit-av. Auzuet ¶9, titi latermeat telug ln Lake Zurichi emeler>'. Ars Kropp niai taken ta lte itspîtal eut aperaee upan April 2, tac appenti. ctis. lotir uihîsquent opecetions vere periormiet. the lest au,' leingon July 21. Bemîdes lier tîusbant, titres ciltren, Kari eget M. Lilian aget 6 eut Glatye aget 2 yearc rend six mauthm, survive ta mouru lhe dcath ofae ovlng vIte eut motbterý CARO 0F THANKS. dlean boiat eut on Moutay eippet Fred K ropaut femily wilelita express ses-en l'are. Ttreshing 1 nov lalu ui tieir thea, h i their mauy iente eut svey cnd the grain le tucnIug ont wyul. neighburs fic their kinduese and sym. .Miss Cteelia (cary nias e Ciicago IaItti tu)t Iimn lu their iale beceavemucut. visitü tu'[nste'.- Barry Kirrein @ponat Sundey at blt . DBUPIEW. humeheticM. etud 'sre. J. C. Enterrent tugtter, Misse(icace Murphy rnd fiend 'Of Cirra, lu-t Ttiuucedey nigbutfor au extent. Cttu'aga sic-ut Sunday nlth Weucanda edtIril, thriiugti the veet.tir. Enter le relative« eut triente4. a veternai oftue ci'illc-ar. They niuli Air. antdtics, Vernoan Jothns 01 Weuke- attend lith,- G . R. eucempmcnt et gen, spont Seturday andeut oda> et ttiePuortlaend. i)rý, hume utftic. end tirs Peter tMeye. Uc rm. s t Furne>' oniOak Park,.nies *Pbsi1 Maman andt soa, Edvart, outhte, Suritcy guremt tire. 'iboas liuify. Wankcgau, are spýending thei' vek îi-th Robiert 'l'ettls loft Frite>' Pr FIxer, W'reuontre relative.§. Ky., wlteie tu'.wtll teke a stian 1l1 tb1 tir. and Mcc. Ber titlendari rend tamily aolî tiît. ai Chicrego, retucned tum uuiuSnda>' citer 'reuîk Parcin, Nho a bheen spendlniz e ta-o weelîc s3te> et thieJenke' Bouse. severre cciwnith bis sjister, irs. E. B. Mr. rend Mtics. I. J. Su-lrfier rend sou ut Jurtenti. lu-t tue ilatter part ut thî ee k NI(-Hnry. sucre ' uau-i tidte n letore Sun-. l ntr s-ru lt-e. lay - tic, anti Mic.. Bert Easton eut tantl>' vent lty au Lto(u St. (,,harles, vitere te>' Rairoat Boosters' Meeting lel tilueur li,,u, t'ýasîusant Richard, nu'o A reilruuîd l-îutst.-crt u-.tIng vas t] uli hi uent lie wveck In tit .Boy scout et the l'aluauc t1wteru laut Frltey even. campu, wli-tî lm unter titi charge oi Scout lng and a-as rtteuut,.d y alergesuthuel. Master Iru-in ulagge. aetlc iruinu. Theu Wau-unt liant su. T'tre- nas nu services la the lUitid lîvenet the' ;rugcctiniltis everalin@ueEvangell(iucucritSuntay et th@ camp selectiow n d ruiMtr. [layes of Chil'.gîî, i"tilm iii uprsgceese t Barrlngton renderet ii rlnurIes.tntun ihitrnd ëili najnrlty ai tite famille aituîe vere ,hliît 'hiuutiid. l C. Kent acting 'ittre t.nutct. as ebatrirnoit ufte nueng, Introduced iMfieo lIrue ticuradie utofhllega. niai thse veekend guetl ai Nie" Heen PlllaGeDmàe-' Ochinleiter. A dehytey-aroudetshttiver>' sevîre Injuries to Michael Monaitan. Mis@ Marie Selig, vho underveut an 44 years of agi. niho makes his home operation tor appenticiîls et te 01gb- on tite Bain far lu intie toren ai lent Park hoophîsil Tuesdua>'le taing Pleasant Prairie, Kenasija couint>', nicely. and niho nias taken ta Kenogha Tie Et Johnson enleredthlie Barrea day ta St. Catbcrine'sitospital In ai lénuncoasclou3 condition, rppaccntly Tecitaical echool last Titursday ta tFake euifriag tram a fracture of the a short course preparatury ta going skuli. loto service- The laJur>' ta Monahin le anotlier Mi»s Eva Pettie rcîucned ta Delevan, myatecy addedto thett long liat tuf mystery crimes reported from "'thi" Wls., vitere site will restiume ber work. aitani" near Russell. li. Nulonahan ih Mci. E. P. Eatton rend children vlslted hellevel tu have been atîseket rend the paît nieek nut lier bratter, Fred ulugged by unknown parties samu' Pareon ni Chicago, turne carl>' Tuesday moing rend It Mr@. uliu Johnon uder an hideciaàret that he la>' In an uncuin- tirs Jubue aitsan ndeven sciaus condition lu a dttch rlong ttc, opsiartion toc goiter et St. Augueli -ne rosi. fiur aany bours ieiore ha nies itaspital, Chitia6a, rend te gelting aiang fount. Dicely. 111e wite, wrtcitlng aaxiously ai Mioma B@gieandMilred nicer-his tedsite at the iiospltal, teclrede Mises eise et Mlulct uieer-thaI sIte couit gîte nu tIformation 'is bocker vers week-end guesîs ai Elenr ta thte manner Iran wtiuchibe nét hia Meyer. Injuries. "Mir. Monuihuin left home Ralpit Horemuiuerguer isent @everal dais; carly Tuesta>' mornhng ta go ta Ils' titi past 'veek et Hesnry Beitrus af blreckamith stop at* lcusuiell," ,aid Glence. Are. Monoitau. "Tbey brought hilm Glelce.home at noon on Wednesday. ili Titia Knaak speuil the week-endit ewnas uncoasclous rend no ane seenieul Fox Lakes.ta kltow saythlng as lu how h',lied Mc and Airs. Geuj. Schneider fi Wil.iteen injuret." mete, ver Sudaygutitsof red At the hiospîtal luinias declacs-i muete, ere ondr gceteo! redtuat lte condition of 2ioiatari niau Horeuberger. . regareed a4s eriowlu. île chauvit mu Albert Willlmen ofut 'glft0i. la., le aigus of cetucning consciaussa nit vlsltiD# bie brother, E. Willinan. It arnîcars that te tas a sll-ght fraic- Mis Jore %'oduiil pen th fletturc of lte ekuli, sait a rep~uort trous Mis JuTe Voamari pia tii petKenosha Fciy. veok vitb ber 'usier. Ars Wmn. Kuiet oi Dstrict Attorney Fhslier ouf Kenut- Wilmntte ar, declaret officiais would lie su'ar Missm Eugpnia Wattier luia- returriet ro Rusciielliat once ta malte an lIn,. home hevhug ulsiteit lwirautut. air.. Wis. tigatian. Smnsîzer ai Chicaga.. Iteleti i cOfe ofu0nalisn hit tipeut %waichiuig cuir-tuily fuir cor returu, tire.Ann titerncuu l.-ttThucsday tîîr .ta Co iscloumws"u fti l iopu.-.' itt'i.- cranton. iie , ta vicit lic sn, J. (w.coutt utc able [o uiaku- ionu, nt.u il Sherman. ment wvitet nuldît nain-e its' tuiy'uv ANOTIIER MYSTERY --DO- 0-Y--UROSF ATTAClï'fMA MAN A1 Awh s l IjIIJ À RUSSELLILL.I Michael Monahan of Kenosha County Is Dead as a Re- 1 suit of an Assault FOUND AFTER MANY HOURS Reported His SkuII Was Frac- tured-Found in Ditch by Side of the Road MONAHAN DIES Waukègan, Aîug. luX Accurdîag ta a late message from K " osha, Munahan duedthtis murs,- 9 sag at 9:30 ln St. Caterine,& trospi. tl. He neyer regained conscloussuesa n order to explain what tappenedtot him nul near Russell. Huwevcc. SIserîfI Nrman,, ater a thorcugh In. utstigation of the matter at Russti1 Frlday afternoon declared thet itls belief he feil jrum the steps of the taloon, and was thus injuced. He couid flot gel any evidence to indicate that Moan hes td been assaulted. Ac. cocdlng to what te leecned, Monahan went into the saloon and *ndeavuced lu get somebody there ta open a bot- tle of beer. They would flot do Il and accardingi>' he threw 1he buttie oni the floor, walked Out Of'the door and se beiueved te have falie,, off the steps. At least that la th. story giv. en to te sheriff and those lnterese.d there, ilus stated, wilil stick to Il .til the finish. Accordingi>' I las fot ex. pectedthIat any asree wl e., Telephone messages to the Rus: tell iie)ghborhood fatled toi throw any lIght on the case. The people who could b. located declared they knew flothiag about the Injury to Ntona- han and expressed surprise that he had been found in that aeighborhood. k Munairan bas been prominent among the race harse owners in ie- flosba and Lake county for many Years. Hi la lnown la have cai'ried little mon(> v. 1h hîim when he left ru hshume aet he i' Item arn amlie înad always mide It a practice ta make 'paYlents t)Y vdiecks. It waM 5ald 1that ho hqid a few cents In hia pock- ets wheu hi' as faund Inair uncan- L clous condition alaaig tbe road. Th icnjury to Manauan la ver>s eim- Ilar ta injuries b o ohi r mvan %%o have baen toauad aIong the road lienv- tIbe &*elLw.' Sa far am lias teen diactee-d Murialan liait meceiveit no 1threats and bis relatives clirm that [btey iia w aiofa n ii lu.,. w i glht seek to do hlm badily harm. The gerieral belief te that hF was attacked bY Mai~lrig the road w'io 1siuxgk.d hia cil h tir(.intention uf 1robbery. There Is no explanatioa of . h(- tact tijat thit Injuceit mari was 1 not touuîd .uoaar. h uùeîîIl.l uîelyhan ben il) 1pointaI tfoit adiilti-Int rator foc Lak. i Jor,-.ianti lak i Iiniff Ile pria-,.I .iikrâof' the Chicago Telephone di- reclory. oiuluî.uf yuuutl-. bweý-i 18Sand 21, Yoia lave *tirciiued local exfuip. lon boards witiî inquirîim 3-4to w.h.! tuer lh,-ir mif us! ircgi.ser Aug. -1I. The confusion was brought au r it N th-iu bill îr1>11 xtundIng fifl 1S iIo . %;\. I k eaý xrua 1ell, mu eth il uuly thoic- c ho had riuh! tlîuir -,]i i ,rtlidev utinv Jura l'IS accu catlçed on 10 reg- imter. IOPPING AT AREA, ILLINOIS FRIDAY AND SATUROAY SPECIALS CaulasHeis. sadar cuseh, [er Il, ............. firerktreetiteian, usigr cureti, 1'.' SaIt l'yuk. Wrn, lier 11) .....«.... .... ..... ..... Betel'tut Riiinul Steak, per Ili.......... .... Sîclush anetd 'îtrlliuu e.tb'k,. pout Ranss, per 11)... ..-..... BouliagItel, c-r 1li.......... l"rankiurt'-r. per Il,................. ....... Pure Lerdl, lierlb.......-..-........ Lard luunpouirid, pec il . .... . ..... .. 26c 41c 30c 30c 30c 22C 20c 22C 32c ........ .. . .. 26c (i Ile (rptue Tîilî t l'aî- ..............-..... .. . . ......... 25c :1 Large Rils................... .............. ............. 25c Large Ikg Arvxuuur' st e ....... ................ .....2&c l'oet T plie,'s ...k................ ......................... 1ý ...--. .1. . . 14c Pufleul Rive' pkg ............................. .. .. .... ...-14C 4 iars Feis Nawh i. . An' r ira n iîy uor lu ir t ..'...I'25c ilU <a. Starll, ... ......................95C Largo -an Bakêd Btlu.enu........................ ....................... 17c 'ý (alion u i ira Syculi... ............................................... 45c Large can Pet or Carnuatian Creaui .................................. ... 14e Large and eniail iticago Bread ..................... .. ....9c and 14ce 5 Ibo. Oleomaargarine ... ...........................................8.. ........ 1.60 2 lto. 'Ountry roral Oleomargînie ............................... 60C Best Creamery Butter .................. .................... 49C Will Pay 42 Cents a Dozen for Egga GEO. M. LANE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS -------------- mer as th Ro@ art ceg Lak Mei aud )Ac' teti INI SUMMER TIME The bees are buzzing lu the clover. The corn is growing anid the long-bladed leaves glint in the sunshine. The boys are slîoutiug and splashing in the old swiînming liole, and the perf aîlie of greelî, growing things makes the air sweet T~he farmer lookrufeover lîin fields, roc koning on full- granaries and weII.filled lofts in the autuuîîn. He is eujoying the bernies and peas and fruits of luis garden, and preparing to lay in stores of provender for mati and beait for the unproductive îîonths that are soon to follow. -NO ONE 18 (JLOSER TO NATUREIN HIS Wi)RK '[HAN THE FARMER, and no one knows better thau lie the' NECESSITi 0F PROVII)ING FOR THE FUTURE. Likewise, no one should know better than lie the necessity of lay- ing by, DURINt+ iS1 PROD)UCTIVE YEARS, sufficieîut stores to last him, and THOSE DEPENDENT UPON HlM, DURIN(* THE LATTER YEARS OF HIS LIFX~ and when hie lias not the saitie energy tu work as now. A SAVINGS BAISK AUCOU.NT ANI) A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ARE QUIrE AS NECESSARY to him as lofts fuîll of hay, and bins of corn and -oats, and seeds for auotiier tseason. With a habit of life that causes him to fill bis barus, to keep a healthy savings bank fund, and to owîî a coîîîfort- ably large life insurance policy, a farmer CAN LOOK INTO THE FUTURE WITHOUT DREAD. He knowo that lie will hîave bad seasous when crops are poor, whien his savings bank must be called on to lielp huîn ont temporarily, and when lits premiums are liard to p.ay. BUT? WHAT WOULI) LIFE BE WITHOUT1 SOME STRUGCîLEý Do not thé boys get far more fun out of the swim- îinig liole thi@s suîmer bechuse tliey, have been deprived of it all wiiîter, when the snow was deep and the wthool kept thim busy alday? Does not the farmer derive more strengtlî and satisfaction wlîeu lie wins ont after a liard struggle witli nature tlian if lie had îîîerely only to go out and pick bananas any day of the year in or- der to live? To hua iwlio lias the - ambition aud energy to work. and to him wlio lias foresiglit shall be given OFOT H IS DECLINING YEARS. The becs "ae buzzing in the clover, the boys are shoutinu and splaaking in the oit ewimmnint bol., -and Suamer vilt ijys antd dttes is here. Happy the man who can.Iook upon it uit joy umed nitS dre.d for th.e nfmuitful das to10follew. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area, Illinois THE 0WD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY