yearlylIothe»e féè ot'those S PLANE ~~ho conduet publie dance halls orAN U BiwcR T, DRhdacëU rigd e it ubjected fte BM OWNO&SR-.Ilons ef the ordinance willIi tin UNION IMED; OVI3R VATJaM ~ ~ frfTt. re of f icenses'30A E RSN C(oonty Seat'N ew s VATI1UflBÀLLOON T4@ clnuse las ice;lîî:ettes e ni- 00AR___EEN r . @ . O . e . @ e O O O O O O @ e . ea4h it95 5e m r i a s en Iy r s e n t e d t s i e r d H E D C E --- - - - h crdie nce was flr-.t breuglit be- l'r gan n atth orepn F O .WinsesTrlln ig s 1th cuici!as waten 1k ge. or tact Td 'ime Teachers and1 Fli hnlekanaa eereÀd Leu. mî inis ce 1ltse r artfn N e 1h Ma 111ïUbVA aetw;,gîîtn letahe tocivirwr et- FL)1dtaceletr ta oîay.Pupils an Yeqars irisn. i, tr awo iai wr o îe n in fance roided that glri'i between th e ancesofMn er Ail fl smonlînil h ties et 16 and 18 miglit appear at .% D IINT e ir 'or th t , - FOI SMDRF "PflE A A~lW D r y o n ~l o , i'--. PC AlT H GOND tîeir parents. mani tha i ls u r____ IiI DW RE DRY t,-nl K Dii ee%ý if SON 'PresentTsi(, geof16 years nîight net attend Fidesra IuneR8 t ront fr. Eflis, retired and quite Battlefield Peens Terrible rotninîîorOyifet \"tlot d d Pandy OudTkePAir frW mn WllBe ut t iial bY saviIltg fiat h wns tomi W. B. Smith Reçails How When Sg, sLclTop u- t hC ~Ittabh7~t~ I d in the Dancing orImmiediately on Com- adp inqiin- if o '\I:* D. flnni uîwa YugMnAple ef sue Fleeing Hun ilil datéthl-r te a dahtie and look< on pleio o Ad itonli, acodia i. til sala ihe' w 01:d lent flie te Ile The 17f h an nuaf rettîtion ot liritw t' pleton f Aditin tlt].1 S tititi n Military,'He ArguedAteorney E. J. lI -cf-t r loiday po. piaced' ln thee poition ot ha',ing hlm. selot, s elonTîrsAtguat iltaien ) Vi lie ~Alii gi m il __________ce4ved a fetter frein et o.A. V. self aîîd fatgltî-r ttaced iinier arr-at 2ni 98 teu ltt iescitol- ha 0t f i'd li h o en fn!',S m ifiî. econ d nl ott i ntai Of<t1 f a Vr a viot aion t htt oc r inance. trs o t the chool w ere priesnt. E very - _______Dr_ s-n- iIonedU MrASALUSLSSl Ii 'ed Ar llerv. in whplu Th~ fe clfus-e. itele rdînance whieh bodylytadl an enjtîyatîl-rime. At on," Waukegan Ofcr( Ithe retirtent reTvideladt-- i l fa nîît'-îtIoi fme, ln the afternoen, ur oui Witon Neede& by lncreased D-'lsu it'flintii pon lt Illii C ft % emîihimimai.y~lSinan- tilkneu. h cutg ra ite ou ndso ei', D e miand for Production- 1h u-i n Now oftHis Sonib -n uHad Wis- oud ciii: mar. Dr. tris ,g aI aleiisrtozha H n TeIîe flo- aitr r'quesl Off Mtll-'\frose Ahitî(-Y, as yeîîg es ta fo tîittîlq lsou. One "Aaal oqss t lsgit iii, l'i who 1,,, ini (arg' of gît iwet tari- lv>'. iicouplet'was tht-t. grandparenta et Is Modemn Building mirer o e alNelson. ln tact 't"j Perhaps Saw Future i Mr. E.J. Heydecker, trii %'auk.,-can. ComîlAte provisions 26 grandctilldretî ami soo-it crat- "0e Chicago Hardware Feundry Co.,nmdhs natrtew'irrlor "X.Wau'\egan, fi1. of the ordiiîance appetarva ln the gr tn.z-hilren. Of course,. e'r3biîey uaed_____________Col A. V. Smth, new heipiîîg sta.,It "Juýta l f i e ttloiriilliiOtî t iSun it tieti'inie Ihe ordfiance wis knows wtoib tis was, Mr. and Nfra. îNerth Chicago, arc agait nri thFnir.,utîahroaîi. afwa - s was a tîtîtaanw-ef. We fhave 'be--iltcon. antiy oresented Wilftamn Wefls. 'hpre W,-'üuntldi W their already large pfant by lthe - aI> ii tnecci; as a bliehewanled nioving and figholt:ic for Ie Irua îîoteîîîî:'uî eltscitofars. who attenderiîttt'o Ofition ot a building. 64) h 140 ftee ORVIS' NEPII tIoe udy %nar rhuteiîe a .tîillîuî ,-The regiment Ils lu -guîîtîl-hllepta'd If ic'prior to 1870. Sv'ritach jaloi Xý%aukeýgian bas ttr(-distinction et seemis te be proteit t-il ' f tk.v C R E TaIJ1S IIN wore,- lnattenudatnce. Tireday a be haitt fibis addition .A1tulbc A1o a% ngalieutenant colonel wittî t-' omn . Our fosses .as. Ioî itîirîl fIdoV U le inranldrn tealr ébi sitory lu helg ait. l o 'IHCA À IN9 ýficsabreeoA.other regtments are îerv ligltt Theier SE IdiIIIUmnnpeasand furinthe afth.- i1ýe «tory in helght. In ~~~~ ~ letitis cotIîiect-01 :et t tze i ecmy dîîriîîg theti- it f.î\î aI y f1:1-éit cSN M IJ einmWplaatltl fml a TheVOUNuldigEtansBiretI TE10note tîtat for ncati> 1-ars î',F A. beon rctreatlng. 'rîi>it- tlml-it'll fure erings were bad and many IledI-t nI O th of the cempany s fini, euh--m t N. Suiîth wuts vo10 lî it iii îiib vents a terrible a i,îî'iti ilset' ;- iuW U1U7r'ou ad £ te ble ît 1h uew buildingathi rea.i%-, tfILANCe ivir t i>prsut.jhed"a I h io llowtît c -a .'olftîted a-, KMing aulda'ill bl itsel as ti- ore, 1__lie____ arI tiî,lc l iîtls prt-l l- outt mLANCîouîOUR BO S il iti ffortrviîif The Ibidr Ie tmone nu i- iriott ut e,;andl herses art- i-lt i ir u 1l îfcr io h nuu er seoi, and en]ly womnn ahilbcie 1 Ran Away from Home, Spring fair-,Ilii rIer Io secoune prfeli,-îît inî lime fiels antI niat- , Th ii.' 0 it'ii'ui"--iîîîî-C. 1.Ii-Vî( (-, tif r gwed there. N aiart-toTae p rm tiiitiE jfar-billinjgs arc depleteîf 'ut îiglîî 'oit Ambulance of Latest Design to Vne .sha,FaikW lýo e Wrdt a eveuicIoîy g is the buligHoeU rv ,t a e un r s oi iti or l it e tii î rti o wfîIlle tl pI istantîs i e i IIti inoliu ~ii~a;a the ben~ Grov, 1flnidiiii llI eilit i ietti-.etitn oli, i ltl' Be Purchased by Mem- x am' itîîîl'-î t- F,4 Dît) Iêuned te mufle il ll-tiandt mire B T (jSmltit, s'if Ille'<tîter da, , tUer ie o lti era t,-'rît ibers of Local Union ttY ', mi. lt-f -i-r ttt -'izr b-orktiig conditions tii] hw it i UT18 YEARS 0F AGE NOW f<'1c-liilariiller%. men ii,'re bo;d. loosa Th, baHeoon dmm iewu TWhL-E UL EUPED~k. ,i;ttl~.: $\il îîi;, lam ln every respect. gt1ic tlîeîr -cîtîr it i i eý'Jita f lanies,,1;114 th e bm--,, r I i i, I LL BE _________ ié o '1'be hpeils or 'ieî!-io îe r. quii Dispatch from Canadian Keep- rc] ' ; tn ii>-son wun, j in I im- tti, nî as a eu x b irtiliiI-- tir Jo;.,'piii lie vor %-r *il-.t- ry, o lte -ais îf mii iik gat ud seti .otiuii ua-b',ihepap'rs tfiai vmtmî'ii'lit-î One of th'eir Number Will Be orio-. o-. lîng liiiDan, m.r ,- ,Ii plnt l Waîkîmmii ailNorrt er of Records Savs He Was tîîîîtîuiiig ite militaor> -c>lît,121_ . frni il is-el. 1 hi. i 1c Io. tena. S elected to.DrieMachne ) Ii t i tii' . ImIt'"f 1 plantsme ln atki,, iipand VoneNioigtLrthi an. er-it-cdaiIChi-im Ibn h-e 'Vi.f ii I-li ti l sed to rief achineîi , .--t,- i li 1 msaîr tti o- ey tltic ai, Fli nt i ui leî 1 -'-t iti ttut '-. Voil] mi , lit i l loale labor and for-ftat re-«ison ('IL- te tiil a-mîtk ralietr limn. t ii, .oN :i Trus-ting you ar- w,-il, t in ail i -li the m- l'tfh- - l'ihtN of.tit-'S 1 cz sore l'inafor'-.nWil aid'Vi"eIIsil- 'lIiin:.full, ,ii- l- 'IEt-noaVtt, t'n ,li-17.'tfi ' Mits lu work ing condlitions.* l'i-aikn ttiiin . îicî t I ut-m iceier10 iifo itanicui -('lilnz-.'.1tuur EI-huer V, Oriim.. w-fin tiîttle II te d m I lii, Ilt.eo îlia li z lvob '. A..ti iiti'eî -z-- ii ' - - : i -îwî* m it e1'he addition tiottio plant xilt ce en en a în foîîî ii, lni- iig le-t rtr~ sai eitcTime riîiiîzlinî. i of.- .i li- . '- i', . ' in t bl h .r w i - fuîr, t n o la tl il l, )bk1ig l d atî. lit Io ni, lî , IA N fl AIlxxet]s t Ilni'.il a.. fit-ir t'!., "z. e 't - laeifs output 10 a nia nç. '- Ipif xicii 1,u11,M lt WOi ,melin aI i-, a t ene i -. l , iîfd alit-w sWarrn be~~~~~~~~~~~h tunn ute -r eia't tt uOng paîno'Ini rî. Mrs.iwoild fîtîtiluin i ctliii. iii t- tinI i im 'i: 1 I e ~d the prevent quartera q li oofiilî , ria'rcî ilti ruies, li ,tic. Ili. e-itiei or P I N 'iuii'l- t bW M ad t. diin wos feu tfront Ille t erofrecordi ize rtalth,,iî.future dctnaneeill i tiR ONi Ci hI G a -ý a il î'uiiiup , 'n.If t )ii- ho absolutefy necsaary. c' otOflic CatMieand nhoterc\11%*rw ha- atuck te it. À act whfcim show-s the eXtent fotet c nri-cl io nteasrnaes u et- itorit.Really now that il iýs al DIUi W i I l lo, an yii,L"fl ILI p-re t ifom ou ovr cinrecalhea- t gîî t r'.an- IGt Tht OI "o""*i. riin l' i <ri0 aIENiiO AI5 L 5IV balncrease lu ou put zlilcii w llI l'e No . 2 0 21î7 rî(Ua00 o Jam es Pa - gry eaany lim es te i-ce litti tipt ic ir c hreet li a lui,îîCe î i I ta' Q L ft ' l bWalI when lime additione lacon- rc lde,;fnr) fliiv llnl ocoeyadi 0 e-l hre llearblrc '1te i. L R O N Y B - tbe ase rim tlimeftrftîîîîtha kMiiin oh cia ls itiihi-.elf a t e, br Vsionrtima ci Every District in City Is Being o tif ibt t he un f \uo;~ ion IICCO E force of 501 women a-tff fieput " eraf Th irAbeilleAugusu "Ani f glad lia ho dia il ai Iliat Cnasd-n uhEn- mationt. Tii,-nitniiîw mi-;iat lmt<rvrsnr t* Immedately ahen the bfilihin 111h.Gue shot wounl rliglît lcg" lime? 'ueli you îeay lie sure 1î mi thusiasm Marks Die i. fiheli- îîîîîiîî-r hi îîî-rîîl iiniit t rt- FR ET M E offled sud more will fie ad-I Jati-s MalIen run aw ay trona Wlen f sec whaîta is eing donc ithDrive ________ 10 im. hi wli ufe omew ie bt 1 e ailiFranice at flie prescrtit Ime.,NotalThe <.itpcnter ' pli: a o pend tan: WMtmet im.Tiswl vibon he u l erso ge n Y I aîîî sîry preund ofet ili 111 le" 'ui s42,1j-)>-ii . iaeline Ot Sixty-five Men will go to Camp de plant one of tbe lurgest empfoy- acUttole anla wsetesbe tnlik'teaIllaacconipiislieà-and te tin Fi-th- ' 13 WINMAXIMUM CLUB Merci.Titi','wilt ai-k thatirîei Grnfo b of female taber ln lime focal fctheàr r. htws 1 otsnw eodtr omn fthet lieth. Utile; timii niaitlii ieg IntiIi,-)w Gant orueneral Service 0" boue. a~~~go. Ii., fparent, ldf ia ot hiflerntmThe teaneer un whteh ho his geie Rapid Strides Indicate Cit y a4u'îuin lt pir ,i.i t'i gofi,i',- t Sept 3- tiîtaaunlil be bial ileened the îînitorîn -ieu ando hsit oscon l in eu- ,l S rely Will Go "Over To " loc ile,,eiî,ilîî libe"l'ai ilia '-t ndIti SI'~NDS OR et -oCanadian force. i- tri f wui howlt i ofai ""Top" ifs a-av te) the' we-I. 10frentîu<îîîîîî 25 TO GO ON AUGUST 30TH TIe DS o he telecruý.a rcceiîe"d trom the th(' future Ifian 1 bail jail îîîîrerorintFine S' int.-1i-- unCtIIi wTîeghm rim "a.The carpe-nu rs eiginatidliet!1,a ..tadl.n Kcper o! Records iras Pi.i-stdo atn biirm s1r yE R jdeuify mlaread b! lime fefegrapb nes- thetîglît fie a-ai- bingwhî'n fiewas A large antd enlhusia-îlic nicctti.r btl are w'îîîgtîî o Dpermit alî plilati- These Are Limited Service Men neguso tIpaa tMîdnblng tttlying - etittr>- mufers, fiewas litn- etW'. K S. csarui w-irI-_rs wi. fimople prson in the <ilY .asisl w ii WuegnDstitt spnerforItspaksorMadenbengprou ieg it te the verv',besi adi-an-aeid rit the Chamber of (tommer',- cOnîril)iittn-4. wîlI ie nIu DNusrit I ~ AL ;I IRS T T E . c onjed t a an A strian ho s :1al. If tage ,' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y esterd ay a ern o n . T h e rity lias Sevo ral fter ai m e lt illhote - ly 1 5 of N m sodir el o te led fbatl ad ÀUE6 NB y hlre.lnchrg o Prt.As a lime ambutlance funda. . A total otf 90 menlireut o tcsent SB. A. Dunn Meets was captnred, by the common enem fANBOresuit tire communuty is tcenaing witia This lae the iraitrimue that a talion front laIe cont>' to Camap Grantbe- ~<etukin ho~trtd sl en bckfn etheHu trrîev amshIug Patriots under Geterais ;Staiiî tributîl te the comtortq of those fighlogim to dettlerdo'rs recýi vocil --.Wrttng film Years Ago lorcamer ate la liroîher ot Miss,, IVI4V #E AL Th." namntaclurers commîttues Tire ambiul!ance wiItlicbuassigiiel 10 -The Stalle if Illinois ha.s bee as- ____________ isyedasa mni headel b> C. Alshuler. tlii-morninur the regiment onta 'ilzti greateast itgneul a quota et 3,000 men fer gen-. _______ lon ake l a oca plnt.ATSecured an additions! $1,500 fremmenamber et Wsukegan and Lake count-eral mllitary service le ie aset 10 WMHT UNDER NELSON Kinitîeradelcmlpledasnamuni ILLINOIS FAIR Chicago Hardware Fouudrv companu ty nien Camp Grant belai-en Stepteuiler 3 The youug man la a-eff knçnwn 11pecr. wblch had aiready suliscribeil $1.000 and.fScî)tîcnlir 6. Lakte coîînly bas osmlalance Formed When Waukegau where he bas vlsited ou Spencer.Jorgnson Awarded with the Cyclone Pence Company's jAtl'IUr, yheen assigned 65 men of ibis quota. KeMtukian Read Dunn's troquent occasons.I Medal as Best iudge of $1.000. the Blatchford C-dfpl' tet.L À ftE CeUN flU WDirait board No. t with headquar- ________________ I$1.000,uthe DPut-5Watkui -il Gili fers ati ibertyill1e. la calleil upon Frit Story on War ~~~Caille for His Age son Pros-, $1,000 each tsîurt lime AN>osupl ?8me, h4j iE bar FOUR ATTEND STATE FAIR carlpaign off. F. P. Sedgwick, chair. I ITN HR No. 2t tth hadqu3rîers lu'Waukpgan *Wrt e, ' .,came to a uSJ::5rDR. CONNELL EN IJorgenson and Three Others etiý f tir hf~ico 4nniltti ul.eiThsectateof 1 ets isbe go vee'ate viait hi. sou, Willain f.TA 14y Named by County upr. dry c-empanv Die.SELFa-anotFOR AR WUK en qmteîsran ,00ie hsmefr II*on Elli... a jackli e lcGreat mIa&eaT I UIN ntnentfrh ie Four\Minutîe men,. h co-oriratng Lakte ceuCtv guts a quota ot 25 men. Oho Naval Tranng station, lie ,,nt - d-------or Lake Co.. 1 14ila -- elenc'cr jorgensm-n. n- i it~i m.uuad ,peaikers wîoî ttalk fr er ianc kMlt&pint ta look up A.4sesaorl Dr. J. A. Con.sli et Wauke-an aselchanbool hoî'. bus ltnaîjiilgPiif'iIatolîrgti -a-ok t tirte local Iformer],Y ef Northi Chicago, bas eni- beat iboy jii' cf rf atte le Iflinrîls - heaters andl îubllc meeting places. u .Dunu. Illste lnletht- 'ifdica, 'teserve corps This youlim alfeneiaa-ecks co I A it et \iaxîînîiim subý-i-î-br-. 1 Ike two mien neyer iad met liefore 'If thel > q.S rmv lntethe eye and ear terenre"et sciteol boy,, et lîlinois t >datea-asi-u- as foflouva: Ittey fet as Ifrîiey bad knowC I. purtntie l ndexpecti ta r'ceie Sprnif, IldfInt wi-,-k, anl m' il' -e ýP Julge P--u. laîo lbf, ià etapr mauy years, for lie>'car.- ti-m citrmi-sioî t wtin a ftcw lai%,oethlie izutritetiitt an' ýexamtieati,-n IDr. Ta i:iau-lu antir Te'îltatl-. o.acorrespeedeece for a nu n- Dr Cîîne]i ha riuielr niediclne peruodlibeai)ra, ln--me, îî w-îî a colt Waiî'u-gan National Biantki-i Na n ltaul<egan snd Nor'm Chiciago for inedai hi- c-aîe Sîîperunueînî t f iotial Bin,tîk.Scettiti- tSi g-. tt r of years. IttelaI 14 Si-arsand su ef t le Scbeous fllmir. TIti o.Par-.t, Le-o lrîntice. luitge w'. !wenty years go Dr. Ellt.pickîl l'e-t knoîrn plîslcian% long the- Thts lieder fer ithe Wmukeiza'a fH. Taylor, ttarmt' ~Ali'htter, Rtoy ia copy oft "General Nelse-s liorlim shore. Itis nane w-if be Cdii scimoof tîîîys a nîtew-onimy one trotu fiI. lE i .i.flat lti il C-of e«,» the first booki rt ten b>' \îr. cdI tei o nL ie b fî Vr roit et phyt- maC>- ilanlpoinîs. Eucri ýcounty in Moil t"ictmii-. (ut -Peip' iiili. MIL e rad he ook areull. tiis ii Iii li ieoine.t'ii ,lscoton he '.talt.' was rppresenfi-ilIn Ibis NÇort l h 'iIiaco: C1 Gil'u Iroý' m re-red It.coleits.Thp c-cl niellaicta rSicn- Cli«Iilcms IaimîineCe. ($2 .«11Ci-- M eradI.W'oril lias ri-sciel dlien- o! timc eticihit - r uoîuclîit breila agiftifront tue *'lone I"im-liin 'iozinut. m,'Cii. Meu he sat de-sn sa rois sa Ici-iiCoioralo o!f'trs Il.fB Sieu--rs <di'e 'fairsiatt-etftIlinois. île speel <-gitI t--1nîy , trI..tuler fio' , v i'at- b to he Waukegan min. lice -\ iMancheliehvde) duught'r tif \Ir.und laya us t Itie fair. tintuirmu t-e. t-Ce. ~edtba hebalbsc alleieeî't- rs.Ime M. 11>de et North thiiegmi.l Others fro U Like ceunI', eterti MWAha he bd bee all-ateni-mlhphait i 'i-lnte 'îîtoî.umi l 1 i he contprtIion vire fle ri-rî t» 49tb Ohfo Volunteers in île furir ti smix meell:- . -ic u )e~ ,NOrtli Chieag îor t uitTiE ~ um~ lB ar anod was ou Octenal Nil fi i-l'antýi i iînîma-iler ai im n't f ey et Prairie View; andLsle leIriîi Ahiu i fe *taif knowîng flie fumons gin- l.mý ii eiliti, le wtîîam1i-eh,aet-m mut dmr of the 10w-n of Cuba. S N O A E l atlmately. He added that ic bli tui wo und clu isa.iî a-- n V Spencer iorgeu'ioe w-îsil caîtA EDMU I mv frot reaieg Ie boo lima lm1 atiti lir arenis,r. nl uefr avCîiî eh te Ii(-ro trosa to recli im s ni M SI trm edig h bo tat mni i's,, i-r, irAulrey Uebl, wlio lau-,fis ualtroduccî us lieneý,n DBANT&T1Inn OUCII T'L ~Ma must have bad pensons! knowl- wi-isillu lui-,r Slie aime pmssed aw ognof ot prngnpld. 1A'11.3ILU I~I scfmany Incidents ihIcl,,h--1'ibeg yeur panîdon. '.%r.fiÊla i o" Imo is story. and açeî fît - Rolii i1)- .vas mI .s liel uUr) l'm liii]treain irngnjeî l'in treti ,- vI11- '(i---u ilw]a sa2e on A Suilimte bm-t conty it th~ie lI-'Important Clause Added to theI wes'nlng the 'mal ter, t1-mi ' p il mz, i- .îîu abos-Pntfnr- <'<tntv," said Mr. Jorgi n-min DneH riac e Dtufunnu rfeileth, t' e-, s ia 'tme1i Dlanciel,' eHialjuf. _________________Be_ &t bhe himcit fihid imcm'îîin Ci 1,- '.,--muiSinf!,, Criffin t.i Tii'- tpillion et Great î.akea s1. ' fore Pa sage Monday il Nlchns coninianî antI tht-e .. "" '1 li 'z:'eli'frot tlie 5fta0 nOW Sît(Iiit) Ifpitp flic crIer lîarrlng SVa abfe tean -unnt iti.'ili fi i ChuS it "I iiX\:t-uîom. eXvi- tIb-nIuIfn i .s bs .tcadif -oteeu vt-î - imllm<~Iom ntl-f~Ol-~lt nlx~ mu i p- baiy NA E SO B 5 Nu experienesl. 4lion, bprn t-irmlli mihlîî-to thanu-tii fot n -~ ____________ aîtilreiidî ail efthP.ei are, n No Girl Under Eiqhteen Can At- j mifiýiion i îuw attîl nly about tour tedDneW hutHvn cli limn, 1lie yr i ,rt- donCiCg Iuni ter arcentsWithtHeri 'libodore>D.[Hturst, Presidenf. W. S. Smnill, Vire Presidenl. !folis liiw.HrP ensWt r -F. W. Chturchill, Secretary sud Maraer t- TELE HONE 8 -Thoniti-out:iut t ii luor Ifor Thse jas malnul 'mcc fEE H N uias rnii luii , l i , ir,' iie ph-M. N-ir ..m'.ie vi fW'aikeImi lne - lic wî ;in, ai2i(,,iji ii-o, nez ol a ens clîl î.m. fluc f o g Inscanrî anît- ~WY~W~ ~ ~finit 1,1 or' - ilp nt'.ittu u t epeti bal l tolieP-imairis tif aen.v t'c. )e ,.EM RIuii TITLE & TRUST CO. anditîs milito!otfih[tirilng tenta Pati-lit tn,. tir liii n-ni-indi:, r ct fm iuiiner antI I.lcsi i. ilcS'r u-lC w:ltî -rla in" ABSTR.ÀCTSIOF TITLE TITLE.S GUARANTEED Parivyfuiait -Si lit u n tlîe e rIM Ymr of P., e arpPan u ifitle] Capital $125,OOO.OO ~ ~~si-gVita bie lmiviiing i' wtoernas. 1-u.tîie lv Ifr rýsris~-fi is Capital, $125000.00 AI] mis oerreed vterv WAU EG N LLNO-S There -are bargaîns In The Inde. Poinî t"afance :s Muau n-tlion penden's adveriliiçi curne~ . nravid- - t'tTho ôrdit- mi met- s ii ssod proi , Mrs. A. IK. Stearns, Lake BluffT' ar n g foeflcLbnirli district andi 15 from lthe W'aultegani Formerly of Waukegan, d, it.T yaeshue oen d st ra i n rCt tl'h C ra n ore e a b ot A - Attends Bus. College - taint 1n. Tis inaîîGrantmon le anit~: H AS OFFERED SERV ICES iaIl ek t rpr sth 27 te ntîl loday or next Monday. Taking Course in Stenography lues.' tîdrufîs s-utlube thae irst et au>y and Typewriting; Wishes '-izi tflot %w ltlihaiefitepn sent front I aki' ceunI>' in some lime, due to tIti' toi go to France tact limaI Illinoisibailtlie-en suppfyinc- imon,' than lien quota whImIe some etf i.i inteuise>' inleneaqtlng case et pa- O fi- siale.s were semea-hat Itehinil. trtli-ni came la ltght today when il The tillinc- et thetie dralta wiicex- was lsarned timat 'tira. A. K. Steares flaîmt tht' men le ciass one efthle o! Late Bluff, but tormenly et Wau- final registration aselall draw sonue kegan. vkite et Att orne>' Stearna wfoofethlie 2l-ypar-efd men viso registerel la niîulîng th,' race ton the atate leg- june 5. IMfture tromth ie eigbth district, la Regiltring Today.- flhttig henseît tonra-ar work le Francs. TodIv .wa regi-itrat ion ida% tfr tht- Mn;. Sieuni- l taklng a cotunse le Youn egin wlio baie liccome 21 st(eîîograpfiy snl typewritIng at the yeara of ace since lune 5 o! titis yemor.F W'utîi'irgan Pitainess college and tlaIlndicaionîs are tuaI lime nuifber of ltrcc'ni siuuc in fine shape. As Sien thoie regtatering wilu no et tclarge. us SI,(,' coîtnIt-tes her course il a i tg laliefiered Iiat the uîunîhî-r uit Ilutcl'fo rtc otienlier seri-Icca le the Ihose rrgIsterlug Imu lie Waukecan goeî--rnoenl for immedtute seravice distnict wti nol exceel 4i0 men. T ftiiýni.m Mes SIc-in-hai confitlf~ <-i lthe faritIialaimse hopes e ie bas- r i 'sfgn,-î te Y. M, C. A. or Rd CrossC UX YT B Y wuunk. altmougfî aime sa" ie fa lili- îîîg tri acept sny Sont et wan a.'r- ER THE TOP INi WAR vice whichwilf ciahie ber le do lier lIt. MnIr. Sîcares hua a Son n te ime. S. Serice sel she assenas tha unasmîuch S1À P NôW S as b,' iq lefng bispart to vin lime- fIgml ton democrary that sfice feef s thie This is the Prediction Made To- >~ condo. a e ff'n4ar cujday by Chairman Sedgwick Mn;. 9learn-. is îtry moleat about1 of Lake County Drive hnr puan' cend il wîîs c.,lv liv acri- (i ýn t ai th n at er b o a m e a- D IS T R IC T " G O E S O V E R " LSchool District No. 53 of Gur- si EL Z nee One of the First to SfIOESs oa .e..l Racis o1 RAY N. SMITH One eftIhe liraI aChoofldistrictsa b Uiberfyvilie, 111 go orer lime t," In flic Pcr.siing W'eek Wan Suving drive la District No. 53, of Gums. of whfch L H. MUWer of Gurnee ia sçcretaty. During the lIrst three day. of thts week the scitool directors, L. H. Mil. 1er, J. J. McCau'ghey 4nd John Nadel- botter canvaséed the district, with the resuit that $15 more than the requir. ed quota was investad ln War Sav. figo Stamps.. Every famlily 'in the district now own "Baby Bonds," whîctî nakes the district No. 53 l100 per cent In War Savings. Sixty-2ve signatures swerecsbt.ained for the Pershing Pa- triot roll of houor. E. P. Sedgwick, La'ie county chair- man of the War Ravling stamp drive, l9 Most optirnistie over the outiook. "The people ln Mr. Milîer's dis- trict are eut itied tu publie recognition for their splendid record," Mr, 8edg. wtlek sald today. "They certaiuiy have corne acress la fine shape. _ "Many of the other districts In Lake eenuu4' IV &leu gemore %han IK(qng ovPr the top, and we believe that ln six weeks time thie Whole couuntrwil have reached itfs quota." If this lm reaized as it seemas pro- babli' will lie the case, lIf wilflibe a Fplendid achievemne.t for the sale ha» heen lagging sormewhat. The ln. terisive ca-upaign that ha.4 been con- du'tedis l produclng the deslred re- suifs. apparently. .The Independent'a circulation con. slots of READERS-not of contes. tante. Electrical Cooking Utensils They are distînctly econorsical;theiý use ofcuiTent inl r forming the task set for them is short, which means the quantity is small. As for their Convenience j ust ask anyone who on a toaster, oà percolator, or grill, or d&sc stove. We seUl 'em Public Service Co of Northora IIIinois LAKE COUNTY Publisls.d by the WALKEo :AN DAILY SUN at the special low price each $3.50 Size: 3 ftL, 8in. by 4ft, 2 in. Libertyville Independent 'armers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other sma1 grain, use the- FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION *.65 Cents a Pint. The best and cheapest AntI-Smut on the mar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND DRUi CO. The Rexedl Store Cor. Madison and Genesse. St. The Store That Sqves You Money W,+ . 1 i coiurnne.