LIBEIRTYVILLE INEPENDENT, TKR DAY U1S 29, 1918 ____ John Willman. oem tii Techae' nsttut atWaugaatht IU LUU LIUlht1IL iaura Sprague %visited wlhb relatives teae barnluaflraout, înt u, 'nl"pae, l1ii flflflW5O*f* Mr& S. L.TrIpp @peut several day. tant MrHflge will e St.i fhfWF III lue*tyairedaslitwe msshie U15515 .e.k at the home et Jom.Richards lu the signifiatu the aeventh and eightb grade@ abenoe uit the nurse.i 0000000r --land ltire. J. Rioy ilianne aof Resus. Marveila Keeler returned teoDe@ Plaines@ tMGFACS Te Msss Rti nd ance ~hadfe to, eregueîs i BrSE&eouThoa. Thotibhere would be fewer penalties Eriua.where elle will continue her HautP-eliEdth re*rming e de- enlahigb achool. CONCERNING THE SILO Lake. grellEdith rseamîîong I îraays da. s the, dations If People would mak: more Msae ~aclf hrueg tistnov se Of the Public liîirurîes la the belleo Msaet tncif hrnog ~a:n:f lit farie ~ H ~ Mr. mudtirs@tGrant aud sou Arîhu.,f;)uëest oflire ArnoIFreauta, Of sav ette Unted Statea Food Administrar- Pétera and Cooper, aise Violet aud Dor. lý oeo ted lati f ë b . ilvfago, are vsiling Wm*twiliamlîîî-,i 17 11 lion. othy, were 0DePlaine@ visitor@ last Fri- r,.oý-pI- b il,,d , am iîy ............... 2.. D.......JYOU knOW 1the amount of exig r day. * alage@1si> w%. butl aet ses, B! n Word ha.@te-eu received froini F.rd l"Tee -S patrlatlc addrvtw-1 i e.r Y e nh d 1tase n e ou? lo tirs F. Stanclif ' ao a LlbartyvIlie metobe itaih fast year@ ciel). jTégtureyer and C. Kru1ge î tiratuer are I eard **Thtis wam the comment made îocnw wtoa-ue~or allelier on@ elleset WPek. Neatt. ro he l-waN îiinq onue ail.iavi.eonville. Fia .. itug -ment here lv many et ahe concluion of Eward Mo ualfrpeerig o lr@ Smila le nding ber daughter, fi 1 e oE' arr.- jýw Sufdavnislital ireYeu know thie kltîd nd amoubt et Who hart ber tousis r.-moved ai Wau. mouproitie lrds fIHolstein 11rom Jefferson BarretiCarm-ks.i 1 î îbtMtiWbeat aubeîîtuîe yîu muet purchase ai L ietîuîî . ne hnt M1.Fi., ile ndduCoer u rir g,,ni4oi ei iurrî. tir tarr of theivith liYew-sheat fiour? If net, your kegan t oopitai and inter reîuaved teber ~duin he uîîî'ruîiîtfstMl.d F. BC.nihde anddalthecnert El St-te Cone.i i mlcie gave two Publie llbrary eau furnish Ibis Infpr- home ai (Gray's Lake, êtrelias Leen gone F 1d'y COWS $tou a-rth al! mili feed Rarinia and amelsîsd the Libertyrille, Ikutadrae u afi n adtion tTallablewrsoaiet aiwek av oedi1 «m t aiprod l-ell osn navpreige ladies .nerteaiu e,..diers and sailors. ,nturJaisnIg is theîîîeVas î.Ikuo nadiio-orsonal J. sbeiby and faînilybaemvdi »nas o mik Irda t't tim uralle ýâc3anatheWord Wr. e tld f ubjfcLtq fromt plantnîg erops te tie wlîb lMr@ S. parente for the preseul. he pesas i mut erdar iîiîtlssuinncr :trs I~îh Wele Ward who or tii ,-raQ a:iithe WoaddWarLie lid a! sîkeofgfilerra.erîîîlonof tint, beng unais td tuen hiaehie orkoo r =MreRuth édl@ wrd, Wo for I lie i ni i (erîîîau.yten years ea t îca ubllbrarlcie irll nom-a utofasvr ttc 1lmao al$ tedfliethe came ws -i-île ta ie paet ý. >r bai public cen berrborneinforma- acamntmminantevere nîtacit of tirego. *.dîiig Shnw,î-,Okahmainba erneh o lu îwmn nd lth ri'-tuet lion on foo nd le regîlitians wbich ut a nuinher from tiereattended adg but n mli fled ami le Oînoaba elrndti1Mi îa îî.piean cs-ildlie are of vital Intereet 10 everyone. ue of rae i igit inoi pî, Area , ocre eh@ wiii remain until lier io,tf itueticierlîe ia n cllut dascieltai MostIlilinoisliitrnries are aupplîed ecampumeeting iab Barrîngtan lastfuuday. ip gain 0of lyise ais of loit, t er day.bubhaîîd relurus frouri militer> serrlce j preserve pence They îîîautitied thac. iitb governimen~ ltin nfoom Chase. Kruger and iamiiy and Mr. Itd Area, . applainof3o l'yt4re was rio justification for war and jeýt'i surhbln substit4tes for articles lirq. F. Stancliff @peut tire tvenlnw ai the b>lg due niiowsuce for Work. wat eoubastegte mnI l1frel huh i(lýpnalmt.Lnha oea aeZref if re nt prd ie thil fl ter * e ptionof35> i traoUKtAUigonantinwd Ice Te o th bos ulite an ý trke iolil)e-kaiser. élr a noda of prepnring ulshes ln novel mon- Mtfeight. oui rie hmsl e excese deciar war tOiers nnd preaestio f au t n .tslo iu question colsh eomethrIng the reutainder were cnlledln ltie-tirait iFrnî.î-e at that tînie lu the face of suclu -vegetat>ies AGiED MÀU N # IT $0750, but the use nfi t increases tire These tatistic@ show that [more îiîan a lîeterîîîîued opiposition tfie-&aiser was Teach U«e of Substitut*&as fC8t in the datry inlueitry $220) Per P eta lePplîor - r~en -nilpeied tw cifee a comprituise ih SWhie the goveruinient us, durlng theT 0altb. lunother worde ths silo wouid l15Ili act ire servlce. krance and war was nverted. ivar. tregillaîîng andtîfontrouîing food INSTAN UK ATH lU e1 for italein lule-e thas four months. Tie County Ilolueus Ciliiilltee. > 1 ai- The Iuesblùn natureliyarises, lf.he in a Mnnce-never befvre eîntcmpiat- Mete«tofore. h-iouue ine e oneldered tauricil of tef@n-ie. Lad fleir regiula er iriau Peoplie by a tbr atnedrf d l1 loadngtepbi nfa N 'T 'VJADUIIT bte largely a food for %wjntcr manths.i, t3 îeing a lheomiiuuit ho s -îid jreývent war tun yeare aa. ahy 1119 the îfffui ni-s of vroue maleriala * V-IUV0 È ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i teosrosreow iausuluAre&. Tuesdav airernîîori t,-t îliuld tuey nîît have prevented the wbýIi-b bve berelofore leen but luttleFrd rsNrt Ciag n, 6t iis more îprofitlle as a Ru[niMer 1froni lbe varionsl-i dcî'rtiinent blu-a!111jl "eseiiitvai' The aniiwer le not fet r ti h ttPr ami ce.perthari theleroduei e et nHsW yt Wd, specall forthemont ofJulIii'. ýuseill cihiirivu %acre heard ail-r e-ek Tih, kajser hall iearucd a lee-ou.peiui mlydfrtesin u' lve et nHs yt id Augumt when rie lîntures arcry . -i r. Elard labes Pmid o-î, er~îî-1l pigl.diIrto fipi ld short of gms. n i.i ils-he iîwssfieîlîi j j14 ati i 11e oi r i'l, i .unîi i 1 -!. ~aar i I li4 .a suddeid i v ihat Ilhere- i-orI nsan ce, s n i*ce îîmanuîfacturerM rng l, endure .xe-îlîi heal and allen Iorganizalîiîî ait . il ,>i h -j;- aî,old iiinstin- for pro-t 1ý t -atn.- of ink ase u-lng i. îîîv t'uii-alids or FAILED TO HEAR THE TIRAIN a der for wanut o irte -ijualti and vacre lres, lr rire ieN î.t l 'lite ii 1-l lut of h l utii n.Teiers1l[it. Poullod i s gar luin iikig bsae._____ lantity oi wat.-r ieres.nry t rîu- 2 01. .] t i.iîo-'cO li, b uLtc-îueli ondi.u1i3 n1 îiîgcre> ulEgierUnbetoSoePnu boleom îiji~if ie aimi. wiiarea a(.Ut ifi A îelsc-ijîi as llarkam11of h wscompeilu ta fnd il 'ubsti- dru r -keot iasLaid-il. aliy olie re 'e1rnmeat Frigni Train i uupelied lui depend ripoutire ia-turei WAUCONrDA j i~' -a ai~ iiuuo î n fInding a ssuscîr ulîstttule Time to Save Lîfe atng the hbut wcailier, îbe5 are (imite - __- _....j i vhou-itiî: Tiien the lie wa r. which. so, was iujo--îurieper thon aly te monuîi re îor li- w aedmi t L Pratt 'Aa nn ia i' c-ha uiîîol%%as t'.î nv i aîg ier !lii-gre , abie*eiui ' b- ae pr. Pr r ias, ai-cil 60, resiinug bicit wiliigive the rnil s dieaizree-aiiu- Tue-il 'tvimanuY r' 'ni th -a-s-t ami 1rari-. frîîm vil-'pose.i ntl2120 ('rove vei or.ue of the 'up .vpr, toe'a! n'iîhisîc i' the hail efel-tl . ir. and Nirs- J.!tDi a-%. 1kuilîig itl i7--ndl îurnslg Ir nues .If von have nny su-h îîrobîem asu noi rý d . '?:,lNo. C i)i i Mr sncb a diet -î av ne on the g-nemai tiiîlitr iof r ilal Lut-'. e;---uî r .. !-t Th, b,0'ie -ii.-v,-îlhe nrep steand,go the bbcielu-ibrary amdSyou biiieo Iii-' e i"itruc rvmafas fe -i d sii oft he ro w of tie wneet ' ý. nu l telil llh rýfi b r i r ie 1,vîe 1 i'be i~ted in toIy-tiil n on tieE.1 Yiand *E r u l a :iig ill.Salve. *ke countv land.ninaged Lv îLhe >trnl %ls. joihui 0. ni- ani. nd TS1.1ilulri iai .tul;idlg arn,>i f o hel e.let ak î"ire t ovi-r nlati-- -.North (hic-i lragefariier irodies an tisu-ime ofi letvi ilin-i.cin .i .u t h, - lil 'ut ie res-r is-balutbhie Plîiuof ilT iîd o ht vrroaashie - le-s îi,îker,- or unmiilies rî-frlgra- in 50 t. t$50 lper at huused frgrain bonIi M asUtrgaret fithuea etiii- 10 ab t slt e. liceor, il aiepoliîitr hogri. or at thr.t- Fo %-s robrn hi a tt- orili 'hay. 1%lusra.lieo0me îoo valuabie I 'r (is ieileury abt.-i. , le IN lil teir ow o s iif tbey reî-ýIuse .14so -Igclxan bures ln ynnr back n hFsqPr rnho h ot iture land eto ir duriug tue%eviek. 1li -i shîi.ruîîi ort tbOuc the> vaut jyard; b dry î--g.taeles. or store Chicago liardw-are founifr-v î- h,-n b 'ilii B",j"lun sd e".uqi le-gu r' v sas îuiibizd anîd tLe war wss îhem: tojlt ssifih r l in ent ta mlet dcaih. As -aa.s bis "cu-,liiii h. reurned bole.-Fridai- aiter e w-i-te -ou TIiese lai-c'ice)ntied at the lime, do ail mariner ofr-t ii--îîng or preser,- k-dalong the raifroudiritai-k as .a ARE^ BREVITIES 1vot îtv aucondn reintiv,. es in-.sî,e bnrouglistu iiilit h y the 1Ing; tu. kuos -batt li(do for the i-jshort eut, lie startcd erosthe flan MR e . L u l ia I t u s e n t e r t a e d t 5 e , P e rt i reet ' l n d r u n t u n l ~ i ' unv- i o f lt h e î i r m u î l oi c - f a t s e l f î r e , o r h o v e t e f e e d t i c f t h .m - w a p r o a c b 0 f l b . f r e l g h t a n o w i 1ls onThreaM.iltonJuntln % s i ves 11tY sati9facboriiy on thie"subsbîlutet theaproachinrg ofrouihe tran wbe I i . for mu-nb, a beni. fiihgbtîMr.aCgrr,' b The engluer tated Iitr that h ,Merle mecde a et h orne ni Mr'. Barry ruratii.r i .arei, "lqm tjus. i lt@ a i-ijuo rcosre u'atoa r-w ringsre fli-wîtî UorraChndir etertlnid îe cusjdSVn~jeuu îlu >s a-ar' lie lirel bracud the growth - c oiç .. ii.) uc litrary" aili be thought -e wol'iî ri-I i!the-trac- j ilos out ChîcÀaao over Suuday xM1 .an d tI %V.J Saser ail sos . iiid.orai-v in Euglaud. Franceanud Iglaî l)îogise yon rie jIformation to îires-nily-Too ;arete top bis ht-aiv - i sPent- SuDd8Y- siti relativue at Prairie I tierica. tsioe-iugtins theC oomn rî-ad. or tic addre--u af tbe coliege tb train of frelzhi i-ara bu r-aie d tun cour<ry peopleiiied iîa re.tied poawer lrom kinge "vhirti voirîcinu rite for free flera- the hm, apparenily tinldng dî-epiy. m E O N YI)tr Cooin he.-n-s--ied am-tuu as 1 turc onne- Ti- es tiiiiy f î re stiîijoi-i. lhadrot by>ard tbb, ahi -ie.lie a- 1 a__________T-___________ of lied] ili-(imen.- ni-y brui. - i. I Fir-t Leutenant aALdihb is anl eu ; ,,vitrrjmvut re--s- dire-t!y in tLo Lande eouud being h(ard for Ove:- s block. ESTL ATE berr, Sunuiavfor a 1-a dats vît-wiu J îof bbcivoter@. Tire nations acre ttiui FOOD VIOLATORS BROUGHT TO Still tire ictim did not taire note otf' SA ~ I£ eaie t îtuJs in l ,ir ots.tdwt h -nripvi JUSTICE The next moment the train, hav- iee'tîuR for his station nt Fort Rit, ' . a Ler- resploueiiity reste oniy in the- ing )etl tIle of Ias momentnm, nomv.d Fu-mis Kan§" ,Tie Menst iends oai)tr and ibaud-i ni tbe rujer-. Wbatever heneficiai Over 2.000 iassof siolatlons ofthticcrashed Imb bbceold mtan, hurhin gbim Mr aCon regreathefir departure reforme imny Le fîuud lu Grmaity are Unied States Fooîd Admistration rol- t0 one aide. Il aas tnund thai deaili II so 100<> .rels A frtee treoptican lectitre a-i Lre iMded dosa hlouxthe trip, by *io ingu> bave heem Iuve-'igated deriug the a-as Instantaiteous. ui yen at Palace tileale Friday ev.rimîg, kaiser ta bis people Thev do not grow piait three monîhblY the Bureau cg Il The body a-as removed ho lie Con- k uLIWe Tesms IAmg ii ub. i ii tLeofnitaîs l I-,reet iromnthie bott up, au an expreeston oai vestigatiOn and Enferceîuent o artiMgrat and Wetzel undertakiug room4.- 10aa.i sudtw i ng re- iafl -al a d @ I-g rý nn t . erein lie s the , m ain u" d er t e Illino ise D iv ision of t li e I m e t in 4 r G asl e ve. a - d - a d t re inth iteee o tildýfe-üý etee apeopleed by one Admins tato. mrde wo«W rown chidren. '.Ir. Grashad iived blm Frau rlinrod au theeaureeummnity.Man u a pu, l rho ul. hemoretauand groti ers.rso wnersofopblpub eaie bou FasssEvtrynne le InvIted In refuîing ehe charge ths btesa «eMba placea,IbakeMs and nilk and iteI- Pibi 5 MlR -~- T. J Mdurphy ba@ goule ou a rictm n'u, aar lie speaker etatee tirat distributors. retreat se .%otre Dam, lad., for LlthInEuiind ii the eariy dois ai the ver As a result of tiese hearlnga, $10,- ~ Cbk"ao vert crtain u'îllionaireu ttm ta gomate O b a& beeiitiirned over te ticebAui. Wntest Prodtace Mar-ket Ilse Woud ROPE.TY IN TOWN W AREA f- - of Cbsao' OR SALE Iodes-n Houses racant Lots ctory Sites 6cre Tracts "or Subdivision wail Tracts *r Tr-uck Gardeners puitsy and SmalI Fruit MA HAS VMte Works ;wer Systeni ;u4 Electricity I.ctric Railroad Go Railroad at LUne Connections kmutiful Lake ~umiituting ýopu lar Summer Resort l Iln bé Mar-ket For t4umber of Industries. M.HARDING., RU, ILLINOIS. WM uîBrouté W@ Llie e hode ,le eomoue Iforitunes un var- supplie., but retord au tué, champion Laite ccun * trrseiue ahem",serre deieated by tfie Uhbeat farter, havlngir ,j-0buehele n.1 aendme tsulhey vers cantpelied ta lie A 1 article and ii.lo'îeeeu tu,. . belit per cent o! their profils.. 26W0 Lubhele teJam Gaineýr, a , h'Similar treitmeul. saId tir. Carr, muet ioadiug iars on the P. L Z W.sud viii l net d ntul the proiterre - - u~n ho.-ia -i would tale àadvanîatke DjR MDof Luniiin h.add ta stir aoîolen - --fortuneos. The seaâker deciejred that ru. ('ajt. C. jniitîozruaniis, 0athe medicai sons ,,d.d ual eîîistefuberviceslu France corps, i. eij'vluic s f-w daym. jeuave ht.dis in order tint a ev rîci traitars amoug "ismsuy rienide. mgit bepo-nuien-hi-r ut homie. Il le np ltr. sudItir, 1). i1.t îkeuiacimleit 1Iii Amein t a 10bedle hatciiaihin 1'ueda.y ev(iu ir a we e-ko' tri lff-tie.y a. Engluu.l lis.. already doue. ta MonlaDa. litcomiuiug toHaîf h)ay, tMr. i'nrr bam lira. Ed Landau sud duijuî-e, iiuly douent u comniuilty mueuh !good. lu aud Ediyni, returnel bonne $uturday additionu ta bis ta-oaddriesees et the haviug @peut tie ha-t tlai uoihe vil- churci. Le epoke tla uearly 700 ésaier. Ing lu Kaneas sud Colraiutaher amp n-,rth ni tuwn 5i..i tir. and ir. .0. Kitli a sd ou v(i raelo-d ai lie Prrsîytcriau i-bur-h tof flourbion, fud., relurned iiu,Tiurëday. WL-mln« Suuday morDInlg. tire. Herman Frosi sud tiarluis Landau %Watt-ithe pepere furr[maice ai alLer aecampanfed tbem. ptnriobi.7imeetings ti e, Lfeld ut tie Hall Little Ada tMay in)ard, a-jo hL a uy iburcilli e future. leies ery sik, te slowiy tiuproeiig. N.-xt Suuday evenluig 11-i. C.,V tirs. S. P. Hutcbion peu&thl mt Wsrrerwiil sient aonthîe subject "Tbe ta-o aceks, viitiujg ber mou, itoy in lîs (A-gm.o! uitrtnl I)eM9)cracy ta Auburn. luid. bue Ciiita hturt-is', lu the proseut Islei ertrude iiuify sud Wm.Qa ( iaarA rj'isi ccndwiib ta-o Chi-ago, werc irudny guesîs ofai MuasgrrehuîîtirnIo taseere permanent, Elda ioren bergî.r. deîîîacmeîtic lien.-..fuir lue natione. and lire. Albert Ileybet-k of Chadw-itck, Ii. iowiîu-tu, solve lnduuîriel demacrai-y ifor tg vlieilug ber peulie, O. I. ltncteuibah, iursi-i-,-e Tbi-firdl muet Le fiuglil oUt Re1. ansd tirs. J. Lueder art eîîendIu- îîon tiie.attl ieill; tic seciiud le tu Le the neek aliEliîurmt j ui-ieredafler tie ar. Tie Chrîstiau Mîr. sudNlirse luis and lire. August ciîui-it niosilplay- a ieadini< part in haib Vi ih-ne utbeiiIPi b )l,,-Imiiiu>fetival 1etiuggieu , Tuasdrese iîy Mi.warren ut Ben-oi i I- iunday, on tbf, oncaqimin viii be tic -ration, itev.»sud M r. I hainiiicl'it-eh sud a-lI-i lie deliverm-d aithti receut mratar- datîglîher ofo! u,- idc, rturnrd home vah-ni 'iiest Mt \hrti Regternt Unverpity Tueeday. - eta-een Iii- a'lg leulogicai semuil- MisesMary itv - r -thme we;-t-end narfes î,(ifjum.-iec~ i i ah-iîie uicvs giveu guest of lier flu-i ii t rfirot prize. il an-- vurdiliy Inviti-ulta Missus Tlîm--ma .m --Eîîi~art uieur ibis dilleI-iui i%1* iulvt îuu-. f i i,, .goî, lmE img act ltues Sr S c Ite>-. Keli v l> i '- i ,ib- vun ii.ui lus., Lui iîîummu-- i Kanimei tir. nuli re C(hris3t Wilimnn sd RAY N. SMITH daüwhi ---it lait a-et aut fil ailer', Libertyville, . i. eauiRedi Cross hy Infrsctors who disW CIPined themselves for selling gour ln excessive quantities or without thé proper amount of substitute, @eWng tbo mach sugar, serving more bread then they shouid with menIs. exceed- Ing their flour uiiotmnent. or overcharg- Ing for llcenaied canîmodities. Tio- grêntest portion of the con. trilînUons came tram violators of the. 5050 flour ruling and the imlted sugar ruling. liait of the violâtors prociained lg- noraîle on th..e hanzd food rulings, and prrteulely nif exîressed a deaire ta coi-oPgîrete s'lth the Food Adminis- tretion ln everï way. HINTS TO HOMMWIES On "Maximum Canning With Minimum "Maxtimum cennng with minimum lugar" le the lateat conservation sin- gqn of the LUnited States Food Ad- wuînsIration. BousewIves are heing urged to ma ail Possiblel fruits and vegetables. but ta use jite or no slier. One ofi the suggestions la that fruit Julces be bottled now and made Into Pillies next wInter, when hIl probable there will be a more pleutiful auppiy of suger onuband. Cannilng 'ithout augar wiii b. sue- ce&sful If the Ingredients are cooked twice as long ns usuai. Bulletins on scientifle methode 0f canting witbout nauger art 15ued by the United States Department of Ag- riculture, free of charge, and sboald b. ordered hy nuniber. Foliowfng Le the list of bîulletins and the subJect with whlch tho-y deai; How to nrîutralîze aeid" fruit Juicu *ith carbonate of lime, sterilize and botile wi iiloît sugar.-J3uilettn 859. ifow to sieriljr.e fruit Julce withost nager, hotme for jelly makfing, when gagfer je ,lors )Ientifui.-BulletUnsi 8M and 863. ilow la make a tort fruit butter wiiiîîut iitar.-Bulletlna 858 and M00 il> etnig liore perishabies hae et homp wé iniai. 4nve others front Pesi£W lng "over thera."% Admission - - 50 Cents DO YOUR SHOPPING AT AREA, 1ILLINOIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Pîcnîc Hams.-sugar cured, per lb......... --.. 27c Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, per lb. ....41c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb .........30ç Sirloin and Short Steaks, per lb ..... ...30c Hamburger Steak, per lb .... .22c Pot Roast, per IL 22C Frankfurters, per IL ....... ...«22c Lard Compound. per lb .. . ..... 26c, 2 Iba. Country Roll Oleo ..... .60c 5 lbs. Cocoanut Oleo . .. $1.60 Creamery Butter. per lb...................... 49c Chicago Bread, loaves ................. 9c and 14c 4 bars Fels Naphtha or lvory Soap. ...25C 5 bars Bob White or Lenox Soap ............... 25c Plenty of Peaches and Plums For Canning Telephone Your Order and We WilI Have it Ready for You GEO. M. LANE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS ------------ sm ssssmsss:suesesss - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THERE are two (2) kinds of insurance. TBoth are good tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right on being just m . good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kindsB are 0. K. tilb you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy. Yor if e Insurance should. not be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS ---- ---m: -p - dan:s -------------s:: s5 IIARVEST SOCIAL AND DANCE GIVEN BY THE EVERETT, SOCIAL CLUB At'Everett, Illinois PRIDY, EPTEBER69 1918 DANCING AT 9:00 P. M. Music by McCormick's Orchestra