LIBERTYV ilà a De PROCOR NSIJRANCE Fnu. Lîb, Accident and Helhb, Platselass, lu- tomoblie &d Worklng- mel compensation. H M B for Plac ng Your lusurance m. e&M s54RLab:rUlaot>vi..DL ofer Dekwe Dnt Store SWELL DRILLING Ife 8andr nteW monuments try Work of Ever% Description CorospondenceSoilcitec 16Genesee Si Wanikewan DU 1.~ L L TAYLOR Ds in itNaional Dak B.htdl ub:1lan3:80 Mad Y ta 8 P. nM. ~i=11. nBroadvajr, appomte Part Unry ib, iinata. DR. GOLDING DK24TIST goure 8 la 12 &Ma-1 ta 6Sp an Over Fl-t National Bank 00». Phono 1"-. R... Plane 157-J. UibertyllllsIlinois DI. EL H. SMTFH. DENTIST. eVua LAIS COUSTNATIONAL DANI. 008-8 te 12 a. a. and 1 tua 5 n Ubrtile. ilibsola C ~M. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. 1 PHSUICIAN ms" SURGEON Osesal attention ive,. to the ileas te, ls - E,. Emr, Nos% Thioui £ye xamniel for hissa laawer az uCio, t'el, IOD Ubertyvtle. DE . O. F.HLrrERFIELD. VE'TERINÂBRY SURGEON. ASTANT TATU TUTBINABIAN. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL Veteinary Dentist Ladd Uvery Stable Liertyville, 111. Wmkeau. Lke Fou-cal Autoch. Ienosha Guruice Wadae 02. Rus"-li sud ter adjacent lourDs ELHANAN W. COLBY 1 Attrney-at-Law Omo st RHome, Cocok Ave. Phone 168-J UBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRI ATTGRE-AT-LAW LibertyiHe Ilinois Lae S uildinug. am. Pone 115-il, Omce ?Phone le PAUL MAC GIJFFIN, AvrOEJEY AV LAW. lib@rVylli., Mlinois MARTINrC-.DECKER 4rToaultçy-AT-LAW 307 Washngton Street *ABKEGAN, Poo ILLINOIS Bu. Phone 1860-R L COIJNTY FEED & FUEL CO. RAY N. SMITH Ubstyvltm, fL' st Won% Do. Gant Oua--Ui afralil >'aur qe- omi baLeJust.Mati>'acters are lb- Saell«e& .Indeal, t le btink haw man>' twagtne flay uHaniet 1" ven ai1Icas BOOTLEEiGER, NIP* PED IN Ade LEAPS FROM FAST TRAIN (Continueil froni Page One.) tian ho vas gaing. The elderly man draped a $2.0 bill but as qulck as a flash oua ni the young men behiol hlm stooped dcswn and plcked fi o) The two men then legan arguing as ta wbc owned diaenioney. brut the yeung man InsistaI lt vaê lis and k',ept h. The people standing nlinan got theu- tickets, hosi-del tle train andl later Butler bappened la sea tle aid man sltting tu tle amoker wlth his heel luiled ln bis hand ci-Ying. lie asked hlm wLat vas the maltai- anti he tait af havlng lbat 120.Bolier toa i bu 10cler up, that le would Pee vliat ha could do about fi, and tle tva of tîam passeil through the train lookIng for the tv yongmen ln queation. Tbey vere flnailly locat- ed and Rutler made sure that ana of them admittad laving pickpd up a $20 bill. "Weli, naw, you'i-a the fli 10w we ai-e iaoking foi-," said Butler, asnd 1 waft yeu ta toi-n that $70 over ta tbis aid man vho lost fi." The strangai- arguaI and saId that it wes lis manay and jusitIen tha con- ductar came algng and Botlier ex- plaIned the situation, adding "'Go bai-k and ask the voman ln the rear car about the incident foi- aIe ta his aid man drap tle maney as weil as myslf." Takes "Ol"Off Train. The canductor went lai-k ta iclaik ur wilh the woman and ister ax- plainaI that site admItted the fac t.1 ln the meantime BuIler saluaI t hae sti-anger by teh lair of the head and pallitlytoid Ibm tIalt unlessle came tbrougb witl the $20 bll in very short order thare wouldn't ha moi-h left ao-i Im when le gat tlîrough witî tuibn. The stringer vouln't pi-oduce the $20 and Butlai- flnaiiy 100< it avay Irom. Ibm and fianded It aver ta the nid man vIa lnasislad it vas bis money andl vent an about bis business. At thé lime tIare vere about 20 sablai-s In tdiar arnsolthey all real- ized that Buter knew ubal la vas dobng and la canld Iardiy hld, ilueni back frein jumping on tle strangar in question andl glvbng hi a drub. bing. Aller tle money bail been taken from the stranger snd gien Io thre ald man, the etrangai- maIe na forti, ci- àri-Sntn and wss willing ta lot nieris i-ast. Havever. jusItIten twa strangerq vIa lad heen sittitig back larîher la dia car cama ta the seat whera the controvermy vas go- ing on andsked ChiaI Btlter about the circunistances. Ha explained ta, golng ta lust farever. The, return t0 the 'haven of love" wili be weli worth the atruggle. In November 1919, the war will end. 1 tell you it isa àgloriaus. a mar. îeloàs sight to see transport aftar transport laavIng. port with gi-estt cargues of human frcight. Every corpuscie of the gi-eat human war machine on these ships la perfect. Evary man shows the courage wbieh brings victory. Picture tbis slght If you co. Great Unes of ships entering the chinae whIch Iis t France and victo. Each slip loaded aI the gunwalls with soldiers. Bach ship protected by men-o'-war, tôrpedo boats chasers observation balloons and aven hydro- -planes. Now the day ilaflot far- distant when these same ships wiil stear it Cdlfferehit course. They will Ioad at a different port. The wheels of war wll be reversed. Aniarica's Vlctory army wiil raturo. Can you picture mach a slght. Why the home ro1,ýs vil go wid wlth joy when these boas drop anchor on the American shores. T have hail the pleasure of viewing the giant af the seas. It la the greatest a! ai shlps. Tt la known as the - ,-i--. It vas the "Pather- landl." It la AmericaTainoet deadi>' weapon. Amerlca holdf thls shlp ta- day. it took Tt sus>' froin the kais- aer. We took Tt trom him in us(, against hlm viien the time ta, strike came. She ls armed wlth upwards of 10 guns, depth bombs, howltzers a" deptb bomb chutes. Tt la thase chutes which get the aulimarines. 1 have been supplled with the il. E;. Shipping Board unlform. i neyer wear it on the street. The shipping board officiais have warnadmniefot ta appeur &gain withaut the uniforni. The kaiser now sees his end. Tt le wonderful the amount of men and guns which are crosing the Atlant;c escli day. One view of ibis great spectacle would cause the kaiser anti bis horde to throw down their arms and beg of the Goddess of Liberty for mercy. Our- ship lays less than a mile tramn four of the largest ship.s In the worid. 'Phase -sWps are beinff laded wlth troaps. They are moor- a lu in vat isalcnown as the troop zone. This year we wifll "feel out" thr kaiser's strength and 1 don't look ta see Fochi asvanca lis Unes much farther tIi5 year. 1 think the 1918 fighting ta nearly over. TIare will le a few akirmishes andl these wll cantinue thi-aughout the winter, but In the spring we will have 3,000,000 men fighting with the French and British andl we will advance as fast as We deqIrA. We wMIT reach Oh- lA.e ast hue of il fotîce in No- vember, 1919. Peace terras viiitbe brougît forth that will ba wortb considering. Then for tle rash t- hring bai-k America's figîting force 1 lad 40 letiers and five carl' tawaiting me upon my arrivai In Ne,% 1 ai-ok. tlani and accorliogly tley revealed Lova. their idenity showtngitliey Sera GORE reUlraldaettutives andi they tld _GEORGE._____ Butler thury voul take charge oI the yauîng man ln question who a lat Real Estate. Transf ors trIal in hast the alnman ouI of $2k Aug. 24, 1918 Accorllngiy, vlan cIe next 9tatbau c c. Hopkins and wife ta H. W. wvaqrrani-led. tîey iaft tle train sol and* Agnes R. Wolff, lot I'C ,su.ol. a tank hlm wyul tIen. part block 77, Highandl Park, WI),. Btuter la statiofOl at Graiet Lakes $10. n the i7th Regiment heaalcuiters, Aug. 26, 19181 the new iamp just opposite %oril Est. of E. J. Yeaman's ta Louise Chicago station. Gaiton, lot 9, 21 and 22, Yeomanes Sol., aiso laI 4 sol part lot 1 in Us liaik 14, Waslbui-n SPitge, Wauka- gan. Deel, $3,725. TELL 011 TMMastei- in Chantai-y ta T. B. Hul- sn, lot ln N E 1-4 Sec. 3a, Burtoii Twp.. Deal $2,312.79. INÛ IGHTCHAS '0Aug. 27, 1918 Dy ÀHUN .BO T J. E. Laneand l ile ta Han-ict Stanton, 80 ai-ies ln SE 1-4, Sec. 11, Grant Twp., WTD, $10. F. H. Baitiett anl vile ta F. H. Motzny and vile, lot 23, bltaik ,.1 (Cantinuailtram -Page One.) 1irst AdI ta Ravinla Itighands, tanker S S Rrllog suni.. Highland Park, Deal. $1,000. llievr- nue, it is tot tl ite ot11 <n Catherine Fari-al and bushanil ta tle briage that roucht th@ alVtuaga Il. T. ii-ih and A T. lait, 20 acresý mfely lai-k to port, lut t wae lite ln S E 1-4, Sec. 34, Bentan Twp., WID Muater' etAlilPilotesave wvI avrI cd$4000.1 aur ablît. L. A. Doolittieand w ife ta Wnî. We work ail day Stinla.v et Brook- Puddlas, $10, tract o! land, 20 acres lys laalùug gei-ral freiglît and rwe at N E cor. Mlvauýiee RosI and viiile acot aI bore by Wednoelday, Washingtan t., bu Sac. 19, Wauke- Augtist 2Sih. On oui- i-tur r Iut<c gan, WD $10. will biing sugar l oi- the peopl-euof iM. G. Kamperandso wife ta Lillian Auwi-ia. E. Moore, lot 2. Clark & -Latumer's It la very trua Ibat a sailor main- Sol., iLake Forest, WD, $1. tains a goal appetite. This iseeupe- cialît trua ln the tropical waters. We XA.RBIGE IJ.ISES. luftai-rt viti fold enaugl ta Iset 2M Frank J. Steeva, Chi-ago, 26; Neillut laye bot va vere ont in niid-ai-ean E. Htunt, sainie, 27. 42 Isys. We ware 'ail in" vlan vi- Gilbert Funk, Milwaukea, 21; Mai-- airived et New erk. i usaI ta go garet Walrath, sainie, 19. ta tIe lablei-ta'ca a glass aof valor Fred J. Essmano, Milwaukee, n: aol a toolpi-k an dîhen ai-iuse the Nttie Coin, saine, 28. steward oI lahng a slomach roîber. Lee C. Wllett, Antioch, 21; Giadys W. Ilval tva layseon a fi-w boxes af D. Crnall sainie, 20. sardines. TIat wiii 001 lappen agato Francais Pari-, Chicago, 21; Gi-ses il il dues Mi. Steward vli lb old Bracey, ane, 20. for tle shai-ksandso no kidding. John Thorn, Buffalo, 31; Violet Dont! van-y about the aiti-aniaoa Scott, Mlwaukee, 36. tiltsvar. Tiei. UltaI tates wQj Edw. Rica, Milvaukeea, 37; Mary C. turn the tide. Unile Samalias accom- Moore, ane 30, pisiiel in 18 mountls viat the kaiser AifooaMaiendez, Chicago, 30; accompliahed ln 40 Tsars. tit la Lovisa Oison, sainie, 32. sight for soi-e eyes ta se. tIat gi-ast Mlô Rlher, Milwaukee, 29; Helen girl" ofa ohbM pe aeatlp& lIewvean Julson. Portage, Wis. 26. Amen-ea and Pi-ance. Tley cross and Fr-ank Happe, Miwaukee, 46; An- resi-osu sud do Po la perfect »sl.Iyns Wiith, saine, 3.9 5'Ia Hon submarine varia-e le a Charlotte M. Jewett, Jr.. Giet laliore. Il vOl soon cliapse. Lakes, 22; Louise H Kilbeeri-. Nia- Riest assuraI 1 viii do aitlnb my gara ralla, 26. pover ta taire rare aI mysaland Eine.i A. Gi-een, Kansas City', Mo., -those v.rkln gunder ni>'. rders. MY 41; Anna B. Katon. Merrili, Wia., e olmaies ara aa goal as tle next 27. eno's sol lIera are an>' aniunt of Gea. O. Downey, Milwaukee, 33; saliors lare vIa lave gens tlrougb Anna Sano, sainie, 28. brochas vtl the sulmartu nd sohvIaHarnian Winklman, Jr., .MI>wu- are villing ta take Ilat chance agabo. kee, 16; Elizabeth M. Wintei-, saine, tWe viii le realy for Mr. Hon. and 31. va lape tIat aur guns vwiii bai-k Louis L.. Morean, Chllictla, Mo., fir@X. 33; AiasCCale, esomme, 25. 11le V. S. S. San i&go, belliadibp. GaIÊ- P. (Pày, Chcago, 1 Se- was iunnng six knoal an lour vlan gri-el Hansen, saie, 19., It vag lit by a tai-pela. TIare vere Loobo L. litz, Gi'at Lakas, 31; 1,100 men an Ithe vaihp sol ail but Myrtie Wiicox, Chicago. 27. six vere savel. Tort ian sea ftraini John H. lti1e. Mii.w-ukae, 162; tibis viat Amen-ca i-50 and *vii do. Violette Roanier, sanie, 22. - Tbose vbo are bome ln lanasame John Bi-adly., hiiago1 21; 'Marie land muet continue la ha brave. If i Cahil, came 20. slaulil le listel smong îhe mlsng Chas. RIvai-de, Chi-ago, 32; Bons I lan't vant sot tears shed for me. V. Beghffars, Waukiegan, 24. f saldie happy. Happy- because i1iRaymond C. Nehii-ng, Milwaukee, hava e hn anti-otal witb <a guol 21; An ila Krlege-, sane, 19. -work for a noble causa. We ara vork- Lea J. Blla, Mivaukee, 20; Ali-e -ing ta belp niake the avorlul a sala 'Steinhartl, samne, 21. plNac-e foi-aur lovaI anas W'e vant Lattis N. Sarenson, Mitlwaukee, 22; tintai-La ta la a saleacia- for tiraJifs.I Dunkel, eme 23. mofb-rre and lathareWhuo 'rîff4rel sol Franct.uJ *Hufghes, Milwaukece, 36. utrugldfor us. 'hise vr is 001 Louise Rahliz, sanie, 34. AMEICAN F000 3AVINOS LARGE Unted States Sent to Aies 141=OooeBushçls of Wheat' CREDIT DUE TO WOMEN, Alilies M M54,000,00Pounda Mon Meat 'sId FaftIn ai191718 Than ln Ysear Bef o. *AMERICAIf FOOD 8HIPIIENT9 * TO ALLIES* * MEAT.* *1916-17 .... 2,10600,000 bm *1917-1& ....8,011,100,000 lf * Initeae 844,6000010 *- CEEfrAL& * 901.........259,000Oi00bu.* *1917-1& ......... 840,800,000 bu. * 80.09,000 bu.* Io miite of a subnérOiSl food uuplli n lis country the Amen-can paople bave beau alla ta slip ta tho Allie@ ai wellas aur awn farces overseai 141,000,000 bumbela a! wheat, bestdes 8644.60,000 paunla a!ou estddring lie rosi- ending Juhe 80 lt.tThi. bai been male posuible 1>' the vIole- soulud ca-operation of tb. peopi. wIe, basidea pi-acti-bgsemat-dental. bave speeded op production and i-e- oponlal nobl>' tu ths appealtfrom abroad. Food Adnibnlmtratar Hoover. lnaa leIter'ta Prosident Wilmon, givec a brie< summaiy ai Ihe rlsuitsoaifod conlservationu ln the United States ané or the activites af the Fo04 Admn- lut<atla le Ihlm end. The. conserve- tion measuros bave leen put t1raugli practicaUhy on a voluntar>' basu wlich ia regard. auai a.pienltl Iribule tu the. patritin aithe American Pppi. Muaeà hIpmentm vere li-i-easaI844,. 000,000 paundi durbng tle ni-ut fiscal gea-, as cemparel vtl aur meat ex- ports dmIng tli eur >'esra.Aunrai "letotal value ai tiras. tond shtp. fluants," Mi-. Hoover vi-ote Pi-aillent Widson, "vhicI were ln the main pur- chaseil thi-ough or vith collaboratioli et -dia Fo04 Aaimintitratlou. aeiount ta, roundl>', $1,400,000,000 durtng the fiscal year." lI 1916-17 tha UnIted States seut tha Allies 21,l500,000 pounîs o! uest b' 1917-18, vili volontar>' con- mervatien pracîlcedl n Amer-a, aud alidl by extra wptght oi animais, '. seat the Ailles 2.011,100,000 pauns at meat, an Incrase ai 844.G0000 pounds. Wlueat Savlng Enormous. When tle Food Administration he- san operations in the summar of 1917. tbis counitry was iactng a large dallait lu wheat. Countlng in ail carry-over wbeat froun the 19168i-rop, wa bal at th. begi'untng o! tha 1917 harvest year just euuougi wheat ta take i-are of Amen-ca', normal consumptlon.-nat a buabltof surplus. At the close af the 1917-18 harvast geai- the PoolAdminiitatlon'sOffilcial reports 'siowed that aur total wbeat shipments ta the other sida lad bean Uàl.0(Wo(# > oi: . etay hqishel shlpped was wheht aaved b>' th. American peopl; irani their normal cOnsumptioný la cereule and cereai prodocta r. dueal ta-tarma 9! ceral buabels ou, ohipm(énts ta, Allied delltlnatAaug were WA,800,000 bupheýs, 89901,00 U>leh Ïos'. tÈan the amaunt sent ln i0f6-lT. Includealn dieu. figures ara 13.000,- 000 husbls of rye and tha 141,000,000 buahels of saved vîcat. In addltIbft w. sent tbe neuUUUi dependent On U 10,000,000 buaheli ef prim -esdstuffi "-Th$sa fiuredo flot iul4' conve>' thie volume af the effo;rt aad sacrifice, made during the. pont yeer b>'the Whoie Ames'ican peoilelthe Food *A& inuistratar wroto. «I sam sure Sth" ail the millions 01 Our people, agricl. toi-ai an weil as urban.Who bave Cas: tributed tota Iiumromulti *hould teol a verM'definateutaction tla,&a &«r ai univerIsel food sbortages la the Nartiiero fl.mispheMo ail af diose people joined togethèroensgt 0w. nian> came ihrodgb te thè nov ,haru yUl, bot aDI> wtth beaith and strongth fou>' m*ttalned>. bu~t wtt> ODI tom 'o i ln = ltta dltingumh ho. tween vartôue mobl Ourfit 0 W t- thue homes, put$fieoalIà ptaceS. fod trade, ua os r "cfuiral popul. âaons-l su mfl csedittibr thuos *tsuitu, but no oeb vii don> tih, dom tuant part of thé Ainerican vomw& SUGAR SIIORTACE lMUM SPAIN >Af)PORTUGAL la f3pain nad Portugal augs prions at oring. Both coulitries bave boom 'Mroul>' affected b>' the short b, lugar cro tuEurope *Bd tliak Ocean tonnsage te Mos. stocke of cane fligar isolated la far a*e>'Ports. Granulated cusar, houle grows, vws bolus moud in Dsreoui. paindurIng th. eiri>' mumiasa at 10 conta a pdnn. T'h. pihz.of bZovw uu «M i &om Portugal, flu.d b>' govorninentat ou'dort, wu $*1.04 ta $L12 a poujd. B>' campaian lie Drice af belt suge r lu Sweden le.14 cents a enuni. NOTICE'TO THE PUBLIC:, A STATEMENT BY THÈ OFt'ICER8 0F THE Studebaker 011 & Refining Company 1 .Y, TE Delive ry Within 24 Hours NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH Consider carefully what tht service rendered by the North Shore Parcel Dispatch means to you personally. You are assured of mer- chandise being delivered within 24 hours - frequently in less time if purchases are made c'arly in the day and promptly delivered bo the station. Both shippers and consignees will fmnd that this new Fast Mrchandise Carrying, Service meana aomething definitely valuable both as regards economny and convenience. "Express Service at lbas than Exprms Rates." U. S. iOVERNMENT WAR EXPOSITION 0f course you will want to viant the wonclerlu U. S. Government Wàr Exposition at Grant Park, Septeinher 2-15. This gigantic repro- àceioin of the vast European confict will be worth going m-any miles to see. The convenient Limited Scheckzes on the North Shore Une enable you to reach Chicago'a L.oop, which is but a f ew minutes' walk fromn Grant Park, in plenty of time foex a full day's activity. Anid, if you desire, you cana get back home the same night in good aaason. to naat tiUict office of ihe NOR TH StIORE UNE Chicago Ticket Office LibertyAile PaIssenget Station Milwakee Ticket Office an1 aonth ClariStreet nm.. Uertfflile 174 3W $.«»d amas rhée..Cenral SM Sphone. emd 106 DO YOU KNOW that the properties controlled by the -Studebaker Oil- & Refining Company have a production now of about one-haif million a year? DO YOU KNOW that the Studebaker Ouà & Refining Company is deatineci to be one the- Saf est and Beat Dividend-Payint' Ou Concerna? DO YOU KNOW that the Government-yes! 'the whole world muet have more ou? DO YOU KNOW that Bankers, Manufacturera, Fariners and Business men-large and amnali are rapidly takcing Up this stock? DO YOU KNOW that you can get Studebaker Ou1 & Refining Shares now ($1 .00 per share) upon moat liberal terme, but you must act guickly? vE ould nat permbt aur nanes tale ued tuai- adviue aur fibnda la joln us la thbs Company', as ve bavs dons, antasu vo had fuît>'coonpleted aur investb- gatboni and bail oltained caotrol of aetuai producng 0?proportbes. "Ta tbe man uho cau.afford ta lavent, vs bellev.v', are offoricg an ezcsptibanal ap. portunity; vs therelore un- hsultatingt, rocommiend th...slavesta a ur friand. and acquaintance." Signoil, CLEN. W. STUDEBAKER A. H. RTUDEBAKER P. E. STUIIEBAKEÈR Our Inveatment letter contains a full report on this Security. Send for itl It will pay you. I ADl>lttSS ALL INQUIIIIES '10 SECURITIES TRUST COMPANY 10 South LaSa'Ile Street CHICAGO, ILL ýILINOIS SERIAL No. 1084. The@a sacuritie bave been approved b>' the iartinet of ittat.. rut iilmf. THE SECRETARY OF STATE i>OES N(JT RECOMMENI) THE 1PUiIUIASE OF1 ANY FE(UR11 îY OFFEREu FOR SALE.