CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Sep 1918, p. 8

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:S SIMDr and Mr. Jos. Aibrgbt and fan.ily 3of Michigan City', @pont 8aturday sud 0 Sunda>' at tbe home otflUn. MMr Davillu. V icr itqMise Mac hale>' returned tuo North jChcaga, Monda>' atter speuding the summer et the home oi ber parents, Mr., ---::s :au:zm:sg jand Air@. John Bale>'. -Mies Brthe Kuebker bagien teachiug '.Mr@. John Murphy and dangbters and in the Butterfield echool Tueeday; MisesAre Rohert Judoon and eou returued ta Elitaheth lu the North Chicago, and Chicago Tuesday alter eppedng the Miles Beth Cook ber@. summer mouthe*at the hqme ai thefir =Mr@. Frank Vicier>' entertained ber parente, Ar. andAre. C. L Pratt. fls(çr aud a iriend [rani Chicaga the tiret Wanconds Tawnehip igh echool and ai h. week. Are Vicer>' and Ilttie Wanconda (Iratumar echool opened sous returned borne with them Monda>' Tyesd ai, (teptember 3 _Tho bîgli echool for aweeka v idt.teachers Wulil bo W. S Oberlin, principal: for secs vsitMies Hatten and R. C. Kpnt The gram- mar secoal teachers c i lie Ale. Allie ~ Poule, prineipisi' Miss Mertie Kuchier MMONTiutarrnediate and Mis Martba Hughes, prImary. Jae Tekanipe anS farnil>' @peut SundBy et ATotujtof Heigbts. o R I1'T Mi. Elizabeth Dowe, of Waukeîrsn, T ULUEIC.AT VIés 8tella Counsel aiftchicagi. spent 1» wek-end with ber aunt, Mre. Wm. -À litis dsughter came ta gladden the o otflMr. anS Are. Deu Parleoue B1 arriet Braluerd aI Watenmau, Il, visteSatt(le home ai ber brother kU.n Mu Ar@. W. Wagner visiteS thc b$»r'ieler in Evaneton Sundar sud riilo Emma Radie entertained Are. "a Radie anSdAr. auddAine. Eari Radie tObluagd, Sunda>'. -i. anS Are. Heury' ahPlew enter- 03li4 thir son, Jamjes andi farnil>' "trda>' aud Sunda>'. Ui. Marlou Hnbbard aifIRichmond, P.Mt a weei witb Ars. Fnanik Doiph àd other trieuSde reeeti>'. #Ioi Iýmma Kuebien left an Thuneda>' pîorulng, lowa, anhere She ha. a pli. "aes teacher ln the igb echool. Ur. aud Are. Iloanard Beachi anS jidren aifCChicago, bave heeiî spending lew Seye wtb the lormere parents. Dr4. Mary lMosher anS eilidren ai uscage, anSdArs. R. DortIer anS cildren ! Pilertyville. viiteS et the C. l)orfler Mareceul>' ,ÇX. Vernette Moore, wba ha. been lomdiug lte vacation at home returued1 p; Uko op ber sehoal dutiesa&gain tAbs wtof the week.1 Ouests at i ho Heur>' Grabbe home the Mti wekwre: AMr. anSdAre. ES War. dée of St. Louis, Ars. Polzîn anS Min of Chicago,Ar anSdArs. Oscar Ows. et Gien Ellyn, AIles Emma Fieber ~î.eanS a tieud tram Teise. COUNTY IL.ESTATE ~uged Fanna *in 1,000 Acres tvwbe*Terms SPmyment :seFarma ~Sm50 Miles9 Produce Market TWà1 Th sIN TOWN opcn l le firot of the week at the Wiliow Farni Mr@. Henry Hapke and daugbter @peut severai days recently witb relative, a% Waukegan. re. Andrew Amaun and so,Edward, @pont the past week wlth relatives at Atington Heiglite.. - Oeo. Dlebold spenb Labor tias with hie mather and other relatives bers..He wae aecom panlcd -honte b>' bisdaughter. Ails# Genevieve, Who @petit the paet two manthe wltb relative@ ln tht. vieinit>'. We are earry ta chranicie the ilines of Aire. Kathryn Dleboid wba 1@e anticed ta ber bed as a reeit front a fail iast Tueeday. Ars. Diebaid tlipped and li lrarn the lawer @tep ieudlng ta the celiar, inju ring herseif il u h a ianer bshat mite wiii benable ta bc &about for sarne timte.Ber man v triends uit lu wi*i ing ber a rnaet speedy reccaery. The dane and mupper given b>' the mernbere ai St. Marve church at the I van- bue Ai W. A. Rail Sett Wediiesday een- ing proved a fine muec*t4s. The praceeds arnautting ta $151) 00 wlich î îiii b)e used for the heneit ai St. Mary@ Pero- chiai Scbaai. As thie le4 tu be the aast dance gîven b>' the managlug camrittee wha has had chargeaof Ibese local affairce lu the paot two yeare, the>' once mare wisb ta extend thpir (ineereot thanke ta ail who ea kindi>' responded by their presence or assisted us in any way. lu ail four dlances -and suppers were given, each belng attended b>' a ver>' large crowd and an unu8ual amount cleared. PRAILJEVIEW Oraudma Stahl le viiting ber sister at Park Ridge. Ars Oea. Knapf atd cblidren are viâit- lug the H. Knop flamly. Oliver Ritzenthaler returned ta ber achoal dîties at Buffalo, Ailnn., ia@t Sonda>'. ;_Tfie Vernon township convention wiil ho held at Grace cbtxrch Sept. 22, at 1:45 p. m. Graudma Gutier of Highland Park, le sendiug a Iew daye wlth M,. W. Kuedier and son. Gilbert Wakefield of Des Plaines, spent Labor day wlth hi@ aunt, Are. W. stauclif. Guet Storep has heen called ta the colore and IcI t for Camp the fore pnrt ai the weei. Are. J. Meyer and AMr@. F. Stancliti cafild aunAMr@. Cha«. Krueger oI Liberty'. ville, Thureda>'., 0. Cameron and famly and A. Glberts and son called ai the W. Stancgliti home Saturda>' attrnoon. G. Werenherg and famil>' have moved ta the tarin and A. Peterâ atnd lamil>' have taken the home the>' vacated. Irma Rtzentheler leit Frîda>'. for Gilman, Ill., uhere @ho wlll restirne ber duties as (cacher fur auother year. L. B. Erueger were called ta the funeral'ot hie ier near Lamant, wbo waeso5 badl>' burued Frida>' ehe lived but a lew haurs. Loo Zimuier visited Wanconda relatives Saturda>'. Mie@ Loin Oak@ speut Ahs fast of the week at the home ai ber parente bere. Mise Nettie Murray' returned tu Chicago Monda>' ater Éqpeudiug the summer at ber home bere. Mise Cecelia AicMabon af Chcago, spent laSt week wihb Mises Jennile and Frances Sennott. Air. and Are. George Jepeou returned lait wsek front an ezteuded vîsit wihb relative@ in Veruont. Air. and &Irs. Vernon John@ ai wauke- gan, @pent the lait ofithe week wltb Waucanda relatives. Miles Kate Maialon and nophews ai ChIcaga, epet .;r days lait week with Wauconda rnîýjie The teaceim Irom Wauconda aud vicinit>' attcn3dcd tlic eaheuers' Intituts at Waukegan last wé-k. Mr. and lMr@. . tA. olding nid famnly ai Chicago, epeuit the lamcoi the wcek at the home of Air. aid %Ire. Henry (ialdlng. Mid@ <icuevieve Rafle> returned ta Chîego $unday aller ependIng a tcw dave a lîb ber uotber, Ars. Margaret Ronev. A 4rea and a--d MnJob h Schneder of Benton Ob-or. Mich., are viuting et the home1 *A 4cm 's parents. AIr. and Mre. R.1 imader of Diamond Lake.1 IVANOE ~~rd M, O S.l>opbwere Waul.e. i $uton Monda>' cveting.. O mith sud larnîl>' ofWaukegan, bd-on relatives bere Manda>'. Une L.ab Arrholz af Ct.icag, wae a I» vietor the firet af tbe week. ftecob a Grooe and litile daugbter inded tie pieute et Libertyville Mon- BAPTISTCIIURCII ?à@ Viret Baptiet cburch ai Laie Zurich, will dedicate the new -edIfice reemt-typelbpleted, 8unday atbernoon, SeptemberS, at 2:30 p.'m. The publi- 1, cardiailly invitcd ta he prescut. Quito an lntereeting program wiil he given. Dr. Frank L. Anderson, Supt. Baptiet Executivè CanneS uof Chicaga, will be the principal speaker. Tbc church was organized, lait Octoher under ttce ministr>' oI Rev. Floyd T. Hollaud, tben a student at the Aoady Bible luettitute, Chicago. ai Washington, Ù. C. Beore the arzanizaîlon as a church is had been a Union Mission and was..osgauized under the leadership al? the late àrsB*1. E. Simons and atherm. it bas been a year ai tîrele@ts effort an the Part ai Pastor and people, but the reiuit citabiehes thast Godï WIiI ehahl ho due" OtiLersi are a@ foiiaws: Pastar. Rev. Fiayq T. Hoiiand. tisacans, B. IL. Sinaus, Ctuasj. Diebi. Treasure, B. R. Sirnon@. tiek, Are. B. Norton. Supt. S. S., tWaltcr A. Laun. Trustees, Arthuîr E 'Briiegm, B. . Simnon@, Janîci Snetsinger nul Walter Plaitge, Chairman ai Deacons and Advisor>' Board, B. R. Simon@. Charman af Truatees and Cu8tadian ai Builing, &rthur E. Briggs TREATENT BY A JACKIE SAUS LIFE 0f TItIS BOY Edward Martens, it Develops, Was Saved by First Aid Treàtment Through prompt application ot iret ajd methods whlch he bed learned at Great Lakes, M. W. Evans, a Great Lakes blueacket stationcd at Camp Perry, saved theaIle of 8-year- aid Edward Martens of Waukegan recenti>'. Eianq cas visiting at the Martens home at the time, and when he learned the boy hed enecred gavere eleetrical ehock throngh coming ln contact witb a high tension wire at the rear cf i, home, he ruahed ont and sîpplied firet ald methoda until a physician arrlvcd. Hi@ efforts preved succestul and It la thouigh (bat. -the hoy will racovar daspîte the tact (bat a Currant of 2,300 volts pased tbrough bis body'. RURAL CARRIER EXAMINATION The United Stabps Clili Service Com- miselon bas aunouneed an ezaminatian for the count>' af Laie, Illinols, ta b. hcld at Libertyvilie ciu Sept. 28, 1918, ta fifl the position ai rural carrier at Lake Villa. and vacanciea (bal ma>' later occur on rural routes tram other post officies lu the abovc.meutioued couuty. The azamination wulil be open oui>' (o maie citizen@ wbo are actuail>' damlclled lu the territor>' ai the postaffice ln the canA> and who meet the other reqaire- mente set forth la Form No. 1)77. This iarm aud application laui, may hli obtained tram the office, mentioned above or tram the Unîted States Cvii Service Commission st Was§biugtou, D. C. Applications sbonid ho torwarded (o th.e"olmiâoion at Wasiugton 'at the earltistpraeticable date. 'During the continuances of the preseut war the commission will Ilu accordauce wltb the requet ai the post office. departmeut, admit womcu ta ruriai carrier examinatious upan the came conditions a. men. B>' direction ai the Cmmission. John A. MeIlbenu>'. President. SHES SOME WRITER"I The award for the greateet improve- mnen tin penmanship of any child in Lake county for thee tact year ha. just been cwarded (o Helen Smith oft(he Warrenton echool. A phanomanal Im.- provement le shown ln ber'handwrit. ing 01er (the previoua >ear. RAY N. SMITH Librtyviii., Ilu. ------------ ------------ vo DENIES NOI EXEAT WPIT I Waukegan, Sept. 3. V rigrn Fi Mre. Rdita. Leea*.rd ofHighlandi J Il Park, tlirough ber attorney, appearod No. S fin circîîlt court et Weultegan today Q.rmay Masais < a nd 'r petitioncd Judga, Edwarde for a Pt'eidof othe Worid and Russie baud, Oliver A. Leenard. Snch a ______________t writ wev¶k<revnt ra foleaving sc Br CLARENCE L. SPERÎD Leonard set tA t hat 'shte vas UnioLeeague Club nf ChidaO. tenance frour, ber fhushencion j'ttly We are ln (biff wer wl(h Gormen>' 25, làlS, wheratn be wse dlroctad te hecaUse It la a war for freedommtue. pay ber $15 per week. 3h. charge@ tnilY t(lieuever hefora vas a a r ie has en ying lber 'but $12 a fonght fetr Ute libierty af ma. Tuntimes weak antd says she -bas beau iuorm. past, fitla truc, met have foiight for thit If, ha la nomPelled te psy ber the freedein tram ûereîeaîr. SomtetIiaiSfull flg uer waekt (bt h lul lst (bey have won aud sometîmos tha>' lu the armny for overseas Sut>'. She have lent. But elways there bas been eeked the wrl( et ne exeat te prevant e place lu (bis big world where (hose hlm frotu doing se. Judge Fldwards who bar! lest lu the strugle at home declined te grant thie wrlt. might go andS Sud a couintry wbre ______________ (bey might enjo>' tha liberty tUytch a e iabrothers 'ATortrud-Bernt laveS. aud Art--carpeutereSud wood. New al is difféent. If*tlia forces worltere. , Thare's a lonely jackie et whlcli are flgh(iug for freedom lu (hlm Great ILakea wbo, wlth detentioi var are defeated, (lie wilt ha ne drawin.g to a close, ha.; ecsnned (ha plaee lunte wole world ta whlch (bey horizon for a snîîg hartit whPrehai Mn>' go te Sund a refuge frein Prit.,.vcn epend lits 12 heure' leave. Ha sie dmintin. vey lndundo lias a liez>' ramanbrance that the stan ~ ~ ~ ~ eý doiaio. Ee>'ln oe(iIds are relatives, but that's as the Kun wll ha direetl>' or indkrecti>' ici as fitgoaq. Thelue anesalor le trader ceutrol oft(ho victar, and If E.ilii Hansen, Company' 520, Berras tha victor le autoeracy, freedom per- 1()3,1 west, Camp Roqs. IMnepollie igbas. t l is homneDort. The land wbare fneadam le most lum- tulneutly' menaej b>' (ho logions oet 1.OANS TO'FARMERS Prussien autoerse>', et thIe moment,, le (ha land where unwenteti ireedota The War Finance Corporation ai Abe (amporaril>' bas run ret anti'bas lest Trcaiury Department will maie lans, the power te figlit for i(sef-Russia. lu exeeptIanai cases. diroctiv anS uRli. We area Sghting for (the fieedoam of out (he Intervention ni banis, taIlive. ltinseelS, and muet continue ta flgbt for 'etoak raisere. ubase Indugti>' ha. lipu It untit Itusela learns wlin( freedom lasstifteS asoansneccnper ay or on tri. meens, sud la again chie to tiglt. if wa do fnot, freedot wil dic lu Ruselé; btory ta AheîrogPrutian a! the war. Prussien auteercy 'wîî raie andex- Thesé lbans arc ta lie madti nuder plaît (he country' for litsowu ben8t; section!> ai (the War Finance i'arpora. anS (lie ver>' forces wiîicli overthraw tint act. anS the anus uilli (cmade ta (lie czar avIlIliac (urneS egiiinst (ha individnals. firme andi corporationsl fneedom neat ouly of themselves, but cf uhase principal t)iîîsiteesle the rainir other lands.ofi lire stock, which inclitdes catAle, o layears genesliy, %%-len the farces iale.ebep aud boira. of revolution were sliowlug thenîselves 1a h rsn i> h aea e liereansd (haro lu Russia,. (le>' buS (lia.serve lianis a! Kansse Citv sud Dla sympethy of America lu spite of thie ,aedIIraoda foeo eepn metîtode eft(errorisrnai ofwhicliwaa e-gat1 e aearendt exe 1 diS flot epprove. When the czar sudthes lat. hi liar t l o te t tlie kaiser, leaders ai aîitocnc-, were ive..strck r.,sena uba are êxperIpelcng logked ln e deatli grapple, Itu.«ia stIl i grea( t Ifficuit>' lu (hein openatione owiug' baS our syînpatlîy. hecuîuse she nec t(o raughtcndttiaus.thaîtîcli cattlpmen figlting oun(tie aide af (hase wiia were htpni ather districts are flot excinded seeking to safegîtard thie world fram from the benefit 'af sectin!>9. Prussicu nîliltarlen. The War Finance Corporation basý Wheu tha czar was depoqeS over aiea elfecteî1 an arrnngremeut tir extend. niglit Americafi' feelings were mlxed. îng inanciai at;el4ance ta the cannere ai 'ltera was joy ateth(le ownfell of an New York State. ci, anid samatimes cruel entocracy,__________ but thora was fear (bat Russie wouid liecame ton, disarganlzed io tiglit fan- Fanm Beys Make Mone>' Promn Moles. ther, coupleS wlth tha thauglit (bat par- " liemembar (bat the maie la(lie K ai- beps tlie revolution baed comas ton soon eer'e land submanine, and It le np (o us te le efectie. t eradicate (hem as aur Nation la (-"n. Then followed (ha bnifrogimaeof ing ont the ses pirates,' rend@ a ici ter Kereusi>', wbeu It hegan ta look as gnt t ?ngli reedout ln Bussin. miglit boanu tram a caunt>' agent in Or, n aa ergaiîzeti iroedam, propaneS (ateliglit vanna butter aI Oregon City'. Weetenný for Its iglits, andi aIl Ameipa baller] Oregon laecarr>'ing on an Intensive, (lia Ruqssan revolution ase a blessing. campaign (a mare lier irandeus anti crmps It liSdliecame absalutel>' correct te tram the ravagesaIof rc moles. Tuei sny (bat the c-ar wae e war af damne- sin ofaI anative mole iesesvaluabie s racy a'neenst acracy. -No pro-Gar- a>'paît wbleb eau h. lmported; heure; man could lonirer point tae(lie czar, count>' agents dev@ecd tueo plan oft wheuever au argument arase. ogrzn h o@l e onyt Finaîlly cama the hoîshavikî revoit.waganverin the may e oac lcuts1 tien, lu wbich Karansi>' was over- wgcoaucohumae Te ieare trownu. Ruselan industry aud Rue. cuetratsd lu a pool b>' tle agent ..d! Bien societ>' were disorganlzad, aud are maristeS when a sufficeet quointity 1 Itussian armies casseS te figlît. Thie bha Sumniated. Oregon terin lad@ kalsar'e armies prassed on uuoppose&, gain pin moue>' aud satisfaction tramn toi what (h.>' desireS lu spte eofa thie wark ot prateeting tartu crapa tignaS peace, sud Rusia appearad te againot rodent enemîee. be about te paes coniplatel>' undar con- trot of German>'. America stood aghast at (lie prank freedoni baS played, anS American opinion turneS largel>' ageluat Bussin, but (hinkiug men refuseS to giva up hope. Rue- nia wau anS still lu Incapable ef offar- Ing reastance, but Russia la net ra- signeS (oe u(ocracy. St devolvas.upon ~ D Df otiers e t iilit fer tae ffedom Rue.*LLLLAEIai nie must bave.«1 l th a 'lTe exparlance of odiar nations lias o h licou (bat men who loveS freadoni were wlling ta iglit for it, and to dis or yoi w'aiil for it f necessar>'.'lTe Iussinet- Éituda offlot rosistanca vase somehiing there is a dif iacw lun(lie world, and le bard teun Scrstand. Thec baisheviki reprasent-on en eiu cd (ha extrema Ides eoflierty. To o b in jE, (hemn freedom meaut net (lie right of " ' 4- thie majanit>' te choose (hein fan eof th SIIand thUA gavaruiment. but (ha nîglit af the indi- viSuae liehaIrec froin 8Il farmse of goerimntl esrent TeywoldBoth kin tear dac-uthe(lead order completel>', at oe straka, and set up tlie mit. make deini lcnlum. 'lley anould diviSa (ha tend, tlie faectorles sud 1be Ionieamong (haet e ~ e ananiers, aud hava ne masters bance.-o h r Eelin Russis, hoanever, tere anre kinds keep disntr. oe ok parme; and u (ha bolelievIki, who fougbtthe cGar-5son, but th mens neat nt ail, foughttailr brothers meut faraciousty. The result wasan buy. Your arc>', lawlesonelus, miassascre, tae dis- organîzation ef Ute railays en U tae negbected, i failure of (ha food suppi>'. The mil. lenium refuseS te comaet tae mare not get the1 Sacres et thie hoîshevMk. Rwst siheownU (hat there mnuet lie rgenlzatieiianS goveM~ment of peme sort . ,T E 01 Rusmà\sle"wrot longer flght aide b>' aide witb bler former aMellas0Selu- siduetisbas beau taeGerman Prea ganSa that, lu msany Instances, Russia LIFE 1 N a' hatred aof(the allies seams to ha deq>t or theu hatred ef Germeny. I re two (2) kinds of insurance. ?e good. tili death takes place, tsome cash or a loan. Then fference. One kind keeps right Mt as good as ever, when, right Lere, the other goes to the bad. Lds are O. K. tilb you have to ,nd -for money. One retires, the on and gives service. Both you from worrying for a sea- one good kind is the kind te mif e Insurance should flot, be EInd, when selecting same, do wrong kind. LD MCHIGAN. MUTUAL [SURANCE OPN as good as the best 1better than many ODGÈ, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS «. SALE dm., Houses çant Lotu cogy Sites me Tracts 1 ,Subdivision .31 Tracts rTruck Gardeners .llvy and Small Fruit t*Works ýVe Systeni A, EIsotricity nt&i RalIroad o yRailroad .k Lin. Connections pgtiuLlake pçhr Suminer Resort e Maret For Mumber of Industries. HARDING, A; ELLNOIS. 1D-ANCINGý -AT- Llertel's Park Pavilion Hlait Day, Illinois Saturday, Sept. 7th Corne and Dance Ail the Old and- New Dances Tickets: LI.......... 25 Cents DO YOUR SHOPPING AT ARkEA, ILLINOIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Campbll's assorted Sýups, peycan ............ 10c 20lb. cari, Pumpkin .................. .... Armour's Mince Meat, 2 packages........ 25C "P"ilbury's BIstFlour, 4-l-b. sack.5.5 Red Salmon, per cari .............. 28C Pink SalmoIn, per cari.......... >........ .... 20C 2 small cali Red Salmon . ... ....35C Cave Oysters, per cari.......................I15C Qyster Crackers, iier lb ...................... 20c C hile con Carne, per cari.. ..I...... 3c j Manor House Coffee, per lb .......... 3 2C Calla Hams. per lb........ ........... .... 26c Pot Roast Beef, per lb .......2c IBest cuts Round Steak, per lb .......... 30C Breakfast Bacon, sugàr cured, per lb ....... 42C Frankfurters, per lb. ..... 22C Sirloi arid Short Steas, 30C Hamburger Steak, per IL......«2C Salt Park, per lb .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c Plenty of Peaches and Plums For Canning Telephone Your Order in the. Morning and We WiU Deliver it in the Afternoon. GEO. M. LA NE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS *:pssessbseea~:bssb::sbb --------------pup Germ; Re Dist., Con se DiS hfrya i a food5 if kt dermtn ,reporte iat thaîPM anould To tha rut desîa. rua do ands Hen tory 14 couni>' lu bis minat, euiatel ing tic bis h- officiai latijni latiaun Ais 1l havi thoront thtia(t anS fi minIîst trtarte. novt a leti admin Stien. bcd THRI SE BC 'thr lng et *(ego. 30. The EUs Wil ThE pontin Sto rai o'cloe a reno capte: }'urtb Adai thie 7chant -diepli ready bitnldi the (

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