'T- 11~ ~L I~~t,~ W -AT JLAKffS SM>ý W.,P CONSEV O> U~~ WeI eci, Bit "boi9 Il.r a W T@wrd avig Weat Mét end Sugar-AII Wate Utizd. Tht..Moab Dail for Leu. Tian Fortyuone Conets-Bmmn Favorite F.od. «We arn tots te ave foodi, but the No Suger *owla on Tables. -army »nd nsvy have everytblng they No luger bowis are ln evîdénca la vent,"laa emie or lant familier cin- any of the 44 mecs balls et the Creat plaint heard frami occasianal civillans LaItes. Suger and mlii are bath put wben aoketi te cave tiiat extra suice ltan the tea anti colites befare it eache. ofc breati or lump of suger for aur the mepn la rtien thet there lie no boys la the service, passible watie of tires. two anti- Dlsagqardsig the tact that thae des. mu -wbo are fighilg aur baties are . Thlese Mala for 41 Cbas thë men who we are. caaaervlng for, the Because of the strict ecoaoy oh- complâang lavillan goca even farther serveti by aIl eq»missary stewards. * an. tialarastbat foati saved thraugb anti coaka aiclimanl et tbe Great Mi7Ad iistration regulatîcas la Lobas la iven thre. wett balaDe..! ,araeeay vasted in' army and navy ml a dey et an averalle cont of camps. net qulte 41 cents a day.j J e rder to dispel anY Passible hae- Tihe gaverumant allavs 810,395.11 1 4We la tSas bit of German propaganide, dally for' fecdlng 25,410 men aitheb *e Division ot Education ofý the Illinlois Geat Lakes, but of tiIs s large pro bl Administration dclddtta senti portion le save I eacb> day. This sBey- a repremetive an a personal vieit lui frtan Mardi ta Juiy of thîs year- tu the largeet uavy camp ln the vorîti, was aIl In breati anti meat. the tvo tbe great Laes Naval Traning Mta- commodities the cîvîlan popultUI ti aiatGreat Laktes. 111. bas &]no been askeateto onserve. Boys Wall Feti. 'Ws are nslng a trille over tiec svl Rere fin the resaitoth liaeatga. aga aionaut,of freali regetablaa ai ilon, whicb Incîuded visits ta thec mess fruits anti miii at pregent, as we bave I.*lo and inltertiava wtb the Payiaas- beau ortienedte u gve the canneti goew l~n charge of supplie@. cammissry for the menaf ef letcs via neel it. 'warafs, ana Miipa' ceaIretaithe ai*- more than we do bere on landi," saI Mmo.Thc beys are weil feti. as rabust0anc0colssary stearssd. vin que:- aya vie drilîl anti vork la the oMen tfloneaste wbat liey wye nNei ,*ould lie. but net & emrp of foodi la ment veate. 1 Tan pgrmaters viiitictherani of 1%e generai opinion among commis-.Enaigu bave rccentîy beau seat te be' Sstewards et the Great Lakes sa Gret Laies fram the east te attend, mom foodi can b. saveti by allav' a achoal for bakers anti cooka wbcrc iàS thc men te express thet clile Il piae of scîentilic cooiing wl ble la tic quaaity and! kînti a! foodi oà,tengit. tic tiay's mena tien coulti lit possible During January, Februmry andi vue ceerta set anieunts piaced h a-erch of ibis jear 1=33032.42 pouzida be, e *é man regartiless of is likes of fresh meat vers consuase. la a! si diliies or appetita. dîtion ta 123452.25 panade o! amoed Cafteria Plan P#frrd. meat. Besides ibis 9,60,790 resi At Camp Bonne, tie incomlng de. Ags teva monteuse.!.dd u tectiosi camp, whose cook, ana "l'acky a rhot 20,M0 men, it lu evident tiet Ucivrta." laicown teo cry an et 5 anv mathen iti a son et tic Great tbe Great Lates for the ganerous wsrTaisnet aen auat ou> ha vilic ha looks oui for the velfara for teur lier boy viilo t be properly et bis mes, tic cafeteria systcm le ha- ted ; but lnaspte o! the faeci ual dia lfve te etohate bet means of con- total cast covering the faediag af ail $"Atfond.men connecte.! vîti the station iuring As the mon lUna Up for 11cîow" they tic finat three manthe of tdii. yegr l9e peut long couter lna siangle on 111861.156.411. the garbage ratio IR@^ vice. tiey maie inowa exacti>' vas but ivo andi one-tourti pounts viet t.>y wat anti are eutioneil ta te esch man, wblch Incld.!.!&Il refuse. ti no more than they can est. For ev n empty cana. etc., fiiaple, If s man doas not rare for Utilixe Ganbagae. bread. ha passe. Ibhat op, but panhaps A tiorougbly efficient garhagc £Pis. be bbs a sisecial human for beens.i n posai plan le la oparatlon et the Or eat ilei case ia annouacea la lh. ver- rAies.'AIl refuse la cllecte.! la 0)- neuler oethle Davy. "Haavy on the gallon cane and! tle cana theselves bernas" andi the mn et the calmier are tonde.! on trucks an.! ahippeti a gives hlm an extra helplng. short distance for bag fac. * By titis sifian Favorite Dii. estent of sblppIng the garbaga tn tha An.! spcakiag of bens. Packe>' original cana, the tnilasi saltatlaa Miwartz, wbo bas 1ttd VUt-ed S15tes la abserveti. as tbc garbage ta never * milors for 14 veatre, declares that as- touche.! fter It leaves dia galleya. alie dia prevaillag bellef la tihe un- The nsvy alsa lis Ita avaeat le- * PWOpurity of beans emang the men spactors ai the talon Stock Yards, CI- la thc service, ha lis toua.! neveItic- cega, and! ail ment issue.! ta the Great lien tiat bani are dia mont popular Laies la passe.! upan b>' te govama- diila tha nsvy. Ater beas, piée.me-nt agent before h fia t Into thc Oiltha greateet faCeor.atng tic tnt-O. cana, andi agaîn. on ils arivai et dia bu deans. Station. A finalIinspection lanaio "Tou woo'i fint. a scrap o! fond matie befora the ment la serve.! te tha 77 asted tlere," ha saIt as lie led, the mutn. "aY Ibrough tbe Immaculate kitcheni Ail kitchens anti menshalle as val- le hi@ gaUaey, etopplag nov anti thent-n s arracka are laspecetil et liaift le "k Yeu toaarar. sguetsa aetaeaie veau>', ai wblcb tine net thie 1111, Momber of aausalle caaing tir ne anslghtest- deail escèpes thee lnspecting M -b llge copfter kettice, ant iil- offlcar, who rasz white gloveti banda MUet your look of amazement as b. ot-er abeivez antibpates Into ail avait- ïh î, 7« thdia bttle ceataine 1,000 abe cracks anti creviea in a thor- »ÇaM et Pbrk a«UtRteg OfIla!wiicb ougbiy Industrieus searcb for dixt. vin t, consume.! by hungry "bine The' Grat Lýaken'Naval Traialag Jaeia et titis 9esparticular camp Station ls dean, the boys ara feeil te.!, 10t1bi~ar venaag mean.anti ecianti avery7 one of tbam la 'Tee, diere are 220 gallons of cacon dalng hieshsbre tovarti conservation lekng la Iscppar.CRai liera thtr. of foand, anti utilisation of vaste. If * ge SI) alons of Ici.! tea,"lia vent civillans do as-m-uci as these anlistad on, "but -nt a bit af ail thîa vili ha boys of aur nayy> are dolng, Uncle Sm vaste., au the numbar af rations in- vill bave ne causa te worm>' about foaod sM" dati>' bas ailiteen carefuli>' .!g- vasie. MWid ont, anti proviions matie for al geibl. latt-overs." 1If You secnaRsugar boy) for pubie Whea a QuaatitY of left-over ires.! use la & publice atlng bouse, tic pro- aceumlates. for Instancete boys usm- prictor la vtoifttlg the Food Atimiata- 4i9y fia.!d hmmelvas catlng breeti puti- tration raguistions. Report hum te the Ag, or bneadted park chopa the next Bureau of investgation, 713 Cenva>' dss'. Building, Chdcago. NON-ESSENTIAL CITIZEgS WED LIVE IN A Bihi ý BiOXE? IrIIST SI AIE .IT WITli OTIIERS *Fuel Admfinistrator Says Coal WIl Be Withheld From 1Those Who Do fiat IS CONSERVATION MEASURE Believe it Is Net Economy for Smail Family ta Live in a .LargeHouse, V Kt-~EKI4 YKJ ff'S rt-ai-on vby familles ivbo lve linte tremeiy large boagsa.should nat ahane'l 1 ht-m homes vitli thanrs anti1i-intet Ia spe-that this t% dont- o i vwilis- to t that the coal oupply' las hut off. We are dolng evt-rytiig in aur pov- t-r to conserve tht- fuel stippi>' andi ibis, la my opinion, is one o! thté hi-et place-i 10 start." It iiiti-urgeb>' Mn. Enakine al.so, that in cast-5 vit-rt-e it la possUdI'je, tva fanîlies gbould oocutpy the sanie house diting the- vinter at lt-ast if orden that tht- consuniption of fuel wll ha e daceti. PILLIFANT AND TOWNSEND NOW NEAR FECILMN Wauk-egan people who live lun iargf Sungt. 1Harold Pilltant o! Wauke- haret-s, anti vio, be.,il-ausrrI niaflao. via vhen hast bt-antifrani vas famii e upi' anîy a mail tinit l igland, las now ln France. Ilaa fat(- to relatives he says amoag oth- of tht-m horntes. aîust art-pane to ahare Prt- hings lnten date to! Auguat Il: tht-m vi;h otb'-i-> or lie detpnIs i-il (C' have bt-anI n France a veai anti thain coal t eipply. surci>' bave seen Bsnnie vondenful This is the lat-ît orden o! Lt. c ountry. if it wene possible 1 lie- hamkînt-. fiil i-i to o a! l11<- that 1 coul.! wrIte a book lise- coun>'.Mn. r~îae hs -legs to gay. yoa people hnow every- cuty NoIr. goo neha ht-hi that titlg l%,censanati. list.ta '-- %*îty'i faioan-. .tr hobair, 1neyer fait bett illas " c arge bols em Wh "'tr aHp vpen@ uala enjoying tht' thare are- iiiarfn-i.of îît opîtle-im finp1 It ainuast lrnposjîi., o gel ~bet o! ht-alth. Anti, mothar, tian't dations. Al r. ' worry about ineaias l'Iltaie caefa!o Aîreatir.Erskiat-ha4 Inmsif. Gît-e ni>'regarda anti lava tai-n tht- niatter cii with a few local to ail. Murphy Tovnsaiid sentiehie faillfes anti ba.4inforait'.!tht-m wb rgads lia axpects o! tht-m alîngt iis Une. 1r- - a, 'Tht-rt-art' a iumb)ero! famillt's la W'aukt-gaa wht ne tht-ne are but tvo on Phlli andin, opventsia profe-ssiont- Ibrée-l iti0PtatuiY anti wvlera tiîîai, wvas rejecteti b>'tht- arn>' ciamiin- bouses occltkPit'd are uaustalty 'lange" lag boarti an accotint o! daafness. Nin. Er8kiat.,,ait]. 'tit lea vcsté tif lii'e-wasturne.! tova b>' tht-Brititth coai ta lit-at tticst- large hIousee fol atiiorlîles bt-fore golng ta lit- For- 40 fait-Peoplte. est. "There are an>' nîutibar nfschiný Tht-etelta jury which Investi- teachens Who hase bt-en uaablip ta gtt gatt-d tht- <Itati of Miik iMonahlan, aocomnmdailoas lin Waukfflaa iisthe unana bo dia.! aft@r mastIPuan Year. Tht- nurnbt-n o! jae*dies sWhoaans u-xpianeda-àeSatif a t RusSeil,' de- nat able to obtia roamslmla ncreas,- ride.! it coultin't dateMInne jt 5 1o* lng ail tht- lime. Tîtere la no- vulit Manaian vas burt. s -Roy W. Brachier <County Tressurer) IN ÀA MERE FORD Mr. and Mrs. Le M. Passmore o& San Diego Are Guests at the Jud Putnam Home CARRY ENTIRE EQUIPMENT Wankegan, Sept. 9. Mr. andt'.%ra. 1Liw N. Paemnore of San Diego, Californie, are vlsltlng for1 a few days ait he home of Juti Put- nain, 305 Ash street. They are on their return trip ta th- cowst afte rvlsiing many eastern et. lies, iuciudlng a months etay ait RidWtown, Ontario. (banada. 1Mir. Pasamores old home, front whlch lie bast been absent !or more than 10i Years. They have many interesting1 atonles te tell of their motor trip lni whicb they bavê covered oser 5.000 miles. In speaking of ibis section of theq country, Mr. Passmore Baya he thinks 1 Illilnois and Wisconsin have the momt heautiful seenery of any of the states tlirough which tht-y lave passei. tDe- lng a avenir photograither of many years ex4erlence, this abould ibe tak- an as a compliment by the people of tht-se States. They were particularly Impresseti hy the Dell a a Kilbourn. Wls. HMe alto gays the fermes vhicb bie saw on his trip te Camp Douglas, were seule of the ineat lie bas evPr seen andi the- buildings were berter than ia Most states. The. wbtat htina îhreshed through- out tipc cunty would Ipad one tb he- Ileve there shouiti be na shotage ont that score. Nir. and Mrs. Passmore will lt-ave titartly for Chicago where they will vlait Mr. and Mrg. W. G. Patnam o! the Fison company, aime Mrs. Mary Irving. '.%ra. Passmore la Mr. Put- nam's niece, and he la enjoying tht-lr4 vlait very mucli.1 Carry Full Equipbent. 1 Rf-ferring ta the- Pasamores jour- ney andi their equipmeat for travel. The Statr Wournal, of Niadison, Wis.. "Site may bc a 'flivver.' but 1 havent' noticed inytbing passing ber or going any place ee ouldn't go" Sa salti Lton Passmore, a San Df.go photorraeplier, Mho with bis wlfe, bas been 'ordlng" tbe desert andi laaplng the canyons f romn the- suinny state or Californie, on their way ta v4sit -Mr. Paassiore's mother, at Rldgetown, Ontario. lié olaimg ta have the bt-st car for tauring In the vonîti and 'tife thies rintmebe bas Ipassed mare big cars in1 places thay cOdld flot get onit of than be can counit andi says he iîitentis to continue ta paso more. Mr. passmaore andtiebis ife have flot trle.j te break an> spet records but have bee ntaking their tîne andi enjoying lheir trip and bave miadé otan>' stops andi have talten somne round about-ways. 'HI-is car is veli aqulpped for camp- Ing anti he can cook lis meals lnSit when it la raling withoîît as machi as stIcking is bead out of doona, in fact slace May 19, ten himself and big wife left borne they bave eaten ane mneal Insitia. They Pàsaed over «oane roada ln the region eCiphoenix. Aris., wbicb Mr. Pasamore believas neyer ta have bat-n traveleti by a car before. Tht-y bave covereti 3,470 milles slace stat't- ing andi the car bas gone a total dis- tance of 24,948 mlles. Mr. Passmone sali tbat h- %,aâ al- most asitameti -t oteli what hie ex- penses utaide af bls tires vers as they amounteti to legs than $70. Wlth tha exceptionofta a#aispring andi a broken bstb they have bad nO mis- bain; with their *Jitne)." Mr. Pasasmore btas a volume Of lu- teresting atories te tell and la regard ta the craps says that the wheat filds of Kansas are ona of the mOÈt wonderful slghts hoie lieven srq and the crn in Missouri 14 up o the baoko of the bornes. Tbrea1l5 a na Of the greatest dlmp.ays of farn lmpleemnts in tht- *opld on the big ranches of the veut, accardlng te the Mtnes of Mr. Pasamore. ReH said'titat lu thie fait River val: lay where-t dIa rrigation aysiem bas mnade iatel4ve agrIculture Passible They Intenti taeunaire lbe..rilaba* lu the saima marnear that they madie the trip aast. - '1, > p% ~i*~a< I~ III5t1-d1 o mY ~ *One, 12 Horse Power Portable Baiger Enginee- One Model "G" Climax Silo Fillèr. *mken -11 i ;P01éMi. N ANNUAL TAU LEVY KLA">,T#WIL PASWZY ITY> ALL LOCAL DtES OCIL TUEBAY Moment Lâmâhed, - Whioh Commion Ordm's ,'inlue -Pians.te, Hove Perjnanent Daw Rlin S ah t Captaina and Workers Pohioe and Fi.'. Chifa PLN FIFTY. PRECINCS ý - izREPORT Ott PAVEMENTS New Branoh WI Be Authorized by thé County Counil of Dtneyer Reports thà nord National Defense IChecking Imprvemmnta is - ~ - K Not te Affeet Paving Jobs Ifta an>' ta a Wauetan Cattncli 1 Of Dafansie waut tver authonIzeti antid ane If titane are an' officera tu mach a Waukegan'a annuel tax 1ev>'o'i brandi, lai tic. Pîtasse steps forwad an ce, provîiling for the levying o! anti reveas! tiir Idtitatty. 1I 193,300-for tIhe currnat flacali year, Tht-y are vents. .wB.assffe.! b>' the ity csimiail at dia But, the- bellef lesfilat while sut-h negulan meeting ht-Id Tuesday algbt. -4 branclh was tallietio! none vas epvt-r Tba onl>' duiscnttng vote vas caisi 1orm7-@d W onomn viii ha Iaunch- by Mayor Pearce wbo bal vote.! "Nt," a. 8hose, ptîpoxt fitshall be ti as- ýwhan ftht- ardinancevas placet ism 'uechange of al "drives" Ihat file fer -ntbirIcnspectioni. Tht- mayor ~talle -place in the rtt'. offereti ao exPlamatign for bis action. 'PThe women'a couacilio! Defenna At4sigtnal Ilita Mayor voteti "ne" alsa .iuncli.! tic movs b>' asking certain on alowlng the- vlarent>' moaibl> .Man to assiost in startiag ît goîngililîhi. 1lenti liielymstt-pe soon vtll lia taken. la a nutsblli thc idea ia tliia: -To Cammissiionar Svaycr bnougbt up bavç the Wauiegen counicil aîthon-th matt-r o! Iacneaaing thealanlea ised ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o btheont oni t hr axsfIstant chic! o! police andi lzed b th., c hirtas:ietici owii- lief.erle bati brought the nmat- vide tile cIty bta 50 or mote districtstenrtîp et a prevlous meeting but twtî namle a çptin from aach and. hae mesabers of ti ecutineiî lied aslic. the <aptain iselect hils aida4. Thevn Ibat action ha- deferresi a week. mr. wbet-vr mfia' i t 1wraiet .1,;ila),ars motion wss that the g»i wheevr mne fi t bpra1sel ilanîtrai !thé tva officiais lic increameul s drive-, fthatorgalzation, ibus cre- 10prmci, nita nutl ani.!y vUnhv ireo u a ence provl.!lni for the- Increasalie "»It anid mies maoliciting b&a made prepareti and prasenteti for approval tht- total renuits ancertala anti unsat- et the nazi meeting of thé- aourttil.- tstactOr> via-t-ras If cetain- 'ppleTht- motion vanscarnieti b>'a vote o!f liait charge -and mev the- onpàs ybt,-tlta 2. Commlssioners Di-t-yen anti sitotalti ti visite.!; the resultis couiti Iut'st voting "na". Thaefine chie! lie mut-h beîter anti People vouiti not as istant paice chie!nlovwge lie 90liclted twice andti trept-limes uai' 125 par înonth. nov, In the, sanie drive, Tise pi-rma. Tht' repart of tbe polie depani- lient olilsera vouiti 1w acquaietl ment for tht- moîitîiof!AugiLt i shows vllh i lte residérnts. tht-m addres.,îo, a total of 50 arrestas, $42 tit colecîtid Iliair means, etc. and Il vaîîildIe a anti sciaItlerelpîs ami, uting ta manch better plan,' salti ont- of the- .'6.Tiht-dt-taîlatlreport for lie laint-aett-.!parties ioda>'. manib followia: - Il lainsliste.! tisat wlihthé- plans Dmnkeness-8. btulg carrit-t ouita tht-y now are, DIsalrtirl>' eatittt--iO. mac'h tie Iie vaste.! anti reanltsart Vagrancy-ift. fan lt- saitn tht-y coul.! ha. Disloyaiiy-.. Prelimînan>' cammlteeës bavp bat-a Larceny-1. naneti anti slcp., taken to farna gtn t tht- ioca) bratîcliant Ilit ili vork in F gtreping-l ,tif ttnctlon wiîi the- Wompn'ti )e Tqiapa>t-n.-. fê..st- rolmtttet-o! tht- c-ty of wi tels sui4pacis i.. Mitri. P. i1. Persans 14 <-armn - Wife Ut-a . Tht- ft-r of promoierg s ta aî tdeI arati -sîbî> saine time bau-k a Wau'i&a edra arttii-] bnancb niay have en aultorizeti b-, !jndati g-i. tht- coiîaiy ranth, that oflucers verf- Stayovena -2. Pecteti but that ta the shuflît uir Total ,i Idenlity hlas bat-n loest. If suchiq t1w Pulice -ourt ftncsi-$42.gO. (-ast- tht-yshoul tintpont fta Mrg. Pt-r Icalecepaf4rt "ons wito yul tht-n asgsat in atralighi- The monttbly report o! the watt-r enig ot té, attr. orks t-niginet-r vas n.-AiVt'd andi ania autibe atitr. -pîacid o n file-. Board Meeting. DEtA mun to rt-gardlng tie IWUAT'S THE BEST ciecklnglo(ubiilic lmprovtemnts at NKCK NAME FOR joartd of localimpoepnz h rumiuffeuton wichwaspressait-.! fIIil î tht- Sun on Tiît-sday night tae EiRT. LKS. SÀlIE4O7I thui Waukt-gan viilha- able to ubtain mat-niaI for Iniprovement %aork oni>' bv obtaiaing a.tproval [rous ibe state Ont-at hakes Itlin fi% tnying toa atd feuleraI authorittls. flati a -ropt-r aicit-name fin th.- tsait ('înnmiaaloiter DietmeY-îr assentau ara. Sugges4tions mateit- o fanrlari. at ait ne<ePssýary mat.-niat for tic cuiide tut-si': compiletîon o! tht- North alelie andi K-N.vy* White Cap Nav-s-rine 1M1arkptet arcet isîvemenla im on bah.! ai the- presena imfit-and ltat ne dIi- Ss Gull Bluabird autidie cuit) ii lie -n(-ountpreti froin that Devil Fiai Sbsrk Star score. le nali thai tht- proposition Anti still tht-y corne- or scarifying a portion of Grand av'- Every mail bnigato tht- Btlltitn nue andi laying daussi&bout eiglit t-ar oflice frf.sb suggestions for a naige Iais of ;tonle yl l1- preat-atedto I for tht- bluejacket t ont-place tht' de- the proper oltlcials for approvat. The- spineul tenm. "Jaclie" Tht-y conte ('hîpel t.trcu-t paving projtt. e sa"i, tramn bath îailIons anti civilian. - has t-en laid aside lntieflaitt-ly. Alilovar tiecocuntry' tht- itrahtu mpublic heaings vert- ha.! un tv o! a at-v name for tht- Ame-ican s4aili suîpuuen-tal assesmttatit unae for an la being taien up by the nevaipa- $l.777.!- for* thf- Ntay sineet pave- pers. Tht- Bulletin cetnaitîtY 'etant- meut and $1,616i.95 for tht- Coati> cd sainethlng" -e'en fi asketi for sug street pavement, vent- bai. There gestions, ert- ne objec'tions ant rireoutians la bath cases vwerea stpteti. Ordinal%- t-sap for ticamnie vet-place.! on file Wiiere Sardines Are Feunti. for public Ins§pecti0n. Sardine@ are abuntianti>'founti off diea silcîial, Andaînulan anticents- Pre>' on Eacis Other. bria enflt». Titis 115h varls, lanlengti Soma ttcrt'cîpl îne--îelt animae trom approxlmatel> 4% ta 714laIncesstievelop a ipu.lat vhIh kiltls other mi- anti veigits tram 24 to 08 gi-ais(0.964 cro-orgaaiisîtsfiitttdevour tht-m. Sucl ta 21M98ounces)>;occasionahll>' rger lasfile natureotflte formastion ut geru,j s*pecimens are caugbt. destrotlîng toî,sil f ile btîoti iortumun andi aniumais. AN] George Rouni 1ke! WELL Aged V Vain f of dent Oi bi lmIte, ho" ittai canie, t sen la: falt N -Wlttt h. u t t.!! amir wan iii 1 el-iii and ln~' altii V