CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 11

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LtB~WTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TRI RSDAYT11V1'?$D~XY ~FPT. 12, 1918 Page IWWU CIVIL WARI > OPRTVEPIE N70D SPf Y' ICLASI! IN MAETTE ""S III kIi honor 1hichleasprdto~i STREAM 0f WATER NAVY "y',N RETAIIIEE8AND CHARGC» TO CUSTOM ".8 1h t caused McDonougli to rea! hi ER NP SESA A owng aefatr prieS for foodas In Lake county for tbe currefll fFFICoin.N4ISiCRI erILL RAZ&,ANYITEMS 0F INTEREST FROM IN fHSPITAL seling at pie uaieo sranfle o b. dhreported tgo 0 COridley 1N1 during the paSt S.-ieral i B IK BUL N i feea odamnsrtrfor 1*1.e ounty, or to. township a.dmlnlutrators TO l)onaugliilm saillita hlave liai] a sort BRICKNG ABOUT THE Y,.VM. wbo .111 tale the proper acton* o ahe mcmra"xte ich atallyUL I~ i T NVA TTINCN 1 etif a iain aroi'ich i n aC, AHEADQUABTERS George E. Hendee, Aged 77, of (Propard by the Waukesan food administrationu , Mfeit,ee bhb lCoun1ty Treasurer of Lake Co. 1 iiday, th( climax coming when he Waukegan Now Has Appara- Round Lake, Died in Wau- nn v ebr~~ Taken Home Unconscious tt ael fieaibs tus Which Will Cope with Nîrs. F HtPane stenogra.pher for kegan Monday Night £14111 prleea cuatomer .,sourg PaY for these taplea amud ahoild n*0< Folowing "Set-to aitmc, i~'~t, i ,td i d întcote Any Fire that May Break Buf fi. l in Catonl, Ohio, oa tmedtetUolg h ot o>tertta te rtceaetlagim oblaios.hlut t-tub. Iaid ciel > uhing )wo at-eks furlotagl. ______ sze~ Isefolowng.Tis ---Qog s rtll o I allrtPile 8 * t LICon . t t-er ala luiîntatati îd ceuud Mr-, Payne has written grêat amn- WELL KOWN INCOUNTY ralatod Beqar (la bulk) ........Per 100 ibu. &S27 91'e EXCHANGE UI..BUT BLOWS itgw î ,i , rüre8s.,d Ibe. forMC NEEQIM T ,-i1.t-radsetu ams Granultai *ugar <, cartons) .ercartont-18c 20e -il -~~aiirstit .ro i-tf1ihict atla o h .M AgdVtrnHdSuh n fkr epeBed.......Per lb.0< I P% o iial bet%%esn lt.-e two tieit aho A. lier at-rX lm purely volufltAy. White Wap.dUrad......Pr lb. loai-S 'eSmashup"'Btwe prioir t, ibis limthadll l-i pla> ng New Smoke Helmets Purchas- 'Tihfait i liii Xl r-iPayne lhas a brotl. Age Veern Hd ougt fl hIe Pou.........................Per 18 barre! 115 .i55-1 70 pl,tl tmanner inca nio.t ine'ail pati ed, SePHose A ront.T. Rhî le an thet e 1 Vai fr Rlif fomCaner wMt Four(u buk).........5lbs-.3cTwo Politicians Who Had lotis an-tr. IL)a niil) li] ped dNw. s rrives; S . f. ro t R. ('lige, n (lie ba il: of Long Standing Ny. Fleur (En baga)............... 5 îbs.33e ne Worked Camle for Years loto Woodinan's bianda andi Waadnan Station Opens Soon .îaudiuV, f.I Pa>n.- le in charge of thse ________piayed itoMct)on<uglis itandi iibio ity fai- theti frent laâkeaTrai- RY lu ............ Per 1-8 barrel-S!.40I-1.70 1111.0-1mif for yearà and theretare lia:î-..- soute. ng slatlon. has bt-en only an added Gtar, l'ii.î-agd 7 areiA fleit of interest and flotiiii ii,îiig camne îîîîin the- pi 4-ut cati- Maukegain*i fuirfighiîng apparia-. r-a--n fai- h. r wliolieheartd devotion dentg aI lai elillil ",-iiaîy - Whî heât Floer. .............. 6-lb. baa-32 1-c 7f1he-public <uring the -past f-s dti ltign thai brouglît <on [it-hla-h thî bits ju-d heen inreased li the pur- ti ht-r oluntary tallit, which wl!! is mlite, dIl--tE i li"*Jan,- McAler i rham Fleur .....................5-lb. bag-32c 37, b liaîsi-. of the circoamsence., liidid aII bt comeaIo la îiws Ichasi of an lEastmnîî îi' hic:, 1 grax. mact ihasier as the weeka go hfftitiai T nil>îiglîit t 8ocloek, I Biîy Feur.....................Per 5-1b. bag-12c 3ci>î~iYTr<'(55trer Iwee > aî,th M itooghs chanIn tiiii he Pt'4'.- bas been piaced ai tht- Centralsuw In deitth bim! iiiî ilto ia cancer. lielRys Flou: .......................5-lb. bag-Zlc 39c <itliined (to his haone nd ha,- 'een i(-lit logisalive cttflfiiign liait bten' ion antija-ill! b.ta,.-» t.> ailfIres.1Wheii ait- (aukaabout him and seeu vst-tîî,iisuittiroubîile- wtt Ie RICO Fleur ..................... ..Per' lb.11-12e 12-recîIni a rallier sertouiî conditiani.-I- - iii Ifar moine tini. There ia n ieen il wî . e . i<.we.nnlv En case Ilie r.atsac-rifieuts liing made liy i-an>- i- t.xî: ýeis ago. Atthai j (I nder the Presiddbnt's Proc-lamnation rntaflers mot se-landti n4;u iîîdvmrig ll aiila iltcaî nlieiiii>liai>t- t. itefIhrertires- where il lm tneces- -orne women and Intuateell titi].P hoelookthîl ltradiiîîîîî treatnhetters fmuet buY awth eacclfour Pnuliîd. 0f whitie lour a pound of moit n it) nte ffcIn0 ti iir cîddle ataeîilt a i', s-rî r>t.oban!niîaah ihm,-îvariiiai a sleal kifes thiat I andi wit, S ipqî i' b,- .-. r .. tilule. Consumer, havi choit-e of cainint-al. i-rntliitr. barley gadroin-t,,i-i t a fredfr ineitgiiladfe. Striei.aii i ia tiTherî-tr.lieî,îfl ttke t a ia la bi- ae ktv Eld5 i illweftalIor ae v~ xrn-is-rai dlltitltai aslu maîtibutîî-Itacombîine tiîn,-eada of ho- nth od allai' I nii oaitiilte>rie aoyear ago flour, at foeur, buekwheat ilour ana polatotIlaur. R'.- flour, grabalil tln.E sf&dblatihi iiha.ewe i -lten 1i-ri iisitt ii 1 iecaîit-ltras ' fw bt-t- tei Ngir. let t n aI foti'i betflu adcake ftIr iay fbt iild wfiiiîtout subsîtlts , , ri I m<. ikthla miwhits h ,,ndit -1 (ltlliteli cvi! traitin thto- gooti,(i.ropilel rpsue f a Ri-n t- . lii, tMr incnt-ntt-frnt ti nzi. An ordî-r has roule tram thsea&0: itostîta-- iiU, lii<Iîo relf. ~-Con Mui(white bulk) ............Ptr 100 b.-15.75. te ri-lafwyer g e it-a.,The- pressure. itui. terived. 'tnt geenrals office in regard Io thse bitE lt:: i lt- lrfln opilal Cern Miai (yotiew batik) ........... Per 100 Iba -85.76 te di-ri-ti way frogjsWagskegan irdit ~Icortuîng Ia Pire ('uit-f i)l-itreli. aNiwait t> .(, . Kuniforme off l'a fou iii ar cow. I BeA$utlTERIES lt e fitciienle giknitrk t>hoti hrttiîgh ltIioli. t han bt-su annouflitedby icr ei, a, al iirn near rlf100f SCOn (best grade*)>..... ..........Pt-r t.- 48c t - Et i- saitithat i presiînli or Chicago-Tyter and Killifer, Heo tiis at- tnatui bhi-n avlaitlt- iiiai, .1towit-fiaont (hîca'go (oMilwauskeelare falt) N ~ tîîléLaitev cofliy Bacon (medtim grade) ........... Par lb. -n eIhi uI ,sde rxadOarl.Tiii ni- baiIlgireafwmnuths ai il ii t)uri-.4 r i reat BicitsaMd tlhate! wil i .Il il îî 112 wheîs but tnSqua'es (well) ..............rE er 1ahl bdt.o~ uiit î îi-dm n -Frei emnl iettwnotisa> lii- uab IGii .ka adfa ont 1- -- ii li- atîî- lain pu- iltttik wbiî-h camne an huit :1i - 1.i-lt hy inînelrs of th.~- ire- iepîrtî Ile "-N"' en ftint i te naval atatIas tai-tii t Io i -ar rtiint (enteýr.1Lard <best grades. turton) ...........t-Fr 3i-lc.7e liadtmade- a vial li the ofii i- Io Blin-eysanrStsng Ilit- h.. i r r.t tii-l t., Nt, Ytork forl Lard..................PtriiIlil, e Ittit Saîuraay 1niariti. - atnd -b-en far ditterent. i uniformg in tht-se towns. aishe " > l, li ; ll.%I f (bulk ... .........' li40 -baw ii oui" the editon of irî- i;i rsý c n u ti (c nl it e l h rd n tr e e m to a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n g i1-tIt îii a n Chaaece (full croam eut te order> old Per 11J-.20 40e tte in no uncértaintn i-n In <sifp. ~T ic îitdutedrof c.întelp hi t n tew-n g of S her n elot permttie aIitii it-zgrltit it..îsîy Cus.<fliora, utteeie. e Pr b-26é86. tact, il Es deelaneti on the êOit- I iiai Penway Park, Boston, Sept. Il.- tineti lite bt-aditf te local irt - tthe camp. Soitiaiai,IN 1,-W iCheffs (fullE cream, brEak>..........Fer l4-::. ic th.-l itt- n bha ssel a set-I iai il Basebailiwent ntoao war tune repose partiiIitlbaî iwouId tle Ati ta,. ;g - or 2_,-i-ilsl-in tli-Prunes (<00te,00).............Pt-rlb.-14c l urirIisedE lclîîî -irhletsE teronaste otn1e n-dkiidseo1auitayEiî atlI tm (enrlSerir a L arti ii i tII-iti tt .-rsnPrn. 0 t 0>..........i'r bîi and plilîical crles. WbaîiaI. ox defoated the Ch.tcaga Cuba, 2 la set trai îmur e lieit 0f thi- tIo"llti*teksi Efoi, i tah: X ii- i gise oft it n e 70) tlb- 1cý i Prues(60t ugli 's saidti tabave saId iV tou 1, takifl tise fourtis gainsand the latît-rîtliai,- î.eîn i)rriedîi ati ir. - tusalit a atl omn W>cul Iller 4,%;l \1 : ilth-d itloeoftha~' Pue 9 e10 ..........Frl. le1.c tuait atdiwlaat Woodinau ii:il Ilworidas champlonsisip for 1918. i:ihg-Id aI tht- ('t-ttr*r *aliart. Etka ie saidtai aI nvôite is wacl'î i. i-iiiiiit- tui.II'lein..............A 1 b. - 1 ha, -aid la McDonough rnil oýlis i, Hondrix *and O'Farrel werc tise bat-. i lie (ityre-e-ntly aîdertd 2.09) , 1 t. la ilt-afr shlOSOPIY; aidt lI aad ~ ~ Iýk li -iilu-! îî afat lite <any ... l.t1lt04 1 5)1e2c n inable but proba.bly. i, i--i n-- tory. for the Cuba ater tise seventis fiet otlire luis-e 10taithplte tIdcit-iain Iltu r the(l e o ai Ri.. h -i ii:iti:gîy5.-rs. ' Rico (bitas ie>.........j,......... Per 100 lba-19.00 1le Ils idldiibit .tory becaumetIt i- -ai, inning. 'lttt igi isry- itt emn aî eea vrtay setts Iteith :ît- iii li- l-tis oe Iana(nap.han *itte).......P-r ib bi 8131SeC ue tiEngs whicisdo nt oî ii - itia Tise game was wetl played with the al îîrg- One-ii ti-uandftt--t of Ibis llai iturs painting bis bous». 'It 01. 9»# nayhad Ike)ý...... PrEî) istaîv - o far a atle e<-orhiîut ilexception of thse third .nning whietî liai-er td here Xonday andsîlwla- as noit hat 1 medtateti auythis of 1rýsMIk (ig«t -rdes .......... seg- .thge Soit reached eft-handed Geafi Ty- tak itut te south tilde ire iStationIt 1kv Canîatlagllev nald Mir. Bckh.85. - ' ilk(nedlWn grades>-------------..17e 31eiLitii s furtheroe tahi lititer for thelr onty twa rune. ThEuy ad aitiit-bt-t-n ntalled onun Iereju' but i dtarly lave 10 foo1 witb a paint Mlii(waertdFuitsweund>-;r I 2 5et bnly ferMIknogî iiiiJa wsre scored witisaut a hit being re5 vutateidl motor rire truck. Tise ré-- hiactet anti nake tthings new andi Liaiiiîiii--h, igt. 'trt;l im t weee).. l121 à ihrl terle)nuh1-i l-u-Istered. Maya wslked ta start tise in- î ofa- gthlb.- home lsexporteil 101fgg-sh again." andîIî V i -- t:tiig IgIaOIýSitta îîîutter (creamery, extrat baik) e I on a-. îînEng, wfflt o second on Hoopers «rit-shortly. 'ritehauliaide it-_________ tht V.> -~a i ie :rad irîg> (n. enthihr IcrIns is ubs, tenese str.-gt lie keeleti ai-: ititn sacrifice and then BSean drew a pas@. deparimnt tt IwiI be able to rt-- tii , tii rn ri y(n etbghe n- aartons le er la tube), condition sniuit- i a.s tReat eurnIgTbuumM.litY 1n t lii' io u- îtrt- utterîne (standard ggrâes, cartons. Pt-r ILb.- 2,17e tkp lsonewbrelie rn - h - On Stnunbase an boiti oute cis advaced pa of t atheut Enibal lacaEt- n foreietyee al :ii i-I' -tl 'ua ~ke. I*uft*qr,* ta4ndard grades, relie> ...Per !b-29c 54 oticlous u ntili Sunday iaalilig . A bse dbthcOuwnFcitabrofliee ouli side d e ri <bes 0f uone pirlt te . Isa m lits iii-.-..(Etdiudroroll@Waitemans tinsadrive.3itinlît aihia haveibt-t- nlisinisai tht- i flOflflCSa tisai driveaIr of ratahave j Bttriu medum rti ad bti. Pr b-îe.33 tît lie e egin the )t Tise Cube'ian vwes tise resuit of Central siation Pe-r mince the irt- iauibeii, wtli mulftPlYte 8?,011USÏ 1)-!yTogt 9lgga(et'Eetly fresti. candldl -....>aatn-n 4e "cXic aite oainbtenA da tr a eit iscitait hisiing. Fiack singied and agi. truck was put ont o f commtisiontuIn wo yeatu, but thse reaulln M Fi-> l-.1h th gnusadPittatts fnew)------------------------er loiiimlts$2 7" o. t pili.- sin-. ,ctr1ia.,.-tPi 11 ,i N tI enu n.(n-dant at ac n l: di.and tird (liraulsi a steten base, ise aen t tahbedislurtsed.--ObiO lIaIS pety I lo - - ILhi- a îrîîî.alter@stlb. id that NlI-1)onoiiggblias takil ni>u a(-- ecored on Mekues single. Tise day iJournal. tvorl.:?!i]ii 12-tue pari in bis leislati iitiia was vory cold andth ie crowd was sa no hint ai whist tisese may be, but - ieti hiîrday nîarning. mach smaller ihan In thse two preeca. thse threatened strike of tise pi*yers Romn - -ip OptimEtte Tisouglit. Defeat Warried Tîmn. ng days. Stili tisere was a goat i*n tiig serEes shows well tise (rend ilh oman WBr fthe IDlp. àR Truc roaycoetniste flot in great i sized tisrang present. af tise commercial spirit now domln. Strw -ta E Moem TIe ssnofw*roftie acInS to bu i siea vitie.Aiaihtîr (lim wbich i, sad tla TiEs ndaubtedly was tise last ap- ating theseitanie. it-i tta la-t aie-as ms»bat àacrew of 22A mn et 'W alel pb>)» butlu_____________ havit arked on !lIotiilmidpearance of major leaque bseubail Tise 191 suries woand ap withs ~ U.. iisagt.ý tftGêkbt 7 eeomew. ii;onthret-ny seriouâly was lb. fart iliai lie tîndar tise national agreement antil Chicago victor n twa games wiY l liai- , tiiî %loii agl-i(Iou -itut ece. The 8 1*e51 -f tISESvesmriW"aNover. (-,vas buing totei as a ltýigî.iii as- aliter tise war. It Ea practicaity car- Bouton won four, haif kp -GhEcago and altgi lai tî',ng ilE stt ttuse tet! six motn an 10w la far W'en amns iJtanta co-tin' ltiroublat» piralst lbuti ec etilîlnot S.- lli-tv bis tain that when tise tErne comes again iaf in Boston. Eit kept bostons rec- tl. il... lit t ilrtig itil absout hi aîfa eltr i o sdyeu e urul downF tanîlalgn wa.s niékiîie ti r. lraresu ta renew tise pastime lit wEll b. an- ard ean. Bostonlisas neyer at0 wentier.liedon'hthdy tuh.glItiîroîglîotut (be dîsîrîci. It* ie sali Il cor groatiy cisansod condtions. There wortd's &aies cElas. I________et_____a___à I. - - 7 ;AT FulO-Alden Conipany's.sterte . A LL ofou wtcmkr and opticians are in the service of ~otgr eountry. (We know that they will do their share to- wards wintiing, the ware) On account of the demands made upon us by the army draft we are unable to secure competent and efficient workmen. in our jewelry and - optical departments, therefore, we, are going to dispose -of our entire stock of jewelr y consisting -of. Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass and Jewelry of al descriptions which will be sold. at a public auction to highest bidder ýby Messrs. Robinson and Levy. r~ ~711-,rtiruua ulv n ~t, 2-0 2l 700ndll nck. ntil the pntire stock hbas been disnosed <of. ir 11411 -ztu m u i it. i iiuc&L4.u~sayaJ L-d.vý-a i.' . VV15*V .'.'.. W> aJ.WS-** - L- . BOF At Eatohb 9eaeW. ara olng te 01v. A iay a âUautiful Olaund- Ring!I REMEMBER-The sale. begins Saturday, September l4th, at 2:00 o'Clock. Be on hand-at 2 -P. M. sharp as a- beautiful gif t wilI "be presented to each'of the f irst - fifty, ladies attendmng this opening sale. "The greatest opportunity ever offered to save on your Hlol- iday purchases. - -esm5 NGzmmm EST. WAMQICGAN. -1lgý. Pianos- (Opticians) Jewery 135-137 South Geuesee St. Waukegan, 111. -t bi andi at- lIed Laîn tate 135-137 South Genesee St. Waukegan, 111. % LMMTTVILLE 1.N-DEPÉN.DF,.NTT, TIIURSDAYTlil-RSD-ý-i-, SEPT. 12,1918 i -

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