CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 12

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LIBERTYVILE INTEPENDENT, TEfrMSD2,&Y,_TITUSDAY, SIPT. 12, 1918 I»etyville Indepepdent IMW ABOUTSUE * Countwy Indepedet - Waukegan Weehly Suni CORN FOR 19191iS AÀ A noveiient starteil by the Board of Supervisors Tuesday PI3RTINENT QIJERY ivherelîyV it is planned t instaîl an lietior roll showiîîg the îîaîîîes______ of aIl the mnen fron LaIte coîînt.y who have g<me to tlhe ssriie i' One wlîiel willillîed witlî appr~obationi frontî everyhody in thîe Farm AdViser Watkins Raism county. Th-ini.' to t have the honor roIl in the corridorfti-. he! Important Point to Farmers 4jounty Coiurt hotîse and have each soldier's and sailor's naineilt of Lake County stalledl there on a lîrass plate. Then i case acidenîts ocr-ur or! 1Eveiy farmer in bakse couni>' shoul>) death invadeg tlie ranks, the naines will be cliaiig(1tsl <îcgt,î,'it- rentember tht seed corn situation o! pond witlî the defiîite plan fellowed in these houer rîtîls 'lrb(' 1918 and govern hîniself accordingl>'. ÏÎst s i>authern growno Se>) ,plan in to have a durable houer rolli, oe wlîich wvii ltîst forever. lorot soîd lQctlly fo ras mucis as $15 It in felt that everybody will apoetlîis couîrse hy the sup'rvi- prb8e.Teew u eylt apprve le home grown seed available. We sorsand tlîat it will be adopted îînaniiuusly wlieî it coules to àl have no zec>) coco reserve Bo let us 001 b>' caught agin. -Sulicient sec>) final vote hefore the board at this session. corn cao be saved In Lakse county dut- _________ -Ing tht next ls'o attIksato mretIan IVE RE HRE ~plant ouF entire crop In 1919. "LAFAYETTE, WEAEH R ! Save enougit set>) nos' fer hàth 0f'ail the phrases boru ofthlis war the one that strikes li re- 1ur1ead tt) or1920.ct>)ea sponsive chord evsrywhere is fliat coined by (Jeu. Persling as lie fro thofild.b ae fotvr stood, commîîander oft he Aîsîsrlt'an arîny, before a tOîllu îile, adapte>) 10 aur conditionis. France andi salutëdl: "Lafttî'te, we are here" j Select medium sized early matuti- jIng ea rs. Everywhere orâtors and preachers and lecturers have'(' et IThe corn thovi>) be'tëll dented. on the suhlirnlity ofuthte tlîoîght, luti t remained foîr Dr. -Pus-dll Sie>) corn shoul>) be stoîr-> in a of ridry, steli vtntilate>) place. of Louisville, «lit tÙIiiieut preacher anîd st'holar, to î'1<itliî'fil(' Early selecte>) sted corn oflet coin- sentimtent. in tîtese .grlcioug org tains 30U -:er cent of moisture 8O whtýn words: setul cars are store>) the cornr itteIf "Iîen iitPirsiiDg stond hY the grave of Lafaîyette ini Ihat shoul>) not toucit aîîythiig ei-li til littie eîîîleterv in France valled Picpus ('eînet'ry, lie d11'ive-letl a properîy cure>). iîînurtîhii is rtviyelouecean .tr-eahi.î * Wheo otoîsture la reduced to 19 speech 5iiiltl l t rvteouneadfrra-iinyfsiui- per cent or lesa the sec>) cornîran enlu fleance. France had heen waiting for that speechî. Eîîglaîîd hat sacke>) or place>) in piles. safiftly M MA set>)coi-n exhîbits'ili' t iaiel been wîiting for that speec<h. Shah I1 say tiîat littIe Btlgiuîîî at therconoty fair îtext s'cek for thie basbeei wîîi in ii ier îtil mss nd -reciedîessaîî iîiprs-purpose of stos'ing te deairattilil>' liaslxn wit ng n lcr one inffl nd wreeli(liegsltid ilipis-of using honte gruau ave>. onnent -anti tesclationt for tlîat speech? l'lie spe'echî anitoiîîices -7îme cannot le speut more profit- vividly as a ligltning flash tiîe arrivaI of ait epoch in hlistory. aily ai presen titan in saving sped to ,neure next years corn trop. Pershing sabl. witb flic soleîinity of the awul reqspongiliiity Wity not let one aoftr slogans ite resting upon bIilai, andu spea.kiiiîg fot for hiinîss'lf, huît tfoi- 100,000,- 'Not a buisiel of set>) corn shoulsi be 000 meriaîî: "Ltaytte.we ae bi-e * thippe>) Into Lake count>' next year- 000Aiercas:'Il«ta.ete, wear ler!"Las, year oearly 2000bsel"f I.__________soutitern grown set>) b.dtu be shîlu- SCOP 0F ORKENL4ICIIG jed into Lýaie canot>' next Year. SCOP OFWOR ENL&,RlNGW>' ahoul>) gave -good seed nos'"Pl The reqîîest for the appointeît of a permîanent jtivenile ausiarnesrcie.I sas os a court off icer lhy the csunty ourt as niade to the Supervisera Count>' Àgricuitumal Advls<'r. Tuesday qhows the jimportance of tîis work and shows the extent ________ to whicb it lias grown inl the coutiti-. Persans who visit tihe court honne on taturday- morning aud see the lineup of childrs'nj who have bleen probated ta the probation officer and wîîo haveSEL corne te îiake their weekly reports realize the scope of thîla brailcf ftie county eoirt. The corridors are linied with voiig folIks and their parents aud it in admitted througliout the state AU. 0F 2800 SAVED; that the inanner in which Lake cunty is, looking atter ite juvein- MANY FROM CHICAGOI ile cases in a mudel for otlîer coutities te follow. bondon. Sept. 10-A troop Bhip, 2800 The nggstiîî ron Juge ersns hata prnîneît j American sol>ietw on board), bas been, venle officer bc niade to handie this work in one wliich the couirt toiredot>). Al itada etsve h seera toreaize s sncer andof eîîsmîntaoinlaorder ta savc lime instea>) of sem orelzea sner ndnectssary o osatntolannching thethoals the men.ciamber- It in fit that an efficer workiug îînder the county judge day e>) dowa tht ropes to dotoyers s'iich rathr tan weneer le salleupo thei cn ge beterssarmed aroun>) titi strieken vesse] by day rte hn éee i alsuo hn a ê etran>) camneclose alonpsrc'. results 10 juvenile nîatters. Tlîat therefore is thle plan, îîalnely ta have a permanent officer, ene who wfll be in daily contact wifhî PETROGRAd BURNING; MANY SLAUGi-TERED <he judge and who will be lunder his orderx permanent]l' . The Wasiîngton, D. C. Sept. 11.-A dis-1 care of children in this manner cannat be flgured on the dollars patcit fromthLie Ameircan legation aIl and cents basis, as thie couîîty jîidge explains, and therefore it In it4 od> bi) eiha . r~~. formation ha>) eache>) tiere that Pt- really very îimportaiît te get aýn especially qualified pergols te trograd) sas burîulng in 12 different hanlp hi poitin.plaesand) tiat tents'as indiscrint- hande tli~ ositon.itate massacre of people In..the It fleedm ýine of good temiperamient, cf ood jîîldgnient, ofstreeto.- kîndly feeling, and yet one who can he severe aud eXecîîtiî-e cf abilitt-. Th(- feling in that a w-eîîan willlie appointed tît thie poition and the feeling aise je that after tîhe plan ie operative for somne time a great des) cf geod wilI 1w noted in the mnatter cf hadling juvenile case.I liARFFIELD TO CUT MOTIIIRS OBJECT QMSOINE PRICE? TO DAU4iIITRS QUIZ BY SENATE NAVY YEOWOMEN Senators Hunt Tick by Big 011 Mothers WiIing to Send their Men in Gasless Sundays Sons out to War But They Wahington,' D. C.. Set il.-Fuell Hesitate on Girls Aniis trator Garfield announced to. e day that lie expects 500 nto fi ai IL ha. ben discovered ln the course pries for gasoline for domestileon. of te canipaign 10 enit yottg Woip- Mumeroa s a-Il as the governmet en as nurses, yeomanetes, Y. M. C. and te ali es, ai a figure lowpr t ha n A ateÇ- « te present market prîce. A. an ftenopos t .that a < cui Titis announcement s'as made 0oon elo h poIto atbe et alter the senate adaptesi a resolution ing frointe mthers of the girl.. Offert>) by senator badge of Ma-sa. l.,adifs who were perfectly wiling to chugttîs, calling upon te fuel ad-. ee titeir sans go out 10 war are giv- anînitraîlon for data bearing uponl ing sonu.exighty sel>sh reasons for te gesione situation. the keeping of frien>) daugiter at There was no debate over te res- ihome. illution for an>' statement to show A recent case was bought to lightI litat Ils ourpose might e, slde frnnj where a ynung mlan In the naval ser- te Information contained In the text. 'vice, fomîn> opportunily 10 get an IL la understood. bawever, titat t apartouent Ini a town nieur Great Information calied for Io desired be. Laites and send for hls young s'ife. cause of a growing suspicion on te Al went weli for ae ouple of weeics Part of &Dme senalors thal lite "gas- an>) then tritend snqtber began ta oline-less Snndayo" are ot neeasar>' whimper. an>) create the impression of a short. Altitougi thLe young woman was Ini âge, tbsis justlfying hig'h priées. lier place, happy an>) uneful by her Aaaeertnn have been =de . .rey husitands ide, inother began aeeing quently that the Standard 011 cons- ihingsaia nigitt, an>) daugiter 'ha> to, tpany exerts tob muchIt nfluence in go to taIse care of titis 60.year-old ba- th.e oh division of the fuel admintru. by. The bushan>) là, likely ta b. 1tration. Coapled witi t tese aser- caile>) out any minute. and IL wil he t ions ls te statesnent of tht federal a gret satisfaction (?) 10, that yaung trade commission that there ts Do woman tu think of the broken hopes, shortage of gasolint. It l9 also re. of the negletted home, ail becatuse a Porta>) that Fuel Administrator Gar- niother piayed the tyrant. fieé .ersonally sud not favor te i. ta ite Iind of stuf we hon.. 'ga.oineless Sunday'" plan. or on tnottei's day? W14.OPrcofe of Wldom. Theti' li a îrcterlstic of a good sud wse lutin nt is work la ta kno* tintt Ire i;rîows very hit; 10 perteiv n~~gPy tttiere arec many above lm wse ~~p titan lie; a>)to ite alway' s Fa 'questions, wanting te lesur et t tench.-lluskia. I_ v Yeu cANNOy LT T oAI u w AN-TiR ____ Are you worryjng about cei d il;ortage, Mr. Manufacturebr? Dosa Cie outlook speil "shutting dow' ;'or yen? Do flot b. disouraged Ïl j remedy in at hand; a remedy trieri F -e' èr ind ro',ed by many nanufacturers i' sewber pohlwer OeOO &sk? Good sites in the United ý,4 ' itatea bave been pre-etpted PrettYr ,enerally, voiu say. Granted, then. York.Oaal' to N'wY ak:nq, cost iii pr0po.tintat the increastatI ,hy ot ros tI. brde loo IMinnesota. and Br tr tCîiuîtitas drand ,and use. makea it Clear- bh ntcrs th bodri ta toWashington. ly the fia utmring f oreti ef the anbada and use nmornfa that seven- The bearing wbich thtài exporte- future. and asa coal ain ntet t ail »«n million horse-power water tien of power has upoi the i mporta iikely to revert te pre-war priet. iower going ta waste over Tof coal into the provinces of Ontario nmany idtrs au plylng the Whydo heCandies ot ne I and Quebec, the source ef two-thirds wri' markets will tale adva tag Why do liThe Cad nsot use Iofithe availahie current. may b. sur- of this tact by Iocatlng In 9=1 ~ouask Thy d tse orn, bt fotmlaed. Since the. war resulted In a where raw niaterials aro plentifuL bill. Canada bas an avaîlable watar scarcity of vessels for transportlng Tivan %ard Io already theve and ptower of almoat suneteen million coal up the St. Lawrence for the ini- 1 .Ceis horse-power of which eh* unes abouti dustries of Miontreai, there have been Canad. ia blcssed bith .1.o8t 10%. Thisa mail percentage au?- converted te the use of elactrical every torn- -d lte boule elernentsetc Dlles, with à few exceptions ail &Ale energyim that vicinity. niâ lesa th&n manufacture andi the natural powers Princlpal Canadien citles anP a greaot on.ehundred and fifty private ste=rn by which these may be itcveloped. miajority of its towns avlagnas, pltswha demand ofabou't as It bas lands suite>) to diveraied unednet a few farmes withbydro- many thousand herse-pàwer. Others agriculture sufiient tc sustain a siectrie energy. Furtfser, tht.. 10%I are conidering a like rnsoma _rety ircreased inidustriel popula- vielde a considerable surplus which Ition. lion. Canada te crossed b y great trade la exported. New Brunswtck's sur- Hydro power beinir the one neees- ratutes over wiic Cartadiaen producta ~~......4.,.U..b l ..w n-camn)t1ýlV uhicdecriAspe jinj travelfaz:J_â 4pt a.a UI Lieui tiol t k-pickeý e Great la'ie ternoDn. Ajathie s-i. swecptng u [EN ENE Y IS 1 he liai;r !and»an a heat faei-~ [ENli EIIEIIIthecard or an alien ent;-y. I5WDUI~5W TH EIlTe i ard i-lii'>)tha thie mnaits [SIT K BOUT TH jI troni a nearby vtI> and ha>) evidenîl>' been granted a Iwo seeks'. ltatt of VIATILIT A1~ bsetice ta aisit thicagri. le di>) not ÀVÀTONHANfu i"tsvc- perniEsion ta eteur the <-ihibi- __1__ ton gratunds.. ho'e ver. an>) Lieut. ileut. TeI'liammon>)Io taIse chargae it. Forbes Has Invistiga- of te Grant Park exhiit, itnitspectu->) In Made to See if -He Had te notors carefuly.lie. tcauid fn Sno trace of atm>' harn dont, an>) se Causd ay Daagé turneti tht, card over lu tht authori- ____ iem. iallen ret'stration card waa "A cari-fui inspection shoapti no ->) op in te hangaar of tht Iapparentr defar h 1 inte seaplane In it Lkesaviaion ýjj helx.hich 1 Iotir, t untiog" seul Lient. t~~~~~~~~~" Lae vainixlii i i orb.. -in thur'first tfiîght, I1touight front, Grant Park Tuecsda>' a- lter' wsssatid'inmn i>olI, because PEt E Il APS the li ... o t S t i IN's- çsive tlîing ablit Ouri w e 11 hia 1Iati lic d stoc'ks of new Fal nierchandise is that we have closely aul- hei'ed t.>oîîr past standards oif quaI- 1h', It 15 Our mis- Rion to servec'yô, ï net only by hriug- iug for your clice every apparel es- sential for thîe uew seasan, but ta pro- tect yenagainst the dangers cf ill ad- vised subàtitution and iuferiority. -i- F wherever the cil ha> leaked titrougli ADJUDICATION NOTICE. c-racks min tnt motor il s'as lounul toi publiec notice i. ibe. ,'gît i,11tlltît lie ver>' gritty, and the mntor oaer- tlit Suirsîcriher 1-t ;u* Ii.;le- i lheated hadly; but it was !found 'ater XVill and l'eetain.o' of tARL.WlE: 1 bat itifîrinr cil had been aupple"i 'îrEî.ueüea-seu, ailatti-td the rfor the motor. whlch causeil Ihis rosinîv Court of L..îIe Uo;îîîî. at a overleatlng. The dust hlowing In t-r,n1 .tiiereof to b.- luoidi-n at the from the exhibition grounuils iae.o ('ort 1lons- lit Waukegtn In JsaW csed trouble." Couni>', on the firmt >uiona of Nu)- elAn I nvesitigation la being made of ai-miter nvxt, 1915. ahu-n and whi- the alt'aiL aIllpersans ha' irg (îLti.a.iîîs ugain-,1 ___________ -.saiu! e,.tat- are nu; Ifl.-il ttul rPslue.,t- ePd to pru i-lit the sainte tu s ai! Court A MATINs TH for adjudication. WII.l.IA.N A. 'WTEI .xetitî,r rof the I.agt XVII and Testa- me.nt of tari Wa%'wetzer. rh-C>) XX aî.egn, II..Septtobi n.1918. __________________________ kly Si-Pt.1212 Commences 7hursday, SEPTEMB1ER 19TH 7 ~ .8 - t Oftering delight fui expres- sions of the new Autumn modes in Coûts, Suits, Gowns, Mill*inery, Shoes, and Dress Accessoies. We ccedjia11y invite you to view the fine fresh stocks now being displrnyed throughout the, store where quality standards. have been maintained and are rightfully d eser- ving of your confidence.I J .V %P %J JLIU 1 ý . 1 - 1 - APEASTOUAL MERCILÂNTS TO DECU ORATIE STORES FR1. E. P. Sedgwick Asks for 0b servance of Pershing Day Throughout County L. P. Sedgwick of the local War savlng,ý <ommittee, sends thié apell Lu merchants 0f thpe ounty: la Friday the lJi!> of Splitietnber iinluclcy for the (CerminV? Yes-PERS}II NGS iIIU AY. On that day î'very rnîerhant in te state of Illii, ;14 tblie atrked ta p iLsuh thliegale of MWar Saviligs Stri'oip as t hiv vo;;l tvIridi i articlen ln ttork. The spicndid re.eît &euccea'res of ,mr boys s du. te tîh'ir eju1ý.:men- pivOty of guns art I pleiity of aminun- ilion. Let'é Izeep thn well stJpoi ed. Etach War Savings Stamît ;îîrcitred ýýupllvaanother Itundrelhnley We S' ould like tLüliate evv.ry re- rail store 1 nthe statýý for I'r-rýhIngR' hir-tiday, and for t h.' mi- i ire wp.-k, If posmible, trii tlti'-l wn- l jiit lomi, *ro(e sit' le. A I] i. t. t r ~ 'sakî-d to opa tih.. paris~ a nil lA)tion mhop.rslir tt1 of a s troyrrg fa! ) ite are gI ueil t o thegloa. tu ljrtt tlthe j1ietria1us un th- at retfrottglas-, wi r h rtt igit tfa!] frtom how wintiow!; shatti-rted y s4l'î Cr.-pe 1ap.-r for t il., , i tpose, huit sirips of white litt lîluer can lie "sd inettaul. lK 11ite wlîîdi>s a I.-r c(%i; t d li t Iii miainer and the*îîr or f tiiiW eIriaitigt; Statttps irtit iltitt I % i spîlay- ed ln rte &ntO r,, and- liii. taeiake i ershIttttr iri hday. l"r!,ul bUt an unlucky une' foi t>., kaitser. VALUABLIE SPACE :S SAVED BY DRYING. SILOamq O~ sa CoMurL 0p 1ý tta? f~ OFW6CTASI.Cn. 10- ..n NOMpi. OFamo Wat to know &U1 &bout it? Serd à two-cet tsaP for postage to th-- .4ational War Garden Commission as Wshigtenandget a fret dryin-g bock. cc br CI, fas TI Bu fa et- of rit; fn e>) m p tit e r ce ag fvov H. Se s', de le 1 ,

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