CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 6

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LBr4,iT~~IL :.COUDnty S a 'N ews ýE INE relv on their booesty. going10 aat m firt Eng- E Ir al u-inla acanteen Iodai - The ne drtthee bai. bte n uheo u rooklag justes dîferont titan tl t onarage lcn te tauega tele, -u Amarlcan. i guess Ils the seasoning. O U OFIHumAM Y out 0f towcn aplcts I aktaIre Ont CIY" FCO NT Y the a rca osr APPEAL 0F À FINN mîYI%-h*emen. to cone under the i iida lowa-r that wa-. grow- tl arn ver ba tir e a e etiia With Soft Coal Smoke Belching Itîst orîti il for noepi,. uar Mattie Patai Sends Word to 1 edr .ThtisIle indicateti by tire from Hundreds of Chim- sako. Wife in Waukegan, Rush cents are SO mary !tin r mite.p neys Tile oomsCitzenhip apes Agiane at tire marriage icense neys Tite Loms itiznsh'ppaersrecord la W&u'regan shows that a MRS.R. E WAR S INQUANRY ajority o! tire men who laite out Il- TO VIE WITH PITTSBURGHM S .E W R S I UNR OVER MATTER .,luisena are over tire ega Of 31 anti undîr 46 years. There aimea -AH, Office Buildings Here and- ELECTED IEAD 0F Because of Status of Situation are Intaie _'wbçbro boys of 18 have Hundreds of rivate HomesBetween U. S. and Germany itnknedou e Hudes 0frSite Homes X C. T. U. IN CITY! How is she to Doit The tact tiat there ta uri a dis- M ust Burn SofthCoalltrit>' In agira o ! m any oft he cob.cO - _________ ton Aaytappewiih ; qcoma- out or Fnln aniw ouiti tend te Indicate ftlat the- Watuukgaafortet o f m be inge Ibt0 W'iiika-uafrom, a biîsband ta bis 0111Y tiroughlt.osoma- .? the min vas Plt ctabrf the c11eo!nte Annual Meeting and Election wi!e whiî ta a big extent asue ta get mat-id ai qrickly as posible Tusla nticalti romtbofac tht 0 Ofices wan air o! pathios hecaase of tire rit- with i Ute regard ta the woman they -This aoundio! soft oaltha file t o Ofcr as HeId Hem ail W f th ia-wfe tg get ta hber h-as_ took as vite. Out o! sert-n licensses tisér! hemetnsvntr1wl h an Friday Afternoon h1%, 'ltie information anti records issuer! bore Thrrrsdav aftornaan ai% ______aie___ aht qd n thr-bit-h lie tisires ta %vpe a awrset0f men Whoorne0 îtin tire tim. ai-ertra lra ustila ltermaaue Of making buiseîf immune, new draft ma. limita. ri ynr. 'itî laespciaîr rrr wiliWaukegaa. Sept. 3. f rom irr'.ica-la inte Cenman armv. Tirat an êfort ta escapre tbe draft district for L P. Fr- The Women'a Christian Tenîi'-- l The- name of the man i1 iit a does net actuate tn' couples lce pro- ckine fuela.m, srto !Lla-aaoUio i-deioraaalmat art. %%o prier ta about a yoar anti babe-mrany o! tire mon may figure tIl st. asrume t tir offfce builings i'ig anti election o! officarsPtriav at-a bai! mgoliato cls-rr-,trtir>ylh-caiian ayni 1021 h oftcol. esInthae mara-ternoton at the Ta-tparance Te' 'le Wa'ukegan, and wbo weat laeiinlandl lbay viali to gel marria- oti a iat toir giva th- p efaraol ita a n Wauka-gan. The foliowina- olitceen a O itai-t to relatiCve.% tbmning that tri îecnglteralîet tsi' o! pu hslag wbti ti lard vereelecteti-Fnanitenaaintette-br M-nhoaeg-tn m-reail ecol Il; ta ho hatianti as there lis no1 I'rr-sidlent irs. Russe-ll Erlarti -.Ic lante'ltul'en wa n etanttire ies Wh aret glia-y a- li edabith OislIe hane Iialthoa- nilllia i ta ra-,-' r.ela'rlakJae. tibe-Ir-,arrih- ef c i n aescapetie draft uare due for a sali aoub fr U a r fie hlrinagenjreratr 'î Salit Iiihlittisfoks anti thon retîîrni4O awaka-ng for Ibiss ntIconsida-ret thre pr-vtae homose. spliithra- Financial ,Ecretary-Ntrs., lIa'.id ta Anîoric,î vitn liede-irtni 'aliti grountis. Oiierg o!f the do-c. touvabuilding. UCarincn zj laad o! tirai hl cotfront..t ________ *L arroceeriac to put la thoîr pup- !Tr(r-ar.urer-iss Grrce Pla, ea- posiin on b-totha-eI plies cf biturninouisTtît-a-M-s Elrr-i Yema. Irr'îuOf astinbatritcofatnur a *ot sroit hirs s intnov-l-in lir-E 1glitfoot - alite-n.r'ir t-1,v .tht-Germr-t, naltor*SPENDS IST NI4ilT fror hraretr o thinne in V ice îtrt ,ýifr-onitcittrclies- -tic. tît Proticîr-e bis Anrc-acthori- t k dowatovni district the conditiont't-IOIiX r.E ' lnar.. si Oi-. r a-n'ritc>ani vUIi ut nbIthua-tideair-ablewoPesi On.%r.w.Femr jh ai tIN FRANCE IN OLD th birl ear>-andthie emoke s-t-' Iiaptlt- MrbCar-re Sinruoti reislan- tltoward tha- grounri Launties arr - - U. rltj t-eAmearicans. ovidenti> will betheoi oilwbo i;, ots ei -n six yars of 5age D fiii Profit hi- the-rotîritinaof affaire. C rr' aioal 9 1 Carlas ou otPis rithbs nohrha-r-e inWr',.-SERTED CASTLE Fit-st Chtristia tke iafnr gan anti act-orting to records inj Tesaine condition of affairs. oni> l ia'tel t îtuan Mrs rl ieLk-cu-t.onhue ovs ,»l lHleFre s 1Ramodified tispi. vili eha-lfenti l- Ph. la the rnsideace dis-trict-tia.. undreds aaaMarie a tcitizen IlrWalikeanantaSap.,Cr. i aleFre s o« familles vililii i d tuga but-e Sa-a-di-bl Miorlist 'cre.Chais.ta-miwrr- 3:c sistant Pressman for Sn I a.Ud6tdý hsmrigthe- a-ra. wlantn. l aot oa tndSwlrdl ter wt ,bj apist-re. iM. Eck-. oîh- -reul iat- .Tells Experiences ',cbw iln g ninri ng 0f bous tnani -ffice a bore a r-rpy o! hi- -tz--il - -vire comeu itin-w> aea- North CiaoMsFred Cook. aatsWî ouei T e pip- TEL 0F RS BI ES wite oa-eiuitirgal. Therte Iftei.-aates rta the- coual> convention! showcdt tat FataIri la 51 ya-ar i agr' ____ BILLET »d arthepea- hu lo oyer.tra-cha-Id CaWaukegan, September anti actordintth ie ticturf tiipltri U betoByTbcoith --e su epl ot -s aiso iere elecieti a.. fOllOv-:eti by is alto lie Ih a bantsome look MMu flot herowpel ca-su o r il imj a-wmes E- G.Hintéit .Frank ing Fttraîsliman. lio stands about jTown, Depend upon Uncle sot ~ ~ ~ ~ Clri Btteroi loto a-. BF. iglîfoat, Will Fariner, rira- foot sera-aanti vaigis about 17, Chas Matlcotm. t Pound.,. HI- hJust ana- a! tira-kindlISmfrSpî Alternate er a--a-a-Ited as follows: t t'lthIleGpr-mans are trylng ta im- SmfrSpl tirs. Schtrtz. irs. Ala-I ide Conaner-s, pt-ess,, mb Ibeir iligting forces. 1 Hart->'Raille, thie Sun .. pr-enir- PITIREiTINiSEStella Shea. MaY Hîi ant i Tliea-ife row )]"ves onit t- biri bs %ut recelui 'dtait ., rn ASrangemenEsIaTeIN I ng madet: letter ye-.lerdav fromru h iishandnivh ianîr ngwia he. lah n AS TREYEXIST N aie, he eouty convntionane o!fa i-bwit-h ha- todltiber- that it vas u foranyi rne opzlHli B R T I H . O W 1' le cou ay. I il i expectedt ta a copies r 0f h i- ctize sip pa, a- r-- er-sman for ti, Sun andti t. f i RRITISH ~~~ tire mr -îcs!lee o t o uîoî -ed ko- 'U o-. number of dlgtsw li eai-hho ecould show ttatheG-rmrti draft frtotflthi- cit>-. lie l aei Lu ter K iemna W rites Concern- Ï.7hea annual reports ao a tiat irhe from Iirtiat- hlm iito the- arm l-. S - j fis letter tel-s o! arrnL in l Eng C. T. U.lias had a mo-t profitable explýanlat-itrt tho-a-at toî ini.mj!a- landr front Camp G.ordorn andd cr b iag ing Lite at Rest Camp on a- t-. hotiliProuee *a- a, an Amrrcaa-i - traasported ta raet bllets la Franc,-. Islad :citizenalho oould ta detaineti but i il.-. rlasxri;tion of tire custom. 0of the Islandy voulti tbim pra-saed Iinto service. i cOurt-- l most Interemttag. Ha-eta-lis PEOPE THRE HINKHARD '(iSLES ' SU DAYIt vas easy for the mire ta aocure of bar irrg sr.ioaa-ight in a largie PEOLE HEE TIN HAD S ND 1Ibpeocpy eo! bas citiza-nsbipaersa-asIle. but tire na-at thing ihs10adaermt uetv ottrs oi Fo egtttetOe abt nFn France Aug 11, »lt. Ahmian lagFlie Evry. FIND fE VILA- land. There la no communicationDt)ar Brother- Wher inBrion nd ol-between tis couatrY anti the colin.on I amn now in a test camp fil Franc-r, dier Gien elcme T RS N T E C T tria-s ibat ara- under German domina- Probably for- a ew days. We - just ATY inad li o fae ht e aet ahiareat camp in Englanrr. d i e r s G i v e n W e l c S e p t_ __3 . a I t h P f l ' C r o s s - s i t - b a s î p l l e d h s e r y I n l a L i g l a n d i s e r y b e a u - Waukoh K e a m eptvZ. Exr. lyFe Ca Ot ro ,0er-nîanririr a.s nstanding titul and attractive. The- bouse-i ara- lir. Jhn iem lis rceietia ~LreeIyreW~,.rs utSun-itua F'inlaati anti thanibti-efore thet marýiYail built ai brick anti apçear "2 'rintslre.ting lette frota ier soin, day, Number Being Mucti lpa-t-s canenotta sent It-ougir tir e ar> test laokiag, Witue tirere ia *M-Vilgves a rhIvd piture a! 1Ra--d Cross. Futhermore te -Rus- camp i took a hîke about four tales *0 MaY ire idathinga InEsLWand. Less than Last Sunday 1 sien enon- aCiciago bas no stand- aut anti saw 5otai uer>-fntaresting 1118la8 eie of tri fa-w d a c- lanlth- FinniSh terrltotr lt the slgbts. This camp vas close la a nig i IÇunhs O!f ng.ant's dally ltire t "GaRless" Sudrîey vas oh-prond preent tiffle andt treafora- t<i vire rit>- but we vire nôt allowedti a go atm i'ec 1484, efor, u9iualy tihe sot- rigldly hY Waula-agaa t-a-ida-tsanti, andi ber frionata at-e >Xc>edilgly- there forroie roaoa. Tire climate ea ulil tiray geet lathe bat- exlreneiY fa-w aatamohiles vere out, warriecl as te boy thareata-goîa taelier-e nates about Iba- saine as it du,-s OBsceais befre liray start vrîting as a resuit In fit-t th,, absence o? gel o'.îr tire aaceeuary Information la thua-atates 'Ut centainly. are snia- bIbek detâiîed facs Kiemas lelter: machina- m aa-s e rra- mrtttapoetarlel nA ica l-lngv>ta h.-sat1.Iauwi - Weil. v. are eta reat camp near than on the preea-ins S rilda> Thi.-r zen. itg thîs latuer ai the camp Y. M. C. - ltbster somewhireaint. Engiani. rua>- bave taon dl tira the ft-it that' Accortiîag ta bt-r la-ler ta bis vife AX anti 1.c. plaee ,la ia.Iitildilh -ol- Ill iremrea fa-y deys trem .vi Paople v-eemore avarie tra-e ct, Palan o, nov in Slkkjarui, Finiant. dia-ts. -*ov agaimi but dont know aba-re we-a-ta the govîraptnent il datîrmîneai - Wba-n b' as ha-n la Wauka-gan, L<.iiigly Phil. 00 truzm iere. Ami glati ta gel an to obiain a sîrpîcîrof ga-rolina- anti the Yoaung mîan a%-as employa-ath îe Og5Ortmintyta rest anti vasb up as Ibis t-arrIr-lierrairrerionl>- b>- chia-k-'w ifa-woarks. r oas ane o ftlle be-t iSorucherela FTralicCi. v. dtd't gel a chance t a-more ail ing the use o! mat-ines for, piaas- It-aW o trYong Frrnisb men of t--I uua iIt Ou' clothes durirg tire trip. Jtrt-oput-poses, jsouth -ride. DOnar Brother-- Ags s gb 'HOPe you ra-coîva-t he bIter 1 A wpeak'ago Sunda>- Ibona- yen ajA ieatCtp atea b -rbte wvison antira-slip. lil sioulti feW peola who drove tbîir au tom- 0 A'.,n n tt 1i&T 1ctrherr -rtuerramplit uep a tfou have been tnalled a-bon va-arrirmi a iln5ta citîri-li.seemiag ta faelbIat A IIIE W UL A (-0 - arl aili n.usit Ia-al forr F Dort. that masa na-cossai->-use for Ire nia ---!t E W U Ei N fa la býi llferts sOr-ne-i 'fklanditg lA averi- beautifui cotin. (-ine This va. ntIdone ibis Suan- U Buef r ar fahu--.Te trY. "Thre srenrnlàIsatatractive. (li, fan officiais atoWa-bIngton baldljj O fhîa'IC 8 ta anrpa urougabalis tte lu eo*le tis'o sapatrîotuc bore and rieti thai *mat-bina-esho int 1,0 kuk IS6érsatodiruhu hslt ail have a mort sînceriexpression isedtia1 con'. ay peofietîa b cirrcb T ir i ot ti castep i ras OR thirirfaces. Tre iart-mean a wvirea-thor 'n v othet- va.-o? ge- > L P arrlI abile but smi arns- lt a- )-ou can criant ail tire fllova titg linero O0 # E E D Ti a% %o on h arn t11 at. sot1 ini uriforu. Tire vomi- anti Praclicaîl> lyte0flny tar-s a-hidi ___s_____*i lato osadhe r bat-ta Stri, do thîln bit b>- varklng in-acvera- aen on Iia their sSunriay tIbis Lieut. Roderick Mason, Broth- iai gilg Alaonile tPris and th f ire lda. Tire Amer a-eek verea- fev jtt-k-r a farhtasnti tli r-yat-e no- MMa flag riles f reel>- ha-t- anti tire tee ct-earn and a fa-wrucect-le coupes. er of Lewis F. Mason Rec- rutr îîcg lîeitr oaîs anti vbeat b>- ban il ~Arlcan oîtiers at-e moat welcoma. aFuel AdminIstraton LEP1ErsIpe J ommended for Promotion a8 tiray haen.o Mehl.ery fao' tiat I ed fLake counly vas pia-asti aItrihe put-p-ate The vomen do tire ot-k asn .¶«he Btit cana anti trains as >-au -sltoa-lg matie 1> Wuetragan auto 'rrtaItheliaien, exet-a-t ad oaa-s, icoV are ver>- diferont frota oui-s at oa'nars. le sailli Il lhowa-s an eui- SOON TO BE CAPTAIN are t aar. bllem andi one appreciates tire tact dent tiosine on thair part ta do tire' Tbîy ties qucer orer bme-wooti Irem tbey experlemnce Il thenaseires. right lhiag. Auto ovaerls.lha-'potr- eIsheOyOneo Man so nino tokna xeint ?ir oa- ae ivdei ata igt ot- d out, must derîde for iireruelva-i'v1b11a1ii.-'. go ta cburcb-lhen tire>-h bgegtPol. Te r eyesr o hmt aeter apanimeats eahr compartmenî car-ry. irethen or net it la abolul-iv nec. Family Who Was Born in tir-ssa illitthobettot- The chut-oh lah -0mfrtbi ad ejoedth ti ot n unaygolog s h al aukgnYa Ago about six bittcks frontru orrbillet. bar-h Ooanorlale nti enjyet lir tn outon Sati>- s log nstire"Ga- ;,gnson the Catholit- atdot-, altiraugî taking aillnto cansideratIon. ioss" rnueit-lu laeffect ant ipie tblnk' FîtatLia-ut.Mottarit-k Wlite haen Cf ira-i sermon Ibis mot-itg, 1 mas i "Il ep orn-ts thitrnking vben liea-tst pr-attir-al>- ailauto ovner-a la C-ugny A. 1-2d U. S.l.,fa! ni-bics ijuiti. a cEttglisb, bias ta aarnrata-- denonrinatirins ao? 'i \tkt-gin ihare decideti that tt-rstirhnd F'gitagSeon" ei- i; lioi a opl-o mi 3000e>-. 1 chiCrged $1.00 lato Englih i rs ratn etnaia la garages until - o nt- a! Citicag rSehaond'rg-r'.om. sto.icill'-e chabua coui>-le, ntam m peath i>- o fanitie'jeepsttrotint neop oltîrnîle a len-. inpr1monder! for promotionatn captaîn lho- anti. caiiy la the wa>-of aats.t'h pethi sia- rIi- 1hv la-t-a-,. c Ia- ose No ti o r laslt-en t-assesuata-erfucause o! braver>- la action la Flan- TheN also have iirce saloons yboter InYsoîf tri it socme, irut t lirat 1i Iait t'î-arn-d off lire sti-oetu a. L t-c isi t mo o ogr-a ud ie ( aine a mwo vider W aan- id to finît, ld mn ilobuinl ,anti let Satin-day aight-anti vers se tLarge1WIl àlimnEofaon aiual- 'uroa u>- ci igat-ý.ela w smoki cng 11111 laMita iral tIC'>- vwata-tand! aCrI sa-t-I Wllim , vaqurftntl daye ay Sunetsorsmoin i 1 t eenal]day undy. linais. vto Ilu candidate for renomia. tlobat-t Cnîtî i ts village. altbougirthlIIl _ _li_ t o n o n t ie R ap u bi c a n t c e . y nttîtz g o v n is r n t g i s rs u s B u ll' D u r a it,. Il, !r Omo*eouad advice Cor both. He toldi tem i hat their child should hoeouf- ERSTOST p [a oY<~ou must cease ta s vla language ln front of titis chiid--he Pf~R EEruYPg Wy(J tla etitledti tathat ,htesae' PIWVEIICI'uattorney salid "It'a batilenougli for ____________________a big brute of a aman like you to »3 ý beat and chioke yamtr vîfe and bang Officiai Notice Is Served on the bier heati against,,thc stail, but tbat fl the worst thiag-it la fur wor..e City as to What WiII Be that this aholald ba doute Ia <ront of f -Required Hem Your child. As for you, Mrs Cale, t te pacefor you l i home-you should nfot remain siwuy frottahomne ONLY FEW EXCEPTIONS et niglit and giva- your husbanti any New Construction to Be Given Iln. As fory. MrCoe you Consideration OnIy Under . mrrge lega frontto! of ur od-yo'mue a F Conitios Povnde for your wlfe antiohIlti- a FewCondiions perbape If you woulti buy botter ciothos for yaur wife site migbt look Thre clty of Wrtukegan bai. recevrdtibetter 1tio iC. an officiai notice which tanOlet wll "Ti's thing Isnt going to endi bere. stop practically ail improveinent anld The authorîticso!o the' county court co>nstruction work that -posaihly ona are golng tc, watch tliscae cloeeoly. be delaya-d tntil ailler the war. TiheIf there are any more complaintm order conmes from the division Of vau and your wife wli ho brouglit la- b' ighwrrva of the Illinois dopartment *to court and your cbulti wiil bie tale o! public worlks and buildings foi- en fromi you and placeti in a atate lowing the- issirance of a bulletin by Institution wbere lie won't bave to the U. S. lighway.s. Council. bear vuigar language and you vii Tire .,atp &-partaint quotes the have ta psy for irts keep tlir-rî. Andi foilowling extracts frium the Z'.S* ve-ashaîl eee ta it that you Iproide bulletin andi then ar-eris that stop-r for yor iNife. If 'ou don'e we wiil wiii be takea ta, aee tilat ail the pro sec iliat ytru are piaced la tise armY visions are carrieti out la Illinois: andi your allkrtmînî witi be lurmact 'q Ali proposed hlghway, street. over to her. There was a uie ihe c uisert and bridge construction. re- a siu k f a liusband c ule! beat bis Construction andi maintenance lavoir- wif, anti thea skip to arnother state ing: (a) the issunce of bondsr; (b) aad we couiti not bring 1dm back, bu', Ithe use of rail or water transporta-hlie canit do tbis any more-there lion; (c, tha- trac of coal or ou a-' Isn'l lk rtatc ln tire union where ho fulel: or. (d) tIbe use 0f ca-rient, brrck, Icuiran d est-upp the consa-quence-s aspbait, nil, tar. eruahed Ftone or of its actyo ýteI (also r:rnd -tandigrav-rl wherv "Now 1 sant botm of You b O 9 siroriag* o\istas iiihw;ry mater- ho i ndry trrr briorng brot t-r. lai. sliouid Si-st tIc IîbItltt,-d for al) otherai,,- the-court wlii hou C ti, .1p prouai 1oth.C- ['ItP-ti :te Il gh- tnand d ke yur child [rorm l ayl Couicl t hroiglrthe .apprlirLrr havl o teen re pt>re ¶ hr t h!-;purpnooV R EÀ an a>u)p, %thoah taeANOTIIER W IUK146 hi c i ay a'. r oi teiit. No cianifrrc- turèr %ii]!iîraish an' rîradl 'iîild1ig B YSEI,~ iitvit.-ri rr-tililIll~e iP",j Ct Cl" , B YSOIU L approil, r til, T'ilr rrr--d-Mas1gr C oirir i aa.ýii ira-es that HURT IN FRANCE 'uta- ii ia ud >litreottcons t rrtion tie corritia-r to t !.. mo-st -4ontuiI If r-i ii d!trîr lir-r. itl, î" ivan Gustafson,. According to: a far gr rt,,r probelity-rta tIlil- work tht,. sse-i,cted (-;n',t-, promt]t Message to Mother, Lies in eari 1%.-i l -t-, irtî-t TC Critical Condition o0mît l4-ýtitan if an armount far ln1 ùxces rr"f the- auriabte farrilitio, .wor,_ lit Il. inirtaken. HUNDRED PERCENT FAMILY Tht Ci tril In a- ttirpoir tho- proy-cts which tone lfor, il t%" threSn ndte t e r gir-e flt t t-i-rratloetto mainte- TreSn u 1eFte 1 rac lha -.i.w toto-r r îgaill Now in the Service of U. the Ighýv, an-adi onitCiotiif: tgiwas arîd~ .efaî S. Government 'ltecnrtriict ion ilh fýtoai'1 conzidorriJb;-thi ('nuar-iloniv wher.' i Ms. Oscar (<u>tiIroirof l1tMiSti rih IL i-r cia-ark-e-taimlisb. d t'rt .tnainte- trir-tr-- NorthCtiiC (r.hi, nla- i no ]oirt r l>-r i.- o x..ei Imornlrgrg 1o-v Cilrallier dj,,coàiag- lit prnhhrt)ti,tc-co. t tC i fir-ir - trutri tite xar r1,- 'artniéjit lr Nt., eft-it5ict;,)n -tili, iregven i' r.liittn lath,- r-hapr n(f a IlO canurd,r:xtirrr ly the counctillathe t ,grýla i . . thi eco.nrdition ofr e folloinlz mer.laC' r - i rf impor SîCti. M a.rt lance,' jThe tclegrani ma- .datod Sepr-tnt- h ttat't tI t-ti trî - ('f bet-r :rdI,.and folrras i -tar- ralun ; eepll regret to inform you - .'-I ' -hua, -r ani 'troots o? that Ctla sotf.ciaiiy reported t1n5 - oui '11.111 it- - nu. Prrvate Evan Gustafaon o! the J ..0i ttnîiýhrdconrratIn l- Fieldi Artrilry was eevereiy -ýIr-nrin ontracturai Obligations wouunded n actron on JuIy 2lst (lacurreti prior tr, Api-il 5, 1918.' ad lthe department hias no fualth- where bond Issue Is Involvedi er information." a-birh mav nolt b disturbeti witb- Natural> Nirs. Guata!,oa anrd it-ý out sa-riotis cansemuencea: bhushantiarre uery Iuclworried fol "141 r.zt ropti. and hlgbways lrrrs îg the rern--pt r!fithictoi-grarn wbic-h althoug tnt o! national aad are wonda-riag wbetthir r rvthIiia economi Importance are o! auch lias devn-iop-rl ince It, was ment, The' , extreme local Importance tire are trying1g-t tInto cortunicýat:on constrution of wbicb bas pro- with Wrù.ahiurtntoaomn- if furtlie. grr'-sse-d 10sucli a point as 10tir-talis bavetla-on recoliet hut ut cause serious harriship If tbeir preaet arte ln a staa- nf au.speaae e9nstruction or compietion le snarirxipty. postponed." Evan (Sustaïfson Is 19 years oid anti _______beioags to a supply compaay with - the i2tb Fieldi Artilla-ry. Franco. Ho INDU TIO INT en bt a yeax andti a lit o INDU TION O eeryhorly aterwar was declared. ARMYUn E S HE le,,,tabroat laest February anti bas pentaking part in thre Variaus actions. r Mffwth E'.an Gurtafstrn's InJuries abroati CARES FORIs that hoa-wîii r.-ac-ltis twentlertl: brrtliray ron .M4onayr-xt. Sept.ir91h. andi thera-fore lie wili ceiebrate hi.; State Attoney Pomise Dms lrthtiay lintire horrpltal. Stats Atorey Pomies ras 100 Per Cent Patriotie tic Course for Men in Po. The Gusiattran farnliy 1.5 certainu' lice Court Today Inlathre liraI place Mr. Gurrtafson 1.9 asiroa malter lan1the navy depart- FAMIL TROULES AR ,tient at Great Lakos station and lia., _____TRUBLS__ ieoan station. d there for sanme time. - Anothr rson, Gustav, is a nierr Wife Says Husband Choked o! Comprany F, l0k ttb icn i inntba Train, and le nuw la France. and Slapped Her, Beating C .Gttoaohrsn sl Her Had Aains WaI ithe 1t.S. Nlarine corps anti t pro-se-nt ____ead_____ lal aIsstaîti edat Parrs Islandi. Southi Cr- Waultegan, Sept. 9 olina. Thlittre are tirce sons anti Mr ati tirs Frnk . Voe o 5~the father la the service at the pros3 Pored rsFanE.iCleroda2151îc nt lime. Two boys ln the army, rani dîffeeraices la police court this morn a- atomaIeatitefîbrl h lng. Cole. wbo gave big age as 38, Thie Gustafsons have two other vas arreste i t 6:45 o'ciock Manday hors who are atlending school anti nlgbt on a charge o! wl!e beatiag, a iitier girl flot yet o! achool age. He was arreateti foliowing complalats Thre Gastafsoa family inovr'd front to lime police by- neiglibors. Mrs. Chicago 10 North Chicago lasI April Colo toldt he police that lier bushalîtil but srice their résidence tbere have- choket iehar, siapped iber anti bitlber become va-l i..nown. heati against the a-ailluoliard that a Ali o! the chidren wlib the ex. hois was cutln laier scalp. Sbhe eii nier tbreýe-vear-id 1s0n la bier arme ception o! the 11111e girl wero bora as aire testîlleil agaiast lber buabant in aSweden. la court tht ,mnrniag. Accardlag tb ber story the trouble 11 -wilblier hushand hlas, extended oater J C I IL a perioti o! twa years. She eays iré lias siappeti lier frequentr- anti ba, refuseti ta buy clotliing fo r ir--e"-at--F;WO R cusing lha-r o? runaing about wltb Baliora anti others. anti telling bier ta RfJ let these mopn bîy lber clothes for AB U R T E ber. Site raid furtitor that lber bu%. LAKE COUNTY1 Publieaed bi'th. WAUKEL -AN DAILY SUN at tbe - special Iow price each $3.50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft,2uin. Libertyville Independent Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other amali grain. use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION 65Cèents laPint. The beat and cheapest Antl-Smut on the mar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND bRUCO. The Rexail Store Cor, Madison and Geness.. St. The Store That Saves you Moneq M FEDESERTED Uilm;ASI(S A WRIT AND THE COIIDREN Ral ipl. ottr bat; flli a suit in Circuit court agalarr itsi wife, who fornierl) was Emma 1). Blank., and to wlrom he was married Aust 30, 1907. ln the bill he saya that they lived together until lune 2ilt, 1916, anti that lie provcd a dutiful hurband, provldlng all ftteneresities and home comforts site desired. F'Ive cbUdren wer. born to the couple: Q1ýtce, Hazel, Robert, Dorothy andi Ruth. Potter aays that ln lune 1916 bis wifP demertet inlmand retused te longer live with hlm and since then han neyer returned te bis ýhoane. He aScordlagiy aslit the court for an absolute divorce and aâks the custo- dy andl contrai and carninga of raid miner chiltiren. .'?liat Waijkepan jiiyrr' df!virt have a soft epot In their hearts de- 9PIite the fat-t that tlrey have ta "lIay up" Sundaye Ipow. was shoawn by the fart that on Titurrday a bal! dozen of th#, tncat drIvers put up thpIr cars andi went a-tbreohing. Tbey *>lad beard that srme farmers néar Girays- lakê were hard pre.sed for men andi so they went rrut--etz strong-and heVdth-m ail day. Thus. niany pisL who îrsuatly rWri. bad td "bhoa! it" ail]day br-causo these tel- lows were 'dola g thpir bit." O N E Cent Invested in Electricity From Our Mains WiII Buy - WeII Just Listen:1 1 T will operate a 16-candl. pow-r .carbon lamp for t wo hou-s, or a 20-candi. power Tungoten lsnp for four hou. it will irun a Sew- inu Machine Motor an hour, or a Vacuum Cleaner 45 minute. IT wull operate a Wasing Ma. Ethine 30 minutes, or an Auto. mobil, tire pump 30 minutes. -l wi keep a 6-pound Electric ron hot 20 minute, or unai, four Cups ot coffee in an Electric Percoiatnr. IT'S enough td bhou a quart of water, or boat baby's milk twica, or keep a Heatine Pait hot two houas, or Coolk a weis, raaebit in an Electric Chaiots Disb, or heat an Eiectric Curling Iron 15 minutes a day for two, or toast 20 olices of bread on on Electric Toaster. Wbere et.. cen you buy so much for &0 litli. 14a "-il ail Ihe nereoar1,i'rical Applïanren-M ,1 ripo onhl1 Payimt-. Public Service Co of NortberaUhllnois [fiRL ffiWMR08 day. Lie pure] Mr. Mr, ê 8êtur and 1 expo' lra Cblca Mr. Ciai adua at An Th, Wedz Mr, thie i Roi day n foua, to b. exoep itervu .Fre pant and A Ctte Man&r bungi Ocu P Ma Penm ber h agfed 1f k linohl ne-ar marri * years farm ) eL rr,, Vitlla. home kegar andi le! t i moth. from svr Mir@ wlth MIr. tauth Uilm, week. Mies Chas Frida î Ail harin verp Mir. ville, pareu Elîs werrtc A. viositin, Spreser At IMonri eleota- Oecret Fat fer thr Dooni. The hum r a@ e va IDnSa, gev C.1 relati -OF--

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