CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 7

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L.AKE VILLA Mr. and lire. Oliver liathows of Amtioch, were Lake Villa coller@ lues. day. .Ae Sberwood auoved Tuesdaytloto tire 11111r boues, htch lhs recently purchaéod. 9. L. Wad and alauiy attoirded tire wartipodi(ho'u monday. Mir. and lire. F. bd. Hauline@pont Tues., aylu éit iag ým. Zi sd ro, C. l i Hanîliu antd sre Mir. l r MPs u'î ut enjoyed uauto trip lu USr3, li., ilaturday und speait 8undsN ,,wit htir. and lMr@ L.W. Felikér, tuner leathers bort, and un Motids> sljteaued %ho var expotoitiou. Aire. Boehmu and lauuly lhave ue'l io, Chicago, wvire.Frances bnas a posîsioni. Mir. and Mre. Fred Weber. StellaanBid Belon Kerr, Ruby and liaiel Faicb attended tire war exposition, Baturday. Clairs Sbrvood, Harold Danilai and1 Bdna Wallace are attending birgi scirool ait Antioeb. Thes Ladies' Aid society mot Ibis weok, Wednesday vitb M. . . .Ianzer. * lire. A. A. Douglas W&s a WaukLegan viutor àMunday. ire. (Grace Wlkluitou of Mburn, Ili., * vled ber aotbor and otirer relative. thie week. Revival service. vîli beglu next Sun. day inetead oi lait veek os vas anr. * nounesd, as Rov. lMr. Emgleh wae unablo to lie prueet, but plan un every evening except Saturday eveing, ueit week. dervice. beglu as 7:30 and enud promptly &il9 o,'lock coure .Frank D)aube snd fauriiy aoved tire Pst sseek lotolb.elRoy Murrie boue. aMd AI f"".iu' ansd s'lfr roved mb t e cottage a.ssted l'y Dauble, witlch O 1, Manzer iureitaee reeutdy. ?ur.Miszere@ bungalw sdioliig ailha ready for occupai y thiisfhll. Margaret A"n King wau, boru lu Panns>ylvaila, Autg. 15, 184., l titt ber bornte lun..u Villa, Aug. '2, 1 9I1 Mir@. han Clark and lir. and lire. Lester Colby sud daugirtar. Betty, @peut tira tirs week-end naiIben Tiroma@. Helen Amanu and l JesshYcung have staried dnlvhug it".ck sud forth 10 tire nov Warren tueebip iigirechool. Mr. and lire.Doliayer sudecilidren vlelted Mir, sud lire. Victor Delieyer Bnnday. lilas H.-I.n eeka i aitended the war exptiiont iCiicago Saturday. 'r sudlire. Joîtu Kuapp sud tMr. Ietoer epent Listor Day vititl't- ' lire. Taylorauii; ls.s'uted st Mir. Anuainua nti>îas.uutg. Mnà . sud M rs. Fi en i yl»cRB u and L lîiy of Cll an d M. si,u r@r. 9Iltarleâ 1eBoou ete lMr. anid ~Irm. De. a i u tsa -un Labor da>-. Mr and'A trp 'amàer sud lir. sud Mre. Hong sud ecitidreu @pont Labor day wiih lMr. and lir@. ebreck. Tirs farmere are bits>' lu thie dioetc grolug 1tirte 0111. iliHOOL iEÀ,e Scirool cotnmeuced Tuesday. Sept. 3, litirte enroilmentoai ieuiy-eli. OByl More. frou tire Illinois tralilt!rm etanied @eciool tbe nazît day. lin. Amnn an sd dauglutere, Helen sud aird Mre. Bull and Raymond visiiad siool leut vsek. Tiroue perléetlu speIling for Ibis veek are: ('telle Amnani, Shirley Thromas sud Pantins Kuesie'.. r VOLO lire. AI (Julrie aird sou. Hovard, of Waukegesu, are viaitiug relatise@ st Vola and licHsury tlim wt.ek Mise. EllsMoore epeut a tes- days at Wsncuîuda H i'neînillec.of Cluiagit, ejent eersi ds>se tt he hüboit, tlJohn tM Oe'iu Fred inkr of Libuerty s-lite, vlsîîed at uhe tutinî.ofi l-.' Husous'tuore day lait Week. Res-. Fatiýte itark tepeuslast wveak î Chîragi,. lilas Eizabeth 04llldir snd (,'ara li.l~ P-nt 1% a& %llel.îry. KAP~-M 0ND OVER TO-fi. JURY IN B(oNDS 0F $»0 Fox Lake Resort Keeper Must Stand Trial onCharge of Having Siot Machines 3 MACHINESCONFISCATED These Machines, According to State Law, Probably WiII Be Destroyed -- lierman Kaplug, keeper or a r sort ah lugieside lu tht. Fox leke e- giou;, s-a arraigned before Poilu Ma.gisrale Water Taylor MondAy a!- teruoon sud waas ouud to tht. grand jury lu bond sof $500 on a charge oi conducting loI urachines at his ulace o!fliasimes Ka.Pplng waivi-d examination and no evlience a-as pre- sepntet!. Kapings arreal occurred sevîrat days "lo !oiioa-ing a raid thal s-as ýmatie on hîs place and 'lu whlch lhrm'- stot mrachineas wee confiscated apl brotsght 10 tht. 1.ake count>' jaît a Sera lhi'y were Iocked up as esi dence. Conplaluta had been lodged witi, tht. steriff that slot machines a-ere beime o1erateri lu tht. Fox Lake re- gion and! Se sent oui a number of depuies 10 conuui rids. Tht.o' depulieus slsitt.d ail the. rt.uort,. lu that eglon but were abie lis iluti machines lu «lly ont. place. LUder tht. state laws- lot machines eau Se confttatt.d whcrever they> are loca ted anrd provsioon is matie furîher that they shah Sbcdistroved. NoN action of tSiq klrrd ailSe taketi. hoa.ever, until after tSiý grand ian> Sas cunveued and! paused on tht.e rSse il Sa s <cen Cl,qtimarv 10 fleitel formations against men for condom-îc In setslmac(hini s btintt uthi', case thi-ý -lttes attornes f1m thal S'- oult oblainspidir ion b>- haslng 'warrant sa-orn t ftuomr h'. uetndant andt hr-ngiat'h.m lutracoarr immo- dîateiy. agfd 7;,, years and 131 day s Earl ' la lim re i k Ittronijum opo-nt a lev linos, âlt stii41 i c0ur. CAN CLOSE MAJORa ucar S.uad %% '. tr' sui, met al't! hum ON SAM ITIOf S LOON marri(d lheur> Mllr r i,!,. Iiaitjj~Il 'v CA 1I Years ago 'ITheir hlint, Oaà onltt ) ar.,ie i aiiLi> n:, I'o ao FARM 82 YEARS; AND IIOTELS IN CO. Villa . ii-%«i, n l- bomne fal rn.ied and Mary < tiDfD îiuiu î uin o udeWeshSidt kegan. lay i aiRacine aullid cri rDE 1 ut uig fJdeWes adt Lak, i abe ies 2______idrýi Place Powerful Weapons in and ta,, I rr't't grand ci hldren art' Hands of J. G. Welch left te omiu ru tht.legs or a lovine hmsJ enhno on mother. Shl b a" hecu a LIîfferi-r Toa .Rn no on from paraI>s.t. and othir troubu'tls for Lake Passes Away Follow- STATE LAW IS EXPLICIT several y--ars. ing Short Sickness iPosbetDcaeMny f IPlaces Which Dispense Li- _______________________ THERE SINCE 18361 quor in Co. a Nuisance lir. J,..1uhin Mahew s~ei, ~ J Iteni h.,n 1 n 01-' - u,i. 'rî"r rc- That th' nitliLof Jitutat.RK vitt M su lra.i'iaa Nhthe i <l'utso!, îouty. laijl îue of 1 '4"lsh o0ithis district wlth regard 9011( li.itsJIoidcst. rc'identsý, diii Tiuuru.dav 11th-ti"LiPPincotiit otlat Fox hLtke M.lir hi rpity snd fanilly iatved 1toiatteniton a. a re"at . uitg, iuinauttancsilril'rî',- Chiragofiro, th u i. mi, ugailifat,, di h occa ring aI hbis hoTu i at Routinî e fi r thl, sua tîs 51a )iPte c <los@ lire tî.rge'AVi tle snd baby art',sîs.tud. iIÀk Laik. Couitv When 1il1.3 known tht. big m.jorilts ofr.'ýsîrts artli a-t fil tbs Wk iti lir pren".roRnuS.r, wa.. S7 ps o f boli n u 11k rintv, i.tht. opfiuon lngibs wt.u ii 5r lmetaagoit i. lotet InehexIwsu id ihat h,'1<if WWauk'gannatt,,rn.'v. who haves Mies mtiiireiurued to cltcago thb eiiu](d have wltistnnod t1ht. rlap..' tnikt.ii intut tho case. wee Ir. liich ho asiýtairiedi duriîug the past Tht. dr u'uuhn1i aut, t i j-op, Isera. E. A. .Martin, J.A. Thain sd few usoth lun fact, Sie had bohin is.1 alivuu.unu <tsptace n n failing 'o faFt thaut hlcaIlt. o! hiaiir n~sntu i - .s'd1 Chla tone vrt titcaiviiir lt.Nsrlaivrs rfealized he coutl munir.. or 'o haiiuiil drijnkard', and Frdne lt J>' iuugh, :ros jute foîr theur ahatomonu Ail liavinit auî<îs ontiS'uuîlav M% I-r,' tinatiii w.. the ofletst rosi- "Th4ere art. t a'ptace, in 1take barngther ,uiitýr taeü %,r3, ,wdetur o! Ruettî! niv, basiins ,countv whlî-h ioutl prtduîivpa -1<an hvn her u"steke(,'erutW ttirt'li.n 0 le lîveu in . ' h'-.-ith on tlîls -.ute tru . ver. ani Mtui Klinia o Ltw . rcson the. R t îha î n. a< breslît 'If thu ta'attornu'-v M . udMrE.E.lin ns îf .t.-îy ~a'ysahard workt.r and des silor<5h louuktriio tht. reor i,. 'f th,. ville, @ptit tht. week-entd sst tht e thlTtact ihat ebat ilhein enturelv iartoiu., placeslt.'h.i. a'report un parents thliud for the pasî fis-i ears. Se bad hi-s ett.'isuuishiu husi'!nmat-,- r F .5 iari ttended the aupervisorsa a SPPYdisposition and! e»m.d 03spose 1clos..thý ,illu ruuiîunis-Of MetigInwuleal tiute. aire tht. bet o!fl thcm.' meein luWakegîuibi s nek 2fr Renehaus wldow 1i,82 vears 0of'Wheuther or n, uh., ossuir.andt Eltierî Elslurar %h tingera <ti là age and tht. couple has bcu'n regarutit'5tt. o! th". t.îîîur orlo0t' I ssIi:l riglut band 'rutilurd ai ladi> ltat hieY ed as orle nf tht. oî<î,t < l' ine couple. ti dît th -tr' .1u1lu rdi iwh i-t huis hadl ho lbe Sîii i , . hile titres hiuIn in A*i- nia it s Tii .ir tu,,rrlair" ton - u bectu ord cm,', i I ij(lîg,. \ i> oi.rîn veot of Mliburu Place In 1856 sud thp ea test t h-fol i- sni t i..r-'mt ua -r u A. B. Ste wart llmunCiil sgîî titis eek lowlug chIlîdren: aIethsoal Pa coe J. W' Rrehan, who rinauariani] tls . dhat tuul-r thet ti uansofte vieiting liiichildren Joiuug tai of bis fatSer; Kathorune uurufl< ll :b-', t.t.noiing to r, J Nolan, 'aho ises wlih ber parent-. ,trson tht.e . u corl frItit leasingt R S LLaud George Rttehan, ownor of t h o 't v'oeetti snoneufl1'-laito ru RUSSELL ~~~RencPhan", resort Oh the,_, liant o!forPnli tw, a iftu s o r RotInd lil. frke IlTeLadies' Aid oett>will meet with F'uuemai Mnda:. fro itYt'hotsal p:in li. J. 1) Murray' on Tbiuîoy, Sep~t. iRound! L.<etueil9:::o octoi-k andl iur. I ' i -iturt agaiuntMessr,. 19. AITi uentiers are requested lu Se ida -i'iat Mcileànm>',. ohnso ,ît ,*,(i iii-. ahi, cuînduînthbe preentae r l a uoie@@MeeingR, ii-ban ma sonuol,' ofthose Lippinu w i lîttel. This case larola. preen s' tles bsies metig. eartyv s-tlien. in ihis vicluity s-ho bh i>' a-ii <aitup atitt. t t tnt-nof At titi.lied] Cros se inless meeting in 1.01 weuî te CalifornLt %ahen the court Mondayrilgiti. lMre. Jt'. Howard s-p goit! ici er '-Itct lie 1arnon-' thosqe aho made abitg foru elctdcta:nuaMr@. FH. Mur ru a cksi ollluas e JOIIITONES ARE gocrens a 1resuIt of the big struke ntitat Four youug ladies woeaont colectlng JIr f h outT ERE FROM CHIINA; fer ths Salvatior, Arusy, S'aurday alter- r l Doont. T4 « melt rtlexcellent oucces. WEATIIER BUREAU TO REMAIN LONi hum 01e' tsi,, tiiliug may'lie lharu now. EM I as erery une le anilous belore te il t TO E A TAINED World-War Conditions Do Not I1lAbas returned tlu hie homne AT NAVAL STATION utftereunnt lu Savanna. 111. Miss@ Anus Quayle of Oak Park, Io epeudIng a veek sith Mrm Laura Cornas. geverai trujn ber. are attemdîngte Mlwaukee fair thie wekI. C. M. Oorham and lamil>' called on relatives <laturds>'. lire. K. 4;. Marrie vieited ire. I. C. Mlisle receuti>'. lirb Palmertun rweleved word tirai ber graudonu, Hoy' Paimerton, bad Seean wounded and vas lu a hokspital hn France RAY N. SMITH TSe lat rcmiainimg douht as te aliether Great t..kes la living up te itq slatus of Seing a firsi-eiasa cil>' o! 60,000 luhabtlanta waa remnoveti yesterda> TSrhe' are going te have a weather dpart.meut andi tht. most ahuseit o! aIl indi.-'uai-a veather man, il s-;aisanoiuati. Thie Great Lakpq Weatirer Bureau ailI be located ln the Public Works Laborator>' h% Building 1202, Camp Paul Joues ant ishanos- beuescaa- Ilairet, Chic! Electreian C. -C. Gibbs, lu. charge o! the laborator>', au- nouneed. Tira Great Lakes Weather Sureau viii be eqnipped wilS the meut mod- ern and fflo-date rneteralogical ln- etrumene.-<3 Iu&A. oiblIotin. Sinve MaY I Gr-itat kea iras sent .16,1905sien le vouais e! tire leet sud naval bases ,au average o! more liran 9,000 men a montS, or nearl>' 300 men a day. t vintiU mr ti i ears ARE GLAD TO RETURN HOME Little Johnstone Boy, 4 Years of Age, Can TaIk Chinese r But Wont Do it Now Waukegan. Sept. 9. Dr aud Mrs. l<rnest Johuatout. anti litile sou have arriveti Sert. anti now are a' the ýW. P. Higle>' Sojaen 1111- ca street where Ihe>' yull visit lu. deflnllelY. tiroir returu bo China de- Peudhng ounbbhea-orlds-ar hernina- athon. -Yr- .Tobu~n q formerlv Violet Higlcy,.a-a-,; for somé y,-arm a eteS or ln tIti- Watiiegau hîgir achool. 'Thie daug'Ster o! W P. Higle>' of Waurke- e au. she waas sel knos-n lu the cil>' ianti -bermarriage te Dr. Johstono Étook place ln Waatkegan abemt fis-o iyaars ago, sud Iimedlatl>' after tho .ceremony th1e couple Ie!t on thetr honeymoon which wound up ln Pe. king, China, mvtre. Dr Johnustone waç a surgeon ln thieUion Meilicai cot lege maiained by thes Roc.kefelîe, foundation.- He vas aiso an instro. tor ln 1he college. Dr. and Mrs. Joirnatone hase a lit. île sou, Marshall William Johunstonr-, who la four years o! aire and waa boru ln China. The Johan.tonne ari liy iived ln Peking ail tht. tinte thpy' have Scen Iu China antd iî,.uraIll have gained mueS knowledtuu o! tise ('hinese languago and the ('hine'.e ssays. Naiuraiiy a family living as lhey did hasi a large reiai' ni ser- vanta and the Uitile Jc<uiu r,np lad wa. under the tutebage of Ine. l- straclor much of thre ilm' .r,eord- Ingly th. uttle feliow sp' t (' hinese ver>' flufnti>' but an iut'-r' 'ling thîlug -' -y m" 0 e yciil about fil la hat nov Sebc . i, b-k ilu 1486111nation imustt irea sembl America, the. youngster ni-ta Vtbal for eistansce. be a-tii not Ialk lirmhnese. ,',a!Ilin 9 An Id* dollar le an dle that Se hlaunAmerlean. thar h ig nlu weaponil Amprica and therofore S,- nl its on Mm M sail we Cee.*uieaved talkiug United States lane-tige, mon, cirlren eud fer- Dr and Mrs. Johuelone-. ,plas for lors woeff If ln Unie heur et ')tut thRy 'exPect te remain b' me for le tanhou, e " s Ieuea several s-eeks. aler whihbtiu'e a-ii a ae epit ss.i probabi>' go te Roohester, \tun anti wel hv pdtesv h reýmain therA for a lime. 'sîr, John- Wei& atone la o& the belle! tSar iwy. a-li lirobahi>' rrmainlu vis îo'ttry aI---------- leassta-wo or lirree years and their plans for thelr residence ihiring thal HELP THE WORLD pi'riod are as yet uncertain. Mirs. Johuatona gays titi l'-khng TO CLEAN K8USE ha a ve-r>' fieeplace te lire - n athal la ail tht. forplgnr i,.-iuns are *>y jAMIS M&ONTQ.DMERV PF.A& tocatedà and tire asaoclatiiin. natarai New eemee thre Fonirtir Libety Pri- Iy Shase been very interi--uung. léa h orhoprul7t -Tht. Jobnstones expialit that of egi'.frrt OP rt5I e course 1the var condition, hase Americau e M bt a goeialalt7 blov troughti. %aboitt nasuai t 1u. ' et ~ t hil HmeniTir.ïscourg o! th. verld1 llîî' matipr of foode n lu <lutu. il ut as --tIi. GeD"ansd soulieu anaimg a s-Soie tht.>'bave got on i -i-y lcciy. tWe etai raIl-tiraI.altiroîgbMest .Nfrs,. Joistone arrlved un 'lu'- xtut"s ot.tre iratiosaeofthlireecnttuare hattllug about May' lIsad Dr J<ttut tone fol' aigalsat, b etW golug etroil tua-et!on behiud, arriving it!out iuly In la su poverful lirat li take 1Ist. Ôrdiuartly thre trip u ru,<hina thre Unibtied'trengih et ail tire "white takes abouit a montS frori \t.'îîkegani Dr. sud Mrz. Johnstonc--'ar flon lu 1eo et irshf. tht. least bacics-ard about i,'izth v Tt rgeiaî ioveifco'vl are gladtie10b. bak lu tu'i),Vlted ie tire tyrle States o! Americs. W. Sît 'r. lu fact #lien 'm.%Ir,l,,in.qtone are lallotibv ethîr qgtlins a.race of 'as. aste If glutilhe waasbluffera, bIcsharda. mîîney grairbeIe hact Iuone lu Waàkegan, > -replieti nieae raiWe lffed i Itirhe ri- WM'c>t, you eau juat 5< >linr[ ams'*- lng But thougb s-e bs'agged and FolIo wlngthtr-rrhivun TWré'sa s t "5 ave aselefttmodesty 1o-otre Dir. andi Mrs. Johnstonii - u soute vae are nov making good Our boss-t lime ýwith Dir Johiwton,-' r- 1 lCt.5 i eas rvn ia ie esliv the weet. After they li inisiieti ea rvn ha hnw adw their sisil there, tiie- on- ~to could do certain tlrîngs w.-e ier e- WVaukeeau and arrlevd lu 'r,' a fes-' ly Illlng thre trutir. We bave tbrea t- ,lava ago now hein-- at i. 'i- gley ened mlghty Iings and nov veai%~o r.sevee. cSimly doug ibose mlghhy ubînge. YÇ. ',heu asatetiwhether - -t hud r.e-il y net hoaiemodest pz 100,000,000 quirt.d tht. Cinèe. ani-ut, l tnly,;vkretà. boutviren vo are'irmn undèrbtlle Mýrt; .iohnstoue repliet! su t a a lUgh ;netfkSand wvecau deliver "some" becs-y that she kuca- enougin .til 10 punch i manage her householtilru ahi' h nolS- W. are money grurbiers. But boy lng but Chinlie se srvusl 'utrmOurse hcyfoaualIshatctai f a-i-rt. eii,tos*ed. Tue b- inii en_- ýCfr u ale o deasoredte'10get her tut - - t lb natmot Seen for aur- money. Ger- Chineat,ovth15 e tlbî- i ndeuay srouid hatvebSean vicinhous sonne ptasattr repiieti that h -.,-i . lu re agu. cliied te do so. If aSt. lui ,-u ýlv cusî1- We are graduali>'. seedil>'. relent- cd the rniporter dos-n a i;>iithtlan JasaI>'expundlng aur migiri. ('hint-s e aould hi t'- ruI eýti 1) W are n red, white sud ilue gla- î,ruît il Lut as site dils t b as to cicr. that wili filralty suffocate Pros. talie litifor grautedt.d lb ci, former elnsi Waak'-g.îi young s-om.î.-nî ahaudle' Thenlain. haent ede x the. lankiuige or ihý- i-t - ritantis- Tieselyhaentedd - tactor>' Itanruer sî, t i'ti site did ' iortatian, argument, persuasion ta lu- mate mi-takî-s thi-' tiflot amy' veut ln Libery bdnde-t.hey quieîly sud \Vaak-uu-iti- ' ,, dt lutpîbcor lmmedlslcly lake al 5ey' eau ge- ,-îrreCt ier. -tirey kuos-vbai'es-baRt lu tuvestmeule -thai's whS> they are weilthy. Enaqigi salti. N EARD NOTHING F hf om't II lt zilnrdéflt verrInn-verurlu tant If not dèstryei rilar,.' 21 ,iii make thre bouse unluhubtable sud SON SINCE APRIL 21 1111offlits tia-ellers. NOW S INFRÀN E Yu are fltaked to set the tap- NOV SINFANEuse the clubs, spray tepwe-u yorlare ankedte hopsy for those tram,. _________clubse anti posder, sgoIbui otiiers mayI wi-el Itiese s-cupon.s for you, se tirat1- Mrs. Charles Crawford Gets y.tueruit your!nlly dai myou tamLu Word that Son Walter Is a <lcent Sous. forever. maUvli - Safe in Francei Your bouse la the Ututeti State. the vermin la Gerroan>'. W' afil net Il 1ilos- the vertuin teoorrun our hanse -as It a-ti If flot tîstiet oui. W.ukeg9au, Sept. i. VWo are nst pikers-iraoua icas s*«Y ike a nu1w . t u-dcad tttnt gay tiret of us. WVe are ualaleepi 1 a postalt .îmîi i u t u o P Mr'-' Our soldiers. talors andi marine. bu>' CSas. Craus toi i ' t'witortit side L frotmber -on, Mti t. - -rawordrlil r Libî ert>' bonds hy'tire millions, men viro 5 Sont site blu 'i r-, inlc,' pril have olYcre-d tirIrail 1 h lirenot and 2151. *Mushb'i( ,t%% 11 1,as li, a-.Isilycaut.eb Noue o! os bave e beh lnowu, Icgt t'., t!. tt.N. y., ouiksisameti by them into dalug aur leasti1 fle 2lst if. i-il .1 ni a ssord lbts lViriitire slnq]iV opens-whirre tfiey bei-n Seard frntî'uuî - i îcetatînrue seil tire Fonirt Lonn o! Boudas le ibere antîl nos- , ltlu., pi :.tus Ca, >Mr. lu line. Tour bonds are resenved menet Crasviomt! ssitu , ,, .Uîîar dePant , ta tie ra I-spectacle,« !"Final Vie- nient a çsuui i "u ,u,1did ec ýt ory" Thre dm0loftira per-formance- rliig itossîbie nt,> tiI,e of his son t e anounuedlateni liai wa uts fi, ut t t h vou,! o!f____________ hlm Accorduu , '1-. faîni>' have becu mueS 'aonui d itit i laadmit- STUIOES GERMD.N CUSS WORDS ted b>' frientis o , C ti-aturd ihat aSt. laIaged,con l' i], astaresuuiî Marine Fit» Self 10 Be Ahi. b Tell o! the consat ii inutt>.udli-i n4rain I theKaiser What Ho Thike iy abolitt Imii, u- us or sbtatuI !I~ o! ber sonu.of lm Tht. postul cui it r,'Irsays thusi Se a-as irelitiu ,' i luit'that Se I., Sait tLak. Cty.-When thre Unlffl .waorkiug ouian t itiuî ttitin train. States narines niareir loto Beln hauling aor îuî- uuu ithe. iront thare la goimg te Se une Sait 'Laie lime anti he 'l'r.i liitumaitla is epseeentaiive peculari> li tedti <omlug anu! guioï -, t ..l Th(tehal ne William fluîhenfollqn û a loalcrl;i'Ilut' \tvas a-riîteu ir al ion thInka o! hfim. for C-ov- in Mday arrl t lit îi - 't.u)hu ords endîsir W. Cannon o! Ibis cil>'bas to i irrustî-. Ilu..-tîuutY receis'td enlais lu lb.the arine corps. thrmù. ont ,or.; i1'. t u.tliasi- Seen seierai montirs. prmr tu hfie enltm..î ties. i î ,.l i tst~t, d- Canuan' was stiuilying' Gerihan. b«t Tht. fit ttitult t- u"- ilcutrîl a ber Inoistedthtiablis teacher scirool ini~ nuaiQ-tiun Ni;ld'.Itll .rri-s-cdliem-, lu- amI,,0 uebrirucin of the GMa. ShiliS, ta i . tecrurl anguiite-potanity. hling lied utit i -i t i-rtin au "I wateutI.learu irow tsi usa fluent- unustial iianit'-r - ly iluGormean," aaid Cannon. vis.. Iaol- irt . î h-tii i lut ibet echool nd stol, s. miii rIahires anti on this mouesv nîittîl--litis -<y to Clii- flgo. Ht . att- ule-il uî<in Iti cagn aud an endietasw sit. tu'ti,. oto senti hini hack to P'-nns' t-uia sut tht. officiais Ihere diii nît, nt 'îhlm. lie vas hurneti loose and ti u.. ted ho tramp morth 10 Waukcgan aid som.,lime ago a-as arresleel at 'ankeean, irelti for a short tint" anthon IbhoSe as sent on bis waar!le w. rt te Kenoaha where Se ss.;itîiketi an agaîn Sut was 5takeru int t,î,l cisen fahome b>' Scouit i'xeetuu ' -bu ît s Ki'-itp o! Ket flash- ni iltits<i'lusthat lire youug 'Mti tr,<nledl li., heni-faeor andl matieIis' lut!llw,*ti'k(,, herp. Se agtutnr wuz i-r-1 le ttpn s-as returnedti b '<.'nn.hua usSre Se Saq been sctIbtettheifui-m school. Oý stixfle. "so tirait 1cn tell Kaiser BI endt, thee rst oftire gang Jusfvw>at tinIto! them. * Tf I dld't knotvan tir. vondaln Ihoe ,mgmacxasdiction- an>,' iraw coulti1 i0 tit t? 81.11 Shock Viella Honorai. Spoalano, Wéao.-.Edssr'd aynes of thia ClIY, iru.beau reommended tg " thé redk*Utlnalar serviceor- der modal *pf tie re Mtsirarmy. 119yu.e a EachIne gunfler lu tire Royal Brialermarineo et CsmbIL lait Win- ter topb part lu Cfr0d.urej thé Germean drive erdn~a turpebjere suferingfrem ablelWeh I Wia1e crosng tire Atantic on hie@v . eoe, tuher wsetorp;edi.hi speut lirree and one-half days la au open bonatSbefre Seing rescued. IBRINO OUI YOIJR WEAPON By MELVILLE DAVIBSON1 ThMa appelling damseatoa-.ln. tellgene. wfthfft humaè1y- e.fVartfig e àwhoie PeopleI. mi 8 Predletory nmeelter lha* de. soeddonOm h. rid. No human imatitution, fine or N614le eny longer safe. Invs- s1"Iom rm a malmnant star or fabi.d beaste brealcing Up thrugi the crust of the eacth ouId not more awtully tsreataa (Officiai Publication) Report of the condition of Yirsi $taitflack 0f Round Cake la,,-ate t P ound Lakte. Siais of Illilucale, before the comurenement of bueum~s 011th1 t e'ird ilay ofep nîîe.1918, as made. to the. .udit.ur of Public Accounite 01 the, $rate ot llltois, puruist to law. Resources L.1oau nd t! ilsrî,ute ............... . .................................. ,48 2. i>s'rdrafts .. - -....... -.........**"".......... * ...............**'* 4. uusestîiuents,...... . .....1............................. .......,. . ...... 5. ltibikih g H onse ........................................ 15.365 S Furnnture snd FixhureAs..................................................i1,054 8S. 4 'asian(]i iut' front Hisukm ....... .................................... 38.719 9» Total itisources.. ............... .................... ..... .......... 81f9-.285 5 Liabitities 1. Capirail Stock Pait! in ................ ........... ...........$ 25.000 o 9. Surplus I'ua<' ............... .............................................. 2.5w00X t. L rve lotts (net I......................>. ............................ 1,420 2g Ail «tuer deposits ... ..... .......................................... 150.865 80 Totali laiiiitls ................................................. *"*«""*$179.285 58 i. l-.1C. Weter, Castier or the. lirâi Sîste [tank (olRoundL.ait@ Bank, do 8et-vnlny ' ltaittaealiove statement le true t,. lte hast oi my knowiedge and, 1*1,." E. C Weitter, Caebler. STATE ()F' ILLINOIS, COI NTY OF LAKE, se.' S'ub"arit"î d a mo ob efore me Ihis 7th day ut Septprrher, 1918. Lyili H. Mlorris, Notsry Public. 'T HE attention of Telephone sub- Iscribers is invitcd Wto de following order of the Postmnaster General: "Order >'o. 1931: Auizîrt 28, 1918. "Osa îng ni rthe necessity for conaeeviug labor and materui . rJ "cî.,î uuna cstt suhu-h is uow borne > by the pcrirtiutnnt,-e of the teîhone, a readiuess to ir'e ra inrsall.t:on charge a-il be made ou and afnem Setr:' ruhtr 1, 1918S, for al] nesu instalaions, abo a charge for aut1i canges in location of telephones. Iustailletipn vIiiirgcs tbSe as tlilows: Whcre the rtl is $2 ut m,'ulS or iess-.-.$ 5 Where the, ratec la borc tItan $2, but flot exceedrruJS Ia Monlir.. . -1 Where tel cinnzo-utru" I u4 ta moulir 15 The Imcavir.9 ch'aret'. 10 lise' shciber yl re thre anouai cosi oit labeur andl ualerial nec- essiaI> for taking the chatnge. "lu accordauce svtth liîuilenîn No. 2, isrued by me Angust 1, 1918, statiug tîhat 'until farther notice the telegraph and telephone courhtanier rIttîl continue operaîrun in tht. ordinars' course of business through regular channeir,' in all cases a% here rate adjustmenta ape pending or imntedu:tîely uecesaary, îhey ahould be îaken op bs- the îoîupany învolved through the usual chauneis aud action obtauned wherever possible. ln ail cases, howea'er, where rates aro changed snch changea shouid be retbiritted lui me lot approval before bcing placed in effect." V, S. 131JRLESON, General. CHICAGO TELE1IIONE CO. t vo1- RIAO' FOR THE FOIJRTH LIBERTY tOANl swo . 12 1918 AS SJIELLS DOWN I& ?ÀaâI 3I lnloe1ju 20 feet tbrough the air wben th« DRIVERS, DURKIN d--< ast eutIlo t me a"l RTwonder n boneo were broke but t , RUSHE IN;HURT good hoo« prints are ail 1 MSu Tbey are weUl fonned and of gondl Èize. l'Il malae the Dutchman pay for Lieut. Ed Durkirï of Waukegan thinbfoethis ting le oVer. T1% telm atnight wasa ahot One e. TeliS How ArtillerY Horses rnaybe 1 was lucky taolie bore. I& Were Shot DoWn numnher of our beys 11went went", and some were, sent. to the rosr for r pairs The worst of them are aliii HE WAS KICKED IN THE SIDE ways shipped imamediately Anw 1ma1 Injured are kept here umtll thoy Gives DetailS 0f How He Saw reco, ,r Th, ra Ibad cills are S. C. Men and HorSes Fait and as possible returned-to- Wake up Under Ground 1 m nowik y actin, *o year 1 took mine anyway. Second or Wa uketaEd ICpt 9.third aeek c01 August. Of coniset, %S lÀu'Ed urkin,. son of MNr, Mars 1 alîtt e differt.nt ihan any I bave flurin of NorthI!i'a stre'et and - beore but ti8i last year bas omg brothpr or (,apt. joe Dr-kmn, former 'iots of things. Our wor'k frooe Ubq' hatti rv' v naptain. ,1l btnln on wlll be rual. We are now IutJi sur. i in France atsd now s 1 ,th nopatc wttweav Iare hospital""(" ering. He was hurt by ln The ia. W01ild 11k. being kwhée< in tile side wben try-'wit, vol, al about it. but-. IIoý Ing ta stratghten Out a tangie ln M hicc ou or, ufi lath artillery horses ,fe ted oer f thos blme ate in the shOt Th SOM,- of the. hanses had heen shot spndmo e heir timeshoont. ho down in battie.. He la fot lu seriaua s d ore ofthi c ionda. b.ndtaketei c<iuition bt i aisear ho ae ad p front me, they won't get many ot a, Most narrow e8carie. Lient. Dur. our lads doing.that, for the Ameni. ktn forrncrly iworked in the. Tager cati soldiers dont "go up iu the ah-' Ciothing stOrý' and ls one. of those wisen they getlnl the mlx-up. 'imeV feliows who. when war broké Out, keep their he-ads just ifie oid timUof voliinteeres for service, wpnt Into an and give two for one every lie officers' training &chool and bas madie We find that lite here ig intereetlg& gond. of course, there la bound to be e His letter. dctaiiing how hé was uneaslnes% but we are fied wefl.Sc hurt ani giving a lot cise of 41ecided laet we get more comfort rlgbt tlO1 interest foilowg: in t. middle of the scra4i than * *August 23rtN. dld on the border iast sunuler. Ank- Weii. mNoit.the y ae eiae othor thing. time flit.s here. a 4V7 M'el, mthe, tey hve e lyed eem, like an hour and a wek 1*0 up for repaIr., for a few days. No, 1 a day. Lot, of my work la at anbt arn n badiy hurt aud by thet. îje as i mwt lrssadmnM xou rmadittis i ilil have refit they do uloqt of their work Undot work and Se ail 0. K. agalu. dakness, for more reasions than orne I Was -otut ln charge of a train î'irtî%%-,- get a hetter right-of-w&Y-101111 (amnsuniion train) of 120 teanis. We the'roads. Second. we get away irqý werc working ai nlght. Thînra had OIle heat of tht. day. and thi.rd hoeef been zoing verv weii and up un'li are more, easaly tandloii undera. miduiglir i hadu't lost a horse or a a lgt Speaklngofte S l Mn.m liuishortiy aliter raidn ight aI, -t avit i yht cafte hot, thcng mignftes a pa. irottlf om. like ou;r Augtust weather. hot and 90fL Evcy fw infte à ai ou o saneMen and horses suffer a 900d 40.5 team was lug piugged. Thoy were front the Seat. eape.CWaIY when 9 getting a f(vw o! my drivera toc. ,nasks are tworu and mosi of the tu. WfMI. il iiaiii"ned that 1 was alnt îtey are on. MfUitt saY goodbYe DOW- lookîn gaver the outfits near a cros 1oet a adrmme W road when one of the teama ov t aeanrrfl 0e Iaya sîruuek. Immedlateiy I wisit ta them 0 Tu ovtng son, t0 help straighten them ont. Pound -E. W. DURKIN." boilb pair with thoir drievra out of 2nd Lieut. 106 F. A.. eOMm.niÇOr lu getting the lead -P. 0. 7 05, A. E. F., France. pair out of the mlxup, 1 got Idcked. _________ hi, tlanîe horst. hit me on the r1h leg jîtst a liitle bciow the hipl and MRS. W. A. MOFFET and just beliow the bieart. It put me UN EG E PRTO dlown for the count. And thé t. cxiS PEATO 1 knew i was ln a littie room under. The wtfe 0f C&Di. W. A. Moffet, grouud beiug cared for hy a major commandant ai the, Great Lattes Nil'- doctor. i arn prchty sort. today andai Training station. was operated up. thinigs wujt a uite rougit last niglit ou Nlonday for appendicitis aitLb. tut i ssill retu rn ta duty next Mont station hospital. AttFndin.g surgoon. dav, and hi- reýady t give the Ger- anuouinced Mrs. Mofets conditimo Mansa anothpr battit.. I have every was serions and the nutecame of the Comfort snd uîy captain Sas been fille. uperation couid flot be determined' lie sent a mtan oser frcam the. battel'y until today. to bc with ute ail the lime Seside. At 4 o'cio(k ikre. Mofeit'a COM1dk- i have a docior and a nurse (mani) lion civls as good as coîîid ho expoct- to attend to my wants. So here lu ,il. but stillisl regarded as critical.

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