CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 10

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- Tbe sMate fuel administration in WbiIn l'as issued au hOJet tjiat cars which are run 'Iwith kerosene may not perate oui * any more than thosethLat areopera±ed bj, Mone.,'Thi,- iofns that t4 ' steamers wilI bave to Iay up.OU Sunday as well Uother cars And thus more joy in taken front lite. That wonien's farm training school at Libertyville inusi h*ave been a most important tgffair this yetir whefl the goyernor fthe muate saw fit to giyve a day to eoming to it and present dl- Plumas ta the graduates. It waant only the novelty of the work but the. precederît it established anrd the likelihood that other couties will follow the exemple next year, that counted. It -lim one oft flose worthwhile stunts whicb miÙgled fun with work anrd Innovation with aetuali$y. The nation foregoes a tax of $400,000,000 perannum by the ban on beer and the cities will be minus a linge sura whieh lias -torne ta thein in the form of license fees froin retail dispensera ù f the populer beverage. But taxation problemas can be met by ftadjusgtments. The most inqportant question raised hy thre ahol- Ition of beer *III be whether it wilI make for Jarger cansumption of poiverful intoxicants. Believers in malted drinks maintain tbat' their use is proiuotive of health and that by provding a ildpr substitute for'beverages contai»Ing a higit percentage of alcohol the*v conduce to sobriety.-Milwauitee News. Thtyre-going te try and put over the Liberty Loan in Wau- kegan (our ehare je about $750,000) inslde of twc1 days, Oct. 5-6, the Plan being te have people bers (X)ME FORWARD THE.M- SMV8s ad iwake up the amount. Well, wîy fDot? In Frane tlrey announce the bond issue and the public steps forward and. d êes the reot. Why not boe?, A centrat place will ho îlesignatc41 snd euch persan !0 experted to VOLUVNTAILY kW8'BPRIBEý. If we are to wia tis war, Isn't that the way to (10 it, rather (liai have a large number of mon rushing peil meil here and there and BEG}fl'G YOU ta do Y OUR. BIT for YOUIR COUNTRY? Itlq yours as mu(h as; the fellow who lias been aoliciting, sa, why MWAKF4 HV AS3K Von? L it of Republican and Dmeei omite lce tthe Recent. Primar Belo* are abowa tire men etacteit Waukegaa 6-C. ' olleia; Frankr »s Republican and Demecratie ceir-J Bidingr(e. tr: central committeemen et tierer- a M egm~ 7-Cari Mrin; Pater O"t llmaY. O anoherpageap. eDerott(Dem.)e oBlt plrary Onanohe- pge p- Weukegan 8-Frei Buck: H. N. ï ras the. ollilai total. for tire pr-in- IDove (Demn.)t M7 te Canvaisei b>' Clark Ileadee. Vaiskegan 9-11. P. Dlgar-; Jas.1 T#eRe gpubilican ceammittee lser, Cambers, (Dem.)r *Wida, tire gir- t aile 'cl*ck eItirhe Wauiegan 10-. Crnmpa; C. W0 Uit boeimmtl elec oflhIcers. TireLutter, (Dem.) 9»Msiea met tuas afier-noon un 'FVaukegan Il-John Brawa. Wailieganý 13-Tires. Barron. »li bs hrgiait. Wauiegan. Wues -onJni Tbrs>' e-electet Peter bKeDermoit Wauiegan 14-Meary DaSen; Pa' 5fWagkmgaa, isrman; James Mai- trick ir,' De. $Y et tLtirtyvilie, secretar>' and A. - ,iehlld 1-TomaDouglas; Joha Pst- 6. MesUer of Prairie Vlew, treasur- vs> (em 'or. tirs report mtrcued close tê, $20a %5bll149-tM. Vander-loot: T. J. it . Voadertut-eren tor- a G&r~(s. Ceun>' oiniilîes. Sields -Melrlin Dedirer; E. lb> Tire Cs.mtte. ,gai(DeM.) Bouton 1--Jasper- H. Depew. Shîitds 4-Tires. Appleton. Bouton 2-A. H. BittIeé Libertyville 1-Pamil IfaeGuln; Jes »* Bouton 3-A,.il. Bungess. Maie>', (Dom.) Boutoir 4-Raîlpir PIn. Ubertyville 2-H. B. Uesr; Dennia Îeetoa E-foira D. Tiromas. *LI-bear> (Dora) tonin 6-A. y Sorenson; L. A. ..iiertyniiie 3-J. H. Bouse; J., W. 9= 4gîr (Dem.) Cooper (Dom.,) t6evwgrt--Jares G. Weicir; Deanla l"-aMÔnt--ýGeo. Troni. Roirdan (Dent.> Wauconda-A. &. Pewer-s; John 41mtnehIoi-A. 'N- tliffaay: J. J. Blancir (Dem.), Merle>'(Dem.) Cb-«lsimy Asilecir2-Cirsse Webrb. Cua-EMll ]es ae' Idte Villa- Scott Levo>'. Tire. Zl-rnl ck;A feh 94ut it1-W. J. Strattoa: To.E' e Dm.)n.Bck .G l tr Ggkain(Dom.)er<Da) f;rnai 2-Ilavard Scott. West Deerlield-e6. P.Huicimaoa. .ncon 1-R. W. Churrchill; H. J. Deer-ild 1-A. J. Walshr; M. J. W%.Veipk(a. Gibirs (DOen.) :&Anea 2-11.tP. Isuson. Deerfielit 2-E. S. Geil. -1re-L. Fouelon. -3e-rieid 3-W. îE. Brandt. -*Wsukssan 1-W., P. Weis C. W lia-tsj4Fe orafr (Dem.)Deerield 6-Carl Grant; Johna or (Dom2.) A uian O'Keefe (Dem.) ::**keÎaa $-Ira Hltridge; Frank Deerilelit 6-John Utaîl. Ilejiemot (Dora.) eseId 7-W. J. Obee; S. St. Pe- -Waukepng 4-Fred W. Cirureirî;ti er=(Dem.) -D>. à. Orsi> (Dem.) Deerfieli -Oeo. Vsdder-; T. A. '«eukegn 6 -W. B. Smitir. Daolay (Dora.) caga la a ittIe sin Sutaklag boit -t c l(iisgolden opportunit>'. - - Mary Svete viatet in Chicago Set- Tire Board et Trustees o ftite Pr-os. Mir. antdlira. T. H. licKiaaey bave bYierian cirurcir trahi a gpeciel mesi. it returned frein an axtendait visit ln atel iacirur-cirSuinte>'evening. la Indiana and Central Iltinois. Tire>'Joira Cerk vili retura te iis lutles vl7ite i tLegaspoetlad., andt Pip- In tire United States nDavy, Tuesda>'. er City. 111. Timer Evans, nov Sitioned t atPhl- adelPhi. bas ea spendiag 10 taym Mt Mrs. A. W. Myers ar-e bera vît i rs sister-, lra. L. B. Jal- f@mts< tire eek end vijàir M. andt leýr. i .I .Deoa..-Northr Chicago vasveTry quiet Brrr- Nostir Chicago bas e tirace te boan day, hardi>' an auto runirrg oxcei)t lt <vo coniAufli>' buitdings fer ver tirose o! tire de.-tpr-s and!tire Unitedt Ptc1k...Thre.-War Racreeton iboardi States Davy'. iamlaug arraagements to take- A aumuer frein bere atiandedthtie .Or tire Auditorium nov owned iry commuait>' sig ai thba"Y" Sanda>' tire c'ir>' a#aisto e-4rogresaa Cluir venlag. bOft Oovinei theb Progresa clubir. Pria. F. A. Hudson vira vas pi-la- lheboard visir ctoate eAuditorium iPai et tire Ceu-al achool bar- atn Wes'a tance thall fer therensala uni. Yeara nt mv principal e! scirools et 10lnid tire Proreas club buie as lieprtyvile, yl move bis tastnily ta à boetsas bouse. Tira pressai Ijoue [ibrryville (bis weala. Mr. Hudsan on tire auditoriumi expires tirs.Arst lies been going irck and fortir for tire ot Octer mand tire RecreA<len Board Pas( t t esekis. ira<e olleret a lasgar reltaI for tire -Hfm>' MKiney irai acceptait n building tran tire rentaI îaov giron jpoition BR beai tirnekeepar- vitir by, Mr. Jeffrieu,.UIlook$s lii a gecit- ode of tire contracter-saethtie naval «Ogr ant et tire mine lime ti. cil>' station. Ha -baga von on bis nav eau do sometblag llt tire va> 'ser>'- JoirMonda>'. li tire 48,W00 alter-s et ur door-, Tirh iselfia aen et tr Ipmnd Plan te iire a'mer (c ilook a >'isefo r ouieianet e st eate. svbotir buildingsanarthava tire Anrd- a o oitn ovtrltvs toriu m mae d evary nigirt Il la ut irs S Gar-Us>' and sen spent sun-. *4 liave hic ouse lat tire Proxreas de>'n la M îlvNIi. Sbouse al tire time. Tira Pr-cg- Tire naval station haeve (aiea avenr Oub are to retain tire use efthtie tirs Smithr fer-m etive oints e otiay týr t Ime aeting» aidtemo tirs novcontro - aIl lendto tersGreen - jTMse Ibrr etuir atdtire Red >e'Rmt 1ir_"ar for (bis arrange- Tire Cacher Brolirers bave lust tai. 'a t ent erd te ea. sgnet ard an anetirer bg contracite inbuit ibrr '-p. va bc 1.kdtuai tt Noftir Clii- rackia t Camp Peuh Jore . coçs TO S~I Is Isoond PronçMfon Je A Menth, Haviug Bain aà Captatu s -JuIy Fourthi ¶1 t Whoun Cap" -nHomer M1. Dciii. 1?tkj Fild 9rtillery, Second IDivision, A E. P, unar is la Mary . Morne t thieg o>(15m«orng et Septqr- ber 7ti, tirs5 Year, ire aitdiris* mi e reeciveit mai>'beauttlai. l*ikuàim of tire iigir esteem lanviricir (bey are keid. ble SaisuineM ta ibe outitede,i Irresented tire youurg soîdjer vilir linasi t etofanL Wiren Capaal1 arrired back lu .Waablagtoali.t- n4a>', vItbie isbride Attar tbolr vsiId dilg tip. hos vas caled ta erra'Iny l btarters vnerife vas bended a$ig oalciailoelngeurel*»e. It cettr5 of me-aniton as major. Wi iftirh e)~ prtmotioa bau luit beesà v tle7t aùkaman fart. eàr, y conastltiona ar .e on tire way.t4 Waalptou fr lous a"-v ieen repid for BMa, J r D d. ' H l erecelve d i s ç ç m Sioa as lieutenant at WgsirnÈt, 1U C.. and 'vasment te Euoevrree saw sevea montiez cf- service. DPur- ing tire maven mntti e patticlpti ln uran>' nitIesa. Et- Ip iboo Pourta of Jul>'. fellowýngiri ~t .participatîço %n ireth eiteaaor rat hrrg ona4ugirt la iirheinItes ut, ois- Itons andt Ciatean Tl>étely ~t neýý neceivirit iis 'commission -as captait. Ahîrrt>' sfter tiret beovwu trrtsd te rutura ta tire United States teint. pora-l>' ta tralu field gitîller>' regi- Stents. Hecae trIs ' tbat hoe vas returnira. ijpcn hmie r- rivai lainter-lda Ie obtainted'a hbsnn days' fir-lougir and lrlned ta Wair- kitgawieÏe.aargKerasts for ii noMRg'e sta misa KXoran vers inade im-llady. Tire couple tiren left on, asrért 'onyanoon. Capwan Doit iraitbeen iutruete4 ta , repfort (c Carai> lMead, Wesirig. ion. Par tIrai resson ire vas mxare thoan iarriseit upc» bie Ustura ta Washrington ta léare tiretie bat been promnoied. Ha *as ;j2*tructel te lemme fort, 1i00 Prins, Texas, lit- inediatel>' whraee la ta train thre iSrd Ieîd Ar-tllery. MUejr Doditla e brolber ot Lieut. Cetl. ownssai F. Dodt, engineering offier la charge of tirs aviation forc- es .wirtirte .heorièan Army la France, IHs la fàior-mgr oet cfavis- tden on Osuerl *POierinlag taff. ficti of tire oIt brotbrers formerh realded la Waukegan, baviag attend. et scirool biers. Lieut. Col. Dodit vas, an officer ef Batter>' C. là. mS Wilai pro-11j; thit, dair~' t<~ s~l. - oS~Y J"Imeçe t t ?3s,t4 tates Ci or UII br W, mi r "iàrks" Ï1wh l air l*aaqa chege of niv>-, la buaàte -a à 'tuItlùieô M i aPppoited fer bis wile, Lo1id, s u freMoif rom itc« iteoae '> in nflw viti is In laNorthr 72, adjudgedbIsane la 1913, s"d a aêh fretybri'res At tr oot <tir *'or'n M ", ia be saP ed~ lnthe Elgin asyluni. OlmoS viaso ptabe a thir rotersaddreds tire = «wd en Tt t. hcg. ý euýsJ do Ubundantly e5bowf. Thero. net efstlveiy "Keey thre Me couet patrol ditO alonq thre Atlantic te dispocf "bis iseaslaatfe laotireolsi farm trous. l'i rei aîpg." cetutn o usa tnes. #, d ca*otdo no lie -se"bs tiai wsaewrO~eIl .jitWord Çia4recently tison reelved Mondalr maïrked tireopen' aséa a tI~ nd neyer occrtpfed. That f romMiss Edt Mor-ris *Who fla eautieder tire fedeal tw t-for tin ~~~~~~~~y~~~~wt li undinoadrtto, , 'u er itither.tiSaAiiAnXaa( Tex. 4iaoks thre stte 1ev' oiied t t>aial tirere la a .cot and lsi' She tbas acceptÇd çlelraf witplîiit L o<rbs i r Abalt tda- s lQ *.......e tings. IYFa scîbo bre afmi wt fird ~ons a the MÏIato' usetb fed oxs Ou roloui er niother for thn- wInter. éet«ed byl Wardnr 1ifiuti u an theird e sîî t honl,4d Te ladies 'aid o!rs . ilabyterliu.u#4891 tiaree decks' s , ng woraan. wbo siroed Yiai- chrirçlt-hqld a.inost literoiÏidg te.t- sit< ix-+sud sa a d4t oIl, . Il' th(le girls ar~e lvi >."We 1 n*Sb btr M.~sart art il 3 M -1gy*àsbo 1 u ry CoinfOrtable bore irnd alter -14» !Dii $et ttty. 4rbcuêi Wsterît0 roe biard wotk nône of us 1.4 eo ,crfrsar eig e y !he imail ehIdren cf Orr ty ses,' -Ii Vi~~wth ilnonia.?r b Weora o lce aoreceer a m11 bytakinag advantsge et' thé ie epaesl rin u biasil applications frein 1,fooi lomring to Commander B. J. Williamâ ùin atirerafôr ôoatleg *$tt *aglons SPECIAL AU*U&MXNT NOTffl 54815~~~~ oh e- nluat epui f thre United States navy ad a l'est- and, rouier- skates.. Ttls in #g damer- DQ)CIT NO.I 133 's>rontie era Tre.P ~ ~dent et Broolyn. wbicb disappeared ous practîce at ii întohn e otc j Ia lm isWai fl 91' %qr o tire an(farin fr ony tri ~a mysteriofls ferra front tire bagcount cft tre pavIng oe t ~Aat teet soirs lut teoted 'ht tirhls pwl 5~. 5 etthoe adlttd wee tund gr5 raomo!f(the Northwestera rail. a large pant o! the traM iebas ireen cf thre MChif Xt orili QUrîairotis _ilà ofor tire work ater wo eeka' way cornpaay et Kenosira *aturday turre<î te tiese atreetz. Severai near ordored tirat a supplertolsi attilforth wrk ftr to ee sisd whiclir ladeclbred te bave con- accidenta bave (akean pla.ce lr-eady lMent ire ramsl tecover -tire àcdé i~sungtir wri~r oîy s mnytained very Imporant Irapers madad unless tire parents warn tireir In Special Monuamenit No, 1.,' for stûients will remain at tire fart as jed olla re ale.fae br- nilireri et once sometirmngs slous tiié cons5truictioin of a'aewur wi* anec, eaan>b. aecemmodated in tire rn rd lars. nay hîappec. eaisary ianioIes <id boue *ec. ir055- Nex1 o 0.Itîtspriag Thre police are lacllaed te believe Clarence libIdrîge, son ef Super- tiens oft 8hfulades ftéieu ldle tsr ýM3. ie and bier committee boIre the thai' madle oeefthtie riebest visor ira Iloîidridge, left Tbmr.daY fartrSi a portion of rélî aeîsa ~Oelarge tire work. h arris aver made by -a snaal, (ief lir :antorvîîle, Mina., te niait relatives fOll«s OWi c-wt: P it ~l faMt la au Itenosha. lbeforis leasink for tir e ion me- exititipg sewer In lb. centeet cf Twul. Amosa Parua, Liiertyv(l5, Sept. 17. ('ammiandýr Williams vas farmermly ciranical collaea lCîcaze, Sept. 19. tietir street sortir alorîg tire teter 'Moo Frankr O. Lowdea this t Camp Dewvey, Great Lakes. Mr-.. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ».yeerm and lius Of Oi'eentield Aveun le to a'pc!at J n l addraaaiag tire 30 f&in. Williamrs aconrpauied bim and they 1twa cildrea of Northr Sheridan Road, In an exitlng sewer lan tir eWer'cf Woe receiveil diplomas tfeI plrraned. ta live la Ketrosia. Wheli .bave retirrard fromitasimx weeki' visit Siteiitl Street sud frora:lielsc ' '~rk tlrey have done, le cenduct- they rc-acired ltenosaaatrîrda>' tbey la Mcbigan. 'Trey vners accompan. Nortbsrly alonglire Naid Ceel lin* V419 taptis year tqday served teni the gri:) ad(tire cmr eteldhm b r pa' unt Mrls. of sid refldAôu ta0on qntire vomen of llllns-and baggagé rouniand as.ced firat lit be 1Sarah Hopins e! Alpins, Micir. 1129 feet SoutnI of the. Scutir lin, cf #ç~$d States teuliis effect: rhbm cared for uutil ire and biis vfe eouid John FOie>', son of Dr. J. C. Pl'oe'. F'ourteentb Street; sald point bel«g t will bave ta rel>' on Ille bunt, ip teinporary quarters. left ' Moiday for Marquette university, tire conter lius grodu-eil et an aile>' * »conduct tire f4rms or Ibis Williams returned luter and 'onnd Milwaukiee, wirelire la te attend running Jîlet sud West. ail In tire * ànd preduca tire fooatuffe tu tire camnera juat where i had lef t il: scirool tbis year. H1e graduated front City ofNor'th Cictigo, Couni>' et Oétroopa In Europe. IThoetbut thre grip vas misslng. Waukegan higir lant lune, -I-ke and Otite of! lillocit. iré nsircira drain on thre amea-Tbe naine e! Dr-s. Sjgnry %jorman Tbe ordînanca fer tire lame being ôÛ'lr clitrr>'tiret tbs .ferais aiNtuel * nc.ofWauicegan vas *omitted among te On file Ilahé tireice of tire City Clerir ~r4ar ire' tilled b>' tbe. man ,<.Ntmeqee. children of tire late lira. Patrick Mer- of said Clty, and tire sald City bs>lng êô e, It ls up t otite wemen t i <m r! iis erisirys rIsotle mt Cflano! Ibertyvllle. virose deatb vas aii»Iled ta thre COuirty Court et lite fqztbe exemple set b>' (base 33 (iis: "I lhave rittl,'i-il tîrt atnd tduit mientioaed la Monay's Sun. ;,inr. Cdu]2ty, State et Illinois for an as., f ntetday apd eceupy tire placeq produres biirîtifui ii an(r]iruilu- f'.ormnan stallteatireb~er matirer vas sement o r e 'cet ta caver sait Ilida vtich tire men forerai> cloius fruits isi lîrînii-e amuviry ex- net 97 years old, but wal86. Sire ex. daiicleiicy accordins le thée benei, celle-ni, inteliligent raiv il- eL-ms of (plains tiretaire heraelf la 67 yesrs undt an assassinent tberefereiraylas -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e eordaina ie3 o.a memaiu ouu. aieil tuof - Cge and thtire r incuer waz1-, been made and returned tteoul *5. tmer-ettes P»reeitutebif tielool titpimu l ns Isortnof cumuirlence, 1>eers nid vren sire vas bora. Cut:tre1 a ering tirreca vill I1B çcaaion of tire.kmnitever lbai t liitn -lin llifu. lit- ullsmeîi-re4-ui t mI n Rymond Gar-r-lt>' oda>' filed su,li f ired ai Ten 'ciock A. M. on the- Iît*.count>'. Two (bougait peu- stind f iiu-ing u i it îî wae a for divorce again8ttria» w1êifnladrir. t day o! Octoirer, . 1918, or (b.aI th od Amn fart cul court ai Waukegan. lHe as a 00lrrair str uIes en Od tîa fully 20 au- i-v vire marrisit Noveriber 2, 1917 the<Cour-t yl permit. lermmated tin ret fin 00authe_____ and separated August 15, 1918. lia Said ordfinancc pr-ovls tirat tire ver- usd m irrtrgng ire ~hagesiristrate ithtmlsondcî.aggregate anont of! Mad assessment pPtOwltuse lire cereaninyic'vilur Varying Deptir ot Clouda. cargeadlits virie, ire luievatbenaieie iied( An 9 isairs m>e steîeelguillicance irecansedit Tire clouda lin tiunder stornmal! of trlinti h ae"iedp e der-gInerestai e )rnoate cf fi ~lwpreenc c tie Gverme e!lii ie ver-y daep-from twa tu ftve miles net caiéta make It publice t (iris per cent per- annîrra tram tire date ~qn Lvdno!corse vs aguetandm rme, limeirecause a public scandai weuld a! thir rat.vouchter- issueiton sccçefft .fai' ver-dndone an sald Impaoverasut. Pl )&r sud iie delivreei a meat la- resuit. of ttîca il dos on sdaiImay fieob- *Pl a adoressai thtie endt 0f wýlch Mrs J. J. Stafford of l5ioà 1 act)isons n s lri ourt fierea b.da âIls « ~seted diplomes te thé 332 yong Co.eperation. -ti-4 eft tn(de>fer a 115h ta oreli-t. en apptilCaritirellire alng am »'àdir vi e irésent wer.< n tr an nnnier lrirmtBerry nd vegp1, ters il a Wupaea, Wis. maie tireir idéfense. fafadtiii trepraen yar.Tirey Bnatair)biw. onr iicarne. s cani- togi-ir'ron the- fated St Northr Chicago,Ililinois, Wefie Inldasi atri amrreai 111liihkug ".î rh 0 ertrl(- Irear Lakre Bluff %Mandny (iris 19tir day or Septeather, . XD., c0tIssanad presentet . a ýry la- dustrliiiv. lut 1Berury wiit ltzy tuti l f-ii îmrning about i a'clock. Passan- 1918. te 'n# spectacle. Oae cf tire farin- wetyq rleqI.iliuiiku f Vîs do thei(1i' era were isuare-n up bejly but no- HARRY MeKINNEY. elle ts flubeiral! o! tir e tiers ane vonk. (ui - v-lntir lni l of 1rir"e1body vas ser-lansly sur-t Tire r e Thre persoa appolnted b> tire Preal- 050>151 iltredim esastieto.rnrhoueliwent oitit thei,.kiteliIen mou ;(vecar-- in la ecitrain and i It uidi-- dent et tire Board cf [caiIra-. liaidal irea eUt sall: lrre.ln:nvv -iii irouiirtir" ,clare tiraI bail tirer-e béeebut Onc provemeams to make sait asses. Arfflorsentative frontire food adl- mita iil 'Iliun. 1 fîrql-,-tIt In, îlmdnltirhe outcorne would have ien mare ment. minialtratien delivereit a ver-y Inspir- 1'~~eiev serions. Wkly Sept, 19-26 - - - -.- - - - - - - - r SAYS tfV IWE "'Gentleenthiis Is yonr var. We an v eI r p a r' , t ie g o e r n o r a gi , di tsarii.Yuve for-ced -us lIeI it.'butve'ra o cettie dava te figbt You for l100 years. it! aacesary. 'If tire>' maie peace. tire rallitar>' pari>' bas bawt everytb.lig,atdtire, militety part>', airsolutely rules Gar- men>'. Tire> are -fgiriing for the naster>' cf tire ver-Id.'1 'I Judge (ha importance a! tl#m ait et ever>' otIielç pçcasion aclel> b>' Its bearing on tire laaiag ot tire ver. 1 have not bat anr olportrrnity ta la. virat la bein>' done bora la a rèal ad Important ver activit>'. O Sl Nws For Mon Abr-oad. "I amasese h viiibeerten ait en- courage oui magnîficeat soldions oven eau (c 1mev tiraitireir staters et homae-cty girls .sud country girls glikc-are sericualy andsait erestty preparing tiremrilvai t. beconte mot- tiers or tire sall" Wirile threirand froat Great taira playet "Keep tire home ir-es brn. fag." -badges vitir "W. U. A. A." starapeiton ibon, vere bandaitotatire girl fari ra ndites. On tir, long tables on tire lavu ire- tore tire tarin bouse tire cemmittea. in cierge of the irglalag farm, beateit 1»' lira. Tlfsy Blake,,lied r-rangeit a dispia> of terra p*r-admets, ail ralset or preperet. b>'tire ineari>' 60 girls vir irave been workiing aind stut>'- Ing bere ine ear sering. OpeclaI>'elartiswvastire iroving o! dalry iproducli. Ih laibis direc- tien tiret a raajorlly o ftir girls vii I'pecialize, Irbsre vere liait a dozen appeiing va$stem es«c4eeme, yeliov butter, and c1itsitDevonsirre crear. J. P. Mse, Preaitent or tire Blute Dairymen'm associationr, vas caseto tire visiter-Wvireexamium t(bas ex. bîirits vitir eSe intsr-est. 3-. Oien Arracur andt Tirees g. Wilson vere tve cUrervisîtors, viro Lcombine ternng vitirother latarests Tire>' ere interestedt o note tirs stur- t>' and butinessliits appels-acs of tire Yoanag voman Tirs>' Vers certain>' s l :ire. upistaading, r-st'-teet dlot o! irls. necause skr-ta a tirte vi>' ,wben une tees tarm verk tire> iait dîscarteit Ikirts.Mosnftrsra emwre nvgr-alls, ehairti-, au4 5 lg r rwho vorir about ir nev ara*ie ln r-uiber boots. Tbgre *a#. rett'eab- V gi' arposeanmd noe*-sIlconiclous- ns>about it. 1 Tite girls do aIl tire mork fltire bousvetas wa.It as an tire ferra. Itor tva' 0martir tire>' slnd>'tairylas, tirs Saine tline e isput ln on truîck garder-1 He. Do.. Botter Worls sih LdU.y-Light ble Ligli.t Plamut Prove104 For seven years, Lalley-Light has been nking good electric light- and pô*Wer cbeap for Laxaxers. Seven years of practical, àctuai farm ustr. Seven years of owner-satis- faction. Tlïat 'pettles 'the question of r-e- It je designed for its particulat' liability 'and quality. work, and it does its work-right LàUey.vlght has this wonderful Anfede ow cato ilso o record because it is especially de- wA ree deonsgtrainwi ow you uignec as ea4rm electric plant. owh a aie-. tWI1donou ,it -is much more than ana electric The book. of owners' letters wil giecztor hooked up to afar-i gas. tell you how well antd hoW cheaply engine. - it works for other fariners. WARNER&-CO',. Lake Covànty Otstvire - REE MOTOR CO., Libertyville PAUL R. AVERY, Lake Villa BLACKBURN & SROSJGHTON, Wauconda - J : jý l eis

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