CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 2

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D . PROCTOR WMaIsu kW&daof NSUIRANCEL rire. Utle. Accident sud gàRjaIg, Plate Glass. A- tomoblie and Working. ,naas Compensatiofl. 3«Hioe Befor. Placing Your Insurance 154 iS .: bstyvk, DL WELL DRILLING AUSiERMAN & DOLAN b S ZION CITY âWm Mme173-W !BMRSTOW Otarble and Granite Monuments Cetery Work of Ever-' Description Con'espondecIlCC ollcltec 6 116 enesee S MR. 1. L TAYLOR 00osW nlutNaima B"lamuieso »0»m- 1o 8:80aMd 7?to 8p. sM. valIee on Broadway. oppoite Para DR. GOLDING Bonns 8 te12 a.M.-1 to 5P.M Over iet National Bauk' Om Phono 19-J. Le. Phone 1574. Libetyviis. Uinols DLEL ILSMITH. DENTIET. «M LAIES OUTT IIATIOAL BAIE. te~-~l1.s .ad ItobS . M. DAILY. SCItAS. N. STEPIIENS. M. D. PUTSICIAN amil SURG EON ffselai ïMiention gleento the disSaesofiie7 EM F, tNos. Thre zeyss samled for lsue Ogen aven OGu C. Tel. 10lU bertytfe. ML O. P. DUTTERFIBLD. &no m " EI &UA EY MU R<J . LIbetyilll. IMunis. T.TR~RTYI NDEPENIENT, THURSÙA&Y. SMP. 19ï, 1918 RI Lo 90 ta] bc en cu c a si L I tx el b b L v Cl DR. A. 6. CAMPBELL Vtrsnay Dtntist Wd Uteny Stable Ubuityvilte. hI.. Wauketan. Lake Fre8t. Autlnch. Kennsi.e EKl-e. n-edown.ti,.Ru sued ther adaettownen ELHANAN W. COLBY Atornsy-at-Law Ost aHomea, Cookt Ave. Phone 168-J LURTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS. LYELL H.MORRI ATTOBKY-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Lace BuIldint. au. Phons laka. Omce Phone b PAUL MAC GUFMI. ANTORNET Ale LA. Ubertyvilis, Illinols MARMIN IC DECKB »07 Washington iitret RAUMOAN, - ILLINOIS Offie Phonoe8Me au.. Phono 1180R LM OU U ou DPE &FMEOC RAY N. SMITH ' mit Birt id t10ei atbe colin ausd Wai 0000«"la à Bams a uyse.round gst of brun la na. Ugt Jmboo bazdi. Lake ioreat. WD. $10. EAI<ESTATE15salos7 7,Gre1ayAd.SUYS T HE SAILu Helen M. Lerche toi Margariha H. TRIFF E BUSER ~ ith,3et ai., lot Iland (ex. 892ft.u ec~ t T R E U E IN 3rd add., Waukegafl, Deed, I.- -- 14Uo C&w.skuidycticto Mary Dapkus TUIE PAST WEEK Cos 20W.d 1 8Wshr<A RC6 O îan of$31,70 Wth ota MK RPIÂGE IICN8ES Hinton G. Clabaugh of Chica- Instruments Filed Ouring Orval I. Mitchell, Morrisofl. Ili., go, Ater Conference With a 44; Lilla J. Olda, sane, 60. O Week of -Ninety Oliver H. l3aiia, MayvilleWn . Moffett Makes Statement 23; Frances M. Kloeder. same, 20'.o Business of the Recorder's office Geo. Hagisi. Miwaukee, 52; Sarnh SPECIAL BOOZE BOTTLE? l ir the wcek cudlng Sepiember 14, Smith ame, 49. l 118, by A. K. Bowes. assistant secre- Elwood B. Tamble. Evaniton, 32; htsW a hcg eom Lry of Securit>' Title & Trust Co. Auna Johnson, msae, 27.1 htsW aCicg Reom Nunmber o! conveyances, 66. Jas. A. G. Badoif. Fi. Sheridan, 37; er Says Saloonists Have for Number of chatte] morigages. 7. Louise ohnsonj Kansas City, 30. Paa LksLas- Number ofl, trust deedsansd mort- John C. Treglown. Racine, 42; Vel- GratLkAIad gei, 17. zr atn an,2.A Total nujuber o! instrumenlts filed. , - atn.sue 4 When Hinion G. Clabaugh, head o! Ce Chas. Anderson, Chicago, 34; Ber- tha federal bureau of investigaion, tha Mot, saine, 38. yestcrday gave Chlc8,go's moalsa j ;rotal amount afi bans. $31760. Jas. A. Morrlssey, Chicago, 21; celaan billof healih. and li, a lang- Je Business has been only fair n-t! Alice Mulvllhil, Wauïcgan. 18. ab'itriwasiedtefnig !J ansstil blo- te aerae. Sumso P. lllggien, Chicago, 43; Jas. îrainad investigators for citic orgs.n- The following are the more Impor- 1. Baniom, same, 38. iainh rwacoune itrm ç nI esî. red G. Pink, Great Laites, 26; ihese associations. la Waukegaul: Fred B. Whitney Fijeda Krueger, Milwaukiee, 24. The C1.tsens league. ihroiigh its CG ought the t.rfin & Sirows building Fran.k Krse.. Portage, Wis., 52;sacretar3'. William C. Hollister. gave F i easi sida North Genesee straci. Harriet Bail Milwaukee, 41. notice tlat the federal investigator :cupied b>' Alex Hein Co., for Indi- JOB. LqFb5I'ý.Great lAtes, 12 r -laot statlug !act,." The league la W ied consideration o! $31,000. Blanche Bukoveki. Oludsliy, Wis.. an organizaatina!fbuîsiness5 men. J( Waukegan Y. #M. C. A. oit title 181 . Richmonîd C. Dean o! the PullmanI Je Dpart o! the 1-lutchins propert>' ad- ýaâ.Knalle, Sheboygan, 41;: ÀI company la preaident, Williaml A. TII- lulung the "Y" on the nartb for a lien Woltran, saine, 16. den, president of the Fort Deaiborn Ri ýminal conalderatbon. Gea. Gunderson. Joplu, '.%ont, 28; National bank. IR treasurer; A. Siam- Anna Brenion tookt fie to the Louise Flatter. Evauston. 25. tord Whie o! the Board o! Trade la amea M. Brention esisie properi>' on Joseph C. Philpoti, Giet 1laiee n vice pressident. and George W. flixon H} at aide North ave., opposite Sec- WAyillbe H. Frank, LoubsviIle, Ky., 26. a dîrector. F, ,d a.. for $117676. Walter Stange. Forest Park, 21; "Wben the Citizens' league pub- Nathan A. Ondfin boughi tbe inter- Louise Zitzka. Western Sprintgs, Ill, - î ist s report n-e asked forthe lu- P, ai of WIllls St-on-a iu the properi>'18. formation," .- Clabsugh sald. "We in eastaide Nortb Cauniy st., opp0 os oJhn A. Malicit, Chicago,.,3; Bar- have written inice since. but have te Central school for nominal consbd- bat J. Zimmer, samne. 48. not obtained t."7 ratiOn. Edw. M. lî'rrell, Miwaukee. 38: lu answer to ibis Hollister said L Andrew anad Aggie Delitus bo,îgbt Augusta Kapphîn. saine, 34. last i bt. i be Chailes White properiy on south Steven Louis. Mlwaukee, 31; Lu- 'Cîabaugh n-as offered the evidencev ide Sheridan Road. eassio! South cille M. Thompson saie. 24. towek g oa ylteadI ýincolu street. for $3,000. . Ira Peritins. Milwauikee, 40; Hann-n-e have not bee nssked for If. There i William T. Williams houghi the in- nah Whitmani, saune. 38. neyer bas beau a writcn demand front aiest ot Ida M. Rebha iu lots iu Wmn. H. Frahm, South Milwaukee, him for If, and we have stood ready I outh Utica -. sreat. Oait st-Oct, ai 33; Ou-une Sherman, samie, 'A. 10 furniah I. iouthwest corner Glen Rock and Lin- Gea. A. Vau Eps. Evansiorl. 36; special Bottîes for Sailors. I ahin avenues. Annie Koerbaa-. sainie, 32. î may ba of interest ihat our inI- Cyrel Dauncnck aud Georgia Blake>' Win. -JSoettcher. Milwaukee, 16-; vestigators hate tound ibat a sPe- 1 ouhi the William 'Muiin lot On lreneZîoczewskasainèe, 30. cally bian-n botile bas beeu deviaied( met side Powell ave., ruuning through Chas G. Reker. Chicago, 47; Daisy for sailarB. long and tim. which fit Lo BeasIc> Place, for nominal consid- Hassiler, samne, 43. lu ibair leggings. A salor ai the aration. Chas. H. Noble, Chicago, 33; Vii-- Gi-een MUii gardena n-as seen wlhh Walter C. and Anna Archdale ginia R. Noble, saine, 33. oua o! ihese bottes. Hon- general1 ought the Thea Bonkemp propariy fDavid Warren. Zion City,. 40: Ftoi- bas becomte iheir use 1 arn unable ta n sat aide South DiJluasîreci souîb .ence HL Dicet. 20. Bay.., f Belvidere ai.. for $1300. Emanuel Jurado, Chicago, 35; Mil- The staiement o! Clabailgh mnade1 Margaretha H. aud Msry A. Mttch lieMa louey, Ramie, 3S. after a conference vith ('spL Wil- bought the, Intarest of Helen M. Erwin F. Sc-hmidi. Milwaukee, 33 liami Moffeti. head o! the Great Lakes Lerche In t-o lots ou aouih aida Bei- Ihelen Berger, sauna. 28. Naval Training station, wha bs mnai-1 'iere strcet, bein-een West and L'il- Fritz Haggiu, Mlwaukee, 41; £th- bug isu investigation of the Chicago l -ca t-acta for nominal consdratian. ePiliarrinzgil. saine, M1 . iuation with a vien- o! carr>ing oui In L.ake Foi-n-I Edwaid .1. Monnî .ruis pîî,tlloChic"ago. A".. Lordet-Scretary o! the Navy' Pantela' in- an bought iure lots on sout'i ide ta A. Watts, saine, 23. structions that *mean,*be devlsed of Jopniitad roewlavenesofrohen I lwin R. it adIne, 21; Marie cîeaning Up tic vice situation' ln Folmn~~~~~ Gift ursld0eo hm .Pers.saune. 19. substance absolved Acting Chie? At- o Harold C. Griffis for indicated cou- J lse Saundars, Waukegan, 21;- cock. sideration a? $3000. Berta Harper. Evansion. 20. Chicago CIean. Clabaugh SaYs. Mr. Monaban aloo bought tic liai-- Herbert Senti, Chics-go, 31;- Salene in ieply ta charges O? tbe Comamit old C. Griffith Iots 0on Coner-of Wood- GntkIl sanie, 23. tee o? Fitteen aud other organii.atioi1i and and Oakwnood avenues for $1,000. Sol S. Rosentleld. Chicago, 39; - a liquon ta being sold ta soldiers subect to encumbrance. Marie A. Smith. Wbeaton. 32. anud aslors, Clabaiigh ssid: lu Highland Pr': Arthur L. XWl- fDaniel Boone gavage, Giest Laies, "Chicago la cleau. So is Gret ioison bought the Ellen Ftzgerald 21;- Lois M. Mbchols, Waukegan, 16 Laites Naval Training stat ion. Siories rori'of about 207 teet trontage Mauellus Taylor, Zion Cii>', 4 o, ligliurf mn unbon on nest ide Uinol ave., north o? Florcuce A. Pincituey. sainie, 23. are taise. The training station is tile Beach t.. for $13,100. Henryv Knoeblleu. Racine, 46; Min- cleanesi lu uîîp world. '%%bile la've:- Anus Lyon bought the En-art lot nie Fritsch, Ranie, 39. tgtr eernlgt uls tr on west aide McGoveru st., for $3300. Fred Kapehite, Milwaukee, 45; E-l-esigaorniaionu i 10 pen b ior Snit riegh Township: -uOF la l'eters, saine. 37. 49 and nnht. bas received no evidence. thica cre luNE -4 Pelai- May, Watertowu, Wis.. 4~ "Nov t's lime, If sOCtOS lu me. Sec. 8 trintas-za E. Frtsch toi- 53,000. Rîsie Baling. sane, 25. wben those n-hoaYas' he>' are interest- In Lbertyville: Mary E. Ji JoMph Mater, Mtilwaukee, 2n; Mar- cd ln cînanini up the towu should bougbtthie Klsa Metzger Just place te Bicha, saine. 39. iihocuhat Terwl ba- on north *Ide RIssCoit foi- 83,000l, Wm. j. Vincent,.Itchell, South 115h rmplt baii.u hr aye swil hu subect 10 encumbrance. ait,» dled tes iwu fton promfgi eugs for au>' ouwish ln Ela: John C. snd Julia S. Bar-Dtaa 3; dthldPe2s,4.nau f he'n-1!gveusomeh.,.on-r haras boughi 80 acres lu SW 1-4 Sec. ice F ar24Wuona g 1. trom am om11e sud Albert C. Bai-bar- die; lFa . Hanisg. AWaconda l es as for nominal consideration. John Paron . Fgr.anica egal 3q Mary L Bradley bougbi the Fi- na AJondFearson, si. Fian.13. '3 TINK Ô BWII Schola tarimlu NE 1-4 Sec. 17 at Lait John Rosa.5ll-uee5 Euy1 T Zurich for Indlcated coualderation of Rujath, Rame. 42. Ilh~I111 & 4,Arthur Manne, Ferai, Ibd.,3;Ger- flhIL t a FURa'W aldine Develîce, Peru, luid.,29. Real Estate Transfers LSTh ls A. So-efseii, Racine, 21; M D NW U (fA Sept. 6, 1918. Gottfried Mai-oIt. Lombira. Wls , 5W 11cur>' Enart and n-ttc. an Auna Kathfrine Sanni-, samne, 50. ýl Department"o Justice Aet Lyon, N 1-2 lot 3, block 12, Highlan.d Win. H. White, Wauitegsli -1; Agnt Park, M.I, WD, $3300. Augusta PhIllips. sainie. 24. Are Conducting a Probe to Est, o! J. Mi. Brenton, deceased, Jesse A. Bi-chard. Milwa5ukee, 42' f0 Anna Branlon, S 60 fi. W 198 fi. MousB. Collins, sainie. 22. 1' Determine Facts lot 68, Cory's Atld., Waukegaui, i)ed Fred D. Taylor. Chicago, 34; eju-' $1176,75. nie Styles, saine, 35. WAS "HOME-MADE" AFFAIR W. E. iBueiler and nife to T. j. lisel Lip,.ecitz. Gieat I.aites 21: Haops. S part lot 6 sud N. pari lot Ida Unbonliz. Brioolyn., N. Y. . I siaio nW ukgnI 7, Beach Grave ou Laite Mai-le, WrL, John D. Moas1, Mi1nauea. 31; netgto i akgnI $1000. Margi-ete Schub.sanme, 29. - Started When the Report Ida Ketchani t0 V. E. Paler, S 1-2 Wm. Hyat. Hlngham, Wis., 60; Ka- 'First Was Made lots 2 sud 7, blockt 2, Sheridan Heights lie Dabarsb, Plymiouth, Wis., 56. Waukegau. Wl). $1. Oea. A. Damljoflaris, Waoitegan, TCa the bomnb ecploded in the Frankt Si-oîz sud iet Mary 1. 27; Aget Pauluitacuia.saie, 21. fdrL bilding, . cgaiil ei Buadle>', lot at Lae Zurich, Wl), $10. Webetei- P. Thoilleon, Pleagaut Int va v eeka ago by an 1. W. W. Sept 7, 1918 Prairie, 24; Ida E. Xiurphy, Kenaisha. agt.u-es ln Ot he deaih o!ftour J. F. Powell and vite ta Wm. Han- 26. peoplesdP h n anigomu pleu. lot 1, bocit "IY' Powella lv., Henry P. Scbmilbach. Gri'A Laie%, others, nas maufactui-d lu Wauke- Druce Laite, WD, $7N. 21: Auralla Chiistmann. Belleville, g a . the sensatiaflal nen- dcvelop- E. if Tiedebobl lu Fatrick Con-ay. Il.. 19. ment being invetisatad b> depai-t- el, a.. lots b10 8, blockt 12, Di-eyei's Jos. J. Paeddte, Laie Foi-s,.t. 25; Meut o? jute S erativea. Sub., North Chicago, QCD, Il. Wilhelmltla Engaîbrechi. Liberty'- Information pointlng lu the tact sept. 9, 1918 ville, 24. that the '"home-mada" bouib hsd beenl Tbeo. BOmiemP toi W. C. Aichdale made lu Waukegan n-as oppliad uh« sud n-lt., 8 1-2 loi 11, blockt 5, Me-- faderaI autborites lu Chicago 1-i1 Kay's Add.. Waukegau. $130. OV . A i I~Saturda>' Agents bave beau Invels EE. ffs-hsch sud vife to L, F. 1N1V IY IL5IAM Sdtgatiug 'the.matter hors ever uluce. ift ! ac i-iiof landgln yNF.>41-4.5VPL Laie Saturda>' afieniOOn the report S$f1.000. ec 8 Deerfteld Tn-p., WD w ~ as ciiculated that tha bomb f5411013 $3,00. E M R M B R- had beau located hrbainsd the maker Geo. Umbdestock and nif c to G placeSunuder ai-iest. This storY'.lit -B. Umlidantoék, lot lu Village o!fLF~UU~ appeara, nas vithouit foudaiOfl. Long Grove, Wl), $300. .saD» Q WÀ oua tact n-hich ju cansin gtbe gor Frankt Opea sud vife-#o Paul Jur- ernientin10 continua the probe bere kovac sud <mie, loi 13. bloc 2, Wau- l- t ithet b.mtonalB used ln the kegan Hlighlands, North Chicago, WB Important Statement Made In malIlug of the bombe are readjI>'oit po 60. taInable ln WrMiO<8f1 Elt M. Just aud buaband lu Mary WshIigton by Seoy. Dan- ilu learnnad frther ihat there mai E. Juilt, lot 5, 'Fi-gge Sub., Liberty- tels Regardlng Service a big I. W. W. Mseting ID Waukegaa vile cDu $ sd1.eb rni &____ bout a montb ago.Wete- rn Alez eox l adwfeiFaktera n-as an>'connection bain-as' 7dradicka, lai 9, blockt 67, North Chi. WasbLingt ouAu:. 3L-Volulitaly thia meeting and the boi5b Oitrag eago. Wl). $10. cnistssîantailu the navy and4i o$ia a not yet been datenilled. Effia Mi. Nelson and bosband tn corps have besou sboliised foi- tuedir- fi-rat accountR af the bomb explu Martin Vanudia, lois 27 and 28, block aion of the nar. Seeretary Usull@itslon lu ('blesa stateti that tbe boin - . W-__ - 1 -. 1 15.NnhCiagW,$4%.a-iued aa' I A .1.aireay ad -ee bui A in adi-osea tb Ie 91 en 011 ad re bu dis %I VI ku le raa Fa] rai wi :ýb F'r wi JO I& Rc HI Fr El v u A 'w R m B, M c c y F c p 01 d MR. BUSINESS MAN IF YOU CANT SECURE GOODS AT YOUR LOCAL WIIOLESAL- ER!S, MAKE USE 0F THE NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH Dealers who ore unable ta secure the merchandise and supplies which they need, from their-local jobbas's, wilI find it economical and convenient ta take advantage of thre fast, merchandise-carrying service offu2ed by the North Shre Parcel Dispatch, Tire rates quoted are remnarkably low, less than express rates, and MERCHAN DISE IS DELIVERED WITHIN 24 HOURS Delay in secuning thre goods you need promptly means losa of mnoney ta you.. When you find tirat yeu can't get quick service Iocally, go ta Miwaukee for your mercirandise and supplies. Request delivery by thre Northr Shore Parcel Dispatch. Delivery is aasured within 24 hours--often in considerably lesurne if goods are promptly delivered ta thre station. Fofsrhr4frtfoapli.le Chicago Office 137Su uS Sf nksetM Phase. Somrsi 8m %tuarent FParce& Diopatch office ofthe NOR TIH SHORE >ALWUNE Libertyville Psssenger Station Phase. Libertyville 74 Mlilwaukee Off le SimIhsud CIy bous-. Phoe. 6,ud 943 rIp I - Ir- un rl-1 jý W- m e mul THE OFFICIAL VOTE SUSPECTED.OIr - BERIN6i (ERMAN SPY; [ere 'Are the Officiai Totale on the Vert ous Offices lu the Lakes (Jounty Prlmary Rleid in Fifty Preciucta on Sept. 11, 1918 TAKEN TOTRIAL "é ~ canv'ass or the votes.utntee- Irving et. John Tudier ................... ut primary iu Lake couuty baa been STATE CEN. COMMITTEEMAN )mpleted by Coun&r, Clark Hondee <Republlcan) Wm. Geissler Who Has Been id while the totale show a little dis- George W. Paullin ............ r184 HI nLk ,esoy ln the votes as Drinted in William J. Petry .......... ýýî Hl nLk ounty Jail L psper, the changea are very min- (Oeanocnstlc) Since May, Taken Away ast a whole. Polîn P. flougherty ... .......... 281 ____ Below are shown the official totals John A. MeGarry ........... 1, the county: <Bolallstlc) CAMGHT TAKING PICTURES U. 8. SENATOR James W. Marsha.ll ...f_.....__ <Repubiletan) REP. GENERAL ASSEMBLY [difl MoCormîci ............. 2419 <Republican) - William GelssiBer an allen enemy atrici H. O'Donnell............ 78 Edward D. Shurtleif ........... 70.11 was brought lu Waukegan tram Chi- MI=m Hale Thompaon ...1128 James H-. Vielkeru ............. 196.1 cago on May 23rd and bas mince beên ifred B. Case ................. 13S Arthur K. Stearns .......... 2081 held ln the Lakte county jail pending gorge Edmund Pous.......... 2348 Lee Mcflonough.......... -..... 5191 a hearing ln the federal courts, C'hi- (Démocratie) (Democratlc) cago. He wau taken to the city ln- ames 0. Monroe .............. 118 Thomas E. Gra.ham ............ 1256 day and dispositionOf o!bi case now unie Traylor ..................31 Herbert Â. Shea........61 Ioisnluthebanda of the tedi'ral agentq. ames Htamilton L.ewis......... 455 1 . îîutc The Maint of federa! operatives 14 (socîsletle) Gust Hausadowsk....... ....... 1 that Geissler wa4 taking pirlifres at VIliam Brous Lloyd............ 68 COUNTV JUOGE one or the army cantautmentosand STATE 1YREASURER 1 (RepubIIcan) titat he was In the ipay of the German ilarles P. White............. 1991 Perry L. Personas............. 4130 governunent. ln other worda, that ho red p. Sterling................ 73 (Demucrstlc) was uuspected of being a German (Denocrtic) Hervey C. Coulson............. 284 jqy Villiam M. Car............... 1411I COUNTY CLERI< Geissler ls a fine looking fellow. ron........................88 <Repubicsfl) being uix feet twQ luchas5 and huilt ýames J. Brady ............... 248 Lew A. Hendee ................ t77 aceordIngly; ho tg ai yearu 018. (SooIaIIstIc> i(City. 1361) ln bis cagie If Ittgi.Prcve'dthat hp tobi. L. HarveY................ 58 Louis J. Yager ............... 2054 acenaly was bêing pald by the Buns SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (City 802) In take pictures of the war activitieg (RepubIIc*ft) (.îusîherp., thug provtgIle hp as a 'o'. [pgh S. Sîagll, Jr ........ .... 1671) E» Simnpson.................... 5r1efissler may la time b. abat undvr rancia G Blair.............. 3062 814.ERIFF the tederal law which provides dpatb <SocialsatIc) (Republcan) for aptes. mma Piechel ..................7 IIe Oen3.......314 _________________ CONGRESSMAN.AT.LARGE ( City, 1169) '- <Ropublicafi) Chester C. Ame............... 241() LTELL H. MORRIS. Atton.ey ilamE. Maso a .....2988 (Cty 828) ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Uin William PrIcP .........481l (socbisltiG) .-, puhlic >oofke 1. rerrik,y 6giseslhat the 1.eb lepnry '11. Ratbbone ............ 1971i Fr-ank Wagnrer .......... oil. ol 9the last WIii sn1 Te.tament ofj Wiliam Grant Webster .... 483 COUNTY TREASURER ucreWickerslertm decesed. wilI attenthe Richard Yates ........... a..... 2869 Fildward J. Yeoman ...........2 Co.ntv Cons ni L ake ounti-. at a te-thereof Frank Hall Childa8 .......... 451.)(C('n 134) t0 be hides, ut the Court Hor leWàufnS, (DoeÏocratlc) WilamA Rosing .......... 1548 nsiinn tfrl frt Monýdai ni \'.neVrb r Benjamin J. Rosenthal ......... 144 illim rity "1)t1nesi isii. ,si.i, ed ,-'eet ..-snba FJm Elza Williams ....... ..... 21 Roy W. Braclier . ........ 21 r1 alain,, auainst ,led ete&le ire ,titO,.'l in.l M.ichael H. Cleary ............. 2,% (ity 1133) rcquisted to areseut the lame to %&l1 Court for (socieIIstic) jay B. Morse ............. 19l;edijdki-ltîn. Frank Watts................... 54, City 4604) 'ýAR0LlNE WlICKFHMHFIl Exnlr Clarence C. Brooks.............. 05 <Sucielîstic) ('HAR<LEM WI<'KF'SHEIM. REP.. N CONGRESS Josep.h jtodowk .......eý......;...54 wauÈeasn. Iltinii. Septembe, 'i 11 <RoepublIcin) SUPT. OF SCI400LS sept 12 là21 Carl R. Cbindblom ............ 1663 (Republican) William Grant Webeter......... 46 T. Arthur Sisn l........ .... r21 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. ii'derick C. DeLgng............ 247 SENATORIAL COMMITTEEMAN publie notice N~ hereby given ibjit Abert W. J. Johnsen........... 245 (Republican) the Subsciber gzecutor of th,- LesAt Merricit Ames WbIPPle.......... 679 W. B. Smlth ............ yq WiIl and restasnent or CARL WE- Chailes M. Moderwell .'..1715 (Democratlc) WETIER, deeased, wll attend the (DemocratlC) rPeter Mcl)ermott ......... otyCutfLaeopy ta phlip J. Fînnegau .......... 285 (Social suic) teruont Cort o bLaIte ('u.t ta Malcolm B. tereti .......... q6 rierman Pan'Xoke ............. Cort Horefln0 hoen l a th Samuel C. Herren ......... 99 F~rankL< .aureîî ............. 11 atieg.. 51inb PScaltc aul Peitlai.... ....... Counfy, on thea Orsi MondaY of No- (Sociaist10 vember next. 1918, when and wherei _______________ail persona ha' îng dlaims1 againât I-e crearn consne nînb,ring 2.150,- SI4URTLEFF GOT OVER 20OW ed t Pet te nfied to ad requit- 000, costing $107500) and requiring for adjudication. c0.000 gallons of crelâm, were con. According wtotheIliarvard lierald, WILLIAM A. WF.WETZER, sumed b>' Great Lake& bluelaciteta the flua) vote ln the district on lei. - Execuor of the Iest Wili and Tenta- during the past two summer montho. isîture was: ment of Cari Wewetzer. decd. The>' must haie ihat stuf entirel>'. shîitiîeE ...................20,11., 8a.'c'a III., Séptembèr 9. 191S - . ~ -Vicitars ....................1.8togreIIEYITEt'K-R & IIEYDFECEi. If ule0a ! 5l7 n valu. .you WiniStearna .......... .......... .. ,41Atiy for Estatfr. - .-ou u m m d.)nag ,91 Nkly sept.1290 1 1 and it in the làbertyviiie independent MCI)ODough m

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