CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 4

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LIBRRTY VILLE NDEPE)~DE!qT, 1~URa~4~,~ 8EPT. 19, 1918 - gbertyville Independen t Ît County Indepedent - WauIkegan Weekly Sun Offc& Tlphon. Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. eti the Potoffee et Libertyvlie, Ill., s Second Clas Mail Natter Offcia i Publication for The Village of Lbertvvillo. IiiPubIio for Lake County Board ef Supervlaors' Pro-eelnge *Uv.ry Tbureday. Advertlaing Ratea Made knoWà on Application. ICUPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE 311111TH .............................. .......................................... Editor SIMITH...................................................................... Manager H.ECKHARDT.................................................... Local Manager 43AMBLING MOVE DISGUISED IN PATRIOTISM Apparently under the guise of doing a patriotic thing, by @xt$ibuting a certain amount of gate receipts to the Red Cross ~to the Council of Defenge, or soute other organization which sùipposed to be doing war work, the promtoters of the running eat Libertyville have got away with their plan, have inter- ns iorth shore society folks and seem to have "put it over"' in ab sape, whereas had they not utilized the patriotic senti- ~it that le sweeping the country, the chances are they wouldn't Ive got 7Mr far with their plans. SHowever,tliat does not alter the real farts at ail! For instance, the pronioters now are taking- steps to erect a We nunber of buildings o ncvommod)(ate the 600) ruîîuîing lîorses aregolg t betaken t this traek at Libertyville. Doce yframiute hk ~lt the GAE RECEIPTS, (that EXPESES for such a niet? Of Course not! It i8 the profit that is made from thc races pnbooks maintained in the large cities where they will get ~mup" for going to ail this trouble. SThere may be no gambling direètly AT THE TRACK, but È!ety 8oia e going to furnish a means FOR flOTS, WOMEN ND ME ALL OVER THIS CJOUNTRY, to bet throughi books ane operated in the many cities. In other words, the society angoing to see that TfTEI I SKTflTS art- kve inn IN Ile, Lake Coîînt.bu)t TlIEY DO N'T ('RElowv jîjueI Nqla OAMBLED AND LOST in OTHIER cities. Thev are er looking atter THEIR OWN skirts and they do not'care ~t.hng about THEIR BROTfl1ÈRS' AND SISTERS' and the OMbling frateri.ity of Chicago will profit as reslt and profit Sthe thonsards of dlollars. Lthe count v has heen kept leni from such race meets for a W many yen rs and thrt sentiment that prevails now is decided- !,afinstnlahi ngit. Th chances are that even now steps may Ï takeii to - ,t*al to, qovernor Lowden to prevent these races Oàg held c- the prn,"ositinn that it is a gambling proposition Ïdesigne for nodhi g eOse. TIRACHEIS VICTORY PRONOUNCED In connection with the' ucceas of Roy Bracher for the Re- 4,Iucan nomination for county treasurer, a new man was Pqfht into politics of Lake county, a young man who has livcd b etire life in Warren township and Waukegan township. He haî nover ventured into politica before but the manner rWrIcb he earried his own towpslîip shows the esteeni in which 'hheld in Warren by bis friendsanad neiglibors. WýhenBIrach- ýfftered the.race bis friends al declared lie would be a forrmid- 'OP-ponent to any candidate for any office he might aspire to Stbe way he came along shows that they predicted correctly. Bracher always has been a clean-cut, affable young man anti ý4Qg hia caxplign, On, of the features was that lie neyer said ýg abot anY other candidate but ijust plugged- along try- 110e ve~voe possible and askiug Mirn for bis support. iBahr rýuA a general merchandise store at Gurnce andi is o[n f J. W. Braclier, a veteran of tule civil war m-ho fop-mianv wua lu business in Gurnee and w hile Mr. Braclier, Jr,, lives aùkegan now, lie stili conduct8'his store ini Gurnee. That F-W1I prove a Most efficient county treasurer and ho a credit te s otera who supported hiîn is a foregone conclusion. Thiere wasn't any doubt about that wlien lie was running foi ~CBdwas metely a question of wlio could get thje nost votes. 0peit for Mr. Bracher complote suécess 111 tîte, conduct of * oficeand recognize the estcinm in which the voters of Lakt ty hold him as shown by the fact that he carried the countý Êieanner he did, despite the fact that lie entered the contest b.Without an organization and without the support of any Ierecognized political leaders of the county. What he did -.-±VerY few mon can accomplish in polities In any township. 'gave 90t to band It to, hlm. ,,WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS ftRATIFYINO sprimaries on Wednesday brought no particular surprise county with the exception possibly of the conteat for treaurer. That contest ail along was @ue of those which who knew politica in Lake couuty could prediet would Ywa for any of the three candidates runaiug. lY thiO paper la a littie intereated inflie fact that of Candidatee it aupported ouly one of the lot failed te land This le in tlie case of couuty treasurer. ~~eCandidates advocated bY thin paper for the position of tyclerk, alberiff, the legislature, and the U. S. Senatp, won, honore and naturally we are plensed. e VOtera Of the rouuty turned out a big vote considering 7detractiona of the present timo aiLd nobody lias any nit t offer about the Rize Of the votera' expression' 1%. a&M natui-ally mauch plenaed toBses the voters have re- tRistel confidence in County Olerk Heudee and former OGreen by returning them te office. We also note with satiataétion that the' votera of tus ,district rallied to the of E- D Shurtleff whon it wsas scen lie might be in a make. In th ' state lis showing was pathetir after aIl thut had been saitl. Mr. Fosaslîhould have remuined ln cengress--and, in tbat seat, lie would bave found little oppoRsition and could have continnod (bing lis work. It shows, b ' vhis, second attempt ut the' senate, that ho le popular perhaps la lus home-town but the' state at large doesn't have, similar feelings toward him. Thus. the question whicli arises is: Ilasn't the patronage given hinm at home perliaps enlarged lu lis mmnd the feelinig of over-confidence ontside? NewNspaper àdvertising hy undertakers, long regurded by îîîany cf tliom as unethîcul, received the' indorsemnent of the' Na- tional Selected Mortirians ut the close of thîr convention in the Hlotel La Salle, Chicago, Friday. "As othor professional boýies have noted the change of publie opinioni regarding publicity," rau their resolution, "'tliireforo, ho it resolved, tlîat it ia not de- roga tory te the' dignity cf min profession te use dignifiod pub- licity in ru lliug attention of the' public to tIc services rendered- hy its members."1 Onet ting about the treasurer contot-it was the' cloanest con test of tht' beated kind it was, that bus ever been wuged ln the' county. Each candidate spokie kindI3' ef the' ether, noue are vonomous ovon their defeat aud it weund up In a gentlemanly and l'respectable" manuer. No "soet heads" even tbough thene may ho a couple of soet' earts. It i. a pîcasune te take part in a campaigu wborein tht' candidates are se genilemanly as lu tht' ca se of liracher, Morse sud Rosing. And to think that there were 522 votera la Lake connty wbo juait insigted ou voting for Yeoman anyway even thougbho had witbdrawu from tht' race-they wanted te vote for hlm deapite himself-aud thua tbrew their votes away after ho ha 'd told theum -nultt do se. But, if Morse ha.d get al cf those 522, he wonld h a.zten Bracher by 200; and if Bracher liad got ail the' Yeoman 522, lie wouhd bave beaten Morse 800 instead of about 300. If Yeoman bad nemained lu tht' rare, accerdiug te tht' fig- ures,_ Morse would witbeut a doubt have been nominated. In ot ber worda, Yeoman's balloon ascensioni gave Bracher the' ne- esalarY qu-artera from which te draw additlonal votes. 'Twax nice, auyway, wamu't if, tliat eaci candidate for treas- urer carricd bis home tewnship? Thats at Ieast consoling to all. "Waukegan District", wCft 'Ibver the top" i nthe motter of registration on Thursday, according to officiai figure. given out today by Waukegan draft board.,. The total number. of rogis. trente ln Waukegah end the. rost of District No. 2,. w»e. 4447.. Thisla forty-one moa.. than the estimate fixed hy the office of Provoat Marsiiel Gen- erai Crowder.. .The. report of the. board shows the. foiiowing Interesting figures:* out of the. total rogiètatt4s,2194 woe native hemn citizena, 92 were naturaliaed cit- Izens, 174 were citizen@ tiirougii the naturalizatlon of their fathers, 514 are deciarants, that la, thoe havJng taken eut their flrst papers and 741 were non declarant allens. .Tiie foiiowlng table will show the. number of eacii age botween 18 and 45 wiio were regsereci: 18 yeare oid-267 19 yearc aid-918 20 yeans oid-21() 21 years aid- 23 22 yeana old- 1 23 years id- ô 24 years aid- à 25 %*àr oad- O 26 years oid-. ô 27 yeauw acid- 1 28 yeans aid- 0 29 yeara aid-. O 30 years old- 1, 31 years pid- 2 32 years old-*fl 83 yeara aid-3n. 34 yeare oid-0«41 36 years od-286 36 years old-294 87 years aid-806 38 years oid-304 39 yeare oid-264 40 years oid-274 41 reans oid-249 42 Yeans aid-264 43 years oid-284 44 yeai»'od-225 45 Years aid-311 ELMER GREEN AND LEW HEN- ORE EXPRESS KEEN APPRE. J'CIATION FOR SPLENDIO ' SUPPORT GtVEN_ THEM Elmet J. Green vbo an Wednesday vas naMlnated for the. office of aber- iff Of LIte County by one of the fin- est maJorities ever glven a candidate for thus Oafie, vans a eontented ok todaY. Mesaied? Weil that hardly exPressea It.LHe vas the most ticit. lid mnlatovu. ADS * Each Ias.ron. -ý Chai3 possible danger. They showed by thelr'expreÉ%ions; that they 'DONT OVERWORK MOFFETT t--------- would flot for a minute think of jeaing bis valuable services at' The authorities et Washington - tnkthor a oi ailmit ta the. capacl.w Springfield. We are also pleaaed te note that William E. Mason,' ty 01 Capt. Mofftt of Great Lakes WN formerly of Waukegan, wixo was loyally supportedl by Lake station for dobig tina.Despt the rosponslbii o in connection with RATES-10 Conta p« county residents, la again returned te CoDngres as Congresaman- thé building of the. huge station whilch 20 Cents Mini at-Large from Illinois. Naturally we bave ail had a home-pride IncludOse the supervision of aviation mottera in the. wid. district about s- e - e ln Mr. Mason because of hia long residence heoe. Great Lake@, and varioua other things ---- AWE-INSPIRING SIGHT IN SCHOOLS Capt. Moffett to tae.@tep@ Immediae.-* o As Justnewpupls f th Wakegn shool ar (bng vey 1'ta dean ui> the vice ln Chicago. FOR SALE--Two lilahtbornes Liberty Jùs no puilsof he aukga scool ar dong Vel it looks es thougii tioy are putting ~a beautiful thing at i1 leclock oach day when for a minute al tao much work on on. man just bc- v lBkery. wor i sspede, veyboy ro teirhod ndfor cause h l goSiatured about it. FOR SALE-Two farmne, 1J1 acres, two workis sspened, veryodydropthei- hed an Ithey don't vwatch out they wiii one minute there 1a deep meditation. This daily a.ngelus as ohi- get 80. many burdepe upon Capt. mof- miues watof 4resaend 4à% acres, one fott'e ahouldors thSt iho nqt only wîîî Mlle nOrth Ot UbertYville. Chas, H. served in -Waukegan is said to lhe one of the most impressive break down but hie generai effIciency Peterson, Libertyvilii11. 36-81 sighs tat bs eer een lancd i Wakegn acool.and record for accomplihment may 1 sigtstht asevr ee panedinWakeanscoos.bc decidedly hampered. FOR SALE--Six percent Fit Mortgage Teachera who have stood before the' pupils as tliey hav~e oh- It seeme as tiiough Chicago ought Bonds on Lake Forest reai calate. tbe mode tta of itself with. neetpybe uyadJnay served thue tonchlng little nct of patriotiism declare their eyes othevlng to caii upon Capt. Moffett, De Oreat payable00.iyad January.o fill with tears and their hearta are struck as they realize what 85 -mlles ateay, to toe a iiand ln It. b<mntois*o.Mtui>,2t The. 35,000 boys et Great Lake@ noed 10 years. ()eorge Anderson, Phone 89.1 sentiment la baek of it ail. % practice of this kiiîd is likely to hieî personal attention et the. station Lake Forest, 111. croate deep-seated patriotism liu the' bearts of everyone of the and lt doeun't aeem se. thaugii it whoobsrveIn n ornot iannr. houid bc nocessary for hlm to extend FOR SALE-On. Span Black Borges, pupils hobevlnu aietmre. hie personal observationi to a point 8,006 Ibo. Wili trede fo grain, oats Furtbermore, it not onîy will teach patriotisîin, but it also as distant and as large e Ch.1cago. or bey. 200 Wasbingtco Circie, Lake will have a tendeucy to cause pupils wbo obsere this plan eanu HE DOES THE WORK, BUT Fore"h 37.2 estly to realize that there la aomethtig ng ow and tlien whieh OflentimestheIi ltenant dos the FOR SALE-10e breeding Ew.s fGrade ahould cause thenk te apply their minds aud direct their thoughta wrork the. captian geta the. crodit for Oxfords' 5 Oxford rame. J. P. (merna, te te Alîght in vey sîcereami -arîestiraîmr. iiving brn a wndrfi iofficer, hn 6-- to he lmght ina erysicer an ernet iaiii(r.Thats wiiat friends of Bruce Stevens, Phone_______________ 87-3_ The practico is one whiclî we think is very bvautiful and depàty' county t saurer -are eaylng FOR SAL-amlydrlvieg borse, 6 about hlm-lt sinr who has run the L-aiii whicb should be carried ou evea thougli the cc.îwntry were not at c.ounty trensurerle office for the. rea. yearls oid, kind and mentie; weight war Infac, i isunrbelef ha itwil booîn snb apopl1 son that the. rosi treasurer-MeDon. 1050. Teiepbone Graysiake 76-Y. war.In actit s or beieftha it illbecoie ucha po' '-.ougii-iissn't been et the office hard - thiug in the scbools that after the' war is closed1, it wil lieN - yy of the time, and, tiiey add tiiet FOR SALE-Grapes foreatîngjeîiy and tinuod. There is se little attention paid te things of tlîis kind th deputy more than the. treasurer rannins, freeh frVm tbe vines estL). b. ha* kept ln close toucii wlth thinga Berrick's, First street and Broadway. in the schoole theso (laya that it seems good te hoer cf sonehu ail the. time and to hlm la due credit 'f it' jilhoig evt-d.for the way thinge have been run FOR SAkLE-Bard coal 14 loch base« rather than te, the treaturer. But, burner (iood condition.W .Hve thats always the way-.after a fel- 0 .f.Bvs IF Tu IS SN'T "IEAON IIAT î? Iow'sbeen touted ne ha* the. treasur- Sonth Firet St. 38-1 "I an, a I hinkyenknow hertil lusymptlî ~~ih ~ or asu "thesgreateot littie treasurer 111am as1 hik yu now harilyinsymaty ,it yu.that ever lived," somebody somes 1- REAL EBITATE 4 1 have endeavored te assist you in every way in my power, and &long and takes th*JOy owt Offie. ...... Even Stearne acdes!i. te tby elmoat 1 shaîl continue te do so. I n ilI do aIl 1 ean to urge the passage gettîng as many votes as McDonough FOR SA LE-A n improved 40 acre tarai, ef this amendment by an early vote." for treasurer. wlth or wthout stock, crops and Im. This waa President Wilsou's reply te Democrntic w'ome;î cf petentsF M.HainiAe&,11sese iui the' National American Woman Suffrage Aasociation ný ho weîît RE61ISTRÀTIONS AT dse.F.MfadîgArII.-2t to the, White flouse Monday te ask hum to use lis inflîîoîice te IT I ;sê briug about an early vote on tlhe federal suffrage ameudmnt. DIS RIT BOARD, adTwo heurs afteiiard, before a crowd of 2,000 cheerlng mon-NO1L K G . adwomou, Misa Lnuy Branham of the' National Wonîan's party NO.11AKECO steod on the' base cf tht' Lafayette stutute, opposite the nWbite Lake County Local Bloard No. 1 had a Caliôrnia Pi Hlouse, and burned a "1scrap of paper"' coutaiulug the presiden t'a rgstratlon ot 8680, ditributed as foi. worilq. iaws: Non- then, if women or anybodyr bas a right. te flaunt il, the 18 years od-2{005p e very eyes of cur presideut au act of thia sort and get aroiitid the' 20 years oîd-î6î charge cf treason, we'd like to know what the excuse it. lt$somu 21 véàtge aid- Il te us, woecuwbo do sucb a thing not enly commit treason but 22 years nid- 0 commit an act wbolly nnpardeuahle, ulougoide cf wbich a more 28 yearnsoid 1 aiacker ii a ream patriet Must our president ho degraded ln 25 ycars ad- 0 sncb a manner oven by women? 26 years aId- 0 27 yeare aid- 2 Non' thon, judging by bis report te the supervisera Tuesdav 28 sear4 aid- 0 M in whicbholieteld of the ucees of the tfifreamr gardon at t1w 29 sear oid- 0) E . H , e C O ceuuty beapitul during this season, County Physician Brown Io 31 years oid- 1 MEATS AND "some farmer" as well as bospital supriteudent. When you .32 yeare oid-145 Twa PI 3ne-339 and 340 read over the' list of articles produced at tht' "farmn" and realize 33 years old'-247 SO@- 0SSSSgp that the thingsalal will go te fced the nioutha ait tht' hospital thia 34 years old-26u ____ ____ 33 5 eare old-2-125pg:::gsb:g: wiuter, it shows that the' buaitîoss-end of the hospital ii8 an im- .6 years old-22'J portant foature ef its conduct. And, Dr. Brown bas more than 37 yeare cd-:à4(; F A L L IMI1 made good on the' provisiouing of the institution during the' coim- .38ear@ ald-246; ing season. Hie bas eneugli of certain kinds of vogetables to rua 39I yearo cld-240 eaenwsoigt them ail winter. Net enîy bas the garden heen self-supporting 4i yeare old-193 AIeF but it bas made lots of money for the' eolnty. 42 years old-226 LDE'F 43 years old-201 We have a large assortr Wonder what happened te Congressîîian Folio! Even lnu .14 yeare old-213 Our prices are very mc Lako county ho didn't make the sweep that lie n'as expected te 45 years ald-219 rus:use:ap:gp -bg - ----------.. -----b--- Visitoîrs to the Fair will do well to trade at Se J. DEINLEIN'S First-Class Grocery and Meat -Market A( plie MiIwîmée. Av& South of Electrie Lin. Good Time te get your tturclay and Sunday sup- l e . . Hi ghest Price Paid for Eggs 'M"Pesse tel îny fMonde in Wauke- gan and Liske County that 1 am min- Cerely gratetl for the ilendid sup- port they gave me,,' Mn. Green sali!. 'It vao magnilicent and ié le diii- cuit fon ane to fini! vonde b suitably expressbis eneai appreclation. 1 mn On MY record of elght years and it le gratfyng to menit tbf. confidence. Nathing vouid cive me gr';]ter pleas- une than to Peîeunally Miake tihe bands of the. thausands vbo tendèred me thein support.,- Hende. la Pieaned County Cdent Lev A.. Rendes aiso erpresed appreciatlen fon the.. big majonlty given hlm aitheii. côuty piimauies. ««It la gratlfying to bave ane,. friends raiiY ta thelr -""por as mine dld Wedneaday," kilr. Windee id. "Tel tbem for me btat 1 appreolate what theY did for nie. .Iy hope la that I shall continue to merlt their higli esteem."l RAY N.SMITH libeetyvilis, 11 Glovea, Hoaiery, Waiati gowns, Corseta, Brai Handkerchiefsa auj Noi - A. W.LI LIBERTY VILLE - Ronna Lake, 1ii. Reeonable. Write JoeuRosing, 1520 E 62nd St, Chicago. 15-4t. FOR SALE OR RENT-Sîx roln bous. on Lincoln Ave., Liberbyville, John Peterson. 8-4-2 FOR SALE OR RENT-Bonses and ferise. Insorance agent and cuilectur. Edwin Amstin, Phone 26. Dtt FOR bALE-Choice residence iota on McKinley Ave. Mms Grimes. 2-4 FOR RENT-6 roamfai;atn orchard st. Inquire Geo. H. Cooper. 37b1 FOR RENT-About 50 acres or good farin land, no buildings; Berringshaw feri. 4 ailes north o! LIhersyviiie. Appiy to C. J. Herringshew, 440 Webster Ave , Chicago, 111. 37.4 FOR RENTr-1353C_ acres ferai neer tflaaond Lake. Write or pbone to A. 'Lowei, 1519 Iruing Park Boulevard, Phone Weliing11ton 6871, Chicago. 38 2 WANTED-FIID, 40 to, 160 acres, Lake county, vinitY 01 LibertylIlla pr. ferred. Give location, Improvements, full demçrlption end cash price. Addrese Ja. iaLbertyville Independent. 85 4 WANTEO-Giri or woluan for general bouse work. Four lu tamily. Addrea. A lndppendent. WANTED-lIan anc3. wile awork on Miaîli arin near Chilcago. (uerai tarai work and irenerai bon@e work. Write. glvink full partIculars, experlence and saiary wantFd. J E. Merrion. 17314 Fulierton Ave., Chicago, Ii. 33-2 'itted Prunes r Pound )RLETT GICOCIERIES LLINERy the very latest styles in 'LL HATS Iment to select from, olerate. eSelection of Ladies' a, Underwear, Night- esieres, Fancy Linen ltions at LOW Pricea. 4DROTH - ILLNOIS 1 i iý Milwe

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