CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 5

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AFTER-tIARVEST TOOLS "JANESVILLE" and "DEERE'! RIDING and ENGINE PLOWS "EMERSON" and "NEW IDEA" MANURE SPREADERS- "CASE" AND ,'TITAN" TRACTORS GOOD STOCK. PRICED RIGHT.' Schanck -Hardware Co.ý Newly decorated and under new management, wjlI offer ta the public entirely new and high-class attractions, such as will please, amuse. instruct and entertain.I Thursday, September 19: MVias avies in "Runaway Nornan-J dy- and a comedy.I Friday. September 20: Jack Pickford in -The Gbost Houat." Saturday, September 21: F .. i.Wardin 'On the Level" Sunday, Septemnber 22: D-rothy Dalton ini "Love Lettera" Wednesday, September 25: William Hart in "Silent Man." tChange of program nightly. Ail new, animated films. The ieading actors and actresses of the world may be seen in Libertyville. Hearst-Pathe News films each week S.D.- NELSON, Lessee and Mg'r. bai - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - u m FOR SALE Ail materal from Libertyville Race Track, Barns, Shedsi, Fences and Grand Stand 1,000 6-ft., 6-in. Cedar Posts 20 34-ft. Cedar Voles 300 feet 6 in. and 4-in cast iron Water Pipe 1 60-f t Steel Tower. with 16xl8 Water Tank A lat of Siate Siabs 50 Stali Doors, with hangers and locks 150,000 feet of Lumber, from lx6 Boards to 8xl4 Lumber One Road Scraper One Road Harrow RUEL WRECKING COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE, ILL»iOIS IRESTAURANT NOW OPEN In connection with the Newcastle Hotel centrally locateci, on Miiwauke avenue, Libertyville., Illinois. SHORT ORDERS- WVhiIe attending the Fair, bring your family ta the - dean and modem restaurant.anc partake af wholesame tasty food and well-cooked meals that every member of the farnily will enjay. Our service is excellent and victuals are served in the most appetizing man ner. Ail bread, pies and pastjy are home-made and baked in our modem avens. You wiIi corne Oft<en Mns. E. B. Dairymple, Manager ____Cm_____Y__________________ 1U" j6gw- L~t~sn' 1~~NVa. ~( J7IIP~ 0000 ýe ý Sept -11, at *lhe Filr@t National Blank building, Libertyvillele rs.B. A. Munsan, Oliicers or.- iii] lduit tounill of Con- Couity l'remident, wili preelde and a trot were 1l-tl'li-day. This systeur @tate speaker wlll deliver au address. Ail worked very vii a.-]] etirean sd ve &ln- ladies registering lmt Noveniher are cerely houpe it ili otiniue to do so this cousidered mcibers of the arganizatton year. and are urged tu be prepent tu bear the Good nww !Tlie ailors are planning 0 1o plans for the comlng wtnter. a party for tie li,%%tr classes. Watcb for Laet Satnrday evenng the local Ep. the date. wortb Leagne entertained 20ttsailors a, Last Frlday nigt itie pworth Lague the M. B. Cbnrch of Wankegan. A very gave the High sehool a socialiIn their interestitig program, vaïr given constat- church gymnannluin. Ail tbe students laig of music by Misea'Marton Taylor, vers flot pre@ent, but those who were harptet, Mimes Eva Wlliam., soiniat, Min report a gond iiue. Ttie prograin con- Madoii Zook, pantiet, and Miss Maie siste of an entertalirnt and gaine@.. ana Rila Hlapkre, pianit and viotliit. Light refresbments were served and the Miss Florence Goldenbarg gave sgme en. parti teit for thi r bomne at 11:30. tertaining readinge. The program was You mtssed it if you didn't ses the iollowed by gaines and a ight tuncha aitl"Ireshteo," 'bazd' The boy. vere flot of which7 the bluejacketa onjoyed witb altowed to wear their îles and ver. great satisfaction. kopt ln the locker ruom until tino for on Monday our joval Dr. P. H. Martin classes. The girls aiso hadt their abars btd hi. many friands of Liberyille ofi h. The 'fre9h -s." nearly ail of thein frewell au ho t.ft for Ft. Bley, Kansas, tuait it good i tuî. .iy and aome think whore hie will train for i. du"le ovar- ht a capital joh- @ss. Rie many friands viilsureIi mies hinm, but thedboys ovor thora vilii ha Owlng ta ,the ý>,noua incrsaas of gettîing a gnoodriand for thon vho araegvsrnment ar Pw 'k, thego"arninntal nufortnnata Irtballe. B. viii ob:r up dearlmnenl@aiatWaahington ara bing iber ly airiasn he did thepaot !fodoed wiih ltere of inquiry on avsry Libertyville, vho vira anforlt ,Haconceivable subjeî t coflcelfig the var, waatodaada fraal pr Thu ta adi bas been found a physical lm- ev end; lb slra8e adsr-possiblity for tbe clerke, thongh lhayj y Inaded by a jackies band otrhe l. raat umber an army tn themelelves 50v, ta~ Lak;Inter lu theaf V:ingwhiob hat give many ofi toeler. proper attan- UTINU FLANNI3LS These goods are of particular interest to the home sewer at this time The first chiily days will show the family's requirements in warmer sleeping garments. We have a fine lime, this Fali, of outings suitable for gowns, pyjamas and warm underakirts. Pretty patterns in dark and iight stripes, plain colora and several qualities in white. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. W SELL TII!M- W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 aaatssssss.psszu:ss------sSmwS0000MUI T.nTTVV1TJ INDE MNT, THITRSDÂY, SEPT. 19, 1918 Llbertyvllle NewsI Il yu know of an item of localIiflterest, kiiidly telephofle No. 1 REGULAR MEALS Corne Once. 71-- . ra-P, Mis. Lelie Warren la 1ii at ber home A Jackio ba à4 o! twentY-oix Pieces at Wasbington, under anthortty of an. lu Wankegan. fnrniebed MiUSIC aitbhefarmerst meet- hy direction-af Ibe t'residsnt, a govern Miss Beatrice Carr af Derfield, opent ingaetthieAmesanusaSiCitOnieon tneaprTeOiia SCo f J c wek-ndbee arriviug et the farmn befare nooti. They Bulletin. This new.ipaper prints ever3 Mr«. Clyde Bai rie of Arsa, calie ei h vlaaon ie rekatday aIt the more important rulinus a friende esl. and ad notit.g more to eut until decisiant;, regulatioîîs, proclamations@n s~ h ' e l j . ' evenfng aiter their arrivaI in Libertyville iderBecnassbeyar thenîlgaedliiL415J Frances Vicerinan and ber brother Hr u-pYn rpo a' evd h eerldp rtne Inlulnd te mi ca 16 No! man are on the msfloat. v Hortsd a otbeptoer>aymnp e rea- s eli'mmltes and thce nw 1nîi fke ainIâiIi"r$ Mr@s. Arthur Rieha îcu akvite rant, thsy furnisbing mevera lst- operation at tile National Capital. THit.:, ber annt,lMr@. C. M. Fuller, Monday. n utal oele ti ne onthe str 1j N officiai journal Io pieted dallil y cc'le LaVi1iv Crits lais Iha 5 ten lits. Warren Heatb, Sr., o! Conumbus. niesi vas beipg prepared. Aitr supper' piiti)fflce lu the UlJlted States, more Mont., 19 vitilg 'relatives and Irende sortie oi the big girls ptanned a dance, at than 56,000 lu n nmer, and may ais,> b.-rv a e tO if W oa e hers. wbich the Jackies furnisbed tfl uic uie found on file ab al l Ibraries, h,)ards andi Mra. Jennie Craig of Daton. Ohio, no that tu the long run, ihey lorgave the t chamnhera aif commerce, tht- ooffices ai e @pent Sunday at the home of W. W. seemfing sight Oerved thein et the, train-.inayors, governorm, andI other îîfficiah'. acfl yê fy'rG v n et Carrolt. ing fanr. By consultirîg these files înu,, questions r u N t" m . Mr. and Mira. Gien Fry and Min ire -a E. W, Burire, owner of Drt. r,vn, and wfitI be found readily answered; there w 2 u o q i u~ aîn1m~ Wlllama atteuded the War ExpoiONtn a resident of Oak Pari, Io a vîctor ai W111 be Little nscesIty for letter writilug,____ Ssturday. ~~~~L]bertyville daring tbe [air. Mr. BurkeIb ncearcogsinithmte Marobal D. S. Liinberry vasé called ta lias been a vitor for the past hily-twa Vif] be appreciahly relievt-d; the raliroadim ____________________________________ Waltatooms, Wis.. Sunday on oficilai years, coming bers wben but a Young, viti ha caltedty pon tî&move fewer carres f business. &. ma and bas beeu a continuu visitar pondence sackm and the masis of busines * i k i k ± U ,k ~ ,1 iI Mlisa Belle Bradley underwent au acbfair week. Mr. Burke ]s a great that tes plling up tru the goverrimentE ILI OI operatlon for appendlitîs et the Laie laver of. horsea and keepsone fir trotbirig dprmnsvl i aeicuieai. Couniy hoapital Lasb week. graces, mereil for a paolimne auid noa undersds of, clerks, uow answering ________ ____ W. T. Eaton of Sb. Petersburg, Fia., ie an Inveetine nt. Holle e ai t barter correspondencei, widi he enahie t,, give foe for a vioit with ies brother, George memhber oi the rsciug association, being thelilmti oessentiallylmtîirtant watt, Eao n aily omdla18 n e h mrr fo@ada fundamentaliy patriatlc service leHT l . sittle anteiniiiy.Whberg l futeu tebgtem goma e hiag.wiihave been iiiitiarti iw y the oublie. C ID E R A N D SO R G5' H LJ1M Lîtîs ernceBie horse Drt. BroWrn having carrieti off This buttetitintay aiea lie laund an the oeriousil 11 asaàreault of afailin with the ')2 J4 trot lu one two and irelordet. files of the CommerciailClub and aiso at Tî dtmi wlbirayfrentnes ug t ihe nîued ierbiH Himhorse baving an eaoy ti ti,ifeacb hsoile h@Wberi, yjîîî cliib.- acaiîle ta Wendel B. Lovel. vwho- bas been @ta- heat. The .tnst wnvy on by Mi vîtt a look attfilet. 125, and wvm1l be open t-very day excempt Wednesday tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harrfson, near ebght handicap «s anesof tbe sulky -and Satîîrday. Aftti r tpteinrht-r 1, sorghum miti will Indianapolis, le vtsiting bis mother, Mrs. wlieels vas brokon. One- g ,d thing Mi A.LvIabout Mir. Burke là that lit e la n l the L/tire h CJ ê rV/cey ho open on Monday, '[IL". day, Th ursday and Friday [. H . Tarbor oi Zitîn City, ha s beanti- racing pa tîm e for m oe , i - lm lunt _ __ _of t-a ci w eek .01 tfut Morican borses,tiars chetnut, which meri-Iy.for the sport there te Ili t, Methodist-Epîscopal. oofiPrreVswII.J Jj' ' '" ro ilt cL e tns o th oint s-enfils l 5Prof. S. D. Nelson, Whî,1 . e sson of Services n udt Smnday w yul ie hellas P j, a- beyryviUe 257-Ml eH1 rotso li.belng subject tu I nimed îste ir1t a s follows: Sunday ebool at 10 o X-iitck.B.db Mir. and Mlr@. I. C. Martin and moin,unuable ta resuon is dil. a ann pec«g.rie h ocak Long Groye Griot Miii, cider and Wine Milt-eider Boiled by Stmua. lMeritt Martin, Jr., sud ÊEvnet Newman educator this year, lo en ilîle wbita Sermon by Rev. T. E. Reaai n. lu)t* Food Griaallng.à ai CUhcago, open, ibe week-end at ibe awtiting haCountry@la,,. He la evenIni at Il aelock, Re v S.,(I. A,3 er" oai i honte ai Mr. and Mra. L. E. Rtay. rbgiryepoe sa aler in Esusîtou, vili preach the sermon, . ____________________________________ Uirs. Gardon Kelly, wbo o tellnvei u blason @hop, andlatan adcpt in ihat ins. Bradford vilI bave charge ofailoh e i lin Libertyville, anti whbaa been restd. Beidea he msnages the Lilîr.V theatre for bath services. s . -: u::a S ing au lier father's, 1. W. Stafford iarm, sud is giving the publie entcnîainimeuts 'Lisitenling ta Godeo Word"' viii no W"t of Area, bas mavedtu taLake Forei. tbat thsv appreaciate, pa]gta two the subjeci of tbe Epwot League Mir. and Mr@, Thon and fanlly bave record-hreaklng house@, Su1aâ evuIng. meeting net Sunday eveinga p i moedfîtnth- asc ane nî~iHe contracte for dei.t. firii an ud bis Stewart Smith viii lead , theLmeeting.SAL lIv auke avenue ta the Luce bouse St the exlerieucs vîlithpîctures fi icînonstra- A cordial Invitation la extended loaail. corerai ak sîse sd Baieri Cur tonkvork in lýuthe scbomie f Highland Choir rebearsal i ili l@iel-d thîs veel Frank G uer lu of near Uertyv îllie Ps k ua ifie mb to pri.rI> operate n Th rsday evening a i M o', lck. a Nonday, being ta'ien ta Elgin. Ilii ris u le hs eek liiig mosaiecomIng Sacru concert. Alimemb>ers ate TI fl IPIllfl lIE I ' I1 lD ( ibas takv'i, treatineitt at a private sanî it tOot credi table pisced L in iit tihie coonîty urgedt aattnd. RI IJ b D L U fl b U R Ii tariuni at Wauwatosa. is, tir. Tbey sare adudl]]3 executeti The Sunday sol w ailîbhoiti ally lDa% I E R MEi Mr. aBrr Jst wo ine r.Jubsketches, sumie frai ii!,- auîd others this Çear on SnaO i u hitrs. theaBarmsJv bsine lit.Jnuthecopieti, but ai] Iestllyirî5 t., the skilai inities le planning a splendid tpta ain theartst.whlh wll c ier at11 oli Du roc 'sEntire Racing Stable cîty itîli lti-r m other, lires. I.. Wilson, y le spendinig a iew dy ihMs Mat; Friday the t]i]rteeith liing (lent-raI E iauwislr. Pershing@ birtlin ' v lie çrocetied lu a Presbyterian. Horses wiil pay for themacives during tie Hugh Retid. Jr.. ai Wasqhington,1). GC straightiorward îiairi,,r ti, teach tbe owing ta the @siate oi repaire Iast who fitas beau lu service lu Francs Ince germen a muci riei ledi et-on, boyvoit Sunday we wt-re unable to hîave ibtircu f irst week of the races latIee ber asbeau wounded et the ha bai eucceed.-l, ,)~u tbat have beau services. We ate hoping ta continue Sae1i >front sud fle naw contiinsdlu a bospitai reading tht- til ai] înî,rt knaw. Thoqel again ibis; vsek as usuel. Sae wilbeh ld o lu France. He Le a grandmon aiflMra. bo haie uit r- ivi , Jili papers vilI Sanda>' echool 10 a. m.1 C. H. Whitntey'. Le îlad ta note tIc> reacbed their Mîrîiug worsbip nt Il a. .nic MISS liartba htid.alto lias beau clist- objective utan> h. l)ire abead ai ihelr -profit thrîîugiî Sacrifice. a u dS e t. 2 trigergiânmuthr, r@.L. f. Witnyachetinle andi iriii ltt,-t rt-ports ibey are Evauing service st MN lok. Toi,' tiài hetrmnedmtoher, le. . C.e, mtl pushiuig aad h ie>' bave reached i'A Cîght Etinate af Liic. hu@is e r rntaelegdtue>* in tteGerivîîaiî bird, c aiid ara laying elege Prayet Meeting, Wednî da S 8P. l.the lait day of the Lake Caunty Fiatth IWbes rpreifo irtle u the tathe gtt frt r..'.41 Misa *ich ftle Tipi.-, MeetingTeîîîptatl(ittt Hw? Naval lteeerve, ite expecie ta leave Germens captur .1 li ibte French tn Boy Scouts aud Camîp Fire Utîs mimet- FAR Guni uu1 ir IIM I soain lot acerseaà service. 1870. Cateet m-l,,rtc show aur boys tii ingei Frida>' evenlig at the Cabin for F I ROUND, LIBERIIVILLE, ILINIS~î lire. Auna Stara, ofi Warren township, Le vithin teumni;- f these frict ons thtk rgauizatlaus t reperatione for bas twa hamas@cteted at the fait, ans wbich are beliîg, îîut-antly bombartied tae dedication aiftalîlu Frida>', Sept. 27.DN' MISTE ARAN heiîîg lu the ladies drivlng ciasesud the by aur big guii, ahni atriat farces, kioî.a t D ICiiiiiA'rION O' ISTEE BRA other the- pretty gray flint bas heen numerous dur, ,i lit> being obeerveti. FAseibiormiaionf, appoint.-osscnb e»ti we tDBok am n dnlv,.u thraugi- the streets ai ibertyvilî le netraIPermlirig Las -aireati>'reclalmeti mente. mile est of Hig en hlad Pa k on Dfilrok' aci. Addre recenti> ANt the prasent tinte Mrs St-ste over 150 equare - uîl]î- aiterrllory sud r,;*-O-I)rili.miewsofHgln PakonD rildod.A rs l8ecoritiincd Iu a hîtepital lu Boston. thé capturci u> îîraîîounita 20,0010 5- 0 yardi Swiutuing Couteet. hi> the litiatm' artiste lu inWednee- 0.r more. ilîî iii. wtaid Fritiay the- ;, 40-TItresettint me Canas ltulng.W .C u RK day eveuin's paper, it vas bnoticedtht Athirweettame iii, lt, probabi>' that -,:.-,oTug.ot-War sert-se SwititingW . C Hugo (atti, a son f Jas iotti, ai thîs orgilnated It iaî.Hîtie.HG LA DP KI . city, v. ahs bt-en ststiontidlunFort _____________ .t-t- niute atter ïattue. H DP RK L Sheridan, uailîualihled aud bas beau HIGH SOHOOL NOTES . t:1i.-Tiitting Contest.------ commissionsti ss asecond- leutanant, ail ri3 lu-Mess cal-cbok._________________________________ of %viil1.isgood nut-vs tafim famlly anti Tht-boys Itaýit- tartedto i)pISy foui- 7::l0-Dleuonstration ai Scout work- Teldpnet ietvleadLk onys~ a fricuis, hee.-ial ith gmetai liitttilr thiInstruction Camîp Fire Glirls Stunts. TeIdpnet ietvleadLk onysM A canni> umeetng oîthe vomauis com. aiflMr. itay. T] y-vIL, i t t progresstng 8:0)-Speeches by loiiM comitttet-. widely-read newspaper- Judicious advei tisera obtain Prof- i nlîna a ih ttate Coniteil 0i Dfense tapidly aundi,: lia% ýa1ready arran sd 030-Tape.idctrug lbeausofiscu n. mItie ilthPubl " ýtic tiitati Dig yiour itabe ecit wil i ti i.. nextTu@v y ai. onfor t àlv a . . LihtNIliu lyed lvery _______________________useof_____oumns T,,.tlavattrittan uppa. ____________________________________________

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