CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 9

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~~lKTY ILEIDPEDET IDEENDNTLake County'sr Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN M Im:RýxVTLLE INIJEPENDTE'NT,TH1JRSI)AY, S;EPT. 19, 1918 SFX PAQi&- $1.50 PER YEAR IN AD'Vu 'Il ist ýàNi6Long Sought by the Gov- enulient Arviested on White - Slavery Chârge 4AS LIVING AS A HERMIT So of aieih French Family Uving in Platte Canyan not -Far fram Denver Roy . Haams oofWa'ikegitt, Is tise Young man In question. lie Is ,,the aon af Mn. anti Mm'. W. O. lSam- P ntf tise veat aide. He Is n change Mthe departmuent ai Justice ai Dal- -vwer, isavins returmia t iera a faw1 ; inthe aega ta restiumeis position a fj t*i apending e couple ai monthasinj ý0ic"aaeon speclal vont for the d ë, Iatnist. Hon.r', a tispateis wbAch telAs af bis ; big capture: isOgU tise country fan Benjamin isonteleomue arie4n of a vealtis>'Frenci-italian fans- -;lBr of Nes'vOrleans, anti one ai thre ~arto tise 6.000,000 -estate of lbAs i ther, antistilait veek wben lRoy'0. itason, district supenlntandent o! -te Uitedt States dapartment or jus lieS, dlacovere th ie fugitive livi ng as a hennit -ln a tcnt n Plattt' canons. tracéd bAn ta IDenver antI piaceani -under arneat viteie hawa, loungrg 1. tise lobby> of the Albansy hottI 1 -- Monteleone la vanteti b>'thea tnit.1 ed States manahai af i.ouliana on a ~Irg f ai vmating tise Matnn white ilal:'.met An Inditment b>' a fader- -ai1 grand Jury yen rotunsedti syeara Np, anti during ail that time tis yuns gmillianaîre has been a furtI live. aiu-aya seeaing to avoidthetsalong &Ma of tise governmeiit and tise e '- entlena searcina of lui agenhs. -We<tneaday Mfontlsone was tuken l acis ts New Orleans to face thea feti-s anral indicttanlm5<-age iij -th - a -aYoung Ne" Orleap.ns wossaný, mIent' Bavîs. frmtiat cit> ta K-e- -Tise arrast oai Nlnteonc iiït5 Is brought about t4raugh a viit masdei bin b>' bis mothar and sister-ii-law.' EaýBrly thsis sumnuar they >'. m't Piette canon ta viqit tise lierrmit, u-hs reaIdat Iin tise tant--a man wiso neyer -mIngiet i wth tise ather 'sacat!o'ilttss ýat thse rasant.- 1- Itas tise maquant vists ai ht'uee atyllusi>' drasseti vamen ta theliser- ,-mit. tent that arauseti auspAcion In , -the esart anti leti eventual>' ta in-1 formation reachlng the governmentl 1agents. Sanson, visa Aise years ega 1 as hiot an tisa trai of tisa fugitive n t'leç York city. gat ta wank mma-' ,- litelb'anti. e-fer qnvestAgation, amn reatedth ie man. ln the resant In Soutis latta, Mon- telene a knawn ai Jerk %toisant1 »ad visen arneated Iin Dcnven hieouvs Lt4. e na oraJ. Monte. .- 'W00 Sei.KS SACs NEETr Thaee lft le ne big runnlng races1 et Uiserts'vtIle next veel. A Cibago raeoras league, acting agant tise race promotersa eaced, Indge Edu-anda ta bold court open ta. day, theîr plan beng to fila a, rsquesa fer m an lunetAen to restrain tie race Tiss nornlng tielau-yen callediu State's Attorne>' Welcis u-ha as ta greaflt tise vnlt ion hlm and cad: "t von't ha neceasar>' ta SIsetise ne queet as Secretar>' McAdoo ai tise tsjiroad depantusent ai Waahlingtass, 'baa Aaued an onder denybng tisebhanse pu-ners tise use af tise cans for trana- lortb4isg ishorses, thse meat tisus An of anti v. u-a't neeti an Injunctbat."1 Mamarenecli, N. Yý. Sept. 18--Card- IaÈZ Joltu M. PI-nie>'. s aschbishop af dv1s I. etat hie country' hotu, mm- tonght at tise ge of 16;-Tise agesAPlflate haî! been slidtig rapiti. 1'dmseshoe buterel a relagns la-t atx. tiIowlaIg partia recover>' C&-siiauattace a01ismaoula. "BI( (Wt" ERE VOEEL AD EENGives Up Church For Bride TIY'EO LU BIGGEST MAN IN IVARN3D TO DISPOSE I îttr I rancim,"I Io oftuse' "Old ('tthlîe <'hr h J CKETS1 IN I3YERY po i UNCLE SAM'S NA'VY 0F 'BIS 9BEAR. i ieri a, k i> ( ay to miss EtIiia Piîî,t r, [SE S10 Well Known Auctioneqr and - Tars at Naval Station Taie Off HorsmanBlaes Hmsef ~White Uniforms on Order For TragedyMonday of Captain Moffeti i îWOMAN IN BAD SHAPE NOW MANYHAE ILEN i Mrs. William Brennan is Close Believed tat Warmer ClothitckSa ta Death as Resuit of At- WilI Have a Tendency to i Chck he pidmic In Speech at Libertyville Girls,. byFtersBa Training Farm, He Warns. - ltp rnsnded n its <réat Lakesi, Sept. 18.-The blue. of Hun "Salvé"l * Hillttp grndao dea. an hi ~jackets aithtie naval station here are - daughtér near death asa the reauli ail bille taday. Capt. William A. Mof- of belng attacked b>' a "pet" bear, - l, omndn, ised an râr THIRTY-EIGHT GRADUATE G(-Oge Vgelof 'olo Mils, ut w-Ilypsterday fthat lias been wait"d foi- Cn t-or V goSLkesM uty, twisi anxiotislv ever since the chilly weath- bekowntro ughaio t hae veeofy. as er set n. The order la. thnt bit)- State Executive Present:3 Dl. ?seart roken asd on hp verg o! a hall iebthe,nuniform ot the day unui ~t on, h followed the advIce ofls'n given hi. ' ~ -, the balmy days of next sps-lng. Tboop Have Tilled Ames Farm' by he uerihbleratoget dy o t ts'- are fnot exsictly destgned for wear An--- haie trrbe trgea 4uotthe frigid zone, and Great Lake.itlau 0 0 n0o o o o o o o o S, o 6o.9 i hav the frigid zone lit present, la theO - . s- Vogel used to ladgh :n his floid- l oPinion of 48,000 sailors. 0 "The greateut danger 1n. Usi I Aatuc-d herty wa whn snseI fI should bc eaxy now for the tara ID country tôday je this peace efg RerAmriWlima-esi. neiglibor v.u'ýà point out that somse t Sucte the publie ta refrain froin0 sive they have ofered, beeaua, èà Rear Admirai Willa . esn div.thse primai nature of the bear caliimg them "Jackles" the namne O f they can get the ~p.l -e a the ranksng offcer of thse AU, S.1 tould assert itseif and someone would -m'hlcrbhas arouaed their wrath re. O Ileve that poace la nearer, they eý javy. Ie ta Dewey's succeasor aï be badly hurt.'asgtia ak- centiY. t was bard ta teach people 0: wili relax thoir efforts. president of the navy generai board Il' a 10 sa kt t ay 'bleuJackets," thse terni fav' 0--As the étara are ohanglng 0- and tâaiuso chier of naval operatiaisa. ten--he wvouldn't hurt anyone," lie ored by navy oCticers and men. wheis 0 from blue te gbld wa knwowidithna woffid repiy. terjr.s cewhite. 1O0 h only way W* can Ialyo Admrallie "n cme e rep IL*alaysséeedtha bcwa riht,0,750 Sufer With Influenza. 10O the aicriffce that thea. yeuft La1es~ Tueaday ta make an ilpec- 1It was thre earent agi) that Vogel!mnhvarnyime at u 1 tion if the station and reniained ,over; calsturv-d the ha i1h) othwod.-Spailsh influenza lsaU pad aetOme aeared a0 l eg ai the naval sation. It la thought o nhanon ti1eha.ofvf nighî. ex.pectingb lea%,, this evc- lie was a tinl Vsttsen, as piayfoAa s cag1o h ame lega-ohv been crushed for aIl lime, o sing for h" epaat. a puppy. n fact Abitle Iimmv7 Bren-11 tecnts e tli the b cmebat iiarct.t nan. grandao of Mr. Voge, uaed tafor grip, which bas heen, attackIng the 5Itadn ear hathe .bt te >r it l aisallors for almost a week. Vhs en ! aero Fa0 e l'ae te hsttim. ae aou --l ~ her e nv~0. Lowden, at the UÀbertyvil#e o lamtue Int, e. He waout butped hi, ite I ospital butiiiinoi., ivýtbout800o eecsstueytr o n I 111611 NAVAL O -yUaeso ohrsikesth sal iCiSn n years aid white Jimmie waa; pagt fi ve. , 1iy 0 naie ewabttre ae fohracnas h sa xrissTedyatrou but brin weighed 300 pounda, live art1 iaverage, are crowded ta capacy;0000000000000000e tims s uc e jmme.Th e a wfth this unexpected influx oflnlu1Oo OOfio OO o FICIAL (iUEST AT stimhttý e ul enci ys tmhe b The - nzaspatents. The avY. Mneu'. About 2,000 pergM _ va1jM-Lý tin!tu buildings et th atationaiaxl Amen farm at LihertyviUe T STATION TWO DAYS Mo nda nght the unexpected haE TIp- IEC O Y E SU lary haspitaa. Tise>'have bee fr- fewha.Zomn thaeam pened and Jimmie twas clawed, bitten U N QME TN IE T R E Ous nse thctanar cmm-sfoeand ilnrau*&" &dnri .S esn he fnv1and squeezed te death befote heli p W NO Idating oiver 100 iiick saliors. Ail aedlilvered bY Gôvernor Lýowdiu. «A AdirA . .Atnsn.che o n.-sould arrive. Jimmies mother, Mra. iYID IIlA' CJh/ N D LYL n strict quarantine and the Y. M. C. ice vserdetno1gw ai bureau of operations, arrived Aut William Brennan went ta ber aan's I LE fllJT SOJ A.bas practicali>' ceaaed ail of tt Auheon a ae red atheroon, g> the' Great Lakea 'Fuesda>'. star a rescue and received Injuries whIch ,,,, !ltuurwa egular actîvittes for the eprenent. thse trees ta hear thse, goyernor a fri-sh watér voyage aver the lakea. ma>' rasuit In bier deatb. arITK. UiUJWWTIN CITY t ' hprOmient ateaer. a ofe Ith tercnteamrlad The tory af how Mra, Brenait IBER1TVIL N-oie ranîno Inth ftroo Is s~rl ni wa8reacued la a thrIllilng ane. ler j Md EYT A PEÇDÇ i- adesta 39 gradat i aid. Commander A. le. Carter. In- NObn n ntermnrae a1 aiaezaaaua lier ssisAnce.One ootsen lngckOavear LWu tienetcd the h a and ap nthe ada- brasstnenea hm tuk.Protsi ginst Race Meet F. K. Bumstead Completes His "antiotiler speakers, lra Tlffny Blàke fln cooaamd a' AI t arv-the bear over the bead with a 30-i<tei g Cag or fdo s am iLake Fret.tâihow M.r. A&us, ning thare was a "big sing" Ava-pountistonê. The- beast waa a1unned jthe ta Bring Any hage Wo n ere Tody, Sys un Wiau ml.. ' wihi ven hadt Off re ia torld' do ety entertalomaent and several box- nly ascn. Ha seemed moree a,"',-I op. oer- ofee Ipfr o elo i lng bouts aIso vers gîvan In Camp nua eco hndbfr n ram h in the Plans Population Near 35,000 ment Order Pertaininq ta j hree eara ta e e aia a tralu Farrngut ravine. attack. lut reuii-ed three chargea- 0f1t ivig wa F' Coie" s 'inoftes. anaCuýàO"Î ThAstyfive heada of departmessts huekahot.. firaul îrom a ahot Sun, teto1iuvn wa re am fwen. undi exerientlr weeprésent li-s Admirai Benson "efi dispatc ihns. llihabios, hwvr RMS NO GAMBLING BIG POPULATION NReConyFi the veisel a! tihe Great Laites let'a-are Ared thrae yeari Lo lt ' ROMISE ttriondefense outis, e uperment a, bis temporary ilgai wtI and haicosooid'Ht'land army ofai-rne oM 20 ad'blames hiniseif for the tragedy fo' Sec. Smaile of Libertyville Ex- Finds South Side 'Between t bas been the' customof aithe Daot' who 'wouid 5seta At that oui roi hp ulr titraso 0 ard i figures it would net have happen- Sun and ather Waukegan paers Uddnefat odwht b1yvs sesnded attention as the admirai ed ilflha had foliowpd tise advlce of plaiins Hua î nterest ini oeIng Eighth and Tenth Streets 1t away fightlng In France, aada1I m scb~wyt aduraa friands to gai riti a! such a danger- Secretary of New Club Built u Quite Recentlv ya erst edoi xr oIs tAyhdoi' aeasal - Adîn ra liesanwli rCmin I ou pe. t_______ Upthe county fair week and di.- ning. Mr@. Blake expreaaed Great Alkes two days. jItribuste tltem free at ts aea ie~*iae li the _prograe.maile Officiais, af the !hserty Jockey "lise 'ork cf talsing tIhe directory close of each day's fair. This has b> tise girla. ' Club, the organuzatsolis- n-avorIng te Cin.ïuso! Wukrgan wil ha coins-Til10Ace 6ROO IN UARplated today. P. K. BUmistead who t., lbeen dont' as a boster for the fair Accam'din teMrs lIake, the gr stag a 1-dayrlsnsisî i t m e tting tis out tise dlredtary ays Itft sianah; for advertlsiers. stuants were farming 150 acta. 4 a at Libertyville Sept. 21,ta Oct. 12, Impossible to gAve out the clty's ex- BUT- land. Tisey starteti on April 20tl wt ARE COB.IISIONED ANTINE BUT WED rame ta bat Tuesias s tb an an- act population lit tisinitte due ta tht" Tis year the practice lAs Iecessar baat ota 7 girlsan on thefloliseg 10 ni A'r nusacmnen tha tii- ri din lfet 'hat there nay lbe somte dupI- 1 'aanoe y h u hcue -thay hall 18 cows ta ml. ?o a eve, hatfie ina rpor l sth ent ( o! was is aeSni hko AT FORT SIIERIDAN DNÀAK S bu ~"5)Osiess stuefna :otwllso metwschfrianewnpapersandnome have nd fientreua the hati otit Wlu, ami etuan le0,,1hand apopulation etIng away papers or distributlng Sama- ers ha-vaDont. The>' ball basA1,MWa menar a te ele!of(hý cub ad etee 3,00 nd35,0ot, prohabA>' pie copies. The arden lo very speci- Pialn for terni work Uo~ Foirt .heridan-A suiden change in Great Lakas, Sept, 18.-For thse *hat Lentls paters is cnnected wih cdoser to the' latter figure. He bases fie ad th Sun neas no otiser course their Chicago oflFçe and amant ilan, niadei t impassible te close tise! i'r.t ftnme in the hîstor>' of Great tise meeting n the -s~sisof raclng iisson ttscreports sutlmltted la out to obey tise Washington edItt. Young women applicants verse eq stue Irm riin op ampLaes station a quanantine inarriage manager, At being lits bis itiails te get hlm hy his force of canvassers. 13e-, People are lna ueis a hein>' lsavilig girls,, actiesses, artisteanad ga liera yesterday according ta schad- isbas been ceiabratftl. Despîte thse lierre ownera to ship iludr ntouis for fore NMr. BtAmstead liaiti gana vry far 1tise fair griunds fdat t h ere'a s n îe rl>'ndclaegls fie. Under unexpacted orders frm tact lier huistand-ta ha was In quaran- tise Chicago meeting. with tht' work ho pradicteti that thse chance te SNU., tlW Wtee1 papiers and On arrivaI aitishe Ame afrai. I the taar department.awing te the' fine n ('amp Perry, Mattie O. Me-' W. E. Mîtlller, a tibertyille huai- Population of thaectty was close ta tiseplan aiwsyla taimbas been te girls are firat put et .houg. e e t'- needs o! thse perýsonnel diviaion GflCooe of Kansas C'ity marrieti Charles liens man, la presidiiand Charles .15,000. Sîssquant canvass showts gise tisem a'way. Wom "t dans, IL two weeks ta eamu boua.e cOomiçl-< tise army, t vas declded aithtisa Ast Claybairn Etlsrldge In camp heatua-r. F male. secretary ofthtes-Liberty- the' acctsracy of i prediction. would be a direct vlaftton aifthse war The ntisey muat cook and de~st m iomîent te commission mare than' tara tada>'. Tht' bride came l i le Commercial club. is cecretar>'of ! "Nattiraill- a large part ni tise n- department's ordera ta newspapers.wr o'oemniatrwraWtb '1,400 men previanl> recosnmended. station Frida>' ta fInd lier intendeti tise lbarty Jockey club1. They as- cramse A, due to tisefacit that thte Tisaias why tise Sun isn't ta e ie>'he do dair>- work leoii t., Tu-o hundreci an& fiifty mare nf tisei under strict quarantina. Camp Perry serteti that tbay ws're Intereated In w so oms'mnA iesrierude iecot artissyear. manth. T bey bâadput l In acMic studant sodiera are ta recelve thaîIr Alaoné of tht' campa attacked b>' Span- thse ver relief -!und. ani bat At would are living here,' Nîr. Bumstead saiti. Nesît year, wlti tise var won b>' ths ioi>tse es iat" Mdsa bars, na'in ga total of 1,650 men' lsh Influenîza. After u-aling a f& eu- elty raclng. euih gamhlIng "Tîsen teu. ther, are large numbers allies, uenl -l aaadndbadl garnered 1,000 buahela oi rel commaiaalaned froin tIis camp. Idysesogofieai i4hpaA tîtyfoiidn ioliccrs iroinstise station, hoth pet- anti thseSun caua, again ahAne ait tis e Tse> o ss 4cusadeuth Changea still are beAng made n the 1 Moore. Tise groom was n Ignorance Compiaint on Gamnbtsnq. ty and commissioncd. wbo rasille coîmot> fain. Gvro a-insatdb'u' tint b>' the cammanding oflftcers and'ai wisat was tranapAing ntif cailed- "Tise star>' te the aifs-ci t1at the isare i-tis thair avivais. (vrolAdnsat b my no official compiata list Sncasb an-1 te hasdquartars a faw minute, befare gasssbling privilege for ilie l.ibartyville INi- ng that tise mesn bai rAvala ln thea nauncati befana Wednesday. Thse clos- the ceremon>'. hc absbr etn'Rsoiae o sîasts n"ut tisene las sbig naturai grawth NiS ~filli.Tisera tiras notising etas visSai ng ai tise camp bas been deiayed un- Ethnitige hunrieti ktelt b ýg,,,bling fraternity of Ch~ic'ago lasah- alscin o iect. 1ii sINA N a V VIR bore suci clase relation, ta the vian. tAI then ant IL At hopeti that b>' th.a Iracks, wiera hae will remain ln quar- aoutely felse," Secretary 'smala an- mtue espéecallyai tise sui ianing of tise ver, as diii agricu1ture. finme Atfi ilibe posatible te completesantine lve mare days. He then will aounesi. The- districtI bttween Eigisth antId *R'FNo IW rs 20 years on more.", Md thse flhling out tise commission cetîfficatea ha granted a fulougis ant ibe anti. "Tisane ylh osi-b uîng as Tenlh street., weai aiMarlon atrct FOR RU$i5. ila vemrar«I bave ibeen inaîating t» fiaitse . A .S ntutrcri isbrd Altk eeeihn>-gasnbling aitisaenmeetinsg if ailtise to tise rity' iits. isas;grown wlth .. e iAarc rets poetMaa. fictes m0n.antharittes In ILake cotînt>' must ha great eounds. Scores anti ,cQres aof N Ire' of ~Samrica arise wooldI hvemaieh. calledte tg<revant it. We intemid ta builbouseshave gone up. New fiat.merseiuapheoridb>' a ven o, <1 One o the arget nay ftel bou e iverettebasif th dat a is r 'a'tieaethis a Society' afiir. bellevlng bidnsI og N uS MSl noua y aig0,ét 'In tbe country' yul be enected i wth. dt areyeenouglishaleothele Ais Chicago a .miuny familles, 1 roundti egisu fanî1-mu-si5 fot a at In agh rilet aà out dala> at tise Great. Lae@ssNaval of designatiisg a lad>' "deliver>' boy." Iasc Lît aut:'irs wlîptrnlelas iiAgAi ot bus.Atuaaftictrlg a eorafrm ah-OcIen tst aL'aitisu-hu-* j Tnlnlg sttAa. Tie nvy dpan. j he sasasso o! isedIstncton 5 i he acesfortiselois' o tie sprt.uncasnoW tafinethre ad fur îgto, th paentortse hfreainari. m gltiOacsaidventv ismJt j met cmnnlsain antrThAe ca p s aesJ eso nf he stinct m-nIl a hav suedt Ie Co urAi i fantze l ie living n a bo ase ad AngenIlaptttava i. l;nt aAnatogrn necOent yea*a. activtes annaunetdIin Wabingtob erson street, Evanstan, thoilgistise jDefense, 'vicis lia-s .snctoned tise ma'Ycases tisese familles conaistei berlain of LibertriUe on a suimar- I1liare ta lAve teasee tise dg 4" - lant nigisitisat plana for the building s5Ce ofaiehn r'e S . Wilmette. She meeting, that noting %%il lihalatun- princlpsîlly af adults. -tue tower barge ton- raAsAssg anilien tan boast ar aur agrilturem ws have be-en completei. Tise cent of las eeplna tis e ipe fines burnnng by doansta prevent ganitng. 'Vatcant 1bouses are about au rare vessaIs. loquAs.>'shows that tsars la can huant oi aur «masfeturei ' tise structure u-lll camle Oo th e- keeping tise bome tres turning on a Horaeq Now at Wark. as flic psovorbial han', eeisanino sncb a man lanLbertyville as New- otl'er achieveanenta." $5.000.000 apprapriation recenti>lysamtosde elvr'tukfa r'la- Aithougi tise meeting Io almoat tisera are faw homes where 'rooms tan IF. Chsamubertin. - Titene are tswo TIse governnr prai*ed thse u-ft QU ta 'caver a part of thse construction Ang bouse. tIwo wees away. 11,-e carloatis af are neot renteti. Feu- cfies enu or tisrca Chamberlan \familles huit An tise Caunt>'l'an u sreue a». Viasfo dathneylb itas~y We ie Great Lekea sation.horgsalrAeady h ave been unloaded show such a raîîid grawth ais Wauke-1 qu4ry amonou the members of thse tan An promotAng aucedaatuI= , Trahe ced otusetl.29besoft long ntr 1easu. he amn atise n eavy m et eULbertyville. Horsemeln front ail gan dunin gthe at year or two." 5saine shows tisere a As nne b>'the .nd isa paldtibiutç ta thse 115 fe trudeione e90fteea g tursu lê chapio naal f thealct e m entover thse country have been wirlng Mn. Bumateisd sara thnt In some naine ai Newtan anti soter tise ChamA- tural colges. - "'15au'tatm t li h et e niiol tues he itreaaDsgicttea utIna r- oc 1key club beatiquartera n tise Instances pe'ople -erne ot et borne berlins go, tisera As fia member aifa'ltb an agicultural advlar til es a i czs, WMMI9 01 - les O I WeeSines, aept. ilusd Palmer houae, asking for stable room wben canivassera callesi. ,-If tiesa an>' Chainherlin 1family wvisalmaieus eac is perfairmigi a vis m'ret _________25._and__e d ienew ati Slte t 22.24w"d Iî i mosUtisa nquinies being John Sma- people have madIe an>' change ofad . inventer'. Acordîngli,mAuiefhatatIce foi- agricutu?.i InIi L'noflela -atteusate tous mpr the ba e a it asuue Aol . tI ul eltiiiad«M B. Cliapman, the latter droe sinrs 'huispubb'iat*s n af 1Abstise esidence o! the nventor waa Gavernar Lau-les. 'Dns eUnti are a te eteftrnt ascu. -h'vtepoiou iuelaitea d-tb i ld 6.uD Bodig art, vinnar of tva atrelgist lenttilrsetory or if thayr - tiinis for nsstated b>'tise patent aUce. Hoilans have revolutbaojae l ileid en te the ffletth t aIkearye de <Inace. Chapusan an>' reasonés t0eirlenaitsdmCr-cba ehapeen»_________________naine__________eeb>'by Soparatlv sococteieef. afàd t>' 'vlfl le caltIwupon 10ogenI e Irat tomer ankee hurler;U- *MM orea Ls-t>.mi Sfomtsefo- Accts he'gt te have a closer1: = ofmn ' buith ocas rook"' r*eiIr ¶0wJ .Mon fLbrt-Oii1ilfo h ewdrcoythyaogfrmroAsr cf~~~ in, 1 -*p sn aOt4b . -Or oi.vUs *. tasonaA message,- asklng infi soulti cammunicate tissfart by-jet- boAnniefore the end 0f tise veek ~non ner-t u nAsille f. tMbr.- Tse ocl 4UfdSitt.'Ue 'Leauefd wth tise meeting tanrtWMr. BumateatI imeiatel>'. tise Maukegan -portion of tisa dAnactorY p'n et tise ver. and t"s~ 39»:1 r---. it , t %.mii'gAimtisat ho vas ablp'- Tisq lattera, dînectasi ta P. K. Bum. a - gesjthie prnlten vithln a feu-wa., et the o ia r w e * u~ 1 i u ae ors.-Jatealcaetaiofthe Sun o00s, a i7à.4y, -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~flgtm - " e--'r--à'----homes------ .. , -- - i - - ~ - -¶ LA II-NO. 38 PA2T T~ nom

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