LI1 RT-Y VILLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDE'PENDENT ÏVQLUME XXVI-NO. 39. TWELVE PAGES Lt-BERTYVILE, LARE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIURSDAY, SEPT. 26.1918g. flIJFTfl IflWT. 'Iii-.50Dt'D V-PA P TM nA TTCM ONE LS. CANDYV TO PERSON 'O E N Y C ' S A P * CLOSING EVENTS AT FAIR'.ý WCfiAUTGS RATE BOOST. "CM N O A' WM EP' _ _Il UNDERTAKERS At a meiting of about l, ret FRI)AYS RACES INDIN S ELET N ~ED TO $1.30 PER (Won. Lyon! IAf .... ...tAI IN BURIAL SPOT 'tion of cndy was formed, %ich il H 1,000CUBJC I3EIT ~Lorp ,'l. ( J. rlswoid .A.N.L T TJN lnteresting Historical Dso-lteini dcto h illr <Illinois PuWbli200 Haing Diesat St ery on Herman Place at 1tht rîýaaons for eandy confleiriatiouiPubicingltieTCoo ,12 IC Cairns) $00 ~Lakes. Every Undertaker. Reeaed amd huw il can I. accomtpli.licol- mission Grants Increase < 1ac'.I~oi .i es;t in Vicinity is in Use Bluff Lake RvaidA Uniform style Of P'îblicitY wsnî lie Asked by Gas Company D~ r. Brooks <( îy Stanger) ...i1 1 1 adopted. eurh as window pntu r'.,______"it Louen .1.J i. î'lrk............. 2 3 4 8O AN EIGHT FOOT MAN and prlnted meiiçzwhich wl lie 2:30SRY, SAY HAT RO IL-FWE$300AS ciosed ln ail caîrdy hoxes. en-________ EY HAT dward S., qwari-b!roug ... 22,. Three Deaths at Fort Sheia Bones When Placed Alongside ni- ni-w organizatln Vill bi-stiit'- Azie Glienn li. tG. Mahonc.y) .i 11er ,. Modm Mn rov i; Br- wide, aud wiii be made uip primariIî DeheraI Manager lnforms Sun Itegent F., (J. Iisbop)......... 13 2PemcNw sSadt MoenMnPoei;Br rretail-ra, aithougli whoiesali-rs will that lncreased Cqst of 1fDr, Brown,<E. W. turki .... 44 Be Wel l nder,ïControl ial Ground Gives Secrets nt1. ard rdcini as Timei, 2:22 1 4: -:22 1-4; 2:2 1-2. - nottw arrd. rodctin i CaseLibertyvili- Fair Grounri, Sept. 21, NAVAAL STATION SENDS HELP. Tii" A4si,ocat ion <of Ri C ri ofle 'lc-Teei uh agc.cus pns nlunabsbe Th eres-as uniïartiied one day a inr io'oîdt i. îer~. wee un1h'< j ilrurn r-sot . , ~ <rosi! at thi fair today than there lken out in the homes of fully one huis. ioertyi, i luf <(k- ' . norrîiwest Il ady te on., pond pi-r pi-rion <fcs o<h u) 1.i las been any day Ibis week. fît îeororeeat aukeneaauta. Lake countrv. thre akeicton of a man a tirne, and t',dii fiftY ç'rctrt SrinflldSet. t he ordnisPul er lii who, when hi' livpd, mugit have hien a of their window tuiîpays 10 war sc- '.,n, iard tr estimae the nmber ooreth ShnoraiGreat Wakeganth ayrut Goiath in the ils- 1un'ieorflticWord.lvltiî-r< gacomnof grant uegaNorn i . thr pfl\9<~pe grocuseandhe ariouctteebuiIings ra Lkstda ruh "Hi- wa.îIght fi-et tait If anIn chi." This action was takl n ai the F gu emay iîakgnanar ~tegonean h alusbiuig. thr e aiednurses wih efom CM.e salol 11 Mi' nard, fori-man of ihl eto tEns iMi !.id tltonal raIsA in rates for gas furniphed 1f' The day le nice and wai-m and the1 cago.e- enre iidvt hî Puhic rî npni-y ln B i,aing wo li6on ordresft Ut-1 pou(, 1 Wauk'-gin antd other citle sand towns ,, outwd ln gala ai tire. The ,av.j entire titre to golng from hogie t, fnidc tiiî' inri, iu 'on 10 law uf %lrs I1 ofthie i"ood Adninjstr-iti, :.o irrnishedbi l<, offi%-,-ci-nts pi-r 100P< ai station handIrilr e i--toiiay and aise hae ilo!ndthse s at heyfamlthe Hermnin I ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ad .ii I" r"tr~ n ',i'i!r i-j * ip aesat poidby bhethe Libertyviiie band la furnishingaii, adwI e httc î h H-' oser tr ri-e gr nh, iii,- t riz, and j , 161!1fh1(,(,liari bi-fnbest possible attention. Thoy wUl r. r' ift,'glnt miplnafr hiti- l"trî'Zftir. iotmls'-ion Jnin s ordcr or fi- -r- LAtpres1tnin hIVHliit&I. ;;cri o haY;,tsauVpasUr hUw*1 H L L E YIt jr < <tjiEi-MO VtL Othfrtake charge o fthe nursl'¶g -inail- wa- pîa,- iI cirî<r'iide miy arra. titat l7 qS.Fd AItii-aoni 17, 1917, makes the increa.ed rati-s'I ' lsx hi-ats o! three races rmn. The css o h rsn i cs portion alone na- aimot a-s Iontg '.-ii- iiS'a'efd t. 1,t1918. f11 1 VJ IlIl ~A 5ILTT ra,,q i tei-cm trihi-e greategt aîtra - ase. Frtepien .lst. hninil ii- ates - f aeinr. iilbes sO f 1ILK WILL Jt>UP DARS ~ A ielie eOUhaNutonpyslame wilI be sent here fruinq The dsi". ,, i' bi,' Of rGra Lk r-aI riànit %a ni afil- whi-n ixreavtinitg ~CE ~ ~ o tii- ner-aqed m ros ni mtrI,,I ai,]T.E F'wsrints at a se lyerected pafr proree'Illo f girg . oi in--t 1d IUlîîiîî-î.arôt1'g to thiees Idirî I'L 11 Alli NU LL <ite egrandstand. The races prgrd ý- for a .'i. l gii' raîlit s rc 5P RC NTO'r)-i e.- taril-i~lng h'-.55OCT.tus 1OPPO1< DUTire ravagine r oser,'- tsbich ha end .-<ii ii , i%:, Th. ionME1cisA ____ I nnrh", ' _________1ý wiliiend up wlth a Crackerjack run- undGetLk nt eial It i ï-ýýl1 , Il '. a ,, IiélLUes aIut M s'-ar, Tire-is iti imit in t" rrdor - . riuirace wth ten entries whlclihetLk tt 'nal tol. E I L ROFU ES pSecrrery Egbert of C k- ii'Miss Jack, in RepQrt Covering t evr ucsfl hsbattu-fielid against tI-oInfluenza gerrme Caaio, leiil rwrn, fit that 'n ý;to «le titre ,* hi-n thr nce-itos i'hrp NfIlk Prodîîlr -'- an- poie olevr ucefiTii bas bei-n fraile nd pitiful. '. - ~~ ~ '-<: IOhIaSRV C ' f .i-, "' n 11iiicf~-d h e k1 for ilc' Lake CountY Farmi, Makes niiii'w ill end tire fair for Ibis year wl-hn It îIs 'nnwn that besides thi iSIr' INwSERVICE___ri,__Special o Te ~Son iIn ýb. ;uîIlîaiîîbe - -zlt gal .Strong Recommendation zni while it ls apparent lie fair lias ,tation emisalmers there hàve- besoi The fri-and dli - «n,îs Pibtîc Uti.. Sept.omm 1.Te p32qjritel et cn i a:8Strbina te"t financial success, a.s in auitlsi-nitiirtakers from Wea.. 1-Almost al of the bonis of alMedical Profeession Said to ued an order today authorizin n 'kl îngg aril' nwa UGS NE LSHUE the promotera liad liop'îi.yet it hais keznanatd nplghlnntcities; at work mn Who muet ha ve been btween' Hav unse rae nraei iecnspr100cbc: seven and eig h tfeet tali; excavators v umihdGrae .c-n o iecet0î 100cbi 3nnarnd ite t, ulrat--Iviens-of agrIcultural and stock exhib' fit '.si-en w-bat a terrible epidemif Propotion han Ohers ber 19, 1917, for general gas flvieiot rai' the reiali prii- -'- q iart wi x as s nw%.ti li er- by Miss; Anni- had they noticed lt in tinte the en7tire J___i-n Waukegan. North Chicago. Lake Uic juusP front 12 to ::; (l us was Hcndjricku-oti. expeutive sécretary of; its and good herne racIng. lias beeti sweeping the station. Skîleon wuid ave ben pehirid.IAppari-ntlr M'atr'%Pi-ati1 unr tcon- Bluff, Libertyville, Aria, Lake Forest nmade ln anticipation i-o-,H izpin <ntaex-î'rasoiinadwh1 ATRASPAR AC81 tsaedlath nub t 2-Bois f cglneotraPS'5fl5rtrbofngthre banus har oftheHHighlandighlnPaarkk, iefled. hi-wlilest2:pi18 onrot - mare art-orton30e0a.e ouny - 2:1 Trt -Puni $30. eaiis temSattrda teSîîd ese*e thu anindiati, burlal ply ace n'i hysiiansl to <1ý! .-My rcail. For, Glencoe and Winnitka o! the North 1ý.ýe ig......... 1nn a bu 5 to neckian e madoplac et hc edn hoeGscmayC Wuea. - e poor farin which waA read before the PetrBn--------- 'nn a bu 5 i-ndcatin mafteeth had rdion un n. Te pllc pro- The niw rite. lauthorized in today's1 CONF.IRASï, SALE of Isupervisors on Monda'. brouglit outiBa ron Princese .........5 5 A6te ttmetMna a indo Beualo th B yrta. fi-,iIon bla'. furnisbed a gr-ater pi-order are: 1sIome interestlng and rather smuisa Psic-------------------------2 2 2 Wi-re 15 deatha Sunday elght ?1;' do et n te ot.centage o! Itsi membere te active an Flret 2,0090let., $1.30 per M. r A i U iBnd n eed it hih tn yan a- evc na ny'y r Nîxt 3,000 Pt., $1.25 per M. f~~ * lonal 'tatolments regardIng <lie colin- lOra Lay------------------..4 4 4 nittnber silice Mondav in salol to bav, civn <a ili purgit. Ni-gris'a quarter of Next 5,000Pt,..$1.20 per M. TU*L585118 AFY ty filtrewith suggestions for remedv- Bon Courage---------------. 1 1 hi-en about at the samne ratio ai tba 5.burialbplaews, scrig a th~le ephysîcians setiveli' engaged iln Next t,000 Pt. $1.15 per M. C A .C Af Df n iit ie21 -.I eiu a braplc a arfoainisn.private- praiticihi-fore wi- wiete 0 Next 10,000 Pt., $1.10 per M. ASpÂL DR igcnitos ie2:19 1- AlPa. epias elag ume f nâf Iwar arc now in iitary srilce, and 0ver 30,000 P«., $1.00 per M. L.1 1V$II nlerrpr. isJckcsr d Sca Pre e-.r.. Ail....... De4 akrtîteslentlarge famer iettoes. 6-eas dago arrowyheads. lt1 ila probable tbat neaniy anoýtli-r _________ ure o! the- eounty tarin froraMdir c......... air rset hywr ncoj tbnou g l -raudwaInhlldbeen t-ut quarter rauet le turnished. Tt bas The ri-ceil o! ibi tfecram from Paul NiacGufin, sp;,- ial mastertlinthtIine ahi enteed <lie front door J. 0----------------------... that came <kem. Onae wman thesUs thrdgh te b ura lniquestion,1 Dtherefore h ecome o! the utmost Impor- the Suns special correspondent et chancery ,sitringt- nti'-case startedi unii siiept <lie rear door. Sbo iiazel Arrasrtong-----------..3a2 3 tOerabaî abaout six or Plenbai tho l gh ht l it-itig an tance that niedreai education be main- S~prnield was the llr'.t Intimation two years ago t-;Jî-rry McNamara elaatrza lecutvam oeeenKib........2 ab nady pîirtitýiliar cr oabowil Fîidîy thi- b pr-pared frcivil admiliitary The ccs I illcents pi-r thon- tor oftbhe ertar-of Pat Tucker, te- as an anaclirenier, and declared tbat Tirae-2:13 1-4; 2:16 1-2; 2:15. MWhlîe and.Tobin of Wauoganhsve 20th. bi h o(e u 1t{; therough tin:dn litqalfid oogm nd utilue f.andrswhicte th nat- d.aygavest ln-hs raword. admeliItha tue Institution lit aimoast i-V017IM 2:17 Pace-Purse $300. the rorîîract for bandling ail deat nomemor forthegrading work tiat Se declared Dean C. B- Bardeen o! sel! Is not large 1 la dpecldediy tic- sale O. K. and 1ir reri"re confirmeS Il. ptli;thwoscartesi fLfinDln.........777ttenvAsainadte ble receded tbe erection ofthte gara.c- the medical echool et the Univrsityteable. cemingsi lt dees on titi, The suit wa,, 1 s'e t asido the sale setia lewrs Raainse iLafedilo ..'...777a ui aa tto n bybv Imaginie <heurr turirsi wh, n th,y of wsconain In explaining the nec- o! a n5-cent raîse gîven file gas Cem- lot È'$2400 far min Newport which poor farras o! former genîrations, ....s........----------4 5 6 hld te rail te thelir assistance tho* atruck thi- boni-s, especlauy the large essity for medîcal training et thia pany li-se tlan a year logo. The raie Crawford eotd <o Callerne Crawford. with thei exception e! the lawn, which Edna Law-----------------..2 2 a undi-rtakers: bonis. time atnd the education required te given ai that timie was supposîd te McNamara hrolîglir suit, Insistîng <bat shie ays ia ver Pretty. Jack Gratton---------------..i1 13 George Larsen. WaukegMn Mr. Wili-y o nterested <bit train a phyician or surgi-on. be effective for a yi-ar or untîl the the sale was imrprîiry made. The rprinteheenoaofMbl....sut hi told the workraen If tIen- truck !urther iiing o! the commission. 1< evidence was prut in ait varlous Vtles Aftt-errin.t.t..em.a.e.M..--------------5 3 4 Jee Petrochlus, Wauksg Loy mote bonis or anything iltatin. islnet known wliether thie latent 'la. Md the decision r as withheld pend -1thi- rglit Insane patients trom thie Charlie Il................ a 0 * J. B. Hopktins, zitm aCty. dicated the grouad raîglt secret ani'. 1 M b~IE T~ crease wIl!li e effective at once or ing a complets r iew whlch 19 flow rounty ferra somte menthe ago and Lord frima.................S8 4 2 Mr. Schriver, Gnrnee. <ing o!rnaile, bart tey muet stop ItIeU U LDId À ER wili go Imb effetet attue end oet<hi annoamad. lnsîsting ln ber report that Insane POW Time--2: 14 1-4; 2:14 12; 214 1.4. M.Pir igln ak wS frtwIh ndctibia.____E_____,ouotne___ep e te UMrà . Prer. H, ibesndPar. "Thbe bones oft ho one persan vire E5"EMJiM4 .ulien <G. Hart,. au5 nmangerore th agethmanbus 'eevr I fIB U teNorth Shore Gao compaey, tits E TIR11Ety fraMie ak aA thllorre ptao, Lbertyvil. sen"ndM.WleadedI-: "He morning saiS heliedaSeceived xio 0f-. E alreomenatons er mprove- 5PauWq lRay, Ubertyville, muet havi b-en at iat u sevin feet. A I I<t 'Siai notice etftti- ruling by tliecolin- mal net-emmenaiseamCnIICAGO jiq.,i,'jPaePaul possibly eglit ettfait. The regret- HA mssln nd heefoe outl et ohicagttheentanata tabe hig a ha w wre naleteR-fAthLAKESs wul le fcte IA LlI K 15 lilAllt would mark a niw claptir len M STBCRNicI'ags o anoher ciiz. preserve <lie akeleton Intact.c The Il "When we askeS for an increne 6uai Lk County Almhonse If aIl <heIin- - S B R OF twaestated <bat Sunday en«-an btnof the ara, are et sucli a Gifts from Red LCro5sand O'.5h - butane viasked for just what w. e lA E h aild-tl l wud~<ie. wre 36 casitits neady loi lecglth at.they would of theraseives erO anatosGal needed te manufacture gas at a lois INDS I ARE ai well eslshed-at hYi' ldny mesr paogieaymnyuins;tuad of a profit," hi said. "'The _____pn eîrmvdaS<i ol COAL TILL DEC. 25 ?ho ha pagedtot y hoe cf <hok lever eaw. No man li-sa than seven Received at Station om M Ission gratedl onîy a Part o rreet ny eh ri o é w s t a vai'.Tw expreasn hi. , or eiglit feet would have hll sut-b île increase we asked and I assume Great Lakes Boys Are in Pitiful i- eve any ethd e rmodin boue. kul laThlk. kn i f 30 setesthat noli a e epermitted 1t Cniio-n ayCases as seiatily frein <hie building. and thie Waukexan Isn't as bai off as Chl- loto the station MonidaY mng Illa 'Tipotone li ku!vbc e dbhy patriotec <orand OSgirls cag oeb uetecommission rgo, !for. the avn-'-agi fs.m!lh ine eider te stantthelierbos on theu foun wa th vrer art nd it Il verthe ounry nd ent l aseio shown that woi.are askinff Rsut0 lfuez ounti rid o! <hem, and <lie supein- lias a certain aa r it et len a I îlaet Ila agCclYtOeWi fouriwaith tperpat ad al o-e <h cunr' nSsen i afor no more ihan vi are entitled te tendent trieS !fromt <ho terptatien ef notîw R-ad thi as applying te Chiea- ~,atatcoi - n b seiras as If t sabout a haIftorac, rush lii'the Annrican RiS Cro5s fi)eretx'. We aked for a service go: TMPORARLY en-n coneinK e t <hainesate et go thick. It wou!od verequinSd a ter cepe wvth.theti Sppsnlsh infiuenZa charge o! 75 renis per morlth ton îachLOSE MNTM POAIL vrbriege glfthenatl t omý,e -u -adte it r mc sI te led i nmsjii. rible hiow to havi- crusbed tint"le" mergenci'et (Great Laites, lias bien raitir whren vi- sked for our rabse 1 tIi- couînty farra 'rhesia bars amas trrr ;v lii-.your coai wlii -have te lie OfficerMakes tatement. Ted tls mery efth e bo n 'e t r ci-eomigystral n nrates b-fore, but <is vas fnot A particularly ditres-ing fMature hi- olS for Junk. Ats QISIron thîy sort. ie d âIacovriet l h ie b niatyora cc esedy B v-gianti-<i' about thei-pi-demie of lIlfueza e hraIr ewe tit 24 Bluf 'thadezn !pesn igalo <i waeshdbin Tin isbet erco enn lenaval station t' tirrtt cemani of lare et value. The top floor of the Sut-hlisthie orSi-r et Rayraond E. Toevr ewe hni tir and(7ozensof persng nin ait ofthe sweters hll been Thtrtrbs aeunno tatet fueligadrainistraMteofueladm!ortyatoealnhaofroraatSpareinlian inh umas -u vendel i Brir vay <tIithe-erman ne dIstributte<osailera by tho Na'ry Re- on,<lie gas rate proposition but en-.the boys bave Ibleerdeliriout; murl Iinsane vanS should hi cieared eut, announcing ansnew draft ot mies con- at the Great Laites' naval station M sorte ParPun Vlda rdss e te. lilet oclety. -More sweaters are ex- dent-e was presenti-d before thd coin-0ethéiiera. and tire unasuale thinga gotri idîernlngthie deiiiery o! coal for hi-at- Mrinday. H. E. Odel. commander oit Ti itsFr rr 0f<lebufai roud pt-e tonean i elpe îtmission by W'aakigan and otîer nertb Sen-ecal yards Tave hld o b.put c.Alti ai o lelt'lretig0îcedy clore ritl-s, anS the gas cerapany ai ailde for thelie ft3i hi-se lads vbo <be mica opanone h on theIlierman properti' at Bluff Lakien-i-ny bluejacleet aitth<e station wl elflytomotqao h et re«uiiierhlds n aybt ose hudb anewthatrOtbr2.Sotca utb lue h ele- tre rît-aIls tirai n famoas indian burial lit supplieS vithin a fi-w Says. wmisui t<v omonthes ao.TIi- cernae a vat e tir i rad ati many liobactlieues ho uld icee paeSvtî N rrd Icai tmralcives dun tîl i-dit- t -esa orps, toal neatunconha ago on Grass Lski-, a short distance hulo hmrneigterdcso.Ig tl adti nmn ee t hudbysri e iyntb eiee esi avai'. Tt was tirt-ethat Co. Vî<d- grip camne final. Wl-n havet <hemerundeimng <leir deciacon.CommanderlB saiS tira! te maey case vanS, viro du-S last stmmur, paiSld biben given sweaters <lie nemain- <hein poc'ets grnl 'fatte acombatftitre, esýpeciill' charite anS vmndow constiumer -wliohas net stered sort tesa lfiting iritte tri t ndlans wbo for- Sder eedistributeil flrst cmeia U Tf f ach o01er. Sinice rases e-t <hie iidsitades and tables. requin-S date. fion salol: merli'occupteil flie landi anSdi'ianiy serviS. uiTM htinsatinwvn '.'.u SRc~ ame up tire attitnianie ban-e takoen a <T-î esinutd hi morte bath caisornie t ois rm at!<.'Thgrea t4t)'i ages <i t. Pov-vows wet-e bibid <mire by Indiane ' e-r' possible thing away frin<the rors TI-nhave irî"'n 80) aesO vho cmefror aia]parts o! th, iand ostabIliabd ln the main cnap. Camp patients vhlci mit-lit lie useSait i ad nw riit-es anS cookIng utesle. EXEMPTION ALLOWED TO whmdli 160 *ere serions anS ws* te celi-br-lo thle unique een-nt vhlch Lace, Camp Pîrr', Camp~-Rosa, Camp BE BONI3 DRY ON serions ri-aulie. Potin- plan shoîid lai rade for car WELPARE WORKERS taken.<o <di-liaqtloispititi. Tedayw <oti-' hu,<ieFragt am eatraS apThe tact tiat tire aliment Si-velop% Ing for titi-sick, and thev liguid ne-- havi- 100 ini the-hiins;îrital, ail sortos- dîcoer' t ir s-cnSbrnil rondPen] Jonee. 11V S ut-bterrible ti-n.-rr leqs aluld teau-s ir be c Iftsione ln thi oldsane -nl o! thi- w draft agi-s alreatly c4ss. The death naie- las decnie4"* se close lit ianS. furnIshes futher ~< <ETpeopile te lii mot-e cari-fui anS do m'î-Iie i bot! it ht etinette ont lthli iîî nmttigtat te en-ertblng n tit-m powra<oRrivent a T. fis a nîght-Mraisb lce _________ttsetio placeounv véythngInt1cngaoprte inen wactive ReS Cross, Y, M . Catt Wiiuilam A. 11offitt, commis. suri-b- at On,,finie vas théèhome of fiuenza ipidemit- Is at Its inea air- the dîsease Fspteadi<trg.TIise candi- TIi mccl neessar' tîîng s a ni-w ~Ktiight' ot Columbius;Saivation (tant of <hietîodt-ae h thei indians of g$'iat numben-ne lotsstage, Surt-con Owen iJ. MinI:. Washrngton,D. C, Sept. 23.-Thtien c v sit peyacs lmol,.q rie rin cws onnetrnthle ansel ri-uS o1 tbl ir.- rese basa practically tain "ard v -Iti utîthee l aench lm ,txe Sri-Wne coanti' roney Aesrln. on i'sio wetîImagE s'. wondea-: sucb a prît<y laite 'district senio eaidirai officer, Secllîfres <bat lieuse tonigltt, by a nIing n-rte o! 171 a-n lar oia 'atteifa-za i ioiid ire expendeS O bu -i kV muast have attracted tIi as lit Sois 1i5 sometbing di-u'tiedly volai. ani' Other anre e exempt trem». <le Di drft -enir ' Others noî*m anS garai anS fiaI muet many repotis witch lave bcen ir-n tm<o34. tonttireSlntrhi natIon-vide Oue i-rti eatans blilidiî,t-or instituîtions nî Lieacslerdrng te ueenIe ocii l"'.Cfui-atlesatnhv haeao oplther- <lien rasnoir. clated baelraxc e grossly ixaggerat- van tiime prhlitton ameîndaent te the public woli~s depar<nrcnt las belle cotinîs trtc a newn, mdm -idtbeservice regalatione mest nec-,i-eS i ulr. a: tilllîiî'ld tlnquartera wiUt- haear ne n ehde d. thi-agricaltural extension bilii e- closeS seo far as sttion werk la con- Aimuihotîse mdrn reiaeChicago. Aise, arcorditîg te iii- ni-w otlbr Congregatlonalms n Mehdst The station is under aemiquaran<iee ceetti' passeS Iv the samati, cerneS anS tiere ooas Ian-e beie uig e h hv necles tlbry urn vprte to, are f te sik, -------tial tndustrtes recently witb htrir - Thcee Deatha at Pt. Sheridan. intiîsters Monday ln Chicago ncnev- atprisent. Visitonsra salîrivid as Ony Pr-aident WIlson's veta nov te<dleihmnnthug eing aliby Tekorte non tiî lot otrî ofi- anmaiind ric by eth<hiSang là ed fhe attacit of aveae aguoan 'the usual i i'pass, but salors are net ai- t-an prenent thi entire countr troin shoe- havit penîring the ne-cPening cf te enean 'inwll e 1 rer-rInt a Si-terri-S clasification are etiza occurred yesterday ai the Pt. race' inet at Liliertyvilie, te blie ld iovud te hiave the Station. geing 'boi-ndrp"oonJoltion e91t. <heindepartment This slow loy iftnaionalridani,1tl00 lcorae5 effe. acamp. tis wi-ik, anS SecideS to appeai te Tu cancurringt in<he sunendment <h he tion ty e.rîtextendig lonu v S on. natittai.An .Gr ctv okr ntý elaeae- Trehnre ae af eu (ho-. cwdn aS <ie tat Cencl of NAVV TO GET 15.000 A MONTH <lth e use voteS Savneiver' ttr <ieffobyaacrttnin ilone <v, reiin-taMs.AnaA.Cn ctv wrer i h' -la- gi- Th--ehudedcse hv' in e Dîfînse te have 1<taled off. Th Ii- fthen thoasand min a mentI from aot modificatioin, tinluding tle aîlmtip hrI e mev ae po-isihi are ntzRt Pri ednt et tIicar grasuporit thrî alanfre îaîex bempti bybportSat sheitrvilAguratine riesons gin-en yen <lie dcmonalizing the ni-v draft yl lecapporilonod <te isination-lndonsed proposai te permt te voan damnp riottngit tani' tIaiest contrurtive nn-rk w1' t vi hi-n I. 1v 11,dt' in e se ariner Ia as t ng effe-t e racng,<le se e car in<hi avi' accrdlg <oannoncimnt ire mporatio et!eregn vnes n àd <lmi' nc al bng kpt aai' in"siresaiS)t'rday "Ourbesimi ti ine raspecntirs.emastt- ationwastake Surna ls9. effec of rcingthe ue of ars l the avy, cCoring t annOnCtram theImpowationofrfpuits <hein un ndet<hiartortsbinviiit aiy gi."eded te d Éstab. "urlbct et nr- hdayesioenaresm <hiti acdin w !.; Hiekn gnlrn lb trsnspon±ing bonssand attendasta st teday bly ULent. Commander RMi.8. tii Mnfy 1, 191,.,vît -an Sanipnelse.sttes for he sabdte s t s'i heldpedn'scrcsl o- imt- ateCmpthetranOt. he Tv é a ttme vhen aI! rallint- stock la néed- CuIp, Inepecter ln charge of recrulting tttsfrteslosadt , TeIepnnt;ciuaincn-emetCmpGn.TheltonO id for ceai. anS munitions, and he le the Chicago district, vbo bas jsIt If 1'. ot ani' noe n-aineO. YOU ill For ALL tefmlTeldpn nteeeto fOfcaswowl , hr audy etra pf en t thie opaneinfluhîenza. ntunned froinWashington. finS lit ln<hoeLibeatyn-ile Indopenden ont. - cenmitted t iaw enfoncement" j tant.patients yen at the base boWpt# Lake County'-s Big Weekly QRcaadM GreatuithM other Weekles in County Combined WAUKEGAN WEEKL'Y SUN